Children's fairy tales online. Cockerel and bean grains - Russian folk fairy tale

Each of us read fairy tales as a child. Many of them we remember by heart, but unfortunately, we do not always know their authors. Who wrote a fairy tale "Bean grains"? But this is one of the most famous magic stories. More about it - in our article.

Disputes of authorship

We all accustomed that the fairy tales known to us are necessarily Russian people, that is, as such do not have. They came up with people a long time ago, and they reached us destroying. But the people were not always the only author. Do we know who wrote a fairy tale "Bean grains"? It turns out that she really belongs to Folklore, but it transformed and made the famous Russian writer - Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy. Now she already acquires the status of the author's and published under his name.

Plot from different authors

The plots of Russian folk history and the "remake" of Tolstoy are very similar. And yet it is worth finding out: whose fairy tale "Bean grains?"

And in the one and in another story, the cockerel barely avoids death. He finds the grain, eats, gives him, and he has nothing to breathe. Here, his girlfriend is resorted to the rescue. Wanting to save a cock, she will look for help from everyone. From this point on, the plots begin to spread, depending on who wrote a fairy tale "Bean grains". In a thick chicken and a rooster live with the hostess in her house. In the folk fairy tale birds are free.

Now the chicken will go through the whole master farm. The first turned out to be a cow. She had to give a maslian so that the rooster swallow him and the grains slipped. But it was not there: the cow asks to turn to the kosarim and take the hay. The chickey asks them to be hay, but those, in turn, send it to the stove for Kalachi.

But here she is not lucky: now you need to rush to the woodcutters, and after - to the blacksmith, so that the ax. The latter asks the chicken in the coal. And here, finally, the plot goes in the opposite direction. The chicken brought coals, the blacksmith rushed the ax, the woodcutters of the woodwood, the furnace gave Kalachi, and Kosari - hay. Finally, the cow was placed and gave milk, which was whipped in the oil the mistress.

The chicken brought his cockerel, he swallowed him, and the grains slipped from his throat further.


Magic, as always, creates wonders. A hurry cockerel remains alive. What does this fairy tale teach us? Of course, they do not rush anywhere, and not only during food. There is no always next to a compassionagon chicken, ready to come to the rescue.

After reading the fairy tale, we learn kindness and responsiveness. The child is aware of how important it is to stretch the hand of help in a difficult situation. This sometimes is not easy, but you can not lower your hands. As a boldly, the chicken was saved her cock, and each of us should not be afraid of obstacles. All she asked to help, did not refuse, but put certain conditions. But nothing was afraid of the faithful girlfriend. And not at all in vain: the cockerel remained alive and shouted his "Kukarek!".

Now we know who wrote a fairy tale "Bean Granushko". Her chief creator was the Russian people many hundred years ago. Alexey Tolstoy redid her, thanks to which we learned about the new adventures of brave couch.

Lived - there were a cockerel and a chicken. Run the cockerel and pulled out the beans.
- Ko-ko-ko, chicken, eat leggings!
- Ko-ko, Cockerel, eat myself!
Ate the cockerel of the grains and fed. Called the chicken:
- Go, chicken, to the river, ask the water to get drunk.

Rozhiek ran to the river:
- River, River, give me the water: Cockerel fed to a bean grain!

River says:
- Go to the Lipka, ask for a sheet, then the water will give.
Rozhieu ran to the Lipka:
- Leap Podka, Lipka, give me a piece of paper! I will assign a sheet of river, the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed to a bean grain.

Lipka says:
- Go to the girl, ask for a thread.
Rozhoche ran down:
- Girl, girl, give thread! Take the thread of the Lipka, the Leippel will give a leaf, will take a sheet of river, the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed to the bean grain.

The girl answers:
- Go to the Grebelchikov, ask the comb, then let's give a thread.
The chicken came running to the Grebelchikov:
- Grebenchiki, Grebenshchiki, Give me a comb! Take the crest to the girl, the girl will give a thread, will attract the lipka thread, the lipper will give a leaf, it will take a leaf of the river, the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed a bean grain.

Grebenshchikov say:
"Go to Kalashniki, let them give us Kalach."
Rozhiek ran to Kalashniki:
- Kalashniki, Kalashniki, give Kalachi! Kalachi will take the robbers, the Grebenchiki will give the comb, will take the crest to the girl, the girl will give a thread, the thread will take him a sticky, the lipper will give a leaf, the leaf should be a river, the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed to a bean grain.

Kalashniki say:
- Go to the woodcutters, let the firewood we will give us.

Lived - there were a cockerel and a chicken. Run the cockerel and pulled out the beans.

- Ko-ko-ko, chicken, eat leggings!

- Ko-ko, Cockerel, eat myself!

Ate the cockerel of the grains and fed. Called the chicken:

- Go, chicken, to the river, ask the water to get drunk.

Rozhiek ran to the river:

- River, River, give me a water: the cockerel fed to the bean - the grain!

River says:

- Go to the Lipka, ask for a sheet, then the water will give.

Rozhieu ran to the Lipka:

- Leap Podka, Lipka, give me a piece of paper! Hold a leaf of the river, the river will give - the water of the rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed to the bean grain.

Lipka says:

- Go to the girl, ask for a thread.

Rozhoche ran down:

- Girl, girl, give thread! I will take a thread of the Lipka, the Leap Pipper will give - a sheet, it will take a leaf of the river, the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed to the bean grain.

The girl answers:

- Go to the Grebelchikov, ask the comb, then let's give a thread.

The chicken came running to the Grebelchikov:

- Grebenchiki, Grebenshchiki, Give me a comb! Take the ridge - the girl, the girl will give a thread, will attract the lipka thread, the lipper will give a sheet, it will take a leaf of the river, the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed to a bean grain.

Grebenshchikov say:

"Go to Kalashniki, let them give us Kalach."

Rozhiek ran to Kalashniki:

- Kalashniki, Kalashniki, give Kalachi! Kalachi will take the roggers - the Grebenchiki will give the comb, take the crest to the girl, the girl will give a thread, the thread will take it a sticky, the lipper will give a leaf, the leaflet will take the river, the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed a bean grain.

Kalashniki say:

- Go to the woodcutters, let the firewood we will give us.

Speeding chicken for wood stamps:

- Drops, woodcutters, give firewood! I will attract the firewood to Kalashnikam, - Kalashniki will give Kalachi, Kalachi will take the robbers, the Grebenchikov will give a comb, will take the crest to the girl, the girl will give a thread, thread will take it a sticky, the lipper will give a leaf, a leaf attitude to the river, the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed a bean grain.

Woodcutters gave firewood church.

Dried a chickenie of firewood Kalashnikam, Kalashniki gave her Kalachi, Kalachi gave her comb, the robbers gave her a comb, carried a crest to the girl, the girl gave her a thread, threaded the sticky, the head given her leaf, attributed a leaf river, the river gave her water.

Listen to fairy tale Cockerel and bean grains Online:

Lived - there were a cockerel and a chicken. Run the cockerel and pulled out the beans.

Ko-ko, chicken, eat bean grains!

Ko-ko, Cockerel, eat yourself!

Ate the cockerel of the grains and fed. Called the chicken:

Go, chicken, to the river, ask the water to get drunk. Rozhiek ran to the river:

River, River, give me a water: Cockerel fed to a bean grain! River says:

Go to the sticky, ask the leaf, then the ladies of the water.

Rozhieu ran to the Lipka:

Lipka, Leapup, give me a leaf! Hold a leaf of the river - the river will give water to the rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed to the bean grain.

Lipka says:

Go to the girl, ask for a thread. Rozhoche ran down:

Girl, girl, give thread! I will take a thread of Lipka - the Leippecker will give a leaf, it will take a leaf of the river - the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed to a bean grain.

The girl answers:

Go to the Grebelchikov, ask the comb, then give threads.

The chicken came running to the Grebelchikov:

Grebenshchiki, Grebelchiki, give me a comb! Take the crest to the girl - the girl will give a thread, I will take a thread of Lipka - the Leippel will give a leaf, I will take a sheet of the river - the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed a bean grain.

Grebenshchikov say:

Go to Kalashnikim, let them give us Kalach. Rozhiek ran to Kalashniki:

Kalashniki, Kalashniki, give Kalables! Kalachi will take the comb - the Grebenchiki will give the comb, will take the crest girl - the girl will give a thread, the thread will take him a sticky - the Leippecker will give a leaf, the leaflet will take a river - the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: the cockerel fed to the bean grain.

Kalashniki say:

Go to the woodcutters, let the firewood will give us. Speeding chicken for wood stamps:

Drops, woodcutters, give firewood! I will attract the firewood Kalashniki - Kalashniki will give Kalachi, Kalachi will take the robbers - the Grebenchiki will give a comb, the crest will take the girl - the girl will give a thread, the thread will take it to the Lipka - the Leippel will give a leaf, the leaf will take the river - the river will give water a rooster to get drunk: Cockerel fed to a bean grain.

Woodcutters gave firewood church.

Dried a chickenie of firewood Kalashnikam - Kalashniki gave her Kalachi, Kalachi gave to the Grebelchikov - the Grebenchikov gave her a comb, carried a crest to the girl - the girl gave her a thread, threaded Lipka - the Leap Podka gave a leaf, attributed a leaf river - the river gave water.

The rooster drunk, and slipped the grains.

Petached root.