Kindergarten and his role in the formation of the child's personality. Effect of pedagogical mastery of an educator on the formation of a child's personality

We have here in mind the daily personal practical attitude of the educator, who can not be mixed with knowledge of the relationships transferred to the educator by reading, conversations, etc. Moreover, everyday requirements and instructions to children about how to treat each other and to the teachings , That is, the verbal impact on children, has a weak impact, if not supported by the personal attitude of the teacher to children, as the children imitate in their behavior of the actions and behavior of the teacher.

A special place in the development of the identity of the child in preschool and younger school age belongs to the people around him. In the younger preschool age with their help, children get acquainted with some rules of communication ("you can not fight", "you can not shout", "you can not take away from a friend", "you need to politely ask a friend", "you need to thank him for the help" and so on .).

The older the preschooler becomes, the more increasing the number and more complex relationship rules it is absorbed. The absorption occurs with great difficulty, rather than the development of household rules. By the end of the preschool age, the child absorbs with the help of adults is also a considerable number of rules related to labor and educational activities.

The assimilation of the rules of behavior is gradual process. In detail, the investigating this process V. A. Gorbachev so characterizes it: "... Children of younger children's age at first perceive all the rules as private specific requirements of educators, directed only to themselves. In the course of the overall development of the child, in the process of educational work with it, due to the multiple perception of the same requirements for themselves and other children and compliance with these rules, children, as communications with comrades establish, begin to master the rule as a rule, i.e. as Generalized requirement ... ".

Gradually increases the degree of awareness of learned rules of behavior. A significant impact on their development has the life experience of a child, its individual-typological features. The faster of others perceive the pedagogical requirements and assimilate their children who have passed from the nursery in the kindergarten group who came from families where they were brought up correctly. Pedagogical assessment has a great importance in the formation of rules of behavior of children.

An important way to influence the educator on the formation of a child's personality is the way to create a favorable emotional climate in the children's garden for the mental development of each child. The identification of the most effective ways to lead the system of interpersonal relations to create such a microclimate is the urgent task of modern pedagogical, children's and social psychology.

Interesting data in this direction were obtained by scientists during a socio-psychological study conducted under the guidance of T. A. Repina. When studying the value orientation of children, their estimated relations, psychologists have discovered that the popularity of the child in the group depends primarily on the success he reaches in joint children's activities. This made it possible to suggest that if we successfully successfully successfully, with low sociometric status, it can lead to a change in their position and become an effective means of normalizing their relationships with peers, will increase their self-confidence, activity. The study was tasked with finding out how the child's success affects the activities of peers affects him, as their status change, if they give it a leading role, after preparing it to this.

Children were taught ways to design with building material, taking into account a number of advantages of this activity (its result is subject to the design skills formed in this activity can be transferred to game activities, the process of learning a constructive activity is not relieved, this activity is of interest to children's children age). The results of the experiment confirmed the hypothesis nominated. Under the influence of the successful activity of small-popular children, the attitude towards them was changed. Success in the joint constructive activities of previously unpopular children has a positive effect on both the change in their status and the general self-esteem, the level of claims. The emotional climate for these children has improved in the group.

In the course of the study, A. A. Royak were found specific, differing paths in the establishment of relations between children, depending on how the difficulties of the relationship was experiencing a child ("Operational" or "motivational"). It turned out, for example, that to establish positive relations with peers in children with "operational" difficulties it was necessary to first enrich the subject and meaningful side of the game activity, which was carried out by joint playing of such children with the educator.

The organization of further "active arrangement" of a child in the life of children's society was required. Positive results gives the union of such children at the beginning with the most benevolent children with pronounced positive personal qualities. In children experiencing "motivational" difficulties in communicating with peers, for those who have not enough formed the need for communication, should not intensify contact with peers. It is advisable first to select 1-2 partners for them, whose passions would coincide with their main hobbies, and only then gradually and carefully expand their circle of their communication. Success in working with children experiencing "motivational" difficulties of other nature (authoritarian organizers) contributes to the work aimed at reorienting incorrectly formed motifs of communication, and above all overcoming unwillingness to reckon with the opinion of the game partners.

Influence of the teacher on the behavior of a child

The organizer of the life and activities of children in the school is a teacher. The teacher is the most authoritative man for a first-grader child. The attitude of the teacher to children, to their activities - the most effective factor for the behavior of children.

We have here in mind the daily personal practical attitude of the teacher, which cannot be mixed with knowledge about the relationships transferred to the teacher's children by reading, conversations, etc. More than that, everyday requirements and instructions to children about how to treat each other and to the teaching , That is, the verbal impact on children, has a weak influence, if not supported by the personal attitude of the teacher to children, as first-graders imitate in their behavior actions and behavior of the teacher.
The importance and necessity of this or that activity, the child's claim assesses largely by what value teacher gives them how a teacher refers to this requirement or activity. Therefore, the teacher has to thoroughly think through every effect, appeal to children, every way of manifesting their own relationship so that its form corresponds to the content and tasks of education. Of particular importance in this is the work of the teacher on expressiveness, the emotionality of their speech, as a means of transferring to children of their attitude towards them, the wealth of feelings and experiences.

In addition, the degree of influence of the teacher's personality, his claims for the behavior of children and especially on the sustainability of their behavior in the absence of a teacher largely depends on how close and interested in their success it turns out to be a teacher for them, whether he expresses the requirements for children only from his Persons or from the whole school and the most children's team. In some teachers, there is a desire to constantly emphasize that their requirements for the behavior of children are the requirements and all people, these are the requirements reflecting the interests and children themselves: "In the rules of the behavior of schoolchildren, it is said that it is necessary to be without delays. The one who is late, prevents us all to work, and he himself will not know what we have learned without it, "" you can not suggest, he must think himself, and you prevent him. I can think that he does not know ", etc.
In the other teachers, all requirements are usually presented only on behalf of the teacher. The teacher says: "I said," I demand, "" I don't ask it, "" I am for this will punish ", and so on. As a result, children firmly associate all the requirements of the teacher only with his personality, so they cease to fulfill them, As soon as the teacher leaves the field of their vision. Children of class I and without this connect every presented demand with the identity of the one who presented it, and fulfill the requirement for the one who presents it. This feature creates a certain difficulty in the formation of sustainable behavior and should be overcome by the teacher in the process of everyday work with children.
The gradual formation of children understanding the generality of the requirements for them from all people - teachers, parents, comrades - is the necessary prerequisite for child accounting to the correct behavior not only in the presence of a teacher, but without him, not only at school, but also out of it.
Personal example of a teacher's attitude towards children and to their activities contributes to the assimilation of children of relations between the rules and the consolidation of their skills, behaviors, the formation of a sustainable culture of behavior, feelings and speech communication.
The teacher in class I is a center around which and under the influence of the personal example of which initial cohesion and the formation of a class team occurs. Children who are imbued with infinite confidence in the teacher are getting used to to collectively live and work, guided by the requirement, the word of the teacher, to do as the teacher acts and shows.
The learning of children together work under the leadership of the teacher is the first step of the formation of a children's team as the conditions of exercise of them in the right things.

The first collective relationships, prerequisites and elements of public opinion, kids knowledge about each other are mediated activities and behavior, teacher's personality.
The immediate links, the direct interest of children to each other in the first class form gradually on this basis, in the process of collective activities.
Imitation to the teacher is especially clearly noticeable when they are fulfilled by children of public instructions, duty officers, sanitation, when they act as independent, active organizers of the class life.

When the teacher is strict, demanding, but it takes dry children, supports order in the class mainly by punishments, duty are also demanding and strict about each other and shall be punished with their comrades: "Get out of order", "Come on the portfolio, again you have to shine in front of the teacher, "etc.
In the same cases, when the teacher is not only demanding, strictly, but at the same time very carefully and even affects children, rarely punishes and more explains the mistakes, teaches to do the right, there are children demanding, but at the same time responsive, Sympolia and benevolently belong to each other: "At V. today again dirty hands," says a nurse. It turns out that V. House washes his hands well, but while it goes to school, gets dirty. L. suggests: "You can, I will go for V. and watch him not to take anything in hand when goes to school?" Children are not waiting for punishment and condemnation V., and they themselves are looking for the opportunity to help him.

In the atmosphere of a benevolent, sensitive and warm relationship, teaching, even harsh, coarse children are softened, get used to another behavior and speech communication manner.
First-graders are very sensitive to the tone, speech intonation. Very often they react to the tone, the emotional side of the words of the teacher, not even delight into their semantic meaning. The teacher annoyed, condemningly says, turning to the student who speaks with a neighbor: "Cute boy! What's the matter?" Not only S., but all the children immediately pull up, silent, pushing each other, paying attention not to the meaning of the words tested by the teacher, but on their tone.
These words, this teacher expresses a mockery, irony, generating the appropriate reaction of children.
The formation of the relationship between children in class I is closely associated with the formation of the culture of speech communication of children, and the most effective example here is a speech of a teacher in the unity of its form, content and emotional expressiveness.
The teacher affects children not only by the organization of their lives, the content of requirements, explanations, in a word, but also the form of claims, the form of assessments, comments, the nature of replicas, the tone and intonation of the voice, the nature of punishments and promotions, reflecting the attitude of the teacher to children, to their actions and actions, as well as to their own requirements, which are presented to children.

The teacher presented to children the requirement to come to school clean, neat dressed, taught to perform it. Sanitars are highlighted for monitoring the execution of this requirement, their responsibilities are strictly defined. But the attitude of children to the requirement of the teacher and the attitude of Sanitar to their duties, and, consequently, the corresponding behavior of children depends not only on the knowledge of the children of this requirement and even perform it, not only from knowledge of Sanitar's duties, but also from the teacher's relationship to its requirements and To the actions of children. Where the teacher never escapes the unfulfilled duty, torn off the button, a dirty collar, dusty shoes or a rumped costume, as well as good examples of behavior, children are becoming increasingly demanding to themselves and to each other; Teachers, and in accordance with this, their actions are determined. The indifference of the teacher to the facts of life and behavior and the absence of constancy of the requirements for children will inevitably entail the non-execution, the irresponsible attitude of children to maintain the established procedure, to fulfill their duties, and therefore the emergence of negative actions, the destruction of the habits of proper behavior.

The behavior of the teacher is a very important factor in moral education. Experience fully confirms the deep correctness of the thought of M. I. Kalinin that the education is primarily the impact of the behavior of the educator on the psychology of children. The manners and habits of the behavior of the teacher, the style and tone of his handicaps with children express the features of his personality and character. The moral development of children affects not only the content and methodology of educational work of the teacher, but also its character. It is appropriate to remind you that K. D. Ushinsky emphasized the special importance of the impact of the character of the teacher on the formation of the child's personality. Pupil under the influence of the pedagogical impacts of the teacher and its character, the habits of the behavior of children are strengthened and develop in family relationships, if the unity of the school and family is achieved. The results of moral education of children in school are affected not only at school, but also in the family, in all circumstances of children's life.

Educator and child

Before sending a child to a kindergarten, many parents are interested in the level of professional qualifications of the educator. Parents are very important to know and have an idea of \u200b\u200ba person who will spend time with their child. What kind of person it is, whether he likes a child, is a very important point. Will the child be trusted to this person, will his desire arise to cooperate and obey this person. How professional is he in his craft? What knowledge will he give a child?

The data obtained during the survey indicate that 68.8% of parents are satisfied with the professional qualifications of the educator, about 12% of parents are not satisfied with the professional qualifications of the educator. At the same time, we clearly negatively evaluating the professional qualifications of the unit, such parents are 1%.

The data of this survey suggest that most parents trust the educator that they rely on his professionalism. It was the teacher in kindergarten that is the main source of knowledge for the child.
In kindergarten, the teacher replaces the child a close adult. He is engaged in education, leisure organization. Sometimes it happens that adults, giving a child to a kindergarten, thus remove some of the responsibility for raising the child and shift this responsibility to the educator. On the one hand, parents believe that the educator will be able to explain more to the child more and more convey knowledge and skills. It may be well, because caregivers, as a rule, have a lot of experience in communicating with children and there are always answers to typical "children's" questions.

But as practice shows, the majority of parents who gave a child in kindergarten are partially removed from the obligation to raise him, thus taking this responsibility to educators. But the contribution to the development of the child should not be made not only close adults or only educators, but only their interaction greetings to the fact that the child will faster to receive knowledge and skills and adopt cultural and historical experience.

Effect of educator on the emotional child stability

Recently, the problem of emotional development of preschool children is increasingly attracting the attention of teachers and psychologists.

Those moral, aesthetic and intellectual feelings, which characterize a highly developed adult and who are able to inspire him to big things and for noble acts, are not given a child in finished sight from birth. The preschooler does not know how to independently express his feelings, emotional experiences without special education, since the ability to arbitrarily manage their actions and emotions develops throughout preschool childhood. Emotions pass the way of progressive development, acquiring increasingly rich content and increasingly complex forms of manifestation under the influence of social living conditions and education.

The emotional development of the preschooler is connected primarily to the emergence of new interests, motives and needs. Social emotions and moral feelings are intensively begin to develop. Changes in the emotional sphere are associated with the development of not only the motivational, but also cognitive sphere of personality, self-awareness.

Currently, the problem of the interrelationship of pedagogical communication and emotional adhesiveness of the preschooler is fairly relevant. It is confidently said that through communication in the pedagogical process there is an elusive, but an extremely important system of educational relationship, which contributes to the effectiveness of upbressing and learning. The problem of pedagogical communication occupies one of the central places in the psychological and pedagogical science (M.I. Lisin, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, O. Smirnova, etc.)

Pedagogical communication is a complex, multilayer process. It is a process of continuously developing and changing forms of communication, which form a dynamic communicative system.

Preliminary analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the influence of pedagogical communication on the emotional development of the preschooler made it possible to distinguish a number of contradictions:

1. Between the understanding of the teacher of his role in the personal development of the preschooler and the underestimation of its impact on the emotional state of the child.

2. Between the desire of the child be in a state of emotional comfort and inability to choose means of expressing their feelings and experiences in communicating with an adult (aspectant) and children.

The influence of the role of the teacher on the formation of the personality of the preschooler

A very important role in the formation of a child's psyche is played by an educator.

Parents serve as samples to imitate in the behavior of the preschooler and of course the educator.

Children see the genuine joy of the educator when they seek to succeed in anything, when they have a failure, anxiety, when the kid is mistaken.

The educator contributes to the acquaintance of children with the life of people who could serve decent behaviors(Fabulous heroes, characters of stories) .

All the rules that children are taught in kindergarten are gradually complicated. In the younger preschool age, children teach to observe the regime, handle toys. Form cultural and hygienic skills. Also children of this age teachwhat :

1. It is impossible to fight;

2. It is impossible to scream;

3. It is impossible to take away from the comrade;

The adult becomes a preschooler, the greater the more complex the rules of relationships. The assimilation is happening with great difficulty.

Faster than others perceive pedagogical requirements and assimilate them as a rule of behavior, children who have passed from the nursery in the group of kindergarten who came from families where they were brought up correctly. A very important role in mastering the rules of behavior by a preschooler has a pedagogical assessment. When the educator encourages all the success of the child in the fulfillment of the rules, children are mastering them faster.

Reasonable are the forms of self-affirmation of the preschooler.

The educator needs to give him the opportunity to meet the need for adults to his actions, self-affirmation.

If the child does not find an understanding of the educator, he finds other forms of self-affirmation, not the best way affecting his mental development(destroys the construction created by other, dismisses the discipline) . It is important to correctly understand the true motives of such a child's behavior and adjust their own pedagogical activities.

In an effort to self-affirmation, preschoolers get the motive of the competitiveness to win, defeat, be better than others. It is especially noticeable to the desire of senior preschoolers.

They love to compare their successes with the successes of others, they can take care, are very worried about their failures.

Interest in something new at the preschooler may not appear if he is only passively watching others. The educator should help the child to join in the actual knowledge of reality. It is necessary to use in working with preschoolers elements of problem learning, which give the opportunity to a child to independently detect new qualities of objects and phenomena of the world. In order to develop cognitive interests from preschoolers(5 - 7 years) Use saturated work. Children independently germinate seeds. Vegetables are grown, observed the growth of plants. Mustral motives are important in the formation of the behavior of the personality of the preschooler. By the end of the preschool age among these motives, social desires prevail to make the pleasant, the necessary people. Give benefit.

Already in the preschool age in the behavior of some children, the forms of the creative type of personality are manifested, in the other destructive.

The tutor is important for insignificant at first glance to notice the manifestation of a certain trend and skillfully correct the development of a child, as a person, to ensure every child the full ways of self-expression and self-affirmation.

A child with a high self-esteem feels more confident, bolder, more actively manifests his interests, abilities, puts higher goals.

The influence of adults on the formation of the self-assessment of the preschooler Veliko. The educator should strive to ensure that his behavior is an example for his pupils.

The role of the teacher in the formation of the child's personality.

Earth many professions, but the most important (in my opinion) is the profession - teacher. Only she solves many exciting questions in the life of a child. This is not a profession, but a lifestyle. This is awareness of great responsibility to the state, society, parents, and above all before students.

Personality teacher is a powerful factor in the formation of a child's personality. The social functions of the teacher are to introduce the younger generation to the cultural heritage, the public experience of older generations.

Communication with adults helps the child to establish social contacts, to know yourself and others, it has the most direct impact on the features and development of its communications with peers. The adult is a child as a sample for imitation, standard, and in communicating with peers, the child tries to communicate with them in communicating with adults of activities, special forms of interaction (M.I. Lisina, 1974). Thus, in communicating with peers until the end of the preschool age, the leading figure remains an adult.

In the development of the identity of the child, the transition from the sphere of natural children's and family groups in the sphere of pedagogically organized teams is played. Such a team occupies a special place in the formation of a person, since it is most purposefully and intensively formed by the Social Installations necessary for society, samples of behavior, knowledge, skills and skills of public life are acquired.

In the domestic literature, the role of an educator in the intellectual development of the preschooler, in the education of certain qualities, skills, skills, as well as the problem of the influence of the personal qualities of education for the development of the identity of the child, is analyzed in detail in the domestic literature. Due to the specifics of children's age (impressionability, emotionality, light suggestibility) Pedagogical impact The tutor has not only its intellectual and pedagogical abilities, but also personal qualities.

The educator is not only a carrier of various kinds of service (role-playing) duties, designed to correct, teach, teach a child. In this regard, the statement of KD is remembered. Ushinsky (1948) that in the upbringing everything should be based on the identity of the educator, because "the educational strength is poured only from the living source of the human person ...". The same thought leads to his work prominent Soviet teacher E.A. Arkin: "No development factor is able to penetrate into the depths of a childhood creature, finding the individual values \u200b\u200bhidden there, give them out and use, strengthen them and improve as the impact of the educator."

The ability of the teacher "to be personality" largely determines the process of education. The nature of the educator on the identity of the up-schoolboy is complex, deep and multifaceted. The works of A.A. Bodaleva (1982) emphasizes the importance of such components of the impact of the appearance of an educator, like a facial exposure, voice, gesture. At. Repin (1980), which also studied external features for children, found that the emotional repayment of the actions of preschoolers is easiest perceived by the facial feature of the acting person. For example, the emotional content of the picture is perceived by children through the facial expressions of the characters depicted. Along with the external peculiarities of the behavior of the educator, the most significant for children is the emotional and appraisal impact on them as an educator. Cholly fix and relay in communicating with peers individually and personal features of this side of the behavior of the educator.

The educator of a kindergarten forms near and together with parents the identity of the child. The well-being of a preschooler, his position in the group of peers, spiritual and social comfort is largely dependent on those emotions and assessments that the tutor manifests us when communicating with him.

Communication with adults helps the child to establish social contacts, to know yourself and others, it has the most direct impact on the features and development of its communications with peers. An adult is a child as a sample for imitation, reference, and in communication with peers, the child tries the activities assigned to them in communicating with adults, special forms of interaction.

One of the priority tasks of pre-school education at the present stage of the development of society is to organize an educational process aimed at maximum realization of the possibilities and interests of the child. As is known, the basis of any activity of the child-preschooler lies its own activity, including cognitive.

It is known that the cognitive activity of preschool children is developing from the need for new impressions, which is inherent in every person from birth. In a senior preschool age, on the basis of this need, in the process of development of approximately research activities, the child has a desire to learn and discover as much new as possible.

Cognitive activity - the desire for the most complete knowledge of the objects and phenomena of the world; A complex personality education, which is under shape under the influence of a wide variety of factors, both subjective and objective. Senior preschool age is considered a sensitive period for the development of the cognitive activity of the individual. But this does not mean that cognitive activity is formed independently. It is known that the child is a social being. Wednesday for it acts as a condition and source of development.

The level of cognitive activity in early childhood is determined by the child in the first years of life with the influence of the environment, the main factor of which is to communicate a child with his surrounding people, primarily with significant adults, relationships with which the child's relationships with the rest of the world.

The child's relationship with the outside world is carried out through adult as an intermediary. Under the leadership of an adult preschooler sends new activities, skills, skills. And here the own activity of children is directly related to the activity coming from an adult.

Therefore, pedagogical activity requires a modern teacher who seeks to form the informative activity of the child, the presence of the following personal parameters: the ability to active and versatile professional and socio-cultural activities; tacty, feelings of empathy, patientness and tolerance in relations with children and adults, willingness to accept and support them, and if necessary and defend; ability to provide intragroup and intergroup communication; Knowledge of the peculiarities of the mental development of children; Ability to own self-development and self-education.

The formation of the cognitive activity of preschoolers requires the teacher manifestation of a creative approach to the organization of the educational process. The creative potential of the teacher is characterized by a number of personality features, which are called signs of creative personality: the ability to notice and formulate alternatives, to question at first glance is obvious, avoid surface formulations; The ability to penetrate into the problem and at the same time break away from reality, see the prospect; the ability to abandon the orientation of authorities; The ability to submit a familiar object from a completely new side in a new context; Ability to associates (fast and free switching of thoughts, the ability to cause images in consciousness and create new combinations from them); memory willingness (mastering a largely large volume of systematized knowledge, orderliness and dynamism of knowledge) and the ability to generalize; Creativity, that is, the ability to turn the accomplished activities into the creative process. The child in preschool age is very dependent on the attitude towards him of adults (parents, an educator), which largely determines the child's self-esteem, forms a sense of confidence. Therefore, the children are so important to support, participation, interest and attention of an adult to his affairs and problems.

Adults should be able to see and understand the individuality of the child, its features and opportunities, consider it as a unique person with individual inclinations and creative potential. It is necessary to take into account the individual pace of development of each child, to observe its growth and development, compare the results of working with its own promotion, and not with the success of other children or a group level, never allow themselves to assess the identity of the child, but to speak out only about the results of his work.

The child can not be scolded and punished for failure in this or that activity, as this may lead to the emergence of a persistent negative attitude towards the process of knowledge of the new, teacher, the educational system as a whole.

It is necessary to form a positive microclimate in a group that supports cognitive interest and children's activity. If the child is difficult, and it is far from everything it turns out, it is often difficult for him to build relationships with other children, and here he needs the help of a tactful teacher who knows the deficiencies, allocate positive.

For the effective development of cognitive activity, the ability to see and appreciate in each child the only, unique, self-concrete and free personality, with individuals, and features only to her features. All this will help preserve the child's self-esteem, will help preserve and maintain a positive attitude towards the cognitive process.

The child, like an adult, is in the constant process of knowledge of the world, he thinks, analyzes, says, listens, understands, feels, communicates with other people. In the process of communicating with adults and peers, cognitive activity takes place intensive development of the child's personality, its cognitive activity is one of the main motivators of the cognitive activity of children is a teacher. Reactions to motivating actions are different: motivated for cognitive activity and not motivated. Motivated on any encouraging actions react to inclusion in cognitive activity, do not need any special motivars. Such children have formed cognitive interest, the establishment for cognitive activities. However, there are many children with a not motivated response to prompt action by the teacher.

The development of the cognitive activity of such children begins with the impact on the organs of their perception. In such a situation, bright demonstrations are useful, an interesting short story, which first attract attention is incorporated, create a problem situation. There is an unstable cognitive activity of low level - curiosity in the form of a question: "What was it?".

The mastery of the teacher in this case by the formulation of skillful issues, the imaginative of the imagination and emotions of the child should lead an curiosity to curiosity. Connecting thinking to solving the extended problem can lead to the development of cognitive activity. This whole process occurs under the guidance of the teacher

Under the conditions of modern society, specific requirements for the teacher of the preschool institution are needed, to implement a whole number of pedagogical functions: information, involving the ability to use speech expressiveness, accurately, briefly, logically express material and seek understanding, use various methods of presentation, to activate children in the process of mastering the material; Increased, providing for the ability to excite interest, attention, encourage activities, translate knowledge into practical actions, evaluate the activities, actions, consolidate the knowledge and ability of children in accordance with age; Constructive-organizational, including a number of skills: Plan a pedagogical process, select material, methods, techniques, means for substantive (educational, game, labor, etc.) activities, organize regime in different age groups, create a developing environment and use it as a means of education of the child's personality; diagnostic, containing the ability to identify the peculiarities of the physical and mental state of children and take into account this in their own activities, carry out accounting and control of the effectiveness of educational work as a whole, to establish the compliance of knowledge, skills and skills of behavior with the requirements of the program, to see the relationship of the child's development using various methods -patient work; Coordinating, involving the following ability: to establish business contacts with parents and colleagues, participate in pedagogical education of parents, reveal to them support, methods of public education, encourage parents to actively participate in the work of a preschool educational institution; Communicative, requiring high moral qualities and character traits, which manifest themselves in the ability to deal with children is always friendly, tactful, friendly, polite.

The development of the cognitive activity of high preschool children will largely depend on the methods with the help of which the teacher will organize the process of cognition of pupils: the method of unexpected decisions (the teacher offers a new non-sketchy solution to a task that contradicts the existing child's experience); The method of presenting tasks with an indefinite ending, which causes children to ask questions aimed at obtaining additional information; The method that stimulates the manifestation of the creative independence of the compilation of similar tasks on the new content, search for analogues in everyday life; The method of "deliberate errors", when the teacher chooses the wrong way to achieve the goal, and children discover this and begin to offer their ways and ways to solve the problem.

Thus, the teacher must own all pedagogical tools to pass through, to interest and develop the cognitive activity of senior preschoolers. Also significant are the personal qualities of the educator, such as the desire for self-development, the knowledge of the peculiarities of the mental development of children, creative potential, tactfulness and tolerance in relations with children and parents. Only knowing and loving children teacher-professional can form cognitive activity from senior preschoolers

The influence of adults on the formation of the self-assessment of the preschooler Veliko. The educator should strive to ensure that his behavior is an example for his pupils. INcapiter and child, how to measure the responsibility of an adult before this little defenseless man? How to instill in His soul confidence that he loved and never in a word, they will not be offended, do not wonder the emerging person? It is in the context of the interaction of teachers with children, actually, the development of the child's personality. Yes, the family is the first social institution for the kid, and the role of parents in what the child will grow undoubtedly determining. But the teacher definitely depends on the teacher, because in the walls of the pre-school institution, the guys spend a significant part of their lives.

In the kindergarten group, the educator is the most important person for the preschooler. The child is sadly trusted by the educator, gives him a continuing authority and all imaginable advantages: the mind, beauty, kindness. In the eyes of the child, the educator determines when you can play or go for a walk, pour or run, and when, together with all the children, you need to calmly sit and listen. The educator knows how to read wonderful books, knows many exciting stories. He acts as the last instance in the resolution of children's conflicts, it establishes the rules, he knows everything and can help, hold. Since the teacher is so significant for a child, it is precisely a huge responsibility for creating conditions for personal development.

One of the most important such conditions is to build a correct type of communication. It is the form and style of communication initially form a child's ability to trust themselves and peace. This trust is based on the further emotional personal and social development of the child, its direction and quality. The well-known fact that distortions in the relationship between an adult and the child lead to the formation of negative behavior - disobedience, actions in advance, stubbornness and whims.

The competence of the educator in cooperation with the child is one of the main components of the teacher's professionalism. A person competent in communicating, first of all, establishes a certain atmosphere of communication that helps his partner feel free and comfortable. A certain atmosphere is present in the communication of two or three people, but characterizes the overall situation in the constant group of people. A kindergarten group is no exception, and only cross the threshold, you canfeel the atmosphere that reign in it. For the development of the child, the psychological climate plays a significant role. The climate in the kindergarten group is defined as relations between the educator and children, so relations between the children themselves. A good climate in the group arises when all of her members feel freely, but at the same time they also respect the right of others themselves.

One of the priority indicators of a prosperous atmosphere in the team is to communicate an adult with a child in the form of cooperation, which involves equal interest and teacher, and a child in their overall activity, together in it. The position of the teacher at the same time, understanding and respecting the child's interest in certain activities, maintain and develop this interest to their active participation, to deliver the child to the child when the help is really required. Cooperation excludes all sorts of pressure from the teacher, and maintains the desire of a child to independence. Communication of the teacher with a child in the form of cooperation ensures its most complete development.

When interacting with children, the teacher's teacher's reaction is very important to a child or event. Sincerely rejoicing the success of the kid, sympathizing with his trouble, seriously and interested in his problems and failures, you provide a child with support in which a small person needs. Focusing on the educator's reaction, the child builds an idea of \u200b\u200bhis own successes and failures, mistakes or achievements, he has an idea of \u200b\u200bherself as a person. Therefore, in no case should it be necessary for bad mood, fatigue or irritation to be attended when interacting with the child.

All appeals to the child must certainly carry a positive shade, even if it is necessary to adjust the behavior or evaluate the performance with a negative result. For example, if a child could not do something during the lesson, in no case cannot be said to him: "Oh, you could not make such a simple thing!". It is also not necessary to get bored with this phrase: "Well, okay, nothing terrible," since the significance of the action and the orientation on a positive result is lost. Positive in this case will be a message type: "Thank you, you really tried." Such messages as: "It's so much better!", "Try more!", "I don't think it should be difficult for you", "everyone has failures", etc. Do not cause resentment and resistance, and therefore will encourage further actions. In this regard, the well-known Dale Carnegie gives good recommendations. Such its advice will be effective: Shard the pride of the person, try, as often as possible, praise it at all, but to criticize alone.

Before you criticize a person, praise it, and he will try to justify your trust. Do not disregard the slightest achievements and success. Even in situations associated with the danger for the child or other children, according to the rules of constructive communication, it is necessary to react not by prohibition and criticism, but a positive message designed to change the behavior of the child. Such a message should include the following components: a description of the action(When you …) ; Description of the possible result of this action(It can happen that ...); Offer alternative behavior(It will be better if you ...). Moreover, it is especially important not to be limited to an explanation, why should not be done or it is impossible, namely, it is to offer another behavior in this situation.

Naturally, any non-delegate act of a child must end with some measures of impact. But it should be remembered that if negative reinforcements are used more often than positive, then a steady negative stereotype is being formed in the child's consciousness, in which there is no place of joy, pleasure, love. The dominant feelings towards adults are anxiety and fear. And this, as is known, does not contribute to personal growth.

One of the important tasks of the educator standing in the position of educational education is the achievement of good contact with the child. In order to establish good contact, you must be sincerely interested in the child, as in personality, and therefore, in his thoughts, experiences, mood.

A prerequisite for good contact is sincere respect for communication partner. For a child, respect is a particularly important condition for interaction, as it is a signal that he loves, it means that he is good and everything turns out. Even every Shaland can find something valuable, distinguishing it from others, which means to put this quality as an example to other children. A child, especially starting with senior preschool age, to be an example for the surrounding children, most valuable. It must be remembered that children of preschool age are very suggested. Therefore, if a child does not praise, do not put as an example, but constantly say that it is bad, spoiled, etc., he gradually begins to perceive himself from the position of the negative, and bad behavior is fixed and becomes familiar.

"The child learn what life teaches him." Under such heading, the famous Dr. Barbara L. Wulf brings a list of statements that look, for example, in this way:« If the child is criticized, he learns to blame. "

So, on the type and quality of communication of the teacher with a child depends on the development of all its main mental processes, abilities and personal qualities. It was during the preschool childhood that a personal culture basis is laid. Whether the child is successful in the future life, initiative, independent, is responsible, the world and people depends on you, dear teachers.

There is no more humane, creative, serious, desired profession, as a profession - teacher. It is it that the foundation of all professions in the world. Only the teacher remains in the hearts of each student and accompanies them all his life. This profession for the soul, in the call of the heart!
Only the teacher "leads a child in life": teaches, brings up, directs spiritual and physical development. Only teachers

Features of the child's communication with adults are a fundamental determinant of mental development both in OTO and in disonatogenesis. A number of authors who study the impact of the personal qualities of the teacher to form a child's personality recognizes the insufficient development of this problem in practical terms: F.N. Gonobolin (1965); N.V. Kuzmina (1967); A.I. Shcherbakova (1967), R.O. Agavelyan (2000).

In the development of the identity of the child, the transition from the sphere of natural children's and family groups in the sphere of pedagogically organized teams is played. Such a team occupies a special place in the formation of a person, since it is most purposefully and intensively formed by the Social Installations necessary for society, samples of behavior, knowledge, skills and skills of public life are acquired.

Personality teacher is a powerful factor in the formation of a child's personality. The social functions of the teacher are to introduce the younger generation to the cultural heritage, the public experience of older generations.

Polls of kindergarten educators show that most teachers tend to highly appreciate the role of personality in pedagogical activities. Of these, 20% attach importance to the methodology, technologies, 10% - personal characteristics of the educator and 30% are inclined to connect both.

Communication with adults helps the child to establish social contacts, to know yourself and others, it has the most direct impact on the features and development of its communications with peers. The adult is a child as a sample for imitation, standard, and in communicating with peers, the child tries to communicate with them in communicating with adults of activities, special forms of interaction (M.I. Lisina, 1974). Thus, in communicating with peers until the end of the preschool age, the leading figure remains an adult.

The same traditions can be found in the writings of the Russian Christian Psychologist V.V. Zenkovsky. In his work, "Problems of Education in the Light of Christian Anthroposophy", he writes that one of the main tasks of the teacher is to comprehend and justify faith in the children's soul. In his opinion, faith in a children's soul as the basis and justification of all the upbringing is intended only in the teaching about a person who reveals Christianity. Education should prepare for life in time, but also to life in eternity. The topic of serving Dobre is an eternal topic, an introduction to the beginning of eternity - in the very idea of \u200b\u200bgood. The meaning of the upbringing is revealed in the light of the ideas of salvation "Meeting with good, when it is good sincerely and deeply defines our attitude towards people, when they do not play passion, always responds in the soul of others; Especially sensitive to true good child souls who quickly learn to look at the harsh appearance, for the pedanticity of kindness. Children's souls perceive everything genuine and deep in the elders. They may not respond, even mock and angry, but in the depths of the soul they still absorb the rays of good, and sooner or later it will affect them. " There is nothing more important for the teacher than to penetrate into a specific, unique person, the soul of the child, to join her, help her. And there is only one way of approaching the mystery of the soul of a person - the path of love for him.

The concept of an age development of the individual emphasizes that the leading principle of this process is an activity - mediated type of interaction with the most reference for individuals by persons. For a preschooler, these are close adults: parents, educators in kindergarten.

In the domestic literature, the role of an educator in the intellectual development of the preschooler, in the education of certain qualities, skills, skills, as well as the problem of the influence of the personal qualities of education for the development of the identity of the child, is analyzed in detail in the domestic literature. Due to the specifics of children's age (impressionability, emotionality, light suggestibility) Pedagogical impact The tutor has not only its intellectual and pedagogical abilities, but also personal qualities.

The educator is not only a carrier of various kinds of service (role-playing) duties, designed to correct, teach, teach a child. In this regard, the statement of KD is remembered. Ushinsky (1948) that in the upbringing everything should be based on the identity of the educator, because "the educational strength is poured only from the living source of the human person ...". The same thought leads to his work prominent Soviet teacher E.A. Arkin: "No development factor is able to penetrate into the depths of a childhood creature, finding the individual values \u200b\u200bhidden there, give them out and use, strengthen them and improve as the impact of the educator."

The ability of the teacher "to be personality" largely determines the process of education. The nature of the educator on the identity of the preschooler is complex, deep and multifaceted. The works of A.A. Bodaleva (1982) emphasizes the importance of such components of the impact of the appearance of an educator, like a facial exposure, voice, gesture. At. Repin (1980), which also studied external features for children, found that the emotional repayment of the actions of preschoolers is easiest perceived by the facial feature of the acting person. For example, the emotional content of the picture is perceived by children through the facial expressions of the characters depicted. Along with the external peculiarities of the behavior of the educator, the most significant for children is the emotional and appraisal impact on them as an educator. Cholly fix and relay in communicating with peers individually and personal features of this side of the behavior of the educator.

The educator of a kindergarten forms near and together with parents the identity of the child. The well-being of a preschooler, his position in the group of peers, spiritual and social comfort is largely dependent on those emotions and assessments that the tutor manifests us when communicating with him. This topic is especially important in the context of the education of children with a delay in development, since the success of overcoming development delay largely depends on the feeling of successful capable.

The works of a number of researchers who studied the features of emotional reactions caused by the preschooler with estimates of adults revealed specific shifts of physiological emotions (change in the pulse rate, muscle tension, etc.), accompanied by a change in the effectiveness of the task and the overall strategy of behavior. Evaluation of the educator, its relationship helps the preschooler to evaluate peers and themselves, to relate the results of their activities and other children, and a positive assessment for children with development defects is especially important. The opinion of the educator also affects those assessments of children of their peers, which would seem to be outside of its influence, it serves for preschoolers a kind of point of reference, allows you to form positive self-esteem and self-excitation.

However, a number of personal qualities of the teacher can directly or indirectly contribute to the development of socio-pedagogical neglection in children. The following factors of such influence are revealed:

· Personal anxiety factor and supercontrolleconduct from the teacher through dominance or hyperophec, which leads to a decrease in the social activity of the child and makes it difficult to form its subjectivity.

· Factor of preferential development of verbal intelligence Pedagogues and, as a result, the predominance of verbal forms of learning and education in their work, which is contrary to the underdeveloped verbal intelligence in the launched children, negatively affecting the results of learning activities.

· Factor of behavioral aggressiveness of teachers Against the background of inadequate self-esteem means that they unconsciously provoke the responses of children.

· Factor indifference, formal relationship The sensitive, unbalanced and unprotected child destroys individual-emotional communication, does not contribute to solving the problems of the child.

· Factor of inadequate attitude towards himself and unoccalued image "I" teacher It suggests that educators and teachers weakly understand themselves and their own problems. Without able to correctly appreciate and accept yourself, they are not able to do so in relation to problem children, for whom adoption and recognition by others are the most relevant problem.

On the occurrence and development of the socio-pedagogical neglence of children can influence such personal features of teachersAs: increased mood variability, fatigue, irritability, indecision and anxious imperidity, supercontrol, emotional coldness, as well as low level of sensitivity, openness, desire to attract the attention of children.

Often, by virtue of various reasons, teachers cease to be interesting for children are not an example to imitate in intellectual activity, they do not develop their mental abilities.

Based on the studies, it can be concluded that the non-harmonic development of the teacher's personality, the absence of self-satisfaction, self-esteem, the ability to see their life is holing, the possibility of living hereby reduce the factor of pedagogical influence.

For teachers of kindergartens, according to R.V. Ovcharova, especially relevant is the problem of increasing pedagogical skills, because in many indicators of professional qualities they do not reach the optimality zones. Professional incompetence leads to the low quality of the pedagogical process, is ineffective for ordinary children, and in pedagogically launched, problem children, leads to demotivation of knowledge and teachings, underdevelopment of cognitive interests, inadener learning activities in general.

It seems to us that the devastating effects of the influence of these factors will further exacerbate the situation of the development of an anomalous child, causing the emergence of secondary emotional-personal and behavioral disorders in children with a delay in mental development, autism phenomena, minimal brain dysfunction, etc., thereby not only not to contribute But also preventing overcoming the lag and asynchronium in development.

A significant role in the development of the identity of the preschooler is given the peculiarities of the relationship of the teacher with children. So, in the work of V.G. Maralova "Psychology of the pedagogical interaction of an educator with children" provides interesting data on the impact of the teaching orientation for the social activity of children of preschool age. The essence of the experiment was as follows. Groups were allocated, where both educators had personal orientation in working with children; In other groups, one educator was operated on a personal model of interaction, and the other is an educational and disciplinary; Groups were created, where both teachers were focused on a disciplinary model of interaction. The activity of children was studied with the help of special techniques, the basis of which was monitored and survey. The techniques allowed to distinguish five types of children: with the predominance of the initiative and execution (optimal type); with a predominance only initiative; Children with a predominance of only execution; socially impulsive (externally active, but their initiatives are poor-quality, the extension suffers); Socially passive children. The results of the experiment showed that in groups where both educators were focused on the personal interaction model, for 40% of preschoolers, the optimal type of activity is characterized, and only 5% of children turned out to be socially impulsive and socially passive. In groups, where both educators had a disciplinary orientation, there were 14% of the optimal type children, 21% of children are socially impulsive and 25% of children passive. The data obtained is sufficiently convincing and indicate that a personal-oriented teacher more effectively affects the development of the identity of the child, which is expressed in its ability to optimal emergency initiative

Thus, the orientation of the teacher to the personal model of interaction creates prerequisites for the abandonment of stereotypes of professional activity, contributes to its openness by a positive attitude towards children, the optimal formation of their personality.

Our experience in communicating with teachers of kindergartens made it possible to conclude that it often dismistence of the peculiarities of the mental development of children with the CRAP often leads to a general negative assessment of these children as "stupid", "lazy", "stubborn", which in preschool children leads to the emergence of secondary development deviations, such as anxiety, uncertainty, understatement of self-esteem and levels of claims, and, as a result, refusal of activities; Development of negativism and protective forms of behavior (aggression, care from communication). The situation of the primary defect is thus further aggravated and instead of the positive dynamics of development, the traits of the child's neurotic appear are clearly. This situation largely identified our decision on the need to create specialized groups for children from the CPR based on general education institutions. In this case, simultaneously with the possibility of communication of children from the CRAP with normally developing peers, it was possible to provide special psychological and pedagogical training of teachers to work with children with deviating development.

Professional and Personal Characteristics of the teacher

special Education

Requirements for the teacher working with children with deviating development began to develop at the beginning of the last century. Special requirements for this group of specialists were presented by M. Montessori, V.P. Kashchenko, L.S.Vigotsky, etc. "The lower the level of the child's mental development, the higher the level of education of the teacher," wrote a well-known German teacher-defectologist P. Schuman (quince of:).

At the present stage, attempts are made to make a professional teacher (N.M. Nazarov, B.P. Puzanov, S.G. Shevchenko, Agavelyan R.O., etc.). The general idea of \u200b\u200bthe teacher defectologist is described by N.M. Nazarova:

1. The worldview of the teacher-deuterine It is the result of understanding and personal assessment of processes occurring in social and spiritual life and affecting the place and role of people with special general education needs in society. It is characterized by a humane assessment of the role of a person in the modern world, including a person with development deviations.

2. Personal qualities: The teacher-defectologist must have a "Special Soul Warehouse", to be active, initiative, confident in the successful result of its professional activities, friendly, tactful. The most important features of the professional nature of the teacher-defectologist - kindness, responsibility, optimism, patience, empathy, energy, passionateness of their work, loyalty to the vital interests of people with disabilities, respect and love for their pupils, professional honesty and decency.

3. Social activity: The teacher defectologist must constantly study, develop and improve its professional experience and share them with colleagues, like-minded people, parents. The scope of his professional activity is such that he often has to be the initiator and an active participant in the social shares of mercy, charity, protecting the rights of persons with disabilities. Professional optimism is manifested in its socially active attitudes towards a subject of pedagogical impact, and to the normal majority of society - the environment in which the pupils of the teacher-defectologist should be included, and to themselves as an active person and the decisive factor of positive changes in the life of people with development deviations.

4. Health Requirements. Professional activities of the teacher-defectologist refers to the number of those that are conjugaten by professional hassiness that have a negative impact on the state of health. In this regard, there are contraindications to this type of labor of those who have deviations in a state of health and a significant inconsistency of the personal psychogram of the professional psychogram of the teacher-defectologist. Special requirements are imposed on the state of health of hearing, vision, nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems. Physical endurance, high resistance to infectious diseases, sustainable mental health; If there is a hearing impairment, there must be its full compensation in social terms (speech, thinking, communication). Specialists and, of course, speech therapists, it is necessary to have the right speech and the inadequate pronunciation of sounds.

Thus, N.M. Nazarova as the main requirements for the teacher-defectologist determines the system of knowledge and skills, humanistic worldview, the requirements for personal qualities and the state of health and human activity.

HELL. Gonev through the analysis of the components of readiness for pedagogical activity (motivational value; cognitive, operational and practical; emotional-volitional and reflexive) makes an attempt to allocate the features of correctional and pedagogical activities and the components of readiness for working with children with development deviations. Thus, the motives of correctional and pedagogical activities can be represented by a group of motives expressing the need for. which is the basis of the content of the profession; Motives associated with its origin with a reflection of certain features of the profession (motifs of social significance); A group of motives expressing the previously established personal needs, actualized when interacting with the profession (the motives of self-affirmation, self-realization); The motives expressing the features of self-awareness of the individual in the conditions of interaction with the profession (conviction in its own professional fitness, in possessing creative potential, in the ability to find special approaches to children who have deviations in behavior); A group of motives reflecting the interest of personality in the results of their professional activities (possession of elements of pedagogical skills, an impact on the formation of a person).

Thus, in the block motivational value readiness You can allocate:

- motifs associated with attitudes towards pedagogical activities;

- motives associated with the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and skills and personal qualities in demand in professional activities;

- Motives helping it all self-realize in pedagogical activities.

Cognitive component of readiness for pedagogical activity associated with knowledge and can be considered as a process and result, i.e. As a process of accumulation of knowledge and a certain level of common-goal and special knowledge, the corresponding stage of their systematic and pedagogical orientation. In the process of accumulation of knowledge, there is a revaluation of its own abilities for pedagogical activities.

Operating and practical component of readiness for pedagogical activity Includes the ability of the teacher to reasonably determine and rationally apply the paths and methods of the most efficient achievement of the goal.

Emotional-volitional component of readiness It is considered as a manifestation of certain feelings for pupils, to the profession, the presence of a sense of debt and personal responsibility for the final result in the pedagogical process. It is also the ability to control themselves in specific situations and direct your skills to perform the tasks of education, the ability to overcome doubts, fear; The ability to mobilize the will in a complex setting. The fundamental component of professional sustainability in correctional and pedagogical work is the ability to self-regulation, amateur activities, to pedagogical creativity, the ability to regulate their emotional state, to search for new approaches to the resolution of complex social situations.

Component of reflexive readiness. As part of the correctional and pedagogical activities, it is important to take into account the significant role of reflection, since in the course of such work it is important to evaluate every step, to see the new opportunities of your own and pupil.

Thus, A.D. Gonev determines the components of readiness, and N.M. Nazarova - requirements for the teacher-defectologist. From these works for the purposes of our study, we are most important than the following components of personal and professional readiness: the motivational component and the worldview, which are determined by the identity of the individual; personal qualities; Emotional stability and social activity of the individual, which contributes to its permanent self-improvement; Socio-perceptual abilities described by R.O. Agavelyan in the work "Socio-perceptual features of the personality of a special school teacher in professional activity."

Agavelyan R.O. Notes that teachers of special institutions for successful professional and personal growth when working with children should rely on a sufficiently high degree of transcoding of non-verbal and other iconic signals about a person when perceiving and understanding the image of another. Particularly significant components of this perceptive process, when perception and understanding is aimed at the characteristics of the properties, the qualities of the personality, behavior, the inner world and the social portrait of the object of perception. Such observation, activity in a rather complicated process of understanding the identity of another person is reflected in the processes of regulating their own behavior.

The accuracy of perception, its volume and rich dictionary during verbalization is evidence of not only the activity of the cognitive sphere, and the identity orientation of the person to interact with other people. The need for this parameter, according to the author, is obvious, because A developed socio-perceptual sphere will allow not only to accurately perceive and differentiate even minor deviations in activities, behavior, well-being and other parameters of the holistic look of the student, but also create optimal conditions for the preservation of the psycho-energy potential of the teacher himself.

In research R.O. Agavelyan revealed that special teachers showed a high level of transcoding of non-verbal signs in the perception of an unfamiliar person and with a sufficient degree of accuracy recognized the features of emotional manifestations from the object of knowledge. The recognition process itself flows jumps like that is due to insufficient correlation recognition between the non-verbal expression of emotional manifestation and the emotion itself. The basis of this process is the insufficient identity focus on decoding emotional signs. Incomplete detailing in the process of perception, which may indicate insufficient social and perceptual training of teachers. All these shortcomings, in his opinion, are easily corrected.

In special schools, where the object of perception and understanding has a pronounced pathology, fixing the socio-perceptual signs higher than in schools, according to the program close to general education. The assessment of students in the teachers of specialschools is based on the correlation of academic adequacy / noticeability, the well-being of the family, the characteristic of children wears aidactic-declarative nature, when forming a social image of a student justified by clinical and diagnostic indicators. This approach meets the requirements of the subject-object relationship, leads teachers to combustion syndrome, and children - to violate their rights to be a member of society, i.e. leads to disadaptation.

Students of special schools are not subjective-significant for teachers, because They do not correspond to their needs and motivational sphere in their personal characteristics. Thus, the pedagogues of Speccol detected a low level of empathic orientation in relation to children. R.O. Agavelyan binds it with relationships to the student as an assessment object, and not as a subject of activity.

Also noted the manifestation of professional discomfort in the emotional, social, sense-forming plan, which is based on:

1) distortion of the social role of the teacher when he communicates with the student at the level of interrogial, not interpersonal contacts;

2) reassessment of regulatory values \u200b\u200bleading to a decrease in the motivation of pedagogical activities;

3) Low level of empathy to children;

4) the lack of children in a significant circle of communication teachers;

5) deformation of information, emotional-estimated and behavioral components, semantic installations of teachers.

With self-knowledge and self-observation, many teachers special school reflect their positive qualities. The personality is the nature of the social stamp, the stereotype inherent in the representative of this profession, is largely aimed at the didactic functions, personal structures aimed at children are not always sustainable.

In the self-denial of negative traits of the teacher, a real stable emotional voltage is fixed, which leads to the combustion syndrome and causes the formation of semantic and personality-emotional barriers between the teacher and students, and in some cases, the emergence of aggression to them (in people who have not reached self-actualization vertices), as well as Voltage relative to colleagues.

The author notes that the discrepancy between the teachers between the "I-real" and "I-ideal" leads to the reactions of defensive type. This can be expressed in the manifestation of professional combustion syndrome, which part of the teachers is manifested in a passive position or through a neurotic disruption.

Hopelessness as a personality condition is expressed in teachers in a weak form. This is evidence that many of them seek professional growth. In the teachers of all types of special schools, a sufficient degree of sociability is revealed, expressing in kindness, regulations in behavior, gullibility, emotionality. These data are confirmed by the positive characteristics of the teachers during auto-peer. But according to this factor, very high indicators were not revealed, therefore, the average indicator is characteristic of evaluating activities in a traditional approach.

Many teachers are not peculiar to social courage and activity. They are not inclined to risk and prefer a narrow circle of subjectively significant persons for themselves. Many teachers are inclined to some self-confidence, which leads to an increase in self-esteem.

Individual features of teachers can be in dissonance: stiffness and worn can be combined with well-being. Part of the teachers there is a tendency to practicality, goodwill, orientation for external reality and following regulatory rules. Many teachers are characterized by some rectinence, element of naivety and immediacy in behavior. The manifestation of various qualities of the individual depends on the characteristics of their combination and stability.

Thus, based on the analysis of sources, the following components and indicators of the professional personality readiness of the teacher to work with children with deviations in development can be distinguished.

1. Motivation. Motivation is the main component of the identity. The pedagogical focus determines the individual and typical peculiarity of the teacher's personality. The motives of the pedagogical calling are: the consciousness of the utility of their activities, interest in pedagogical activity, the desire for communicating with children, the desire to transfer their knowledge and experience, the desire for self-expression, self-improvement and creative work. These motives, pronounced equally, determine the democratic style of interaction between the teacher with pupils.

2. Personal qualities of the teacher.

Volizage - commitment, ability to decide, responsibility, operational, adjacent, excerpt, energy.

Moral - kindness, conscientiousness, principle, truthfulness, selflessness, justice, modesty, cooperation, purposefulness.

Attitude towards pupils - understanding, presentation of reasonable requirements, sympathy, high assessment of their interests, abilities, the ability to be with them on equal terms, the ability to occupy the position of the child. Attitude towards pupils is determined by the level of development of socio-perceptual abilities.

Emotional stability as an identity property involves harmonization and flexibility of affective manifestations, the ability to revive genuine, cause positive, control negative emotions, that is, to show flexibility of behavior, non-standard, creativity in communicating with people, in activities (suggests the lack of character accentuations).

3. Abilities. In this case, the ability to self-development, self-improvement that reduce the risk of manifestation of "professional combustion" syndrome.

Based on the dedicated components of professional personality readiness and based on the levels of preparedness for professional activities described by L.F. Rezanova, you can select the levels of professional and personal readiness of the educator of a special pre-school institution to work with children:

· The high level is characterized by the highest degree of formation of professional and significant personal qualities, socio-perceptual abilities, the ability to control their actions, actions, evaluation, relations, taking the meaning of personal self-improvement, sustainable motivation aimed at the formation of a child's personality, its socialization in society.

· The average level is characterized by sufficiently developed professional-significant personal qualities, the ability to self-education, but not always a creative approach to solving situations arising in professional activities, the insufficient ability to make a child with co-author of the educational process, excessive timidity, high behavioral control, critical self-analysis.

· Low level is characterized by incorrect representation of its own capabilities, inadequate self-esteem, low empathion, inadequateness of emotional tone in communicating with pupils, lack of cooperation in an educational process, not understanding the need for self-improvement.

According to the results of our studies of the personal and professional features of teachers of specialized groups and classes, studying relations to problem children, a number of specific features were identified (teachers who work in specialized groups and classes of general educational institutions of Berdsk, about 60 people participated in the experiment. The main part of teachers starting working with children in specialized groups is subject to common poorly visible stereotypes about the image of a child:

· Stereotype on the relationship of the success of the cognitive activity of the child with his personal features is extremely distributed.

· An assessment of the identity of the child is often constructed with such parameters as the presence in the family of both parents (complete - incomplete families), the material well-being of the family.

· Restless, defectable, hyperactive children are attributed to the tendency to asocial behavior in the future, they are considered "difficult", "unfavorable", "uncontrollable." But children demonstrating subordination, some passivity and addiction, the inclination to follow the instructions, teacher's comments, are evaluated by teachers as prosperous, successfully developing.

· A certain role in the process of pedagogical communication with an abnormal child is also played by emotional and aesthetic stereotypes. From the external attractiveness of the child to a certain extent, the assessment of his personal qualities, pronounced defects (paresis of muscles of the face, salivation, squint, impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system) are able to cause negative reactions from teachers, unwillingness to engage with the child individually and even squeamishness when leaving for Him. Such a problem was discussed at one of the practitioners of psychological training for the development of pedagogues' sensitivity and, as it turned out, was not a partner who spoke through this situation, having a lot of experience and experience.

· Because of the weak psychological and personal readiness of teachers, the descriptive characteristics of the child are didacative-declarative in nature, clinical and diagnostic indicators are practically not taken into account, which is largely explaining the behavior and psychological features of the child's personality.

However, the action of stereotypes is distributed in the conditions of a shortage of information about the identity of the child. As you get acquainted with children, interacting in class, in your free time, in the process of observing behavior in various situations, discussing such issues in the training of sensitivity development assessment of the child's teacher is increasingly individualized and is determined by the nature of behavior and activities, relationships and emotional manifestations.

A special role in the process of pedagogical communication, interaction with a child who has certain shortcomings of development, empathy is given. The development of effective, positive relationships, productive pedagogical communication depends on the development of empathy abilities. In a primary study, we identified medium and low emphasis indicators for children. This is seen to the reflection of the general trend in relation to children with development problems, as well as the attitude of the teacher to the child as an assessment object, emotional non-vermination of teachers for children. For the same reason, the child does not become significant for the teacher. But, since empathy is a dynamic formation, then by special impact on the identity, it is possible to achieve a positive shift of empathy in the degree, level and adequacy of manifestations. This was confirmed by the data of a control study that revealed an increase in emphasis indicators from teachers after the passage of special training, seminars, consultations from a psychologist.

A significant part of the teachers has emotional instability, high emotional tensions, anxiety. According to projective methods, part of the teachers, the high rates of aggressiveness, lower self-assessment and the level of claims, the trend towards dominance, confrontation, protective forms of behavior. All this indicates the manifestations of combustion syndrome, difficulties in communicating. You can agree with the opinion of R.O. Agavelin, noting that psychological difficulties in communicating among special school teachers carry emotional load and represent personal deformations in relations, which indicates the centers of the teacher. The tension itself, leading to a violation of subject-subject relations, acts in the form of psychological protection, forming reactions of defensive type. An incomplete taking itself as a personality, dissatisfaction with professional activities, insecurity and success of their activities are the causes of neurotic, exposure to frustration phenomena.

Socio-psychological portrait of the teacher of the pre-school institution


The role of the educator in the development of the child's personality

Famous Soviet teacher A. S. Makarenko, emphasizing the role and responsibility of the teacher, wrote: "I am confident in a completely impossible power of educational impact. I am sure that if a person is poorly brought up, the teachers are solely to blame. If the child is good, then he is also obliged to upbringing his childhood "

Speakingly, education in the development of personality acts as an important factor along with heredity and medium. It ensures the socialization of the individual, programms the parameters of its development, taking into account the multifaceted effects of various factors. Education is a planned, long-term process of specially organized children's life in learning and education. And it is from the educator who depends on what this process will be intense or psychologically comfortable for the children's team.

M.I. Lisin in his research has proven that the level of cognitive activity in early childhood is determined by the child in the first years of life with the influence of the environment, the main factor of which is to communicate the child with his people around him, primarily with significant adults, relationships with which the child's relationships with everything else world. Namely, one of the tasks of pre-school education is the development of cognitive activity, very important for the child.

The child's relationship with the outside world is carried out through adult as an intermediary. Under the leadership of an adult preschooler sends new activities, skills, skills. And here the own activity of children is directly related to the activity coming from an adult. Therefore, pedagogical activity requires a modern teacher, seeking to form the informative activity of the child, the presence of the following personal parameters:

· Abilities for active and versatile professional and socio-cultural activities;

· Tacty, feelings of empathy, patient and tolerance in relations with children and adults, willingness to take and support them, and if necessary and defend;

· Ability to provide intragroup and intergroup communication;

· Knowledge of the peculiarities of the mental development of children;

· Ability to own self-development and self-education.

Since many scientists have proven to communicate in the development of the child, as not the teacher communicates or directs this communication in the right direction. And if all the personal parameters listed above are presented in one way or another in the teacher, the process of the development of the child's personality will be undoubtedly higher. Numerous psychological studies show that child communication with adults is the main and decisive condition for the formation of all mental abilities and the qualities of the child. It is an adult that opens the child with all the variety of emotions, speech, perception, etc. And if the adult does not explain the child that the snow is white, but the earth is black, then the child does not know this.

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