I don't want to be just a friend. I don't want to be just a friend, I want you to be my one and only.

It's the height of summer in Paris. It was warm, sunny weather. Only those who got up early in the morning to go to work and sit in the office for eight hours could not rejoice at such weather.
On the streets of Paris in the morning it is impossible to meet a carefree person: everyone is in a hurry somewhere. Basically, everyone is in a hurry to work, but there are also those who are in a hurry to have breakfast in a cafe or just meet friends. But it's not about them at all.
Adrien Agreste is a fashion celebrity known throughout Paris. His father, Gabriel Agreste and a world-famous fashion designer, prepared Adrian from childhood for the life of a model. At the age of four, Adrian began to participate in fashion shows, presenting children's clothing. A couple of years later, he began acting for fashion magazines. Because of this childhood, Adrian became the standard of beauty in many countries.
And now Adrian Agreste will soon be seventeen years old, he is smart, popular and damn handsome, in a word, the dream of any girl.
Adrian could spend this beautiful summer day with his friends, but there is no time for friends in his schedule for today. As soon as the school year ended, Gabriel Agreste filled up Adrian with things: new photo shoots were added, lessons in Chinese, English and Spanish. Agrest Sr. decided that Adrian's body was still not perfected, so lessons in self-defense and self-control were added to the fencing lessons. How difficult it is to be a model. The schedule is very tight, there is absolutely no time for rest, but you should always look irresistible.

Adrian, are you ready? It's time for you to leave! - came the voice of Natalie.
- Yes, I'm ready. I'll go down now.
Five minutes later, Adrian was already driving in a car to fencing.

That night, Adrian, dressed as Cat Noir, walked around the rooftops of the city in the company of his Lady. He knew perfectly well what awaited him during the day, but he did not want to miss the opportunity to once again flirt with Ladybug.
He began to regret that he had exchanged sleep for a night walk, when in fencing he had neither the strength nor the energy to defend himself and dodge the opponent's sword.
- Adrian, what's wrong with you today? Are you sluggish, sick or what?
No, I just didn't get enough sleep.
Pierre suddenly smiled, one could understand from his eyes that vulgar thoughts visited his head.
- Wow, you found yourself a girlfriend! And how is she?
- I didn’t bring anyone to myself, I just couldn’t sleep.
Are you saying you don't use your popularity and looks for sex?
- Do not judge people by yourself, Pierre! There was an awkward pause. - I have to go, see you soon. Adrian closed his locker and left.

Pierre was a good friend of Adrian. He was also a model, but less famous. Pierre, unlike Adrian, grew up to be a rather spoiled guy. His parents were rich, but absolutely spineless. They fulfilled every whim of Pierre from his very birth, and he used it. They met Adrian at one of the shows, after which Pierre repeats after Adrian, believing that he will succeed in this way.

Adrian had exactly 30 minutes to drive home, refresh himself and shower before heading off for the Sunday edition of Glamour.

Near the gate of the Agreste family mansion, a girl had been standing waiting for Adrien for more than an hour. She promised her friends that tonight she would post a photo with him on all her social networks.
As soon as the car drove up, the girl rushed to her, and when Adrian himself got out, she threw herself on his neck screaming.
- OMG!!! It's really you, can I take a picture with you? I love you, you are my idol!
- Girl, move away from Mister Agresta, he has no time for this! - Adrian's bodyguard barely dragged him this girl.
- But I told my girlfriends that I would take this photo. Tears spilled from the girl's eyes. They won't be friends with me anymore!
The last phrase said by the girl sounded to no one: Adrian and his bodyguard disappeared behind the door of the mansion, and the driver sitting in the car was of little interest in this situation.

Hello Selphina, I'm Hawk Moth. I know that you want to take revenge on the offenders. I'll help you with this if you bring me Ladybug's and Chat Noir's Miraculous Stones.
- All right, Hawk. I will fulfill your request.
The girl's body, like her mind, was swallowed up by darkness, which was quietly brought by a small black butterfly.
As the dark fog began to fade, it began to show the silhouette of a girl whose appearance was significantly different from that of the cute girl who wanted to take a picture with Adrien Agreste. Her hair became a poisonous green color, a “fashionable” make-up appeared on her face (bright wavy arrows, eyebrows of the same wavy and non-standard color, matte lipstick in the color of her hair was on her lips). The clothes were as bright and unusual as the hair and makeup.
It was difficult to recognize in this bright likeness of modern models, that sweet, almost inconspicuous appearance, girl.
- Adrien Agreste! I only need one photo from you! - Selfin said menacingly and headed towards the Agreste family's mansion. Kicking the door open, she entered the house. - Well, where are you, Adrian? Just one photo, now no one will stop us for sure!
Going a little deeper into the house, she began to get angry because no one came out to meet her, it's indecent.
- Adrian, where are your manners? Who greets guests like this? - The girl spoke quietly, but the acoustics in this house are very good and could be clearly heard in every corner of the hall. - Agreste Jr., you'd better get out! The girl's tone has changed. “If you don’t come out now, people will start to suffer!”

Plagg, something tells me that we better transform, otherwise it won't end well. - Adrian went to the window of his room, so that, quickly turning, he immediately left the house.
- I agree.
- Plagg, claws! A flash lit up Adrien's room with green light for a moment.
Chat Noir left Adrien's room before Selfine broke in.
Seeing that someone jumped out the window, Selphina rushed to him, but did not find anyone from below.
- Adrien Agreste, you are testing my patience, so you can say goodbye to your loved ones.

So Adrian is safe, how do I find Ladybug now? I hope she's already awake.

The cat landed at the gate of the mansion when he heard the scream.
- What is happening there? Noir thought and ran into the house.
There were several photographs on the floor. These were photos of his bodyguard and Natalie.
- It's strange that they look so happy in the photo. Never seen them smile. But where are they now, and where is Selphina?
Selfina saw the Cat when he was looking at the photo.
- Chat Noir, how did you show up in time, but where is Ladybug?
- Don't worry, I'm already here! - Ladybug was a little further away from Selfina than Chat Noir.
- Great, everyone is here, now get me their Miraculous Stones! - The voice of Hawk Moth rang out in Selfina's head, and after that she felt a slight pain in her temples.
- It's good that both of you are here, I just need your Stones of Miracles ... Well, selfies will not be superfluous!
The girl headed towards the superheroes.
- I always knew that I was popular with girls, but I'm not at my best right now, let's do without photos for now? Some other time, okay?
- Cat, it's impossible for anyone else to get hurt, don't let her out on the street! Commanded by Ladybug.
“I was already beginning to fear that you were still sleeping. The cat looked at her and smiled.
- I had to wake up, kitty! Any guesses where the Akuma might be?
- In the camera, most likely. He was with her when Brazhnik subdued her.
- Let's check.
Ladybug tried a couple of times to snatch the camera from Selfina's hands, and the Cat tried to knock it out with his pole, but all attempts were unsuccessful.
- Ladybug, the camera seems to have grown into her hand! Noir shouted after yet another setback.
- Cat, it's true, the camera is part of her body. We just can't beat him.
Without thinking twice, Ladybug took advantage of the super chance.
- Mirror? Seriously? Okay, this is quite logical, I even already have an idea what to do with it! Cat, I need your help.
- With great pleasure I will help you, Milady.

Ladybug quickly and clearly explained to the Cat what his task was, after which they proceeded to carry out the plan.
While Ladybug distracted the girl's attention, the Cat found a couple more mirrors, installed them where Ladybug pointed.
- Okay, Selfina, you won, let's take a photo together as a keepsake. Ladybug said.
- That's wonderful. Cat, come here!
The superheroes stood in front of the villain, and at the same moment when Selphina pressed the camera button, she turned into a photograph, in which there was a lot of herself, thanks to a pile of mirrors found by the Cat.
- Good job, kitty. You, as always, well done!
Thank you Milady, but I couldn't have done it without you.
Ladybug tore up the photo and the butterfly that started it all flew out. The Akuma is neutralized, the photographs are human again, mission accomplished. The heroes bumped their fists.
- I have to go, see you, Chat Noir. Ladybug waved her hand at him and ran away.
Chat Noir helped the girl up. Lack of sleep increasingly made itself felt, he yawned again.
- It's time for me to go too. If you really want to take a photo with him, then try to come tomorrow. - The cat smiled sweetly at the girl and ran out of the mansion.

For three years of superheroism, Cat Noir has won many women's hearts with his charm, which is only worth his smile, not to mention his appearance. The heart of the akumatized was no exception to the general rule, but he never managed to appropriate the heart of Ladybug.

Returning home, through the window, the Cat regained the appearance of a supermodel, quickly went to the shower and then went to a photo shoot.
Due to the salvation of Paris, he was a little late, but this did not affect either the mood of the photographer or the photographs.
The photo session ended after a couple of hours. He was taken home, where Natalie gave him a Chinese lesson. Right after that, Adrian, exhausted from the day, went to sleep.
Agreste Jr. slept through the whole evening. Natalie, after half an hour of diligent attempts to wake him up, decided to leave the guy alone.

By nightfall, Adrian, as if on an alarm clock, woke up, transformed and went to his meeting place with Ladybug. He came before her, but not by much. Ladybug arrived about 10 minutes later. They quickly walked around all of Paris, and then sat on the roof of the highest building, from which a beautiful view of the city and a clear view of the dawn.
- Milady, today I suddenly wondered why I can win the heart of any girl in Paris in a couple of minutes, but your heart is still not subject to me? I'm so charming, look at me, I'm just a miracle!
Noir rolled his eyes, pursed his paws and lowered his ears, which caused Ladybug to smile tenderly.
- Stupid kitten, I've already told you many times that I love another person, that I share my personal life and the life of a superhero. Cat, I really like you, but we are friends, nothing more!
- Yes, I remember ... - He abruptly jumped to his feet and, putting his hand on his heart, said, - But I want you to know, I still won’t give up, I will fight for your love, no matter how hard I try worth it.
Noir's voice was full of determination, but that didn't change his Lady's mind.
- Cat, if you want to make me fall in love with you for the sake of self-affirmation, then this is a bad idea. It will hurt me and you won't be able to save Paris if that's the case.
“I swear I have no such aim, Milady. He sat down next to her. - You know that I love you... madly in love. And these are not empty words, believe me. And if someday my feelings turn out to be mutual, I will not betray them for anything.
Don't say that, you can't be completely sure. Who better than you to know that cats are not famous for their loyalty. Ladybug lowered her gaze.
- But .. But I'm not quite an ordinary cat, - he lay down on her knees, - I am the Black Cat, who is very lucky, because I met you. It turns out that I broke the stereotype, and if I broke one of them, then the others are too tough for me. He smiled confidently. - Milady, looking into your eyes, I want to swear that I will never betray you. Never.
- Stupid kitten! She ruffled his hair.

Look how beautiful the stars are today... but they can't compare to you.
- Let's meet the sunrise together today, Kitty?
- Let's...

Ladybug lay down next to Noir. They lay on the roof of the house for a long time, Chat Noir showed her the constellations, and she listened attentively to him. At that moment, they were both insanely happy, but time flew by quickly and dawn came.
The cat admired him for only 5 minutes, and then Ladybug captured his attention, he could not take his eyes off her, enjoying every centimeter of her face, every strand of her hair.
- I must not miss the moment! He thought and kissed her.

See you soon, Milady! Thank you for this night. He waved his hand at her and ran away.
- See you soon, kitty!
Ladybug sat on the roof of that house for a while longer, and then, feeling that she was already very sleepy, she went home.

The new day of Adrian Agreste was the same as the last: boring, scheduled to the minute and terribly exhausting. But today he did not refuse that girl a photograph, and made her day with this insignificant act.

They are united by work, common interests, they spend a lot of time together, but at the same time consider themselves just friends. Or is it just one of them? It often happens that one has much stronger, more romantic feelings for the other, while the other may not know about it or pretend not to know.

Often, a lover does not want to admit his feelings, suspecting that they are not mutual, and afraid of losing the connection that exists. “This kind of “bogging down” in friendship, with an internal need for more, is frustrating and psychologically de-energizing, says social psychologist and interpersonal researcher Jeremy Nicholson. “Emotional dissatisfaction is combined with physical dissatisfaction when we strive to fully possess a person, but do not get what we want.”

Olga and Sergey are friends. As a best friend, Sergey accompanies Olga wherever she does not want to be alone, gives gifts, helps. Sergey hopes that one day this friendship will turn into something more. However, this situation suits Olga quite well: she receives closeness, support from the "friend" and gives almost nothing in return. She feels free for other romantic relationships and at the same time can turn to Sergey at any time, who, apparently forever, is stuck in the "friend zone".

However, you can remain an eternal friend and formally enter into a physical relationship. This form of relationship is called "friends without obligation." Arina and Artem spend a lot of time together and sometimes have sex. Arina, however, would like a full-fledged relationship and real spiritual intimacy, which she does not receive. Thus, the interchange in this union is also not in her favor.

It is important to be honest with yourself first of all and admit to yourself that you want much more from a relationship.

Indeed, the physical connection in this case creates only the illusion of closeness. And the one who ended up in the "zone of friends" still suffers from the emotional remoteness of the partner. Therefore, in whatever capacity you are "friends", it will always be a psychologically unhealthy, destabilizing position for someone who is in love and wants more.

All full-fledged and important relationships for us involve some kind of exchange. This means that we voluntarily give something to each other and receive in return. However, if someone is in the zone of friends, then the exchange becomes unequal. One person gets everything he wants, and the second is forced to accept, not finding the main thing.

“It is necessary to change the psychological disposition of the existing relationship,” says Jeremy Nicholson. - It is important to be honest first of all with yourself and admit to yourself - you want much more from a relationship. Most likely, you yourself give a lot, and you need to balance this exchange.

1. Show less interest

Start showing less interest in your friend's business and don't be afraid to take a symbolic step back. By turning yourself into a psychological donor, showing your readiness to rush in at any moment, listen and help resolve a difficult situation (you must admit, this is exactly what you often do), you accustom the other to the fact that this is the norm.

Let your partner know that you expect more from your union, and only friendly support is not enough for you. The one who potentially turns out to be more determined to get out of an unsatisfactory relationship turns from a follower into a leader. In psychology, this behavior is described as the "principle of least interest".

2. Let him miss you

Spend more time without a friend. If you are really dear to him, then your disappearance will make him bored and gradually realize the true significance of your presence. Social psychologist Robert Cialdini, in his book The Psychology of Influence, called this the "principle of insufficiency." Finding that your participation in his (her) life has decreased, the person truly close to you begins to feel a sense of loss. This will increase his interest in you and possibly motivate him to take the relationship to the next level.

3. Create a sense of competition

May you make new friends of the opposite sex. And be sure to let your friend know about it. According to the "principle of insufficiency", a perfectly healthy competitiveness and a little jealousy in this case will also raise your stakes as a potential candidate for a romantic relationship.

The choice is yours: stay in the friend zone or find strength in yourself and leave the union, which has long ceased to be friendly

“People especially begin to appreciate what they can lose,” says Jeremy Nicholson. - And if you do not notice in response the slightest jealousy and desire to return you, obviously, you are not as dear to your friend as you would like. He really does not see you in a different role. The choice is yours: stay in the friend zone, thereby depriving yourself of the likely opportunity to start a relationship with another person, or find the strength in yourself and leave the union, which has long ceased to be friendly.

4. Encourage caring

Feel free to ask your friend for help. Even if you don’t really need it, create such situations. Contrary to popular belief, people are unconsciously more attached if they themselves have invested a part of themselves in the relationship, and not when they received care and support themselves. The more they invest in you a wide variety of resources: time, money, attention, the more emotionally expensive you become.

So help less and ask for help more often. Share problems and ask for advice, ask for a ride home... Even something as small as asking you to make tea for you or grab something along the way can be very significant.

5. Respond with gratitude

Be gentle and considerate if you have been taken care of and done something nice. This unconsciously motivates your counterpart to continue to receive your positive response and, in turn, experience pleasure. At the same time, pulling back a little in response to something you don't like can be a signal to start making changes in your relationship.

You've been dating for over a month now. Long enough and you are already enveloped in a feeling of love. He knows everything about you.

You know each other quite well and intimately.

Perhaps you have already lived or gone on vacation together; or maybe they were traveling or doing routine work hand in hand. You know for sure that he will refuse the menu, because knows what drink you will choose. He gets you, and you get him.

But now, your relationship has reached a dead end and a terrible conversation about parting is inevitable. He explains why he doesn't want to be with you anymore, and you sort of agree.

You knew from the very beginning that nothing would happen and this is the most depressing thing. And in the end, you know that you are falling apart. But he wants to remain friends.

Friends, you mean? FRIENDS with whom you play video games or football? Or those friends you always forget to call back, the ones you see at the wedding or maybe hang out with on a regular basis?

We are "friends" who have spent the last few months or years meeting and getting to know each other more and more, getting to know each other's families, psychology and personalities. We were more than just friends. We were in love.

Friends and lovers are completely different things. My friends have never seen me truly hurt or naked. Friends didn't kiss me in the morning. They don't know what positions I prefer and how much I hate morning sex.

Friends don't know how I get blown away after having a good drink (although this may not be true). Friends never let me in on their plans the way you did. With friends, we never shared such things.

You want to see me in your life ... but in a completely different role. For whatever reason, what was between us - over . And frankly, personally, I don't want to be just friends.

I want you to be my only one.

I liked to hear words of support on the other side of the wire when something happened to me. There were so many good things between us.

I want to write to you when something reminds me of our meetings. I want you to know how my day goes. And most importantly, I don't want our jokes and moments spent together to be forgotten.

It's not that friends can't call each other. But you will no longer answer me the way you did before.

I still want you

Everything that happened between us was perfect. We were good together. We knew each other's preferences, and what next position we could try.

I am horrified to imagine that I will have to re-experience someone sexually.

On top of that, I'm drawn to you, and I can't help it. And even now I can't do anything about it. We are "just friends" after all.

Being next to someone else at this moment, I will have to pretend that I do not think about you.

I can't bear to imagine you with anyone else.

I, of course, wish you happiness. You can be happy, but not with others. At least not now.

The thought of you having sex with someone else drives me crazy. I don't want what you did to me, you do to someone else. Even the thought of you kissing someone else or sleeping with another woman makes me cringe.

Do you call her when you see something funny? Will she now receive the messages that I once received?

Is she going to walk around the apartment in your T-shirts and pants now? Will she now spend time with your family, who doted on me? I don't want this... don't want to be taken out of the game... don't want to be replaced.

I don't want you to see me with someone else.

I know it's annoying. But, I want you to be in love with me.

I don't want to pretend that I'm interested in your love life because I'm not interested at all.

I am more than sure that your sex life both began and ended with our relationship.

Friends talk about sex and share awkward moments with each other. They describe in detail the events of the previous night.

I do not want this to be the case between us, and this topic is inevitable. If we can't talk about things like that, we're not friends.

I have enough friends as it is.

So why weren't we just friends from the start?

There was a void in my life that you filled.

I wasn't looking for friends. And you weren't a friend either. You were my boyfriend.

I am surrounded by a large number of people with whom I can go for brunch, talk for days on end or just have a drink. And so do you.

I don't need another person at the table. This place is already taken.

I need to put things in order in my later life, so you will not be in it anymore.

For a moment, I thought: “What does my life look like if you are in it?” But now, I will need to introduce her in a completely different way, and how can I do this if you are still around?

I'll have to rewrite history like you're not in it. This page of the book needs to be turned over. And I can't do it again because you're around.

If it were up to me, we would either be together or break up once and for all.

Therefore, my answer is "no". I don't want to be friends. From now on, we're just "ex".

New life is something out of the ordinary, new experiences, new friends. So it is with our friends. They sailed away, sailed away for a long time.
Pov Rosie.
Alarm call.
I woke up when someone set the alarm. I broke mine yesterday! Okay, let's see what time it is.
I am late!
I jumped up and started waking up Mel. (Mel is short for Melis)
- Wake up and sing!
-Shut up and sleep!
We need to go to class, we overslept anyway. Get up!
-Which lessons? Today is Saturday!
-But like this.
- Today same disco!
We got dressed. I wore a yellow sundress, a white blouse, yellow ballet flats and a bag of the same color. I made an incomprehensible bun on my head, put on glossy lips and I'm ready.
Mel wore a white sundress with blue stripes, blue shoes and a white handbag. I made a ponytail on my head and now we are going down for breakfast.
Breakfast was pancakes with jam and juice. We ate.
I went to look at the schedule. Today we have a disco at 9.00. And the whole day is free! Although no, today we have swimming either in the pool or in the sail in the water! Cool! It hasn't been like this for a long time! I'm going to sea!!! You can swim in the pool at least every day. I'll go tell Mel.
I went to the bar, she was drinking a cocktail.
Me: Today sailing!!!
M: Aaa!!! Urraaaa!!!
Me: Today is a very cool day! We swim in the sail, disco! God thank you!!!
In 15 minutes we have to get ready, the bathing will take only 2 hours!
I wore a mint swimsuit, it's my favorite. I have five swimsuits in total. Mel wore a black bathing suit, instead of normal swimming trunks she wore a black bathing thong, she is still trying to make my brother fall in love with her.
We went up on deck. Many have already taken a bath.
Now I will tell you what swimming in a sail is.
The staff makes sure that there are no dangerous
creatures in the sea.
We either go down the cable ladder or jump straight into the water.
a very strong fabric is lowered into the water, and it floats there. It is tied on all sides with ropes. When the swim is over, everyone climbs into the sail and raises it! This is great! But if you want to get out, then there is another ladder, along which we can climb onto the deck and sunbathe.
I jumped into the water.
Mel, are you coming?
-D.d.d..a, probably.
She is scared. And jump. And she's already in the water.
We swam, splashed and played ball together. My brother, and you know who, also swam and had fun like us.
It's already 10.38 we swam for about an hour, now we go out for about half an hour to bask in the sun. I rinsed in the shower and went to sunbathe. Half an hour passed and Mel and I went to sea. We jumped again. It is not strange, but Mel is the first. I jumped with a mattress for two, we swam and lay down on it. I fell asleep, Mel too. I woke up due to splashing water. She opened her eyes. Mel is sleeping. The ship is somewhere two miles away from us. Fish splash around. People are still swimming. I started paddling. Does not work. I call for help. Nobody hears. This is the end. Mel woke up. We call together. The sail is raised. We will all die. The ship is sailing away, not fast, but sailing away. And then I remember that I took my phone with me, it is in a special waterproof case. I'm calling my brother.
Hoot, more, more. And they pick up the phone.
- Hey, where are you? I worry! Where did you go?!" he started yelling.
-Firstly, don't yell, secondly, Mel and I are in the sea, on the mattress, we fell asleep, you sailed away.
Silence, and then I feel that someone is starting to pull the mattress into the water! I screamed.
- Hey, what happened to you?
- Mattress, something pulls down!
-Yes. I know. There are no clear fish in the water. That's why we swam away. I thought you were on board! I'm already with the captain! Don't give up the main thing!
pov joe.
Rosie calls me. She said they were in the water. I run to the captain. Came running.
- Excuse me, please return the ship or send the lifeboat back. My sister and her friend stayed in the water. They're already three miles away from us!
- Well, in 10 minutes, two sailors and a doctor will be ready on deck number one.
10 minutes later.
I stand on deck and watch as the boat sinks. On the speakerphone, the captain explained everything to the staff and everyone on the ship.
Pov Rosie.
It's been about 25 minutes. We've almost been sucked in. How this creature bites my thigh. I'm crying.
Pov Chalk.
25 minutes have passed. We are up to our necks in water. Rosie starts screaming and crying. I do not understand anything.
A boat sailed towards us. We were taken to it. I saw a lot of blood, Rosie is unconscious. Her thigh is all burgundy with blood. The skin is pale. We were taken away from this place. They took it on board. Rosie was taken to the infirmary. Her brother came to me. He ran up and kissed me. I filled with paint. He started hugging me, I him. He is crying?
I understand it. He loves his sister very much.
The doctor came to us.
D: What about her?
B: She is unconscious. Deep thigh cut. Lost a lot of blood. Possible coma. I'm sorry.
Joe cried.
pov author.
A day, two, a week passed.
It's hard for everyone. Especially Zak. After all, he fell in love with her with all his heart. They all went to her every day. She is all pale. Lost weight. The three of them take turns sitting next to her. They have bags and bruises under their eyes. They were allowed not to go to classes for the time being. Mom and dad are very worried, but they have no opportunity to come.
Another week has passed. Today she is to be disconnected from the apparatus that has kept her alive for two weeks. She was in a coma.
POV Zach.
I didn't get to tell her anything. And while she was in a coma, I told her everything that happened in the world. I told her about my feelings.
The doctor came.
Q: We need to disconnect it from the machine. I'm sorry.
Me: 10 minutes more. I feel like something has to happen!
B: Okay.
He left. I put my hand on hers. 5 minutes passed before I felt a slight movement in my hand. The instruments beeped. She started to squint! The doctor came.
Pov Rosie.
I open my eyes. Something horribly squeaks. I squint. All this time I had strange dreams. I open my eyes. And I see Zach, the doctor and the calendar. 2 weeks have passed??? What the hell?
Doc: I'm very happy! It's a miracle!
He took my blood pressure and removed the mask. I looked at Zach. He's in a terrible state. I heard everything he said. Now I know how he feels about me.

Category: Love & Relationships | December 16, 2014, 15:10

Almost every man has heard that a woman wants to be only a friend and nothing more. These words hurt the soul and leave a trace. But, you can make sure that you never hear these humiliating words about friendship again.
Let's consider an ordinary life situation. You met a charming girl and you start courting her. You give her red roses, gifts, you go to movies and restaurants. But, as soon as it comes to something serious, then you get, like a slap in the face, the well-known phrase - "Let's just be friends."

You lost in thoughts? Wake up! What friends? Friendship between a woman and a man was not, is not and never will be. She's just dynamite for you. There are two options for why this is happening:
1. She really likes you, but sex intervened.
2. She doesn't like you, which she will report, except when she needs you as a sponsor.
What to do, how to be? The easiest way is to forget about her, because there are so many beautiful, smart girls around. But, you were so hooked by her words that you only think about her in your head or you just want to take revenge.
Well, let's try.

For starters, friendship is a very good thing, because even from it you can benefit.

Let's consider the action strategy point by point.
Forget about the girl for a while. Not for a day or two, or even for a week. Don't call, don't write. Just forget it, talk to others, become self-confident, girls like these guys. Remember, from today there are no prohibitions for you in communicating with the fair sex, be it sex or sports. Such a move will ease your suffering and give you the opportunity to start a relationship anew.
Enough time has passed and here your long-awaited meeting took place. What will she see? She will see the changes that have happened to you. She will notice the confidence and sexiness you exude. You will become a prize in her eyes and she will understand that she will have to work hard to get it.
Forget that all expenses are on you. Try not only to start to stop paying for her, but also to accept courtship from her. Let her treat you to dinner, some kind of dessert that she made herself. The girl will become important in what she invests her strength and means.
Discuss the girls passing by, but in the opposite light from her. If your girlfriend, yes, yes, so far a girlfriend, says that this girl is a little vulgar, then tell her that you don’t think so. You can cite as an example the famous Marilyn Monroe, who was a modest brunette and became a femme fatale, turning into a bright blonde.
Talk about sex. Yes. This needs to be talked about. Ask her opinion, talk about your girlfriends, love affairs, about the relationship of the sexes in general. But, don't let her know that she's interested in you as a girl. You're only friends, because that's what she wanted.
Flirt with all her friends. This will infuriate her so much that the result of our efforts will soon appear.
That's all. Be prepared for the fact that at any moment you will find yourself in the bed of the one that until recently spoke only of friendship.

And what will be the end of this story, only you can know. Good luck!

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