How to understand what you need to cut the bridle. A short bridle of a child in a child, a newborn. How to determine, signs, at what age it is cut. If you do not bite what will happen

Circumcision in boys or circumcizia is carried out at an early age. To remove the extreme flesh for this, there must be good reasons - religious beliefs (Muslims, Jews), social and medical testimony.

This procedure is carried out under general or local anesthesia. With proper care in the postoperative period, complications do not occur. Today we will tell you why Circumcia needs, when they are carried out and how to care for a member.


Circumcisio is a surgical intervention where the downstream of the penis is cut and has several ways to remove the skin.

In Russia and the CIS countries, there is no such custom, as circumcision in children, therefore, there are health problems with a direct indication for operation. Circumcia in some cases is considered to be the only way out for solving an intimate issue of a future man.

For example, the phimosis in a boy may manifest itself in constant inflammation, difficulties in urination, painful hygienic procedures and without surgery in difficult cases can not do.

Religion of some countries implies removal of extreme flesh. Many wonder why? First of all, approach the Most High and become cleaner.
In some countries where there is a problem with hygiene, such as African continents, circumcision - forced measure.

When accumulating Smeghi begin to multiply bacteria, inflammation appear, which lead to more serious consequences. Caring for the intimate zone of a man becomes easier and more convenient.

How do

Children before adolescence are carried out under general anesthesia, the kids 1-8 weeks do not use any anesthesia, adults - epithelka or local anesthesia. By pulling out the extreme flesh and fixation by surgical clamps, a clip of the guillotine is cut.

Circumcision from a child and an adult lasts no more than 15-25 minutes, after which it is not necessary to linger in the hospital. About a week later you can remove the seams. All these days to care for the wound so that rapid healing, splicing and prevent complications.

Why need

What is this procedure for? Children are made on medical testimony when the condition requires Circumcisia.

  • Elimination of phimosis that interferes with the opening of the sexual organ.
  • Removing the extreme flesh if it ships the head of the cock.
  • Inflammatory processes of penis.
  • Balanit and Balanopostitis.
  • Various formation on the genital organ (papillomas, condylomas).
  • Pathological changes of extreme flesh.

If there is a testimony, then to do at that age when there was a problem. According to religious reasons, it is better to carry out a newborn operation, they are not so brightly pronounced the nervous receptors of the body.

In adolescents, the process of circumcision - the procedure is painful, so it will be carried out under general anesthesia and from the point of view of medicine is not recommended to do this. Development in this gentle age of psychological injury is great.

The parents of the boy must decide on the operation, weigh everything for and against. Many men, being in adulthood, make circumcision from aesthetic considerations, simplicity of care for the body and the interest of the opposite sex increases at times.

For how many years

The best age for this manipulation to 8-9 weeks from birth, when the baby does not understand the essence of what is happening. The more adult child, the more consciously the operation.

Stress, negative and imprint for life the boy is guaranteed. Especially if the decision made the parents, and not he himself consciously. But there are inevitable situations that may affect the health of the future man.

If parents did not decide on Circumcision to 3-4 years of age, it is better to postpone up to 8-9 years. During this period, the guy can be explained how important it is to make it this procedure to improve its health.

Circumcision can occur after puberty, for example, if physiological phyms occurs. Why wait so long? Because such a state can disappear as the boy grows.

In adolescence, according to statistical data, only 1% of children is diagnosed. The incurable form of phimosis is a scar, here it is mandatory for the operation.

For religious considerations, the age of circumcision often does not exceed 7-8 days from the birth of a boy.

How to prepare for Circumcisia

Specific operation is carried out in specialized clinics, where necessary preparation is made before the procedure. The required analyzes are taken, the boy's visual examination takes place, the collection of anamnesis and takes into account the general state of the child.

These preparation measures are necessary for understanding what anesthesia to apply whether there are contraindications and whether to transfer to another period.

Preparation Before the operation - hygienic procedures of the genital organs, if there is hair, then they must be removed. Be sure to check the reaction to the anesthetics and painkillers.

How to run

This resection is made by surgeons in clinics and ambulance. After manipulation, which lasts no more than 15-25 minutes, a small patient is released home.

An anesthesiologist must be present at the operation, it is he who selects the correct dosage of anesthesia, controls the condition of the child in time of Circumcision. If the age is an adult, then they produce local or epidural anesthesia.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. Anesthesia.
  2. Definition and delimitation of the cutting line.
  3. The process of excision of the peel of the penis.
  4. Seam overlay.

Local anesthesia - slipping of the nerve fibers of the sexual organ until the complete sensitivity loss. General anesthesia is carried out by anesthesiologist in / in.

Epidural anesthesia is introduced into the lumbar punctured department, after which the drug action must be checked. The younger age, the less the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the penis and therefore the anesthesia may not be applied at all.

Types of operation:

  • Removing the extreme flesh at a minimum - the skin is cut off around the penis head.
  • Partial resection that exposes a member for 1/3.
  • Free view - leaving the skin is left at the base of the bridle.
  • The average is based on the permanent opening of the head.
  • Full removal. The sexual body becomes visually smaller.

Modern medicine allows you to choose several possible operations - strip and laser. The second has more advantages, less complications and easier is the recovery period. Minus is the cost that is significantly higher than usual.

How to care

After surgery, you need to create all the necessary conditions, peace and comfort. And of course, the most important period is to care for the wound. With proper therapy, recovery will be painless, without consequences and quickly.

What to do:

  1. Peace, little movements.
  2. Processing the wound surface up to 6 times a day.
  3. Thoroughly wash your hands before the procedure.
  4. Remove the bandage must be pre-mixing hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Wound ringed by manganese.
  6. Recommended ointment for healing: "Levomekol", "Aktovegin", "Methyluracyl".

After 7-10 days, the boys remove the boys. The dressing process is over. What tactics of treatment will be further, the doctor decides. Poland hygiene is an important condition for recovery. In case of improper care, serious consequences may begin.


Due to circumcision, such sensations arise:

  1. Normal state after surgery is considered to be pain in the field of excision.
  2. Floor and increasing the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the penis.

With proper care, they become less intense every day. If the child has these sensations pronounced, painkillers are prescribed. Range can be removed using a chamomile or salt beam.

The reason to appeal to the doctor is:

  • Explicit uncharacteristic separation of the genital organ.
  • Inflammatory process with purulent discharges.
  • Temperature of the body exceeds 37 ° C.
  • Blue shade of penis.

Do not tighten such a state that can turn into abscess and necrosis. Urgently contact the surgeon and do not self-medicate. To choose the antibacterial therapy the boy can only specialist.

Does it make sense to make an operation without appointment? Doctors in Europe and America unequivocally convinced that Circumcia has many positive parties.

But without explicit about the reasons, do not stand the parents to carry out this procedure to your child. While he does not reach the majority and will independently take such a decision. Subscribe to our site. Ahead has a lot of new information. Be healthy!

- This is a fold in the oral cavity connecting the bottom of the cavity and directly the language. Need a bridle for fixing the language, preventing its blurred. This is relevant for newborns during periods of strong crying. A short bridle in language is one of the most famous small anomalies among newborn children. Most often, this anomaly is caused by heredity, but the information and the intrauterine injury of the oral cavity are known.

Physiological features

With a feature, as a short bridle of the tongue in a newborn - not uncommon. In medicine, the term "bridle" is known as an approximate bunch, and the usual name got a figurative nature due to the fact that when picked up the tongue up the bunch holds it. The bundle descends down almost to the base of the gums of the lower incisors located in the center. With this location, the bundle does not interfere with the movement of the language, and the length is considered the norm. Sometimes the newborn is not in the middle, but the tip itself, when lifting the language, the bunch pulls it and it takes the type of gutter, such a bundle is called short. The weak mobility of the tongue prevents the sounds of the R, L, p.

You should not make quick decisions, consult several doctors, a pediatrician, dentist, surgeon will help you. If this problem is inherited, ask the opinion from your relatives, which way they solved it and how this feature affects human health and the work of the speech apparatus. Your relatives, who abandoned surgical intervention, can recommend you exercises or a speech therapist who can give you the Council on how to adjust the work of speech.

Ignoring problems leads to the development of incorrect bite, which worsens speech, and in a newborn age prevents the proper exciting of the nipple of the mother during sucking.

Problems and symptoms of short bridles

A short bridle of the tongue in a newborn can cause problems and trouble in the feeding of a child. The newborn tongue is located not at the bottom of the mouth, but in the cavity. With normal development, the bridle is elastic and flexible, therefore does not interfere with sucking. If the attempts of the proper seizure of the breast, the child do not give the result and the baby does not receive a sufficient amount of milk, and does not give stimulation to lactation. The smaller the child sucks milk, the weaker comes new. The impossibility of making a full-fledged movement does not allow the child to fully enjoy the milk and suck the necessary amount of fluid, with such feeding the child and mom have discomfort.

Being in the hospital, the pediatrician is able to determine the short bridle of the language in the child - and the mother itself can notice the change in the behavior of the child and tell about discomfort when feeding. At first, the mother's symptoms should consult a doctor and tell about problems at sucking. Significant symptoms for the mother can be:

  • long, stubborn sucking, but at the same time the tide of milk does not go away;
  • with normal outwardly sucking, the child begins to capricious;
  • in the middle of feeding the child can sharply throw the chest;
  • refusal of sucking;
  • weight loss with active sucking.

After consulting with the Pediatrician, the kid is worth showing a children's dentist, when confirming the diagnosis, that the newborn has a short bridle under the tongue, it can assign the cutting of the bridle of the language. If for some reason, a visit to the dentist is postponed, you should not get into panic and go to artificial feeding. Watch the period of refusal from the chest due to the fact that the bridle in the newborn is short, it is possible by jamming. Enjoyed milk can be made from the bottle, such feeding does not deliver difficulties for the child and will retain the lactation of the mother.

Another problem awaiting a child during a delay or refusal to trim the bridle in a newborn age occurs with the beginning of speech activity. The baby will not be able to correctly pronounce sounds and letters, it can change the speech and bite. At the older age, a short bridle can be alarmed:

  • lower cutters deployed to the other side;
  • deepening in language when pulling;
  • the child can not get tongue to the sky, lick the upper lip;
  • problems with chewing hard food.

In an attempt to avoid the operation, parents are asked for help from speech therapists. Classes with a speech therapist will give a small result, but without surgery to achieve a good effect will be difficult and it will not be a full-fledged. The younger child is the easier the operation is transferred. No need to be afraid of cutting procedures, because for a specialist, the operation for cutting a ligament is simple, and the consequence in the refusal of such a procedure brings difficulties in the development of the child and the correct formation of the kid's speech apparatus.

A short bridle in adults make it difficult to spend their difficulties. There are problems with the use of dentures. Protescent fixation makes it difficult to chew and makes complications on the state of the teeth and digestion.

Possible methods of operation in language

In Surgery there are two main methods of plastic bridle:
  1. Surgical.
  2. Laser.

The surgical procedure should be carried out by a professional doctor. Protect the bridle a newborn doctor can using surgical instruments (scissors or scalpel), as well as using a laser method.

Circus the bridles of the tongue in newborns is a practically painless procedure, the bridle of the language of the baby is elastic and thin, its circumcision takes only a few seconds. A newborn child may not even feel acute pain from the procedure itself. Older child may experience stress and get frightened, so doctors recommend and cutting a bridle at the earliest age when the possibility of pain, fears and postoperative care is minimal.

The laser method in surgery is consumed more often and has several significant advantages:

  • no blood;
  • lack of pain;
  • the sterility of the procedure, there is no contact with the tools;
  • no anesthesia.

Sometimes surgeons continue to use a medical scalpel, since not any problem with circumcision can be solved with a laser. When using surgical instruments, local anesthesia is used.

The bridle of the tongue is thin, so immediately after circumcision, the baby gives to suck the breast in order to stretch the bridle and the tip of the tongue has become more movable. The process of sucking stabilizes the condition of the kid and soothes.

For older children, after a week or ten days, we assign classes with a speech therapist. Assessing the condition of the child and the ability of the speech apparatus, the speech therapist will appoint classes for muscles that help in the movement of the language. Healthy mouth cavity restores all speech capabilities in a short time. If parents postponed the operation and did not cut the bridle of the language of the newborn, in adulthood, the operation also gives results, but the postoperative period becomes longer.

The criterion of a qualitatively conducted operation serve several indicators:

  • no swelling in the oral cavity;
  • lack of long pain;
  • lack of increasing body temperature.

After the procedure, the patient improves speech, and the movements of the lips and the language become smoother and soft.

Oral hygiene

The bridle in newborns after the operation heals quickly and painlessly, and the mouth cavity does not need additional care. The bridle after circumcision in older children heals slower, with a surgical method of circumcision, painful sensations may occur with the completion of anesthesia.

The main rule after the rigor excision process is the oral hygiene. Try not to eat hard, sharp and hot food. No need to load the muscles of the language without need. After a week, the patient of any age returns to the usual regime of life and does not feel discomfort.

Basic contraindications for surgery

Despite the simplicity of the operation, it is not necessary to conduct it. There are several reasons for which cutting is not recommended:

  1. Blood diseases: hemophilia, risk of expanding epithelial tissue.
  2. Chronic virus diseases.
  3. Oncology.
  4. Oral diseases: Caries, pulpitis, chronic diseases of the oral cavity.

Before the operation, ask for advice to your doctor, tell us about your fears or diseases. The choice of method and the period of the operation must be prescribed a professional.

A short bridle of the baby in infants is a common problem. To determine the need for an operation must be a doctor. The bridle of the language in newborns is thin and easily leaving surgical interference without the consequences of long healing. Dental doctors recommend carrying out such an operation as early as possible. The newborn child can immediately enjoy sucking without a sense of discomfort. It does not experience fear before and after the procedure, unlike adults and preschool children.

Each person has a bridle of the language. This is a small thin strip, which serves to hold the tongue on the put place, near the bottom row of the teeth.

However, this is not the only feature. Management of language, its mobility, breathing, swallowing, in general, food intake is carried out with the help of a bridle.

It looks like a thin fold located on the mucosa under the tongue. It starts almost from the gum of the central lower teeth and comes to the lower plane of the language before its middle.

However, some pathology can sometimes be observed - this fold is not as needed, or is too short. Then an easy operation applies to it.

Causes of incorrect formation

The scientific name of this phenomenon is - ankilosses, i.e. "Curved Language". This is a fairly common problem. The main reason for the appearance is the hereditary factor. Moreover boys are more pronounced and occurs much more often than girls.

It is absolutely not necessary that the short bridle had a baby's parents. It is enough that someone from the nearest relatives faced with this problem. That is, in addition to heredity also allocate genetic predisposition.

The second reason for the appearance of ankilosses - possible pathology of pregnancy. It is difficult to highlight any one of the many factors. However, it is noted that the children of mothers who used drugs during pregnancy more often have this pathology.

It is also often observed in those newborns who have other blobs of birth, causing deformations of the head and face.

Clinical picture

Such pathology, especially if it is pronounced, has such a picture:

  • the tip of the language cannot be removed beyond the border of the oral cavity, as it is rather rigidly fixed near its bottom;
  • if the child tries to pull the tongue, he is simply bent up the arc;
  • if you do not pull, but only try to raise the tongue to the upper side, then its tip due to the strong tension of the bridle splits and takes the heart shape;
  • when folding, the characteristic clicking sound and the shape of the groove occurs.

Why do I need a correction?

Correction of ankylofliness or cutting of an approaching bridle must be carried out by a variety of reasons. And these reasons change with the age of the child. Based on this, and we will consider the need for an operation.

Why do this newborn

For babies, breastfeeding is very important. With milk mother, they get everything necessary not only for growth, but also for normal development at all. That's why it is necessary that the tongue of the baby worked fineSince this body plays a crucial role in the feeding process.

With the help of the correct movements of the tongue, the nipple is properly collected and the nipple is drawn, and is also formed by a special shape of a chute to hold it and collect milk before swallowing.

And if ankylogloss is found, then during feeding there may be a number of problems.

  • Impossible to attach baby baby correctlyAlso, he will not be able to hold it for a long time.
  • Difficulties also arise with milk suction process. For this, the baby begins to grasp the gums strongly and bite them, which causes cracks and severe pain.
  • When suction milk, baby swallows a large amount of air. This leads to frequent extermination, the occurrence of colic.
  • Insufficient amount of milk obtained leads not only to increased feeding process time, but also reflected in the growth of the child - He is less quickly gaining weight and can fall behind.

The consequences of anqueliation

If the operation did not yet in the maternity hospital, as well as in infancy, then breastfeeding problems are quickly forgotten. However, if the bridle was too dense and short, it does not stretch independently with time.

And this can lead to further violations. Among them first speech therapy problemsSince the language plays a big role in the pronunciation of sounds.

It is also possible to appear other violations, including orthopedic, dental and general medical:

  • Delay of growth and development of the lower jaw.
  • Formation of incorrect bite. Possible options are open or. In the first case, the upper and lower dental rows can intersect at several points resembling a chess order. And in the second, the teeth in the front do not work at all, leaving an open space in the form of oval.
  • Deploying the lower central teeth inside.
  • Changing the shape of the tip of the tongue, for example, splitting.
  • Injuring the cutters of the lower rod of the bridle itself.
  • Early, especially in the lower row.
  • Problems with the pronunciation of those sounds for which you need to raise your tongue - p, l, w, sh, sh, h, d, t.
  • Poor-quality feeding, as well as air from the esophagus. This leads to frequent swolves, strong gas formation, pains and coliks in the stomach.
  • The appearance of snoring in a dream in childhood, as well as apnea.

Ankiloglosse technologies at different ages

Cutting the bridles can be carried out regardless of the age of the patient. However, this operation has several types and degrees of complexity.


Such an operation in infancy can be made in the maternity hospital or in the dental clinic. It takes a very short time and is called Franotomy.

The newborn bridle is a very subtle formation, which contains a small amount of nerve endings and blood vessels.

therefore with the help of special scissors, a small incision is made in the transverse direction.. Local painkillers can be used, which lubricates the place of the cut.

However, in many cases, even this is not required. Soothe baby and stop blood, you can simply attach it to your chest.

Children up to 5 years

For children of this age, the procedure is not much different, but requires necessarily applications of a local anestheticbecause it is quite painful. After a complete healing, most likely, orthodontic treatment may be required - bite correction.

Children of school age and teenagers

If the bridle was not corrected earlier, starting from five years, when children are already understood and adequately perceive what is happening, carried out franuloplasty. This is a more complex operation that requires local anesthesia and the imposition of seams. To do this, usually use a material that has a property is dissolved.

Depending on the complexity, phrenuloplasty problems can be carried out in three different ways.

How to cut the bridles in a child under the tongue can be viewed in the following video:

Using a laser

New technologies are widely used in modern medicine. In particular, laser can be used instead of surgical scalpels and scissors. It is also used to cut the bridle under the tongue.

The laser has the ability to not just cut, but to evaporate some parts of the fabrics. Thus, it is not required to apply seams, since on remote areas of the bridle, simultaneously with the removal, the wound closure occurs.

It is very good to apply a laser in cases where the operation is required by a child of kindergarten. The baby will look at the cartoons while the anesthetizing agent will hold him.

And then offer to wear special safety glasses. So the child will feel involved in an interesting game.

This method has many advantages:

  • bloodless cutting of fabrics;
  • the sterilization of the edges of the cut occurs simultaneously with its application;
  • the laser causes coagulation of the cut vessels - "baking";
  • lack of seams during operation of any complexity;
  • a faster healing process;
  • a significant reduction in the risk of complications;
  • facilitate the process for the patient himself.

Possible complications

Almost always such an operation takes place without any complications. This is due to its ease, as well as the simplicity of the structure of the bridle itself. The only possible option when complications appear - the postoperative period.

At this time, with non-compliance with the regime of rehabilitation and prescriptions, the doctor may be formed small fairly painful inflammatory processes in damaged areas. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately perform all the instructions that relate to hygiene, power mode, and so on.

Another option of complications - very rare in older children (teenagers) can form visible and hard scar. This causes the need for re-plastle to be removed.


Cutting the sub-surround bridle is exposed to quite a few people in the very small age. Usually this procedure is not too painful and takes a minimum of time.

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  • Daria

    November 16, 2015 at 19:17

    Our son did cut the bridles of the tongue in a very small age (until a year when we were in the hospital about ORVI. Watching us the attending physician turned my attention to this bridle and explained what consequences could be the baby in the future, if not in time cropping. And indeed, the operation went fast, one can say, successfully, the child did not even have time to be frightened, as everything was done. In the future, when it came to the kindergarten or with some of the moms about this bridle, I advised to do as You can quickly cutting up. And of course, nothing to be afraid. Moreover, now there is a laser, with him the operation will be much easier and painless.

  • Nikita

    November 20, 2015 at 9:34

    I was given this operation in childhood. Honestly, it does not hurt at all, and besides this, there was no powerful deeperating, just Novocain. I was cut into a bridle in order to align the bite, since the plate did not help with a wide bridle. After cutting, over time, everything left, and I am grateful for this to the doctor, for his responsibility and talent.

  • Alina Snezhinina

    April 13, 2016 at 6:17

    I did not even know that there are several ways to cut the bridle. And even more so in our local clinic, no one offered to solve the problem with the help of a laser. My daughter (she was five years old) had an easy, since the surgeon, the operation of a bloody method (using a scalpel). The child was worried great, but everything went successfully. The first time was uncomfortable to eat. Over time, the wound in the oral cavity was dragged. The bridle became longer and the daughter was finally able to push the sound "P". Yes, and other sounds began to be made easier.

  • Irina

    January 11, 2017 at 13:22

    The first time went to the reception to the surgeon, when the daughter was 4 months old, no problems with the doctor did not find a doctor, but by the year at the next reception it turned out that the bridle should be cut. Of course I did not want, it was a sorry for a child, it hurts it, but I had to. We certainly didn't say anything about the laser, in the usual children's clinic, there is nothing like that, cut the usual scalpel, pretty quickly, the child shook a bit.

  • Vitaly

    March 7, 2017 at 4:58

    And in adulthood you can cut a bridle?

  • Elevate

    June 8, 2017 at 10:20

    My younger sister somewhere at the age of one and a half years could not talk. I don't know if it was connected with the bridle under the tongue, but we went and cut her, after which the child really became easier to disappear sounds. The procedure itself was not particularly painful (because anesthesia did not even offer) and was produced with such small scissors. I also remember me at the age of 12 years old cut the bridle under the lip, but this is another story, because It was much more serious.

A short bridle - a frequent diagnosis of babies, who mother can hear back in the maternity hospital. There, this pathology should be immediately eliminated, because the newborn baby will experience difficulties in sucking the mother's chest or when feeding from the bottle. The bridle is successfully corrected, the procedure passes quickly, practically painlessly and is well tolerated, so you should not worry if this happened to your baby. This is a common operation in the practice of children's surgeons. Much more dangerous those consequences that this anomaly can cause in advanced cases.

An abnormally short bridle is found in many newborns, but if there is an operational intervention in time, in the future, the child will not remember this problem to be bridle, and is it really necessary?

Language bridle is a webbed jumper that connects the tongue and lower jaw. Due to its presence, the language is held in a normal position. It is responsible for many important functions in the human body:

  • food, in infancy - sucking breasts;
  • correct pronunciation;
  • normal bite;
  • work of facial muscles.

When the bridle has development pathology, the normal functioning of the oral cavity is disturbed. Normally, it is located in the middle of the language and has a length of about 2.5-3 cm, kids up to a year - 8 mm. Usually, the abnormalities of the bridle are concluded in shortening the length or attach it to the tip of the language. Such a deviation is called ankilosses, or a short bridle. Characteristic for this anomaly Location of the bridle in the mouth is shown in the photo.

What is dangerous for kid ankilosses? It causes deviations in the development of jaws and bite disruption. It is possible to understand that the baby has a short bridle, you can immediately after birth. The kid sucks the chest badly, quickly gets tired, crying and often applied to the mother's chest. During feeding, characteristic climbing sounds are heard, and the milk is caused from the mouth. Such kids grow slowly and gain weight, because their language is not allowed, and sucking is discomfort, it hurts to move the tongue. The same is observed in the kids-artificials.

At an older age, a simple test is used to determine ankyloglosses: if the child can get the top sky tip of the tongue, the length of the bridle is normal. The specialist may suspect the deviation when the child has bite disorders, periodontitis, speech therapy pathologies, discomfort when chewing and swallowing food. Typically, this problem diagnoses the speech therapist, to which they are asked for help in the improper pronunciation of sounds and words.

Ankilosmsia is subject to treatment, otherwise it leads to serious violations:

  • food chewing;
  • bite;
  • pronunciation;
  • swelling;
  • snore (apnea);
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • frequent colds due to oral respiration;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • scoliosis.

Often ankilosion arises for hereditary reasons. If relatives had such pathology, the likelihood of the birth of a child with the same violation is quite high. In addition to genetic predisposition, the short bridle is formed in pathologies of pregnancy Mother and other factors:

  • viral diseases (especially dangerous first and third trimesters);
  • toxicosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • psychotrauming situations;
  • taking alcohol, narcotic drugs, poisoning by chemicals in the first 3 months of pregnancy;
  • bad environmental situation in the region of residence;
  • bruise belly or other injuries.

At what age make such an operation?

There are no age limit for plastic, it is made by the smallest patients, and school-age children, and adults. Mom is practically not separated with the child, because the plastic bridle itself passes quickly.

Language bridle plastic is easier to transfer to the first months of life. It is best to make it a newborn so that the baby can eat comfortably and grow well.

In older children, it is more difficult for the correction, as it is performed under general anesthesia, and to convince the one-year-old child to sit quietly a few minutes much more difficult than to operate the infant. That is why doctors recommend in some cases to stand up with interference to the age of 4-5 years.

However, during this time, sustainable violations of speech may appear, which will subsequently require long-term correctional work and permanent exercises. Other specialists are recommended to trim between the language and the jaw during the growth of the upper teeth.

Where do the plastic bridle and what doctor to contact?

If you suspect the Ankilosion of the child to consult a dentist, orthodontist or maxillofacial surgeon, which will confirm or refute a preliminary diagnosis. The decision on the need for operational intervention will jointly take an orthopedist, surgeon and speech therapist.

3 degrees of pathology: light, medium and heavy

To do this, there must be good reasons:

  • serious nutritional problems in a newborn baby;
  • studied by the usual ways speech therapy disorders;
  • malocclusion;
  • violation of the correct meal;
  • displacement of the teeth, the slope of the cutters inward.

Specialists share the degree of pathology on a 5-point scale. Small deviations are successfully eliminated without surgery older than 1 year by performing special exercises.

The operation is carried out in the maternity hospital or in dental clinics with older children. If the case is complex, operated in maxillofacial compartments.

Operational correction short bridle

The newborn baby can make the operation in the maternity hospital, because at the birth neonatologist will check it for the presence of this pathology. For older children, the procedure is carried out quickly, it does not require stay in the hospital, after it you can immediately go home.

Contraindications to cutting the bridle can be:

  • oncological diseases (including oral oily);
  • blood diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • the diseases of the oral and teeth (caries, pulpit, osteomyelitis).

Cutting the bridles is carried out if the child is completely healthy; In the presence of caries or other illness, the operation is impossible for the types of operations for ankilosses

The decision on which type of surgery will be appropriate, is adopted by a specialist. Usually this:

  • franulotomy - cutting the bridles and suturing the edges of the mucous membrane;
  • franuloectomy, or a glycman method, when the bridle is cut from the teeth;
  • franuloplasty, or a grape method, at which the layer is cut off with the layer of tissue and is mucified to the bridle.

There are other ways - it all depends on the specific case. The specialist will advise how it is better to enter this situation, it may not be necessary to circumcise the bridles.

How is the procedure for cutting a bridle?

It is necessary to explain the child over 2 years old, why need to trim the jumper between the language and the jaw. It is necessary to calm it so as not to cause strong stress.

The operation is carried out under local anesthesia. Nervous endings and vessels in a newborn baby in the bridle are not yet. That is why her trimming does not give the baby and parents of great concern. The operation time usually takes 5-10 minutes.

An older age in the place of the future, the lap spray spray with lidocaine or applies gel. The doctor then cuts the surgical scalpel or scissors. The seam imposition is not always required.

Laser treatment

Laser correction is considered the safest way of operation and refers to microsurgery. It practically does not cause complications. The seams after the operation laser are not superimposed, there is no need for this, and the postoperative period lasts 2 days.

The duration of the laser operation is only 3-5 minutes. This method is suitable for kids, because it does not cause bleeding, complications in the form of an attachment of secondary infections, it is accurate and practically painless.

Rehabilitation period

For kids up to 9 months, rehabilitation time is only a few hours, after which the baby can be applied to the chest. In children, older recovery period lasts about a day. After the operation, the laser rehabilitation passes even faster.

Immediately after the operation, the kids are beginning to eat normally, while not experiencing discomfort, and maternal milk will help the rings in the mouth faster. Breasts quickly gain weight and grow well. The speech therapy violations of the kids are not diagnosed to the year, and the older children will need correctional work with the speech therapist. What exercises are recommended to be carried out in the presence of pathology, you can look at the video.

In the presence of pathology, it is recommended to regularly perform uncomplicated exercises.

After plastic bridle should:

  • do not take food for 2 hours;
  • 3-4 days do not eat annoying products - salted, sharp, sour and too solid;
  • refuse hot meals and drink;
  • for some time, food is better to use in the witch form;
  • do not load a language conversation;
  • after eating, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with antiseptic means (decoction of chamomile, tincture of calendula, fuccin solution);
  • do special exercises developed by a doctor;
  • lay on the site of operational intervention butterflake oil, solk sector;
  • visit the speech therapist for the appointment of the attending physician;
  • if there is pain, the child give an anesthetic (nooofen, ibuprofen).

Are complications possible after surgery?

Usually no consequences, in addition to the short-term restoration of the normal function of the oral cavity and language, does not occur. Everything passes quickly, almost painless and well tolerated by a child.

With poor postoperative processing of wounds, inflammatory processes may occur in improper hygiene and pain. School children sometimes form scars - in this case, a re-dissection will be required.

If a child has a short bridle of the language, then experts can recommend to make an operation to eliminate this pathology. We collected material about what age is carried out this operation, how to cut the bridles of the tongue in different ways (laser, scalpel). Also from the article you will learn answers to current questions about child care after surgery.

Table number 1. Features of the operation for cutting the bridle of the language in children under 1 year and the guys older

Age What specialist is the question of the feasibility of the operation? What doctor performs an operation? Features and consequences of cutting a bridle in children of different ages
Up to 1 year. Give recommendations for cutting a bridle can pediatrician,if the child appears difficulties associated with the sucking of the mother breast. Dentist dentist. The newborn refill is very small, there are no nerve fibers and blood vessels in it, so the cutting is performed without local anesthesia At the same time, the bleeding will be minimal.
From 4 years. If before a year, the child did not make an operation, he grown and he had problems with speech and exercises and a massage for stretching the language did not help or are not advisable in this case, the recommendations on cutting a bridle language gives speech therapist. Dentist dentist. Cutting an approaching ligament in children from 4 years is painless operation. But at this age, children are carried out With the use of local anesthesia and the imposition of seams.

At what age is it better to make an operation for cutting a bridle of the tongue in children?

The optimal age in which the child needs to cut the bridles, is selected individually. In most cases, the operation is performed up to 1 year or immediately after the birth of a child right in the hospital. The at earlier age will be performed on cutting the bridle, the easier it will pass.


Indications for surgical interference on the bridle of the language determines only the speech therapist, it must give a written conclusion. This is usually done aged 4-5 years. At an earlier age (for example, in 2 years), the child is unlikely to be able to deal with the speaker, and without these classes there is no point in carrying out the plastic of the bridle of the language.

The only advice that gives doctors to feed the child before surgery, because for the baby, this procedure matches with stress, and the hunger causes additional discomfort.

There are two ways to cut the bridle: with a scalpel or laser.

Table number 2. Features of the operation for cutting the bridle of the scalpel language and with a laser

How do children cut a bridle under the language of the scalpel? How do cut the bridles of the laser language?
Cutting with a scalpel occurs over 20 to 30 minutes.

During operation, a small incision is performed, after the seams are superimposed.

The postoperative period may be accompanied by small edema and discomfort.

As a result of the operation, a small scar appears, which heals for 7-10 days, and later, generally passes.

Before the healing of the scar should rinse the mouth with a special solution and refrain from solid food.

Circuit bridles with a laser occupies, approximately 10-12 minutes.

The process is practical painless and occurs almost without bleeding.

An incision is made using a special dental laser, which cares and instantly soldes the wound.

Due to this, bleeding is practically absent and there is no need to apply seams.

Local anesthesia, which is used is a dental spray or gel.

For an hour after surgery, the child may return to the usual rhythm of life, and the healing of the scar occurs within 1-2 days.

Each of these methods is effective, has its supporters and opponents, but the choice always remains for their parents. The price of methods is different, but this difference is insignificant. It should always be remembered that it is not worth saving on the health of the child, therefore it is unreasonable to choose a method - unreasonable.

In rare cases, after cutting a bridle of the tongue, the following complications may occur:

Other complications may arise in non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor on postoperative care. The rehabilitation period after the operation lasts from 2 to 7 days. After that, you can return to the usual rhythm of life.

Dentist I.V. Solovyov gives the following guidelines for the care of an adult child after cutting the sub-speaking ligament:

Parents often have many questions about child care after cutting the bridle of the tongue. The answers to the most popular of them are set out below.

How a child should feel after surgery. What is normal, and what not?

After cutting at a later age, when the operation was performed with local anesthesia, small pain of the child may occur, the temperature rise. In this case, the doctor appoint painkillers to remove unpleasant symptoms. In the first days, the baby will experience minor inconvenience due to superimposed seams, refuse food. The reason for such behavior can be the usual stress.

The child does not eat. What to feed and drink?

There are such cases when the baby feels discomfort after the operation or simply frightened and may refuse food. In this case, you should try to feed it with a syringe (without needle) or in any other way so that it is not necessary to suck or eat from the spoon. It is necessary to feed with liquid food that does not require chewing. Immediately after the operation, it is recommended to give a baby breast milk, it acts as an antiseptic. Carefully need to follow the child's hygiene cavity. Adult children after meals should be brushing your teeth and rinse with furaciline or decoction of herbs with anti-inflammatory properties, such as chamomile, sage grass, oak bark.

The child began to smack. What to do?

In the first few days, the kid can smack, in this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the correctness of the sucking of the chest or nipples. If in a few days, after the operation, the combosion did not pass, you should consult a doctor, possibly cutting it is incorrect.

How much will it be possible to talk?

In the first few days it is not recommended to talk a lot. And on the first day after the operation, you can not talk. In the event that the seams were superimposed, they can longer heal or simply interfere with the child to communicate. Full healing of seams occurs from 2 to 10 days after the operation, depending on the cutting method. During this period, the muscles of the tongue should be loaded less.

What if the temperature rose?

In the case when the temperature rose in the first hours after the operation, a light antipyretic can be given to the baby. It is not necessary because of this to panic immediately, each organism can respond to the operation differently. If a few days after the operation, the temperature will not pass, you need to consult a doctor, maybe the doctor has triggered by non-sterile tools, and infection was entered.

There was a white flare, pus under the tongue. What is it and what to do?

Within a few days after the operation, a white bloom may appear, in no case should it be necessary to think that it is pus, thus begins to form a new mucous. Regular rinse allows you to remove the flare for several days. Pump may occur in non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor, relative to the oral hygiene. In this case, you need to consult with your doctor.

What if there is a dealer, tongue?

The numbness and swelling of the tongue is the normal reaction of the body. Discomfort must pass throughout the day.

The child after surgery is capricious. What to do?

If the baby begins to capricious and cry, in this case it is necessary to take a child something, distract and measure the temperature. This is normal, the baby could be afraid, especially if the cutting was performed at an older age. Any operation is stress, and for children it is even more terrible and unconscious.

What if the seams were separated?

Sometimes there are cases when the child fell, and he had seams, then it should immediately consult a doctor for re-imposing seams, otherwise, maybe a scar.

Children's dentist DP Yumashev:

Dentist Surgeon I.V. Solovyov on contraindications to carry out a cutting of a bridle of a language:

Dentist S. I. Zaretsky:

Cutting the bridles is a very simple operation. I would say that it is to call the operation loudly. The mucous membrane is slightly cut - a zigzag cut is made, not deep. Heals the mucous very fast, no care is needed. Possible rinses with chamomile or sage. This can be compared with a slight thumb. But the mucous membrane heals much faster than the chopped finger. Literally in 2-3 days. This, provided that the child is physically healthy, it has normal immunity, there are no systemic diseases like diabetes, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, and so on.

Under the bridle in medicine, they imply a small piece of connective tissue, which is in the mouth. There are 3 bridles: language, bottom and upper lips. They serve as a guarantee of the proper functioning of the speech apparatus, the desired speed and direction of its movement.

All people have bridles have their length, density and elasticity, plus, are attached differently. These factors affect the purity of sound pronunciation, speech clarity and normal food intake. A very short bridle of a child in a child leads to a limited movement of linguistic oran, which subsequently causes problems with speech development.

Symptoms short bridles of the upper lip and language

A short bridle of the tongue in a newborn is detected immediately after the birth of the Karapuz and cut it with it, if necessary. Not only a pediatrician or dentist is capable of determining the presence of this defect. Parents can understand this on their own on characteristic features. Symptoms indicating the availability of problems include:

  1. Peculiar form of language. He becomes a heart, and his tip is a little drawn back.
  2. Problems with breast feeding. The newborn incorrectly captures the nipple, as a result of which it is not capable of holding the chest for a long time, and the process lasts for a long time.
  3. Bad set in weight. It is a consequence of malnutrition.
  4. Jumping and colic after applying to the chest. Also, the newborn can be a stomach.
  5. Modified view of nipples in the mother. Cracks appear on them.

As for the short bridle of the upper lip, before the child does not shift the central cutters, this defect does not cause noticeable difficulties. However, after the rubberization, there is a risk that it will fall into the gauge nipples between the teeth. As a result, a gap is formed, called true diasthem. In addition to her, they say about the problem:

Causes of short bridle formation

The most common cause for which a short bridle of the tongue is formed - heredity. If one of the parents was or is the owner of a short language heavy, the probability of the appearance of a shortened subwinding bridle is growing greatly. In addition to heredity, the development of pathology affects:

  1. The course of pregnancy. If a woman has observed early toxicosis during the launcher of the fetus, or she took hormonal drugs and antibiotics, then the risk of forming a short language in a child.
  2. An abdominal injury during pregnancy.
  3. Age indicators. More often, pathology is found in children who were given birth after 35.
  4. Infectious diseases in the period of wearing the fetus.
  5. Bad ecology.

Varieties of shortened bridle

The pathology of the shortened bridle is classified by five major varieties:

  1. The jumper is transparent and thin. It practically does not hold back the movement of the language.
  2. The heavy and translucent. In such a situation, when the language is raised, then the tip of its tip and the acquisition of the heart shape occurs.
  3. Opaque fat bridle. Advanced tongue has a tipped tip and raised back.
  4. Short heavy, which grows with the muscles of the tongue.
  5. Almost a complete absence of jumpers. It occurs its dense splicing with the language muscles.

Diagnostics of the problem

After childbirth, neonatologist necessarily conducts a visual examination of the oral oily cavity. The normal length of the jumper at this age is 8 mm. The doctor needs to delay the bottom lip slightly so that the child discovers the mouth, and he was able to diagnose the problem of a short sub-speaking tall.

In older children, the diagnosis of a short language can a sectional pediatrician, therapist or speech therapist. In 2-3 years, the kids are beginning to talk, and the presence of problems with speech testifies to a possible defect. In the future, the child is heading for inspection to the dentist or orthodontist.

Diagnose defect short bridle lips or under a speech body can be independently referring to the forums, the site of the school of Dr. Komarovsky. You will also help the photo from the Internet, on which it is shown how the sub-linked jumper and the tip and lower lip and the lower lip are normal and with an abnormal development.

An adult man is able to conduct an easy test. To do this, you need to narrow the tongue as far as possible. If it does not bend down at a distance of two centimeters, then there is no pathology with a bridle. It is important not to ignore the problem and consult with a specialist to determine the proper method of treatment.

How to fix the situation?

The presence of such pathology in a child, as a short jumper under the tongue, upper or lower lip, does not necessarily require an operation. A specialist should resort to the defect correction method.

There are two main ways to solve the problem:

  1. Orthopedic. It includes speech therapy gymnastics and a number of exercises aimed at stretching the bridle.
  2. Surgical. The meaning of the operation is reduced to the cutting of heavy sterile scissors.


If the baby short bridle does not interfere with breastfeeding fully, then with the operation you can wait. Older children can help correct the defect speech therapist. Stretching the shortened chopping and giving it elasticity is carried out by two methods:

  • special articulation gymnastics;
  • speech therapy massage.

Part of the exercises that are included in the gymnastic complex, parents can perform with children at home. Among them:

The positive effect of stretching is possible only in the case of regular exercise performs every day. They can be carried out several times a day, gradually increasing the duration and complexity.

As for the speech therapy massage, this procedure is performed quite painfully and unpleasantly. As a result, children do not like her.


Not in all cases you can do without surgery. Sometimes only speech therapy exercise is not enough to overcome the problem. For carrying out a bridle cutting operation, scissors or laser are used. There are three ways to perform the procedure:

An ideal time for surgical interventions in order to correct the defect of a short language is considered the first weeks after the birth of a child. During this period, the jumper is still fine and does not have nervous endings, so the operation passes painlessly and does not require pain relief and overlapping seams.

If the baby did not cut the bridle in the hospital, then a similar procedure is better to postpone the age of 2.5 years. At this time, the milk bite is already fixed, but the pronunciation formation has not yet been completed.

Another favorable period, in which you can make cutting a short stray - 5 years. Dairy teeth are replaced by constant moolers, bite formation.

Modern technologies provide the ability to carry out operations of this kind at any age. Usually they will shortly and do not lead to serious complications. However, adult children after them need additional speech therapy therapy.

Possible complications after intervention

Usually, heavy cut in the maternity hospital. Indication to the operation are problems with baby feeding. Otherwise, it is not required. The procedure passes quickly, without delivering painful sensations by crumb. After the child should be applied to the breast so that the wound is washed with breast milk. This prevents infection in it.

Conducting the operation in adolescents and adults already requires the use of anesthesia and wound sewing, as the bridle becomes more dense, there are already blood vessels and nerve endings. The more the patient, the longer the wound healing. The main complication after the operation is pain. Anesthetic drugs, such as ibuprofen, paracetomol or other means, relieving pain (permitted to take children) to cope with it.

Another possible complication is the formation of the postoperative scar. In this case, re-surgical intervention is required.

Many people heard about such an operation as cutting the bridles under the tongue in children, but not everyone understands why and when necessary. The problem with the imperfection of the structure of the approaching bridle can manifest at different ages, and parents really have to take due attention to this. Despite the fact that this part of the body seems very insignificant, it is associated with the process of eating and playing speech. Its anomaly indirectly affects vital phenomena in the body.

The essence of the problem

Photo: It looks like a normal bridle in the mouth of a child

The language is attached to the base of the mouth with its root part. Between the language and lower edge of the mouth there is a small skin fold - a bridle. Normally, it should be such a length so that the person can easily move the tongue, slightly turn it out beyond the lips, touch the front surface of the teeth, pronounce sounds.

The shortened bridle of the tongue strongly limits its mobility, speech capabilities and ability to normal nutrition, especially in children. The same problems arise with its improper attachment when it is in close proximity to the tongue.

The consequences are:

The bridle in the newborn normally has a length of about 8 mm And more, and five-year-old children increase to 17. But it is not always possible to produce measurements at home, especially if the kid is very active. And to understand whether everything is right in the oral cavity, only by specialists.

Determine whether the child has a short bridle, it is possible for some external signs:

If parents suspected the problem, you need to refer to the pediatrician or dentist. But in many cases, the defect is established by a neoatologist in the hospital.

Causes of Defect

Short bridle of a newborn language - congenital anomalyIn the first months of the development of the fetus, when all organs are the formation of all organs. For its appearance there are several reasons:

  • The presence of hereditary predisposition: if the parents had such a feature, it can inherit.
  • The older the future mother, the most likely the appearance of a shortened bridle from her child due to raising the risk of development of anomalies.
  • The defect can develop if a woman under pregnancy suffered an infection or suffers from chronic diseases.
  • Strong early toxicosis is able to lead to a shortage of nutrients, which is why the fetas are formed incorrectly.
  • The impact of any teratogenic factors: radiation, toxic substances, heavy for the body of drugs, alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
  • Accidents with pregnant injuries.

Some of these reasons do not depend on the actions of future parents, especially genetic predisposition. The remaining risk factors should be avoided: the pregnant woman should not work in harmful production, drink, smoke, engage in self-medication, expose itself to the risk of falls during sports.

Ways to solve the problem

At the moment there are several ways to correct:

  • Cutting the bridles in children with a scalpel.
  • Circuit bridles under the language laser.
  • Stretching by exercise.
  • Deleting a defect with massage.

Surgical interventions can be performed in different ways, the main ways are:

In more modern clinics, trimming is performed using a laser. The dissection is carried out after processing anesthetic: gel, spray. For patients, such a trimming is less traumatic, damage to blood vessels is minimal - the laser simultaneously cares the mucous membrane and causes the spike of capillaries.

The regeneration of tissues after laser trimming passes within a few days, it is possible to return to the usual way of life in an hour after the procedure. But how much you need to stay in the clinic, the doctor decides. Complications are less common than after eliminating a scalpel defect.

Optimal age for surgery

Is it worth making manipulations with a bridle under the tongue and at what age it is better to cut it - such solutions depend on when they found an anomaly, what are individual features. If a neonatologist determines in the maternity hospital that the infant has a defective sublingual bridle, it is better to cut it right away.

The baby is still not so moving to prevent the procedure, and the membrane itself is small, thin and does not contain blood vessels. Thanks to these factors for manipulations, there will be enough local anesthesia, and it is possible to calm the crumb, by applying after surgery to the chest.

Circus the bridles of the tongue in children aged after 6 months is associated with some difficulties. The baby becomes mobile, and parents cannot discipline it by persuasion. Due to careless movements, surgical intervention can occur incorrectly, that's why operation postpone up to five years.

During this period, children talk, the doctor can determine if there are speech defects, whether the child prevents the child under the tongue, whether it is necessary to cut it or can stretch it with gymnastics.

If the baby has no dissection of the bridle of the language, and after many years he has a speech defects, problems with breathing and digestion have developed, which means that it is necessary to circumcision in adulthood. But what a person is older, the more densely he becomes a membrane, she converts capillaries and nervous endings - that's why it is much more difficult to dissect it than in the case of a baby. Anesthesia is needed to perform a cut.

Surveys before surgery and contraindications

Any surgical action in the oral cavity is the risk for the body. To prevent complications after surgery, it is necessary to undergo the preliminary surveys that the doctor appoints. The most significant blood tests, urine, blood coagulation determination and fluorography.

Contraindications for phrenchoplastics are the throat infections, the oral cavity, inflammatory processes in any part of the body, as pathogenic microorganisms may fall into the incision of the mucous membrane. That is why there is a mandatory examination before interfering. It is impossible to operate patients with oncological diseases reduced blood coagulation.

Postoperative period

The mucous membrane in the mouth is restored quickly. But cutting of the bridle can cause complications:

  • The formation of a solid scar in a place where an incision was performed.
  • Development of the inflammatory process due to infection.
  • Temperature increase. It is manifested as a sign of the development of an infectious process or a peculiar reaction to the operation.

Breasts can react to complications with constant anxiety, refusal to food. Children of three years and older may tell themselves that they are bothering them. With any uncomfortable feelings, you need to see a doctor, only a specialist will correctly appreciate the condition of the baby and prescribe the best treatment.

To avoid complications, you need to follow the purity of the oral cavity. Five-year-old kids are already cleaning their teeth and can rinse with water. Within a few days after deleted defect, you can not chew hard food and talk a lotHow long exactly the restrictions should be observed, you need to ask the doctor. After the test inspection, the attending doctor will recommend special exercises for the development of the elasticity of the bridle.

Gymnastics Correction for Language

Determine whether it is worth doing an operation on a short bridle of a child in a child or better remove the defect with the help of exercises, only the doctor is capable of. Therefore, even if parents are not tuned to surgical intervention, they still need to go to the pediatrician, a dentist for consulting and conducting an operation or a correct individual selection of exercises.

The ability to conduct gymnastics appears when the kid can already repeat some given actions. But there are simple exercises even for newborns: they are given to lick the spoon of silver, dripped milk to the upper lip, why they are trying to lick her, just at an older age are maging jam.

When the baby is able to understand mom's requests to repeat certain actions, you can do more complex gymnastics:

  • Close the mouth and feel the side walls of the tongue, the sky and the lower part of the mouth.
  • Open your mouth and reach as far as possible to the outer surface of the lips.
  • Click language.
  • Put a tongue on the bottom lip and keep in such a position for 10 seconds.
  • Land as far as possible and delay for 10 seconds. It is possible to ask for a baby in a games form to show what his long tongue has.

Breaking bridle

Some children have an unsuccessful drop in the tight of the language. Such injury can be obtained due to the close contact of the partition with lower teeth. If the child is a bridle, he can have bleeding and swelling in the oral cavity, the baby becomes painfully chewing, talking.

It is impossible to rely on self-medication, you should immediately turn to the doctor. Sometimes it is necessary to stitch the resulting wound due to the danger of abundant bleeding.

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of such a part of the body as a bridle. There are many ways to lengthen a small partition to release a language for free speech and meals. Before making certain measures, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and make preoperative tests if you need to cut a bridle.

If an anomaly causes violations of the organs, it means that French Haloplasty is necessary, and it is better to hold it at that age, which will advise the doctor. Ignoring such a problem means exposure to the child's risk of frequent diseases of the respiratory and digestion organs, the problem in the pronunciation of sounds.

Video: short bridle language

Such anatomical formations are the thinnest folds of the mucous membrane, which connect the moving lips and the language with fixed parts of the oral cavity: gums and subwage space.

In total, the kids have three bridles:

  1. Language - Located under the language.
  2. The upper lip is localized between the upper lip and the gum mucosa above the level of central incisors.
  3. Lower lips - connects the inner surface of the lower lip with the gums at the level of the middle of the alveolar process on the lower jaw.

Despite its minor sizes, such mucous folds are of great importance in a person's life. In the newborn, they are responsible for the correct applied to the nipple of the mother. Todders older bridle participate in the correct pronunciation of sounds and in the formation of a normal bite.

In the photo: short bridle of a child in a child

Short bridle and what it is dangerous

During the shortening of the bridle, it is understood to reduce its absolute length or its improper location, which makes it relatively short (i.e. the length remains normal, but its incorrect localization causes all the symptoms peculiar to shortening).

The short bridle of the upper or lower lip in the infants can adversely affect the process of sucking the chest. At the same time, the child cannot properly arrange the nipple in the oral cavity and create a sufficient vacuum required for sucking and swallowing. Therefore, to be saturated, crumb has to make significant efforts. The baby quickly gets tired and throws the chest, not satisfying as it should. Such children behave restlessly, require frequent applying to the chest, but the weight is poorly gaining.

In children over 3 years old, a shortened upper bridle can cause an increase in the interdental gaps between the upper cutters and the extension of them sharply the kaper. A short lower lip bridle sometimes causes the formation of an incorrect bite.

Also a decrease in the size or improper location of any of them can be extremely negatively affecting the speech function. Children 2 years of life who have not been diagnosed or in time such pathology is adjusted, often do not pronounce individual sounds. Such speech defects can be corrected with great difficulty.

How to check the bridle in a child?

The shortened bridle between the lip and the gum is diagnosed simply enough even in babies. To do this, it is necessary to gently pull the lips of the child and see how expressed the fold of the mucous membrane and where it is attached. If it is short, then it will have a fat look and the place of attachment will be at the very base of the cutters.

Podium bridle normally has a length of at least 8 mm and is attached to about the middle between the root and the tongue. The little bridle usually looks like a fold on the mucous membrane, which has grown throughout its entire length to the language or subwage space.

In the photo: short bridle of the upper lip in the newborn

How to stretch

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that due to anatomical features without surgery, it is possible to stretch only the bridle under the tongue. Such technique usually trains a speech therapist and it is effective only with painstaking fulfillment of all recommendations over several months.

Before holding any exercises, it is recommended to make a special massage for stretching soft tissues. To do this, it is necessary to gently take a tongue for the tip and soft movements to take it up, then to the side and pull a little forward. A good effect has a neat stroking from the bottom up the bridle with the help of a large and index fingers.

The exercises themselves are performed sequentially twice a day:

  1. To relax the tongue as much as possible and put it on the bottom lip. Keep 10 seconds in 3 approaches.
  2. Language as much as possible forward from the mouth. Fix in that position for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Pull out the language and circle your lips in a circle.
  4. Slip the tongue for 10 seconds, imitating the Cocan of horsepie hoofs.
  5. Wide open mouth. Slowly spend the tongue in the sky, moving from the teeth to the throat.
  6. Fix the tongue in the sky immediately for the teeth. Holding it in this position to open the mouth as wide as possible.

Such fairly simple exercises help how to stretch the bridle in the language, and correct some speech defects.

Operational correction

If a short bridle is revealed back in the maternity hospital, then its trimming is carried out immediately. This is done so that the baby could take the nipple and eat fully and fully eat. If shortening is diagnosed in older age and is not adjusted by speech therapy techniques, then three options for surgical treatment are possible:

  • Franotomy - cutting with the purpose of increasing it is long.
  • Freshectomy - circumcision when it is almost completely excised.
  • Franuloplasty - plastic, during which it changes the place of its attachment in the mouth.

In the photo: Language of the child after the operation with a laser

Despite the fact that the surgery on bridles itself is quite common, most parents have a large number of questions about this procedure. The main of them we will look at the following.

Why bless?

Too small size of such a fold of the mucous membrane can cause difficulties in infants with breast sucking, and older children have problems with the pronunciation of some sounds and with the location of the teeth in a constant bite. To avoid such problems and requires trimming.

Do I need to cut?

Most doctors, including the famous Komarovsky Dr. Komarovsky, are united that a short bridle should be cut if it does not affect the child's ability to suck milk or pronounce separate sounds.

When the short bridle does not affect negatively on the processes of sound formation and the formation of bite, then in such cases no operational intervention is required.

What doctor cuts into?

Usually, the operations for the correction of the bridle are within the competence of the doctor - the dentist.

How old is it better to carry out an operation?

When you should cut the bridle, it is solved individually for each child. If we are talking about the fold on the upper lip, then the correction is done no earlier than 6 years. Typically, the operation is carried out only after the cutting of constant upper incisors. If the bottom lip correction is required, then they do it more often after 4 years of life.

Podium bridle in most cases dissect up to 1 year (most often it is made in the maternity hospital). But correction is possible at any age.

How to cut?

The cutting operation of the bridle is carried out outpatient in the surgical office of the dental clinic. The doctor neatly pulls the fold of the mucous membrane and a sharp scalpel makes a small incision. After that, small sinks of threads are superimposed on the edges, which after a while they are solved independently and do not need to withdraw.

A more modern method is a dissection with a laser, thanks to which there is no need to impose seams, which speeds up the process of restoring the child.

Will it hurt?

The dissection procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, which eliminates the possibility of any pain.

What to do if the baby broke the bridle

Children at any age are quite active and movable. Therefore, injuries are inevitable. Quite often, parents turn to a dentist with such a problem: the kid fell unsuccessfully and broke the bridle over the upper lip or under the tongue. At the same time, damage to the lower lip is extremely rare due to the fact that it is almost not expressed.

If the child is a bridle, then for such injury the following signs will be characteristic:

  • The swelling of soft tissues in the oral cavity and above the lip (if the child has broken on the upper lip).
  • Rude bleeding.
  • Pain in the mouth when conversing or reception.

In any case, if the kid broke the mucous fold under the upper lip or under the tongue, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. It is he who decides whether it is necessary to sew such a gap and will hold the necessary procedures. Independent treatment can lead to negative consequences: tissues will incorrectly grow up with the formation of coarse scars, which will subsequently lead to an incorrect bite and fuzzy pronunciation of sounds.