How and with what to remove machine oil from clothes: the best recommendations and tips. How to remove machine oil from various clothes

Have you stained your clothes with machine oil? Do you think that now only dry cleaning can save your things? In fact, you can deal with this problem with the help of improvised means. And so that you can do this quickly and without any extra effort, let's figure out how to remove machine oil from clothes.

Machine oil is extremely difficult to remove from clothes with conventional powders and stain removers. Usually, after washing with such substances, traces of oil remain on clothes. The fact is that they penetrate deep enough into the fibers, and therefore are not removed by such means.

Do not give the desired effect in the fight against such stains and bleaches. They also rarely deal with oily marks the first time, and with repeated use, they greatly destroy the fabric. In addition, for colored things, they are generally not applicable.

As for the use of clothes or a toothbrush for such washings, they also turn out to be ineffective in this case. Under the influence of such devices, the fabric also becomes frizzy, thinner, but remains with the same traces of contamination as before washing. They can only be used for rough items, such as denim overalls.

How can you remove such problem spots? Only some folk remedies can cope with them. Let's get acquainted with them in more detail.

Method 1 - white chalk

You can remove a completely fresh spot from machine oil from your thing with ordinary chalk. You should do it this way:

  • First you need to crush the chalk into small crumbs.
  • After that, such a crumb should be applied to fresh pollution and rubbed well with a crumb. Then you will need to wait a few minutes until the oil turns to chalk.
  • Next, you will need to remove the remaining chalk from the clothes, and wash the thing itself in a washing machine.


The presented method will only help you if the stain on your clothes is still sticking to your hands. If it has already hardened, you need to use another technique.

Method 2 - kerosene

  1. Kerosene is applied directly to the oil. After that, they take an ordinary napkin and use it to shift the pollution to the center of the stain.
  2. After that, the remaining oil is removed with the same napkin, and the thing is carefully washed by hand or with a machine.


when washing things, it is advisable to use the highest temperatures allowed for a particular type of fabric during such cleaning. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the product with kerosene stains.

Method 3 - dish detergent

How to remove a small but fresh oil stain from a jacket or pants? You can easily and quickly do this with the help of the most ordinary dishwashing detergent. Such a tool only needs to be applied to the pollution and left for a quarter of an hour, after which both the remnants of the oil stain and the remnants of the product itself should be removed from the clothes.


after such cleaning, the item will necessarily need to be washed by hand, using high-quality powder. This is the only way you can get rid of the stain completely.

Method 4 - gasoline

This method can be applied if the stain is old enough. You should act like this:

  • To begin with, you will need to take two dry cotton rags and collect a small amount of gasoline on them.
  • Next, you will need to lay the rags so that they cover the stain from above and below. Next, let them lie down like this for thirty minutes: during this time, all the dirt will leave the clothes and go to the rags.

After that, you can throw away the rags, and simply wash the thing stained with oil in a basin. If you do not do this, gasoline marks may remain on the product.

Method 5 - solvent for oil paints

This method is applicable to fresh stains. To use it, you just need to put a cotton swab or a napkin under the fabric, apply a solvent to the thing, wait for the product to work, and then remove its remnants with a napkin. It is imperative to rinse the product after such cleaning.


if you suspect that the solvent may ruin the fabric, be sure to test this product on an area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe item that is invisible to the outside eye. If you see that nothing happens to the fabric, you can safely use the presented method of dealing with greasy stains. If not, look for another option for removing technical oil.

Method 6 - nail polish remover

This technique is suitable for different fabrics, including denim. To use it, you will need a nail polish remover that contains acetone (softer, acetone-free counterparts simply won’t cope with a stubborn stain). You will need to apply this remedy to a sponge and treat the stain with it. After that, the thing will need to be left for half an hour so that the chemical can remove the technical oil.

Immediately after this, the item must be washed. You can do this in ordinary soapy water.

Method 7 - soap for stubborn stains

Today, a stain from machine oil can be removed with a special type of laundry soap, which allows you to get rid of traces of technical fluids. How to use it? You should soak the stained product in warm water, then rub it thoroughly with soap and leave for half an hour - this time is necessary so that the cleaning components of such soap can cope with the hard-to-remove stain. After that, the thing can be washed in the usual powder.


if you choose such a product for washing things, be sure to use gloves when working with it. Remember that chemicals that are so aggressive to technical fluids can irritate or even burn your skin.

Method 8 - toothpaste

This product is only suitable for rough fabrics (for example, to remove dirt from jeans), which can be rubbed with a toothbrush. Using it is simple: you will need to apply toothpaste directly to the speck so that it completely covers it. After that, you should wait until the toothpaste is completely dry, and then remove the remaining dirt with a brush.


after such cleaning, it is best to rinse the thing in the washing machine. So you can be sure that there are absolutely no traces of oil or the paste itself left on it.

Method 9 - mustard powder

This is another technique for removing dirt from trousers or a jacket, for which it is recommended to use a brush. Apply it like this:

  1. Take a small amount of mustard powder, a toothbrush, some warm water and soap.
  2. Mustard powder and soap are alternately applied to the contamination, rubbing these products on the soiled fabric with a toothbrush.
  3. When the oil stain is gone, the soap with mustard powder is washed off, and the thing itself is rinsed several times in cool water.


this method is also best used for dense materials, it is suitable, for example, for jeans. Delicate fabrics in this way can only be spoiled.

Method 10 - Engine Oil Cleaner

This tool can be purchased at car dealerships. It is easy to apply at home: you will need to apply a small amount of this product to the stain and leave it for the time indicated in the instructions. After that, the thing will need to be rinsed several times in cool water.


be aware that this chemical can be very aggressive on many fabrics. Be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe damaged item before use. Once you are sure that this product is absolutely safe for your clothes, you can freely apply it.

Method 11 - special spray
This remedy is best used when the stain on the clothes has just appeared. You will need to treat the dirt with it, wait a while, and then remove the remaining dirt with a clean cloth or paper towel. A similar spray will allow you to remove a speck even from a down jacket or leather jacket.


remember that with such means you can only work with gloves and a respirator. If it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, they can cause serious inflammation. Only use these stain removers as a last resort.

Method 12 - magnesia powder
This is an effective folk way to combat pollution. To use it, you will need to mix magnesia powder with ether until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. You will need to apply the resulting slurry to the stain, rub it gently, leave for a while, and then remove its remnants with a napkin.

If the stain was small and very fresh, you can simply rinse the item after that. If you're struggling with old stains, wash your clothes several times in cool, soapy water.

How to wash jeans

There are several ways to remove oil marks from jeans. The easiest way to do this is with ammonia and turpentine, mixed in equal amounts. You will need to act like this:

  1. First you will need to apply a mixture of the presented substances to the stain.
  2. Next, using a napkin, you will need to carefully remove the remnants of the stain, while trying not to smear it on the fabric.
  3. After such cleaning, jeans will need to be washed several times by hand in soapy water or in a washing machine. This is the only way you can get rid of the rather specific smell of turpentine, which is very poorly removed.

Video: how to remove a stain with turpentine:


remember that low-quality jeans from such washing can shed. If you are not sure about the quality of your pants, it is better to use more gentle products for them.

You can also remove oil stains from jeans using a brush. This is one of the few cases where this processing method does not damage the fabric and really gives good results. For this cleaning you will need:

  • Toothbrush;
  • solvent;
  • washing powder.

To reduce the stain, you will first need to treat it well with a solvent, then apply a small amount of powder to the contamination, moisten it all with water and remove the remaining oil with a brush. After that, you need to rinse the jeans several times so that there are no stains on them.

How to clean a down jacket

It is very problematic to remove oil stains from outerwear. You can do this at home only if your product is dark enough. In this case, you can act like this:

  • First you need to treat the stain well with a special solvent.
  • Next, the down jacket should be washed several times in an automatic machine, using a fair amount of powder. You can add stain removers to the water, but only those that do not have a bleaching effect.
  • If the first time you can not get the desired result, the procedure can be repeated.

Video: how to remove oil:

If you find an oil stain, especially an old one, on a light-colored jacket or down jacket, it’s better to immediately dry-clean such a thing. Only there they know how to wash machine oil from outerwear without damaging its fibers.

How to prevent stains on clothes

If you constantly work with technical fluids like engine oil, you need to not only know how to remove such contamination from your pants or jacket, but also understand how to make sure that such stains do not appear. The easiest way for this purpose is to treat clothes with special sprays that repel oil. They can be bought in specialized stores. It is also recommended to cover clothing while working with such substances with aprons or thick fabric overlays - they will protect your belongings from drops of machine oil.

You also need to remember the tricks that will help you avoid spreading such contamination throughout the thing. One of the most effective in this regard can be considered the use of table salt, which is simply sprinkled over a fresh stain - the salt will absorb some of the oil and prevent it from spreading further. For the same purpose, you can use soda or ordinary clean rags (the main thing is not to rub the dirt with them, but just blot it).

It is almost impossible to completely eliminate the possibility of engine oil getting on your things (especially during car maintenance). However, knowing how to deal with such stains, you can save your clothes from them without going to the dry cleaners.

Video: how to remove a stain with a stain remover:

Experienced specialists of good dry cleaners divide dirt and stains on clothes into fresh and old ones. And they already know that the chances of removing a fresh stain are much higher than coping with oil planted a long time ago. Even the most powerful modern cleaners do not always successfully fight old stains. If something goes wrong and your husband comes back from the garage with a stain on his new jacket, or your son is fixing his scooter and putting a huge oil stain on his pants, take the quickest action to salvage the stained item.

Lay the soiled item on a flat surface. Check how deep the engine oil has penetrated. After all, it can be just a drop that has spread over the surface of the thing, or an oil stain that has penetrated deeply and reached the lining.
If the stain did not have time to penetrate deep into the fabric, treat it liberally with any washing powder diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. Leave in a “soaked” state for 10-20 minutes, then vigorously rub the place of contamination with your hands, periodically washing off the foam with hot water and treating the stain with a new portion of washing powder. Finish the job with a subsequent machine wash.

When the stain has seeped through the fabric, the place of contamination will have to be treated on both sides - from the outside and inside. If you want to leave no trace of the stain, this procedure will have to be done with any thing before washing off the engine oil. You will greatly facilitate your task by removing excess oil before washing. In addition, you will prevent the stain from spreading over a large area.

Place a white napkin or piece of folded white cloth under the stain. With another napkin or cotton pad, abundantly moistened with gasoline or aviation kerosene, with light movements from the edges of the stain to the center, if possible, collect on a napkin all the excess oil that has not yet been absorbed into the fabric. At the end of the procedure, blot the treated area well with a dry cloth. Sometimes gasoline is enough to remove the stain, but more often than not, quite noticeable traces of it remain after the procedure. Therefore, the place of contamination must be washed well by hand. If the stain is planted on a rough fabric, such as jeans, it will be difficult to wash it with your hands, you can use a brush and rub the stain well, occasionally sprinkling it with any detergent.

But not everything is so simple. Not all tissues after such a procedure acquire their original appearance. Often they leave traces in the form of stains, which appear due to the contact of strong cleaning agents with the fabric. Sometimes, to remove them, it is enough to stretch the thing in the washing machine. But sometimes this has to be done repeatedly before the thing takes on the desired look.

But old spots require much more time, knowledge and skill. With prolonged contamination, machine oil penetrates deep into the fabric and the structure of the fibers of the fabric. Therefore, before you start removing an old stain, you need to “soak” it well.

Place small pieces of white cloth soaked in gasoline under the stain and on the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes, after which the cleaning procedure can be carried out according to the above scheme. If the stain does not dissolve, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​removing it at home. Moreover, there is no point in erasing. It is best to contact a dry cleaner in such a situation.

In some cases, a solvent is used to remove stains. But at the same time, it is imperative to take into account the composition of the fabric that will be processed - some fabrics can change color and even “spread” from the action of the solvent. Therefore, with this tool you need to be extremely careful. A piece of cloth or cotton wool is urinated in the solvent and the stain is carefully removed. The solvent can be used to remove fresh stains only on fabrics that do not break down under its influence.

Machine oil can often be removed from coarse fabrics manually. This method is good because after it there are no divorces. But it will require time, patience and remarkable strength from you. Moisten the place of contamination with any washing powder diluted to a creamy consistency. Leave for half an hour. Take a coarse brush and rub the stain with force, trying to make vigorous short strokes from the edges of the stain to the center. Rinse the stain under hot water from time to time so that you can see how far the desired result is. Machine wash will complete your job. From the stain should not remain a trace!

In general, if you or your loved ones spend a lot of time in the garage, make it a rule to always have a spray cleaner on hand that is designed specifically for removing engine oil stains.

It can be replaced with any strong and proven stain remover designed to remove greasy stains. Practice shows that if special products are used within a few minutes or hours after the clothes have been soiled, the stains can be removed completely and with special efforts.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that machine oil can irrevocably ruin any clothes on which even a small speck is planted. Removing any old stain from engine oil is the time spent looking for funds and processing the soiled thing, this is strength, and often nerves. Therefore, in order for the stain not to become a problem, it must be removed while it is fresh! You need to act quickly, decisively and ... carefully.

How and with what to wash machine oil from clothes - such a question sooner or later arises before every housewife. You can get such pollution not only in the garage, repairing your own car, but also in any everyday situation. Sometimes you have to save not work clothes, but weekend things that were accidentally stained with engine oil. You can get a spot by accident, using your car during the day or in any public transport. Your child has been riding a bike - and now his favorite T-shirt is dirty. How to remove an oil stain yourself without taking the item to the dry cleaner? Each housewife faced the problem of how and with what to remove machine oil from clothes at home, because it is always a bit of a pity to part with a good thing. There are dozens of tips on this subject, but do they all help well?

Standard Errors in Stain Handling

Removing engine oil can be more difficult than it seems at first glance. The main mistake is to try to remove a stain from a thing by simply washing it. This will not only not help, but will significantly complicate the removal of the stain. Ordinary washing powders do not have the ability to remove such contaminants. Standard bleaches will not help here either, but will only ruin the fabric.

Trying to just clean the stain with a clothes brush won't work either. It can thin the fabric, and the result will be completely opposite - the oil will only eat deeper into the fabric and then it will be doubly difficult to remove it.

You can still try to save your favorite thing. All you need is desire, accuracy and some tools that are almost always in every home. You need to know that it is impossible to remove machine oil stains using ordinary machine or hand washing without these additional products.

Get rid of fresh stains

When removing any stains, you need to know one very important rule: the sooner a stain is found, the easier it will be to remove.

What are the most effective ways to remove engine oil from clothes? And what home remedies are the first helpers in this?

If the stain is very fresh, then you can do the following: grind ordinary chalk into a fine powder, sprinkle it on the stain and leave for a while. The chalk will absorb the rest of the oil. After a while, it is enough to clean the remnants of chalk with a brush and wash the thing. True, it is worth remembering that this method helps well only if the stain is very fresh.

Another very effective way: first treat the stain with a regular solvent. Try not to rub the fabric too hard. Then the place of contamination should be sprinkled with any washing powder, sprinkled with water and rubbed with a little effort.

It works well to remove the stain from machine oil with a regular dish detergent. It contains substances that can dissolve fats, so such a tool can cope with a fresh stain without difficulty. It is necessary to apply a small amount of liquid to the contaminated area, rubbing lightly, leave for ten to fifteen minutes, and then wash the item in the usual way in hot water.

Ordinary table salt can be an indispensable assistant. Sometimes you can get rid of a small speck by sprinkling it with plenty of ordinary table salt, then rinse the item in the hottest possible water.

In general, many home remedies that absorb liquids well can help get rid of a fresh oil stain. These are dry mustard powder, starch, tooth powder, talc. You need to apply these substances several times until the desired result is achieved. After the item is washed in the usual way in a washing machine or by hand.

In an emergency, you can try using toothpaste if nothing else is available.

It has long been known, the cheapest and simplest remedy - this is the most common laundry soap, which every housewife will always have in stock. Removing a stain from clothes from machine oil is as easy as shelling pears: just rub the stain with soap, leave for a few minutes, and wash as usual.

Removing oil stains from denim requires special care and attention. Removing dirt from this type of fabric is more difficult than from any other.

To remove engine oil from jeans, you need to proceed a little differently. You can’t rub the jeans strongly - this can affect the color of the thing.

This substance gives, perhaps, the best effect, comparable only to the action of gasoline. It is enough just to treat the damaged area with a solution of ammonia with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave the thing for a while (no more than ten to fifteen minutes). If necessary, repeat the procedure. The item can then be washed.

Ammonium chloride can only remove fresh stains well.

Removing old stains

In the case when a long time has passed since the oil got on the fabric, it will be somewhat more difficult to remove the stain. But nonetheless worth a try. True, this will require more aggressive substances.

Removing machine oil from jeans, jackets or other items can be difficult if a lot of time has passed since the contamination. If you choose to remove the stain with gasoline, then you need to use only cleaned one for such purposes. Otherwise, the result will be exactly the opposite of what is expected.

With the help of gasoline, stains are perfectly removed from a jacket, down jacket, and tight trousers.

If the jacket is light, then you need to put a paper towel under the clothes, a film down, so as not to stain the work surface. To remove machine oil from a jacket, gently apply a solution of turpentine to the stain with a cloth. Apply directly to the stain. This is done to soften it. Then wait 10-15 minutes. Next, we treat the stain with gasoline, leave it for half an hour, so that the substance acts as it should. Remove the excess with a paper towel. You can repeat the treatment if necessary. After the thing needs to be washed so that there are no unnecessary divorces. Since these substances have an extremely unpleasant persistent odor, it is better to hang washed clothes in fresh air.

Cleaning things with turpentine and gasoline is a very risky method. If you choose this method, you need to be prepared for the fact that the thing can be successfully cleaned, or it can suffer hopelessly.

Therefore, this method is relatively reliable. In addition, when using such aggressive substances, a persistent unpleasant odor remains for a very long time, which lasts a very long time.

Solvent and bleaching powder

These products should only be used if engine oil has somehow got on a white item. The contaminated place is wetted with a solvent, then sprinkled with powder, moistened lightly with water and cleaned with a brush. You can repeat this procedure several times to get the desired effect.

If machine oil gets on a denim set or any other dense fabric, you can try to clean the item yourself. In the event that trouble has occurred with a thing made of thin delicate fabric, you can try to save it by giving it to dry cleaning. Independent efforts will lead to the fact that, most likely, the thing will be damaged.

Finished chemicals

Currently, in stores, you can easily find special household chemicals to remove such stains. They are available in the form of sprays, soaps, liquid solutions. Their undoubted advantage is that such products can cope with old stains without damaging the fabric. In addition, they are often very easy to use. Such funds bring a very good result, provided that the instructions for use are strictly followed.

If a white thing turned out to be dirty, then it is best to use oxygen bleaches. For such things, this is the most successful choice.

Modern industry produces a huge amount of ready-made care products, which greatly facilitates the removal of various stains. If you are still not sure that you can handle the stain removal yourself, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists and give the item to dry cleaning.

What to remember

Since various chemicals are used when removing stains at home, which are not always safe, it is imperative to remember your own safety. Protect the skin of the hands, face, mucous membranes of the eyes. For this, rubber gloves and goggles are suitable.

The place of work must be equipped in such a way as to prevent the ingress of oil or chemicals on other surfaces. The brush can be used in cases where the stain is removed from a dense fabric, since it is very easy to damage a thin one.

Before processing with the chosen method, it is necessary to check the effect of the desired substance on the fabric in an inconspicuous place in order to know for sure that the fabric will not be damaged and the thing is hopelessly damaged.

In advance, you need to carefully read and remember the sequence in which the actions are performed, and only then proceed to work.

Stubborn stains from various technical fluids are always difficult to remove. Not knowing how to remove machine oil from clothes, many simply throw it away. However, there is more than one way to deal with such pollution.

Some of them involve the use of improvised tools that are in almost every home or garage. Or you can use special household chemicals designed to remove difficult stains. In any case, with some effort, it is really possible to save soiled clothes and restore their appearance.

How to get machine oil out of clothes

It is important to remember that a technical fluid stain is easier to remove before it dries. You need to start activities as early as possible. If no suitable product is available, it is recommended to sprinkle the stain with salt to stop the oil from soaking deep into the fabric. This will not solve the problem, but it will greatly facilitate the cleaning process in the future.

You can remove machine oil from clothes by the following means:

  • chalk;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • solvents - 646, white spirit, acetone;
  • gasoline;
  • a mixture of ammonia with turpentine;
  • stain removers.

When choosing a suitable agent, it is important to take into account the density of the material and the aggressiveness of the method used. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for the use of each of the substances so as not to spoil the fabric and successfully remove machine oil from clothes.


This method can only help if the stain is not yet dry.

You need to act quickly to achieve the desired effect:

  1. A piece of ordinary chalk must be ground into powder.
  2. Cover them with a soiled area of ​​​​clothing.
  3. Leave for 20-30 minutes for the powder to "pull" the machine oil out of the fabric.
  4. Remove chalk from clothing.
  5. Machine wash or hand wash as usual.

This is the most gentle method that will not harm even thin material. But if you apply it too late, when the stain has begun to dry out, the desired result will no longer be.

Dishwashing liquid

A good concentrated dishwashing detergent will successfully remove almost any greasy stains on clothes. It can also be used to remove engine oil.

The actions are as follows:

  1. Apply the liquid to the stain.
  2. Rub well into the fabric.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the product with a napkin or piece of cloth.
  5. Wash the item by hand with powder.

This method does not harm the delicate material, while it can be effective even in the case of chronic contamination.

Laundry soap

To remove machine oil, you will need soap with the highest content of fatty acids - 72%. The percentage is most often indicated on the tool itself.


  1. Wet the stain with warm water.
  2. It is good to lather the place of pollution.
  3. Scrub the soap with a brush for a few minutes.
  4. Leave for 3-4 hours.
  5. Wash in the usual way.

The method is safe for any tissue. Even if the stain does not completely disappear, you can not worry about the loss of material quality.


Harsh chemicals such as acetone, thinner 646, or mineral spirits can help remove stains from heavy fabrics. You can use nail polish remover instead of acetone. The method is effective for jeans and rough work clothes. Thin material under the influence of such a tool is likely to deteriorate.

To get rid of engine oil, you need:

  1. Apply solvent to the stain.
  2. Using a piece of clean cloth, gently rub the stain from the edge to the center.
  3. Scrub until the complete disappearance of pollution.
  4. Wash clothes.

After manipulations, stains may remain on the material, but they are well washed with powder.

Another option to use a solvent to help remove machine oil from a jacket is:

  1. Apply the liquid to the stained area.
  2. Sprinkle detergent on top and sprinkle with water.
  3. Rub well with a brush.
  4. Rinse clothes in water.
  5. Wash in machine or by hand.

Advice! Before using solvent or other aggressive agents, it is advisable to check whether they will spoil the appearance and color of the fabric. To do this, a small amount of liquid is applied to the material in an invisible part of the garment (for example, a strip on the inside of the seam) and left for several minutes to evaluate the effects.

Gasoline or kerosene

With the help of gasoline and kerosene, even old stains can be removed. These agents do not corrode the fabric, but may change its color. They are used in extreme cases, when more gentle cleansing options do not help.

Mode of application:

  1. Soak two paper towels in gasoline or kerosene.
  2. Attach them to the stain on both sides of the fabric.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes for the oil to “come out” of the fabric onto the napkins.
  4. Wash clothes by hand.

Ammonia with turpentine

A very effective remedy for cleaning jeans and other clothes made of dense fabrics is a mixture of ammonia with turpentine. However, it must be remembered that it is not safe to remove engine oil stains in this way. Both substances used can be harmful to human health. Their vapors cause respiratory arrest, and contact with the skin leads to a chemical burn.

Important! It is necessary to carry out all procedures with ammonia and turpentine in a ventilated room or on the street, wearing rubber gloves on your hands. You can not work with these drugs for people with epilepsy - they can cause a seizure.

To remove a stain from engine oil using this mixture, you need:

  1. Take the substances in a ratio of 1:1.
  2. Apply a stain remover.
  3. Leave for a few minutes until the solution is absorbed.
  4. Thoroughly clean the area of ​​contamination with a clean cloth, napkin or cotton pad.
  5. Wash the item in any way.

Turpentine has a very pungent odor that is unlikely to disappear after one wash. Therefore, you will have to wash several times to completely remove the unpleasant odor.

Special stain removers

The use of folk methods for removing stains at home often gives positive results. However, it is not uncommon for clothes to become hopelessly damaged after such actions, losing their color and becoming thinner.

Currently, there are household chemicals specifically designed for difficult stains, including engine oil stains. The form of release may be different:

  • sprays,
  • soap,
  • liquid,
  • powders.

The spray is very convenient to carry with you if there is constant contact with technical fluids. It can be applied immediately after contamination anywhere. Other products are for home use.

The stain remover must be selected according to the color of the material - for white or for colored. Bleaches cannot be used on dark fabrics - the thing will definitely lose color. The advantage of such household chemicals is that they do not damage even thin material. And yet, before use, be sure to read the instructions.


In the case when the thing could not be cleaned at home, it is better not to experiment and give it to dry cleaning. It is also not advisable to try to wash engine oil yourself from new, expensive and bright things if you are not sure of the result. When processing, experts always take into account the type and color of the fabric, so you should not be afraid that clothes will be damaged in dry cleaning.

There are many ways to get machine oil out of clothes. Which one is better and more effective will depend on the degree of contamination and the type of fabric. Some cases may be completely hopeless (very thin fabric or an old stain). When using aggressive substances, there is always the possibility of damage to the material. Therefore, before using them, it is advisable to try more gentle methods.

Stains on clothes from machine oil, at first glance, seem like a death sentence. But in most cases, you can get rid of them with a little effort. If you follow the recommendations, the effect will be achieved without losing the appearance and quality of the thing.

Removing various complex contaminants from things sometimes causes some difficulties. You have to use old methods, use improvised materials and run to the store for professional household chemicals. There is nothing else left when you want to return a decent look to your favorite clothes.

In this article, we will tell you how to remove engine oil from various things, what means to use, and how to do everything quickly and clearly.

Engine oil up close

General points

Car oil can get on our clothes in a variety of situations, from repairing our own vehicles or household appliances to a bad taxi or bus ride.

The oil penetrates deeply into the fabric and leaves greasy stains on it, which often cannot be removed with normal washing of clothes, and in some cases the size of the stains increases even more. Of course, leaving things in such a damaged state is not worth it, it is better to learn how to remove engine oil and do it.

It is most difficult to remove machine oil from dense fabrics with a strong pile, from clothes like jeans, from trousers and jackets, as well as from jackets, raincoats, down jackets and other outerwear. At the same time, a large amount of bleach will definitely ruin clothes, and a simple washing powder simply cannot cope with traces of such substances.

In some types of work, contamination on clothing cannot be avoided.

The use of brushes is permissible, but at the same time you exhaust not only the stain, but also the fabric itself, the pile of which becomes very thin, wears out, becomes weak and quickly ages. Thus, we face a real challenge, how to wash machine oil and not ruin your favorite clothes. We first study the composition of the fabric, and proceed to work.


When dealing with such complex contaminants, efficiency always comes to the fore. It is much easier to remove a fresh stain than to take drastic measures to eliminate an old one. At the same time, special attention should always be paid to the composition of the fabric, because the solvent can easily ruin the thinnest, most delicate and synthetic materials.

The following techniques will help you quickly get rid of fresh contaminants from machine or household oils:

  • You can soak garments in liquid dishwashing detergent, which specializes in breaking down fats. To do this, the composition must be poured directly onto the stain, smear it and leave it to soak for 15-20 minutes. After the allotted time, remove the remnants of the product, and wash the items of clothing by hand with laundry soap or washing powder. If the fabric is white, then some bleach can be added during washing.
  • In order to eliminate a fresh stain from household or machine-type oil, which was delivered literally 5 minutes ago, and even still sticky, you can use chalk. Chalk absorbs these substances quite well, so all you have to do is grind it to a powder, and sprinkle generously on the stain on the surface of the clothes. After some time (20-30 minutes), when the chalk pulled oil out of the fabric, we send the clothes for a regular wash. Salt, starch, tooth powder have similar abilities, so you can use these substances if you have them at hand.
  • You can try dry mustard. To do this, it will need to be diluted with water to get a mixture. This mixture must be thickly smeared on the stain, and leave the thing to soak for 10-15 minutes. After the allotted time, the mustard can be wiped off with a damp cloth, and the clothes can simply be washed and rinsed properly.
  • The most popular way to remove such contaminants is, of course, the use of solvents or kerosene. By dropping the solvent on the oil stain, you can immediately see the reaction taking place, and you just have to erase the dirt by moving the napkin from the edges of the stain to the center. With this method, stains will remain from the solvent, which can be safely removed by washing the item in the washing machine at the highest possible temperature for the fabric.

The fight against chronic pollution, as we have already said, is more difficult, but there are still a number of good techniques. The following methods will help when cleaning clothes from old, stubborn stains of machine oils:

Severe struggle for the purity of things

  • You can try to remove the old stain with gasoline. Just do not use machine gasoline, which can further damage things with its additives, use the cleaner one sold in hardware stores, or gasoline for lighters. Soak two rags in gasoline, place one under the stain, and the second on top, and leave the clothes in this position for 20-30 minutes. During this time, gasoline will soften the stain, dissolve the oil, and partially or completely overtake it on rags. If the stain is not completely removed, the procedure can be repeated, but if the thing has been cleaned, then subsequent hand washing will return it to its proper shape.
  • If you managed to put a stain from such a technical substance on a down jacket, then it's bad. It is better to immediately take a light-colored thing to a dry cleaner, where professionals will most likely help you clean it. With a dark down jacket, you can try to work on your own. First use a solvent, and then wash the outer garment several times. Usually, if the solvent was able to soften and significantly remove the stain, a couple of subsequent washes return things to their former appearance. At the same time, it is worth remembering about, and clearly follow them.

However, outerwear is not as often exposed to such contamination as, for example, the material of our everyday jeans. Let's take a look at how to remove oil stains from the most popular mechanics and auto repair clothes.


A solvent will help get rid of oil marks on jeans, which must first treat all stains. Then you should soak the pants in soapy water, pouring plenty of washing powder on the dirt. After letting the liquid soften the fabric, you should pick up a brush with soft bristles, and try to clean the spots with stains.

Dirty jeans before washing

If, by virtue of your work, you often have to deal with such contamination on jeans and other things, then you can purchase a special compound for removing oil stains in the store.

It is sold in the form of a spray, it is simple and convenient to use, and most importantly, it is very effective. If such contamination is not so common, then other formulations can be used.

Some experienced housewives use an explosive mixture of turpentine and ammonia to clean jeans from such stains. Dripping the mixture on the stain on the pants, it is washed with a soft cloth. In the future, jeans are washed, returning them to their former appearance.

It is worth noting that turpentine smells quite strongly and specifically, and this smell will remain on the pants. Only after a few washes or short wear, it can evaporate.

Almost any stain from clothes can be removed, provided that it is fresh. Therefore, if you see that you are dirty in oil, immediately take drastic measures. Let you spend some time, but for that the thing will be clean, but if you leave it for later, you may spend much more time and effort, but you will not be able to come to a decent result.

We hope that you will listen, or even use our advice, and easily remove stains from machine or household oil from the surface of your clothes.