How to choose the right base oil? What is basic oils and what they differ from the essential

The benefits of essential oils are the topic that is widely discussed today in medicine and cosmetology. Many women prefer these natural, useful products to create home cosmetics to care for themselves. In addition, treatment with essential oils is widely practiced in alternative medicine, Ayurvedic practices. The strong vibration characteristics of essential oils that have already been proven by scientists of the whole world can be beneficial to both psycho-emotional and physical condition of a person. There are many ways to use essential oils in everyday life so that they bring benefit, healing, retained youth and beauty.

There are several ways to get essential oils.

  • Distillation - for this process only bark and leaves of trees are used.
  • Extraction - for this technology use inflorescences, petals and roots. Medicinal plants and raw materials are placed in a special apparatus by adding an extractant to them. This component is the necessary additive in the manufacture of the finished product. After the plant is obtained, the extractant is completely removed, and as a result, the consumer receives high-quality ether.
  • For mechanical spin, only peel and plant fruits are used. This is a pressing method.
  • Another method of obtaining essential oil is an anfleara, one of the first methods used by people. For the production of the desired ether, animal and vegetable fats are used that do not have their own smell. In the production process, the fat is applied with a thin layer on clean dry glass. From above, there are freshly colonel flowers on it, of which you need to get the ether. Petals are on the glass until the age of 3, after that are replaced with fresh. Such manipulation is repeated on average 25 times, it increases the concentration of ether in fat. After the end of this procedure, you can get a compound of aroma and fat, called "lipstick". This substance is placed in alcohol, which is evaporated. The resulting substance is called absolute essential oil.

Methods for obtaining essential oils are designed in such a way that a person consumes a quality product that can be used for its purposes. Knowledge of the rules for using each essential oil will strengthen the body, keep beauty, clean the house.

Notes of essential oils

The classification of essential oils on notes will help you choose the product you need for you.

  • There are oils with initial notes, their fragrance evaporates faster than everything. After a couple of hours, the oil will fully disperse.
  • Ether with medium notes will evaporate for 4 hours.
  • Basic notes of essential oils weathered much longer. The fragrance can be felt over several days, leaving behind a characteristic train.

How to choose essential oil?

Many do not know how to distinguish natural essential oil from synthetic, so buy low-quality products that do not bring any benefit. There are several rules that should be guided during the purchase.

How to store essential oils?

You need to know not only how to use essential oils at home, but also how to store them correctly, this depends on the quality of the product.

  • Oil can be stored only in a bottle of dark glass; The presence of a plastic lid or special seals on the bottle is unacceptable. If the oil is in contact with the plastic, it leads to the formation of poisonous substances.
  • The bottle must only be in a vertical position.
  • After using oil, the container closes tightly. Ingestion of air leads to the fact that a high-lengthd substance from essential oils evaporates.
  • Using oil, you need to monitor so that water does not fall into the bottle. This will reduce the shelf life of the product, will spoil its quality.
  • Proper storage provides for compliance with a specific temperature regime. You can put a bottle into the closet, so that the straight sun rays will not fall on it. Store citrus ester at room temperature is prohibited. Citrus oils before and after opening the bottle should be only in the refrigerator. Coniferous esters, on the contrary, you can not put in a cold place, they thicken. Temperature must be the same all the time, without sudden drops.
  • The shelf life of essential oils is also an important indicator to be monitored. Citrus ether in a closed container is stored for 1 year, after opening the vial - only until 4 months. Coniferous oil can maintain a full amount of useful substances for 2 years. The rest of the esters on average are stored up to 5 years, subject to all conditions.
  • It is categorically forbidden to use the overdue product, you can get a burn with essential oil!
  • The use of cold esters is also prohibited. Even if the oil stood in the refrigerator, it is necessary to leave it at room temperature for 30 minutes, then use.
  • The freshly prepared mixture of essential oils in full retains all the beneficial substances for 1 week with proper storage.


Natural essential oils, despite the mass of their beneficial properties and other advantages, have certain contraindications that should be known before the use of the product.

  • Esters are prohibited in the case of individual intolerance of the product. Many do not even suspect that they should not be used with one or another oil. Unwanted reactions are manifested in the form of a sharp headache, dizziness, difficulty breathing.
  • If you apply a product in pure form on the mucous membranes, you can get a burn with etheric oil.
  • In its pure form it is forbidden to take oils inside, they should be diluted with useful additives.
  • The use of essential oils for children also has its own characteristics that should be studied.
  • Essential oils can be contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation; The use of such a product should be coordinated with the attending physician.
  • In each package there is a detailed instruction that carefully should be studied so that the use of oil does not cause adverse reactions, allergies, rashes, etc.

Esters in home cosmetology

There is a table of essential oils developed by specialists, which will prompt how to use aromamasla in home cosmetology. The same information also contains Wikipedia, so before using any ether, all information should be carefully learned.

Table of cosmetic essential oils will help to figure out which products and for what should be used.

Lavender ether

Lavender oil helps to relax, relieves tension. If you add 2-3 drops of the product to basic massage oil, then the procedure relaxes well, will calm down. You can use lavender oil, as an additive while taking a bath. It is best to mix the product with a sea salt or foam, and then add to water. This will save all the beneficial properties of the ether.

Ether tea tree

The product is used as an antibacterial additive in lotions, gels for the face. It can be an additional component during the preparation of face masks, hair. Effectively copes with malicious infections. In pure form it is used to treat fungal diseases.

Rosemary oil

The ester concentrates the useful substances that eliminate skin defects. Most often used as a useful additive in face masks. Promotes the narrowing of extended pores, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

Lemon oil

Healingly acting on the whole organism. Oil well cleans skin cover; A few drops can be added while taking a bath.

Orange butter

The use of oil can significantly improve the condition of the skin, launches intracellular regenerative processes. Application in cosmetology is recommended for women with dry skin. The oil will deeply feed, saturate cells from the inside with a complex of useful substances. You can use as an additive to face masks, hair. Orange wrapping will accelerate the disappearance of cellulite, pulls the skin in problem places, will be toned, to heal the whole organism.

Camphor oil

The product helps to cope with skin pigmentation, returns a healthy face color. You can add to the basic nutritional masks for skin care, hair.

Fir oil

In home cosmetology, it is used to normalize the selections of sebum, the narrowing of the pores. Aromatherapy with ether Fir is healing the whole organism. You can add to the skin care products, hair.

Ether Patchuli.

It feeds, moisturizes the skin, hair. Allows slowing down the aging processes, launches intracellular regeneration. Cosmetologists are recommended to be used as an additive to olive base oil, sesame.

The beneficial properties of the essential oils presented in the table allow each woman to fully and fully care for themselves. This table contains the most common esters. The application for the use of each product is in any package.

It is also necessary to know how to properly use essential oils. If the product or composition is applied for the first time, the sensitivity test should be carried out. It will be enough to drop just a few drops on the back of the palm. If after 10-15 minutes no uncomfortable sensations arose, you can use the recipe.

Differences of cosmetic and essential oils

Obtaining essential oils is possible due to the use of complex technological processes, the result of which is a highly concentrated product. Many do not know what the cosmetic oil differs from the ethereal.

Cosmetic oil is a finished product that does not require additional additives. It can be immediately applied to the skin or hair. Such cosmetics also ensures the desired result, many choose it due to ease of use.

Esters need to be added to base oils. In its pure form, they are practically not used. Their properties are completely disclosed in combination with other components. There are many simple, available ways, how to use essential oils in home cosmetology. The result from such procedures will not wait long for a long time. In addition, such products have a beneficial effect on the whole organism.

Water soluble essential oils

Water soluble oils in the production process are converted, while maintaining all the beneficial properties of the ether, while they are easily used in home cosmetology.

Most often, such products are already part of caring funds, complementing them with their useful qualities.

  • They effectively clean the skin, feeding its useful substances. They are included in the gels, foams, masks, creams, massage oils. Such a product is fully safe for children and has no contraindications. Due to its soft, but deep exposure, it nourishes skin cells, launching regenerative processes.
  • Such products can be added already into ready-made cosmetics. They fully retain their properties, do not reduce the foaming during use. Such an additive will not be the reason that the mask or tonic for washing was smelled. The water-resistant oil is fully included in the means, reinforcing its beneficial effect on the skin, hair.


Essential oils for aroma lamps need to be selected very carefully, focusing on what the effect of the product should render.

Table of essential oils and their properties

Toning essential oils Capable to charge the body with cheerfulness and energy. You can use citrus, bergamot, rosemary and mint ether.
Relaxing esters Remove the tension after the working day, it is easy to relax, adding a few drops of lavender ether into aromalamp, Melissa. Sweet lovers can use the ester of the sweet major for these purposes.
Antiseptics To in the period of cold and colds to carry out the prevention of diseases and simply purify the house from pathogenic viruses, aromatherapy can be carried out by adding eucalyptus to the lamp, the juniper ether. To this end, the use of tea tree oil is also possible. The product will serve as a neutralizer of bacteria, infections.
Romantic esters Essential oils can be used to relax during a date, increase its level of sexuality, sensuality. Verified method - add 3-5 drops of patchouli oil, ylang-ylang, roses, lavender.
Lowering oils One of the methods of strengthening, improving the body is aromatherapy using citrus ether. Regular aromatherapy sessions have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Oils for removing physical, mental voltage Aromatherapy with essential oils will help relieve even severe physical fatigue. It will also help to relax after large mental loads. It is necessary to add a few drops of lemongrass to the lamp, ginger.
Package oils Treatment with essential oils, and in particular aromatherapy using geranium smell, roses, will be quite effective for removing pain in women during menstruation. The flavors will help relax, and the pain will begin to retreat.


Many people do not know how many drops of essential oil should be added to the lamp for one session. Experts recommend using no more than 6-8 drops of the selected product. If the smell seems too saturated, sharp, then the quantity should be reduced.

  • It should be carefully referring to the mixture of odors, they must be harmonized between themselves, not to be too concentrated. Also be sure to choose the right product for use in the children's room. Essential oil should clean, calm, harmonize. Citrus flavors, lavender ether cope with this task.
  • You can prepare a mixture of essential oils for aromalamps. In the period of colds, 4 drops of eucalyptus and tea tree ether should be mixed. Lamp put in the room where all family members spend the most time. It will clean the air, killing harmful bacteria.
  • Essential oils are used for home - the space around is filled with the smell of purity and freshness.

It should be remembered!

Before spending aromatherapy session, the room should be well ventilated. The lamp should work or burn no longer than 2 hours.

Instead of familiar aroma, you can use porous stones that replace lamps. They not only well spread the smell of ether, but also serve as an additional decoration of the interior.

Production of aromaconov

There is another common way to use aromamasla.

  • Special aromacon made from clay should be selected. The texture of this material is well absorbed odors.
  • The ether used for aromatherapy must be applied to the pendant. There will be enough 1-2 drops. The most useful oils during the cold, influenza - eucalyptus, mint, cedar esters.
  • You need to fill the pendant once every 3-4 days, depending on how quickly the smell is weathered.
  • The aromacon will be not only a good preventive method, but also improves the body as a whole.

Therapeutic properties of ether

Treatment with essential oils is widely practiced in alternative medicine. Even the appointments of conservative therapy can be supplemented with such means. Qualitative reactions provide compresses with essential oils. Most often, they are prescribed to reduce the intensity of pain in the back, joints, soft tissues. Penetrating depth, the useful components of the ethers quickly reduce the inflammatory process, facilitating the condition of the person. Oil acts as a natural antispasmodic.

What to do to facilitate the state, the doctor will tell in detail, prompts which essential oils need. The treatment procedure is pretty simple:

  • Cotton, flannel tissue napkin, moisten in water temperature. Out of excess moisture.
  • Apply 2-5 drops of essential essential oil on the napkin.
  • Attach the napkin to the damaged area, drive, using an elastic or ordinary bandage.

You can also make warm compresses.

  • Prepare a mixture of basic and essential oil in a proportion of 2: 1.
  • A bandage for several hours should be carefully wound.
  • Water for compress is warm, but not hot.


In the presence of chronic diseases, the use of aromacompress is possible only in coordination with the attending physician!

  • The medical composition of some drugs may include a crystalline substance obtained from essential oils. The component added is able to strengthen the therapeutic effects of ointments, gels, other compositions.
  • The use of essential oils in medicine allows you to cope with many diseases. It is not recommended to select recipes and components. The appropriate ester must appoint a doctor after survey. It will also tell about the necessary procedures, dosages, the frequency of application of the appointed oil.

How to enrich cosmetics?

Therapeutic plants and raw materials that contain essential oils can enrich with their useful components ready-made cosmetic products. The raw material must be right, in time it is collected so that the useful oil is as a result. It can also be recycled into cosmetic leather care products, hair.

The use of essential oils to enrich skin care creams should be competent. On 150 g of a face cream is allowed to add only 15 drops of suitable ether. You can also prepare your own cream. This requires:

  • neutral (children) cream;
  • base oil - 150 g;
  • suitable essential oil for face - 15 drops.

Components mix, use as a conventional caring cream.

Useful tonic

Suitable types of essential oils can also be included in the cooked useful tonic tonic. Required:

  • herbal infusion;
  • pure water;
  • alcohol - 1 tsp;
  • essential oil - 2-3 drops.

Infusion of useful grasses mix with water in equal proportion. Oil dissolve in alcohol, add to the rest of the components. The composition is thoroughly mixed, strain, pour into a tightly closing container. Ready lotion is suitable for daily skin care and neck. The action of finished lotions may differ depending on which types of essential oils were used for cooking.


Many do not know what essential oils are needed in home cosmetology. Based on the ether you can make it useful for skin aroma. You need to take:

  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • essential oil 2-4 drops;
  • water.

Ether to mix with honey, then dissolve in water. The composition is pouring into ice molds, freeze. Ice cubes use to rub face. It will return a healthy face color, remove redness, eliminate inflammatory processes.

The list of enriched cosmetics should be replenished with a useful shampoo: during washing to add 1-2 drops of oil, mix, wash your head. You can add oil directly to the bottle. On 100 ml of shampoo, 10-13 droplets of ether are added.

The vibration that essential oils has after entering the skin, will penetrate inside, activating the internal reserves of a person. This will beneficially affect the condition of the whole organism.


The classification of essential oils will help to choose a suitable product for inhalation. This is relevant in the cold season. The procedure will be good prevention of viral diseases.

If the inhalation of essential oil is performed for the first time, you need to know how to check it on an allergic reaction. The product used can perform several functions at once - clean the lungs, remove pathogenic viruses.

It should be remembered!

If a person suffers from diseases of the respiratory tract or asthma, the procedure is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor! The specialist will help determine the time of the procedure, it will select suitable oil.

  • It is possible to carry out cold inhalation, applies -12 droplets of the ether on pure handkerchiefs. The fragrance must be deeply inhaled for 10 minutes.
  • Hot inhalation involves the use of a special inhaler. Add 2-4 drops of ether in hot water, cover your head with a towel. The time of procedure is 5-10 minutes. Steam should not burn mucous membranes. During inhalation, it is necessary to close your eyes.

The classification of essential oils allows you to choose a product that can be used during massage. The ether can be tone or, on the contrary, relax. The use of esters during massage will be beneficial to the nervous system of man. Leather will also be heated; The useful substances of the ether, penetrating the inside of the cells, will feed them, restore them.

Studying the table of application and properties of essential oils, you can find out which of them are suitable for removing pain sensations caused by rheumatic diseases, which will work as a tousing agent. All these nuances can suggest a professional masseur.

The table of essential oil shows that the product obtained from a nutmeg will remove pain and inflammation. Citrus oil will help get rid of fat deposits in problem parts of the body. Sandal and jasmine oil will tighten the skin. Most often they are used during anti-cellulite massages.

Aroma massage rules

To prepare a massage mixture should be taken:

  • basic oil - 15 ml;
  • suitable essential oil - 5 drops.

It is necessary to select the ether not only, based on its useful properties, but also on the aroma. A man during a session should feel a pleasant relaxing smell. All hands movement should be soft, circular. In order for the ether to completely give their useful properties, after the massage, one at least 20 minutes should be rest, without getting up from the couch. It is not recommended to go outside for an hour.


Many do not know what else, except for cosmetics, aroma, you can use essential oils. Such an additive during the adoption of the bath will help to relax, remove stress, restore vitality. There are several rules to follow:

  • Accept the shower in front of the aroma.
  • Add ether not into water, and in sea salt, milk, honey. Only then pour into the water.
  • The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees.
  • The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.
  • Cannot be used while taking an aromatic bath detergent, shampoo.
  • After the procedure, the skin should dry by naturally, you should not wipe with a towel.

You can take such baths several times a week.

A few more centuries ago, people figured out what essential oil is. They understood what benefit and harm are hidden in the efforts of the useful plants, trees, fruits. Knowing why every air is used, it is possible to improve the state of health, extend the youth, keep beauty. Simple and useful recipes will make your life more fragrant and better.

What is basic oil?

Among the wide variety of essential oils there are those recommended breed Before applying to the skin. And those who are just starting their acquaintance with essential oils, a question may arise: "What is basic oils?"

Base oils that are still referred to as vegetable or transport - these are oils recovered in the subsequent compression of seeds, nuclei, nuts and fruits of oil plants. Basic oils penetrate the skin and give it softness, elasticity and smoothness, nourish and moisturize. Due to high concentration fatty acids and vitamin E, as well as phytosterols, phospholipids, vitamins, macro- and microelements Basic oils are active biostimulants of physical, chemical and biological processes: normalize cellular exchange, contribute to normal blood circulation, restore the structure and function of cells.

Basic oils do not have a strong aroma, and at the same time the smells and properties of the aromaacete are well preserved. It is the basic oils that are considered the best for dilution of essential oils as they provide deep penetration of essential oils into the skin with external use.

Each of the basic oils has its own unique properties (anti-inflammatory, restoring, protective, regenerating, healing, etc.) and can boast a wide scope of application. Next, we will give a list of the main most used basic oils so that you can pick up the oil for yourself.

Basic oils with which it is better to dilute essential oils

Apricot seed oil appreciated for unique healing properties and for a gentle subtle fragrance, and a pleasant texture. The first experience of using this oil is addressed to the medicine of an ancient Tibet. In it, in addition to the usual vitamins for basic oils, the active form of rare vitamin F, unique tocopherols and salts of magnesium, potassium, zinc are present.

Avocado oil has long been known in Mexico as "beauty oil". Its unique nutritious and regenerating properties transform the skin. In avocado oil, very high indicators of the content of vitamins A and E, which are responsible for antioxidant properties, RR, K and D, as well as vitamins B1 and B2. In addition to vitamins, it contains zinc, phosphate acid salts, potassium and other microelements, phytosterols, chlorophyll, gistidine amino acid, squalene, lecithin.

Amaranta oil - amarantic oil is considered a unique natural tool, promoting a qualitative increase in cellular respiration. Amaranth oil is considered the only source of the source of the squalene - a unique substance that is as close as possible to natural cellular compounds, but also provides high-quality activation of cellular respiration.

Argan oil is a valuable oil, which consists of unique natural antibiotics, belongs to the most popular basics in aromatherapy. Argan oil contain phytosterols, squalenes, polyphenols, high molecular weight proteins, natural fungicides and analogues of antibiotics, which determine its regenerating and healing properties.

The grape oil is one of the most famous basic oils belonging to the group very valuable. Anti-aging and lifting effect, as well as the ability to be absorbed into the skin without a residue, it is beneficial to allocate this base against the background of other vegetable oils. One of the most valuable characteristics of this base is a large content of antioxidants in the form of procyanids.

Pomegranate oil has unique protective, nutrient and moisturizing properties, allows you to get rid of many serious problems with dryness and loss of skin elasticity. According to the parameter of the content of vitamin E, the grenade oil is considered the only competitor of oil from wheat germ.

Walnut oil - has a strongly pronounced properties of rapid moisturizing, deep saturation of the skin, especially visible on dry areas of the skin. For one minute, after applying to inflamed areas, the visible soothing effect has a visible soothing effect.

Jojoba oil has a thousand-year-based application history, is indeed unique in its chemical composition and properties that are not lost and for long-term storage. Possessing anti-inflammatory characteristics, it heals cracks, cuts, injuries, irritations and dermatitis, and is also effectively used in anti-cellulite compositions, including to eliminate stretch marks. Jojoba oil can be used for any type of skin - dry, greasy or normal, for problem areas and at any age.

Wheat germ oil - its main characteristic is not saturation with the useful substances, but balancedness, thanks to which it acquired its healing and cosmetic properties. Basic germ oil wheat is well mixed with almost all essential. This is the perfect base for cosmetics.

Zelets Oil - St. John's wort - the famous healing grass in phytotherapy and folk medicine, all its unique properties of the "Healer of the Russian Academy of Sciences" will save in full in base oil. Therapeutic properties of the hunting oil covers a fairly wide range of anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic characteristics. It acts as an excellent antidepressant, has a common soothing effect, has a pronounced painful effect and can be used as a sedative.

Calendula oil is known in folk and traditional medicine, as an amazing anti-inflammatory agent. In cosmetology, it is the calendula oil most often used for care products for inflamed and sensitive skin, making an emphasis on the soothing properties of this base oil.

Cedar oil - the best oil from cedar nuts is the oil of the Siberian cedar. This is one of the original Russian vegetable oils, the unique characteristics of which are determined by its special status in aromatherapy. This oil has a wide range of healing properties that it is much more pronounced than cosmetic. It is believed that in a medical meaning it exceeds and fully replaces any, even rare vegetable oil.

Coconut oil is used primarily to care for very dry and sensitive skin. It has mitigating, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and antimicrobial characteristics, while remaining high-grade oil with pronounced protective properties.

Corn oil as basic oil in aromatherapy is used undeservedly little. But the therapeutic characteristics of corn oil deserve attention: a nutrient, softening and stimulating effect is pronounced and in effect on the entire body, and in care of all types of skin.

Sesuit oil has over a thousand years of active application as a peculiar elixir of beauty, rejuvenating agent, additives to strengthen hair and getting rid of headaches. The sesame oil is stored very long due to not only the high content of vitamin E, but also a unique natural preservative - Cesamol (Sesamol). In addition, the composition includes vitamin C, beta-sitosterin.

Linen oil - known for millennia with its healing properties, it is considered one of the most universal vegetable oils. This is the most concentrated oil in terms of the content of vitamin F, representing the widest palette of fatty acids (twice the fishe farm), minerals supplemented by vitamins A and E.


Almond oil is mild, very pleasant, relatively budget and rich oils, oil can boast not only with its properties, but also a rich history of use. Both in the ancient East, and during the greatness of the Roman Empire, almond oil was appreciated and widely used both in health purposes and to maintain youth and beauty.

Morker oil - rare, valuable and superffective. One of the best databases to care for mature and aging skin, in the characteristics of which the most pronounced nutrient and protective properties.

Sea buckthorn oil is based on classic vegetable oils. Balancing in the composition of all necessary for maintaining and restoring the health and turgore of the skin of vitamins and microelements, sea buckthorn has long been considered one of the main databases for the care of aging and fading skin.

Olive oil is one of the leaders in popularity and accessibility among all aromatherapy bases. The unique composition allows oil to fully absorbed and penetrate deeply at the cellular level.

Peach bone oil is soft, light peach oil combines nutritious and moisturizing properties with a quick toning and softening effect.

Millar oil - in contrast to many basic oils, it is dissolved almost exclusively inside. A rich set of trace elements also enhances the active effect of oil, in particular its regenerating abilities. The active antioxidant properties of oil are determined by the high content of vitamins D, F, C and A in easily digestible fat-soluble forms.

The ray oil is affordable and inexpensive, it has acquired the status of an extremely highly specialized means. Due to the combination of active ingredients, the region oil is a phytoactivator that stimulates the metabolism, blood circulation, hair growth and their regeneration at the cellular level.

Soybean oil in the Far East is the leader among plant bases, it is actively used in food. The presence in the composition of lecithin is considered from the most valuable characteristics (in the absence of deep cleaning, depriving the oil of this component). Calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamins R, C, E. are also present in soybean oil.

Pumpkin oil instantly softens the skin, makes more velvet to the touch, very quickly absorbs. Does not leave a visible oily shine and an unpleasant feeling.

Black currant oil is considered the main therapeutic agent with all hormone-dependent skin diseases and as a result of the impact of chemicals or internal reception of medicines. Black currant oil helps to get rid of dermatosis, acne, dermatitis, reduces itching and manifestations of eczema. One of the most effective basic oils in rheumatic inflammation.

Black Cumin oil - belongs to a category not very expensive, but very valuable plant bases in aromatherapy.

Shea oil (Carite) When applied to the skin, it is perfectly distributed, evenly and equally squeezed finely, absorbed into the skin is not worse than liquid base oils and does not leave tangible fat traces. This base oil manifests itself as an anti-inflammatory base in ligament injuries and muscles or with joint diseases, as well as as a better base oil with antietrobel properties. Oil Carite Heals burns, scars, wounds, stretching, dermatitis, stimulates capillary hemobam. It is capable of protecting both excessive solar activity and weather and frostbite.

Rosehip oil is extracted from the dried robe fruits, it was known as a medicinal and cosmetic tool before our era. At the same time, the folk name of oil - "Liquid Sun" - is largely due to its amazingly saturated luminous color. The composition of rosehip oil is isolated by a combination of vitamins and amino acids: ascorbic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids (olein, linolenic and linoles). In addition, the richness oil contains small impurities of trace elements and beta-carotene.

The use of essential oils in is a fantastic way to use its healing force. In combination with essential oils, massage can have both a powerful soothing and toning effect - it all depends on the selected oil and the method of massage (fast movements of the massage therapist stimulate, and slowly relax).

As stated early, essential oils are very strong concentrates, and if there are no special testimony, they cannot be applied directly to the skin, as it can cause its irritation. Therefore, before applying the essential oil on the skin, it should be dissolved at the base.

There are a wide variety of available vegetable oils that perform the function of the basics for essential oils:

  • Almond oil - Easily absorbed into the skin. It has a smooth texture and a weak smell. Well holds. Contains vitamin D. It has a beneficial effect on hair, dry skin and brittle nails.
  • Apricot bone oil - Light, contains vitamin A. Especially it is good for dry or aging skin.
  • Avocado oil - severe, rich in nutrients. Very good for dry, aging and sensitive skin.
  • Oil primory evening - Useful for skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. But, he has a short shelf life - about 2 months after opening the tank.
  • Grape seed oil - Light. Well suited for oily skin. One of the least expensive oils.
  • Funduka oil - Easily penetrates into the skin, easily and deeply feeds it.
  • Jojoba oil - Light, rich in vitamin E. Suitable for uneven skin - with stains, acne. It is part of the equipment for dry scalp and dandruff.
  • Olive oil - Used as the basis rarely, as it has a strong smell competing with the smell of essential oil.
  • Peach oil - Light color. Contains vitamins A and E. Good suitable for any skin.
  • Soybean oil - Easily absorbed. Richly vitamin E.
  • Sunflower oil - It contains essential fatty acids rich in vitamin E. has a specific smell.
  • Wheat germ oilcontains vitamins A, B, C and E. Tits the skin, promotes the disappearance of spots, scars and scars. It has a strong smell.

Cooking oil for aroma massage.

Mixing oils used for massage, have the necessary containers at hand. There are a bottle of dark glass (brown, blue, etc.), with a capacity of at least 60 ml.

Using a small funnel, fill in a bottle of approximately 30 ml of the base. Add 12-15 drops of essential oil to it and screw the bottle with a lid. Clear shake the contents.

You can add one essential oil or combine a mixture consisting of, maximum, three, but in the amount should be all the same 12 - 15 drops of essential oil. And here it is! Your own oil for aroma massage is ready!

Board Finally: make a small amount of massage oil, as described above, otherwise you will not have time to use it, and the residue will turn around. The mixture can be stored for three months in a cool dark place with a tightly closed lid. Trust your face, if you do not like how the mixture smells, it means that you should cook a new one!

Basic oils - These are natural products produced from certain areas of plants, including the greatest concentration of fats. As a rule, natural oils are extracted from nuts, seeds, seeds by pressing.

What is the base oil differs from the ethereal?

Base oils, unlike essential oils, more fat, heavy. They are often odorless at all, or with a subtle hint on this or that oily plant. Essential oils, that's what will give your natural cosmetics desired fragrance. But with essential oils need to be neat, if possible, they can have a negative impact. Just in order to navigate the skin with concentrated essential oil, and serve basic oils, which complete with their advantages will be saturated with your cosmetics with useful properties.

If the process is easier to describe:

Basic oils are deeply embedded in skin cells, awakening it from the inside, and essential oils, falling through the conductors (base oils) inside, through blood, they will distribute all the usefulness, working on the entire body as a whole.

Table properties of basic oils

This sign will help choose which natural components are needed for your cosmetics. Choose the oil you need and read about it useful and on the contrary properties.

Properties of basic oils:

Apricot oil - Apricot oil butter, odorless, rich in vitamins, perfectly absorbed into the skin, eating, softening, moisturizing it. Suitable for fading, aging, dry, sensitive and inflamed skin. It has a regenerating effect. Hypoallergenically.

Avocado butter - rich, enriched with non-lung fats, greenish-yellow color, avocado bone oil will restore, moisturize and feed dry skin, penetrating deep inside the tissues. Hypoallergenically.

Grape bone oil The perfect component for facial care products and not only. Contains PR vitamins, E, A, C, B. The pores narrows, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, perfectly exfoliates the burritable areas, eliminates inflammation, redness, fighting successfully with cellulite, in the shortest possible time restores the hair structure, strengthening them.

Pomegranate oil - Grenade bone oil, contains a large amount of vitamine E, works as the strongest antioxidant. The oil promotes tissue tightening, reducing wrinkles, it nourishes the skin, restores the pH balance. Suitable for fading, aging skin.

Walnut - Light oil obtained from dried nuts. Remarkably softens and moisturizes, does not greatly foam.

Jojoba Oil - Quickly absorbed liquid wax from golden to light yellow. Moisturizes, calm the skin and restore elasticity, will extend the youth of fading skin, will have an anti-inflammatory effect, it is also used for sensitive and young leather. Hypoallergenically.

Germ wheat butter - viscous, thick, with neutral smell, saturated with vitamins E, A, B, D, F oil is a natural preservative and antioxidant. Getting from the embryo wheat grain, which is the propelle carrier. Great ripe leather, nourishes damaged and dry skin, improves the condition of oily skin, is not replaceable after generic stretch marks and cellulite, used to activate hair growth.

Rice embryos oil - Pale yellow, with a slight odor, with a high content of vitamins E, group B, natural antioxidants. It wensively moisturizes and protects the skin, keeps moisture, with ease absorbed, hypoallergenically. Extensively used in soap, creams, sunscreens, and in decorative cosmetics.

Ylang-Ilang. - Tonic oil, gently disinfects the skin, nourishes each cell, stimulates blood circulation. Ideal for fat, damaged, prone to skin irritation. A sensual fragrance saves from depression. Hypoallergenically.

the oil with a chocolate aroma, mined from cocoa beans, softens the skin and has attending properties. Suitable for aging, fading skin, along with problematic, as well as with oily and normal. Hair is also gratefully accepted cocoa butter, responding, in return, fortified, brilliant chapel. Excellent nutrient equipment for eyebrows and eyelashes.

Castor oil (Ricinic) - A transparent fatty suspension extracted from Kleschina contains saturated acids. Excellent moisturizing fatty oil, keeps the liquid, is used with a deterioration in the skin elasticity, endowed with bactericidal properties, is used as a foaming agent. Hypoallergenically.

- solid oil obtained from dried coconut pulp with soft foam. Ideal for sensitive, irritated, concerned, dry skin. It has an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing effect, unique for hair care products. It is recommended to use in combination with other oils, for stability of foam, and eliminate dried properties. In its pure form, soap with coconut oil foams in very hard water, even in the marine.

Sesame oil - deep penetrates into the skin, eating and cleaning it from the inside, eliminating dirt and dead cells. Natural antioxidant preventing premature aging of the skin. It absorbs UV radiation, so applicable in sunscreens. Works healingly, moisturizing, soothing for all problem areas. Excellent antibacterial agent not only for skin, but also for nails.

Makadamia Oil
contains up to 80% unsaturated fatty acids, which allows you to use it for fading skin, providing it with food and barrier from the effects of external negative factors. The oil is perfectly restored by the hair structure, penetrating into each hair. Restores blood microcirculation, and therefore hesitates burns, shmicks and scars. Hypoallergenically.

Almond oil - Colorless transparent or yellowish liquid without a sharp smell. It is used to be prone to irritation, sensitive, aging skin, while decreasing skin elasticity, for the treatment of burns from sunlight, is suitable for all ages. Stimulates growth and strengthens hair. Hypoallergenically.

Mango oil
- Mango bone oil solid, rich in vitamins A, P, C, B, contains sugar, minerals, antioxidants and plant enzymes. The oil provides moisturizing the skin, holds moisture, increases the elasticity of the skin, making it velvety and soft. It has restoring properties, heals the cracks, removes peeling. Fights with wrinkles, pigment stains. Used in soap as a component, neutralizing the dried effect on the skin. Oil is endowed with sunscreen properties. Applicable for hair cosmetics. Suitable for children's cosmetics. Hypoallergenically.

Olive oil - One of the best. It has regenerating and regenerating properties, the main component of the Castilian soap, perfectly moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin, gives foam silkiness. Hypoallergenically.

Palm oil is unrefined
saturated with fatty acids oil made from pulp of palm fruits oilseed, when adding color soap in bright yellow, oil is a source of beta-carotene. Perfectly soapy solid soap, will slowly dissolve in water.

Palm oil refined (white) - It has the same properties as unrefined, except for coloring with color.

Persikova - Oil from peach bones, saturated with vitamines, without flavor, nourishes, moisturizes, saturates the skin. Makes the skin beautiful, smooth, healthy.

Sunflower - Easy oil, for fine, fading, dry skin. It does not matter, it is better to combine with other oils.

Rapeseed oil
- close in composition to olive oil. Excellent balanced oil in the composition of fatty acids, vitamins, mineral salts and tanning substances. Works as a component of regenerating creams for the care of aging, flabby skin, used in creams, masks, air conditioners for hair and in soap.

Sweet almonds - Oil, which perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin, is used as the basis for massage mixtures, is wonderful.

Pumpkin oil - Patrosky oily oil with a resistant smell of pumpkin seeds, obtained from them. Rich in minerals and vitamins. Give the color to your soap from green to brown.

Shi (Karite)
- White oily oil with a cream tint, obtained from the bones of the fetal fetal (African sole tree). Oil melts from the slightest touch of warm hands. Such oil will make soap silky and delicately moisturize the skin, ideal for fading, aging skin, quickly absorbed, leaving a pleasant soothing feeling. It will help with pain in the joints and with stretching. Creates a protective UV filter on the surface of the skin. Suitable for children's skin. Hypoallergenically.

Basic oils (oil carriers, basic oils, base oils, transport oils) are vegetable oils that are used in aromatherapy to dissolve essential oils, as well as for self-use.

Since the essential oils in pure form cannot be used, the base oils are used to create aromatic oil mixtures to care for skin and body, hair and massage. Dissolving essential oils, vegetable oils transport them through the skin.

Basic oils are not a shadow of essential oils, but a completely independent product having its characteristics, properties and purposes. With their help, you can care for the skin of the face, neck, chest, use as daytime and night creams, as a means for removing makeup, basics for face or hair masks, strengthen nails.

The basic oils are required by its value: the most valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, triglycerides, waxes, phosphatides, lipochromes, tocopherols and the entire spectrum of vitamins "from A to U". Due to the composition of these oils, these oils strengthen the biological membranes of skin cells, stimulate metabolism and regeneration, have an antioxidant effect. Vegetable oils increase the skin's ability to retain moisture. No matter how paradoxically, the basic oils dissolve the deposited secrets of sweat glands, remove dirt, dust, cosmetics from the skin surface.

Typically, basic oils are obtained by cold pressing from nuts, seeds, fruit and grain bones. There is also an exception - the oil of manna de tatiti - it is obtained by the anflerage of flowers in coconut oil.

Naturally, the quality of basic oils should be high and you can only buy them from proven firms that do not use various chemical or other additives to reduce cost.

Some vegetable oils that can be used as the basis of the mixture can be bought at the grocery store. But you need to carefully look at the label: the oil should be cold pressed (preferably the first - Extra Virgin) and without additives. Refined and deodorized oils as a result of heat treatment lose a large number of useful substances, so it is better to refrain from their use. The main thing is not to use mineral oil for aromatherapy targets. It does not contain component beneficial components and can be a source of allergies.

Store basic oils need in a cool, dark place. It is advisable not to leave for a long time open, because under the influence of air the oil is oxidized and become unsuitable for use.

Basic oils are a complex mixture of fatty acids, washed and unlimited fractions.

Fatty acids are divided into saturated and unsaturated. If fatty acids predominate in the composition of oil, it will be solid at room temperature. The larger the oil of unsaturated acids, the more softer. When unsaturated acids begin to prevail, the oil will be liquid. Special attention should be paid to the content of oleic acid (it refers to so-called fatty acids mononhenate). When it is dominated, the oil absorbs well into the skin and the penetration of other active ingredients (for example, essential oils) is enhanced. Not much attention is paid to unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic and gamma-linolenic acid, as well as their derivatives. The fact is that they are not produced in the human body, so they are called indispensable unsaturated acids. Linoles and gamma linolenic acid are called omega-6 acids. Oils with a large content of these acids are recommended for dry skin with impaired barrier properties. Vegetable oils that contain linolenic acid and its derivatives, recommend people who suffer from various skin diseases due to anti-inflammatory properties. Some linolenic acid derivatives have bulky and long names that are difficult to pronounce, and for simplicity they are called omega-3 acids.

The washydrated fraction is fatty acids that are connected to glycerin. This fraction is responsible for the appearance and oil properties. If you add an alkali to the washydrated fraction, you can get soap.

The unwinding fraction is responsible for regenerating properties, which is useful for aging skin. It usually includes carotenoids, vitamin E, phytosterols and other biologically active substances. It happens that, in the production of cosmetics, only a unlimited oil fraction is used (the unlimited fraction of olive oil is particularly popular). When connected to the alkali, this soap fraction does not forms.

When using vegetable oil in cosmetics, irptinability of oil and its spreadability are important characteristics. If the skin of the skin is absorbed bad, it will create a feeling of oily skin. But if the oil is absorbed quickly, it may be comedynogenic. If the oil is poorly spread, it is bad to host the skin. Therefore, mixtures of several oils are usually used, which ensure the optimal ratio of these two parameters.