Business etiquette: basic rules of conduct at work - II. Basic rules and regulations of office etiquette

To behave properly in the office, it is necessary, first of all, to know the ethical standards. For conflict-free communication, this is a prerequisite. The ethical side is very important in every person, and it includes many factors. There must be tact when communicating with colleagues.

What is office etiquette?

Service etiquette is part of general etiquette that is responsible for the form of relationships between people during work. Determines the form in which communication takes place between team members in relation to each other and the boss, in relation to the clients of the organization. This applies to direct communication, correspondence, telephone conversations.

The specificity that distinguishes business etiquette from the general is the emphasis not on age or gender, but on the position, which determines the order and form of communication.

This mainly applies to office workers, the so-called "white collar" workers, utilities, service industries and the like. Although it formally applies to all areas of work, it is unlikely that it will be possible to observe its observance in the agro-industrial or metallurgical industry. It so happened that people who work in physically difficult and dangerous conditions come to closer relationships and often communicate outside the strict conventions.


In functional terms, service etiquette pursues such goals as:

  1. Determination of the employee behavior model at the level of one employee and the organization as a whole - personal and corporate etiquette.
  2. Provides relationships according to the chain of command.
  3. Prevents conflict situations and improves psychological comfort in the team.

These functions are embodied in such specific forms:

  • intracollective relationships of employees of different sex;
  • leadership of the top management over the lower;
  • recruiting new personnel and integrating them into the team;
  • resolution of controversial and conflict situations;
  • dismissal of employees;
  • definition of style for business correspondence and others.

Fundamental rules

Features of the relationship

Team relationships can be classified into the following categories.

Manager and subordinate

For the effective work of any number of people engaged in one business, the main thing is skillful leadership. No wonder they say: "Better is a herd of rams under the control of a lion than a herd of lions under the control of a ram." Therefore, a positive example from the authorities is especially important. Team management can be divided into three parts:

  1. Control type.
  2. The built model of behavior between subordinates.
  3. Personal behavior of the leader in the team.

It is worth noting that there are two main educational models:

  1. Do the same as me.
  2. Do not do as I do, do as I say (my experience was unsuccessful, but I advise you to do better).

The second model is difficult to perceive. It doesn't matter what HR management techniques are used, if a bad example is clearly set, it will be the guide to action for the majority. Therefore, the third point - "Personal behavior of the leader" - is a critical moment.

To create a fertile ground for the work of the entrusted team, you should do the following:

  • Keep a moderate distance from subordinates. You should not start personal, friendly relations, especially an affair, but it is also inexpedient to become an overseer. Something in between will be the best option.
  • Provide information about urgent plans in a measured volume and form. There is no need to lead the team blindly, but it is also not worth revealing all the cards. Determine which of the sounded can be used by subordinates, cut off all unnecessary.
  • Celebrate good ideas from employees, not only financially, but verbally. On the one hand, this is an additional incentive for a distinguished person, his recognition: champions are fighting harder for new medals. On the other hand, the incentive for the rest of the employees is to push: no one wants to be last, worst, or useless. But don't put all your eggs in one basket.
  • The comments should contain information that will help the subordinate to understand the error and how to fix it. Refrain from emotional attacks and excessive criticism, the humiliated employee is no longer an ally.

  • If one of the subordinates does not respond positively to mistakes noticed in his work, constant small comments will not help, but only cause irritation. It is worth thinking about changing the approach, perhaps the subject information was not perceived correctly.
  • Establish clear rules of conduct for subordinates, and maintain an established order. You cannot be held liable for a violation that has not been announced, even if it is justified.
  • Keep track of the organization of the workspace for the team, make adjustments if necessary. Subordinates should not sit on each other's heads - this contributes to the decomposition of discipline and the creation of various non-working moments. The arrangement of furniture in the office of the head should subconsciously hint that the person who entered is a subordinate, but not to press or oppress, it is not worth building a throne and steps.
  • Determine the form in which subordinates can express disagreement. Firstly, creating a halo of infallibility of leadership is anti-motivation, not a single slave in the soul has ever loved their pharaoh. Secondly, absolutely any person can become a source of a valuable idea or addition to an existing one.

Be principled, but not dogmatic. There are no orders reflecting all possible confluences of various factors. Treat subordinates specifically, and not like a printing press to paper.

In the new team

When a new employee arrives, the team with its environment has already been formed. A new element is added to the homogeneous mass. On the one hand, the question is how the newcomer will behave if the local atmosphere turns out to be inappropriate. In this case, he either adapts or rejects, becomes an outcast. On the other hand, this is also a difficult situation for the team. The new employee is perceived with apprehension and distrust.

Not being part of the local hierarchy, it provokes a new ranking, which will be especially negatively reacted by the owners of places in the sun. Therefore, when joining a new team, the following is important:

  • Behave in a measured, not aggressive manner, do not try to move mountains. Excessive activity and assertiveness manifested in connection with the desire to show oneself, backed up by external self-confidence, whether natural or feigned, will create the impression of an invader walking over their heads and alienate the team.
  • Appearance plays an important role, it is worth giving preference to the non-defiant conservative style, which, combined with respect for the local old-timers, will ensure a normal reception.
  • Give preference to contemplation over mentoring. Regardless of the level of professional skills, they do not go to someone else's monastery with their own charter. Consider local customs with respect before suggesting interesting ideas. Without their understanding, any proposed innovation will not take into account local specifics, which means it will not find a response.
  • It is better to conduct conversations on neutral topics, for example, on work issues. Seek the opinions of new colleagues, ask questions, and ask for advice. But do it in moderation, otherwise you will look like a layman. This is how you acknowledge the professionalism of your workmates and show them respect.

  • When asking for advice, listen carefully, otherwise you will get the impression that this is being done for the sake of appearance, thank you for the help provided.
  • Do not express negative opinions about colleagues, if you find any flaw, approach the person who made it personally and ask in an interrogative form whether it really is necessary. Irony and sarcasm are unacceptable.
  • In case of an emerging conflict, try to turn the conversation into a different direction, even if you turned out to be right. Clarifying the relationship will not help solve the problem, but will aggravate the relationship in a new place. After the conflict has subsided, it will be possible to return to the controversial issue in a mild form.
  • Participate in the after-work life of the team, attend festive corporate events, joint trips.

  • In conversations, you should not touch on the topic of the personality of this or that employee: his age, ethnicity, and so on.
  • Show respect for your superiors, but do not go to the point of sycophancy.
  • If there is an intracollective conflict, do not take sides. This way, one of the parties will not turn into enemies, and besides, neutrality will bring more benefits and respect on both sides.
  • You should not focus on your own high level of knowledge, it will become noticeable anyway. Modesty compensates for superiority in the eyes of colleagues, and the bosses will already assess the level according to the results of work.

Thus, the following qualities can be distinguished, the emphasis on which will help in adaptation to a new place:

  • modesty;
  • honesty;
  • politeness;
  • decency;
  • tact.

The main mistakes in this case will be:

  • complaints to bosses, denunciations of employees;
  • insults over trifles, for example, jokes;
  • isolation;
  • vindictiveness;
  • noisy, defiant behavior;
  • flirting;
  • ingratiating themselves, servility;
  • excessive interest in the personal life of colleagues;
  • focusing on someone's incompetence;
  • bragging about influential connections in the organization;
  • negative statements about the former team.

Between subordinates

This relationship is primarily based on the principle of equality. Accordingly, communication should take place in the following manner:

  • Not being subordinate to each other, for conversations it is better to choose a neutral tone and a friendly facial expression with a predominance of useful information in the content of the dialogue, avoid talking about anything. The number of people who want to drink from a clean well does not decrease over the years.
  • It is better to address colleagues as "you", they are pleased with respectful attitude, plus further relationships. The cost of this product is equal to 0 and causes problems only for people with overestimated or painful self-esteem and those whose education no one was involved in.
  • Devote most of your time to your immediate duties, it is also worth helping colleagues at their request, but not turning into a traction horse, on which all inconvenient assignments will be dropped.

Everyone works out his bread, but it is not wise to abandon those who stumble.

Having made a positive decision to hire you, the company's management intends to get not only a specialist (even a beginner), but also a new team member who will become a reliable link in the team.
What a novice office worker should know:

  1. General rules of conduct in the office.
  2. Rules for communicating with the manager and colleagues.
  3. Office.
  4. The basics of business etiquette.
Topics for discussion are arranged in priority order. Over time, this order will change and it will be connected with your future career. But at first, elementary behavior in the office is more important to you than the subtleties of the fourth point.

General rules of conduct in the office

As in any team - school, student, etc. - the office team has its own vowel and unspoken rules, regulated and not. Regulated rules are rules that are written in the official documents of a company. And they depend on the specifics of the organization. For example, a regulated rule may be a ban on taking documents and other materials belonging to the company out of the office building; a ban on the use of portable storage devices (flash drives, disks); banning the use of mobile phones during working hours and much more. These rules should not be criticized, since they are developed by experts and there are good reasons for each of the rules.
The unspoken rules include those, the need for which does not require strict regulation, you will not be officially punished for them, but without which the office cannot do. These rules include:
  • corporate parties that you shouldn't ignore, even if you don't like it. Thus, you show the team that you are not interested in communicating with them;
  • drops for gifts to colleagues for the holidays, small tea parties on this occasion. No one has the right to oblige you to participate in such events, but you should not follow this either - your personal hostility that arises on this basis will negatively affect further joint work in this team;
  • Friday ritual. In some companies, it is customary to arrange gatherings on Fridays, or visit cafes together, etc. They can sometimes be skipped for good reasons, but not all the time, otherwise you can gain a reputation as a curmudgeon and a black sheep;
  • in any case, do not flirt with colleagues, do not make inappropriate jokes (on intimate topics, on topics of physical capabilities, on a person's natural data);
  • watch your speech. It is not customary to use slang in the office. Otherwise, you may be mistaken for an ordinary courier;
  • ... Some teams practice discussing bosses, the appearance and abilities of colleagues, etc. Be careful - this can be a test. Wanting to immediately become "your boyfriend", you can say too much that will respond in the future. In general, the discussion of personal topics, management, colleagues is strictly prohibited by any etiquette;
  • do not ask unnecessary questions to colleagues - about marital status, who is with whom and in what relationships. And do not tell too much about yourself;
  • If the office allows you to visit non-work sites, be extremely careful: very often companies have control programs that allow the IT department to control all computers in the company. This is necessary to prevent information leakage first of all. Therefore, do not open compromising pages, do not conduct too personal correspondence;
  • in addition to monitoring Internet traffic, video cameras are installed in offices. They are needed, first of all, for security purposes. Do not forget about them and take care of yourself, do not allow too much, even being alone with yourself in the office;
  • money. Never, under any pretext, take an interest in the salary level of your colleagues. It is allowed to discuss only your salary with your immediate supervisor;
  • personal space. Never take anything off a coworker's table without asking permission. This is not only a rule of conduct in the office, but also a rule of etiquette;
  • do not make corrections to documents that were not executed by you;
  • do not look into someone else's computer;
  • do not answer other people's calls.
He eats many more rules - and each team has their own. The main thing is to follow them and not stand out.

Rules for communicating with the manager and colleagues

Depending on the position, there may be several managers (direct manager, head of department, head of the company), colleagues (equal in position), subordinates. Depending on the degree of subordination, there are several ways of communication.
With the leader and everyone who is higher in position. Regardless of age and gender, familiarity, transition to "you" is not allowed. Even if a junior or peer-executive suggested to you to switch to a simpler relationship, it should remain personal. In the presence of strangers (especially during meetings, negotiations, etc.), you should never show your "warm, friendly" relations - strictly and officially. In a modern office, the European form of communication is increasingly common, in which a middle name is not used, only a name, but "you"! You have the right to switch to it only on the initiative of the manager himself. If he is presented by name and patronymic and did not give you permission to simplify the communication style - no familiarity!
To peers can be addressed by name, having previously asked permission. In this case, you are allowed to take the initiative yourself. In the presence of others, you can address only by name, but also to "you".
To subordinates can also be addressed by name. If you propose to switch to "you", then you allow yourself to be called that. By switching to "you" unilaterally, you emphasize your superiority. What attitude will your subordinates have towards you?
When you first meet with your manager, you should be prepared to answer a series of questions and ask your own. This does not at all indicate your curiosity. Pre-prepared questions will show you the best side - you are an obligatory and responsible person who prepares for everything in advance:
  • be sure to ask the manager about the presence of a dress code and its strict observance in the office;
  • if necessary, is it allowed to leave the workplace and how it is formalized. Sometimes you can just ask for time off, sometimes they write a statement - you need to know about this in advance;
  • ask about VIPs who might show up unexpectedly or call. It is only natural that a novice specialist will never be introduced to company founders or investors. But acquaintance in absentia must necessarily pass in order to avoid awkward moments that may arise when they appear or call the office;
  • be sure to ask a question, what else you need to know, which is not said in the regulations. It is possible that the leader will reveal to you a couple of secrets for the future, so that it does not come as a surprise to you. It can be anything.

Office dress code

Dress code (dress code - code of clothing) - a form of clothing required when visiting certain events, organizations, institutions. Office dress code has its own characteristics and rules.
Before you start shaping your image, look at yourself from a critical point of view, evaluate the merits and demerits of your appearance. You should also remember the rule - you should always look attractive, but the prevalence of femininity / masculinity should not prevail over efficiency. Your physical attractiveness should not create intimate or frivolous desires in your colleagues.
When choosing office clothes, you should know:
  • in the office dress code, homemade knitwear, even the most elegant work, is prohibited;
  • in any weather and any time of the year, the presence of tights or stockings;
  • it is customary to wear suits in the office, dresses are allowed only in strict cuts. Watch the color of your clothes, the length of the skirt. You should not wear too tight or transparent clothing, sleeveless clothing. Even in the hottest weather, hands should be covered with at least a small transparent sleeve;
  • the toilet should be changed daily. If you are wearing a suit, you should at least change your blouse / shirt;
  • in the cold season, it is necessary to have removable shoes in the office;
  • decorations. Preferably one but expensive piece of jewelry. If you love jewelry, then etiquette is allowed no more than 3 jewelry together. Chains, pendants are not worn over knitwear and wool. Crosses and other religious symbols are not worn for show;
  • moderate use of perfume. And its complete absence is better if you work in an office with a large number of people. Your perfume may be unpleasant to others, while others may. In addition, the smell should not distract others.
The office dress code, in fact, is strictly observed only in large companies, where there is extensive activity with investors, clients and partners within the walls of the office and not only. There are companies where you need to change your blouse / shirt even at lunchtime. In companies whose daily activities do not involve meetings with partners, the requirements for clothing can be minimal, for example, only jeans are prohibited, everything else is at the discretion of employees. If the dress code as such is absent at all, then this does not mean that you can appear at the workplace in a tracksuit. Compliance with the elementary rules of office clothing becomes the unspoken rules of the team.

Fundamentals of Business Etiquette

Business etiquette is a fairly extensive range of codes and rules that business people are guided by. But at the initial stage of working in an office environment, it is enough to know only a few basic principles. You can do a deeper study of this topic yourself:
  1. Punctuality. This is your primary characteristic. It is strictly forbidden to be late for meetings, negotiations and meetings, as well as to the workplace every day. It doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man.
  2. Greetings. Be sure to say hello, coming to the office, entering the premises. Regardless of gender, the subordinate is the first to greet! It is not accepted to say hello through the threshold.
  3. You should only knock on the door before entering the office if there are fewer than three people. In other cases, it is customary to enter without knocking.
  4. Who is the first to enter the door? Modern business etiquette has wiped out the sexual boundaries in this matter, and the one who is closer to it enters the door first. Although many men are still gentlemen.
  5. When making coffee or tea for yourself, be sure to suggest it to your colleagues. Never leave unfinished coffee / tea on the table next to your computer and documents. When leaving, be sure to wash the cup.
  6. Acquaintance in business circles often begins with business cards: the youngest gives the business card to the older one, and the man hands the business card to the woman first!
  7. When meeting, a woman never calls her name first (in this case, gender is very important).
  8. When calling someone, first ask if it is convenient for the person to communicate now.
  9. The initiator of the call ends the telephone conversation.
  10. The response to the e-mail must be given within 2 days from the date of its receipt.
  11. In a business environment, a woman wearing her hair loose is a sign of bad taste.
  12. A man should always be clean-shaven.
For a successful start to a career in the office, these rules will be quite enough. But only at the initial stage. Later, you will need to learn negotiating etiquette, email etiquette, formal event etiquette, and more. You cannot stop, because your career will consist of many meetings, negotiations and the achievement of your goals. And for each of the points there are many more rules and subtleties, the knowledge of which will help to win the favor of partners and colleagues and the reputation of a business person.

Time management trainer and head of the Internet department of a large media holding Ramis Yaparov tells the site readers about the rules of conduct in the office.

1. Appearance at the workplace

Each company has its own rules. In one they adhere to a strict dress code, in another they wear a uniform, and in the third they give employees complete freedom of choice.

But neatness and a sense of proportion should be present in everything - in clothes, shoes and even hair. You must always look presentable and at the same time democratic. Don't overdo it with bold colors, accessories, cosmetics and perfume. By the way, you cannot apply makeup, let alone paint your nails at the workplace. If you are going on a date in the evening, visit the ladies' room and clean up there.

2. Greetings from colleagues

When entering the office, greet everyone who is at the workplace. In the evening, say goodbye and wish your colleagues good luck. Don't forget about a welcoming handshake and a genuine smile. When meeting in the hallway, depending on the degree of closeness of your relationship, you can hug lightly, inquire about your health and just ask about your plans for the evening. Sometimes, just nodding or smiling is enough.

3. Photo of the family on the desktop

Why not, it's very cute and homey. It is worth decorating your own workplace with those things that you love that create a cozy atmosphere. It can be souvenirs from a vacation, photos with family and friends, favorite trinkets, or whatever. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.

4. About snacks in the office

It's all about corporate culture, a question of loyalty. If this is the norm in your team, why not? Another thing is that there is still no need to eat at the desk, for this there are kitchens in good companies. But it is quite possible to drink tea or coffee without stopping from work.

5. "You" and "You": how to properly address colleagues and management

The appeal to "you" should be completely excluded when talking with people of higher rank. Maintain a chain of command, this is important. But how to address colleagues who are equal to you in status? It all depends on the environment in which you work, on how it is accepted in your company. In any case, you can always ask how it is more convenient to contact this or that employee.

6. Conversations on mobile

Communicating on a mobile phone at the workplace is only worth it. Can't wait to discuss a new dress with your friend or discuss the menu for the evening with the children? Go for a walk to the nearest store or just go out into the hallway. But can the calls be accompanied by the latest hit by Calvin Harris, or do you need to turn on the vibration mode on the phone? It all depends on what is customary in your team.

7. Is it okay to smarten up in the office?

You shouldn't sit and look in a mirror instead of a work monitor, you can't paint lips, nails and other parts of the body either, because you can do it at home. Or, if you have a date coming up, go to the toilet, but do not shine your happy face in front of unhappy colleagues.

8. Personal life and office

There is a saying: "A good person is not a profession." You should not immediately rush to be friends with all your colleagues and do your best to please and please everyone. Don't need it right away

If you want to be on good terms with employees at work and be praised by management, you must know how to behave correctly at work. Here are 10 examples of things to avoid.

- Avoid gossip. One thoughtless phrase can ruin a relationship with a valuable employee.

- Don't bring your personal problems to work. Firstly, despite the ostentatious feelings of colleagues, in fact, nobody is interested in your personal affairs, and, secondly, there is no need to give a reason to go personal.

- If you have access to confidential information, have the restraint not to disclose what only you know, even if you really want to. This information also applies to the amount of your salary.

- Do not allow yourself to "hang on the phone" all day, discussing a lot of news with your friends. If you have any personal problems, try to solve them quickly and get back to work.

- Will not do you honor and harsh abuse at the workplace.

- Do not spoil, so hard acquired, reputation by flirting with employees or bosses.

Don't let bad mood drive you. Try to always be in a good mood.

- In no case do not hysteria. Work is not a place for emotion. Your ability to control yourself will be appreciated here. You've probably noticed that one of the requirements for office workers is stress resistance.

- Try not to give a reason to be harassed by members of the opposite sex. But, if someone still dared to "roll up" to you, immediately make it clear that you value your reputation and do not intend to start a love relationship at work.

Do not discuss your bosses with colleagues under any circumstances, not at work, or not. It could cost you your job and your career. Try to subtly or humorously avoid such conversations or questions.

Of course, this is not the whole list of tips. It is simply impossible to fit everything in one small article. Observe the most successful people in your firm. Perhaps you will learn something from them for yourself.


Don't push yourself. In open space, greet everyone at once, without addressing anyone in particular. Press the outstretched hands, but you do not need to bypass all men for this purpose. If a woman from the next wing once asked you to help fix a coffee machine that you eventually broke, and now nods at you with a smile, answer her. If you look away, do not bother avoiding you.


Be generous and selfless. Share charging, headphones, ideas. Give away unnecessary gifts and treat them with free alcohol. There is more sympathy for a person who always has something pleasant in store.


In the office, as in the army, the concept of “lost”, not “stolen”, works. And yet, the loss of a stapler, flash drive or choker does not give the right to collect "lost" on other tables. Even a sip of cognac from other people's stocks must be replenished with a whole bottle of the same drink.


There is no need to change the whole image daily. Especially if the dress code is detailed in the employment contract. But it is necessary to update the appearance constantly. One fresh shirt is not enough here: the handkerchief in the jacket pocket also needs to be changed.


Spare the receptors of those around you, already exhausted by anti-freeze vapors, exhaust gases and passive vaping. There are far fewer connoisseurs of selective perfumery than it seems. Therefore, it is better not to fuss than to overdo it. By the way, there is nothing wrong with making a comment about the source of an unusual scent. It will not offend him, it will only make him better. The main thing in this conversation is to get straight to the point.


“The employee's clothes must be clean and tidy” - such a clause is in every employment contract. If there are no strict rules, then shorts, a tracksuit and sandals formally meet the requirement of "clean and tidy", but radically differ from the concept of "appropriateness". As comfortable as a tracksuit is, there is a place and a time for everything.


Or rather, don't get drunk harder than the rest. A corporate party is not Las Vegas - what was on it will definitely pick up the worst languages ​​of your office.


Not everyone still understands how indecent it has become to disturb people with calls. These Old Believers often include important partners and clients who will not be left with a careless “WhatsApp message”. You will explain what it is for a longer time. They call, of course, at the very moment when you walked away for a second, leaving the phone on the table. In this case, always keep your gadget not just on vibration, but in a silent mode. The gloomy hum of the vibrating apparatus annoys colleagues no less than the seizure play of the ringtone.

Gossip wisely

The temptation to engage in an engaging discussion of the weaknesses and weaknesses of a colleague is extraordinarily great. If you can’t resist, then at least rinse other people's bones in a balanced and well-reasoned manner. Try to do this only with trusted colleagues. Know that somewhere near you, they are also actively discussing whose son you are and with whom you sleep.


An office romance is a meaningless and unproductive story. Sooner or later it will end, and you still have to share an elevator, a meeting room and a microwave oven. Light flirting with a deeply and happily married employee is another matter. In such a configuration, no one will break anyone's life and no one will pretend for anything.


The sense of obscenity, like the sense of humor, should be delicate. Thoughtless swearing is chaotic and destructive. It makes less sense than Power Point slides. Feel the moment and the audience. A swear word awkwardly thrown in the wrong direction can cost you your reputation as a decent person, turning you into a tram boor in the eyes of others. And this is not the most favorable characteristic for a gentleman.


A disheveled person with red eyes and a sniffing nose, who generates not ideas, but bacilli, can cause nothing but irritation. No one will appreciate the feat of a temperature-controlled hard worker. And not so much because of the lack of an aesthetic component in your image, but because of the efficiency tending to zero.


Calmly and with understanding endure this orgy called "The client is back with new edits" and do not get in with your cry: "Colleagues, remove my address from the correspondence!" Everything is on your nerves without you, and your message, which is not directly related to the case, will please very few people. Mistakes do happen, but do not force all participants in the correspondence to delete your address from the address bar.


Needless to say, food particles falling under the keyboard turn it from a working tool into a source of germs, and the smell of cutlets and the sight of a person chewing badly affect the office atmosphere? Yes, you have to. Otherwise, thousands of lunch boxes would be uncorked on the job every day. Not only will the on-site lunch be absorbed worse, but also the attitude towards you will become as cold as your cutlet. It is necessary to change the environment. At least in order to take a break from work and become not only full, but also useful.


The most important things happen at the wrong moment. An emergency, like a bus, appears unexpectedly, as soon as you light a cigarette. No one will die if you do not react immediately, but after a cup of lavender raff, but disappearing from the radar is worse than not calling back.


Better yet, voice the real one. Talking about the fact that in the morning you finished the birdhouse with your child, and then ran to donate blood, while distributing things to the poor - while breathing to the side and sipping mineral water - is extremely unpromising. But honesty will be accepted and appreciated.


In general, never and nowhere.

Stand up

Every office worker should crumple at the table with disposable cups at least once in his life. If, on the occasion of your birthday (promotion, marriage, divorce), do not feed the team with pizza and pies, he will take it as disrespect.


People often mistake kindness and openness for weakness and spinelessness. The closer you communicate with your subordinates, the more often they will have a pipe burst or a cat dying. At one point, they will simply start to confront you with the fact by SMS, which will say something like “Hello. I'm from home today. " Keep your distance and don't discuss work between toasts and karaoke songs.


The struggle for the remote control from the air conditioner and the disputes over the angle of inclination of the blinds are the cases when it is better to give in. There is always an allergy sufferer, a chronicler or just a nerd who will scream from the corner about congenital draft intolerance and chilled sinuses.

It's foolish to argue that your Facebook profile is a personal space. Avoid deep penetration of colleagues into the bowels of your account. You still have to build a career with them, go to business lunches and suffer from business trainings. Don't let them in on the details of your life.


It always seems that others get more and work less. People are too envious and unfair to sincerely rejoice with you in a new car, a beautiful watch or a model girl. Save all this luxury for a parallel life that begins after the office. At work, modesty or even austerity adorns more than a gold watch on the wrist and four-wheel drive in the parking lot.


Sloths are not credible. Piles of crap on and around the table is not a creative mess. It's just a bunch of shit. Cashew bags, confetti, an empty bag and last year's newspaper will not help in creativity. No matter how talented you are, cleanliness as an additional option will not interfere with the image. Not like this flower pot, which takes up half a table.


I never feel sorry for my own. Even if you are so imbued with the corporate spirit that you periodically show the company logo on your ankle, you do not think about such a thing as CAPEX (capital expenditure of your company). A computer, a printer, a copier, a fax (are you kidding? You have a fax? This is not the case - because any breakdown can damage the work. Try not to push through the scanner glass when you sit on it in order to print and fax (you have it!) The answer to the annoying partner's claims.