How to meet a guy from the army at the train station? How to nicely meet a guy at the station? How to meet a guy from the army so that your delight knows no bounds

The duration of military service is currently only one year. Girls who consider such a period to be an eternity need to remember that just a few years ago the guys had to serve for two or three years, and in past centuries they served in the army for twenty-five years. Modern girls who complain that a lot of water can leak in a year, that it is impossible to wait for a guy, alas, do not understand that separation extinguishes little love and kindles true, big feelings. Therefore, you need to greet a guy from the army joyfully, so that he feels how much they were waiting for him. There are some great recipes.

Recipe one: visit mutual friends and memorable places
To help your guy adapt to normal life more quickly, go with him to visit mutual friends. Within a year, some of them could get married, some had children, some bought an apartment. The guy will be pleased if you organize meetings with friends.

You probably have your own memorable places where you first met, kissed, declared your love for each other. Be sure to walk through the “places of military glory”, reviving your memories. If new interesting places have appeared in your city over the year, for example, a cafe has opened, go there together. Visit exhibitions, museums, and cinemas more often. Often, guys returning from the army go on a spree, abusing alcohol, because for some friends of a former soldier, returning from the army is an excellent reason to “celebrate”. To prevent this from happening, distract your young man from wasting time, setting him up for positive emotions.

A young man needs to find a job after returning from the army. Support him by trying to offer some of your own options, as if by chance, insert a newspaper with vacancies, and encourage him more often.

Recipe two: set a good table
Returning from the army rarely happens without a feast. Be sure to show off your culinary talents. Don’t try to amaze with some exotic dishes; even ordinary fried potatoes with lard and mushrooms, complemented by salads, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, and homemade cutlets, will delight a person accustomed to a monotonous army menu. Delicious homemade food is what you need to meet a guy from the army.

Recipe three: work on your appearance
Over the course of a year of service, your young man has become unaccustomed to the sight of beautiful, well-groomed girls. He will be pleased if you meet him “in full dress” so that he admires his well-groomed skin, beautiful hairstyle, new elegant dress, skillful makeup. You shouldn’t overdo it: a guy who remembers you as a long-haired blonde is unlikely to like a radical change in appearance. A brunette with a short crew cut on her head, dressed and painted in a Gothic style, will not please your boyfriend. Improve your appearance without changing it too much.

The guy will probably be pleased if during the year of separation you began to take care of yourself more, started visiting the fitness center, and improved your education. A whining girl who has been shedding tears into her pillow all this time will certainly not make an impression.

Recipe four: join forces with your parents
If your boyfriend loves and appreciates his parents, try to become friends with them. It's great when you decide to meet a guy from the army at the train station along with his mom and dad. You can also involve the young man’s friends in the meeting by drawing comic posters and buying balloons. If a young man sees that a large number of close people are sincerely happy about his return from the army, this will cheer him up. And he will begin to appreciate you even more!

When a meeting can be disappointing
The person who came from the army may turn out to be different, not the one whom you saw off a year ago and promised to wait for. If he returned rude and embittered, try to have a heart-to-heart talk with him, to understand what happened during his year of military service.

Situations when a girl does not wait for a guy from the army happen often. But it also happens that a guy comes from the unit with his young wife. What can you do: perhaps he met his true love. It may be that your rival simply took advantage of a situation where the young man simply lacked female affection. In any case, do not sort things out and step aside, no matter how offensive it may be. Don't interfere with someone else's family. If a guy realizes that he was wrong and leaves his random wife, then let this happen without your participation. But always hope for the best.

In this regard, every girl who meets a soldier asks the question: “How to meet a guy from the army so that it is unforgettable?” Let us note right away that this question does not have a universal answer suitable for all couples. Our goal will be to convey to you only some general advice that will help girls who, while waiting to meet their boyfriend, were confused with happiness, collect their thoughts.

How to meet a guy from the army at the train station

How to meet a guy from the army

First, be sure to meet the young man at the station. These first minutes are important not only for the soldier, but also for you. After all, these moments will forever remain in your memory - there are tears in your eyes from joy, your heart breaks out of your chest, there are no words to say anything, only tight hugs. Only one thought will be spinning in the guy’s head: “She waited! She was waiting for me!”

Now you are practically a bride for the guy, and not just a beloved girl who wrote him letters. For the girl he loves, who has been waiting for him, he will be ready to do anything. If you want to tell a guy about your feelings when you meet, you don’t need to be shy about saying tender words, because probably during his service you both have thought more than once about what you will say to each other when you meet. However, having met your eyes, you cannot utter a word, since all the words are mixed up. There is nothing terrible in this, and the heart will help to say at least a word.

Your loved one may ask you to be by his side when meeting with friends, parents and other relatives. Perhaps he wants to introduce you to his family and friends so that they can see and know that his beloved girl was able to maintain her feelings for him for a long period of time. It is better to prepare for this in advance, take a day off from work, and warn that you will not be at the lecture that day.

We are preparing a surprise

While waiting to meet your loved one, you can prepare a surprise for him, which should be given after numerous meetings with relatives, when you are alone. You haven’t seen each other for a long time, and everything that you knew and remembered about each other remained in the past. After all, during this time, while the guy was serving, you both changed, your thoughts, views, and worldviews changed. You think that you love each other the same as before, but the feelings towards you and your feelings were the same as you were before separation. It’s not for nothing that there is an opinion that the army tests feelings.

Having met after a long separation, you will have to get to know each other again and get used to the changes in your personality. Therefore, it would be nice to have a candlelit dinner after a walk to the places where you met or kissed for the first time. Laughter, memories - all this can “revive” your feelings, which will bring you even closer together.

It’s better not to go anywhere in the evening; spend it in a cozy, homely environment, which the soldier missed. You can book a hotel room in advance, ask or set the table in your room yourself and spend the evening together in silence. Cover the table with a beautiful snow-white tablecloth, decorate it with rose petals, light candles, turn off the lights, and turn on a slow, gentle melody. Put on your best outfit, say nice words to each other, flirt - this evening is yours.

It depends on you how the first evening will go after a long separation, what memories the guy who has returned from the army will have.


A romantically set table should be located as far as possible from the TV.

It is better to take holiday cutlery and tablecloth.

It is better to sit opposite each other.

Start your dinner with memories of how it all began; you can look through the joint photographs taken at that time.

For dinner, light food is suitable and it is not necessary that there is a lot of food. Let there be fruits, puddings, ice cream, mousse on the table; this will be enough, because when you are alone, you will talk and remember past feelings.

The long-awaited moment has come when a guy in the past and a man in the present returns from the army. This is a very important event. How to meet a guy from the army so that his surprise and admiration know no bounds? I will offer you several options.

Option number 1: how to meet a guy from the army if you are his girlfriend?

The most long-awaited event is the meeting of loved ones. Why not shorten the time to get there? If you have the opportunity, try to get to him the day before your boyfriend leaves his duty station. Don’t immediately announce your visit; buy a train ticket that will take your loved one home. And thirty minutes after departure, suddenly visit him in the compartment with a bottle of wine or champagne. The young man's delight will know no bounds! And believe me, when you arrive home you won’t be able to spend so much time alone right away!

Option #2: unexpected kidnapping

If you are sure that your boyfriend will use a taxi on the way home from the station, then you have the power to organize a harmless love kidnapping! Agree with the taxi driver that the young man’s point of arrival will be the place you need, regardless of his order. Let the driver take him to some picturesque corner in your city, for example, to the river bank, where you will meet him alone or in the company of friends!

Option number 3: how to meet a guy from the army, if you are his parents

There is no doubt that what awaits the soldier's return most of all is his parents. And naturally, when the moment of a long-awaited meeting arrives, mothers and fathers want more attention from their son. But understand that in the first days you will not

will be able to avoid the company of his friends, girlfriend, etc. Accept this calmly, do not try to get rid of strangers, because strangers are only for you. And it will be much more pleasant for the young man to see that not only his parents were waiting for him and that not only his mother, father and sisters and brothers missed him, but also a whole bunch of people!

Option number 3: if the girl didn’t wait for him

Sad and unfortunate, but unfortunately a common situation. If you are, then the young man will need your support above all. Try not to insult him when you tell him bad news, talk about what happened without unnecessary color, clearly, briefly and to the point. After which the soldier should explain that there have now been many changes in his life that will only lead to the better, that, in addition to her, there are many friends, acquaintances, parents who are incredibly happy to see him! And also you will have to occupy his time with something for the next three days, because... It is in the first three days after receiving sad news that a person is not able to soberly assess the situation. The best adviser, of course, will remain the most beloved woman - mother!

A meeting of a guy from the army must be organized in a special way. After all, this is not just an ordinary event in his life. The time of service, as well as the return, will remain forever in his memory. So show a little imagination before you meet the man you've been waiting for all year!

The long-awaited demobilization day for all parents has arrived! Very soon their boy - now a fully grown man - will return home. How to meet your son from the army? How to turn this day into a real holiday that a young soldier will remember for the rest of his life? These questions worry his family and friends almost the entire 12 months while he is in the army.

We advise you to start preparing for this holiday in advance, slowly, thinking and discussing every detail with your loved ones. It will be just great if you write a rough plan for a future event, because in the turmoil it’s easy to forget about everything in the world! If your son, husband, brother or beloved boyfriend, it's time to get ready to meet him.

On the platform

Undoubtedly, a young man who has just gotten off the train in his hometown will be very pleased to see the faces of his parents or his girlfriend right on the platform.

If your son has always been the life of the party, feel free to gather all your relatives, neighbors, friends, and your favorite shepherd dog, and go to the station.

A more reserved young man will be pleased if only his mother meets him, and later, having coped with the surging feelings, he will happily hug his closest relatives.

How to decorate an apartment

Talk to your son's friends. Knowing his tastes and preferences well, they can give good advice on how to decorate the house for his arrival, and will provide invaluable assistance in decorating. Instruct them to draw and attach posters with greetings all the way from the door to the entrance to the apartment, decorate the house with Chinese lanterns, garlands or flags - in a word, everything that the demobilizer will like.

In summer or early autumn, you can organize a meeting in the yard - decorate the gazebo in an original way, put a barbecue in the yard, and roll in huge pumpkins from the garden. If it’s already cold outside, the celebration will have to be moved indoors. Don't be afraid that it will turn out less solemn! By showing ingenuity and imagination, you can organize an unforgettable meeting even in a one-room apartment.

What to treat a demobilizer

Take a very responsible approach to compiling the holiday menu. Do not forget that the young soldier ate healthy, satisfying, but rather monotonous food for a whole year.

To bring down an avalanche of various delicacies on him means that he will inevitably damage his digestion. Let these be light, tasty dishes, the most favorite of those that he ate before the army. And if you think they are not festive enough, pay attention to the design. Even the most ordinary herring looks like a real culinary masterpiece if you don’t just sprinkle it with onion rings, but lay them out in a beautiful chain or even build a lush bouquet of chrysanthemums using onions of different colors. Show your imagination! You will succeed!

Many people are interested in whether alcohol is appropriate on the table when meeting someone discharged from the army. If alcohol is not accepted in your family, then the problem will automatically go away. If you are buying alcohol for the holiday table, then choose a bottle of good wine or champagne. There is no need to put strong drinks on the table: the hero of the occasion, out of habit, can get very drunk. In addition, copious libations are never good for the holiday. Therefore, find a way to entertain the long-awaited guest and his friends without strong alcohol.

Who to invite

It will be simply wonderful if everyone who is especially dear to the young man gathers at the festive table. It would be wise to refrain from inviting those relatives with whom your son does not have a very warm relationship. The day of returning home should not be overshadowed by unpleasant, painful emotions.

Try to remember all the most interesting, funny, unusual things that happened over the past year. Please the young man with good news about mutual friends, tell him a couple of incredible stories. By the way, you will need regular, not digital photographs - and it would be better in a thick pack, and not in an album. They can be passed from hand to hand, shown to each other, sharing impressions. This will bring everyone closer together, and the young soldier, ceasing to be the center of attention, will be able to relax and feel more relaxed.

What to give a soldier

Take care of gifts. Of course, it would be good to inadvertently inquire in advance - for example, in a letter or by telephone - about what the young man would like to receive. Try to fulfill his request. Such a gift will be long-awaited and most pleasant for him! It doesn't have to be a motorcycle or a new computer. Has your son always dreamed of a purebred dog? Since school he has been buzzing your ears about what a wonderful breed the Rottweiler is, and even managed to choose a sonorous nickname for his future pet? You have a great opportunity to make his dream come true. Believe me, nothing brings a family closer together in these touching moments than a funny baby passing from hand to hand.

Meeting with your girlfriend

Perhaps some of your son’s stories about everyday life in the army will shock you, and his new jokes will seem unfunny and inappropriate. Keep your comments to yourself: You will embarrass your guy if you tell him off in front of his friends.

Remember how many years ago you sent your boy to summer camp. From there he also came changed, with new words and stories that made his parents’ heart skip a beat. However, a couple of weeks later, your child was again in front of you, as you were used to seeing him. Imagine that your adult son went to summer camp, only for a year. Of course, he was affected by his environment and it would take more than a couple of weeks for him to get back to normal.

Be patient and be gentle, otherwise you risk alienating your son. Believe me, soon you will get used to each other again, and life will go on as usual.

It happens that after service a guy doesn’t know what to do with himself. Let him read our article – perhaps this will help him decide.

For a whole year, and sometimes even longer, you do not see your beloved and dear person, who is somewhere far away, in another city/region/country, repaying his debt to the Motherland. Many people wonder: how does a soldier meet from the army? How to meet a loved one, how to please him and what surprises to prepare?

Meeting options

And now there is just a little time left until demobilization. Everyone is waiting, anticipating the long-awaited moment. And for the meeting from the army to truly become unforgettable, you should prepare well for it in order to cheer up both yourself and the demobilized person.

The main gift on this day is you. A meeting with a soldier from the army, the scenario of which you can prepare yourself, can take place in a variety of ways. The most important thing is to create. Therefore, get yourself in order, dress for a holiday. The guy looked at the same-color uniform every day for a long time. A girl (if the weather permits) can wear a light dress that emphasizes her figure. In the last days before demobilization, you should not experiment with your appearance (bright hair colors, huge hairstyles and makeup). The guy will be glad to see his beloved girl the way she looked at him from the photo card all the time they parted.

Meeting from the train to your home

You should contact the guy in advance and find out the specific place where the meeting from the army will take place, and the arrival time of the train. The number of the carriage in which it will arrive will also be useful. It is very important to meet your loved one at the station so that he understands how much you missed him and were waiting for him to come home.

So, there is a meeting of a soldier from the army ahead. The script, competitions and fun entertainment - you have to prepare all this in advance. Gather all your family, loved ones and friends. Buy and give balloons, flags, and lanterns to those you meet. An excellent solution would be painted congratulatory posters on which you can write warm words, express your love and wish them good luck in your future life.

When a meeting of a soldier from the army takes place, posters, photos and various banners will remain a pleasant memory of this bright day. On whatman paper you can write: “Welcome back!”, “Finally, you’re home!”, “Even though you go around all the barracks, you won’t find a better guy!”, “Peace to the world, demobilization to the soldier!”, “Where there is satiety and peace, they are waiting for the soldier to come home! - and everything like that. Take a bottle of champagne with you to relieve the rising tension.

It is impossible to predict in advance how a meeting from the army will happen. This is fine. The main thing is your smile, which will erase all boundaries of embarrassment. To make it easier and more enjoyable, you can prepare some chants:

  • “So our separation is over, parting with you is like torment.”
  • “Our platforms are full of people, wagons are carrying soldiers.”
  • “The demobilization is getting closer, the heart is getting faster, soon happiness will return to us.”
  • “It’s enough to defend the homeland, it’s time for (Evgesha/Andrey/Kirill/Vanyusha/Danil...) to rest.”

We're going home. How to celebrate the return of a soldier home?

What should you prepare first to make the meeting of a soldier from the army fun? Scenario. At home, every minute should be carefully thought out. After tears of happiness, loud laughter and other positive emotions, most likely, relatives will prefer to bring the guy home and feed him properly. Book a taxi in advance to get there faster and avoid wandering around on public transport with things that the guy will bring with him.

Your son, brother, friend or boyfriend whom you are waiting for home is monotonous and has long been tired of it. It is better not to use semi-finished products, since he has also seen and seen them countless times during this time. You probably already brought candies, chocolate and other sweets, fruits and vegetables, dried fruits and nuts to your boyfriend, so you can do without them. Take the time to prepare delicious and healthy homemade food. Give a holiday to both the demobilizer and his stomach.

Of course, we need to work together. You should ask your friends what the guy prefers most. While they go to the store, mother and beloved girl will begin the first preparations. And then the “feast on the mountain” will begin. Prepare, for example, solyanka (it’s unlikely that there was an abundance of meat products in the army), baked potatoes and chicken. You can prepare or order a cake with themed inscriptions about the demobilization.

What not to do

The house should be cleaned, but not changed so much that the former soldier cannot recognize it. He wants to return to his home, the one he dreamed of in his dreams and ideas about demobilization. But even here you can glue posters with inscriptions (“Welcome back!”, “You’re home,” “Welcome home!”, “Home sweet home”), colorful balloons and much more. We need to prepare the house for the arrival of a new old tenant.

Don’t be upset if the discharge does not give you the attention you would like. Understand that many people have missed him and everyone is eager to connect. Everyone, especially his beloved girl, will still have time to talk enough. During home gatherings, he will just want to talk about everything. From how they didn’t want to get up in the morning, to what they were given for dinner. The guy will be overwhelmed with emotions. He will understand that that time cannot be returned, and he will want to remember. Stay close to him and listen carefully. Your support is very important to him now.

Toasts and poems

What should a meeting be like for a soldier from the army? Toasts and poems - what could we do without it? Do not skimp on toasts, wishes and congratulations.

“Our soldier has served.
And how did you survive until demobilization?
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you good health,
So that your boots don't trample,
Love your family and take care."

“We have been waiting for you for a long time,
Day by day was counted.
Separation did not kill us,
But only my love grew stronger.”

Relatives of a service member often imagine what it would be like to welcome a soldier back from the army. Toasts and other congratulations are thought out in advance. The holiday can take place in a completely different scenario. In Russia and Ukraine, it is customary to both see off and greet people with bread, salt and a towel. You can follow this tradition, go to the bakery and order a beautiful loaf, or you can cook it at home. After the former soldier bows deeply to his mother and kisses her hands, he can taste the loaf.

Holiday in private

How the meeting from the army will go depends on many factors. You cannot immediately demand that a young man talk about his plans for the future. It takes time for him to get used to civilian life. After all, after all, during this time you have become unaccustomed to each other, you will have to get used to it. Be patient and remember how much you love this person. The army makes real men out of boys. Now you need to talk to a guy like a real man, so that he feels his importance and the power of his words. An atmosphere of sincere friendly communication will help him quickly return to the rhythm of normal life.

Unforgettable nights

What should a meeting of a soldier from the army look like? The scenario at home often includes a meeting between two lovers. Do not forget about the physiological needs of demobilization. If a guy has a girlfriend who has been waiting for him all this time, the rest will have to overcome their desire to chat all night long about his life in the barracks and allow the couple to be alone.

Then it’s the girl’s turn to throw a party for her boyfriend. Of course, he is looking forward to meeting her, since during this time he has simply incredibly yearned for female warmth and affection. In order for the meeting of a soldier from the army to go wonderfully, it is worth thinking through everything to the smallest detail in advance in order to create a romantic atmosphere. If you do, it’s better not to disturb them and rent a hotel room.

Again, get yourself in order. If you have gained a couple of kilograms during your separation, please lose them by this evening with the help of the gym and diets. Although this is far from the most important. Go shopping thoroughly and choose the best underwear in which you will appear in front of your loved one. Make the bed with beautiful linens.

Don't forget about drinks and light snacks (fruit, for example). Scented candles, quiet pleasant melodies and rose petals will add romance. Don't be too tight, this is your guy. Now is not the time for him to seek your affection. His physical and moral health is now in your hands. Relax, remember your moments together, holidays and situations. Enjoy the night you both have been waiting for. If you want to continue the holiday, then you also need to do this wisely. You can download the guy’s favorite songs in advance and play them on the player in the background, or you can find songs about soldiers and the army and learn them along with demobilization.

Meeting option

You are offered a small scenario of meeting a guy from the army, which you can use for your own purposes. It can be changed or taken whole if necessary. First, don’t forget about the toasts that should flow like a river today (from parents, friends, girlfriend, brothers, etc.).

“To make it more fun at the front,
We’re drinking to demobilization now.”

Comrade captain, we are supposed to eat meat!
- Well, use it.
- But we’re not supposed to!?
- Then don’t you dare use it!

“Whoever served in the army does not laugh at the circus! So let’s drink to our real men, who endured all the clowns nearby and came home with a calm soul!”

“We drink to those whose boots have already rubbed their feet until they bleed.
And even if the soldier falls ill, help is always rushing to him.”

Gifts are nice for everyone

Be sure to give something to your boyfriend/brother/son. For example, things with army paraphernalia, mugs, delicious cakes, T-shirts, pillows, pens, and so on. You can present a demobilized person with good equipment or clothes. Over the course of a year, his tastes may have changed, so don’t skimp and buy your loved one good branded clothing.

Meeting a soldier from the army: competitions

Competitions that will amuse both the demobilizer and his entourage:

  • "Guess where I served." You need to buy whatman paper in advance, make a round hole in it where you can insert your head, draw the man’s arms and legs and the required attributes and shape. The man puts his head in and becomes this soldier. He must guess which troops his character served in by asking leading questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” For example: “Am I wearing a beret?”, “Is it blue?”
  • It's time to check how and what was taught in the army. We make two teams and conduct a speed relay race. Whose team will run to the leader faster, put on a gas mask, go back, take off and pass the baton to another.
  • "Decryption". You need to form a word from the letters provided.
  • Soldiers often receive parcels of provisions, especially on holidays. And as a rule, not everyone waits until lights out or free time to open them. As soon as you tear open the box, it already smells of all sorts of goodies. You can make a battle of generations: old men and fathers who have served for a long time, and young people. They approach everyone in turn and give them a chance to smell a certain spice or something else. You must first determine what kind of dish or product it is, and then select those that can be transferred to the army and which cannot.

  • "Swamp". Soldiers often needed to get out of the most unpredictable places, often trail by trail. Before us is a relay race, two teams, four pieces of paper. Each team is given two. By standing on one piece of paper, pushing the other one towards you, and pushing the first one again in front of you, you need to get to your destination.
  • Competition "Perestroika", or "Build!" Everyone stands in one line. People will need to line up in a certain order: height, eye color (from lightest to darkest), hair length, first letters of name (in alphabetical order), leg length, arm length, neck length, waist circumference, and so on. The most important thing is to do it without words.


In any case, no matter how much you prepare, you cannot foresee everything in advance. Your main task is to ensure that the meeting of the soldier from the army (scenario, competitions, congratulations) goes well. Be sincere and willing to communicate, help the soldier get used to the role of a civilian guy again. No wonder you've been waiting for it for so long!