Game New Year's auctions in the family circle. Don't guess the rabbit. New Year's contest "The best word"

Christmas holidays are getting closer and closer. Everyone is waiting for that very special day that turns an adult into a child, because entertainment for the new year do not stop for several days, this holiday keeps the magic that everyone who believes in it can feel.

The symbol of the coming year loves silence. Noisy celebrations should be postponed until the next event. It is better to meet the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog in the circle of family, close and dear people. For many, this alignment will seem boring, but there are New Year's contests so that only pleasant impressions remain from the holiday.

The best thing you can do to make the whole family happy is to arrange New Year's games and comic entertainment. Games are loved by both adults and children. And it is not at all surprising, because everyone can get a lot of pleasure and vivid emotions from New Year's entertainment.

New Year's contest "The best word"

On New Year's Eve, guests gather at the festive table in front of the TV. To make the beginning of the celebration not so dull, you can announce the first toast contest. If there are many guests, you can use the "alphabet" rules, i.e. each guest in turn pronounces a toast in alphabetical order. Such a competition can be held not only at the very beginning of the holiday, but throughout the evening.

Naturally, for the best toast, the speaker receives a prize-prize (decide on prizes in advance).

Game for the New Year "Guess who"

New Year's game "Guess who" is the perfect solution for a family evening. The essence of the competition is that you need to depict the word using gestures, facial expressions or improvised materials. Under no circumstances should sounds be made.

At first glance, the competition may seem very simple, but in reality, not everyone will be able to portray the Hunting Dog, fly agaric or the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Words can be varied, but it is better to prepare them in advance.

Of course, the most active participant receives a prize (it can be small souvenirs).

Darlaik would like to remind you that for those whom you cannot congratulate in person, you can send free ones. Download and send to your family, friends, acquaintances.

New Year's game "Key eye"

If there are children in the company, then you should definitely include in your New Year's entertainment and competitions for them. The Vigilant Eye game is more suitable for children, but it can also be played for adults.

On the fluffy branches of the beauties ate in different places you need to hide sweets. Several children are involved in the game. There is no winner in the competition - whoever finds how many sweets, he takes so many.

Entertainment for the New Year "Surprise"

Such New Year's entertainment can be held for all family members. You need to prepare balloons in advance, and put small notes with a “surprise” into them, which will indicate various tasks. Tasks can be very diverse, ranging from a New Year's poem to rock and roll.

Game "Make a wish" for the New Year

The New Year's game "Make a Wish" may resemble the previous entertainment, but in reality it turns out to be funnier and more interesting.

For this game, you need to prepare 2 dark bags:

  • the first bag contains the personal belongings of the guests - each must give one or two things;
  • the second package contains small notes with desires.

Wishes should be humorous, for example, sing a New Year's song, portray the symbol of the New Year, or peel a tangerine without using your hands.

One person is responsible for entertainment, who will take things out of the packages one by one. First, take out the personal item of one of the guests from the first package and supplement it with a note with the task to be completed.

New Year's contest "Earth Dog"

Participants must be divided into two teams so that each team ends up with an equal number of players:

  • the first pair of players are blindfolded, and a sheet of paper, a pen and a pencil are laid out on the table in front of them. The task is for the first participant to draw a dog with their eyes closed;
  • a second pair of blindfolded players decorate an earthen dog.

The best Dog will bring victory to his team.

Do not forget about those who will help you in the design and preparation of the most wonderful and long-awaited holiday.

Having thought over the entertainment program for your guests in advance, you can turn the holiday into a bright, cheerful and unforgettable day. Games for the New Year in a quiet family circle will allow you to relax, unwind and truly plunge into the fabulous atmosphere of the holiday.

The New Year holidays are approaching. They are associated with the smell of tangerines, the aroma of pine needles, long-awaited meetings with relatives, pleasant gifts and, of course, fun entertainment on New Year's Eve. In addition, the coming year of the Dog, which is a mobile and cheerful animal. To get the most out of the New Year, as well as to please the symbol of the year, add New Year's contests for the whole family to the holiday program. In this article, we will look at what competitions for the New Year 2018, New Year's games and entertainment for the family you can spend at home.

In order to hold interesting competitions, it is not necessary to have a lot of free space. You can hold fun and funny contests even at the table. Both adults and children of all ages can participate in the competitions. For competitions, various equipment should be prepared, as well as small souvenirs that will be gifts to the winners of the competitions.

wishing hat

A wonderful competition that is ideal for a company of different ages. For the competition, you should prepare a large hat, for example, a Santa Claus hat. In it you need to put the names of all those present at the holiday. In another hat, you should put wishes for guests. After that, the host takes out one piece of paper with the name of the guest and one with a wish for him. Such a competition can be held using only pieces of paper with wishes. In this case, the guest must pull them out on their own.


This competition is ideal for a large company that loves to sing. It can also be done at the table. Words are written on the leaves that are related to the New Year, for example, snow, blizzard, Christmas tree, Santa Claus or winter. If there are many participants in the competition, some words can be written several times. Each contestant takes turns taking out a piece of paper with a word and must sing a song in which this word occurs. If he cannot remember the song, he is eliminated from the competition. The game continues until one player remains.

Without which there can be no New Year

This is one of the great competitions that are great for the whole family and can be done in a small space or even at a table. The question is asked: “Without what there can be no New Year?” Everyone present in a circle names the irreplaceable attributes of the holiday: Santa Claus, snow, Olivier salad, gifts, Christmas tree, etc. The competition ends when the participants have no answer options left. As a rule, friendship wins in such a competition, but you can give a small souvenir to the most active participant.

Games for the New Year 2018 for the family

To have a fun and unusual time on New Year's Eve, be sure to prepare interesting games for the family for the New Year 2018. They can be both active and intelligent. The main thing is that it was fun and interesting for all participants of the holiday.

Christmas tree decoration

This game is to decorate the Christmas tree with a fishing rod. At the same time, the guests should be divided into two teams, each of which will decorate their own artificial Christmas tree. Plastic ornaments, candies, cones and other unbreakable items can be used as Christmas tree decorations. Each team must decorate their Christmas tree as quickly as possible. However, you can’t touch toys and a Christmas tree with your hands. You can use a fishing rod or other long object. You can also add another stage of the competition, which is to remove the toys from the Christmas tree. The winning team must be given small prizes, especially for the smallest and most active participants.

New Year's snowstorm

Four participants are selected for the competition. The essence of the game is to blow the snowflake off the table. Participants sit in front of each side of the table. Each of them is given a paper snowflake. To make the competition even more fun, you can put Santa Claus hats on the heads of the contestants. The point of the game is to blow the snowflake to the opposite side of the table. The competitor with the strongest lungs is given a prize. The game can be played several times with different participants.

street games

If a lot of snow fell on New Year's Eve, then this is a great occasion to hold family competitions for the New Year in the fresh air. One of these games is the making of an original snowman. In this case, all participants are divided into two teams. You can also sculpt a woman at speed. You should first prepare decorations for the snowman, for example, carrots, old buckets and scarves, brooms and other traditional and original items.

New Year's entertainment for the family at home

If you are planning to celebrate the New Year in a close family circle or in the company of friends with children, be sure to prepare fun games and contests that will help make the holiday unforgettable. You can hold such contests even in a small room, the main thing is to prepare the necessary props and small souvenirs.

New Year's concert

Before the holiday begins, the host must give each of the guests a task. It is advisable to warn everyone separately so that the task is a surprise for everyone. On a piece of paper you need to write the task, as well as the exact time when it should be completed. For example, at 01.15 you need to sing any New Year's song or at 00.05 in the voice of Santa Claus invite everyone present to go out into the fresh air. Such a competition will attract all guests and family members, and will also make the evening rich and fun.

theatrical performance

This competition is suitable for a large company. Those who wish are divided into two teams to show a popular fairy tale. One of the participants is appointed director, the rest - actors. Whose fairy tale is more funny, that team won.

New Year is one of the most beloved holidays of every person in the world. It is the New Year that all people look forward to. No wonder it is believed that the New Year is a family holiday. On this day, every family gets together, prepares 12 different dishes and celebrates. How to make this night unforgettably fun? After all, it’s not for nothing that people say: “As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it.” To make the whole Year as happy as this night, it is worth entertaining your family with funny contests.

Competition number 1. "Heroes of fairy tales".

This is a very fun, family competition. All you need is balloons and felt-tip pens or markers. Each family member is given a ball and a felt-tip pen. Your task is to draw the face of your favorite hero of a famous fairy tale on the balloon. It could be Shrek, Peter Pan or Cinderella. The winner is the participant whose portrait on the ball everyone will recognize. Remember that balloons are pretty fragile, it would be nice to have a couple of spares.

Competition number 2. "Divination".

As the saying goes: "New Year is a time of magic and miracles." It is the night from the 31st to the first - the time to find out your fate. What is needed for this? The leader prepares two hats. In one you need to put notes with questions, and in the other - with answers. Then each family member draws one note from the first hat and one from the second. You will be surprised how the answers can accurately answer some questions. In addition, this competition is very funny, it will surely amuse all the guests.

Competition number 3. "Christmas tree".

This competition requires 2 teams, each with 2 people. One person in the team is the Christmas tree. Parents should provide decorations that are not really a pity. It can be unbreakable balls, candies or bumps on a thread. In each team, one person decorates the "Christmas tree" without the help of hands. But the "tree" can help with its "needles" a member of its team. For everything about everything, 3 minutes are given. The team with the most decorations will win.

Competition number 4. "Christmas decorations".

All family members can participate in this competition. Parents put various Christmas decorations on the table. Their number must be one toy less than the number of participants in the competition. One parent will lead. The leader puts on cheerful music. The whole family walks around the table with Christmas decorations. As soon as the music stops, everyone should have time to take one toy for themselves. The one left without decoration is out of the game. But so that he does not get upset, they give him a delicious, sweet gingerbread. Then one toy is removed from the table and the game continues. The winner will be the one who last remains in the game.

Competition number 5. "Airplanes".

At 23:00, all dishes are ready for a long time, but everyone is lazy and does not want to take them to the festive table. How to turn a boring table setting into a fun game? Very simple. Now your children and husband are airplanes. They fly into the kitchen, and you give them a valuable cargo, whether it be salad, forks or napkins. From point A - the kitchen, they fly to point B - the living room, and unload their valuable goods on the festive table. The same can be done after the holiday to remove everything from the table. This game is not only fun, but also useful. After all, it is also an invaluable help for mom.

This competition is not only an exciting pastime, but will also help you decorate your apartment very beautifully. Each participant is given scissors and napkins. All family members should cut out as many beautiful snowflakes as possible. And then, together choose the best works, and decorate the apartment with them. For their efforts, each participant receives a piece of candy.

Competition number 7. "Funny puzzles".

This competition is very suitable for calming down a little after outdoor games and competitions. All family members are divided into two teams. For example, on the "Children" team and on the "Parents" team. Each team is given a box of puzzles, preferably with a New Year theme. The team that completes their picture the fastest wins. Of course, parents will have to give in to their beloved children a little so as not to upset them. If there are no puzzles at home, you can print two pictures on an A4 sheet and simply cut them.

Competition number 8. "Gifts from Santa Claus"

This competition is very popular with both adults and children. Santa Claus should come to visit you, whose role can be played by the father or uncle of the children. But Santa Claus did not come empty-handed, he came with a red bag full of various gifts. The task of each contestant, without looking, is to put his hand into the bag, get his gift and try to guess what it is. Believe me, every guest in your house will be pleased to receive a small present from Santa Claus.

Competition number 9. "Crocodile".

Probably everyone knows this game. This is the favorite game of many children. Its essence is that the leader tells one participant what he should portray. It can be some famous person, animal or even an object. The participant who was given the task must portray it without words, only with facial expressions, gestures and various movements. The one who first guessed what exactly was shown becomes the next one who will be given the task. This game is really addictive. You can play it for hours, because it is not only fun, but also insanely interesting.

Competition number 10. "Creative person".

Everyone present can participate in this competition. Each participant is given a bag in turn, in which there are many notes with one word related to the New Year theme. For example: "Christmas Tree", "Snowflake", "Snow Maiden" and the like. When the participant has received his note, he must recite a verse or sing a couple of lines from a song that mentions this word. When he has done this, the bag passes to the next participant. At the end, each family member is given a delicious reward.

Competition number 11. "Find the candy in the snowdrift."

There are two people in this competition. There are two bowls of flour (with “snow”) on the table. The task of each of them is to get more sweets from the "snowdrift" in a minute than the opponent. But at the same time, you need to do this without the help of hands. But the essence of the competition is not even to determine the winner, but to make the whole family laugh from funny faces. The main thing is to be careful and not accidentally inhale the flour.

Competition number 12. "Snowflakes in a Basket"

This competition requires two people. The host scatters paper-cut snowflakes on the floor. Search participants should be blindfolded. The task of both is to collect as many snowflakes as possible in their basket. Whoever has more of them wins.

Competition number 13. "The most beautiful Christmas tree"

Everyone loves to decorate the Christmas tree. This is a Christmas tradition that will never get old. Two (two "Christmas trees") must take part in this competition. In front of each participant lies a mountain of various clothes (Christmas decorations). The task of everyone is to put on as many “decorations” as possible in a minute. Then the facilitator counts how many clothes each Christmas tree managed to put on. The participant with the most clothes was the winner.

Competition number 14. "Flying Snowflake"

Everyone present can participate in this competition. The host gives each participant a "snowflake" (a small, blue balloon). The task is very simple, each member of the family must throw their "snowflake" into the air and blow on it to prevent it from falling. The one whose snowflake flew the longest wins.

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How to celebrate the New Year in such a way that it is fun and noisy? To do this, you need to prepare contests for the new year 2019 in advance! New Year's games and entertainment will make traditional New Year's family gatherings in company with a TV bright, fun and unforgettable! Not to mention a corporate party for the whole company.

However, it is best to prepare a little.

How to do it? We will tell you more in this article.

How to prepare for contests and games

1. Make a plan for games and competitions. Supporting materials are best done on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them in advance on ordinary cards, this is much more convenient than using one large script.

2. Prepare props. Having decided what you will play for the new year, make a list of what you will need for a particular competition. It is best to arrange the props and prizes into thematic contests (I use small gift bags for this).

3. Stock up on prizes. People are very fond of receiving little funny surprises - sweets, chocolates, cute New Year's toys. Prizes are better to take with a margin.

4. Pick up music.

5. Prepare a place for games.

6. Identify your helpers.

The very first in a series of New Year's fun are corporate parties. How to meet them cheerfully in order to create a mood for the whole year and have a great holiday event? The closer the New Year corporate party, the stronger the excitement.

What is the best way to organize a holiday? How to please all guests at once? How to choose the most interesting contests for the Year of the Pig?

A company of adults will need to eat, raise glasses for the New Year, and dance, so the game program should be carefully woven into the natural course of the party. We offer you great ideas for fun games and contests.

Contests for the new year 2019 for a fun company are the coolest

Competition "Sing"

Number of players: Any
Props are not needed. Own vocal cords are used.

Essence: Participants are divided into 2 teams. In turn, one "choir" should ask a question, remembering a line from the song. For example: “What can I give you, my dear man?” Opponents quickly find the answer - a line from another piece of music, for example: "A million, a million, a million scarlet roses ..." The last team to answer wins. You can complicate the task by choosing only New Year's questions.

Competition "What's my name?"

Number of players: Any.
Props: Cards made of paper with funny words on them (for example: lemur, bread cutter, bulldozer, cutie, etc.), of course not names.

Essence: Everyone gets a new name for the evening - a corresponding plate is attached to the back. The task of the players is to find out their name from others. Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. The first person to guess the inscription on their plate wins.

Corporate contests for the New Year 2019 (Year of the Pig)

Relay "Pig's hooves"

Props: for this contest you will need paper cups (insert ribbons or ropes along the edge of the cup on both sides, fasten with a knot from the inside).

Essence: Guests are divided into two or three teams, depending on the number of people. The first players in the team are given cups, they stand on them, take the ropes in their hands. On the contrary, in 5-7 meters there should be a space restriction, for example, a chair. The first participants, to the musical accompaniment, slide to the obstacle, go around it, return to the team and pass the cups to the next participants. The team that finishes the relay first wins, but points can be reduced for accuracy of execution.

Competition "Advertising"

Two young men are called. The host asks them to choose one lady from the audience. Then the presenter asks the question: “What exactly did you like about this girl. Spectators choose - eyes, hairstyle, shoes, etc.
Now the task of the participants is to come up with an advertisement for this part of the body, a wardrobe item. The most creative ad wins.

Competition "Negotiations with polar bears and penguins"

An interesting and fun competition to "stretch" the brains of the whole team. Guests are divided into teams of about 5 people. All teams receive the same task: they will have negotiations with polar bears and penguins in the same office, but bears are predators, and penguins are birds. In theory, the former should eat the latter. But, here you can relax, no one will eat anyone. And the teams will have to answer in a minute of discussion why you should not worry, because 100 percent polar bears will not eat penguins. There will be a lot of options. And, here is the correct answer one and quite simple. But, it is unlikely to come to mind right away - polar bears will not eat penguins, because the former live at the North Pole, and the latter at the South, and in principle cannot eat each other, so the meeting will go smoothly. And, if suddenly, the team answers correctly, of course, they will receive a prize.

Of course, after an unforgettable fun at work, he comes, the long-awaited New Year's family holiday. Fuss, cooking delicacies, outfits, everyone wants to celebrate the New Year with fun and chic.

In order to celebrate this joyful holiday in a fun and funny way, our selection of New Year's contests for family celebrations and games at the table will come in handy.

And so that at the table it was not only fun, but also tasty, we have prepared for you:.

If, after tasting a little of everything that the hospitable hosts have offered, the guests begin to get bored, immediately start playing at the New Year's table. They will help to entertain everyone, it will be interesting and fun at the table.

Contest "Say a toast"

The host invites each participant to come up with a toast, but it must begin with a certain letter of the alphabet. The first comes up with the letter "A". “And I want to drink for good luck in the coming year!”. The second one starts with the letter "B". "Let's all be happy and rich!" The next one starts with the letter "B". "Let's drink to our lovely hostess!"

Guests will start having fun when someone has to start with the letter “Yo” or those toasts for which it is difficult to quickly come up with the initial word. The author of the most interesting toast wins.

Competition "Ball pop"

A lot of family fun contests for the New Year are organized with balloons. In this case, you must first put small notes with funny riddles into them, and then inflate the balloons. During the fun, the host distributes them to the players. Each owner must burst the balloon and take out a note from there, read the riddle aloud and answer it. If someone found it difficult to answer, then he will have to complete the penalty task invented by everyone.

Riddles are needed with humor, for example:

What can a student envy a lizard? (Tail throw speed).
How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be completely happy? (One more than at the moment or one more than a friend).
What clock shows the exact time only 2 times a day? (which stopped).
What goes from one settlement to another, remaining in place? (Road).
When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (When the door is open).
Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald).
Two birches grow. Each birch has four cones. How many cones are there? (None, because cones do not grow on a birch).

The game "What will I do with the gift?"

You can also use the idea of ​​a magic gift bag in this table game. The presenter has cards on the tray, where options for what can be done with the received gift are written. Each guest draws a card, reads it out, then randomly pulls out a gift from the bag and, if desired, depicts the action predicted with it.

This fun is good as a game at the table for any home holidays.

A list of inexpensive little things that you can take as surprises from Santa Claus: a box of matches, a balloon, chewing gum, a tennis ball, a lighter, a lollipop, a disk, a brush, a pencil, glasses, an adapter, a bag, decals, paper clips, a tea bag, calendar, notepad, postcard, coffee bag, eraser, spinning top, sharpener, bow, magnet, pen, thimble, toy, bell, etc.

Choice cards: What will I do with my gift?
I'll kiss it.
I'm going to powder my nose with this.
Eat immediately with pleasure.
This will become my talisman.
I hope and I will admire.
I will share it with my friends etc.

Distribution of gifts at the New Year's table "Win-win lottery"
Each guest draws (or receives for participation in games and contests) a lottery ticket with a certain number, each number is a certain prize.
Sample list of prizes:
1. You got a piano in the bushes - a New Year's calendar.
2. You surprised the whole world - get a souvenir.
3. You got an ancient gadget, an immense amount of memory (notebook or notebook).
4. And for you, what adults and children love, of course, sweet candies.
5. And you got a prickly darling, but a fork useful in the household.
6. And with this prize, you definitely won’t be lost, carry it with you and always leave full (give a spoon).
7. Get a place for a stash and a useful thing to boot (stockings or socks).
8. Remember us more often, invite us to tea (a pack of tea).
9. Will give thrills, and will come in handy, no doubt (a jar of mustard).
10. You will be more beautiful with this prize of ours (something from cosmetics).
11. Sadness and despondency will go away, here's fun for you all night (nipple).
12. Even if something does not go well and does not stick, you definitely have something to hope for (a tube of glue).
13. You got the main prize - get it and sign it (any prize).
14. In any feast, useful and important, paper napkins.
15. Three, whatever you want, it's not a pity, because you have a new washcloth.
16. They will help to solve the problem with styling your hair (curlers or hairpins).
17. Montana will envy such a product for a slender figure (family shorts).
18. Brush your teeth often, your smile will be cool (toothpaste).
19. To keep you hair, we will give you a comb.
20. We, friends, will not hide - now there is a fashion for crystal, a chandelier today we give you the production of "Montreal" (light bulb).
21. You got a flower - a rose that does not fade from heat and frost (postcard with a flower).
22. The symbol of the year presented today (a magnet or a souvenir) will help you in any weather.
23. Of course, it's not bad to win a Persian carpet or a house. But fortune rewarded you with a self-writing pen (pen).
24. You got an ancient gadget, an immense amount of memory (notebook or notebook).

If the celebration is held in a close family circle, then games and competitions can be selected appropriate.

Competition "Know a relative"

Funny New Year's competitions in the family circle rarely take place without this competition. Some of the household members are blindfolded, and woolen mittens are put on their hands. Then one of the participants in the feast approaches him, and the host invites the player to find out who is in front of him. The player can feel the figure of a person without removing the mittens, trying to guess who is standing in front of him. In fact, even a close and well-known person is not so easy to guess.

Competition "Dance on the ice"

Any number of male-female pairs participate in the competition. For its implementation, you will need newspapers (by the number of pairs). A newspaper is placed in front of each couple - this is their ice floe. The task of the participants is to dance without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. Every minute the ice floe begins to melt, and the newspaper folds in half. Music is constantly changing. You can’t stand, the couple must definitely dance. Participants who have stepped outside the boundaries of the newspaper are eliminated from the game. The last remaining pair wins.

Do you want even more interesting and funny contests? Read Part 2:
And of course, the most important thing at the New Year's holiday has always been children.
And for them it is worth choosing not only individual contests and games, but also involving all adults in them. Otherwise, what's the fun?

Game "Candy"

Suitable for adults and children. It is necessary to tie sweets to threads in advance and hang them on chairs. Competitors, one at a time, must try to cut the candies with scissors with their eyes closed. The rest of the guests may give the wrong advice in finding candy.

Competition "Hairdresser"

“Victims” are seated on chairs, preferably men of course. At the command of the presenter, young hairdressers must make hairstyles for clients using elastic bands, hairpins and combs. Whoever gets the most creative hairstyle wins.

Competition "Remembering childhood"

This nostalgic contest for the New Year with the family can appeal to different generations. You need to say a phrase or sing a verse or refrain of a song of a famous fairy-tale or cartoon character, without naming him. For example, “I am a man in the prime of life”, “Whoever helps people wastes time in vain”, “Normal heroes always go around”. If no one remembers who they are talking about, the guessing player begins to make clues without naming the hero.

Relay "Snowball Collectors"

For the relay race, two large tight bags are prepared in advance, in which cuts are made for the legs at the bottom. In addition to it, you will need foam rubber snowballs. You can replace them with lumps of white paper in the form of snowballs. Children are divided into two teams. One of the players in each team is given the honorary name "Snowball Collector", a bag with slots is put on his feet.
Cheerful music sounds, the presenter scatters snowballs on the floor. At the command of the leader, the children begin to collect snowballs, throwing them into the bag of their “Snowball Collector”. At the end, they count up whose team scored the most snowballs.

The game "Throwers, beaters, hits"

Here intelligence is not needed, and it is quite possible to entertain guests from 3 to 103 years old.
From experience, such competitions sometimes turn out to be very reckless. It’s hard to guess what exactly your guests will like, just list some options, and you decide on the available props and set aside a place for the game:
- If you find any version of darts (magnetic, balls with Velcro), feel free to assign a prize to the most accurate, interest in the competition will be sure.
- Skittles or plastic bottles filled with beans, peas or water are fun to knock down with a rubber ball at any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
- Throwing "snowballs" from the newspaper into the basket (what if someone gets a score of 10 out of 10?). Choose your own distance.

DIY Christmas crafts

Choose the most interesting Contests for the new year 2019! New Year's games and entertainment will help make your holiday interesting and unforgettable, which you will remember for a long time with warmth and joy! Happy New Year!

Send the contest to yourself or friends.