How to bathe baby? Is it possible to bathe a baby every day? Is it possible to bathe a fallen child. Features of bathing for various infections

Sometimes you can hear a unfortunate question of the young mother about what purpose a bathing of a newborn is haunted if it is almost not dirty. Water procedures for the baby have a little different meaning - they contribute to physical and psychological development, benefit and excellent mood. Bathing in the bath before bed helps to relax and calm down, despite the short time spent in water.

Wash and bathe - what is the difference?

With a bathing of a newborn, ordinary hygiene has nothing to do, in addition to the presence in both water procedures. The hygiene refers:

  • arms;
  • wash;
  • washing a child.

All this is necessary in order to make the baby cleaner. Parents will need:

  • wet wipes or water;
  • baby soap.
Bathing kid is not just a cleansing procedure, and also a relaxing, increasing tone of the whole organism

The process takes only 5 minutes of time in the morning, and for swimming a newborn baby time it is necessary much more. Bathing Karapuza needs for several reasons:

  1. In a miniature bath or a large bath, the baby has a sense of calm and comfort, because swimming reminds him of his own recent existence in her mother's tummy.
  2. Due to the low pressure of water when bathing, the child gets the necessary physical exertion.
  3. New newborn skills are developing: emotional, tactile, communicative.
  4. Improves metabolism and appetite.
  5. Bathing kid can be turned into an ordering procedure if you adjust the temperature correctly.

Regular water procedures are excellent prevention of colds. This is what distinguishes swimming from daily washing.

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You can wash the child and you need from the first days after it appears on the light. It is important to monitor the condition of the eyes, ears and nose, and also not allow diaper from underwriter. Bathing the baby in running water and a large bath is forbidden while the umbrellas did not fully delayed.

It usually heals 2 weeks after the birth of crumbs. Until this time, parents should adhere to the alternative:

  1. Bathing newborn in a special bath using chilled boiled water (we recommend reading :).
  2. You can not bathe carappuz, but wipe out every day polluted places with sparing wet napkins.

It is advisable to boil the water long before swimming the baby so that it will be cooled. The temperature is better not to measure the elbow, but a special thermometer, since the baby's skin is thin and sensitive.

After the final healing of the umbilical wound, the bathing of a newborn can be carried out as usual. Do not confuse the concepts of "wash" and "bathe". Water procedures can become a fun and useful occupation, if you follow the rules:

  1. Famous pediatrician Komarovsky recommends immediately let a baby in a big swimming pool on a spacious bath. For him, this will become a real adventure, because there you can get toys from the soul, grab the toys and watch them. Water in a large bath cools for a long time, so the bathing of the child can stretch to half an hour. The expended energy and physical exertion will allow the crumb quickly and firmly fall asleep, not alarming parents at night. The more space, the more intense is stimulated by the work of the internal organs and various muscles.
  2. For bathing kid no longer need boiled chilled waterSince after the allotted 2 weeks it is considered unreasonable and impractical. However, water in the bath must be clean and without impurities that are visually noticeable. With poor water quality, it is advisable to put filters.
  3. If you do from the usual bathing of the newborn fascinating process, Kroch will be happy to wait for the moment when it becomes possible to swim. To keep the head of the karapus without a break for 30 minutes is not easy, so special swimming circles and hats will be wonderful assistants for parents. The circle is attached around the neck, not allowing the head to fail, and the mouth is accidentally swallowing the water. All over the perimeter of the cap are placed pieces of foam, which are well holding a child's head over the surface of the water.

More adult babies adore to swim with toys. Parents of such kids can combine swimming with useful developing activities

Free swimming should not be afraid, despite the admonition of the older generation about the risk of water in the ears of the child. The structure of the ear shell does not allow water to penetrate too deeply, it flows freely back, without applying absolutely no harm. After the water procedure, it is enough to get enough ears.

Optimal temperature

Temperature regime must be changed gradually, depending on how much time the baby was already bought. With the first "swim" The most suitable temperature is considered to be 33-34 C. It should be borne in mind that the data are indicated for a large space in which the crumb will be able to swim, overgrow and lead active activity.

Convenient time for water procedures

It is necessary to introduce a tradition to bathe baby until evening feeding, which precedes sleep. For adults, the child's swimming procedure is a fun entertainment, but for the participant itself this is a real sport. Cost calories and load cause two main desires: to eat and relax.

For children up to a year, it's quite normal from the age of 4 months to sleep hard throughout the night, I do not disturb my mother asking you to feed. The duration of the baby's bathing in this case should be at least half an hour, and in the evening the karapuz must necessarily eat tightly. Time for water procedures are established by the parents themselves, based on their own graphics.

Is diving dangerous?

There is nothing terrible in the bathing of the newborn, even if he accidentally go under water for a few seconds. Children of the first months of life possess unique reflex: As soon as the water fell into the respiratory tract, the spasm arose does not allow her to go on. There is absolutely no chance of choaring. It overlaps access to important organs of the respiratory system, so the kid physically can't catch the water. With a long stay underwater, the crude threatens the lack of oxygen, and not an abundance of water.

Breasts delayed breathing when diving reflexively, so you do not need to be afraid to dip it into the water with your head. Turning out in the usual element, the baby rejoices and swims with pleasure

In the process of bathing, the child contributes to the strengthening of immunity and does not give to develop fear over water. In the absence of regular diving, the congenital respiratory delay reflex disappears after 2-2.5 months from the moment the crumbs appear on the light.


For bathing a newborn, ordinary clean water is suitable, but if there is a desire to diversify the process, it is worth adding herbal decoction:

  1. Measure a glass, move to a clean glass liter container.
  2. Pour completely boiling water and leave until the evening. Water should be at the top edge of the can.
  3. Before swimming the baby, the decoction to strain through the gauze and add to the bath.

For relaxation and manganese do not have a special medical effect. Crystals of mangarteau can cause a skin burn, so it should be breeding to a weakly pink shade, but this solution is not anti-inflammatory. The composition of a more saturated color can burn the mucous eye, so risks undesirable.

Soothing fees that often prescribe pediatricians have a beneficial effect exclusively on mothers. Children's doctor Komarovsky sincerely does not understand why this is done. Before the placebo effect, no one has canceled, so after swimming a newborn in such a branch, many mothers sincerely consider their children calmer.

The main stages of the procedure

It is important to develop a plan and stick to it. Changes may not like the infant, and the mode will set up for a favorable way:

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary items and means for swimming a child while he lies in the crib - it is much better than going with a carapaus on the arms around the apartment in search of the missing component.
  2. Before bathing, the baby is desirable to be sealed and only then immersed in the bath.
  3. If Kroch went to a big swimming, it's enough to keep his head slightly, holding the chin and the back. The ears can be in water, and only face remains on the surface. There is nothing dangerous in the baby bathing, because the fat in the body of the baby is much, hence and increased "buoyancy". Breast-age children on the water hold very well, so quite enough minor support.
  4. When bathing a child in a children's bath, it is necessary to keep it so that the head lay on an adult forearm. For convenience, it is advisable to use a tissue or plastic hill.
  5. First, it is necessary to bathe a crumb, and then wash, starting from the top of the body, moving towards the legs. The head is also spoiled.

Among the rules of bathing a newborn there is a wonderful exercise, stimulating development.

"Is it possible to bathe" - the second frequency of the question after "how to treat" who bothers the parents of the sick baby. How to do during the cold, cough, high temperature, conjunctivitis and wind inspection? The pediatrician is responsible.

The baby has a cold - is it not harmful to bathe

Very helpful! This is not only a hygienic procedure: in effect, the correct bathing of the child can be equated with the disease from the disease. Surely any adult familiar to the feeling of lightness in the whole body appearing after the adopted soul. And in children even through the skin, purified from sweat and distinguished toxins with it, the body is saturated with giving oxygen. The kids after washing the head is hurting less, the dream is calmer and the mood is improving. So, recovery will come faster.

More recently, everyone washed in the baths, to whom at any time of the year it was necessary to walk down the street. Yes, and in the houses: then from the old windows, the heating did not endure any criticism. But if double-glazed windows are installed in the apartment, the room temperature is not lower than 20 degrees - very insulting for a child who is deprived of bathing only because of grandmother's prejudice.

Kid has a high temperature - is it possible to bathe

Seat for a long time in hot water - it is impossible. This naturally provokes the exacerbation of fever. But even more dangerous than the redistribution of blood - its outflow into the skin of vital organs - and the decrease in blood pressure. The kid pale a nasolabial triangle pale, in the ears, the general weakness will increase until a fainting state, the pulse is frequent. Another danger is the risk of formation of purulent foci and even a breakthrough of them infection in blood, that is, sepsis.

How to bathe with fever: Top rules

  1. Water procedures - no earlier than an hour after the gate of the antipyretic, when the digit on the thermometer is not higher than 37.5 degrees.
  2. The baby is not seated into the water, but quickly wash under the shower.
  3. The temperature of the water should be as for newborns: so that the delicate areas of the skin (the inner surface of the forearm, the side departments of the chest) felt only light heat.
  4. After swimming a child, it is necessary to wipe it gently dry and put relax.
  5. Be sure to get drunk.


You can not try to reduce the temperature to the child, pouring it with cold water. So it is possible to provoke a "white hyperthermia" - a heavy fever with which it is very difficult to cope without qualified help of the doctors. Baby need to give the antipyretic ( Ibufen, paracetamol).

Krochi Rubber - Is it possible to bathe

In most cases, it is not harmful. The child is inhaled with warm moisturized air, mitigating the mucus accumulated in the nasal strokes and helps it easier to remove it. The only condition: in the room where the child bathes, should not be very hot, so as not to strengthen the nasal mortgage due to swelling of its mucous membrane.

It is useful in a bath to add herbs harassing with anti-inflammatory effects and facilitating breathing. This is Sage, Eucalyptus, Melissa. So it turns out the excellent combination of hygienic procedure with therapeutic inhalation.

Contrained long bathing (But not shower!) With purulent inflammation of the apparent sinuses: with or front. If the runny nose is accompanied by bleeding from the nose or complicated, be sure to comply with the rules as at high temperatures.

A child has a cough - is it possible to bathe

It all depends on the cause of cough, from the well-being and the overall state of the diseased child.

  • With viral rheore or adenoy(that is, inflammation of adenoids) - read the rules of swimming for ORVI and fever.
  • If cough attacks are connected with jerking at GER (), with violations of the stomach against the background of neurological pathologyThe bathtub with relaxing and calming decoctions is very useful. And with a neurotic cough, it is a healing procedure.
  • With dry coarse, called "barking", cough with acute laryngitisthe hot tub can strengthen the swelling of the voice ligaments and drag breathing insufficiency. Sick kids useful to breathe cool air moistened with an ultrasound inhaler. And the adoption of the bath will postpone a few days before the threat of stained stenosis is disappeared.
  • Warm hygienic souls will help soften painful in acute trachea or bronchitis. If the child has shortness of breath or heard whistling wheezing, it is impossible to bathe. If there is no fever, you can take a hot bath. It is useful to add herbs harassing with anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect into water, but without a sharp fragrance. This is a richness, a chamber, sage, mother-and-stepmother, plantain.
  • With inflammation of the lungs The first few days of the kid are tormented by high temperature, weakness, shortness of breath, obsessive cough and chest pain. Swimming replace daily wiping body with a warm wet towel. When well-being will be improved, you can go on a warm shower, and about 2 weeks - on seated baths.

Krochi conjunctivitis: Is it possible to bathe

Regardless of the reason that caused the inflammation of the conjunctiva, if the overall condition of the child does not suffer, hygienic baths are not prohibited. If the eyes are fucked on an ARVI background, swimming is carried out according to the rules described above. Immediately after washing, we need a cotton swab or disk, moistened in a boiled water, wipe the eye slots. Then drip or lay on the lower eyelid the healing solution or ointment prescribed by the doctor.

Child is a windmill - can I bathe

From gentle washness, even several times a day, solid benefits:

  1. Softened water will temporarily facilitate the painful itching. The kid will be able to play or fall asleep without whims. Three available homework softening - boiling, filtering through a reducing rigidity cartridge, adding 2 tsp. Drinking soda is about 10 liters of warm water.
  2. During the period of rash (i.e., in the first 2-5 days), seating baths in a weak-pink solution of mangartee dried windmills. So they will disappear faster. In addition, potassium permanganate is a powerful antiseptic. It protects surface yazens from microbes, which are formed on the place of mass.
  3. In the healing period, the addition of brackers will soften into the water of brazers, will accelerate their deposit and warn the education of the rules. Breaking birch leaves or black currant, burdock root, flax seed, oak borer, daisy flowers, yarrow, plantain.

How to bathe with wind pump:

  • do not use the drying of soap, shampoos, foam, especially with aromatic fragrances;
  • neutral children's soap carry out only hygienic arms as necessary;
  • drain without washcloth: touching the skin palm should be very gentle;
  • water pressure in the shower should be weak;
  • water do only moderately warm.

After the bath or soul, the crumb should be wrapped in a soft towel and get into the skin, not rubbing it. Then apply antiviral ointment on the elements (for example, Acyclovir) or diamond greens. If there are ventulous bubbles or crusts - to fall asleep with antibacterial powder ( Banocin) Or lubricate with an antibiotic ointment.


If you are afraid to bathe a cold child, younger reoxoons with their eternal rheal-cough diathesis risk going to walk unfirelessly dirty. Follow our recommendations, and then the water will be your faithful assistant in the fight against viruses and microbes. And do not forget about hardening water procedures!

Questions about bathing the baby in front of the parents get up immediately after the hospital. Leather crumbs are more tender and, accordingly, more susceptible to the appearance of diameters, various injuries and penetration of microbes through wounds. Therefore, it is better to know in advance - which temperature should be water, how often the baby bathe, and how to choose a bath to swim to bring the child only positive emotions. It has its important features - young parents should know about it. The next bathing of the baby can be performed easily, learning the secrets of this parent science.

Is it possible to bathe a child of the first year of life daily?

By itself, water is not able to cause annoyance of children's skin. And the frequency of balls of crumbs up to a year depends, first of all, from those tools and devices that are used by their parents. And also, naturally, from the wellness of the baby. Ideally, kid to six months you can bathe every day . After - every other day.

Video: Bathing Newborn - Basic Rules

What do you need to remember the battery of a child up to a year?

  • Manganese who often add mothers for disinfection of water, drying children's delicate skin . And its illiterate breeding can cause skin burns. Therefore, it should be careful with it, and it is not recommended for daily use.
  • To mitigate water, you can apply herbracks (Series, chamomile, etc.).
  • After bathing follows be sure to dry the skin of the baby and lubricate with special oil - The skin of the crumbs up to three months is very gentle.
  • Daily bathing also depends on the health of the infant. If you are allergic or damage to the skin, it is better to consult with a doctor . But at elevated temperatures, it is categorically impossible.
  • Cutty baby Experts recommend to bathe with the addition of plant fees to water . But, again - in the absence of temperature.

Baby bathing bath - What to choose?

In the first year of life, the bathroom is mandatory. It is quite difficult to maintain a shared bath in perfect cleanliness. In addition, herriazes spoil the color of the enamel bath, and it is much easier to disinfect the children's bath. Another point in favor of the bath is easier to fill it. What are the types of baths?

  • Anatomical.
    The ideal option for the newborn. He has an anatomical hill, deepening for priests and armpits, stop between the legs.
  • Classic.
    In such a bath, there is more places than in the previous one - the baby is where to turn around. Minus - you need to buy a hill or keep your baby on your hand.
  • Bath with stand.
    The main criterion selection is stability and maximum safety.
  • Bath for shower (or "mother's tummy").
    Traditionally - round shape. The bath is convenient for a cottage or a tiny apartment, but you can only sit in it.
  • Bath, built into a changing table.
    This design is combined with a stand for bath accessories and with a changing mattress. Water with a hose, separate models are equipped with wheels with retainers.
  • Dresser combined with a bath.
    The principle of operation, as in the previous version.
  • Inflatable.
    Convenient on trips, at the cottage, on the beach - they poured, they fought, blurred, removed.
  • Antibacterial.

What to pay attention to when choosing a bath?

The best time for swimming a child, the duration of the battery of the child up to the year

As practice shows, the perfect time for swimming the kid - about 8-9 pm, before feeding. , very restless, then you can use with special fifts or sedative herbs. True, there is one nuance: if the kid after bathing, on the contrary, is excited and sleep does not want to sleep, then it is better to postpone this procedure for the afternoon. Concerning the duration of the procedure is different for each age:

  • About 4-5 minutes - after birth and up to 3 months.
  • About 12-15 minutes - from 3 to 6 months.
  • About 30 minutes - from 6 to 12 months.
  • Since year- up to 40 minutes.

Of course, it all depends on the state of the kid. To keep it in the water, even 15 minutes does not make sense, if the child cries, it categorically does not want to swim or sick.

Convenient Baby Bathing Devices Before a year - Circle, hammock, hill, seating, visor

In order to facilitate the swimming process for mom and make it more comfortable for the baby, you can use modern bathing devices kids up to year.

  • Hill.
    Helps insure crumb when bathing.
  • Bath hammock.
    Created from fine mesh. The bottom of the bath is tensioned with hooks.
  • Circle on the neck.
    Promotes the development of the muscular system of the baby, stimulates the swimming reflex.
  • Seat.
    Boots on the bottom with the help of suckers, has safety limiters, reliably holds from falling and slipping.
  • Anti-slip rugs.
    An indispensable thing when bathing a child. There are even models with temperature indicators - a color change says that water cools.
  • Protective visor.
    Convenient for washing the head. With such a visor, water will not fall into the ears, nose and eyes.

Bathing in a large bath - the first classes of your baby swimming

The main advantage of bathing crumbs in a large bathroom is the freedom of movement, the ability to move the head, legs and hands, without restrictions. Also pluses swimming in such a bath are:

  • A longer cooling water.
  • Fragrance of the lungs of the child and their cleansing , increase the strength of the respiratory muscles.
  • Improving appetite and quality of sleep.
  • Training heart and muscles.

Video: Proper Battle Battle

At birth, the kid retains the swimming skills in the intrauterine fluid, and if there is a big bath at its disposal, then you will not have to go to float again at 5-6 years. Swimming classes contribute to both physical, and intellectual development, muscle tone restoration and colic decrease. But before you do with the baby with such exercises, it follows consult with a specialist on the subject of contraindications, and, regardless of the exercises, the first procedures should be carried out only in the presence of an instructor.

Water procedures for the baby are undoubtedly benefited.

The child has a better whipping and will fall faster.

With proper bathing, the process of hardening is happening, as a result of which the child is more often ill.

But all this does not mean that children need to bathe as much as possible.

According to many professionals, water abuse is washes off protective film with a child's skin, the skin becomes land, redness and peeling appear.

Moreover, in families who strive for sterile conditions for their baby, diseases show themselves more often, especially.

Therefore, Russian pediatricians advise to bathe children under 6 months of age no more than once a day, or even less often.

Given that babies are almost not dirty, it is enough to wash and washing. For hands and faces there are wet wipes, and for the prevention of diameters, it is necessary to ensure that the baby is not lying in the wet.

How many months bathe a child every day?

In general, international recommendations are such - until the six months of children bathe daily, from 6 months to a year - every other day, and after a year it is enough every two or three days.

If the purpose of bathing is, then you need to bathe every day.

After dischargeing a newborn, it is important to follow, so swimming in the first 10-15 days if it is done, very carefully.

At this age, it is enough to wipe the baby and arrange the air baths. If the child was born prematurely, then swimming should be postponed to the recommendation of the observing physician.

The little child bathe not more often than once a day. If the baby was stained, it was washed under running water. In the summer months, in the conditions of the heat of the child bathe more often to avoid body overheating. In winter, you can turn on the heater until the child is caught.

As for swimming time, it is carried out or 30 minutes before receiving write, or after 40-50 minutes after feeding.

Many prefer to conduct water procedures before evening feeding.

This contributes to a stronger Snu kid, however, there are children with swimming, on the contrary, excites, so each child needs to pick up "its" time.

By duration, swims start from 3 minutes, the next day extended to 5 and then it is already adjusted to 15-20 minutes.

In general, as with battery time, the time of taking the bath must be individual. If the baby likes to swim, then you can hide and longer, the main thing is not to overeat a child. Also watch the skin: redness, dryness and peeling - a sign of the need to interrupt water procedures. If the child fell ill, it is not recommended to plant it in hot water to avoid overheating. The kid's temperature in front of the bathroom should be no higher than 37.5 degrees, and instead of a baby bath wash under the shower.

The air temperature in the bathroom should be 19-20 degrees in the first three months. In the future, such precautions are unnecessary, but, of course, do not arrange in the bathroom drafts.

All the necessary things are prepared before bathing, so as not to be distracted by the procedure and go with a wet baby for a forgotten thing. The temperature of the water for a newborn is selected about 34 degrees. Checking its thermometer, without relying only on its own sensations from water.

For a month, it can be reduced by 2 degrees, in two months for the child the optimal temperature will be 28-30 degrees. A good hardware procedure will be rinsed with cool water after the bath: first the temperature difference must be not lower than 1 degree, then gradually bring to 22 degrees. At the same time, it is not necessary to pour water too much so that the baby is not frightened. Another option: after bathing, not rubbing a towel, carefully laughing the wet places and arrange a baby bathtub.

The best indicator what kind of water should be is the behavior of the baby. If he cries, perhaps the water is too cold or hot, if it behaves motionless - too warm. Optimally, if the child is actively moving in water.

In water for bathing, especially the first, it is not recommended to add flavored shampoos or essential oils.

It is not necessary to boil the water, the usual from under the tap is suitable for swimming the finest crumbs. Manganese also add no need.

If water is poor quality, you can use water filters. Before bathing, the bath is carefully soaked, but not using chemicals. Soda and boiling water for bathing will be enough.

Bathing can be carried out and provided that she does not use anyone except parents. Up to 4 months, it is advisable to bathe in a children's bath. It is much more convenient for parents, and the child also does not need a lot of space, to come down in water. After 2 months, you can already conduct special exercises for swimming, which will add the immune system to the baby.

Omitting the baby into the water, he is kept so that the child's head lay on the forearm of the parent, and the brushes hold the armpits. Gently wash all the folds, ranging from the neck and ending with the crotch. Pay attention to the interfallated intervals. The head was washed in the very least thing that the baby is not sitting with wet hair.

For a child, special hypoallergenic drugs are acquired with a neutral meaning - children's shampoos or gels. Every day they do not need to wash, as the baby's skin already contains a film that protects the body from infections. In addition, the abuse of soap cuts the skin and disrupts the work of the sebaceous glands. Washheads can easily injure delicate skin, so it is better to use or a soft sponge, or a flannel napkin. In any case, it should be an individual sponge. Shampoos are used no more than once a week. At the same time with each bathing, improving the blood circulation of the scalp.

After the water, it will be useful to lubricate the skin with baby milk or cream. Wiping the skin, special attention is paid to the skin folds: they are thoroughly dried and lubricated with a moisturizing agent.

After a year, the kid may have a fear of water. This may be associated with unpleasant sensations, for example, if the soap hit the eye.

Now you can buy a special visor for the eye of the baby or find the instruction, how to make it yourself.

Pleasant sensations of the baby will be more if, during swimming, parents behave calmly and affectionately.

At the age of 1.5 years, you can gradually teach the child to the soul. It is especially useful for low-effective children with a bad appetite. The shower can be taken every day, and the bath is enough 1-2 times a week, combining it with my head washing.

By two years, swimming for the child is already a cheerful game, and its duration increases to half an hour. At this age it is appropriate to wash after the evening walk, when the child plays and comes home dirty. The water temperature of the bathtub is about 28-30 degrees, and the air is about 21. By these years, you can already give a baby to the baby to go to wash.

Children's foams and bathing gels can already be used, but it is worth refraining from cosmetic salts. Soap use more often, but not every day. It is still practiced by pure cool water to 21 degrees. After the bath, the child is covered with a terry towel and wipe.

Herbal infusions (a series, chamomile, calendula) are used after 3-4 months, and coniferous baths are over 6 months old.

Baths with valerian or dyeing will help with nervous disorder and. It is not necessary to abuse herbs, as they dried the skin.

Bathing in open water reservoirs from 2 years at air temperature of 25-26 degrees and water temperature 23. It is preferable to swim in the morning. You can also start to bathe in the sea from 2 years old.

At the age of 6 and 11 years, it is possible to wash once a week. You can add a shower to addly if the child went to the pool, sweated or stained.

From about 11 years it is necessary to wash more often, as the skin becomes more silent. The shower is accepted daily, plus additionally after physical exertion. Head washing brings the same recommendations as for adults.

Reading time: 6 minutes

The birth of a child is a long-awaited event in every family, which brings more responsibility. It is important not only to feed and change the diapers in the baby, but also to know how to properly carry out the first bathing of the newborn. In fact, there is nothing complicated here, stick to a few simple rules and maternity will bring you a pleasure.

When for the first time a newborn

Young mothers are interested in the answer to the question: "On what day after the maternity hospital is allowed to bathe a child?" It will depend on what state is the umbilical wound of the newborn. Even recently bathe babies was allowed from the moment the umbilical wound will completely heal - about the second week, after delivery. And to remove sweat from the body of a child and food residues, it was recommended to use a towel or a napkin moistened in boiled water. But now the bathing procedure is allowed to carry out, starting from the second day of finding a child at home (5 day after birth).

To obtain an accurate answer, you must consult a pediatrician who will examine the child and give delivel tips. Bathing of the kid is carried out only in boiled water - this rule is observed until the umbilical wound will not be lit. Preparation of the desired amount of water is preparing, then a clean bath is filled. For swimming a child, it is not necessary to acquire a special bath - wash the adult bath with simple food soda.

Using a newborn adult bath for swimming, it is necessary to keep independently, and it is not very convenient to bend over a large bathroom, moreover, this hygienic procedure will have to be carried out regularly. Therefore, it is best to spend a little and acquire a special bath for swimming newborn children.

For filling adult baths will have to boil much more water, which will take a mass of time. It is important that the water temperature is 36 ° C. Provided by the use of hot water, there is a risk of leaving burns on the delicate skin of the child. Check the water temperature is necessary before each bathing. To do this, purchase a special thermometer.

What will be required for bathing at home

The first bathing of the kid will take a long time, so you first need to prepare baths that may need:

  • Bathing bath. For the first days of the life of the baby, take a special baby bath. To the procedure thoroughly rinse it using cleaning products intended for children. It is not recommended to carry out the first bathing in large adult baths, otherwise the child is scared.
  • Thermometer for measuring water temperature. The first bathing of newborns must be carried out only at an optimal temperature of not more than 36 ° C. If the water is too hot, the baby can overheat.
  • Soft mittens or urinary. As a washcloth, you need to use a soft cloth, a mitten, a sponge that gently rubs the skin of the baby. It is strictly forbidden to apply tough washcloths, because they can seriously damage the gentle skin of the newborn.
  • Toys and soap. It is not necessary to take toys in the bath, but they can distract the baby, and the bathing of the newborn first time will pass more calmly.
  • Clean and soft towel, hydrogen peroxide or green to handle umbilical wreck, diaper, cotton wands with a special limiter, clothing.

Water temperature

The most important thing is to know in what water is allowed to bathe a newborn, and for this it is worth consulted with a pediatrician. Bathing bath must be filled with water by about 15 cm. The first bathing of a newborn baby is recommended to be carried out in boiled water, but if the water washing well filtered, then it is not necessary to be reheated.

What to add to water - bathing tools

For swimming a newborn baby, use simple boiled water, it is recommended to add ragners of therapeutic herbs that need to be insisted (a series, chamomile and others) or a weak solution of manganese. Before using the manganese, consult a pediatrician, which will prompt the correct concentration of the solution to not harm the baby. There is one interesting sign - a silver ornament was placed in a bath with water (not a cross) to attract wealth and wealth to the fate of the child.

Bathing newborn in diaper

The first bathing of a newborn baby can be carried out in diaper on the following principle:

  • the child needs to be closed into a thin diaper or just throw it on the shoulders of the baby, and lower it into a clean bath;
  • you need to bathe a child together - one person keeps the baby, opening the handles and legs, and after sheep in warm water, she covers the film again, the other waters out of the bucket;
  • first of all, the handles are wrapped, then the legs;
  • the tummy is labeled, then the back;
  • after the end of the bath procedures, the child is getting out of the bath and climb into a dry towel.
  • after wiping, the baby is dressed in warm clothes.


Professional pediatricians advise newborn children to bathe not more than 10 minutes. If the first bathing frightened the newborn and calm him, even a gentle voice of mom, it is worth getting a baby from the water much earlier. Provided that the child likes the water procedure, you can prolong the process slightly, but in this case it is important to constantly monitor the water temperature so that the kid does not froze. To do this, prepare another saucepan with water to add it during bathing.

How newborns are bathing

Provided that the child is fully healthy and the first bathing caused only positive emotions, the water procedure is allowed to spend every day. Pediatricians recommend bathing the baby at about the same time. Most parents choose evening, before feeding the baby. It is best to follow the mood of the child if he feels good and loves the daytime bathing, give up evening procedures. On some children bathing does not have a soothing, but an exciting action and here it is necessary to take into account the mood of the karapuse.

Rules of bathing of newborns

Bathing a child must be used according to the following instructions:

  • The bath is filled with water by about 15 cm. Dry the chest, shoulders and head remain. Next to the bath is put a bucket filled with warm water, which will be needed for rinsing.
  • The little child undresses and takes on his arms, then very carefully, slowly falls into the water. It is necessary to immerse the baby in the water so that his head is on the elbow bend mom, and the back is maintained with his left hand.
  • Washing cotton swab is carefully rinsed breast, handles, legs, genitals. Then the baby turns into the tummy, the chest and the head is supported by hand, the back is naked. At the end you need to lake your head (it is recommended to use a special children's shampoo).
  • Using warm water from the jug, the rinsing procedure is performed. It is important to wash off the soap foam very carefully, avoiding getting into the eyes. For this, the water jet is sent by the forehead to the back of the back, but not the opposite. It is necessary to quickly rinse the child so that it does not remain on the delicate skin of soap traces, otherwise there is a risk of an allergic reaction.
  • Next, the child is rapidly removed from the bath and coats up into a soft towel, placed on a changing table (rigid bed) and tender movements Water remains. Wipe the skin important with soft movements, but do not rub too much, special attention is paid to the folds of the neck, the area of \u200b\u200bgroin and the armpits. If the child has very dry skin, it is recommended to use baby oil either cream (preferably consult a pediatrician).
  • At the next step, the procedure for processing the navel is carried out. A pipette is recruited a small amount of hydrogen peroxide solution (only a doctor can determine the correct consistency) and a couple of drops are dripped directly to the navel area, then neatly wipes with a clean cotton swab. Replace the peroxide is possible with a solution of manganese (strong) or simple green.

Up to 6 months of the child must be bathed every day, provided that the water contact does not cause severe stress, and then water procedures can be carried out every other day. In mandatory, the water temperature is constantly monitored. Gradually allowed to increase battery duration.

Video: About the bathing of a newborn - Dr. Komarovsky

Before the first procedure for swimming a newborn baby, parents are consulted, the doctor gives advice and general recommendations. But it does not always have enough oral councils, especially young parents. Therefore, they will be useful to familiarize themselves with several videos, learn about all the intricacies and rules of bathing newborn children. It is important to provide a baby to the right care, and how to do it, Dr. Komarovsky will tell.