How to find out that the man is jealous of signs. Men's jealousy through the eyes of a man and how to reduce it. Psychology of male and female jealousy

Love and jealousy, albeit in life often together, after all, not true neighbors. Love love, and jealousy jealousy. If the guy really loves, he understands everything and tries not to poison its life with his suspicion. How to understand that the guy is jealous and learn not to give the reason to the jealousness? Let's try to figure out together. Psychologists have identified the most common causes of jealousy:

"Do not touch mine." Almost any guy, due to its genetic nature, the owner and seeks to become the center of attention of its chosen, other representatives of strong sex in this union are third extra. Therefore, as soon as your boyfriend has frowned in the company and began to look at your interlocutors, complete the conversation completely focus on his companion.

Even courageous and prosperous guys sometimes have an insurmountable feeling of fear that they will be abandoned for others. Each representative of this type has a set of "punctacles", among which is the other expectation of the "bad" news from the Love Front. If the "gloomy" news has not yet arrived, the jealous of the complexes, begins to scrupulously search them and early or later finds it.

Even the most successful guys are sometimes pathologically afraid of rumors, robes and scandals. Such jealies scares not so much the fact of treason as his publicity. Connoisseurs of good reputation often themselves tend to rapidly find out the relationship. If your guy is from this timid, be prepared morally to family scenes.

There are two bright types of jelly manifestation. The first starts with regular reproaches to your address. The chosen one does not like delays at work, meetings with girlfriends, hiking to the coach in the gym. As a rule, such jealies are violently express their discontent. The second type is "quiet jealousy." Favorite offended, not talking, caprizes, like a child, refuses to eat and even leaves periodically from home. It is difficult to deal with the reason in this case. But it is necessary to discuss the problem with your beloved while the relationship was not in a dead end.

How to understand that the guy is jealous? You will unmistakably understand this as soon as you notice that your phone, profiles on social networks and email regularly began to be checked. Your jealous is persistently looking for evidence, you need to do everything possible to take offense suspicious.

Signs that the guy is jealous

¨ After your walk, he is once again angry. Does not want to talk to you. The guys from the very birth was "driven" in the head that any manifestation of sentimentality and in general emotions, it is not decent to show others. Therefore, they are worried about everything within themselves. If a woman can cry, roll the hysteria and just break and kill all the dishes, then the guy simply can't do it. He inside himself with his jealousy and doubts feed the scary animal, and it, after some time, will eat it himself;

¨ On your desire to go somewhere without it, he meets indignation. You can quickly quarrel, do not talk. But if you refuse to leave the house, he behaves like, no matter what happened. Can answer you the phrase "Go where you want and do what you want." After such a scene, there will be no mood somewhere to appear and all the more having fun. You turned out to be under the blow;

¨ uses deception to leave you at home. Very common phrase "And I thought that we were everyday together ... Heh", after which you stay at home, and he begins to do his own business. As if you are not, and he did not miss and did not utter this phrase;

¨ Checks and control - the reason that the guy is jealous of you. Permanent phone checks. Reads incoming SMS before you have time to take a phone. Removes some contacts. All the time offended by you when you did not tell your location. If his friend walks alongside, he will definitely "seem" for you;

¨ Permanent questionings. "Do you have a lover?" - Sounds from his mouth in a joking form. But you understand that the question is not asked as a joke and the joke is not at all. Questions and answers of the content "Nobody praised you?" And "everyone stared at you today", "You need everyone" also put the usual behavior of his beloved under suspicion. He jealous of you to all.

What methods should be used to guy less jealous:

¨ Say him that he is the only one, the best and sexy. Compliments like guys also strongly, as well as women;

¨ Be with him in touch. If it requires the full reporting of your location in minutes, then ask the same instead. Soon he will be bored;

¨ Try in advance and "carefully" to talk about the upcoming meetings on which you will be alone. Remind him about these meetings, but because, by the way. Very directly and fleeting.

The reasons why the guy is jealous

But what if we are faced with the problem of jealousy? Why did the guy be jealous? Let's figure out about the order with the issues exciting for us.

The causes of jealousy in guys can be the most diverse.

Let's highlight the most common.

Cause 1.

In the past were bad relationships. If the guy did not work out with the former - she did not want a relationship with him, changed him, etc. - then the guy will feel disadvantaged. Permanent experiences will accompany your relationship.

To solve such a problem, it is necessary, first of all, time and your sensitivity. For a guy is needed like oxygen, your caress and care. But, do not make yourself a nanny! You must have time for yourself and girlfriends.

Cause 2.

A large number of friends from the girl. Especially if these male friends and your boyfriend is not familiar with them. He begins to invent a pretty bright Walk Development Scenario, if you just said that they met by chance with a friend and went to the cafe to drink tea.

Believe that the scenes of jealousy as a natural experience. Tell you more what you think about any other friend, as I met, about the most often talking. The best solution will be, of course, the acquaintance of your boyfriend and friends in free space.

Cause 3.

If the guy is jealous, then he is the owner. He is trying to own you, even at a very long distance. Permanent calls and SMS are already tired of you, and he still says that he is jealous. This is one of the reasons for jealousy of the owners: the thought that you can be with someone else, except for him (and there is no value for him who is next to you, a guy or a girl).

If there is no love - run from this person as far as possible. After all, quite soon you will get tired of being a girl "with a bell" and such relationships will only be in a burden. In such cases, very often girls become hostages of their own relations, of which it becomes harder to get even harder every hour.

Cause 4.

Mistrust. Everyone has trust, we deserve actions, but there are people who do not trust anyone. Even your loved ones. The guy is very emotionally experiencing your trips to the club or walks with friends without him, even if he does not tell you about it.

Dedicate it to your plans as often as possible, walk along with your friends and be open to a frank conversation. Trust him. Trust him all my secret secrets and he will "open" with his soul to you.

Be honest with your boyfriend, let him know that he is dear to you. Girls, communicate with their guys. Let them know what you are waiting for them, tell them more often which they are wonderful, and then in your relationship will never be jealousy.

The jealousy of a young man almost all girls take as a pleasant addition to the expression of his emotions - if jealousy is manifested, it means heavily, loves. The share of truth in this statement is, but only too insignificant, as the jealousy is considered a destructive and crushing all feeling.

The origins of jealousy are present in the personal assembly - the guy begins to jealous, because It fears that it is not very good for a girl, feels a permanent fear and waits, as soon as she will throw him. Such impressions sometimes appear explicitly, often these beliefs are formed at the level of the subconscious, preventing a person to build their relations. Decide how to treat jealousy, you can only try to understand the motives of a young man.

Jealousy is considered quite relevant and adequate response to the unworthy behavior of the girl - she has the opportunity to behave defiantly, flirt with other young people, to carry out a large amount of time in the company of other admirers. As a result, once your relationship has already been reached the level of serious relationships, and understand the fact that now all your sexuality and discrepancy you are obliged to show only him. Do not confuse friendly feelings with unleashed behavior.

What if the guy is jealous? With jealous, it is necessary to fight their own weapons - try the story yourself just, just be a mirror reflection. It is very possible that, having been in the form of a "victim of the jealous", he will change his behavior and correct. You can hint that these relationships are not what you planned, starting to meet with him

Once he is powerless to cope with his problems, then offer support - talk for souls, role-playing games, consultation of a psychologist. During the arrivals of jealousy, Make yourself indifferently and calmly, since your reputation reaction in the form of apologative speeches is just what he is waiting. Help your beloved overcome the Complexistance within himself, prove to him that he is long-awaited for you and the best of the best.

It is completely different when the guy is jealous without an excuse - he is just a pathological owner who does not have the opportunity to allow the loss of a loved one. These people can be dangerous, especially, if jealousy is mixed with an explosive temper - and to the hands-written close. Since you have discovered at least meager signs that the guy had jealousy to you and it is difficult for him to keep himself in his hands, or were incidents, then leave him immediately.

And it is necessary to do it carefully, without causing shocks on pride of deafening hysterics and scandals. It is preferable to enlist the support of the best buddies, brother or dad, which, if that, you can help you help and drink jealous. We hope that our tips helped you answer the question: "What if the guy is jealous."

Let the men even say 100 times that they are not jealous that it is a lot of women! But we know with you that these are only words ... How to understand that your boyfriend is also listed in the ranks of jealous and not mistaken? We will try to give an exhaustive answer to this question in today's article. You will learn how the jealous guy behaves in real life, according to correspondence and hiding it. You will be able to calculate that he truly tests for you.

It is necessary to observe a little over your chosen one, in order to understand, he is jealous or not. Most guys begin to be nervous, behave irritably, when noting increased attention to their woman. He can:

  • To offer to go to the cinema, to the theater or shop, even if earlier stubbornly refused such a time. The sharply emerging desire argues boredom or desire to dispel.
  • Overly emotionally responding to all your male friends, it also attracts attention to himself - chatting too much, constantly makes you compliments, as if proving the rest that you already belong to him.
  • To be offended by you for any reason, to relent and not call concrete reasons.
  • To strive to check you - at any convenient case, read the correspondence, watch how you react to phone calls, ask where you walked today and right there were friends, and not someone else.
  • Do not let you go anywhere without your accompaniment, even if you persistently prove that you go to walk with the best girlfriend. With all the forces, a jealous man will try to leave you at home, next to me.
  • Suddenly, starting to make too many good actions: wash the dishes, clean the house, buy flowers - and everything for you once again did not look at the other.

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So will be jealous of your permanent partner, but a man-colleague you like, jealous will be a little different:

This is the three main sign of the jealousy of the colleague.

If your young man tortured his jealousy and suspicions, maybe it's better to disperse with him? We have prepared a separate article with advice on you. You will learn where it is best to do what and how to talk.

In order not to suffer from depression after parting, you need to know. We will tell you where to start, how to come to ourselves and start living again.

If there is not enough courage of the first to break the relationship, you can make the guy threw you. Here is ready to use. It contains perfect phrases, tips on behavior and MN. Dr.

Very often, jealousy is manifested by the fact that the man sharply stops communicating with the woman. But in order not to make a mistake, it is necessary to find out why.

If your beloved constantly suspects you in infidelity, maybe it's time to come?

Signs of jury by correspondence

The fact that a man is jealous to recognize even by correspondence.

According to virtual communication, the behavior will be made much easier than the live, - the revolution will not be able to control his feelings at this point and can hardly be followed by the text of his messages. All words will go straight from the heart.

Jealousy can manifest the fact that:

  • He does not like when you demonstrate to him a correspondence with other male users.
  • He defiantly silent in response to the sent photos with you and some other, or, on the contrary, it begins to strictly find out what kind of person it is and where you met him.
  • He will be intrusive, will try to control each of your step, and in the evening it will ask about the last day in more detail than before.
  • The guy will eat, write quiet, all that is to hook you.

Be sure to pay attention to it!

How to understand that a man hides his doubts about the fidelity of the girl

It is not worth checking a man into jealousy, because it can pour it out even more and spoil relations. It is better to try to look at his behavior that may be as follows:

  1. He became thorough to follow himself. If the guy to which you are jealous is younger than your chosen one, the latter will begin to be interested in more youth clothing. If your friend is older - the partner will try to look solid in your eyes.
  2. Silent reproach in his eyes is the norm. He only looks at you, while you communicate with another, and then suddenly begins to joke and laugh loudly, attracting your attention to all with the same eye expression - they say, you see, who did you trade me? And I, by the way, is much better!
  3. He can refuse your society, to take off from you to cause a bewilderment and feeling of guilt. If you catch yourself thinking about what is trying to apologize without a clear awareness of the problem, then keep in mind - you met a jealous manipulator, who desperately lack your attention.

Why the guy is jealous of how it manifests itself and what to do with it, see this video:

When a man is trying to hide his jealousy, he begins to behave unnaturally, it is unlikely annoying, it happens inappropriately. Such a manifestation of this spioning feeling you must notice!

Jealousy is characterized equally to men and women. The difference consists only of ways to express this feeling. If a fair sex is preferred to declare their suspicions of all, the guys tend to express their emotions more restrained. What are the main signs of jealousy in men, what is most often the reason for the appearance of this feeling and how to calculate jealous? We will try to find answers to these burning questions.

Or maybe a guy is not jealous?

If it seems to you that your man is not jealous, then the options for the real state of affairs can be two. He really does not do this, as it does not see for this reason. The second option is a man hiding jealousy. Signs of hidden jealousy can be so diverse that the guy is sometimes ashamed to confess that he is experiencing this feeling. Therefore, he prefers to keep everything in himself.

Some believe that for the successful flow of relations, jealousy is simply necessary. Allegedly, thanks to her, partners experience the same feelings that were between them in the first moments of dating. For this reason, those who support this opinion are beginning to make acts provoking jealousy: light flirts with a colleague on work, the call of the former, visiting clubs, parties, etc. However, in practice it shows completely reverse statistics: a gradual loss of trust between partners And, as a result, deterioration of relationships and in particularly serious cases parting. In the struggle for spicy relationship, it is important not to overdo it, but to keep the very golden middle.

Causes and signs of jealousy

Let's look at some reasons and signs of jealousy in men:

Exterior signs

Even if a man is trying to in every way to suppress the feeling of jealousy, literally devouring him from the inside, he hardly happen well. As you know, to win the struggle with your own subconsciousness almost no one succeeded. Consider the most obvious signs of jealousy in men appearing outwardly:

  1. The manifestation of increased interest in your work, namely to the male colleagues. If the guy is constantly interested in what is your man-director or who is a petition from the neighboring department, you can suspect the presence of jealousy.
  2. Male from time to time starts conversations for him painful themes for him, Flirta, etc. In such conversations, he tries to find out your position about these issues and understand whether it is possible to trust with their half.
  3. Signs of hidden jealousy in men are also not difficult to detect. Increased quick temper, excitability, nervousness, or on the contrary, the closure and gloominess, which was absolutely not typical of the guy earlier and arose at one moment. It may say that a reason for jealousy appeared in his head. To find out if it really is, a woman should be able to find an approach to her man, simple interrogations here are unlikely to help.

Aries, Taurus

As you know, the horoscope asks all of us some templates, according to which we subconsciously carry out daily rituals exactly, and not otherwise. Astrologers assure that the zodiac sign has a fundamental impact on the character of a person. It is believed that depending on the sign of the zodiac and the manifestation of jealousy in men will be different.

For example, Aries are characterized by a rather rapid expression of their senses, including jealousy. In the impulse of anger, they are capable of terrible actions, which later, in most cases, regret.

The least expressed signs of jealousy in men-tanks. They are characterized by the absence of imagination on this. They prefer not to think about what is not and however, if the calf will reliably find out about the infidelity of his chosen, then not to decide not only to her, but also everyone around.

Gemini, Cracks

Gemini men on a horoscope are a fairly windy nature and very confident in themselves. They are soon the slopes to change themselves than to believe in the infidelity of the partner.

Cancers tend to invent what is not. Build love relationships with representatives of this sign of the zodiac is quite problematic.

Lions, Virgin and Scales

The man-lion does not tolerate any hints on treason. For him, a woman is this property, whose disposal can only he and no one else.

Signs of jealousy in a Men-Virgin, on the contrary, expressed quite clearly. Any suspicion of infidelity can push it into irreversible deeds. Women need to be careful in a relationship with a man of this sign of the zodiac: do not provoke, do not give reasons for jealousy and in no case can be changed in open.

Scales will never believe that their partner was noticed in infidelity, if he does not have significant evidence.

Scorpio, Sagittarius

Scorpio for its nature is very quick-tempered and arrived. He prefers to draw energy from negative situations. Therefore, for him, the partner's treason becomes a kind of pleasure. Say yourself and partner is a favorite scorpion lesson, the main thing is to find a reason for this.

Male-Sagittarius, as a rule, is very attached to his partner, and even if she makes such an act as a betrayal, he is prone to forgive his beloved than to break the relationship with her.

Capricorn, Aquarius

Capricorn is difficult to experience such a feeling as love in principle. Representatives of this sign are selfish and do not want to spend their energy on such nonsense as jealousy.

Male-Aquarius rarely experiences jealousy only because before typing relationships, they carefully check the chosen one for their own principles.


Fish - very vapor and sensitive nature. They tend to dramatize events, which often leads to unreasonable jealousy. Fish men constantly need proof of what they love and stored loyalty.

Many women suffer from such a phenomenon as men's jealousy. Most of them mistakenly believes that this is a manifestation of love. In fact, things are somewhat different. The presence of jealousy does not always confirm that the man loves a woman. At the initial stage of relations, almost every girl perceives jealousy as an indicator of strong feelings. But over time, jealousy only increases, reaching absurdity.

To live with a jealous man is very difficult. Even big feelings experienced to the partner are not saved. A jealous man is panicious that the partner leaves him and leaves it to another. In trying to protect yourself from such an outcome, he begins to methodically put the beloved bans, which are increasingly limiting her freedom. It all begins with a small one, and at first a woman may not even notice that something is forbidden to her. One of the first signs of unhealthy jealousy can be called the appearance of prohibitions. Starting from the small, permanent "impossible" begin to appear more and more often.

The list of reasons for jealousy can include several factors. The most important thing is to be considered insecurity. Low self-esteem does not allow a man to relax in the relationship and give partner full freedom. The list also includes public opinion. Often, a man is trying to prove to himself and surrounding his male consistency, prohibiting the woman to make decisions on his own. In case the woman faced a man-owner, jealousy can exist even without love. Such men do not like, but only do not want to give to any ownership of anyone.

However, it is not always worth thickening paint. Perhaps considering several basic signs indicating the presence of male jealousy, you can understand whether your partner is really jealous of you. So, to the signs of jealousy in men, the following can be attributed:

  • Frequent calls. At first it seems quite common. A man begins to call the beloved under the pretext to find out how she is doing. The situation does not look critical, the lady feels the necessary and beloved. It is very affectionate and causing, however, it has time to find out all the necessary details and is successfully conducted by "interrogation". A man can become annoying and will be very offended if the partner does not want to answer his questions. In this case, it is worth trying to translate the conversation on the other topic, to respond blurred and abstractly. Otherwise, a man risks to get used to the fact that you will always answer his questions.
  • Talk about other men. An attempt to learn more information about your former fans may seem innocent. Any man is interested in what was in his beloved before him. However, fanatical attempts to learn the smallest details can serve as a sign of jealousy, threatening to grow into paranoia. It is worth refraining from details, otherwise they will be recumbered up to you until the end of life.
  • Infringement of freedom. The campaign of the beloved for any event alone can turn into a revision in the real tragedy. It will require all the information, right up to the smallest details. Starting from the list of guests and ending with the dress dresses that you decide to wear. At first it may seem elementary care, but in reality it is a direct encroachment on your freedom. In case you do not decade your right to personal space, it will not be possible to change the situation.
  • "Do not communicate with other men!".An innocent conversation with a colleague for work can cause a grand scandal. Of course, in this case, it is worth not to overdo and not cross the boundaries, because not every man needs a woman flirting with another. It is worth trying to express priorities and explain the beloved that communication is exclusively business and does not threaten your relationship. However, it stands at the very beginning of relationship, otherwise you will not be able to change anything.
  • Permanent insults . The jealous man is very touching and often does not understand how silly behaves. Any refusal he perceives as your reluctance to communicate. If you just have a headache and do not want to go to the movies, the partner can perceive it as a personal insult and a desire to part. In this case, you should not indulge a man and crumble in front of him in excuses. Otherwise, you risk justifying the rest of your life.
  • "Your deeds are my works" A jealous man is interested in all the affairs of the beloved. He will notice the smallest changes in your appearance, and also get acquainted with all your relatives and acquaintances, not wanting to skip even the smallest detail.

Summing up, we can say that jealousy is a very unusual and controversial feeling. Jealousy is not always a manifestation of love, but sometimes she can be a sign of strong feeling. In order to understand the situation, it is worth paying attention to the behavior of a man. Does he care about you or

Why are men jealous? Consider the situation closer. If a man is heavily jealous or suspected of you in the marital infidelity unfortunately, constantly reproaches in the inattention and criticizes, it may be evidence of low self-esteem, self-satisfaction.

The reasons for such behavior may be different, but the total one - your partner perceives each counter as a potential opponent and subconsciously competes with it, not wanting to share the object of his passion.

In some cases, the partner may give reason. Sometimes the fact that the weak floor considers an innocent flirt or friendly communication with the opposite sex, perceived by a guy as a serious reason for distrust. How to figure out the complex kaleidoscope of your own emotions?

Most often, the ability to suspicion is the beauty of the chosen. Men's jealousy reaches the apogee and the lover may not let the girl from home, prohibit her communication in social networks, accompanies everywhere, allowing you to visit the stores and communicate with friends only in his presence.

The so-called nonsense of jealiness in men acquires intrusive nature and manifests itself in aggression to a partner or an alleged opponent.

Such behavior has deep roots. In antiquity, there was no ways to test the paternity and the partner could be confident in loyalty to the beloved only due to constant control.

In Islamic countries, and even in Russia, young girls tried to protect themselves in every way from external influence. The reason was called the fact that the weak half most often lives feelings or, in biological language, instincts that are easy to influence using elementary manipulations.

For example, seduce, sleeping with compliments. As you know, the ladies love ears. Or simulate the behavior of alpha male and drag into bed, playing in congenital sex instincts of an excited lady.

A man is jealous of his wife to everything that can distract her, not to give the opportunity to pay attention to him. It can be as representatives of strong sex that surround the lady and their own children, grandchildren, work or hobby.

If a deceived girl is inclined to compare himself with a rival, unconsciously trying to be like her, then the guy wounds the fact of married infidelity. If women's suspicion ripens years, then the jealousy spouse spontaneous, it arises suddenly and quickly fades.

What is paranoid jealousy?

Pathological paranoid jealousy in men or psychology Syndrome Othello, what is it?

Main signs: suspicion, anomalous conviction in the wrongness of the spouse. On the basis of suspicion and nervous overvoltage, manic jealousy is developing to the past. Explosive cocktail anxiety, irritability and anger only contribute to the development of the disease.

This is a terrible thing that creates monsters. - Daria Dontsova, Monsters from a good family

The spouse is constantly in depressive, depressed state, waiting at any time to learn about the treason beloved and it brings to the frenzy and obsessive states. Symptoms are usually typical.

I am convinced that the beloved then plots against him, the guy is jealous without a reason, carefully examines the correspondence and mail of the object of painful passion, inspects bed linen or suddenly breaks into the house, examining cabinets and balcony in search of a competitor.

When you become aware that in the previous relationship, the man beat and humiliated women, accusing in treason, then the spouse is inclined to the manifestation of aggression and should not be comforted by the illusions that everything will change and he will begin to appreciate his woman and trust her.

Constantly seeking evidence of his own right. In this case, he, as a rule, chooses the tactics "Best Protection is an attack" and terrorizing his own wife with strict control, constant attacks and threats.

It prohibits the use of cosmetics, wearing short skirts, fitting pants and high heels, not to mention that even transparent tights and summer light dresses with a beautiful neckline act on it, like a red rag on the bull, causing rage and aggression.

Restricts visits to the circles for interests and visiting sections, even if it is an innocent needlework course, where the lady spends time exclusively in the women's company. Rolls scandals and can even beat the beloved, being in alcohol intoxication or under the influence of pathological rage.

To live next to the pathological jealousness is unbearably and dangerous. In this case, a person needs diagnosis and treatment. If on the part of the chosen you hear the threats of your life and insult, let him understand this behavior is unacceptable for you.

If this situation is repeated, or is accompanied by beating, threatens with weapons, no need to endure and try to justify your beloved. The husband does not change until it realizes that violence destroys the family. Just disappear from his life, live in relatives.

Remember that life and health is above all. Moreover, the victims of the outbreak of the aggression of the pathological jequeling is often not only the wife, but also children, which is unacceptable. The problem of violence in families can not be mastered. Do not try to re-educate home tyrana.

Resperating woman will never allow to destroy his life and will not tolerate family violence.

In a strong family there is no area of \u200b\u200bjealousy

How to behave that the husband is not jealous and trusted? How to deal with jealousy of her husband to the men around you and what to do if you have no attention signs, psychologist tips:

React polly, but cold and if the guy is particularly persistent, explain that such behavior is unacceptable when communicating with a married lady and is considered a bad tone.

Do not be shy and be afraid to hurt by your refusal. It is necessary to quietly inform the Uhager about a negative attitude towards his invitations, excess compliments and a frank flirt. Also concerns communication in social networks.

If a person is too intrusive, bring his page into a blacklist or just ignore, not paying attention to the flirt. Openly discuss the situation with the revision, convince your loyalty and love.

Do not coexist or try to manipulate, play feelings, causing doubts a husband in loyalty. Of course, the realization that the guy is very afraid of losing his loved one, helps the girl to assert themselves, feel its own value. But think ourselves, whether the sake of this is the sake of this risk, undermining the confidence of the chosen one?

Tips for psychologists for such ladies are simple: pay as much attention as possible relationships. Try not to provoke, do not make a reason for suspicion. It is possible to consult with an experienced psychologist how to get rid of jealousy and how to deal with it in specific circumstances, because each family is individual.

How to react to flirting spouses?

For fear, losing relations, jealousy to his wife and to her past, as a rule, the requirement of love for himself is hiding. There are several reasons for this: a pathological sense of property, egocentrism, uncertainty, a negative example of parents or a tendency to treason itself.

First of all, it is worth thinking that it was the reason for a surge of jealousy. It is unlikely that an innocent flirting is able to cause such negative sensations if you are confident and in your own woman. The reasons are usually deeper and with them it is necessary to understand.

It does not save from treason: it is only a stupid dog that his owner bites and freely misses the thief. - Felix Crivine. Around cabbage

What if a man is jealous of a woman and it is difficult for him to control his own feelings? It is necessary to decide on a frank and calm conversation with the second half, no complaints and resentment. Express your suspicions and describe what you feel when the lady flirts. Explain that such behavior is unacceptable.

You may need to add bright colors to the relationship, remember the former romance and without reason to buy a wife Flowers, make a nice gift, invite to dinner on the road restaurant and speak more often compliments.

Rush together on the journey, which you have dreamed about so long. Diversify sex life. Find an interesting occupation, hobby, which brings you closer even more. Discuss your dreams, plan the future together. Get a diary of common victories: "I learned the stove pies," "participated in the New Year photo shoot", "the collage of wedding photographs hung on the wall", "visited the exhibition of erotic paintings - a desire to draw appeared."

If love is still alive, then such pleasant methods will be healing for your relationship and then the problem of flirting will disappear by itself.