Bubble games for birthday. Bubble Festival - entertainment and treat. Breathing game "Soap Foam"

Lyudmila Belousova

Carefully - bubbles ...

Oh, what!

Oh look!


Come off!

My plum!

Mine with a nut!

Mine did not burst the longest!

Bubble have always been an entertaining hobby for children, especially for the little ones. How much delight and positive emotions can be seen on the faces of babies. Almost each of us, in our childhood, at least once allowed bubble and admired the multicolored shimmering in the sun soap balls! In children during games there was a positive emotional attitude. Children watch with great enthusiasm how bubbles burst, run after them, visually follow them and ask to let them in again over and over again. Bubble Games can be used to develop speech breathing in children. Target games- development of a long, smooth and strong exhalation, activation of the muscles of the lips.

Rules games: The teacher lets bubble, and the child offers to blow on them and not let them fall.

Bubble you can cook it yourself, I want to offer you a recipe soap solution which I am using.

300 ml of water,

100 ml any dishwashing liquid,

50 ml of glycerin.

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"Soap bubbles show"


Creation of a favorable emotional state in children;

Development of interest in experimental activities.

Facilities: basins with soapy water, glycerin, straws for blowing bubbles, bottles for soap bubbles, 3 plastic bottles with lids, tablecloth, hoops.

Preliminary work: learning poems about soap bubbles.

Event progress:


I greet you all,

The mood is top class!

Smile quickly

Today is a holiday of bubbles.

We will play now

And let the bubbles!

But what is to be done? It turns out that we have no bubbles. Don't be discouraged guys. We’ll think of something (pause) Yeah, I’ve already thought of something. Let's make the bubbles ourselves? (let's) What are bubbles made of? (water, soap).

Held experimental activity "Making soap bubbles"

(Children together with the teacher make a solution for soap bubbles, the prepared solution is poured into bottles)


Now please take

You vials quickly.

Let's play: who is more


Held game "Who bubbles more»

(Cheerful music plays, children blow bubbles)


Blowing bubbles

These are the ones - look!

They are all airy

And very naughty!

How can we catch them

Hold it in your palm!

Guys, let's talk about bubbles with poetry.

(Children recite previously learned verses)

If you blow harder,

There will be a lot of bubbles!

One, two, three, four, five,

No way to catch them.

One two Three

One two Three -

I'm blowing bubbles.

Soapy, airy,

Obedient to the breeze.

One, two, three, four, five,

Bubbles are flying again

Over houses, over forests.

Over green gardens.

How beautiful - look! -


They fly in a flock in the wind

And shine in the sun.

Gave me a toy

Not a typewriter, not a clapperboard.

Just a tube. And inside

Bubbles lurked.

Bubbles fly up easily

They sparkle with the color of the rainbow.

Look, look

How the bubbles shine!


What do you guys think a soap bubble is like? (children's answers)

Held the game "Well no"

Does the soap bubble look like an orange? (Yes)

Does it look like a tangerine? (Yes)

And the apples in the garden? (Yes)

And on the fish, there in the pond? (Not)

Is a soap bubble like a globe of the earth? (Yes)

And on an inflatable ball? (Yes)

Does it look like a telephone? (Not)

How about a big tape recorder? (Not)

Is it round like the sun in the sky? (Yes)

And how is the wheel on the bike? (Yes)

Also, does it look like a house? (Not)

And on a white snowball? (Yes)

Well done! Now let's play.

Breathing game "Soap Foam"

Guys, now let's arrange a competition for the most luxuriant lather. You need to blow quietly, without puffing out your cheeks (children use straws to create foam)

Well done!

Guys, do you like magic tricks? (Yes)

Fun game "Magic"

(there are 3 identical plastic water bottles on the table under the tablecloth)


Guys, get ready, the magic begins.

You, water-water,

You are my cold friend!

Become, water-water,

Not simple - green!

(the teacher covers one of the jars with a lid on which green gouache is applied, says the magic words: "Eniki-beniki-close, the first trick has come out!"

You, water-water,

Bright as frost!

Become, water-water,

Not simple, but blue! (second experiment similar to the first)

You, water-water,

You are my beautiful friend!

Become, water-water,

Not simple, but red! (third experiment)


Guys, did you like the magic tricks? (Yes)

Something we sat too long. It's time for us to move.

We sat down a little

To knead the bones

I suggest you run

Bubbles visit.

Outdoor game "Soap Bubbles"


Guys, we're going to turn into bubbles now. Let's say the magic words:

"One two Three,

We are all soap bubbles. "

Bubbles love to fly. At the signal: "Fly," you will run around the site. The bubbles have houses - these are hoops. At the signal: "It's time to go home!" you will try to take a seat in the house. Those who do not have enough space are eliminated from our game and turns into a child again. (during the game, the teacher removes one hoop at a time, at the end of the game one hoop remains; the winner-bubbles are praised).


We had a merry holiday. Did you guys enjoy playing with bubbles? (Yes)

Then you will receive real soap bubbles as a gift. (handing out bottles with soap bubbles)

Held disco to cheerful music.

Do you want to develop your child playfully? So that both you and him will enjoy the lesson? We bring you three simple and fun bubble experimenting games!

"Let's play!" - a universal appeal for any child, in any situation. Not a single healthy child will refuse this offer! The main thing is to offer the game to your taste, to the topic, in a timely manner.

Do you need your child to be around for a while? - “Let's play a spy? I am a thief, and you are a spy, and you must not take your eyes off me, otherwise I will run away. "

Do you want your child to get dressed as soon as possible? - "Let's play in the firemen who know how to dress the fastest, in a hurry to put out the fire!".

Need to divert attention? Sound the call: "Let's play ..."

So I want to offer you, mothers, those who want to spend time with the child colorfully and cheerfully, those who are looking for something new: "Let's play?"

This week we will play with soap bubbles

Soap bubbles are a must-have for summer. Amazing thing, joy out of nothing, literally. Moreover, if the day is rainy, humid, then this is just a paradise for blowing bubbles, they are very durable in such weather!

Draw with bubbles

You will need soap bubbles and dyes (you can eat food, but you can also add a little gouache to the jar). T-shirt or just a sheet of white paper.

Inflate the bubbles by pinching them lower over the T-shirt spread out on the floor. Bursting on it, the bubble leaves a multi-colored circle. If there is no T-shirt, do the same with a piece of paper.

Soapy air "matryoshka"

It is very interesting to blow bubbles inside one another, according to the principle of nesting dolls. This requires a flat surface (such as a flat plate) and a thin straw.

Lubricate the bottom of the plate with soapy water. Inflate the first bubble so that it lies on the plate with a hemisphere. Now gently insert the straw inside this bubble and inflate the second bubble inside.

Blow long bubbles with a sock and a bottle

Put a sock (preferably terry) on the cut part of the plastic bottle (bottom), secure it with an elastic band. The bottle can be shaped like a muzzle. Then this funny character will have a beard!

That's it, the apparatus for blowing long bubbles is ready! We dip the sock into liquid (water + fairies) and blow. Make sure that the child understands how to BLOW, otherwise the soap may be swallowed.

Be sure to offer your child our experimenting games, your reward will be a happy smile and glowing eyes!

The birthday boy and guests will be thrilled if the birthday turns into a bubble party. To do this, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of bubble solution, thin sticks and wide flat containers that will be filled with this soap solution.

Surely kids will love being inside a soap bubble. It's easy to do this. A chair is placed in a small pool, on which the child will then stand. A solution is poured and a hoop is used, thanks to which the bubble is inflated.

Contests will be required. Of course, they will have to do with soap bubbles. For example, you will need to inflate the largest bubble or a bubble that will not burst for as long as possible. Competitions can be anything. The main thing is not to forget about rewards.

At the end of the holiday, children can be pleased with small bubbles with a solution and a stick as gifts.

Older guests should throw a party like this, where some kind of scientific experiments will be carried out. Let the kids experiment with the different ingredients that make up the bubble solution. Let them watch what the bubbles will be if, for example, glycerin or sugar is added to the solution. They should try to make the solution so that the bubbles are the best. In addition, children may well start making their own sticks, with which they will then inflate bubbles.

There are some simple tips to help make your party unforgettable.

  1. The solution should be ready the day before the holiday.
  2. Glycerin will be easy to get. It is sold in pharmacies.
  3. If there are bees or wasps in the yard, the bubble solution should not be sweet.
  4. Corn syrup for solution can be substituted with sugar or honey.
  5. To avoid problems with colored bubbles, make sure the paint can be easily washed off. A thick batch is diluted with plain water.

Bubble Games

Catch the bubble on command

A signal is given, and children begin to catch bubbles in a certain way - on one leg, head, one hand, and so on.

"Don't let me fall"

It is necessary to do everything that is possible to keep the bubbles in the air longer and not touch the ground.

"Inflate more"

Participants try to inflate soap balls and then count them. Whoever has the most bubbles will receive a reward.

Contests for the birthday of a child 5 years old

Children are looking forward to their birthday. Gifts, guests, cake make the holiday unforgettable and very fun. But if we talk about a children's celebration, it is impossible to do without games and fun contests.

Contests for the fifth birthday of the child

It is still difficult for babies at the age of 5 to sit still for a long time, and in between meals they need to run, jump and have fun. In order for the invited friends to like the child's birthday, you need to carefully consider the entertainment program.
If you invite an animator, he will, of course, think over the contests to the smallest detail. But you can dress up as a cheerful clown yourself and lure the children.

Soap Bubbles Contest

Without exception, all children love soap bubbles. There are a lot of competitions with them. Arrange a competition for the largest soap ball or for whom it will last the longest without bursting. You can count the time and count who will start soap bubbles in more minutes.
If you have the opportunity to take the children outside, where it should be cool. At temperatures below 7 degrees, the bubbles have the property of hardening. This will amuse the kids a lot. When in contact with the asphalt, the frozen bubbles do not burst, but jump like balls.

Contest "Guess the man"

One participant is blindfolded and asked to guess one of the guests by touch. Sometimes other children substitute their heads, hands, pieces of clothing to confuse the guessing person. The game continues until the correct answer is heard.

Competition "You Can't Laugh"

Children are seated in a semicircle. One person, perhaps an adult, begins to amuse everyone else. You can sing, dance, make faces, tell funny stories. The main thing is not to laugh. Whoever turns out to be the most persistent wins. Do not cover your mouth or eyes with your hands.

Relay "Sweet Soup"

Five-year-olds will love this game because you can get a sweet treat at the end. We put two large pots in one end of the room, in the other - various sweets (sweets, cookies, gingerbread, marmalade). All invitees must be divided into two equal teams. Assignment for participants: carry the ingredients of the "sweet soup" in a ladle or spoon without dropping it. Whose team is the first to transfer the goodies to the pot won. At the end, everyone treats themselves to sweets.

Competition "Animal Concert"

An adult whispers to the child the name of the animal, and he must sing a song in a voice similar to this animal. It turns out to be very funny and fun. If the child is embarrassed to sing, he can recite a verse.

Competition "Cold - Warmer - Hot"

A popular game in which the host hides an object and the other invitees try to find it. As you get closer to the hidden thing, it becomes "warmer", which is what the person who hid it informs about.

Competition "Dress up a doll"

It is necessary to prepare the doll, clothes and diapers in advance. At the signal, the participants begin to dress her. Whoever copes first will win. The correctness of the actions and the finished result are also taken into account.

Contest "Chain"

Two teams have to temporarily connect the paper clips into one long chain. Whoever has it longer - he won.

Lighter than air competition

An inflatable ball is thrown into the air. Children with exhaled air should not let him fall to the ground. It is better to divide the children into teams.

Competition "Hot bread"

Music turns on, children stand in a circle. Participants must quickly pass the ball to each other. The adult turns off the music abruptly. Whoever has the ball is out of the game. The one who remains the last wins.

Competition "Inflate the ball"

A simple competition in which you need to inflate balloons for a while. The one who inflates faster will win. Inflate strongly, the presenter makes sure that they do not cheat.

Competition "Playing snowballs"

We make many large balls out of paper. We put a bucket or basin a few meters away from the participants. Children take turns throwing balls. It's easy for adults and hard enough for five-year-olds. The most accurate or the one who hit the target the most times wins.

Contest "We draw marvelous"

In turn, children draw parts of the animal's body. As a result, an unknown beast should turn out.
When choosing contests for children 5 years old, do not overdo it. Let the children play on their own. Alternate noisy competition with a quiet pastime.