How to make curls. How to make beautiful curls at home with a curling iron, hairdryer, curlers

I really love curls, but so that they are not like I just left the hairdresser, where they twirled everything and poured varnish on me, and natural curls with slight negligence, such as, for example, in Vera Brezhneva, this is my ideal version of curls. And I recently quite accidentally stumbled upon Brezhneva's article in which she told how quickly and not at all difficult to make natural curls in everyday life.

If you look at the style of Vera Brezhneva, then she always has a slight carelessness in her hairstyles, very rarely she appears with smooth and perfectly styled hair. Let's try to make careless, natural curls from Vera Brezhneva.

Careless, natural curls from Vera Brezhneva

Step 1. If you have oily hair, I advise you to make a clay-based mask before washing your hair. To do this, we need: 2 tablespoons of blue (pink, white) clay, a spoonful of water or milk or a decoction of herbs and add a few drops of essential oil (mint, bay, rosemary, orange). Apply the mask to the scalp and leave for 30-40 minutes, you can warm it up. Thanks to the clay, which absorbs sebum well, the hair will stay clean longer, even after the next wash.

Step 2. After the mask time has elapsed, I wash my head as usual, and it is advisable to apply not a conditioner, but a mask, because then we will use an iron. Wrap your head with a towel and let the moisture soak in a little. Then, when the hair is slightly damp, it is advisable to apply a foam so that the styling does not lose its shape.

Step 3. On damp hair, apply a little heat protection and dry hair upside down to add volume at the roots of the hair. When the hair is completely dry, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 4. We select a small strand of hair (five centimeters), the smaller the selected strand of hair, the easier it is to work with it when you are already styling the curls. The rest of the hair can be removed with a clip so it doesn't get in the way.

Step 5. We pinch the hair between the flaps of the well-heated ironing tongs and begin to turn, pull the tongs down slowly and smoothly. But, there is one nuance here, the faster you iron the strand, the larger the curls turn out, so get out of whatever curls you want.

Step 6. You can twist in any direction, the main thing at this moment is not to let go of the tip of the strand, if it lies in the wrong direction, then a neat curl will not work.

Step 7. When the curls are ready, separate them with your fingers, but not with a comb, and tilt your head down to give a little of the natural casualness that is at the height of fashion today, so the hairstyle will look natural.

Step 8. At the end, when you have done all the manipulations and you like how the curls lie, you can sprinkle them with a little hairspray, medium or light fixation.

It turned out as many as eight steps, although in fact all this is done very quickly and the curls are beautiful and natural!

Looking for an effective hair care product? Then go on and you will learn how to restore hair.

Fashionable styling plays an important role in the feminine look. Messy curls are a hairstyle option that suits every day. The naturalness of such styling presents a woman in a favorable light and is suitable for different life situations. You can do careless curls on your own, and after practicing several times, you can learn to devote a minimum of time to your hair and get excellent results.

Who is the hairstyle for?

Careless curls look great on many women, this is what makes their hairstyle relevant for several seasons in a row. Beauty industry experts say that curls are suitable for absolutely everyone, the whole point is that they are different.

  1. Face shape. Careless curls are suitable for absolutely any face shape, both round and oval;
  2. Facial features. Large parts of the face (nose, lips, eyes) are a sign that the curls need to be positioned towards the face. If the facial features are expressionless, then they should be directed the other way around, in the direction from the face. Due to this, the cheekbones will open slightly and the face will become more expressive;
  3. Neck length. A long neck makes it possible to successfully pick up any curls. A short neck does not allow the use of short curls, only large curls are suitable for it.
  4. Hair length. Messy curls look good on short hair, medium length and long hair. But each length requires a different approach to styling.

Important! The only case in which it is better not to make curls are split ends. Unkempt hair must be tidied up first, and then you can experiment with hairstyles. In all other cases, natural curls will add sexuality, tenderness and originality to the female image.

detailed instructions

You can get your hair done at home; this does not require any special equipment. There are several different styling options, and which one to choose depends rather on the possibilities. Plus, every woman knows what is best for her type.

So, the most popular items for creating messy curls are a hairdryer with a diffuser, invisible hair and a hair straightener.

Using a hair dryer with a diffuser

To create most hairstyles, a hairdryer is used, which, in addition to drying, helps to style the hair.

To create messy curls in beauty salons, a hairdryer with a diffuser is often used, many have learned to apply this method at home.

The diffuser is a special attachment for the hair dryer, in the form of a disc with "fingers" that wind the hair. Its use has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, since it is less traumatized than when drying simply with a hair dryer. The diffuser curl is suitable for medium to long lengths.

So, to create sloppy curls with a hairdryer with a diffuser, you will also need a styling product - mousse or gel, as well as hairspray.

Laying steps:

  1. First of all, you need to wash your hair in the usual way using shampoo and then balm.
  2. Then we wipe the hair with a towel so that the water does not drain from it. We try not to "twist" the hair so as not to injure it. It is better to wait 5-10 minutes for them to dry on their own than to squeeze them too hard.
  3. Apply the styling product, distributing it evenly over the entire length.
  4. Let's start the curling process. We tilt our head to the side, position the hairdryer with the nozzle so that the angle is 90 degrees. We bring the hairdryer to the head so that the hair is wrapped around the diffuser's “fingers”. We go along the entire length.
  5. When the hair is almost dry, apply a little more styling product and repeat the curling procedure, going through the entire length again.
  6. We style the curls with our hands, giving the hair the desired shape and sprinkle with varnish.

With the help of invisibility

When it is not possible to use a hairdryer, you can create sloppy curls using available tools. Many people use invisibility successfully.

The advantage of creating messy curls with this method is that you can adjust the size of the curls and get elegant styling without any special equipment.

Laying steps:

  1. Wash my head with shampoo, then apply balm or conditioner.
  2. Wipe your hair with a towel or wait a little for it to dry out and water does not drain from it. Some do not wash their hair, but simply spray their dry hair with water to make it damp. You can experiment and try both.
  3. We divide the hair into three large strands: the left part, the right one and on the back of the head. We fasten each section with a hair clip, and leave the one with which we will start working.
  4. We separate the strand, choosing its size on our own. For small curls, you need to take a thin strand and vice versa.
  5. We wind the strand around the finger, carefully pull it out, the tip should remain inside. Gently twist the strand towards the roots of the head and fix it with two invisible ones, securing it in the shape of a cross.
  6. We are waiting for the hair to dry and remove the invisibility.

Advice. To keep your hair curly, you just need to comb it with your hands. If you comb them with a comb, they will become wavy and lush.

It may seem like it is not easy to wind the curls around your finger and fix them, but a few workouts will allow you to adapt.

By ironing

This method of creating sloppy curls is the most popular; it is used by many stylists and many girls at home.

When using an iron, it is very important to follow safety rules so as not to harm your hair. Otherwise, you will have to pay dearly for a beautiful hairstyle - with the health of the hairline.

Here are the main ones:

  • before starting curling, wash your head with shampoo, preferably with a softening effect;
  • be sure to apply and cure conditioner, balm or mask;
  • to ensure thermal protection, before starting curling, it is necessary to apply a special gel or mousse to the ends;
  • for additional protection, it is recommended to apply regular oily hand cream to the ends as well;
  • it is necessary to wait until the cream and other products are absorbed.

Only after completing these steps is it allowed to proceed to using the iron.

Many girls strive to grow long hair, because they consider it a symbol of femininity, sensuality, romance. A short haircut is comfortable and stylish, medium-length strands are versatile, but nothing beats a beautiful head of hair that goes down below the middle of the back. From such a shock, you can make incredible hairstyles for every day or for a special occasion, for a wedding or other holiday. Curls look especially advantageous on long hair, curled in any way. These can be small African curls or large waves, bouncy curls, or careless styling. You will learn more about the rules and options for winding long strands from the article.

What types of curls are preferable for long hair

Depending on the method of curling, the curls can turn out to be very different:

Elastic, corkscrew-like. They must not be combed so as not to spoil the shape.

  1. Treat washed hair with styling agent and thermal protection.
  2. Divide the hair into strands.
  3. Take one section of your hair and wind it around the curling iron, starting at the roots. The tip should be on the narrowest part of the instrument. Hold it with your hand using a special glove (included).
  4. After standing no longer than 15 seconds, loosen the curl.
  5. Roll the entire head in this way, starting from the occipital zone.
  6. Model the finished hairstyle with your fingers, sprinkle with varnish.

Small and large curls with curlers

Not all types of curling products are suitable for long hair. Velcro, convenient for creating soft waves, are not suitable: they can get tangled in the hair. Bobbins are optimal for creating small curls, but not for curls of impressive length.

In order not to damage the structure of the hair shafts, it is best to take velvet curlers, "magic" spirals, foam rollers or boomerangs. Hot rollers are also suitable, but not for frequent use.

The larger the diameter of the curlers, the more voluminous the curls will be, and vice versa.

To wind large or small curls on foam rubber curlers or boomerangs at home, you need:

  1. Wash and dry your head a little.
  2. Apply styling product.
  3. Comb and divide hair into several equal parts. Thin curls will turn out to be more elastic, from wide ones - larger ones.
  4. Taking one strand at the crown, wind it on the curlers in a spiral, from ends to roots. It is necessary to ensure that there are no creases.
  5. Fix the product by bending the edges.
  6. Wind up the rest of the strands in the same way.
  7. Hold the curlers for several hours, unwind.
  8. Gently comb the curls or separate with your fingers. Spray with varnish if necessary.

Foam curlers also include locks that do not have a rod inside. You need to fasten them with rubber bands.

Even long hair can be styled quickly with the help of a hot curler. To wind up, you should:

  1. Wash and dry your hair completely.
  2. Treat it with styling agent, thermal protection.
  3. Heat the curlers following the manufacturer's instructions. The electric rollers are placed in a special container and plugged into an outlet. Classic thermal products are heated in boiling water (about 5 minutes).
  4. Wind the strands, starting from the back of the head, then on the sides, at the end - on the crown.
  5. Fix the curlers as close to the roots as possible. The set may include hair clips or clips.
  6. Wait for the rollers to cool down.
  7. Remove them in the same sequence as you wound them.
  8. Model the hairstyle with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb. Sprinkle with varnish.

Advice. To make curling on hot rollers it was more convenient, wind the products, stepping back a few centimeters from the edge of the hair. First, fix the ends of the strand on the roller, and then completely twist it by itself, up to the roots.

In a similar way you can curl your hair with velvet curlers. The hair should be clean, slightly damp. The rollers are kept on the head until completely dry. Velvet products allow you to get large curls, because they have a large diameter. Because of this, it is uncomfortable to sleep with them.

Also, the reviews of some girls contain complaints that the curlers are slipping off their hair. If you have heavy, thick strands, you should refuse to use velvet devices.

To get beautiful spiral curls, you can use "magic curlers" Magic Leverage. Instructions:

  1. Treat slightly damp, freshly washed hair with a styling product.
  2. Fold the special hook from the kit.
  3. Slide it into one of the covers to straighten the fabric spiral.
  4. Take a small strand at the back of your head and place its base in the hole in the hook.
  5. Form a loop and slide it into the cover. When you stick out the hook, the spiral will twist.
  6. Wrap the rest of the hair in the same way, moving from the back of the head to the crown.
  7. After a few hours, remove the covers, fix your hair with your hands. If necessary, spray with varnish.

Attention! The maximum length of Magic Leverage is 75 cm, which allows you to curl hair that goes down even below the middle of the back.

By ironing

There are several options for how to curl your hair this way. One of them that allows you to get beautiful waves:

  1. Treat clean, dry hair with thermal protection.
  2. Separate the strand, twist it into a tight bundle, but do not fold it into a "snail".
  3. Gently walk 2-3 times along the curl, starting from the roots.
  4. Loosen the tourniquet.
  5. Wait for it to cool down.
  6. Curl the rest of your hair in the same way.
  7. Varnish your hair.

Note! The thicker the strands, the larger the waves.

Using a hair dryer and brushing

In this way, it will be possible to twist the ends or make light waves along the entire length:

  1. Treat clean, damp strands with a heat styling product.
  2. Divide your hair into two sections. Secure the top with hairpins.
  3. Separate one strand from the bottom tier. Wrap it on a brush, blow dry.
  4. At the end, turn on the cold air mode to cool the curl.
  5. After removing the comb, spray the curl with varnish.
  6. Perform the same manipulations with the strands from the bottom, and then from the top.

Advice. Curled curls can be left loose, laid on one side, decorated with an accessory or braided into a ponytail.

Messy curls with a hair dryer and a diffuser

To make light, natural waves with a careless effect with this method, it will take a minimum of time - about 15 minutes:

  1. Wash your hair, dry it lightly naturally.
  2. Apply styling product (first to the roots, then along the entire length) and thermal protection (especially to the ends).
  3. Use a sparse-toothed comb to comb the hair.
  4. Part your hair into sections.
  5. Place each of them in the diffuser in turn and dry by pressing the nozzle to the root zone.
  6. Having dried all the hair in this way, separate the curls with your fingers.

Advice. The hairstyle will be voluminous if you keep your head down.

With braids

One of the most gentle methods that is suitable for frequent use. This styling can be done at night. There are two versions:

  1. Wash and dry your hair slightly.
  2. Comb your hair, apply styling product.
  3. Part your hair into 10–20 roughly equal parts, then braid them.
  4. Secure each with a thin elastic band, tucking the ends.
  5. When dry, unravel, separate with your fingers or a comb.
  6. Treat with varnish if necessary.

By the way. You can twist curls without harm to hair using paper papillotes, flagella, juice tubes, a headband for a Greek hairstyle, a bun, a T-shirt and even socks. You can find out more about how to wind your hair without curlers and curling irons on our website.

Another option that allows you to get large curls:

  1. Divide the cleanly washed, slightly dried hair into several parts. Most conveniently - vertical parting, from the forehead to the back of the head.
  2. Prepare cotton strips for each area. They should be longer than the hair.
  3. Wrap a strip of fabric around the base with one of the strands.
  4. Lay the braid "spikelet", weaving the tape along the entire length.
  5. Tie the end with an elastic band or pick up with the edges of a cloth (if any).
  6. Braid these "spikes" from each section of your hair.
  7. After drying, dissolve, straighten with your hands, sprinkle with varnish.

Chemistry, carving, biowave

These procedures allow you to admire beautiful curls for several months, therefore they are called long-term styling. The essence of all three methods boils down to the fact that the hair is wound on curlers, and then treated with a special composition.

Perm is considered the most harmful for hair. For her, strong drugs are used that spoil the hair structure. The most gentle of them are neutral compounds (there are also acidic and alkaline ones).

Carving is a light "chemistry" recommended also for weakened strands. The effect lasts for about a month. The most suitable option for long hair is biowave, which harms the curls the least. In hairdressing salons, they offer several methods of such styling, which differ in compositions with different nutritional components.

Any experiments with hair require a reasonable attitude. The wrong approach to styling can be harmful even in one procedure.

Girls with long hair need to be especially careful. Dry, brittle strands spoiled by illiterate styling will have to be restored for a long time along their entire length, and possibly significantly shortened in order to improve their health.

To keep your hair strong, shiny, and curls look well-groomed, you should not abuse styling products, hot tools, and long-term perm should be trusted by experienced masters. Then a long luxurious head of hair and admiring glances of those around you are guaranteed.

Useful videos

Large curls on the iron.

How to make curls without curling iron and curlers.

Curling with a curling iron is quick and beautiful. With this simple household appliance, you can create many vivid images. For example, "Hollywood waves" are very popular now.

But the curling iron cannot be used every day. From high temperatures, the hair loses its shine, becomes brittle and lifeless.

Use a curling iron no more than once a week.

1. How to choose a curling iron

Curling irons differ in coverage. Ceramic are considered the safest for hair. Such curling irons are most often used by professional hairdressers.

Curling irons differ in shape. With the help of ordinary cylindrical curls of different diameters, you can get small or large curls. The tapered curling iron helps create root and playful curls at the bottom. Most of the cones do not have a clamp: the tip of the strand needs to be held, but it does not break. Spiral curling irons make the same curls, and two- and three-barreled curling irons create a corrugation effect.

Curling irons differ in diameter. The larger it is, the less curled the curl. The minimum diameter that can be found in the store is 10 mm. The maximum is 50.

A large diameter curling iron will not cope with stiff and thick long hair. Large curls under the weight of their weight will quickly straighten, leaving no trace of curling.

Small curling irons are designed primarily for short hair and curling bangs.

The best option for normal shoulder-length and longer hair is a curling iron with a diameter of 19–25 mm.

Often, the durability of the curling depends precisely on how correctly the tool is selected and the wrapping technology is followed.

2. How to prepare your hair

When curling with a curling iron, follow three rules:

  1. Hair must be clean. Curls on greasy hair will come loose faster than the curling iron will cool down.
  2. Hair must be dry. Curling wet hair with a curling iron is like frying bread over a fire.
  3. Hair must be protected. Before winding it on the curling iron, be sure to treat the strands with a heat protectant. It seals hair scales, retains moisture inside and thereby protects against high temperatures. Leave-on sprays are considered more effective.

3. How to curl your hair with a curling iron

Hairdressers advise dividing the head into the occipital, temporal and frontal zones and curling the hair in this sequence.

At home, you can act easier: fix part of the hair on the crown and curl first the lower and then the upper strands. Or, if the length permits, you can do a straight parting, divide the hair into the right and left parts and curl each.

Whichever option you choose, first separate the strand about 2 cm wide. The thicker the hair, the thinner the curling strands should be.

If you want your curls to last all day, spray your hair with varnish or beer foam before wrapping it on a curling iron.

Comb through a strand and wind on a curling iron. Twist the strand into a tourniquet if you want the curl to turn out to be tight, like a spring.

Avoid pulling too tight or pinching the tip with the tool clamp. Hold the curling iron upright to get curly curls. If you want more playful curls, set it horizontally or at an angle.

If you have very long hair, do not wrap the entire curl on the curling iron at once: when the ends are almost burnt, the upper layers will not even warm up. First, grab the middle of the strand with your tongs and twist towards the roots. Then curl the tip.

Keep each curl on the curling iron for 10-15 seconds. Curling time depends on the power of the device and the desired elasticity of the curls. If the hair is healthy, the curling iron can be heated up to 200 ° C. Thin and weakened hair is best curled at a temperature of no more than 100 degrees.

Carefully remove the curl from the curling iron and lightly sprinkle with varnish.

So that the still hot curl does not develop under its own weight, fix it with an invisible one until it cools completely.

Let the curls cool for 10-15 minutes. You can then comb them with a sparse-toothed comb or fluff them with your fingers.

If necessary, put the curls in and fix with varnish.

4. How to restore hair

To restore weakened hair, you can use one of the following masks.

  1. With kefir and aloe... Warm up 1 teaspoon of castor oil and combine with 1 tablespoon of kefir, 1 teaspoon of aloe juice and 1 ampoule of vitamin E. Rub the mask first into the roots, then spread over the entire length of the hair. Let it sit for half an hour, then rinse it off with warm water.
  2. With egg and honey... Mix the egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of liquid honey. Add ½ tablespoon olive oil and apply the mixture to your hair. Let it sit for half an hour, then wash your hair.
  3. With banana and glycerin... Use a blender to mash the banana. Add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and the same amount of almond oil. Apply the composition to the head, from roots to ends. Keep the mask for 40 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

How to make curls with curlers

Good old curlers are used both to create curls and to add volume. Curling with curlers usually takes longer than curling. But the hair is not exposed to high temperatures.

And thanks to the variety of modern curlers, you can make new hairstyles at least every day. Here, for example, what effect can be achieved with the help of papillotes.

However, due to the tension that is created during wrapping, the blood supply to the hair follicles can be disrupted. If you use curlers frequently, your hair may loosen and begin.

1. How to choose curlers

Large and small, plastic and foam rubber, with or without clips - the range of modern curlers is huge. But each species has its own purpose.

Papillots, or boomerangs, are foam or silicone sticks of various lengths, densities and diameters. There is a wire inside, thanks to which the strands can be wound and fixed in different positions. Suitable for hair of any length: the shorter, the smaller the diameter you need to take. Also, the volume of curls depends on the diameter.

Velcro rollers are cylinders of different diameters with many small hooks. Hair clings to them and additional clips are usually not required. Velcro is ideal for creating root volume on medium to short hair and for curling the ends of long curls. But you need to be careful: such curlers can get tangled in the hair.

The spiral curlers are made of soft plastic and allow you to get spiral curls. To do this, you just need to thread the strands through the curlers using special clips.

Most curlers shouldn't be left on for more than an hour.

Bobbin curlers are threaded wooden sticks that are attached with rubber bands. Bobbins are usually used for perm or to create curls on very short hair.

Foam curlers are fixed with rubber bands or special plastic clips. The various diameters of these soft kegs allow you to wrap your hair in different lengths.

Electric and thermal curlers help to create express curls, as they heat the hair. The former are charged from the mains, the latter need to be boiled in boiling water to melt the paraffin inside them.

Ideally, you need to have in your arsenal and combine curlers of various types and diameters.

2. How to prepare your hair

For curling with curlers, your hair must also be clean. However, they do not need to be completely dried: the curlers are wrapped around damp hair.

Therefore, wash your hair, apply a heat protectant and dry your hair lightly with a hairdryer, or let it dry a little naturally.

3. How to curl your hair with curlers

According to the classical scheme, winding hair on curlers begins from the center of the frontal zone and gradually descends to the back of the head. This requires large curlers. After that, you can curl your hair on the sides with curlers of a smaller diameter.

Use a fine-handled comb to separate the section in the middle of the head. It should be the same width as the curlers. The thickness will depend on the density of the hair: the more hair and the harder it is, the thinner the strand should be.

Dampen a section with water if your hair is not damp enough. Then treat it with foam or hair mousse.

Comb, pull slightly and twist the strand. Be careful not to wrinkle the tip. Usually the curlers are placed perpendicular to the head, but you can experiment by winding them vertically or at an angle.

Having twisted the first strand, secure it with a clip, an elastic band or a hairpin (depending on the type of curlers) and proceed to the next. Try not to wrap too tightly: taut hair is uncomfortable.

With hair that does not take a curling iron and curlers, an iron can cope. Make curls out of the strands, wrap them in foil and warm them well.

When finished wrapping, dry your hair naturally or with a hairdryer. If you are in a hurry, but do not want to harm your hair, use the low temperature setting.

Remove the curlers gently when the hair is completely dry. Spread out the resulting curls with your hands or a comb and fix with varnish.

Pros and cons of curling iron and curlers

And with the help of a curling iron, and with the help of curlers, you can make beautiful and very different curls. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages, which are illustrated in the following table.

pros Minuses
Curling iron

1. It is not necessary to buy ten pieces of food. It is enough to choose one for your length and hair type.

2. Because of the high temperatures, curls form easily and last for a long time.

3. Curling on a curling iron is fast.

1. You need to try a few to figure out which curling iron works best with your hair.

2. Do not curl often.

3. Difficult to use on short hair.

4. Thermal protection is required to minimize harm.


1. A variety of curlers allows you to style hair of any length in different ways.

2. Some curlers can be left on overnight.

3. Used on wet hair - twisted and mind your own business until dry.

1. You need a lot of curlers of different types and sizes.

2. Fiddling with curlers is quite long and troublesome (with the exception of heated curlers).

3. From frequent wrapping on curlers, hair can weaken.

And what do you prefer to do curls? Tell us in the comments what is closer to you and why.

Vertical curls are more relevant today than ever, with them you can create graceful and lush hairstyles. Having received stylish and beautiful bouquets, you will become noticeable in any crowd. Women often wonder how they create beautiful vertical curls for long and medium hair at home, they are also interested in how to make curls. We offer you to read the ways and see the pictures thanks to which you quickly wind your hair.

What are vertical curls?

Vertical strands refer to curly hair that can be quickly and easily rolled up for a festive look, party or just for a change of look. Vertical curls always look spectacular, create volume, suit any appearance, make curly strands for long and medium hair, all fashionable ones look gorgeous.

How to make curls for medium and long hair

Vertical large curls are ideal for, on medium-length hair, classic curly strands look harmonious; to create curls on short hair, choose small curlers.

Vertical curls at home using curlers

Before the curling procedure, wash your hair thoroughly, moisturize with a mask or hair balm. Follow with a shine care product, oils and sprays work well.

Now you can start creating curls. You can use curlers for vertical curls. A special fixing agent, mousse or foam is applied to the hair. Comb each strand separately and wrap it around a curling item. In this way, twist all the hair on curlers, then you need to dry the hair in the curlers with a hairdryer, turning it on at medium power. You need to take off the curlers only when the hair is thoroughly dried, the shape and duration of the hairstyle in a curled state depends on it.

How to make wavy curls with hot curlers

When there is no extra time to create a hairstyle, but you want to have a beautiful lush hair, use hot curlers (heat rollers). The hair must be clean for a lush and attractive hairstyle. Be sure to apply a care product to washed hair - conditioner or a mask to moisturize the hair. After drying the hair, wind a small strand on the hot rollers, which you had to boil in advance and use hot. When hot, the hair consolidates the curl effect. You need to remove the curlers in a cooled state no earlier than half an hour later.

Curls with a curling iron

On clean hair, apply a heat-protective base to protect the hair structure from scalding, otherwise it will become brittle and dry. After separating the strand, combing it, wind it on the curling iron and hold it in this state for 15 seconds. After releasing the curling iron lever, gently release the curl from the device, sprinkle with a fixing agent - hairspray and proceed to winding the next curl.

How to wind your hair with a hairdryer?

Use a medium to large round comb to create beautiful curly locks. Treat wet strands, previously separated, with styling mousse. Wrap each strand separately on the brushing, bring the included hairdryer to it from above, dry the curl, carefully remove it. Perform the same manipulation with the rest of the hair. After the procedure, give the hair the desired shape, straighten the strands and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

The size of the curls by the type of face oval

Girls with an oval narrow face should not choose large curls, it is advisable to pay attention to spirals and small curls. But for the owners of a large round face, it is advisable to make themselves large curled strands, medium-sized curls also look good.

Photo of curly hairstyles with wavy hair