How to make gentle curls. Large curls with a curling iron. Permanent waving for medium hair

Curly curls of various sizes and shapes have been popular at all times.

How can you not fall in love with the natural playful curls of Sarah Jessica Parker from the famous television series "Sex and the City" or the mess of curls of Julia Roberts from the legendary film "Pretty Woman".

Curls: to do or not to do

Curly curls have always been very popular with fashionistas. Such a romantic hairstyle is relevant now. Experts say with confidence that curls will remain the favorite styling of the fair sex for many years to come.

It’s hard not to agree that the hair, neatly styled in curls, looks incredibly feminine and sexy. Mischievous styling softens the oval of the face, inevitably attracts the attention of others and gives the image lightness and freshness.

Many women choose lush wavy styling for the following reasons:

1. Practicality. No other hairstyle can hide a bad haircut or coloring as well as curls.

2. Versatility. Curls can be worn by owners of long and short, thin and thick hair.

3. Effectiveness. Loose, carefree curls always look fashionable and stylish.

If a woman has weak thin hair, then she should not give up the opportunity to be charmingly curly. Meanwhile, you should be more careful with the styling method, choosing the most gentle.

Are curls fashionable? Experts answer this question unequivocally - "yes"! At the shows of the world-famous fashion house Roberto Cavalli for the fall-winter 2015-2016 season, the beauties walked along the catwalk with carelessly curled curls.

Curls - how to make at home without a curling iron

There are many safe methods to get playful curls at home. The methods that we will now consider in detail will not affect the health of the hair. These options will be a real find for those who want to create beautiful curls, but there was no curling iron, no ironing, no curlers at hand. So, today, under our guns, curls. How to make this sunny hairstyle at home, consider below.

Bundle for careless flowing curls

This method is the most popular and fastest.

Let's consider it step by step:

1. Hair to create curls should be slightly damp. Therefore, you can start winding after washing your hair. If the hair is already dry, then they should be slightly moistened with clean water. To do this, you can use a spray gun.

3. Then we wind the hair into a bun, which we fix with a hairpin. For more pronounced curls, twist 5-6 small tufts all over the head.

4. After 5-7 hours, the flagella must be unwound.

5. Beat the resulting curls gently with your hands and sprinkle them with varnish.

The result is very soft natural curls. How to make at home, we have just considered. Laying does not take much time. It is very convenient to do it at night.

Curls with foil

An unusual way to make zigzag curls is to use food foil. Lightweight and safe material will help you become the owner of fashionable styling.

1. Cut the foil into strips. The width of each of them should be about 3 cm, the length is determined by the length of the curls.

2. We divide the moistened hair into small strands and wrap them with foil.

3. Then we fold each strand with an "accordion" and fix it at the roots with invisibility.

4. We release the dried hair from the foil and form curls.

5. We fix the finished hairstyle with varnish.

Pieces of fabric for curling hair

If you use this "grandmother's" method, then it is quite possible to get beautiful elastic curls. From the outside, you may look a little ridiculous, but you will definitely be satisfied with the result. For styling, you will need a cotton fabric that needs to be cut into strips. They will play the role of impromptu curlers.

1. Moisturize the hair and carefully comb it.

2. We divide the curls into strands of the desired thickness.

3. At the end of each strand we put a piece and twist it to the very base.

4. The ends of the fabric must be tied and only then proceed to the next strand.

5. When the hair is completely dry, the patches can be untwisted and removed from the hair.

6. The resulting curls should not be combed, it is enough to straighten them with your fingers and fix them with varnish.

Elegant curls with hairpins

It turns out that you can make charming curls using ordinary hairpins. After spending quite a bit of time, you will get elastic curls. How to make this hairstyle at home, we will find out right now.

1. We moisten hair with water.

2. We divide the hair into small strands and twist each of them with an inward movement, as if on invisible curlers.

3. At the base, the resulting ring should be fixed with a hairpin. Repeat the process for the rest of the strands.

4. "Rings" should be left for - 5-6 hours. If you have wound up at night, then it is recommended to wrap your head with a handkerchief or scarf before going to bed.

5. After the time has elapsed, we take out the hairpins from the curls, gently unwind the rings with our fingers and fix the resulting curls with varnish.

Elastic curls after braids

Braids are perhaps the most reliable method for getting curly hair without compromising their condition.

1. Wet the hair with water and divide it into small strands.

2. All strands should be braided.

4. After 6-7 hours, we unravel the pigtails and enjoy the resulting curls.

In order for your curls (you know how to do it at home) to retain their original shape for as long as possible, you should use a little trick when creating a hairstyle. So, in the water that you use to moisturize your hair, you need to add a small amount of strong hold varnish. This liquid must be moistened with a hand and gently run through the strands before winding. After the procedure, ready-made curls do not need to be combed with a comb. Otherwise, the hair will become fluffy and acquire unwanted volume.

Curls - how to make at home with a curling iron

And now we will learn how to become the owner of mischievous curls in a shorter period of time. To make a cute hairstyle quickly, you will need a curling iron. Many people think that there is nothing complicated in the classic curling with tongs. Perhaps it is. However, in order not to worsen the condition of the hair and wind it neatly, you need to know some of the features of this procedure.

2. To protect your hair from overheating, you must use special products marked "Thermal Protection".

3. Immediately before styling, the hair should be properly combed.

Create curls with a curling iron

Now let's take a closer look, how to wind your hair on a curling iron:

1. All hair should be divided into sections and carefully secured with clips. You can use a regular crab or a hairpin.

2. We begin to wind the hair from the bottom strands. We take one of them and apply a small amount of varnish or foam. Then we wind the strand on the electric tongs. You can do this starting either from the roots or from the tips. Next, hold the device for 5-10 seconds and release the strand with a slight movement.

3. Repeat the procedure for the remaining strands. The bangs should be twisted as a last resort.

4. Curls (we just learned how to do it at home using electric tongs) are fixed with varnish.

Choosing the correct diameter of the curling iron

The shape and size of curls primarily depends on the diameter of the curling iron. To create voluminous curls, you should choose medium electric tongs, small curls are ideally formed using a curling iron with a smaller diameter. Tools with a large diameter will not give you charming curls. They are created not so much for curling curls, but for giving them volume. Remember that by winding thick strands on a small curling iron, you will not get a curl at all, but a careless light wave, which, meanwhile, will last all day.

Every woman knows that the devices with which you can get elegant curls cause considerable harm to curls. Frequent use of curling irons leads to split ends and dullness of the hair. But experts are convinced that it is still possible to reduce the influence of this aggressive factor on curls.

For this you need:

1. Twist the hair on the electric tongs no more than a few times a week.

2. Do not use too high temperatures in order to save styling time. A sparing regimen for healthy hair is considered to be a temperature not higher than 200 ° C. Thin, weak hair should be curled at up to 100°C.

3. Do not overexpose the tongs on the strands.

Also, to get beautiful curls, experts recommend:

1. Take not too large strands. If the volume of each of them exceeds 2.5 cm, then they simply cannot be scrolled.

2. To get clear, pronounced spirals from the hair, the curling iron should be held vertically, with the handle down, while winding. Larger graceful curls will turn out if you hold the appliance horizontally.

3. Curl short hair, holding the curling iron vertically and grabbing the strands from the very roots. Long curls can be wound as your heart desires: from the roots, from the middle, or only the ends.

4. Ready-made curls (now you know how to do it at home in various ways) experts advise not to touch until they cool completely.

To give curls created with a curling iron durability, hairdressers recommend one simple, but very effective way. All that is needed is to let the curls cool in a curled state. A strand should be wound on well-heated tongs. Wrap the resulting curl around your finger with a ring and secure it with an invisibility. The strand fixed in this way cools as evenly as possible. After the hair has completely cooled, the curls can be laid in the hair.

Using our tips on how to quickly and safely make curls, every lady will be able to look stunning even on ordinary days. Take very little time to create a hairstyle and become incredibly feminine. Curly curls will emphasize individuality and give a wonderful opportunity to enjoy your well-groomed appearance and enthusiastic views of others.

To make a hairstyle from curls, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon. Beautiful curls and curls are easy to create on your own and at home. Now you will learn how to make curls for long hair using different devices, what cosmetics are used for this and what curls are now in trend.

What and how to wind your hair

The diffuser hair dryer has special “fingers” with which it is easy to create a beautiful curly styling with a wet effect if the hair itself is a little curly.

  • Wash your hair, dry it with a little warm air.
  • Apply some styling mousse.
  • Shake your head to separate the hairs as much as possible from each other.
  • Dry your hair a little with a hair dryer.
  • Next, start curling your hair. Dry the strands with a diffuser, as if pressing them from the tips to the roots.
  • The hairstyle will get enough volume if you create curls upside down, as in the video.

Hair curler (electric tongs)

Curling irons come in different diameters, to create large or small curls.

  • Before winding strands on the curling iron, apply foam and heat styling gel to them. Curls are made in two ways.
  • To get the effect of curly hair, the strands are wound on a curling iron in a horizontal manner. Each subsequent turn is wound on the previous one.
  • To get separate spiral curls, hold the curling iron vertically, and wind the strand so that the coils do not lie on top of each other, but in a spiral.
  • Separate the curls with your fingers lubricated with styling wax.
  • Fix hair with varnish.

Hair iron (straightener)

A straightening iron not only straightens hair, but also curls it into curls.

  • Apply mousse and hot styling product to freshly washed strands.
  • Separate a small strand, comb it and pinch it with an iron.
  • Holding the iron horizontally, rotate it one turn. That is, one turn of the strand should be wound on the iron. Pull the iron down all over the strand.
  • Do this with all your hair. You will get styling with a large soft wave.

How to care for long hair

To make long hair look beautiful, first of all, it must be well-groomed. To do this, make nourishing masks of olive oil, avocado oil and egg yolk twice a week. Do not overuse products for volume and fixation and do not forget about protective gels during thermal styling. The result of your hair care will be noticed not only by you, but also by those around you.

How to make an evening hairstyle from curls look at the video.

Many ladies do not deny themselves the pleasure of winding curls, giving their image a romantic mystery. But small curls are not for everyone, so there is nothing left but to make large curls. They can be done both at the hairdresser's and at home - in any case, curling large curls is not a long and not very difficult task.

We offer you several ways to make large curls.

Curling iron or iron

And really, what can be difficult to wind your hair with a curling iron or an iron, which can both straighten your hair and make stunningly beautiful large curls? It's fast and convenient, just remember that high temperatures are not good for hair and use thermal protection. But even with the use of special tools, you should not get too carried away with irons and curling irons.

You can wind your hair on a curling iron in different ways:

  • wind thin strands from the ends of the hair, creating playful curls;
  • wind starting from the roots, giving volume.

The main rules: the thinner the curling iron, the smaller the curl, the longer we hold the twisted curl, the longer it will last.

There are also several ways to wind your hair on an iron.

The first of them is very simple: twist the dried hair into a tight tourniquet and run a hot iron over it several times. Gently separate the hair with your fingers, without combing, fix with varnish.

For the second method, you will need an iron, foil and an assistant. Tear the foil into small strips. Divide dry hair into thin strands, twist on 1 or 2 fingers (for smaller and larger curls). Carefully insert each curl into the foil and fold over, pressing down on the curl. Run an iron over each roll of foil. Carefully remove the foil and straighten the curls with your fingers. Fix with varnish. The effect will exceed your expectations!


Do you want to flaunt curls every day, but is it scary to constantly overheat your hair? Then there is another way - curlers. At home, it is the most for getting large curls. How to wind your hair on curlers and create large curls? Separate a strand of hair and carefully wind the ends of the hair into the middle of the curler. Then we twist the strand to the place from which you want to get curls, and fix it. It is important to remember that you should wind your hair, moving from the crown to the back of the head. To choose curlers for large curls, you need a large diameter and with a smooth surface. If ordinary curlers give creases on the hair and curls look unnatural, then you need to take soft curlers - boomerangs. They look like foam sticks, and are attached to the hair due to the wire core. Such curlers do not injure the hair and they can be permed even at night, boomerangs will not interfere with sleep - they are soft. The main rule when choosing boomerangs for large curls is the size, and therefore we take those that are wide in diameter and long. If the required number of large curlers was not at hand, then only the upper strands can be wound on them, and the bottom can be picked up on smaller curlers. The main thing is not to overdo it - the more small curlers you use, the more voluminous and fluffy the hairstyle will turn out.

Alternative to curls

But you need to take into account the condition of your hair - heavily bleached or thin hair may not hold its shape well (or at all), and instead of embossed curls, you risk getting only a light wave. In this case, you will have to turn to professionals, but not for traditional styling, but for curling. There is a perm and a bioprocedure, if possible, it is better to stop at the second one - there will be less harm to the hair.

Hairdressers, curling irons, irons and curlers, yes, with their help you can get large curls, but how long, complicated and boring it all is. If you think the same, then try the next method. You will need mousse (foam) for styling, varnish, comb and a wide, not very tight, elastic band. How to make large curls at home using such a set? There is nothing easier. In the evening, apply a styling product to dry hair. Next, comb your hair and take an elastic band. We put it on our heads like a hoop. Carefully separate a strand of hair and wrap it around an elastic band. First, we fill the hair under the elastic on one side, then on the other. And at the end we fix the hair at the back with an elastic band, wrapping the remaining bunch with it several times. The resulting roller of hair around the head is sprayed with varnish and we go to sleep. In the morning, carefully remove the elastic and collect the curls in the hair. In this case, you do not need to use a comb - we disassemble the hair with our hands. Having laid the curls as you like, we fix the hairstyle with varnish.

There are many ways to create curls, it remains to choose your own, and with your head held high, move to conquer men's hearts.

My name is Marina, I have been doing hair styling for many years. I like when the hair looks beautiful and well-groomed. Most of all I like to do styling and hairstyles with curls. Airy, voluminous, Greek curls or careless little curls?

Hollywood curls

How to make large curls with a curling iron and ironing

Large curls look amazing on long and medium length hair. They were preferred by Hollywood stars. Large curls adorn wedding and evening hairstyles. They will be appropriate in clubs, discos and beach parties. And of course, they are great for every day. How to make big curls at home?

Large curls can be made with a curling iron or ironing.

Curling iron allows you to twist curls quickly and with minimal effort. To make them large, it is better to choose a curling iron of the largest diameter.

Master class on Hollywood curls

Master class on large curls

My curling secrets:

  1. Never do a perm on dirty hair.
  2. Wet hair can burn.
  3. Styling products should not be applied before curling - they will stick to the curling iron.
  4. Large strands do not warm up well and the curls are uneven. The optimal thickness of the strand is not thicker than the little finger.
  5. To make curled curls smooth, I wind the strands with tongs from the roots to the ends.
  6. First I wind the lower back strands, then the side and top. This allows you not to deform the finished curls with tongs.
  7. I never use a comb after winding. To make romantic waves, I straighten my hair with my hands.

Most women use an iron to straighten their curls and not everyone knows that it can be used to get large curls. How to make curls with a straightener?

My ironing secrets:

  1. The iron can only be used on dry hair.
  2. I start twisting from the roots to the ends.
  3. Medium temperature is enough for thin hair.
  4. I keep the iron on the strand until its shape suits me.
  5. In order not to leave traces of folds, I try not to put much pressure on the clamp.

Master class: how to make luxurious curls with a straightener

To keep the perm for a long time, I fix it with varnish

Tip: Do not neglect thermal protection. No matter how the manufacturer convinces of the safety of styling devices, no matter how he praises new types of coatings, heating still negatively affects the health of the hair.

You can learn how to wind your hair yourself by watching a video lesson and a photo. From the first time, the hairstyle will not turn out quite the way you want. Using irons or curling irons requires some skill and skill.

How to make voluminous curls with curlers

Tongs and irons allow you to get large curls quickly, but their regular use negatively affects the condition of the hair. If you have time, then you can make voluminous curls at home with the help of curlers. They belong to the most gentle way and allow you to get curls of different diameters. Velcro, boomerangs or thermo curlers are suitable for voluminous curls.

Velcro curlers allow you to get amazing voluminous curls

My secrets to using Velcro curlers:

1. To keep the curled strands for a long time, I wind it on wet hair.
2. Before winding, lightly cover the strands with styling foam.
3. To get lush waves, I don’t use foam.
4. In order not to unwind, I fix them with invisibility.

So master class

Boomerangs are very comfortable to use, soft and do not interfere with sleep at night. For voluminous curls, large diameter boomerangs are required

My secrets for using boomerangs:

  1. Before winding the strands, I spray it with water.
  2. Before twisting, I cover my hair with foam.
  3. So that at night the boomerangs do not unwind and individual strands do not break out, I tie a scarf.

Thermo - curlers allow you to reduce the winding time. The technique of use is quite simple. They heat up and strands are wound onto warm strands. Applicable to both long and short hair. Curls made with such curlers hold well and can be used as a basis for wedding and evening hairstyles.

My secrets of using thermal curlers:

  1. I only wind dry.
  2. I use thermal protection.
  3. I twist the back of the head, then symmetrically the sides.
  4. The longer I hold the curlers, the tighter the curls get.

Tip: Do not use curlers on bob or short haircuts. Such styling is immediately noticeable, it grabs a basal volume and the whole thing looks tasteless. For bob and short haircuts, it is better to use a hair dryer, tongs. You can do a perm.

Using curlers is very easy. If the strand is twisted incorrectly, then you can always fix it. Depending on the type of curler, you can get a variety of curls: voluminous, hard, lush, careless or elastic spirals.

How to make soft curls with a hair dryer

These are obtained as here in the photo

The hair dryer can perform 2 functions at the same time: dry the hair and make soft curls. Moreover, curls can be obtained both with an ordinary hair dryer and with a hair dryer with a diffuser nozzle. To make your own styling beautiful, you may have to practice a couple of times.

How to do it with a hair dryer?

My secrets for making soft curls with a hair dryer:

  1. I lightly dry my hair with a towel.
  2. I apply foam or gel or mousse.
  3. I lift the strands from the roots and wind them on a round brush (brushing).
  4. Dry with a hairdryer, in the direction from the roots to the ends of each strand.
  5. Brashing slowly scroll.

After styling, I fix the hair with my hands and fix it with varnish

Tip: never use strong hold hairspray for soft and airy hairstyles. The curls will be heavy, unnatural, and the top of the head will be flat.
You can get acquainted with the technique of creating curls from a photo or video.

A diffuser hair dryer allows you to get light and natural curls. The diffuser nozzle acts more loyally on the hair, as it diffuses hot air. During the styling process, the scalp is massaged, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth. Another great function of the diffuser is to create a persistent volume without using a pile.

My secrets for working with a diffuser:

  1. Under the diffuser for styling, I use mousse or gel spray.
  2. I use a diffuser to dry my hair from the ends to the roots.
  3. To get more volume, I tilt my head down.
  4. I don't brush my hair after drying.

A good effect is achieved if the hair is slightly curly, heavy straight hair may not be curled. The diffuser is a wonderful device that, in addition to curling, can be used as a straightener.

How to make spiral curls

Beautiful spiral curls will help you make a hairstyle in a retro style. Vertical curls are made in several ways: with special curlers, with a curling iron, or better with a styler.
Special curlers have a spiral groove. They come in different diameters, the shorter the hair, the thinner it should be.

Girls, let's do it!

My secrets for working with spiral curlers:

  1. Hair must be damp.
  2. Each new turn must be placed in a separate groove.
  3. I do not use a comb, I straighten my hair with my hands.

It is quite difficult to wind your hair on your own; to familiarize yourself with the technique, you can see photos and videos. You can also use ordinary curlers for spirals, for example, thermo, then each new coil should cover the previous one by a third.

Spirals can be made with tongs. For this, a regular curling iron or styler with nozzles is suitable. I have already described the features of curling hair with tongs; to obtain vertical spirals, the strands are wound accordingly.

The styler with nozzles may have a cone nozzle or a nozzle with grooves. Tapered allows the spirals to be more natural, thicker at the roots and thinner at the tips. The grooved nozzle is indispensable for retro hairstyles. Such curls have the same size along the entire length. These things allow you to save a lot of time when doing wedding and retro hairstyles. I also made spirals for a little girl for a matinee with such a nozzle, covered it with shiny varnish on top. The curls turned out charming and fabulous, and the girl looked like a doll.

Separately, it is worth telling about my new acquisition - the BaByliss styler. I have been looking at it for a long time, but I doubted whether to take it or not. Now I can say with confidence: yes, it is worth the money. For those who don't know, BaByliss is a versatile curling machine, has adjustable heat settings and is super easy to use. You need to put the strand in a special hole and that's it! BaByliss gently winds the hair and warms up. For the first time, it took 30 minutes to style my hair (and it is quite thick and long below the shoulder blades), now 20 is enough.

It is difficult to describe the process of working with BaByliss in words, it must be seen. On the network you can find a lot of information, photos and videos.

I think this is best shown here:

The disadvantage of BaByliss is the cost. Also for the first time, due to lack of skill, I said goodbye to a few hairs, now I can cope without loss. BaByliss is a thing, especially for professionals.

How to make natural curls

To add naturalness to the hairstyle, I have my own tricks:

  1. You can wind the strands on curlers of different diameters. The strands will look more natural.
  2. After winding, I grease my hands with a drop of hair gel and comb it with my fingers.
  3. If you want lush hair, then I go through the curls with a massage brush.
  4. Naturalness can be achieved by using foam rubber papilots. By winding thick strands on them, curls are obtained as natural as possible.
  5. You can do a perm on the entire length. It is important to choose a good specialist who will make a quality perm, and the hairstyle will look natural, and unlike the fleece of a lamb.

Hairstyle of beautiful curly curls always looks beautiful and makes any woman attractive. That is why many representatives of the weaker sex visit salons or try to make curls at home with the help of curlers, curling irons or ironing. But the latter have properties to spoil the hair, they overheat them, spoil the structure.

Using curlers is also not very convenient. After all, in order to get waves, you need to wear curlers for a long time. If you wind them up at night, then it will not be very comfortable to sleep. So why create so many problems for yourself? There are other ways to make your hair beautiful. Let's try to figure out how to make curls without curlers and curling irons.

Why you should give up curling irons and curlers

The curling iron has a very negative effect on our hair. After a few applications, you may notice that the hair has become brittle, their ends are split. The fact is that moisture is removed from the hair, which makes them dull and lifeless. Subsequently, the hair begins to fall out, the hairstyle loses its volume and looks no longer so attractive.

With curlers, things are no better. These tools are not at all safe for the health of the hair. Thermal curlers have no less negative impact than curling irons. If their surface is metallic, then they contribute to excessive electrolysis and hair section. Curlers, the inner surface of which is covered with bristles, make the hair structure brittle. In plastic curlers, which damage the hair the least, the strands can get tangled and break off.

How to make curls without a curling iron and curlers - 9 effective methods

To make curls without curling irons and curlers, it is better to use the good old methods that women used in ancient times.

With a beam

The fastest way to create curls without a curling iron and curlers is to make curls with a bun.

To do this, make a tail, lift it as high as possible. Then twist it into a bundle and form a bump, secure it with hairpins or hairpins.

You will have to walk with such a hairstyle for some time (7-8 hours). When you unwind the bun, the hair will curl beautifully. To prevent curls from unwinding quickly, do not comb, just try to style them beautifully with your hands. The hairspray will help to fix the hairstyle so that it looks relaxed and stylish.

With cotton fabric

You will have to weave little rags into your hair, which looks funny, but then the hairstyle will look great.

First, cut a few strips of cotton fabric into a rectangle. Hair must be clean and combed. Divide them into small strands. Take one strip of fabric, place it at the end of your hair and wind a strand around it.

Do the same with other strands. Keep your hair like this for about 10 hours and then unbraid. Style your hair beautifully with your hands, treat it with varnish. Some prefer to use other improvised means instead of rags: pieces of paper, cocktail tubes, pen caps, etc.

Applying studs

Beautiful curls can be formed using hairpins.

Hair should be clean and slightly damp. Divide your hair into strands and twist them into a hairpin. Keep your hair in this state for several hours, dissolve. Your hair will be fuller and wavy. You just have to work a little with your hands to form a beautiful hairstyle.

With a hairband

The hair band is also widely used to create beautiful curls.

To do this, you need to put it on, and divide the falling hair into strands, form flagella and pry it under the bandage. When you loosen your hair after a while, it will lie in beautiful waves. All you have to do is knock them down nicely with your hands.

Braids will make beautiful curls

Do you want to know the oldest and most popular way to wind curls without a curling iron? With the help of braids, you will get beautiful curls.

You can braid pigtails only on dry, clean hair. To curl your hair well, you will have to braid a lot of braids. Then you can go to bed, and in the morning undo all the pigtails and get a magnificent beautiful hairstyle from curly hair. If instead of braids you braid spikelets, then your hair will curl from the very roots. Anyone who wants to get small curls must braid a large number of spikelets.

With the help of flagella

If you want to make curly hair without curlers and curling irons quickly, then use flagella.

It is advisable to do them on slightly wet hair. Form several strands, twist them into bundles so that they do not fall apart, fix them. Hairpins on the hair must be kept for 9-10 hours. When braided, beautiful curly hair is obtained.

Making thick strands

You can also wind your hair with your fingers to get curls.

Wind the flagellum on your finger from the tip of the hair to the root, and so that it does not fall apart, secure it with a hairpin. You can wind a strand not on one finger, but on several at once to get thick strands. If you want to get curls in a short time, then foam is first applied to the hair and dried with a hairdryer. After half an hour, the flagella can be unwound and a beautiful hairstyle can be formed.

Sushi sticks

You probably didn’t know that you can use sticks with which we usually eat sushi to form curls.

With the help of them you can make your hair slightly wavy. First, divide your hair into two sections. Make a ponytail from one part, leave the other for now. Then take the sticks in your hands and use them to twist the rest of the hair into a ponytail. The tail should be around the stick. It needs fixing to keep it going.

You can use a rubber band for this. On the other hand, the same operation is performed. Hair in this state should be kept for several hours, preferably one night. When you rid your hair of sticks and elastic bands, they will form beautiful waves. It is not necessary to divide the hair into two parts, you can do this with one part to get large curls.

paper papillottes

Make paper curls and use them to make beautiful little curls.

You can take any paper for their manufacture - notebook, landscape sheet, etc. Work with scissors and cut out rectangular strips. Then you need to form tubes out of them and thread small strips of fabric into them.

Then we prepare the hair - wash it and dry it. It is better not to use a hair dryer to dry, let your hair dry naturally. Take a styling foam and process your hair. Take a small strand and wind it around the paper base, then tie it with a cloth. Take strands from the back of the head and move towards the forehead. If you are winding the papillottes at night, then put on a scarf to securely fasten them. If you want to get a voluminous hairstyle, then try to make the strands as thin as possible.

To make the hairstyle work, it is better to pre-treat the hair with mousse or foam, but do not take varnish. Hair length affects curling methods. It is impossible to braid pigtails for short hair, but it is quite possible to make spikelets from the roots.

For curling short hair, it is better to use caps from felt-tip pens or tubes from juice. If the hair is long enough, then any curling method can be used. But if the hair is too long, then it is better to curl it on rags, pieces of paper, plaits or weave pigtails.

In order for curly hair to last for a long time, the hair must always be pre-washed and treated with mousse. If you do not wash your hair first, then the curls will not last long, only a few hours. Don't try to curl your hair when it's wet, it must be dried. To keep the effect longer, use professional fixation methods. But you should not use them every day, as they can spoil the beauty of the curls.

A perm from the roots is not as popular today as it was several decades ago, modern girls value naturalness more. Therefore, wind your hair, stepping back a little from the roots, to be in a fashion trend.

If you want to get casual light waves like many Hollywood stars have, then the curls are formed from the front hair, which is closer to the face.

As you can see, there is no need to go to the salon every day to get beautiful wavy hair. It is enough to know how to make curls without a curling iron at home. You will allocate 10-30 minutes a day for this. At first, the whole process may take you a long time, but over time, it will take less and less time. In the end, you will learn how to create a great hairstyle at home using the tools at hand.

When you have curled your hair with one of the above looks, don't brush it, but sell it a beautiful firm with your hands.

But in order for the hairstyle to look great, you need to pay great attention to hair care. Pamper them from time to time with masks and other care products.