"Encyclopedia of Montessori. Early development, education, environment". “Montessori Encyclopedia” Tim Seldin Montessori Encyclopedia early development education environment

I read a novelty, and then it turns out what lives in me Montessori Mom... Only earlier it was all intuitive or from the experience of other mothers and teachers from different countries. And after reading it, it turned out that my thoughts were in order. While I was reading the text, my impressions changed:
at first it seemed that I knew all this and have been doing it for a long time;
then she even became irritated by the extreme simplicity of the presentation;
but from the second chapter on, short step-by-step instructions for ordinary everyday situations conquered me completely.
A trip to dotted the i's: the ideas of Montessori in practice. !

Accessible boxes

What we liked about the Montessori Encyclopedia:

  • the most accessible structured practical presentation: no incomprehensible theories, unnecessary reflections;
  • print quality and the ratio of text to illustrations: it's nice to return to what you read, just leaf through;
  • the book is ideal for those parents and adults who have never encountered pedagogy in any way (and thank God). An irreplaceable gift for grandparents who want to keep up with the times, but they do not have specific mechanisms for how to do this in everyday life. Employees and owners of children's development centers and clubs for preschoolers. And educators of any kindergarten will also be useful: to understand what else I can do important, interesting, how much, it turns out, I do. And all this is Montessori;
  • book author Tim Seldin - Absolute Practitioner, President The Montessori Foundation... For 23 years now he has been studying Montessori gardens and schools, together with Tim, 5 more best Montessori teachers have worked on the encyclopedia;
  • ideas and advice from the book are easy to implement in an ordinary family, even if not all and not all at once, but it is quite accessible;
  • It is not necessary to read the encyclopedia in its entirety from the first visit: we select the chapter of interest (there are 6 of them) and we draw what is needed.

Children's room secrets


Parenting is a full-time job.

Not every teacher becomes a parent, but every parent should be a teacher.

The basic idea is that life is a holiday. The small daily chores we do to highlight special events and show our love for each other can make a huge difference to both your child and you.

Left to their own devices small children usually make a mess... At the same time, they have a strong need and love for order around. Try to organize the space in the rooms where the child spends the most time, so that it is easy for him to keep it clean.

You should not give him too many books or toys at once (we have tested it from the first year of life: the less, the better). Divide them into three parts: favorites, which are constantly on the shelves, and two or three sets that change monthly or at different intervals (toys are old, but new interest, wild savings on new toys).

You can create a basket with several small rugs that your child will lay out to indicate their work area when they want to play on the floor.

Buying quality art supplies is important.- paints, brushes, pencils and crayons, paper, etc. - and teach the child how to properly handle them and how to store them when not in use. (You can throw stones at me here: I can't stand low-quality books, toys and stationery. I confess, I'm a snob about that. And I can't help myself ...)

To reading through writing

Scientifically proven that music is directly related to the development of areas of the brain responsible for mathematical abilities and recognition of patterns and patterns.

Silence game: we seem to have almost forgotten what silence is. We need to help children understand her beauty. When we are silent, we hear ourselves and become much more receptive to the world. (rules on page 68)

Independence- the main incentive for a small child. In an effort to achieve it, children learn many skills through play.

The best way to encourage your child to try something new is- show him clearly and slowly what needs to be done, as simply as possible so that he can understand everything. Then give him time to try it himself, make your mistakes and fix them. Try to see the world through the eyes of a child. By clearly defining boundaries for him and giving gentle instructions, you will help him learn to act independently, and provide the self-respect and self-confidence that come with independence.

First mathematics

We have in the near future:

  • create or arrange baskets with treasures: themed sets of toys, pieces, cards ... for games and language lessons at home (animals, pirate basket, vegetables and fruits ...);
  • a desk in the nursery and a place for independent reading;
  • holidays of different countries at home (pp. 152 - 154), there will still be a detailed report on this.

There is no perfect methodology or theory that would suit everyone and in everything. But why not take advantage of the best ideas?

Montessori: Maria Montessori was born in Italy in 1870 and became the first female doctor in her country. From my own experience, I was convinced that children are born with great potential, which develops if adults provide the right stimuli in the first years of a child's life. Maria drew attention to the fact that young children feel uncomfortable in a world where all the surrounding objects are designed for adults ... (pp. 12 - 13 in the Encyclopedia)

You can find out more about the book and order it

Text and photo - Irina Khmelnitskaya

Lida, hello.
I don't know how deeply you are familiar with the Montessori system. I'm going to teach my child at home using this system at home myself (partially, of course), so now I am very actively studying it in all possible sources. I also faced the fact that many books are written for parents who seemed to be born yesterday, and this is the first book they read about child development. After the first few pages, it becomes boring - we all have been doing this for a long time, everyone writes about it like that.
I have not read this book, probably, it is also strongly adapted for parents, I will take it from the library for interest in the original.

It must be remembered that Montessori was the first to propose a revolutionary approach for its time. And all the classes, manuals, small tables and so on in modern kindergartens - this is her beginning. These are echoes of her system, which were borrowed by all the others (and it's good that there is no patent, the system is distributed freely). You need to understand how to choose a Montessori school, they are really very different, depend on teachers, management, etc.

Books for teachers, if you get into the hands of teachers' diaries, Fausek books, etc., are completely different than books for parents. I learned the philosophy and meaning of the system from the teachers through webinars, it was much clearer and more intelligible, so I leaf through the first parts of the books. I am interested in the practical part, and it is just incredible. No other kindergarten will offer this, only the classic Montessori of good quality.

Example: Cosmic education - at the age of 6, children are told stories about the beginning of beginnings, the Big Bang, after which there are stories about the origin of life, and so on. After each story, a long practical part begins, the children write their own reports (starting from 6 years old) and speak to classmates (children 6-9 years old). Knowledge is fed in the system from the general to the particular: the origin of everything, space, planets, then comes the Earth, continents, countries, animals, man, society, body structure, cells, etc., the list is far from complete and may not be in that okay a little. Every year of study, elements are added to this system, everything is considered in more detail, according to the interest of the child. Children dig into encyclopedias and study a bunch of literature. The child develops a holistic view of the world, new knowledge fits in the appropriate order. In my opinion, this is very valuable.
I can write the same poem for you about teaching mathematics (all through hands, fingers, an amazingly logical and simple system that gives a deep, versatile understanding of the subject), reading (in general education kindergartens and schools, ordinary children with no developmental disabilities and for graduation classes sometimes cannot read ! I have never heard of this in Montessori) - children write books starting from the age of three (a word-picture on each page for a start), first they will satisfy their interest in writing, you probably noticed how in the region of three years all children want everywhere write letters, and then “suddenly” they know how to read.

Well, also, Montessori was not a supporter of any games with benefits (feed the caterpillar, string butterflies on a wire according to colors, etc.). All her manuals are simple, they are about the essence of the subject and the action. The child forms the concept of color, is interested - takes color plates. I got interested in the figures - no pictures with clowns + put the circles in place of the nose, pompom, etc., but just a board with holes for circles of different diameters. This is a very important moment, the child learns to see the essence and be interested in the action itself, and not in the surroundings and game moments. And he is interested!

It is, unfortunately, a popular judgment - to call Montessori manuals different variations of manuals and toys that have little to do with them. She used wood because then there was no plastic either, well, wood transfers heat and has different weights (like, for example, all the bricks of the Pink Tower), that is, it is much more sensory than plastic. Well, the quality of the materials should be excellent, so children learn to value durable, impeccably executed, high-quality things (plus, most materials are not painted), and not one-day cheaper plastic fakes.

Well, in the end, if you are still reading, I can say that it was after the webinars about Montessori that I changed a lot in my relations with children and my approach to education. Jacket on the floor - why not? We often put it on the sofa, but when a one and a half year old toddler proudly shouts "himself!" and he really puts on the jacket himself, gladly demonstrating his ability to everyone, it costs a lot. Or when children themselves pour themselves soup and therefore eat to the last spoon because they themselves have decided how much they want to eat. In my childhood, at the age of three, I did not take the plate myself to the sink. It is clear that I learned this at the age of five without any problems, but the approach changes the outlook on the life of the baby as a whole, that's what I mean.

We decided not to pay for the education of children, but to actively engage with them on our own. We live in Los Angeles and it is clear that the choice of kindergartens and schools here is huge. If I worked, and we went the other way, I would try to send the children to a good and correct Montessori garden or school, because the children’s eyes shine there when they study. They do what they want in terms of teaching, teachers only guide and follow them. They really choose what they want to teach. Because of this freedom of choice, the thirst for learning and the hunger for knowledge never disappear. And in an ordinary school with prescriptions, desks and equalization at the wall, with the shouts of teachers (maybe they scared me in vain with an American public school, I don’t know), with equalizing to the laggards (in Montessori's class, children in the class can be at completely different levels in mathematics, for example , but are actively learning from each other, the more capable have the opportunity to learn faster) the craving for education fights back almost immediately and for a long time, although not all of them.

Cheers cheers!! in our library of montessori books - an addition! such a book that I'm not really overjoyed)))
once upon a time, I did a review of the most interesting books on this favorite technique of mine -.
So here is the book that I am talking about today - and a complete guide for beginners-curious, and a short summary of the main and most important for "experienced users" of the Montessori system

"Encyclopedia of Montessori"
Tim Seldin

Labyrinth My-shop.ru Site of the publishing house MYTH (where you can download the chapter "I myself!")

How pleasant it is to hold it in your hands - smooth pages, full printing, bright photos. In MYTH, execution is always the cherry on top!
But the main thing is still the cake - in fact, the content. The author is a devoted fan of the method, who himself studied it in childhood, and as an adult became a Montessori teacher. The purpose of his book is to introduce the technique so that parents can decide if it is suitable for their child.
The whole story is in a very convenient format for modern, always busy, parents - "not a lot of letters" + pictures - clearly, accessible and understandable.
I must admit that I was captivated by the author's introductory remarks - it is clear that a person treats the matter with soul, with love. The most difficult thing is to formulate a thought briefly and thesis, so that at the same time it does not sound dry and impersonal. Thanks to such a personal attitude to the subject, this, in fact, "instructions for montessori", turned out to be an extremely exciting reading matter! I read without stopping, although I knew what would happen next))))

And here's another very important thought to keep in mind: "To use this method, you don't need to turn your home into a Montessori school." Uff! just a mountain off my shoulders ... reading the first books on the method, I, as a perfectionist in places, really tried to do the impossible - Montessori school at home. Don't repeat my mistakes. even the use of some methods, techniques, exercises will already bring a positive effect.

Chapter 1. Why Montessori Method? - about sensitive periods, basic principles and arrangement of space

This is the most graphically presented sensitive period information that I have come across!

The general principles of the method are also clearly explained:

Pts in detail - what, how and why - it is written about the baby's sleeping place. By the way, just like Doman's - that a mattress on the floor is better than a crib. now I'm pretty sure that for the next child, if this happens, I will not buy a crib. and for development from all sides it is better, and for the family budget

Every time I promise myself that I will make a full-fledged zone of creativity ... this is important, important ...
but even the fact that we have just a slate board with crayons, and the works of children's creativity are hung on the refrigerator, is already included in the Montessori system. do not expect ideal conditions - they will never be. start applying the principles a little at a time, applying them to your context.

Chapter 2. Cognition through sensory experience - about how children learn from life, through objects. try-consider-smell-listen-explore. what are they, "long-playing" toys.

For six months now I've been going to make sonic cylinders ... I've collected empty kinder jars. time passes, the child grows up. I thought that the time had passed and it was already too late - as always, the idea remained an idea. but no - it turns out, 3-6 years. I have three more years to finish this exciting educational game ...

Chapter 3. I myself - "help me do it myself" - this motto has probably been heard by all, all, all. nevertheless, it does not lose its relevance. and it's good that it, like a worn-out record, sometimes turns on in your head at the moment when you try to do something for a child without giving him a chance.

We were vacationing at the dacha in the summer, and it turned out that Marfusha perfectly handles the watering can, which is almost as tall as her. who would have thought! and lying on the grass, sunbathing and watching all this is much more fun than fussing around and interfering with the child's work)

I also have a must-try on my list: teach Martha to wear a Montessori twist.
And this point is not covered at all:

Chapter 4. Peace in the family - about tantrums, patterns of behavior and all that. I can say from my own experience that the Montessori method works great in terms of politeness, behavior in society ... only this training should be constant and regular. I don’t always have enough patience, and circumstances also interfere - for example, a non-montessori garden where there are different children ... and after the garden you can hear from Martha "Shoot, grandma, get out of here" .. but still, and with such manifestations of emotion are hardly better than the Montessori approach.

I really liked the idea of ​​a negotiating table from the book. It would be great if it was used in simple gardens. Pts is right - to learn to conduct a dialogue in a conflict situation from childhood. many adults have grown up, but they have not received the understanding that dialogue is the way out of conflict. therefore, for example, the courts are overwhelmed with a bunch of lawsuits from former relatives who are trying to put pressure on by force, as in our case, not realizing that for them this is the path to nowhere. in short, negotiations in montessorian style from childhood are mega-correct.

Chapter 5. Exploration of the surrounding world - about the fact that children are little scientists.
The book contains a description of several interesting games that I have not come across before - for example, "food chain" - an intellectual version of the game of tagging or "web of life" - a philosophical game about the world around us.

It was also my first time reading the description of a Montessori-style birthday celebration - extremely touching. A large candle is lit in the center - this is the sun, and the kid walks around with a globe in his hands. One circle is a year of life. "Today you were born ... and now you are one year old ..." - with viewing the corresponding photographs about the significant events in the life of the child. I would have liked such a ceremony as a child

Chapter 6. The best time to study - our favorite math, reading, knowledge of the world around the world and experiences. most people are familiar with this part of the Montessori system, it seems to me. the book describes how to make basic materials.

So, in Montessori's way, learning to count begins:

This is how reading is taught:

Martha recently got carried away with letters, so we got Montessori cards out of the bins and are having fun now) We were taught at school to write according to such a system - through rough letters and stencils. I liked to run my finger over the velvet letters, and not very well - the letters from the sandpaper, but I diligently did all the exercises. got very good handwriting!)

And this is for the lesson on the topic "Wind":

I've been going to do it for a long time, and still nothing! So spring has come - it’s necessary to run it in streams, finally, to realize it !!

In general, I recommend the book to everyone! especially - as a gift to interested parents of small children!
May you have many useful and beautiful books, the advice from which will come true and make it happier and more fun!

Beauty will save the world

For those who are familiar with the Montessori technique, perhaps the book will not evoke vivid emotions, but for those like me, those who have never heard before, but are serious about the early development of their baby, take note.

What does "Montessori method" mean?

Montessori is the name of the young Italian woman who actually founded this method. The essence of the method is to observe the child, follow him, follow his interests, not teach, but guide.

The book is written in simple, understandable language. Practical advice is given on how to provide your child with a better environment at home, how to turn everyday activities into an exciting activity, how to deal with the child from what is in the arsenal.

The main idea of ​​the book is how to help a child grow up as an independent, self-confident person.

Each section, each chapter begins with a new spread.

I will not write a lot about the content, a few words about the format of the book.

Coated paper, good quality photos.

Pages: 192

The size: 23.8 x 19 cm

Price. 861 RUB (bought in February 2017)

Place of purchase Online store [link]

I deliberately bought a paper book, not an electronic version. The publication is worthy, justified expectations. Stands in a conspicuous place, at any time I can re-read the chapter that interests me. Recommend!


The main idea is that life is a holiday.

Tim Seldin

The Montessori technique is conquering the world by leaps and bounds. More and more often I come across Montessori sites, books and materials. I am also very happy that the publishing house MYTH has published the “Montessori Encyclopedia” by Tim Seldin, President of the Montessori Foundation. Now I have this book too!

And I must say that the book is very good. In it you will not find strict recommendations, ultimatum statements or rules. But you will find lightness! It is the very freedom, lightness and inspiration that are needed to raise happy children. The book is imbued with the philosophy of the method and respect for the personality of the baby from the very first days of life. She instills confidence in parents, and as for me, this is the very feeling that many modern parents, especially mothers, lack.

I was also pleased with the visual and high-quality photographs and the abundance of real-life examples.

After reading the book, you will understand:

  • What space should surround a newborn baby, and in what room an inquiring three-year-old will grow up comfortably.
  • How to teach a child to dress independently using the correct organization of the environment.
  • How little ones explore the world and how to develop the natural abilities most naturally.
  • How to unobtrusively instill in your baby a love of cleanliness and order.
  • What stages of development does the child go through on the way to reading, counting and other complex skills.
  • How to communicate with your child so that this communication is as useful as possible for both the baby and his parents.
  • How to tune in and become those same “Montessori parents”.
  • What are the ways to instill good manners in your baby?

Reading the book is easy and I really like it, because not all parents have the time and desire to read complex books on pedagogy and child psychology. After reading the chapter, you will surely note for yourself the moments that you can change today in your home, classes, relationships with your baby. Moreover, all decisions will not come from guilt, but from inspiration. Agree, the difference is huge!

Quotes from the book "The Encyclopedia of Montessori":

  • “Maria Montessori believed that a child who feels self-respect and self-confidence is more emotionally well-off than one who is simply loved and cared for.”
  • "Decorate the walls of the nursery with pictures, placing them at about eye level as the child grows up and starts to walk."
  • “One of our goals is to develop the child's ability to appreciate beautiful things from a very young age and at the same time instill a love of order. Place toys neatly on shelves instead of in a drawer. If the toy has many small parts, store them together in a basket. ”
  • "Freely exploring your bedroom if your parents are safe is much more fun than being locked in a crib."
  • "Take a look at the bathroom through the eyes of a toddler to understand how to organize everything so that he can use it without any problems."
  • "Place a corkboard on the wall just off the floor so your child can hang their work there."
  • "Music should be an important part of a child's daily life."
  • “It is important to develop the child's sensory experience. I do not believe that we can physically improve the functioning of some sense organs through training, but I am convinced that we can help the baby learn to see, hear, smell, touch, feel more consciously. The entire Montessori classroom space is dedicated to the development of sensory experience. ”
  • “The best way to encourage a child to try something new is to show him clearly and slowly what to do, as simply as possible so that he can understand everything. Then give him time to try it himself, make his mistakes and correct them. Try to see the world through the eyes of a child. By clearly defining boundaries for him and giving gentle instructions, you will help him learn to act on his own, build the self-esteem and self-confidence that come with independence. ”
  • “Why buy a toy kitchen for a child if he wants to help his parents in the real one? I'm not advocating letting a 3-year-old play with a carving knife or stove, but there are plenty of safe activities in the kitchen that a toddler can do if taught by his parents. ”
  • “A child's library must have colorful books about plants, animals and nature. Many children like to find on the pages of books pictures of flowers or plants that they saw in the garden. ”

As you can see, the book is full of practical and very practical recommendations that are quite easy to implement at home and in any situation. And in general, it is about the fact that it is not expensive materials, some kind of complex knowledge, and so on, but a fairly simple way of life that allows you to raise children in a favorable atmosphere.

I continue to be inspired by the book and come up with new activities, forms of collaboration with children and, of course, educational materials that I can. And I also quietly dream of a small tender lump that can be worn in a sling, for which to make rustlers and tactile toys and watch the first attempts to crawl, the first steps. Tell me, where are the children in such a hurry? Why do they grow so quickly that you don't even have time to come to your senses?

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We wish you pleasant reading and new parenting discoveries!