How to put napkins beautifully on the table. How to fold paper napkins beautifully (diagrams and video)

An exquisite setting of the festive table will not do without napkins. If you have planned a gala evening or even simple gatherings with friends, then the knowledge of the beautiful folding of napkins will come in handy. Napkins are needed not only to wipe hands and mouth with them, but also for decoration, giving a special atmosphere. Even a simple family dinner will turn into a holiday if you decorate the table with such elements.

The role of napkins on the festive table

Many may argue, but napkins are among the main ones on the set table. They immediately attract the attention of all guests and help to keep clean and tidy. Properly selected and folded paper napkins will ensure your guest loyalty.

Napkins should be in harmony with the tablecloth and dishes according to the color and theme of the picture (if any). They also need to be folded based on the occasion of the celebration.

Agree, Christmas tree napkins at a wedding will look very inappropriate. You can arrange products directly on guests' plates or next to them. You can decorate your cutlery beautifully with folded napkins. Some figures can be inserted into special stands and placed in different parts of the table so that everyone can reach them.

Please note that there should be a lot of paper napkins on the table. You can play with shapes. Fold individual napkins in one way and general napkins in another. But you can also experiment with colors. For many patterns, you can use multi-colored products or just two products of different colors.

Wedding napkins

Festive paper napkins can be folded into a variety of shapes. There are so many options that even a book is not enough to describe all the possible ways. It is quite easy to create such beauty, and clear instructions will help you not to get confused. If you want to make your evening really special, then start learning how to fold napkins now. Exercise will help you avoid mistakes in the future.


Quite a simple and common way. Such a figurine can be used to decorate a meal with relatives or friends. Making a fan-shaped figurine is a snap.

  1. Make a nice cardboard fan holder. It is important that the holder matches the color and texture. You can even make one from a suitable postcard or special cardboard for needlework. Cut out an oval 7-8 cm long.
  2. Using a hole punch (you can use a curly one), make holes on both edges. Pull a thin tape through the holes. It also needs to be matched to match the napkin and holder.
  3. Start making an accordion out of a napkin. Move from the middle of the piece to the edge.
  4. Carefully insert the folded napkin into a cardboard stand. Place a napkin on the table or plate for a guest.

Napkin pocket

This napkin shape allows you to hide cutlery inside. The pocket can be placed on or next to the guest's plate. Folding a napkin is easy:

  • flatten the product on the table;
  • fold the lower right corners to the upper edge on the left, each next fold should be larger than the previous one;
  • turn the product over in layers;
  • fold one edge so that all layers are on top again;
  • fold the second edge so that a pocket is formed;
  • turn the paper product over again;
  • you can now insert cutlery.

Peacock tail

Such a napkin looks especially luxurious on the guest's personal plate. It is very easy to make a peacock tail napkin:

  1. fold the product in half: when folding, the front side should be on the outside;
  2. fold most of the napkin (2/3) into an accordion;
  3. fold the product in half so that the accordion is on the left, and the unfolded part is on the right;
  4. fold the flat area of ​​the accordion with a corner and wrap it around its axis - this way, you get a stand;
  5. straighten the accordion so that the product resembles a peacock's tail and you can put the napkin in the chosen place.

Diplomat pocket

Christmas tree

This folding method is great for winter events, especially New Year's Eve parties. If you use multi-colored products, you can get a very attractive decoration.

The process is very simple:

  1. lay the product on the table, fold it 2 times, the result will be 4 layers;
  2. Fold the first layer inside out, do not bring literally 1 cm to the edge;
  3. we repeat this procedure with two subsequent layers, alternating with the front and the wrong part;
  4. turn the product in folded layers to the table surface;
  5. bend the right and left edges to the middle alternately - the product is ready.

Lotus flower

It is very easy to fold the napkin in this way. The lotus product can be placed on a plate:

  • fold ¼ napkins in the middle on two opposite sides;
  • fold the other two ends in the same way: all corners should converge neatly;
  • the middle fold should be outside, and the lower and upper fold should be inside;
  • fold the product into an accordion, move strictly along the folds made earlier;
  • the edges of the accordion must be bent in triangles;
  • unfold the flower.


Such an unusual figurine can be used to decorate a table not only for a holiday, but also on an ordinary day. To create an artichoke, follow the rules:

  1. put the product right side on the table - fold all corners to the middle;
  2. bend all corners to the center of the product again;
  3. expand the resulting square;
  4. fold the corners to the center again;
  5. pull one corner from the middle with a neat movement towards you, carry out the same manipulations with other corners;
  6. pull out the edges that are on the other side of the product.

South Cross

The stern figure resembles a cross. Suitable for serving the table with the family. For a festive serving, this method of folding napkins is rather simple. Fold the napkin like this:

  • put the product on the table, seamy side up;
  • wrap the corners to the middle of the material;
  • unfold the square with the back side
  • bend all the corners to the center again;
  • unfold the square with the back side again;
  • fold all the edges of the product to the center again;
  • place the napkin upward (diamond);
  • carefully pull out the right corner;
  • do the same with the other three corners;
  • smooth the resulting cross with your hand.


For this design, you need a large napkin. From a product whose sides are less than 30 cm, it will not work to fold a shirt. The figurine is very simple:

  1. wrap the corners of the square product towards the center;
  2. fold the two sides of the figure to the central part of the figure;
  3. turn the product over, bend the upper edge 2 cm down, press the fold well with your finger;
  4. put the rectangular blank face up, bring the edges of the intended collar to each other;
  5. spread the lower halves of the workpiece to the sides;
  6. wrap the bottom edge halfway, then wrap it again; bring the bottom to the shirt collar - the figure is ready.

French envelope

This folding of napkins is suitable for classic table setting. The French envelope can be used to decorate both a gala dinner and a homemade dinner. The instruction is simple:

  • take an ordinary square paper product, do not unfold it;
  • gently, evenly bend the top three corners;
  • adjust the corners so that there are equal gaps between them;
  • bend the left side of the workpiece and place the cutlery inside.

There is such an anecdote: a client in a restaurant asks why the napkins are greasy, and the waiter says, they say, I'm sorry, but you don't need to wipe off the pancakes.

Laughter, laughter, but once upon a time thin, low-fat pancakes like lavash were actually used as napkins. For the same purpose, fig leaves, rice paper, sleeves, and even the hair of court boys were used at various times.

The first cloth napkins appeared among the ancient Romans. Large rectangular panels protected the bed from dirt (the patricians ate while lying down), they also got their lips and hands wet.

In Russia, the nobility to use these hygiene products was stimulated by the decree of Peter the Great, since then it was impossible to wipe with a sleeve or a tablecloth. The usual paper napkins for us were patented in the 19th century, and their continuous production began only in the 70s of the last century.

Today, when serving a banquet table, cloth and paper napkins are used. The former are designed to protect clothing from contamination; it is not customary to wipe greasy hands or lips with them. Although it will be correct to blot the lip tissue after drinking or touch it with slightly dirty fingers.

In order to create a festive mood and surprise guests, you can wrap and twist the most incredible figures from square napkins. After washing, the fabric must be starch - this way it keeps its shape better.

Impressive compositions are made in napkin holders and from ordinary paper products, cutlery is wrapped in them, and in a cafe or restaurant many young people strive to twist a napkin rose for their lady.

The art of folding original paper figures - origami - was born in Japan. This skill was a sign of good form and was mandatory for the upper classes. According to one version, origami has its roots in the Asian art of draping fabrics for religious rituals.

We are not Japanese aristocrats, but we are able to decorate the table and cheer up loved ones. We present to you a variety of ways to fold napkins with your own hands. Step by step instructions are included. With a little practice, you can teach others.


Start with a simple circuit that takes no time or skill. Wrap the napkin with a tube (for convenience, you can wrap it over a pencil, then remove it) and put it in a glass or glass. Appropriate decoration of a home evening, New Year's holiday, dinner with a loved one. Fast, easy and sophisticated, and guests don't have to guess how to deploy. By the way, if you give a master class to children, they will then gladly take over this function.


The coniferous tree is a companion of the New Year and Christmas. Christmas trees from napkins will look beautiful on the table, it is easy to make them. This option is also suitable for children's birthday celebrated in winter. Arrange the Christmas trees on plates, and you can put a bow, or an asterisk-shaped cookie on top for decoration.

4 color schemes: lotus, tulip, rose, lily

In any decor, the floral theme is traditionally in the lead, table setting is no exception. Try to "grow" a lotus, tulip, rose or lily according to our recipes step by step. The table will turn out to be very elegant.


The flower, sacred in many religions, keeps flowers and leaves clean at all times. A symbol of divine power (the Egyptian god Ra was born from the lotus), purity, cordiality and fertility.

A serving napkin folded in this way will decorate any occasion. If the hero of the occasion is a man, choose shades of blue, if a woman - pink or lilac. White or red lotuses are suitable for a wedding table. White is generally universal; such “flowers” ​​are also good for a business lunch.


A symbol of spring, beauty, perfect love. According to an established custom, these flowers are presented to women on March 8th. You can also decorate the table with tulip-shaped napkins.

White color symbolizes purity of thoughts and trust - for business negotiations, decorate the table with appropriate napkins as a sign of openness of your intentions.

Red tulips mean love, passion and fidelity - use this symbolism in the table setting for the next anniversary of family life.

If you decide to part with your partner and want to have a farewell dinner - please, here's to you yellow tulips. Although in the East a different meaning is attributed to yellow tulips - this is a compliment: "Your smile is like the sun!"

Dark purple color- royal blood, nobility, nobility. These napkin tulips can be used to decorate a status table: on the occasion of a solid anniversary, receiving important guests, celebrating large projects with serious partners ...

the Rose

Queen of flowers. In Ayurveda, it is considered blissful along with the lotus. Symbolizes divine ideals and earthly passions, innocence and fertility, the triumph of life and the mystery of death.

Napkins folded in the form of roses will be a wonderful decoration for a wedding banquet, Valentine's Day, any women's holiday. Your daughter will be pleased with pink roses, your spouse will appreciate the red flowers that tell her about the strength of your feelings. But a man should not be given roses for his celebration, even from napkins.


Lily has conflicting meanings. Slavic female amulet, European royal flower ... But in the Renaissance, the rulers branded criminals with their emblem - everyone probably remembers the Three Musketeers.

White lilies symbolize purity and innocence, which is why they are often presented for weddings. But - and on mourning days, since these flowers also mean life "on the other side" and atonement for sins.

Accordingly, lily napkins will be appropriate both on the festive and on the memorial table. If there is Lilia among your relatives and friends, decorate the table on her holiday with namesake flowers.


The folding method is close to the lily. Suitable for any event, just choose the colors in the appropriate style. By the way, if you have napkins to match the tablecloth, try to make them from a thinner material - it will look more advantageous.


Everything is clear here: love, Valentine's Day and just a way to tell your partner, mom or child about your feelings. See an example of how you can set the table using this diagram.


A universal option. Bright napkins are suitable for a warm dinner in a friendly or kindred circle, a cheerful drawing can be laid out on a children's table, while white napkins will add solemnity to the moment. And these step-by-step photos will help you!


A gentleman's accessory. Place the butterfly on a plate by February 23rd, or for a boy's or man's birthday. If a representative of the strong half of humanity is harsh and serious, choose a strict color scheme.


Playful rag bunnies will delight children and adults, suitable for Easter, Valentine's Day (rabbits also have long ears, and they are a symbol of reproduction), and indeed for any holiday in a close circle. For official receptions and sad occasions, hares, of course, are inappropriate.

If it is difficult, watch the video instruction that even a child can learn from:

With space for a guest card: 2 schemes

The napkins folded in the following two patterns provide space for a business card. First of all, these options are good for business lunches and dinners: at some conferences, events where there are many people who do not know each other.

You can decorate a large family celebration with such napkins - an anniversary or a wedding, if you plan in advance who to plant with whom. Little guests will also be delighted at the children's birthday - just choose a bright color, and instead of a business card, you can put a photo of a child and a candy.

With tissue ring

If you are thinking about how to beautifully fold napkins on the festive table for the most solemn occasion, stop at this elegant option. Such a stylish decor is worthy of a wedding, an anniversary, a graduation, and even a meeting at the highest level.

Previously, napkins were hung by the collar, now they are placed on your knees. Moreover, the owners should be the first to do this, as they give the signal to start the meal.

"For instruments": bag and envelope

In the last two schemes, paper napkins are used, from which a bag and an envelope for a spoon, fork and knife are folded.

A table without napkins is suitable for a buffet celebration or informal meetings in a close circle.

Beautiful table setting is an integral part of any festive feast. In addition to mouth-watering dishes and a beautiful tablecloth, original folded napkins are an important attribute.

The napkin can be the simplest, or it can be refined and elegant, large or miniature, bright or plain. It is this serving detail that sets the style for the entire table.

The most commonly used fabric and paper products. Cloths are used to protect clothing and are placed on the knees. Paper ones are intended for wiping the mouth and hands.

Paper napkins most popular in modern society. And not surprising, because they are inexpensive and practical. There are many options for the appearance of this product and it will not be difficult to choose the right model.

They bring an element of luxury to the table setting. Mainly used products from natural or mixed materials of various colors and styles.

There are a lot of ways to fold napkins for table setting. We present a selection of the most interesting and popular schemes.

Gallery: napkins for table setting (25 photos)

How to fold cloth napkins

Before learning how to fold various shapes and figures, you need to make sure that the size this accessory is suitable. Too small formats are not worth buying. As a rule, the size of this product should be about 50x50 centimeters.

Lily flower:

Envelope for cutlery:

  1. For a square napkin, fold the top left corner to the middle of the canvas.
  2. Fold the material in half along a vertical line.
  3. Fold the fabric horizontally so that the folded corner stays on the outside (visible) side. In this case, it turned out to be a square.
  4. Rotate the shape slightly so that the vertices are pointing straight up and out to the sides.
  5. Fold the top corner towards the center and tuck in.
  6. Tuck the side parts of the product underneath. It turned out to be a convenient pocket for a knife and a fork.



  1. Take a rectangular napkin and fold it diagonally.
  2. Place the top of the triangle on top.
  3. Roll the base into a roll to the middle of the product.
  4. Connect the ends of the triangle.


  1. Fold the square napkin in a horizontal line.
  2. Fold the fabric in half along the vertical center line. It turned out to be a square.
  3. Take the bottom corner and move it to the left. In this case, the product should be partially straightened.
  4. Take the next corner and also move it to the left side.
  5. Do the same for the remaining 2 corners.
  6. Thus, you get a folded product with 4 folds, which can be beautifully placed on the table.
  7. You can stop at this stage, or you can give it a curved shape. To do this, roll the napkin from left to right and carefully place it on the surface. Beautiful curves will add elegance to the appearance of the figure.


French way:

  1. Take a napkin and fold it diagonally.
  2. Rotate so that the right angle points to the right.
  3. Take the top corner and fold it down, leaving a few centimeters from the left end.
  4. Take the right side of the product and fold it in the same way.
  5. This design will look beautiful on a table or plate.



  1. Place the napkin on a flat surface.
  2. Take the center part with your fingers and begin to gently twist the fabric in a circle. You can use a conventional plug for this action.
  3. Carefully turn the napkin over to the back. An original and beautiful presentation is guaranteed.

Asian fan:

How to fold paper napkins

You can show your imagination and decorate the table with napkins of several colors at once. This will not only add a "zest" to the design, but also become a practical addition to the holiday.

The presented options for folding napkins do not require special skills. Even a child can handle table setting in this way.

Paper pocket for devices:

Paper fan:

  1. Fold the napkin several times in one direction or the other.
  2. You will get an accordion. Lock the bottom edge and fan out.
  3. Place the product on a plate or glass.

Ship with sails:

Alternative design options

To surprise your friends with the beautiful design of the festive table, it is not necessary to consider various schemes and study step-by-step instructions.

If you purchase special serving rings, then you can simply fold the napkin with an accordion, tube or triangle, fixing it with a clip. It will look no less impressive.

If there is no time at all, then a decorative napkin holder will be the ideal and easiest solution for table setting. Simply fold your fabric or paper products into this accessory and enjoy a gala dinner with friends and family.

Folding napkins in various ways is not only a useful activity, but also very exciting. Isn't there a reason to keep your child busy with this creative activity? While the hostess is at the stove, the children will be happy to help with a beautiful table setting.

When arranging a dinner party or a festive family dinner, it will not be superfluous to know how to fold napkins beautifully, because precisely folded napkins neatly and with imagination can give a table setting a special charm and charm. For an informal dinner with friends, a bright paper version is ideal, while for special occasions it is preferable to choose linen napkins in harmony with the tablecloth and dishes. The best solution, which fits perfectly into any format, is the universal white napkins. Of course, you can simply fold them up in four and carefully lay them out on each device, but just a few simple magical manipulations can create a small miracle, making your table unique and unforgettable.

Classic serving on video

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When setting the table for breakfast, evening tea or a big celebration, it will not be superfluous to know the basic rules of serving and, of course, the traditional ways of laying out napkins. It is necessary to remember a few basic rules for table setting with napkins:

  • Both linen and paper napkins should be present on the festive table, contrary to popular belief. Imagine that the second is served with a bird or fish, which is partially eaten by hand. A linen napkin will instantly become covered with greasy spots and will lose not only its aesthetic appearance, but will also become superfluous on the festive table. Your guest will be embarrassed to look for a washbasin. The setting of the festive table means that napkin holders are freely available.

Table setting with linen and paper napkins

  • Linen napkins are available in linen or cotton. A small amount of synthetics is allowed so that the napkin does not look wrinkled after folding. Silk, rayon and other slippery, non-absorbent materials must not be used.
  • If the table setting involves a portioned plate, then the napkin is placed on it, or between forks and knives. If such a plate is not provided, then the napkin is placed in its place. A separate glass or glass is allowed under the figured folded napkin.

  • When folding napkins for a festive table, remember that they should be easy to unfold and not look too wrinkled, so shapes using an iron are used for decorative napkins that decorate the table.
  • It is unacceptable to fold napkins with dirty or wet hands. This does not look appetizing and will ruin the mood of the guests.
  • After washing, linen napkins should be starch with ordinary starch, which dissolves in water. Aerosol starch will not give them the proper density. It is advisable to iron the napkins while still wet, and when dry, they must be moistened before ironing.
  • And the last piece of advice. Practice before folding linen, and even more so paper napkins! Otherwise, you can start washing, ironing or running to the store for new napkins right before the celebration.
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How to decorate a napkin holder beautifully

Before we learn how to fold complex and simple shapes from personal napkins for the festive table, let's see how you can beautifully lay paper napkins in napkin holders.

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20 ways with step by step photo instructions

Getting started with "napkin origami", it should be remembered that the initial shape of the napkin should be square: 35x35 cm, 40x40 cm or 50x50 cm - for complex compositions. All napkins on the same table must be folded in the same manner.

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Method one: herringbone

On the eve of the New Year holidays, learning how to create a Christmas tree shape with a napkin of the appropriate color is very important. And to make such a figure is easy.

  1. Fold the napkin in four
  2. Bend the free edge with a triangle
  3. We bend the sides to the wrong diamond
  4. We bend each corner and decorate it with a decorative bow that replaces the “top” of the tree.

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Method two: two-color tree

Such a figure can be made from a two-color round napkin. It is desirable that one side be green, and the other bright and colorful, then your "tree" will be a beautiful accent on the New Year's table.

  1. Fold the napkin with the colored side inward, leaving a small edge, as shown in the figure.
  2. Let's form a triangle of about 45% "towards ourselves".
  3. We turn the napkin over and fold the large “tail” of the napkin along the right side line “towards ourselves”.
  4. Turn the top edge of the napkin to the right. If you folded a little unevenly, it doesn't matter! On the contrary, your tree will become more natural.

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Method three: French envelope

This way of folding linen napkins is very popular for classic serving. It can be used both for dinner and for a big celebration.

  1. A square napkin is folded into a square in the usual way.
  2. The three upper corners are neatly and evenly bent.
  3. Correct the bend of the corners as in the figure, with the same interval.
  4. We bend the left side and place the cutlery.

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Method four: Napkin bag

This versatile shape can be made from any kind of napkins. This form will look especially good from a snow-white linen napkin. The shape will work well if you want to decorate each guest's place with a small flower or distribute personalized spaces. You can put a New Year's wish for a guest or a pleasant surprise in an impromptu bag.

  1. Fold the napkin diagonally, not observing the edges, as in the picture.
  2. Fold up a large edge casually to leave a small corner.
  3. We fold over the top edge.
  4. Like the top, we fold the bottom edge.
  5. We fold the edge.
  6. Fold over the top corner to make a small barrel.

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Method five: Swan

This rare and very attractive figure can be made with heavy tissue paper. But it is really possible to build it from thin starched cotton. With the seeming complexity, it is quite easy to fold a napkin like this.

  1. Put a napkin so that one corner looks up and bend the sides a few centimeters.
  2. Then fold in the same step several times.
  3. Bend the narrowest edge in the form of a swan neck and head.
  4. Spread the tail of your napkin bird.

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Method six: Carved sheet

Before starting work, turn on the iron. We need it to smooth out the folds.

  1. Fold the napkin in half diagonally to form a triangle.
  2. Slightly adjust the bottom edge.
  3. Moving from the base of the triangle to the top, we continue to fold the napkin. Each fold is carefully ironed with a hot iron.
  4. We bend the folded napkin in half. The corner should remain outside.
  5. We bring both ends together and spread with our hands, giving the shape of a sheet.
  6. We bend the outer corner. Ready! Such a beautiful carved leaf can be put directly on a plate.

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Method seven: Evening flower

You will need an unstarchy napkin made of thin fabric, which we will try to fold in the shape of a flower. This option looks great both in tall champagne glasses and in the most ordinary glasses for water.

  1. Fold the napkin in four.
  2. We put it in front of us like a rhombus, directing the open edges up.
  3. Adjust the bottom corner to the top by one third.
  4. Starting on one side, fold the napkin "accordion".
  5. Insert the bottom of the napkin into a glass or ring. There should be four corners.
  6. Separate the layers carefully, giving them the shape of petals.
  7. We beautifully place the napkin in a glass, wine glass or glass so that it resembles a real flower, delighting us and our guests.

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Method eight: Rose

  1. We spread a napkin made of unstarched thin fabric with the right side to the table.
  2. We take a table fork and, placing it in the center of the napkin (as if we are going to wind spaghetti), move the folds of the fabric between the teeth.
  3. Now rotate the fork clockwise or counterclockwise to create a spiral.
  4. Carefully remove the plug, grab the napkin with our palms and squeeze. Without letting the spiral unwind, we turn it over to the front side.

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Method nine: table fan

  1. Fold the napkin in half to make a rectangle. We collect three quarters of the length of the canvas in an "accordion", bending the first fold down. The distance between the folds should be about 2.5 cm.
  2. We fold the resulting figure in half so that the folds are on the left side outside, and the unfolded part is on the right.
  3. We take the napkin in our hands so that the free ends of the folds look up.
  4. We adjust the unfolded part of the napkin diagonally to create a comfortable "stand". We fix the "stand" between the folds and place the napkin on the table.

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Method ten: lily

  1. Fold the napkin diagonally.
  2. Align the right and left corners with the apex of the triangle.
  3. Fold the napkin in half along the horizontal axis.
  4. Bend back the top of the upper triangle.

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Method eleven: royal lily

  1. Bend all the corners to the center one by one.
  2. We turn over.
  3. Bend the corners to the center again.
  4. Keeping the corners in the center, carefully pull out the corners from the bottom so that they form petals.

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Method twelve: a fan in a ring

  1. Place the napkin face down.
  2. We fold the napkin "accordion".
  3. In the center, we bend it in half.
  4. We insert a napkin into a ring or glass and spread the "fan".

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Method thirteen: Slipper with a train

  1. Fold the napkin in half with the wrong side inward. Bend the upper corners of the napkin to the middle.
  2. Bend the resulting triangular top down.
  3. We turn the napkin over from ourselves with the front side and again bend the upper corners to the middle.
  4. Once again, turn the napkin away from you and lay folds from the bottom edge.
  5. We put folds under the square and, holding it in the center with our fingers, fan out on both sides.

The festive table should not only be tasty, but also beautiful. The correct small dishes and cutlery, tablecloths are the key to the hostess's success. The table can be decorated with original fruit cuts, as well as ordinary paper napkins in an original design. For the rest of this article, we'll talk about how to fold paper napkins beautifully.

It should be noted that for formal occasions it is better to choose fabric, it looks larger and gives the atmosphere at the table some charm. A family feast or a modest table with friends will be more suitable with light-colored napkins and fun paper napkins, which will be not only a hygiene product on your table, but also an interesting decor.

Rules and schemes for folding paper napkins

When choosing the shape of future origami masterpieces, they should be based on the age range of the guests and the hero of the occasion for whom the holiday is being arranged.
Don't put them too deep. Still, the direct purpose of the napkin should be in the first place and they should unfold without difficulty. Paper napkins should match the color of the tableware and tablecloth.
the towels can be placed in a glass, in a napkin holder, or on plates.
Practice in advance to quickly roll up all the napkins before the holiday itself, because in addition to this, serving, preparing and laying out the dishes is required. In addition, the hostess needs to tidy herself up before the guests arrive.

Folding napkins in different ways

Sometimes schemes from books on needlework or from the Internet are very confusing and incomprehensible schemes for folding napkins. The sheer number of signs and symbols is depressing and discouraging from trying to fold paper towels and place them in the top-level tray. But do not despair, because there are several basic methods, the assimilation of which does not require a scheme. Just follow the flowchart carefully to fold beautiful paper napkins.

Folding napkins "Tube"

If you are planning to put napkins in a glass, you will like the "pipe" scheme. To make neat tissue tubes:

    • Unfold the napkin;
    • Fold the paper napkin diagonally into a triangle;
    • Expand the triangle so that its top is at the top in the plane of the table on which you have placed;
    • Now gently screw the corner three fingers away from the right corner;
    • As a result, you will end up with tubes with a flat base and a beveled end at the top;
    • Napkin tubes can be bent outward and placed in a glass.

      Folding of napkins "Accordion"

Consider the following methods when thinking about how to fold napkins beautifully in a napkin holder. You can arrange napkins in an accordion manner. Consider the accordion scheme:

  • Unfold the napkin completely;
  • Fold the paper into an accordion. The edge should remain about 2 cm;
  • Bend the accordion in half and insert into the napkin holder. To make it all look beautiful, there should be a lot of these accordions in the napkin holder, while they will hold each other and will not lose their shape.

Folding napkins "Heart"

The easiest way to beautifully fold napkins is "heart". To do this, simply fold the fabric until it is the size you want.

To correctly and beautifully fold paper napkins in the shape of a heart:

  • Unfold the paper and fold the square in half.
  • Wrap one end of the napkin over the other and do the same with the second;
  • Turn the workpiece over and bend the corners a little;
  • All this can be ironed with an iron so that the seams are smooth and do not unfold;
  • It remains only to put this beauty on a plate and put it on the table.

Other napkin folding patterns

Scheme "Lily"

    • Fold the unfolded napkin into a triangle;
    • Fold the corners of the base of the triangle together with its top;
    • Fold the resulting quadrangle on the horizontal axis. This will make a triangle again;
    • The right and left corners are connected to each other at the back of the figure. It turns out a voluminous composition;
    • Pull the top corners apart.
    • You can make another move and make Lilia's trail.
    • For this purpose, the rear side pieces fold the top corner and rotate the corners that were mentioned in the previous paragraph. This design will effectively decorate the festive table.

Cradle scheme

  • Fold the napkin in half twice;
  • Fold the upper corners of the quadrilateral symmetrically;
  • Turn the napkin over and fold it into a purse;
  • The cradle is ready.

Premium French envelope paper napkins

  • Fold the napkin twice. You should get a workpiece with an area 4 times less;
  • Peel back three layers from the upper right corner;
  • Bring the layers back in place by peeling back the corners;
  • Right and left sides, overlap;
  • Turn over again and insert the fork, knife and spoon into the resulting pocket.

It's so easy and simple to create coziness out of paper napkins. Following the recommendations, you can easily apply the indicated schemes for the festive table. But if you add something from yourself to the main methods, then guests with fresh ideas and your imagination.

Five more simple and beautiful patterns for folding paper napkins for the festive table are shown in the following video.