How to call my wife's sister. Related ties: husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, cooler, mother-in-law, girl, Schurin, Cola, Sadovka, Sweetheart, son-in-law, daughter-in-law

Today, if the family is relatively small and without problems is placed on one large table, we practically do not ask the question, and who someone has to, because the family's circle is quite limited. Indeed, what is there to understand: Mother and his father, brothers and sisters, grandmother and, of course, grandchildren. Of course, in such related links it is not difficult to understand.

Century traditions

It was assumed that the members of the same kind were united not only only by bonding blood, but also by common needs, traditions or interests. This led to the fact that at the present time of disunity and independence often can not be understood, according to what principles a circle of expensive and close people is created. When a person forgets about his roots, practically getting rid of them, he gets some kind of freedom. But not in vain it says: "To stand, I have to keep roots."

Family bonds

So is it really so difficult to decide who is the sister of his wife, or what kind of blood bonds are associated with quiet? Certainly no. In order to do this, just regulate the list of relatives, and even better - make a tree of the kind and trace it.

Of course, the situation becomes an order of magnitude more vague, if there are many branches in the generic tree, most of which appeared as a result of merging families. The most common example of this, of course, marriage. Of course, everyone easily understands who her husband, spouse, beet and mother-in-law or mother-in-law and father-in-law. But the fact of the presence in the family of such people like a tree, a saber or Shurin puts many in a predicising position, after which they wonder: "And who is a wife's sister for me?", "What is the name of my husband's brother?" And so on. Of course, such "titles" compared with real people is not so easy.

This article is published specifically for people who ask questions, who is the sister of his wife for her husband, or who is like that.

How to name my brother's wife? Wife's sister - who is it?

So, what kind of provisions are acquired by various family representatives as a result of the merger of two births?

Sister of spouses are called Prelimena. In the event that it is married, then it is her husband called a sappy. The sister of the spouse can be called icy or ashes. In some cases, they also appeal to his brother's wife.

The newly new spouse is a son-in-law not only for mother and father of the bride, but also for his sister or brother of his wife. Often, representatives of two families, quite recently become relatives and not yet fully mastered all the riddles of the family tree, are shy to ask, and who is such a snow. And this is the answer to an uncompound question: Snow is the same as the daughter-in-law, that is, the Son's spouse for his parents.

Who is Lelin and Shurin?

It also happens that man heard that there are such relatives like Schurin and a girl, but cannot accurately figure out who is actually it. Similar details can simply fly out of the head. So, Shurin is called the brother's spouse. Lelin, in turn, is a brother husband. So the range of the nearest relatives is considered, and, as it turned out, not so difficult. Remember the list of the status of relatives will not be difficult.

And if you dig deeper?

We dealt with the "titles" of the nearest relatives, and now without much difficulty will answer questions like "who for me is a wife's sister, as the brother of my husband, who is such a Shurin", thereby demonstrating his awareness in this matter. But it is worth digging deeper to sort out more confusing, at first glance, related links. Of course, there are still quite a few different degrees of kinship, which are quite rarely used, and therefore such provisions like her husband's husband, his wife's wife or wife's sister - not the entire list of related links about which it is worth remembering. For example, men consisting in marriages with two sisters are silent. In turn, the spouses of the two brothers can be called interchanged between themselves (the Snovensnia is a girlfriend's spouse). If Shurin, that is, the brother of the wife, the son is born, it is customary to call Shurich. And also the spouse of Deviria, her husband's brother, may be called differently - yatry.

Only related ties?

In conclusion, I would like to tell about one, rather curious, experiment conducted by British scientists. They gathered a group of a completely unfamiliar among themselves and some of them reported that they were far relatives to each other. According to the results of the experiment, it turned out that those who were imposed by the thought of kinship were fully met the expectations: the participants began to communicate quite closely, and friendship began between them. Experience themselves received tremendous pleasure from communicating among themselves, conducting peaceful conversations in the "family" circle. Most of them reported that they had real relational relations, despite the fact that scientists did not confirm their words. So we can, having received an idea of \u200b\u200bhow we should call the members of your family, let's start relate to them at least a little warmer?

  1. Husband (spouse) - A man in relation to a woman who is married
  2. Wife (spouse) - A woman in relation to a man with whom it is married. Married woman.
  3. Text - Father of his wife
  4. Much - Mother of his wife
  5. Svetoch - Father of her husband
  6. Svetrov - Mother of her husband
  7. Leller - Brother husband
  8. Shurin - brother-in-law
  9. Zolovka - husband's sister
  10. Sweet - Husband Husband
  11. Pobedaenitsa - Sister of wife
  12. Son-in-law - husband's husband, husband sisters, Zolovka husband
  13. Daughter-in-law - Brother's wife, Son's wife for his mother, wife of one brother in relation to the wife of another brother; Also used instead of a tree, sinking, sly
  14. Snow - Son's wife in relation to the Father
  15. Matchmaker - Father of one of the spouses in relation to parents of another
  16. Sitting - the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of another
  17. Grandfather (grandfather) - Father father or mother.
  18. Grandmother (grandma) - father father or mother.
  19. Cousin - Uncle Father or Mother.
  20. Great-aunt - Aunt Father or Mother.
  21. Grandson, granddaughter) - Son (daughter) daughter or son towards grandfather or grandmother. Accordingly, the cousin grandson (granddaughter) - the Son (daughter) of the nephew or niece.
  22. Halt-nephew (niece) - Grandson (granddaughter) of brother or sister.
  23. Uncle (Uncle, Uncle) - Father's brother or mother, husband aunt.
  24. Aunt (Aunt, Aunt) - Sister of father or mother in relation to nephews. Uncle's wife in relation to his nephews.
  25. Nephew niece) - Son (daughter) of brother or sisters (relatives, cousins, secondary). Accordingly, the child of the cousin (sisters) is a cousin, a secondary brother (sister) - a second-class nephew.
  26. Single-util (brother, sister) - having a common mother.
  27. Single (brother, sister) - Having a common father, but different mothers.
  28. Summary (brother, sister) - Who are brother (sister) by stepfather or stepmother.
  29. Cousin - Son of native uncle or native aunt.
  30. Cousin- Daughter of native uncle or native aunt.
  31. Second cousin - Son of cousin uncle or cousin.
  32. Second cousin - Daughter of cousin uncle or cousin.
  33. Kum, Kuma- The godfather and mother in relation to the parents of the godfish and each other.
  34. Stepfather - Mother's husband in relation to her children from another marriage, a NOTOR father.
  35. Stepmother - Father's wife in relation to his children from another marriage, a non-Votor mother.
  36. Stepson - Near son of one of the spouses who comes with his own other spouse.
  37. Stepdaughter - The rude daughter of one of the spouses coming to his own other spouse.
  38. Reception Father (Mother) - Adopted, having fascinated anyone.
  39. Reception Son (daughter) - Adopted, adopted by someone.
  40. Adopted son-in-law - The son-in-law adopted in his wife's family living in the house of his wife.
  41. Widower - A man who has a wife died.
  42. Widow - A woman who has died husband.
  43. Potility - Brothers, mostly cousins, friends who had the opportunity to cut down each other in difficult times.

In a large and interesting list of special titles who receive relatives, the name "Zolovka" is called for his wife. The word is consonant with two mutually opposite concepts: "Gold" and "ash". In our minds, these images personify completely different things. Gold is something very good and pleasant,

the ash is associated with mud and trouble. So with what of these concepts people associate the title "Cland"?

Russian traditions

It is believed that the sisters of the sisters of the young began to call because of the tradition to sprinkle a new family member (young) ash from a generic furnace. Relatives as it were, in this way, a girl in a great deal. But more this word is binding not to ash, but with evil. Families were big, demanded constant worries and troubles. New strength in the form of his brother's wife were glad. Sisters quickly shifted their duties on her shoulders. And so that the young does not resist, they joined it for laziness. From this and the sayings went in the people: "Zolovka - Zlovik" and others. All of them are associated with the sharp tongues of the sisters of the beloved. It was connected with jealousy. Moroda, young and beautiful, who got a husband, caused not very good feelings from unmarried sisters of the young. The life of the daughter-in-law was even more complicated. From Zolovka, it was possible to expect both frank hatred with popresses and beatings and a secret anger with small but painful packs.

Sister's husband

When her husband's sisters were married, the family became even more. Not only new employees appeared, but also new but not only her husband had sisters and brothers, the wife also had sisters, which could also be married. The husband is called a sappy. Their children are nephews. If young has a sister, then the husband calls her differently. Usually girls who have grown in one family are very close. Therefore, they require a special approach and attention from the young. So wives? This relative is called a silent - most likely, from the word "its own". In most religions, the bags are considered to be taboo for her husband. They should be taken care of, patronizing and protecting, but it is impossible to enter intimate relationships!

Who can her husband's sister for his wife?

If on the motivation of the behavior of the spouse's relatives, then there are quite a few enemies. Of course, now he is only yours! But other moral duties in young enough, if he grew up in a big family. The best way out in this situation is only one - you need to make friends with his relatives before the wedding. Then his sisters and brothers will become you if not the good friends, from which you will not expect a trick. Please note that my husband's sister for his wife can be like a close girlfriend and the enemy. Then the young family will be in constant danger. Still, a young sister is a native man. He listens to her opinion. Therefore, it is better that the sister of her husband for his wife quickly became an allied.


The word "Zolovka" intuitively causes a not very good reaction. To establish friendly parity, it is better to call this woman with a sister. As you know, the gentle sun faster will melt the ice than a strong wind. To be attentive to her husband's relatives - this is the minimum that a woman can do for a beloved man!

Who is such a father-in-law and a mother-in-law, Svokr and mother-in-law know everything. Difficulties begin when it is necessary to recall the term denoting other relatives from both spouses. Even people of old age will not always be sure to name, as the husband of the sister's husband is called.

Rodality - Property

In the daily communication of people connected by blood relationship with one of the spouses, it is customary to call just relatives from her husband or wife. Meanwhile, such relationships have a specific definition - property. In Russian, each relative corresponds to a specific name. For example, the father-in-law - the father of her husband, Shurin - his wife's brother. The origin of these words is associated with the desire of a person to designate the degree of kinship, as well as the place and position in the family of a new relative.

Daughter or sister husband

In Russian, sister's husband is called the same as her husband's daughter - son-in-law. The word goes back to the ancient Indian Jñātíṣ and \u200b\u200bmeans a relative, which indicates an equalization of the son-in-law not just to his native person, but a relative of the blood. Interestingly, a man in relation to his wife's family will be a son-in-law also for her nephews, brothers, grandparents.

Son-in-law or liking?

The difficulty with the search for the right name of the sister's husband shows that it is usually difficult to cause the terminology itself, but the need for its right application. So, the most common confusion is a pair of son-in-bed. If everything is clear with the son-in-law, then whom to call Soblyak, as this word also refers to her sister's husband? Self - Husband Husband, wife's sisters. Men married to their native sisters, coming to each other sly. Sometimes they call only her husband's sister's husband. Interestingly, in the Soviet Music film, the fairy tale "Do not leave" the heroine of Ottiya calls her husband's sister-Queen, whereas, in fact, the King Theodore has to be a son-in-law.

Sisters husband in other languages

In other languages, the sister's husband, as well as the detention of a male - brother of his wife, brother husband, Husband, is most often indicated by one collective term:

  • In English - Brohter-in-Law. Literally means brother by law.
  • French - Beau-Frere, means Lelin, son-in-law, Saint.
  • German - Schwáger.
  • Italian - Cognato.
  • Ukrainian and Belarusian - son-in-law and zyats, respectively.

Some nationalities still clearly distinguish the properties subsystems. Therefore, every new relative in this subsystem has its name:

  • In the Tatar language, her husband's husband is called җizni. Her husband of the youngest sister also, like her husband's husband - Kiya.
  • The boat is the older sister's husband in Kazakh.

The update and an increase in the family composition entails building new relationships. What will they be, to a greater extent depends on the mutual respect and in less - from the right terminology.

It is very difficult to understand the related relationship. This earlier, when huge families lived in a few generations under one roof, remember who someone else had to do, because all these wisdom terms were constantly on hearing. In our same days, when relatives are scattered on the whole globe and are collected together only on the occasion of large events, the words "Zolovka", "Lelin", "Shurin", "Snow", etc. Many of us seem strange and absolutely incomprehensible. And yet let's try to restore in our name so that it does not have to go then if you guess: "Brother's wife - who is she?"

How to call a wife's native brother

For clarity, we will imagine a specific family, otherwise we can turn your head from infinitely cringers of kinship vectors. So, there were two native brothers Ivan and Vasily. Both became serious men and married. Ivan on Marya, and Vasily in Darya. And what do you think we will need to answer the question, for example, Ivan: "Brother's wife, who is she?". Indeed, who is Daria now be brought to him?

The older generation would answer this question that such a woman in Russia is most often called slander, in some areas - gold, and closer to Ukraine she had another name - Bratova or Yatrovka.

Each of the young women - and Marya, and Daria - now have acquired a new relative - a daughter-in-law (that is, they fall to each other about daughter-in-books or trampling). By the way, the daughter-in-laws of them can be called not only mother-in-law with mother-in-law, but also a brother of her husband (that is, Marya became bride in Vasily, and Daria - Ivan), and all the man's male.

Who is a brother's wife from the point of view of his native sister

And in the case when the family lives in the family and brother for sister will be called something different? No, there was nothing new here - for the sister, her brother's wife also turns out to be a daughter-in-law or, in a different, brother. But for the daughter-in-law will be sinking. By the way, in some regions it was called the "radiant" (probably, from excess feelings!).

Interestingly, the cousins \u200b\u200bin Starina called "Bratan" or "Benther" (which is from these proud definitions of the era of the 90s!), And their wives, respectively, "brother's". That is, finding out: "Brother's wife - who is she?", Know that the relatives and cousins, as well as their wives, are determined by several different terms.

A little more about the man's family

After analyzing the brother's wife, we involuntarily shock deeper, and now we can not be mentioned and about how after the wedding Marya or Darya will have to call her husband's brother. For Maryia Vasily (man's brother) - this is a girl, and, as you understand, Daria can also call Ivan.

But if, for example, in the same Darya there is his native Stepan his native), then he will be a shurren or a svuger for Vasily (Darya's husband). And the son of Stepan for both Vasily and Ivan will be Shurich. True, the last term is now considered completely outdated, and almost no one remembers him (but you can demonstrate your erudition!).

I add a little about the relatives of the imaginary and real

And if you suggest that Marya, Ivan's wife, there is a married sister, then she will be considered a sister to Ivan, and her husband, respectively, by a sappy. That is, it turns out that quiet people are family members, whose wives are sisters. If we are talking about cousins, then their husbands among themselves will be considered already cousins.

As you can see, asking the question: "Who can I have a brother's wife?", We slowly sort out the rest of the relationship. And how to know, maybe this information will help you support warm relationships in a new family. By the way, an interesting experiment conducted by British scientists can serve as a vivid example. They collected in a group of previously not familiar people, previously informing some that they are among themselves relatives. Interestingly, in the future it was these people who have established the closest friendly relations among themselves, assuring researchers that relatives suddenly awakened them.

A small farewell for those who figured out who is the brother's wife

What is the name of a long series of relatives from his wife and husband, hopefully, we still figured out. It just stands once to draw yourself at least a primitive scheme of these connections, and it will be to you at the beginning of a marital life with an excellent prompt and way to avoid embarrassing chasters in defining new kinship. And after some time you can already answer the question of a confused new relative: "Brother's wife - who is she?".

And you see that instead of building a verbal chain of the type: "My brother's sister's sister", it will be much easier to call the relationship with one term "sobly". In addition, do not own the fullest of these terms, we make it difficult to affect literary works (and the authors love to use these names of the relatives), as well as folklore and even household traditions that came to us from the past.