The guy asks not to fall in love with him. He asks you personal questions

“What does the rooster think when it runs after the hen? If I don’t catch up, then I’ll keep warm. ” Rough? Yes. Is it a shame? Yes. Sounds like the truth? Yes. Although, like every truth, there are also two sides here: male and female. We will consider the "woman's truth".

How to distinguish the serious intentions of a man from the intentions of a "rooster" who strikes up a relationship in order to boggle his head. There are many external signs that every woman should be aware of, revealing the behavior of the "rooster". They are especially striking on first dates. It is very important to pay attention to them until the moment when you have not yet fallen in love, which means that you are not blinded by love and have not embarked on the path of forgiveness or motherly love. Maybe it’s worth stopping one day, looking around and without emotion to evaluate your just begun relationship with a man?

1. First of all, you need to pay attention to the gaze of a man. If, surrounded by other women, a man does not look at you, his eyes run from one woman to another and at the same time his gaze does not return to you, this is a bad sign. Studies show that a man in love looks at the object of his love twice as much.

Talk to your man, ask him a question that requires a detailed answer. While doing this, look into his eyes. If he avoids your gaze, turns away, looks right through you, he is not yours. An exception here may be that he is ashamed of your appearance or your facial expressions openly “mangle” him. Therefore, it is very important when preparing for a date to monitor your appearance, facial expressions and behavior. Bright makeup and fiery lips are absolutely out of place. They are good when a woman goes hunting. When a man is "caught", one should not scare him off with bright colors. Makeup should be calm, neat. You can only slightly emphasize facial features that you find attractive. Facial expressions should not be "clownish". No need to goggle or round your mouth.

Practice in front of the mirror and find a light, slightly mysterious smile for your face. If the corners of the lips are down, "teach" the face to "lift" them. Do not giggle, do not cover your mouth with your hand, do not make sudden movements. All this can be achieved at home, in front of a mirror.

2. Observe the behavior of the man when you stand with him surrounded by other people. If the man is standing slightly behind or in front of you, it could be a sign that he is not very confident in his feelings or simply does not take you seriously. The lover should stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder.

3. A man makes fun of you in front of other people or in a circle of friends, but then calms you down, they say, do not be offended, I was joking. It's not funny. Consider if it's worth your attention. If her lover does the same to your friend, do not laugh, but rather put him on your "black list" of dishonest men.

4. When a man asks a woman to change something in his appearance, because he allegedly prefers this particular hair color or a specific bust size, this is a blatant attempt to manipulate you. One of his requests will be followed by others. If you obey, you can think that you have lost the man. He will never be yours. However, do you need such an egoistic dreamer?

5. If a man brings his friend on a date, he should be forgotten forever. It is unlikely that he is ready for a serious relationship. His friends are in the foreground. Such a man is the very "rooster" from the anecdote.

6. If a man “bristles” at your innocent question about where he disappeared or what he did during the day, it means that he has something to hide. He is not frank with you, because he does not consider you a close person and he has no serious plans for you.

7. As soon as a man started talking about money, and even more so asked to lend him a certain amount, we immediately forget about him. We don't need gigolos. At the same time, one should not believe in any sentimental stories. He is not alone in this world. He can ask for a loan from others, and certainly not from the woman with whom he is in love.

8. Your man is rude and impatient with waiters in a restaurant or cafe. This is something worth considering. Better to just forget about it.

9. If a man is reluctant to talk about himself and his family, about his plans, then this should alert you. However, if at the same time you already feel love yearning, then remember about female curiosity. Find out as much as possible about his life yourself.

10. A man in love will try to spend a lot of time with you. He is ready to go to the ends of the world, just to see and talk to you for five minutes. If he is constantly busy, finds various excuses to delay the meeting with you, this should make you think about the seriousness of his feelings, and not seek excuses for him, they say, oh, poor man, how much he works.

11. If a man speaks only about himself, if the pronoun "I" predominates in his speech, think, is he not a "narcissist"?

12. Men don't have a very good memory. This is true. But not with lovers. Someone is unlikely to forget your birthday or date of acquaintance. If a man suffers from forgetfulness, he most likely deleted you from his romantic dreams.

13. You should especially pay attention to the man's stories about how he spends time without you. If he goes to parties, other companies or travels, pretend that you are interested in listening to it. To be able to listen to a man is a great art and you need to learn it. As they say - the ability to listen should already be in the eyes of a woman. Talk less, nod more. However, at the same time ask yourself the question: why does he not invite with him? The answer is obvious.

14. And, of course, pay attention to the attitude towards alcohol. A man will never allow himself too much if a woman is not indifferent to him.

The listed 14 signs are considered in relation to the first contacts with a man. Observe and draw conclusions, is it worth wasting time on this man?

When relationships are just beginning, it's too early to talk about love. But girls are impatient natures, they want to know more quickly what a man is feeling. This is indicated by subtle hints, non-verbal signals, and unusual behavior. One scientific study found that it is very difficult for many people to determine the favor of a potential partner. Our personal prejudices and experiences are to blame. They can interfere with how we interpret another person's words, actions, or romantic intentions. We can both overestimate and underestimate someone's interest. The good news is that love usually does not know how to hide. By these signs, you will guess that a man is not indifferent to you.

Facial expression

When two people interested in getting to know each other communicate, the first thing they pay attention to is facial expressions and facial expressions. For example, dilated pupils clearly indicate emotional arousal and interest in your person. Look a man in the eyes, in them you will find the main answer to your question. If, in addition to this, your gentleman raises his eyebrows, nervously licks his lips or smiles into all 32 teeth, then you get new confirmation of his sympathy. In addition, scientists have found that increased testosterone levels increase saliva production.

Language of the body

Non-verbal cues are also very eloquent. Now is the time to pay attention to your companion's legs. When a man spreads his knees wide while sitting in a chair, it indicates that he is genuinely interested in you. This is evidenced by any other open position of the body, for example, wide gesticulation with the hands. So a person, with the help of unconscious gestures, shows his openness and availability. It is also customary to associate wide hand gestures with an attempt to seduce the interlocutor. This is how a man demonstrates his power, strength and ambition. During your interactions, pay attention to the placement of the legs. Are your feet pointing in your direction all the time? This is a clear sign of interest.


Another clear hallmark of sensual interest is the desire to be close to you all the time. This is manifested in a special tilt of the head or gaze during a conversation. The power of eye contact is hard to overestimate. So, scientists have proved that keeping a gaze by persons of the opposite sex forms mutual sympathy. Therefore, a man is not in vain trying to bore his eyes. His efforts will be rewarded if he accidentally touches your hand.

Desire to listen

When a gentleman is interested in you, he will listen to your monologue with rapture, without being distracted, and even less yawning. His willingness to listen is the primary means of winning over you. The man is trying with all his might to show you how dear you are to him. This is also indicated by his phenomenal ability to remember everything that you told him earlier. He listened to you and left in his memory the smallest details of the conversation, he reacted vividly to your remarks and appreciated everything that you said. All these tiny episodes that a man keeps like the apple of his eye indicate his feelings.


There are compliments on duty and those that come from the heart. When a man is in love with you, he looks for more opportunities to say nice words. Compliments and praise are the perfect affordable option for a veiled declaration of love.

He asks you personal questions

In addition to facial expressions, gestures and non-verbal signals, a man gives out his sympathy with frequent questions of a personal nature, addressed to the one that he is not indifferent to. Questions directed towards your person allow him not only to get to know you better, but also to form an invisible connection with you. It is also a proven method of dialogue that relieves stress and awkwardness in the air.

He makes joint plans

A clear sign that a man likes you is the desire to make plans with you. He invites you to visit relatives for a weekend or plans to go to a hockey game. Now he cannot imagine his usual activities without you. In addition, the partner is interested in your opinion on each proposed idea and is sure to take it into account. He will not insist if you are against hockey or are not yet ready to meet his relatives. But the fact remains: you are already a part of his life. However, in this case, there is one caveat. As it turned out in the course of a recent scientific study, a man who makes plans for the near future (for example, for the evening) sees you as easy prey. If the event is planned in advance, then he is not only sexually interested in you. It is also a good sign that calls or messages are not too early or not too late.

Meeting friends and family members

Our next fact on this list is perhaps too obvious. A man will never introduce his beloved to family members or friends if he does not consider this relationship with a future in mind. If he invites you to his house, it means that he seeks to fully reveal himself in front of you, to show himself from the most unexpected side. But if he introduces you to his family, then you managed to get on the same level with his loved ones. Now, in order to move forward, you need to demonstrate social skills and be able to please the environment of the chosen one. If good relations with his relatives and friends are not so established, you risk losing this man.


Another clear sign of sympathy lies under caring. Your gentleman is polite, courteous, he does you favors and literally blows the dust off you. He hates being cold or uncomfortable. This means that you will be provided with coffee in bed during your life together. He will give in to you when you want to watch a melodrama, not a football match. Men are ready to make concessions to ladies only from the heart, and not because the rules of etiquette or social stereotypes oblige them.

He speaks cute phrases

For many people, the words "I love you" sound too pretentious. Your boyfriend may express his feelings in a different way. He will tell you how much he missed him, how much he likes you, and how much you mean to him. In addition, he will show concern about your safety.

Why does a woman fall in love, tries to do something for a relationship with a man, develops these relationships, introduces a man to her relatives, dreams of a wedding, etc., and a man is indifferent to all this? And why does it happen that when a woman has already "burned out" in relation to a man, then he suddenly begins to be active and literally besiege the woman, harassing her with his signs of attention, courtship and proposals for a serious relationship? For more information about the mistakes women make, read the book “19 mistakes with men. How to make a man love and respect you "... In the same article, we will talk about the most basic error. After all, letters with descriptions of such situations and questions, when a woman seems to like a man, but he does not really do anything, come to me steadily, one a week.

So what's the deal? Why do men behave this way? Why do they show such indifference to relationships with the woman they like?

There are two main reasons for these situations:

- male emotions develop much more slowly than female ones;

- after a while, a woman's strong love passes, she decreases her activity and finally a man can feel like a hunter. As I wrote in the book "How to fall in love with a Man for life and successfully marry?", it is important for a man to feel stronger, conquer a woman, see her weakness and “save” her, help, etc.

(The third reason, that a woman was mistaken that a man likes her, I will not describe in this article).

Now in order.

The law of male psychology reads as follows. A man is MUCH slower to mature into a serious relationship than a woman.

If by example, then it is almost a standard situation when:

- The woman thinks that after the first or second meeting, the man has already decided that he likes her, and he will definitely call tomorrow. In fact, a man still thinks, determines and chooses.

- After the third or fifth date, the woman already believes that they have a serious enough relationship to show her boyfriend to her friends, relatives, etc. The man thinks that he has only more or less decided that he is ready to date a woman, but he is unpleasantly surprised when he is asked to meet the woman's friends and parents. (Few men love "bride" in general, and almost all do not like bride ahead of time).

- The woman thinks that the man wants to marry her, and the man only thinks that he is already ready to meet the relatives and girlfriends of his girlfriend. He hadn't even begun to think about getting married.

Such a discrepancy in the speed of development of emotions can sometimes cause strong conflicts between a man and a woman and disappointment in a woman in her chosen one.

Yes, this is understandable, if a woman is already choosing a wedding dress, and a man only thinks whether he will have this constant girl or he needs to look for another, then a conflict is inevitable.

What to do? Of course, sometimes a man can and should be pushed on the next stage of the relationship, sometimes you can pull, sometimes hit harder (a joke, of course, but every joke, as you know, has some truth). However, the main strategy is as follows.

How does it look in practice?

If we take the very beginning of a relationship, when a man meets a girl he likes, he takes the initiative and finds out from her phone number or where she works. After such a meeting, a woman expects something like the following.

Once the man took the phone, it means that he already likes her. But, firstly, it is not at all necessary that it is so. (Men take the phone for a variety of reasons. Maybe on a bet, it can develop self-confidence (I described in detail how to develop confidence in the book "How to become more self-confident in 3 months") and courage in dealing with women, maybe a dozen more reasons). Secondly, men rarely call the next day, because men, as I said, are emotional slow-witted.

In order for him to understand that he really likes a girl, he needs not several hours, but several days, and sometimes even more than a week. That's why, first, don't expect a man to call you back at all.

The rule of communication with men is very simple here. Measure your feelings against the feelings of the man. If a man likes you, and he shows it, then you can also show that you like him. If a man is ready to leave other women and be only with you, then also leave flirting with other men. If a man is in love, then you can also show him that you are in love.

Just do not need to write long letters (SMS messages) about love to your chosen one. A man is arranged differently, and love letters are unlikely to have an impact on him, rather only negatively. If you really want to write, then write (better to say, not write) what kind of hero he is, how you like him, how he did something, and you became happy with it. But it is better to break the love letters.

So, don't fall in love with a man before he falls in love with you. Don't fall in love with a man too quickly. And if the process of love itself is difficult to completely control, then it is quite possible to slow it down and reduce its intensity. (If necessary, of course, but usually it is necessary).

And again about the initiative. As I already wrote, the second reason that the relationship does not develop, and then the man suddenly starts to show activity, is that the woman stops taking the initiative.

The law of male psychology is as follows:

A man does not want a woman's love just like that. He wants to achieve this love and make his woman happy.

In many ways, I will repeat what I wrote before in other articles and above, but repetition is usually very useful.

If you've read my articles and books before, then you've probably already realized that a man doesn't need a woman's love as such, just like that. He needs to achieve this love, he needs to somehow help the woman so that she falls in love with him. He needs to do something so that the woman will be amazed and understand what kind of man is the hero and, accordingly, fall in love with him after that.

That is, of course, a man wants a woman's love, but he simply does not need love. He needs to achieve this love.

Consequently, when a woman falls in love with a man, her grip and initiative towards him weakens. And then the finally liberated man takes a deep breath and can begin to conquer the woman and act. Well, the fact that a woman is no longer interested in this man is already his problem. Let him try well, maybe everything will work out.

In this article, I will not describe in detail the initiative and the smallest details in which it manifests itself. But the main thing that can and should be learned - give the activity to the man, and everything in your relationship will develop much more naturally.

Let's summarize... If a man did nothing when a woman was in love with him, and then, when she stopped liking him, then suddenly began a "siege", then usually the main reason is that a woman does not take into account one of the most important features of the psyche of men - low speed the emergence of emotions and lack of initiative in a relationship from a woman.

Use this knowledge in relationships with men, and these relationships will become much easier to develop and will be much stronger.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.