How to read a conspiracy for good school studies. Effective conspiracies so that the child studied well

Today, I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will tell about amulets for good luck on the exam, and about what you need to play a child to school, so that with his help he can gain the favor of teachers and the sympathy of classmates. Touching and one curious moment - how to parents need to read a conspiracy for good school studies to help him. To give strength and energy to move towards success in the learning process and in preparing for exams.

The secret of strong amulets for good studies

We again and again plunge into the world of amulets, talismans and faith with faith in them. What did our dads and moms, last Soviet times, what did we do, and what do our children do to success in school and in order to successfully pass the exams?

  • You know, because the disciples and students are put in front of the exam in the shoes.
  • Or they ask for loved ones and friends to scold them during the control, tests and delivery of sessions.
  • Or asked for a donkey, shouting at night, shouting into an open window: "Halewa, catching!".
  • Do not wash and do not cut hair before the exam, and use a wooden comb in front of bed to see a ticket number in a dream.

Yes, students have their recipes and ways to help themselves, but I, Magic Sergey Artgrom, will talk about other methods - about magical subjects, strong talismans for good studies and about old conspiracies that should be read for success in the difficult form of education and enlightenment.

Independent conspiracy on excellent studies abound.

But, enough and several for different situations to enjoy them constantly and move towards success. Often, the tests of tests or the selection of an exam ticket is a lottery, the game is the case. But, from the whim of the fortune can depend too much. The assistant can be a personal talisman for good luck in the test. Magic artifacts will support you in many issues related to learning.

Free talismans and amulets for good luck when passing exams

Magic talismans are endowed with great strength. But, each individually has its own specific program within which it acts. That is why you strive to have amulets in the process of obtaining knowledge, or you need carved for good studies, an important point is to customize the subject of strength.

It is necessary to configure the subject of force to correctly and activate. Like me, Magic Sergei Artgrom said, talismans can help in any questions concerning exams and tests. You can make your hands to make an amulet to success in school, and it will be able to:

  • help at the right moment to concentrate on the main thing
  • improve mental abilities
  • improve memory
  • protect the teacher
  • get love teachers
  • attract good exam

Of course, the magic subject will not make a lazy breathtaking student. But, in his power to influence the inner energy of his carrier, on his will. In the power of the magic amulet for good luck on the exam, really give good luck when choosing an exam ticket, or in how the teacher will react to you at the very moment when you give an answer to his questions.

But not only personal talismans for good luck in school studies Make a favorable your environment - people and environment. There are still strong conspiracies for success when passing the exam, which in a certain sense are verbal amulets. Such conspiracies restore the normal attitude of teachers to students, make their studies easier, help memorize a large amount of material, make a student more confident.

Strong conspiracy to a child from the masculine teachers

It is not at all a rarity when the teacher biases the child at school, it will be overly demanding and so much in vain, and terates his unloved student. For a child, this is a psychologically severe situation. You can help him if you read a strong conspiracy from the teacher's pick-up and a good attitude from the teacher.

Action of a conspiracy of white magic to study at school can be seen after 3 days. The teacher will fall to the child, his student, in human. And the schoolboy will become more confident and calm, and will receive good grades.

For a witch ritual, you need to take a raw chicken egg. Go to the sleeping child, at home, put an egg on his forehead and whisper read the words of the conspiracy to study and from the injustice and biasedness of the teacher:

"As an egg earlier, the chicken appeared and the student. I close my mouth teacher (daughter) of my (Teacher's name) Eggs rotten so that he did not disturb my son (daughter), did not confuse, did not hurt, did not speak the dies, but he loved him and loved. Amen".

Corrected egg cook and give to eat your child. After 3 days, the conspiracy will manifest itself in full force. The teacher, who you read a conspiracy for good school studies, and from teacher injustice, as if replaced. He will change his attitude towards your children for the better.

The strongest plot of success in school and so that the teachers did not hurt

"Came to learn, and not to listen to. May my teachers for me will and fair. True. Amen".

If a white plotread for yourself for success in learning And to get rid of disagreements and discord with teachers, and do it daily, he will be a defense, a personal warrant for good studies, as well as good, humane attitudes. Study will go peacefully, calmly, without conflict and psychological stress.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

Read the night plot of 3 eggs for excellent child's studies

For easy and successful gain knowledge, I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom, I propose to make a simple rite of white magic with a conspiracy to study. Kolden follows at night when the child sleeps. Have to take:

  1. 3 Fresh Chicken Eggs
  2. church wax candle

Swaw eggs. Light a church candle, put the eggs next to the eggs, and read the words of the Obera 7 times. By the way, this not only for a schoolboy will suit this conspiracy and for good studies at the Institute:

"As the egg on the beginning it was, and let it be started by the beginning. Yes, it will be simple, clear and successful. And let the good angels help my son (daughter) to my, the slave of God (name) to learn easily, spore and with interest. Amen".

Equal activation conspiracy for success in school

Many have problems with learning, passing control, tests and exams. Fear of strict teachers, apathy, unwillingness to learn - there are many reasons for failure in the process of studying school items. And, of course, there are ways to help it cope.

This ritual is very simple and very effective. With it, you can make an amulet for good luck in school. Such a white conspiracy and student, and the most young schoolboy. For the rite you will need:

  • button cut from school clothes
  • wax Candle (not necessarily church)
  • glass with clean water

Cut the button from that clothes in which the student most often goes to classes. Loop the candle and hold a button over the flame, after which it is to throw it into the water and, bending over a glass low, and read the text of the conspiracy to study three times:

"Button-protector, light fire illuminated, hardwater tempered, power to do, from failures to protect me. So that there was no hard on the exam, so that the professors did not find fault, so that the questions were not asked for unnecessary. I will with myself you, a button-protector, wearing. All studies, any exams easily endure. "

Cocusted buttons to sew for the same place. Increase streaming so that the button never broke away, and you would not lose a strong amulet to successfully study at school. We need to wash the water before you go to school classes.

Independent conspiracy on excellent studies at the institute

Magic white conspiracies allow the student to pee deeply and better understand the meaning of the subject and the material studied. And the magic talismans are made to study with their own hands, will attract good luck in the study of foreign languages, culture and art, and in general in obtaining knowledge in any regions. Magic power items help their carriers to achieve intended goals.

Immediately this strong conspiracy for good luck is suitable for students. It can be successfully used by adults who receive additional education or boost. You can read a conspiracy to success in school in high school, and make the learning process easy and pleasant.

If the child is difficult to study at the university, he refuses to prepare the given lessons and does not stretch to the knowledge, I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom recommended parents read a conspiracy for good school studies at the Institute. All that is needed:

  • glass of pure spring water

Three times, read the water conspiracy in studies:

"Water is clear, the water is clean, the streams brought you fast. In my son (daughter) (child's name) penetrating, satisfying his knowledge. It will be his mind quick, clean, clear. It will be easy to study. It will be easy to cope with everything. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Coclaimed water should be given to the student so that he drank it without a balance. As you understand, it is enough just to make an amulet to study at the university, and help your child or yourself, if you learn, increase performance, excite the desire to learn and know the new one.

The well-being of a person depends on the selected work and the fee paid for it. Each action follows the consequence. We study poorly at school, the likelihood of going to the higher education institution becomes less, which entails in the future difficulty when choosing a job.

Magic will help increase child performance

The child's performance at school in most cases depends on the number of parental time. Some do not have the opportunity to provide a child with additional classes with a tutor and in such a way to increase the child's performance at school.

Magic and studies in school - what's general

  1. Some children, from nature, have great mental abilities, but because of the inattention or absentness, they get bad estimates.
  2. Each mother is experiencing no less than the hell and tries to improve the situation as much as possible.
  3. You can only pay for a few minutes, spend rituals to school and facilitate study and increase the ability to it.
  4. This is a magic that does not bring any harm, and its actions are aimed at good.

A little magic to help students

It is said that the strongest child helps prayer from his mother's mother. You can pray for health and happiness, well-being and good luck. But not everyone knows that there are prayers that are used to attract good luck to study and make it easy to teach.

Prayer "First September"

So that the child has every academic year has a full charge of energy and desire to learn, you can use this strong and efficient ritual.

To achieve maximum results from this ritual necessary:

  • a small saucer;
  • a glass of drinking water;
  • the subject to which the conspiracy will be applied.

How to hold a rite

To ensure the action of the ritual for the whole academic year of the child, it is necessary to hold it either the day before the first of September or at the beginning of training. The result is higher, if the moon is growing.

Step-by-step rite is as follows:

  1. In the evening, take a saucer and pour water there from a glass.
  2. Leave the saucer stand so on the table and wait for the appearance of the first star in the sky.
  3. After the first star is visible in the sky, you need to read the following conspiracy on the saucer with water:

    "Let the learning (name) do not know the problems. From the beginning to the end will be a number of success, and any adversity will leave with a stranger. "

  4. Conspose three times.
  5. Pour water from a saucer into a glass.
  6. Hold the right hand over a glass with water. Give the opportunity to water the energy. At this time, it is best to send all thoughts to a lung and active study of the child.
  7. In the morning, a few drops of water from a glass drop on a conspiracy thing.
  8. To wash the rest of the schoolchildren.
  9. Take a conspiracy thing and hide in a school backpack or form.

The rite is valid in the first days after

The rite is simple in execution, but gives good results from the first days of study.

The main thing is that the conspiracy thing always was with the child.

Prayer for excellent studies

Prayer increases academic performance, especially if it concerns a certain subject; Removes damage and evil eye from the student.

To carry out the rite do not need any special items, any extra costs. For this, enough:

  • paper;
  • any student decoration.

How to hold a rite

It is best for holding a rite a decoration of gold or silver.

  1. You need to wait for midnight, take the selected decoration of the student and put it on a blank sheet of paper.
  2. Three times read the magic conspiracy:

    "My talisman is mine (product name). Solves me from dark views, will bring success. If the mascot on me, then the darkens will be on the side. "

  3. No need to rush when reading, you need to do it meaningfully and picking up.
  4. Wrap a conspiracy thing in paper and leave in a secluded place until the morning.
  5. Outlook, deploy paper and dress on a student decoration.
  6. I burn paper, and the ashes dispel in the wind.
  7. If with some circumstances the decoration was filmed, then to resume the action of magic, it is required to hold a rite again.

To learn well, you need to have not only knowledge, but still be able to focus on them and use it right.

From inattentive

The success of any case depends on the ability to focus. The rite will help get rid of the scatleton and customize the child for good studies.

What will take to prize the rite

To hold rites you need to cook this:

  • three big candles bought in the church.

How to spend ritual

For the rite no matter what moon and what day of the week, it is not necessary to wait for midnight.

  1. On any day of the week, at wish, you need to stay in the room alone.
  2. It is necessary to light three big candles, be sure to bought in the church.
  3. After that, speak a magic conspiracy:

    "The flame bright burn is to turn off! My breath is pithy! Make so that the slave (-A) of God (s) (the child's name) also burned brightly (-A) in their studies and sought knowledge (s). Amen!"

  4. Repeat the words seven times and blend three candles at once in one breath.
  5. Play rites on the same day and at one time until the candles are digging to the end.

It is necessary to carry out after dinner since the first time.

Rite to enhance child abilities

Ritual for excellent studies and helps increase the desire and ability of a child in school.

What do you need to hold a rite

To carry out this ritual you need to prepare in advance:

Salt - the necessary attribute for the rite

  • holy water;
  • glass;
  • salt;
  • ash.

How to spend ritual

Choose any at the request of the day, but so that no one bothers during the ritual.

  1. It is necessary to take a glass and pour the holy water into it, put on the table.
  2. Take three grains of salt, take a thumb and a little finger so that the procedure is easier to carry out, salt must be used from large granules.
  3. In the same way to take three ash coal.
  4. First, throw in a glass with water salt, and then coal.
  5. Then take the knife and draw the cross over the glass.
  6. Pronunct the words of the magic conspiracy:

    "Thoughts are rapidly, the deeds are fast, memory is strong! Mixing the trick and wisdom in the holy pure water and magic words mixed. Connect Yes to the child to my slave (-e) to God (-sey) go. And it will be my mind to shine and understand everyone from all over himself and forever. Amen!"

  7. Plotted water to hide into a secluded place and keep it there 40 days.

During this time, an improvement in learning abilities will be noticeable.

Ritual to study with buttons

Rite to attract good luck in school.

What will take to prize the rite

The rite is very simple performed.

You need to prepare in advance:

For the rite you need to cook a white candle

  • button from clothes that most often dressed for study;
  • white candle;
  • a thread.
  • needle.

How to hold a rite

To spend a ritual for good luck, you need to take a button from the clothes, in which you most often go to study.

  1. Welcome a white candle and hold a button over it with fire.
  2. Keep a few minutes, and then immediately throw a button under the flow water.
  3. Slap the following conspiracy:

    "Button-protector, light fire lit, clean water tempered! The power of mighty to find, from failure to protect me! So that the exam was hard not necessary, so that the desired knowledge was always. In order for the professors did not find fault, so that questions are not asked. I will wear you with me. All exams are easy to transfer. "

  4. After the work done with the needle and properly selected color to sew a button back on the clothes.

Sew firmly and watch the buttice does not break away.

Conspiracy to the help of children

In order not to worry about your child while studying and be sure that it all comes out, you can use this ritual.

What will be needed for the ritual

To hold the rite you need only a glass with spring water.

How to hold a rite

To hold the rite you need to take a glass with pure spring water and read the following conspiracy on it:

"Clear water, clean water!

Brought you streams fast!

Inside ... (child name) penetrate,

Good knowledge to satisfy him!

There will be his mind like you - fast

Will be his mind like you are clear

There will be his mind like you are beautiful!

It will be easy to be given him.

It will be easy to cope with everything. "

Give conspired water to the child and trace it to be nutrient to the bottom.

Against inattention and scattered

If the child is good from the nature of the ability, which it cannot be fully used due to inattention or scattered, this ritual is like.

What is needed to hold a rite

To spend the ritual, you need to print three candles.

How to spend a magic ritual

To achieve the maximum result, it is better to hold a rite to a growing moon or a new moon.

To maximize the efficiency of the rite, it should be carried out in the new moon

  1. It is necessary in the afternoon you need to sit in the room so that there are no extraneous people or sounds.
  2. Customize all thoughts on the child and his studies.
  3. Place three candles on the table and sit opposite them.
  4. Slash candles and focus on the flame, reading the following conspiracy:

    "Gori, the flame is magical, turn the magical candles! My breath, the slaves of God (own name) will touch you and everything that has conceived will come true! Since the flame buys and my child, the slave of God (his own name) will burn to study. From now on forever. Amen".

  5. Conspiracy read seven times.
  6. After reading the candle, you can sneak and hide in a secret place.
  7. While the candles will be in a secluded place, the child will have success in school.
  8. The rite can be carried out after a while.

There are conspiracies that are already in the conscious age, the student can spend independently. There are situations that can be controlled, but sometimes emotions and feelings interfere.

To remove the excitement before the exam

To relieve fears and unnecessary experiences before the exam, and calmly apply all your knowledge you can use this ritual, designed to attract calm and confidence.

What do you need to prize the rite

For the ritual, there is only an abstract or other literature, which has become the basis for the preparation of the exam.

How to spend ritual

  1. To hold a rite, it is required on the eve of the exam stay alone in a closed room and read the conspiracy on what has become the basis for the preparation for testing the test:

    "Knowledge All obtained firmly firmly consolidate in the head of the slave (s) of God (s) (own name). So that he successfully used everything that knows on tomorrow's exam. And let the examiner, let it be kindly good and to help him. It will understand everything, approves and the rating will put good. Let the serv (-A) of God (s) (own name) will pull out good and good will understand. It will never otherwise. Amen".

  2. Conspiracy to repeat three times.
  3. After reading, hide the conspired literature under the pillow and go to rest.
  4. This rite is of great power if the student passing the exam, if the person will be engaged in the person, to which the exam does not have any relationship, it is possible to achieve a smaller result.

Sometimes there are good knowledge, there is control over emotions and feelings. During his studies, a person can concentrate and not think about outsiders, may not be worried about, but the cause of bad assessments and results becomes unfavorable relations with teachers.

Attracting the favor of the teacher

This ritual can only be carried out for itself, it will help to configure the teacher positively towards himself.

  1. For carrying out no items and there are no difficulties in its providence.
  2. The main thing in the period of the new moon before bedtime the student should read a plot:

    "The seasons on Earth in a circle are walking with each other, the same and my success will go for me. But only the sun bright with a bright moon will never come together, and I will always find a common language with my teachers. Because they will understand that I like a sponge absorb all the knowledge, but there is no diligence of my limit. Amen".

  3. All rites are tuned for good studies or to increase knowledge, or to remove the excitement, have magical strength and belong to white magic.

No ritual can bring harm to someone. If there is not enough knowledge or interferes with the excitement, you can fix everything, and most importantly want to do it.

School is a very important period in the life of children. Of course, he is important for parents who are experiencing good academic performance, admission to the institute, obtaining a significant profession. Prayers and conspiracies will help children cope with the tasks set much easier.

How to read the right?

For many millennia, the reading of conspiracy began from the lunar cycle. If something needs to be removed, read on the outgoing moon, and if adding, (for example, good performance), then for arriving. The impact should occur under the patronage of the full moon. It is this earthly satellite that is responsible for magical manipulations and otherworldly. Since ancient times, there are rites that are devoted to various needs and needs.

Conspiracy to study has roots, deeply leaving in the century. Today the school is available to everyone, and in the past, the units could afford. Therefore, some parents appealed for help to magic.

Rituals are connected by the universal mind. Every time turning, we are worrying what you should not disturb, therefore, first of all, forgiveness should be asked. The second that must be done is to make it - thank you for all the assistance that will be provided. But not only magical rituals were present in the lives of people of past centuries. Big place and faith and faith.

Conspiracy so that the child studied well

The conspiracy to study the child should read his parents, more than mom, since it has good astral contact with the baby. The situation with bad academic performance is common and nearby. Successful study is the desire of many parents. Everyone in his own way seeks to achieve this: someone is actively engaged in someone praying, and someone appeals to rituals.

Strong conspiracies, read by mom or dad, have a very good effect, only if they believe in them.

Simple ritual in the bath

In the summer in the village, evaporate the child in the bath, saying:

"I have all a rhe and fooling out of you, for reason and health the place is released. I firmly feed you, clean me will wash you out to succeed you in the affairs of study on! Amen".

After that we rinse it with holy water.

Free ritual for good luck

Completely for free, at home you can make a plot for some subject that will always wear a son or daughter for a good educational process. Before this ritual should be able to treat the beggars on the porch, give them money.

You will need:

  • bowl with holy water
  • brown candle, which symbolizes the will and desire of a person,
  • something round, for example, bracelet or ring.

In the sacraments, much attention is paid to the circle. For example, dance are rooted in magical rituals: screen, scam, closer - it means to take under your power.

Check out the full moon. Wait for that night when the moon was the last time "step-up" to its magnification.

At midnight, put a bowl on the window, so that the light falls into bad, put the bracelet or ring on the bottom. In full silence, everything should lie at least an hour, then say these words:

"Moonlight gives the power to this subject (call), who will help my son, a slave of God (daughter of my servant of God) Do not know the troubles. Since then, when he puts on (calling that) will leave all sorts of adversity. The words of my motherhood, strong and before the sky I was paid! Amen!".

You can apply in more responsible days, for example, or control.

For good luck before the control

Put under the left heel a new patch (5 rubles), the child should be minted five times and pronounce:

"5-on-5, all the time on the 5th, and the fives will stick to me on all tests. My words are not bent, do not break, do not rust, do not get cheaper! ".

Strong conspiracy on good and excellent marks

For the ritual you will need:

  • comb, thin, small, type of crest;
  • brown candle;
  • three glasses with water, in one sweet, in another salty, in the third fresh;

On the night of a good full moon, put glasses all on the windowsill, under the light and leave for an hour to charge the energy.

Then ignite the candle and omit into each circle comb with the words:

Salt Voddy Let it be wondering bad, unnecessary thoughts, littering the head of the slave of God (name).

Sweet Voddy, and give the power to thoughts (name) so that it was a help to him in school. To study he (name) with ease and always, he was luck.

Freshwerhmus allow to relax the student (name) from all the wiseness and knowledge to take them to renewed.

Leave a comb under the lunar light until the morning. To give the crest to the student, let him always be combed, then a good study was ensured.

Prayers for children's school

There are many prayers, but it is these words in combination with rituals have a particularly powerful force.

Ritual on a red mascara

You will need:

  • mascara, red;
  • scarf;
  • threads of the same color;
  • needle;
  • pin.

Items will need to be illuminated in the church. Write on the fabric red carin such a prayer:

"Angel Keeman's servant of God gather all the memory of him together, his whole mind is together, all the abilities of His together and teach them to use them. My words are true and strong. Amen".

Collapse the fabric into the square inscription inward and around the perimeter. Fasten to the form, as incense, remove during washing. Such protection guarantees easy learning to your chad.

Rite with Laneanka

To buy incense in the church with the image of St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker, to enter her in the pillow, on which he sleeps the diet, at night, go around to his bed and pronounce:

"Nicholas Wonderworker, the Miracle Help the Slave of God (name), make his memory good, infinite, and the mind is sharp. To understand His teachers with half a half, to be in mind above, what he is now. It is a miracle so that he has a love for study, you are all subject to St. Nicholas. Amen".

In the morning go to church and put to the image of the Holy Cup.

Thanks to these prayers, excellent studies are guaranteed. The main thing is that the son or daughter is healthy. Because very often poor performance depends directly from a healthy physiological state. Increased adenoids, dislocation of cervical vertebrae, child hyperactivity - all this has a detrimental effect. It is already necessary to pray to the saint in this case. And even better - first consult a doctor.

Consequences of conspiracy and prayers

For the consequences of requests about good studies, you should not worry at all. This does not cause harm to anyone, because parents' care is quite a normal phenomenon. Moreover, if we are talking about reading prayer for health and well-being. The main thing is that you comply with such unearned rules:

  • no one to do evil, such as a teacher or another student with an excellent student;
  • ask only good forces;
  • always in conspiracies thanks for everything;
  • ask for forgiveness and put candles about health and child.

If you are still worried, you can, making a conspiracy to study, go to church, repent, make a donation.

Conspiracy to study is a magical means of achieving success in study. Such conspiracies, students already have many centuries in a row, when they feel the insecurity in the successful surrender of the upcoming exam, the protection of the diploma or the passage of another difficult test. But even an excellent student can not be one hundred percent sure that he would not "cut" or he will not prevent a great estimate of some annoying and completely unexpected accident. So magical help can come in handy not only to triple, but also those who are quite confident in their knowledge.

Options rituals

There is a huge variety of rites, with which you can arouse interest in learning and remove all random obstacles before exams. For example, so that the child is interested in the school program and gained the necessary knowledge that will help him get a good specialty in the future can be used by special prayers. But for successful exams in school or university, you need to conduct a stronger rite.

Ritual to study with buttons

Simply simple and, at the same time, very effective is a conspiracy to study with a button. The button used in this rite should belong to the clothes in which you go to study quite often. Moreover, it does not matter, whether it will be pants, jacket, jacket or skirt. Hold this button for a while over a white candle fire, then quickly throw it under the ripening from the tap water.

"Butt Defender,
Light fire illuminated,
Clean water tempered!
Power mighty gain
From failure to defend me!
So that the exam was not difficult,
So that the desired knowledge has always been.
So that professors did not find fault
So that questions are not asked.
I will wear you with me.
All exams are easy to transfer. "

After that, the gunpowder is back to that clothes with which you removed it. The trick is firmly firmly, because if the button breaks off - do not see you good luck!

Conspiracy to the help of children

If you don't need help in study, and your child who is hard to give a school program, you can use a conspiracy to study through water. To do this, you will need a glass of pure spring water.

Show this water and whisper tell me:

"Clear water, clean water!
Brought you streams fast!
Inside ... (child name) penetrate,
Good knowledge to satisfy him!
There will be his mind like you - fast
Will be his mind like you are clear
There will be his mind like you are beautiful!
It will be easy to be given him.
It will be easy to cope with everything. "

Give the child this water and make sure that he drank up to the bottom. After that, his successes should gradually improve.

Against inattention and scattered

Very often there is a situation when a child from nature has good abilities to study, but due to the absention he brings home bad assessments. In this case, you can spend a special conspiracy with three thick candles. It is important to hold a period of a growing month or full moon.

In the afternoon, it is necessary to retire in a separate room, sit down at the table and establish three prepared candles in front of them. Some time should be sitting in silence and visualize the image of your child.

After that, the candles need to be lit and, looking at the flame, say such words:

"Gori, the flame is magical, turn the magical candles! My breath, the slaves of God (own name) will touch you and everything that has conceived will come true! Since the flame buys and my child, the slave of God (his own name) will burn to study. From now on forever. Amen".

Magic words need to repeat seven times, after which the candles can be repaid and remove them in a secret place. While they are stored there, your child will learn well. It is allowed to repeat the rite after a while.

To remove the excitement before the exam

It often happens that because of the excitement, it does not work on the exam to show all your knowledge and, as a result, it is impossible to get a good assessment. To avoid this, you can spend a special rite.

This rite needs to be carried out independently. If the ritual will be performed by another person, its effectiveness will be significantly reduced.

To do this, in the night immediately before the exam, you need to retire in a separate room. It is necessary to take a summary that was used to prepare for the exam.

"Knowledge All obtained firmly firmly consolidate in the head of the slave (s) of God (s) (own name). So that he successfully used everything that knows on tomorrow's exam. And let the examiner, let it be kindly good and to help him. It will understand everything, approves and the rating will put good. Let the serv (-A) of God (s) (own name) will pull out good and good will understand. It will never otherwise. Amen".

Magical words need to pronounce three times. After that, the abstract must be put under the pillow and go to bed.

Attracting teaching favor

If you feel that the teacher is tuned to you unfriendly, you can change his opinion with the help of magic. You can read this plot only for yourself.

Magical words sound in this way:

"The seasons on Earth in a circle are walking with each other, the same and my success will go for me. But only the sun bright with a bright moon will never come together, and I will always find a common language with my teachers. Because they will understand that I like a sponge absorb all the knowledge, but there is no diligence of my limit. Amen".

This conspiracy will be the most effective if it is read during the New Moon.

All conspiracies of study refer to white magic, so they cannot harm and do not bear negative consequences. Parents can also be carried out by seeing the text of the conspiracy. But so that they are successful need to be sincerely believe in magic. It is also necessary to know that rites at study are more effective if a person directs a magical impact on himself.


Prayers are always with us: in joy and troubles, aspirations and requests. Success in life is important for everyone. No less important is the successful study of the child at school. What it will be like a child will refer to the lessons, such will be his attitude to life and work in the future. Good estimates stimulate the child to work, produces perfection, the desire for success, fill it with new knowledge, with which the lungs will be interesting and interesting is his life path.

Study at school: how to help the child go well to learn with the help of prayer

Not all are equally capable of talented. And let the two-ways in school become more successful in life, all the same rule does not always work 100%. And of course, good estimates in children - the joy and sense of satisfaction of the parents, like the children themselves.

A good study carry the help and the prison in the school process of learning knowledge. Without knowledge, there can be no good marks. It often happens that the child is diluted in its work, neat enough, but due to the complexity of the program, he cannot master his own character. Lady help is important to such children. We will ask for the holy elders grace for success in teaching.

Prayers before starting studies

Prayers for a good study to Jesus Christ to assist in the teaching

One of the strongest prayers to the Lord to God for our successful study for children before the start of the school year. You can always read when it will be necessary.

Lord God and the creator of our, and our people who have decorated your chosen your favorite by your law, so that you who listen to him are missed, the children of the mystery of the wisdom open, Solomon and all the seekers who did - open the hearts, minds and the mouth of the slaves of yours (names) To urge the power of your law and successfully learn your useful doctrine, for the glory of your best-willed name, for the benefit and disappointment of the Holy Church and the Disassembly of the Good and Perfect Will Your Will.

Getting rid of them from any goat enemy, save them in faith of Christ and purity at all time of their lives, and you will be strong with your mind and the fulfillment of your commandments, and so the scientific will glorify your Most Holy Name and will be the heirs of your kingdoms, because you are God, strongly and love and B. Fortress, and you are pleased with all the glory, honor and worship, father and son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen.

Another prayer-appeal to God, more simple, short and understandable. She can read your child himself.

The premaxing of Lord was sent to us the grace of the spirit of your saint, the darischny meaning and strengtheningly spiritually, our forces, so that wearing the teachings taught to us, we have increased to you, our creator, glory, the parent for consolation, the church and the Fatherland benefit.

In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Now donated and forever. Amen.

Prayer for assistance to the study of the Most Holy Theotokos before her icon "Inshipping "

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the details, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed, and in the waters of mother wearable.

By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.

Prayer for successes in the teachings of the Holy Apostle and the Evangelist John the Bogoslov

Oh, the Great Apostle, the evangelist of the loud, theologian is the most extensive, tired of incomprehensible revelations, the virgin and the beloved of Christ, the John, and with the mercy of us, sinful (names), who spoke to your strong intercession and patronage!

We succeed in all of our people's human human and our god, and it's also before the users have had the blood of your Daezhah for us, the unknown slaves of their own, but the lawlessness of ours will not remember, but yes it raises us, and will create with us for their mercy; Yes, gives us a health spiritual and bodily, any prosperity and abundance, teaching us to turn everything into the glory of him, the Creator, the Savior and God of our. At the end of the time of the time of life, our ever-avoidance, holy apostle, merciful tortures, on air solarms we are waiting for us, but will achieve under your leadership and the patronage of the mines of Atano Jerusalem, Jeenest Glory in Revelation, you have mature, God.

Oh, great John, save all the hands and countries of Christian, the whole of this, the temple of this, dedicated to the saint of your name, employees and praying in it, from the glad, disadvantages, coward and flooding, fire, sword, invasion of the invalid and internecine brass, save from Everyone of troubles and attack, and your prayers will turn away from us the righteous wrath of God, and we succeed as His mercy; Oh, the great and incomprehensible God, Alfo and Omgo, the source and the subject of our faith! Behold on the begging you we offer the saint John, you really encouraged the ESI to know you, the unfortunate of God, in an unfair revelation. We accept him about us a petition to give us the fulfillment of our speech, in the glory of yours: and the more and most of all commit us to spiritual perfection, to enjoy the life of endless in the heavenly of your ability. Oh, Heavenly Father, creating all the Vladyko, the soul of perfume, all-powerful king! Touch the finger of your hearts of ours, and they, miserable, Yako wax, shed before you, and the Barnish Creature will create, in honor of the fame of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer for studies of St. Sergius Radonezh

Rev. Sergius Radonezh is recognized as a patron saint of all students. Therefore, prayer for it is particularly powerful.

About the sacred glabel, reverend and the gardener of our Sergius, your prayer, and faith and love Lucky to God, and the purity of the heart, still on the abode of the abode of the Holy Trinity of the soul, and the Angelskago Communication and the Most of the Virgin at visiting, and the gift miraculous grace The adherent, at the expense of yours from the earthly Napa to God approximate and the sky forces fit, but and from us the spirit of LUVE, I do not retreat, and honest your power, Yako vessel grace is full and overcoming, we are left! Having having a boldness to the furnace lords, the moths save his slaves (names), which is graceful to you believers and to you with love fighting: we succeed from the greatness of our god of our all sorts of gift, everyone and Komugoto is well-consistent, the faith is immaculate observance, the grads of our statement, The world is a diploma, from the glad and the womb of the deliverance, from the invasion of the invalid conservation, which will be concerned, an affecting healing, fallen defending on the path of truth and rescue returns that promote strengthening, prudence in the affairs of good speaking and blessing, infant education, young instruction, learned , orphans and widows the intercession descending from this time of life to the eternal good preparation and a farewell, who has departed a blessed rest, and the entire Court of Court of Summary of the Court of Employee, the gums of the Vladyki, and the blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ and the blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ to hear: Prick, my father's blessed, inherit the US Bathroom you kingdom from the addition of the world.

Prayer for children who are difficult to do

There are kids smart, but poorly perceiving the doctrine at school, whether due to their nature, or the upbringing, whether they do not fit on Wednesday. As a rule, with the right approach to them, they begin to work better. Let this prayer help them:

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly, in the heart of the twelve apostles and the power of grace of all the spirit of the Spirit, consistently in the form of fiery languages, the mouth of them discovered, so they began to speak different adverbs, - Himself, Lord Jesus Christ, God, ours Your spiritual spirit on the hotel (Siah) (Siah) (name), and Nasadi in his heart (Her), the Holy Scripture, which your hand is prechythedrally drawn on the arms with the legislator Moses, now and confessed and forever and ever. Amen.

For people-atheists, other religious, uncougs will help for successful studies.

You may be interested in the article on the protection of children, how to protect the child with a prayer and plot read.