What to choose a gift for the new year to yourself. What to give your friends for the New Year? "Enjoy Your Bath!" - men's bath set in a gift bag

The New Year is a favorite holiday for Russians, not only because of the long weekend, but also because of childhood memories. This night has always been mysterious and magical, because waking up in the morning, you could find a cherished gift under the tree. Childhood is over, and the New Year is still associated with miracles, so on this day I want to make the best surprises for my family and friends.

TOP 5: the most popular gifts

According to surveys of people of different age categories and social affiliations, statistics were compiled of the most common gifts that are usually given for the New Year 2019. The top five were:

These New Year's gifts are in the TOP 5 most popular statistics because they are universal. That is, you can prepare several similar presentations, put them in a bag and go to friends and acquaintances. Also, such a supply will help not to get into a mess if you are suddenly congratulated by a person from whom you did not expect a gift. You can get one of the prepared souvenirs and give him a return gift.

Most wanted gifts

Unfortunately, the list of gifts that people usually give each other is noticeably different from the list of what everyone would like to receive in the New Year 2019. And it is as follows:

Gifts for loved ones

In addition to the above options for New Year's gifts, there are many more ideas. We specify them and classify them into categories to make it easier to choose.


When children are just starting to earn money, they try to give their parents pleasant surprises, and not only on holidays. As a New Year's present for 2019, you can present mom and dad:

You should not give parents for the New Year devices for measuring pressure, blood glucose and other medical devices. Save them for other holidays, and on a magical night, please mom and dad with something nice.


Everything is simple here. Kids will be happy with any toy:

  • soft;
  • on radio control;
  • constructor
  • doll, etc.

The choice depends on the age of the son or daughter and the preferences of the child.

Suitable for an older child:

  • mobile phone;
  • player;
  • camera;
  • creative table lamp;
  • original alarm clock;
  • skates, etc.

- see in a separate review.


Girls are always very attentive to their boyfriends, so they prepare in advance for choosing a gift. They “probe the soil” long before the New Year: they ask a young man what he dreams about, observe what he lacks, etc. If there is no idea at all, then you can give the guy:

Any man is pleased to receive a gift from a girl that she made with her own hands. You can knit the same sweater, sew a cozy pillow for a car or paint a photo frame.


The beautiful half of humanity is very picky about gifts, so men should choose them with great care.


It is not worth giving each of your colleagues something expensive and significant. This will oblige people to make a return gesture. Therefore, it is better to choose some cute little things, and preferably monotonous, so as not to single out one of your colleagues. These can just be gifts from the category of universal ones:

The gift to the boss should be more substantial, and it is better if it is collective, from all employees. The bosses are usually presented with expensive pens, collectible alcohol, leather folders for papers ...


Gifts for friends and colleagues

Also added to the list:

  • game "Monopoly" on the theme of your city;
  • game "Twister";
  • puzzles with a large number of elements;
  • plaid;
  • elegant New Year's tablecloth;
  • a set of salt or pepper shakers;
  • something from household appliances (toaster, coffee maker, mixer ...).

Where to buy gifts?

New Year's Eve shopping is a mini-holiday in itself. The hustle and bustle, shimmering garlands in shop windows and elegant Christmas trees in the halls of shopping centers - all this unusually cheers you up. Therefore, many people prefer to buy gifts in the last 2-3 days before the New Year 2019. But this is impractical, because prices at this time are inflated to the maximum. Saving money will allow you to go shopping in advance (at least a week or two in advance).

There is another option: ordering New Year's gifts via the Internet. This will allow you to distinguish yourself at any holiday, because you can find original and unusual things on the World Wide Web. Purchases should be ordered a month before the New Year, because. unforeseen force majeure and the non-arrival of a gift on time can spoil the whole New Year's mood.

Article discussion:


    I took note of a couple of gift ideas for myself, after all, the New Year is already approaching. And by the way, my mother gives me a candle every New Year in the form of a symbol of the coming year, I already have a collection of 7 different animals)


    I always prepare for the new year in advance, I like to give gifts made by myself. Usually I knit something, sew toys and pillows with the symbol of the new year, decoupage champagne bottles or New Year's topiaries.


    I love unique handmade gifts. For the last New Year, I knitted socks for my husband, and he built a shelf for flowers for me - such gifts are one of a kind!


    I gave my grandmother a homemade waterfall made of artificial flowers) this is when flowers fall from a tea mug to another tea mug (from one set), and ladybugs and butterflies are on the flowers. It turned out very well and my grandmother is happy)))


    I love planning gifts ahead of time. Last year, my husband received computer speakers as a gift from me.


    Great ideas! I'm just looking for Christmas gifts for my family and friends! I want to give my husband a knitted sweater! Well, I would like a huge teddy bear!

    Rita Titarenko

    I love the New Year because you can give people gifts. My husband and I have already become a tradition to give each other eau de toilette. Well, we always give bonuses))) for example, I can give something for fishing, and he is a pendant on a chain. We always give parents something for the home (a set of glasses, spice stands, a carafe for alcohol, a blanket). We often give alcohol to friends))))


    Most often, they give me souvenirs for the New Year, New Year's toys, cosmetics or household trifles.

    Dmitry Levdansky

    I gave my wife rings and earrings, pendants and other jewelry, perfumes and underwear. But this is not all. A gift to a loved one should be from the heart! It should evoke impressions and emotions. There must be an impulse! Therefore, my best gift was: a dinner for two (cooked by the way by me and author's plush toys vk.com/lubozveri_shop) In second place is a bouquet of sweets. I don't give clothes, it's stupid. Cinema and theater tickets are common.


    PhotoMosaic will be a magnificent and shocking gift! PhotoMosaic is a portrait consisting of hundreds of small photos. Up close, you can easily see each photo, while it is worth taking a step back - and you will immediately see how they add up into a single picture.

Hello everybody!

The winter time has come when we go to the store and think about what to buy in order to please our loved ones and relatives again. Indeed, on New Year's Eve it has already become a tradition to make surprises for those whom we cherish and those whom we love so much. It’s better to make a list so that you don’t forget about anyone.

Now tinsel, balls ... in general, beauty. Take a solid cardboard base and cut out a bagel. Put tinsel on it in a spiral.

And then decorate with balls and cones using a glue gun.

In addition, the other day I already had, if you want, drop in for a visit, there are a lot more ideas from all sorts of things.

But for the lazier, I can offer a souvenir in the form of a fruit bouquet or a masterpiece of sweets. On the blog, also, which gives step-by-step instructions, so if you are interested, see. Be sure to add tangerines as decorations and, because they remind everyone of this particular holiday.

And since we came to the sweets, then you can assemble a sled or any other composition from them.

So everything is in your hands, take your favorite idea and turn it into reality.

Even a souvenir will come out of an ordinary chocolate bar.

And did it ever occur to you to give an ordinary glass ball or a transparent one made of plastic, and inside you can put any of your photos or

You can add glitter or artificial snow.

Quite unusually, you can even wrap fruit, like this:

From coffee beans, make a whole application or fridge magnet.

Such a figurine made of cardboard in the form of a Christmas tree can become a wonderful souvenir. In general, there are more such crafts, you can still see.

After all, they can be created from anything, even from tea bags.

Of course, these offerings can also be purely symbolic, they are cut with a special cutter or an ordinary clerical knife (scalpel). Sew the middle with white thread or fasten with a stapler. Take a stencil and create, friends.

Unexpectedly, but very original, the game will become if you give each friend a lottery ticket with a pig, and then play them on the upcoming night. All templates, who need to request through comments, I send to email during the day. All you have to do is print and distribute. And then award prizes to the winners.

And one more idea, I found it on the YouTube channel - moving 4 D cubes in the form of a postcard. Watch and learn.

What to give friends and family for the New Year 2019

Well, our beloved relatives are always in the first place with us, so we are ready to go shopping for hours in search of the right little thing. Let's think together what we can present to parents on this magical winter day.

I suggest not to forget in any case about anyone. So I thought about it and decided to take each separately. I hope my recommendations will help you with your choice. After all, it will soon be done. Although I think that our mothers and fathers, grandparents will be happy with any sign of attention, even if it is not expensive, but you can arrange everything in an original and beautiful way.

Well, let's get started. Remember only one thing, this issue should be approached individually. So let's go.

Inexpensive Christmas Gift Ideas for Mom

I think that for our beloved mothers, you can dedicate poems endlessly and they will undoubtedly be happy about this. But what if you take sweets and lay out the necessary words from them that any person will be happy with. Get these candy sets.

The next present can be absolutely any thing for her wardrobe, for example, a scarf around her neck or a stole or snood.

And also cool mittens with fluff.

Or a set of mittens, gloves and a scarf.

In addition, it has become fashionable to give a plaid, which is made unusually, in the form of special sleeves. Wow class!

If you know mom's makeup preferences, then pick one of these.

Or, for example, handmade soap will also delight. But, gels or shampoos, this is very banal. Don't be like that.)

For needlewomen, it can be the best gift option for creativity.

There are also magazines on sale on this topic, depending on what she is fond of, then hand it to her.

A table lamp can become an unusual and unforgettable souvenir.

Well, in conclusion, I want to say that if you want your mother to be healthy, then give her a subscriber to the pool or gym.

Of the standard gifts, like any woman, your mother may like a set of bed linen, it never hurts.

For modern moms, attributes in the form of a camera or digital photo frames are perfect.

Well, what about without a postcard, just no way, create it with your own hands.

What budget gift to present to dad

Well, here we picked up gifts for mom, and inexpensive and quite original. But daddies are always so hard to please. And it's always harder to get something. Gel and a razor immediately come to mind. It seems to me that this is a standard gift option.

Therefore, it is better to purchase, for example, something necessary for their favorite car, like a car scraper with heated windows.

Another common option is any bath set or aroma oils for the sauna.

You can order a specially and individually designed case design for a smartphone from young craftswomen.

This also includes a stylish wallet.

Or give him cool and warm gloves. Especially if your dad is a hunter, he will be very happy.

If your beloved dad loves to drink tea or coffee, then why not please him with such a present again.

You can give any witty game and fight).

Men, like us women, love jewelry, so you can give a chain or a bracelet.

A bottle of wine or cognac will be to the liking of the stronger sex.

Also on the site you can order an exclusive work in the form of a portrait, or in an online store.

Of course, an exclusive T-shirt with inscriptions.

Or if the father is a business man, buy him a tie, although in style it can be timed to coincide with the New Year.

Or a floor lamp or lamp.

For motorists, you can beautifully wrap seat covers or a DVR, as well as a navigator in a purse.

Avid hunters will love the idea of ​​felt boots.

Surprise sister and brother with gifts

The next question is also important, because we all have such relatives, both relatives and cousins. Therefore, from everything that I have already described, I can add. What a great solution would be a set of towels from a yellow earthen pig. You can give a girl waffle ones for the kitchen, and a guy - bath ones.

Probably the simplest gift option will be a symbol of the coming year, it can be a keychain or a ceramic or metal charm.

As well as a piggy bank for savings.

Last year, my sister gave me a shawl decorated with beads, knitted with her own hands. I really liked it!

Well, you can buy a brother or yourself, if you are fond of, knit a set of winter things in the new hip-hop Snapback style.

Also, anyone will like a key holder or a keychain on a bag.

What can be given to grandparents on the night of December 31 to January 1

I think that our most distant relatives, but at the same time our loved ones, need help organizing the atmosphere of the holiday, so I propose to give them a garland-curtain.

You can also give both grandparents a blanket or a blanket. Create the comfort you need.

And here's another idea - heated slippers.

And you know, you can give a mask for pleasant dreams with humor.

I think that they will not mind a new shelf for press or books.

Or they will definitely be delighted with a wall clock.

To decorate the table, you can use such knitted things for cutlery.

A beautiful craft can be created from tinsel and sweets, take a look, you can find more details. In the same way, you can easily hide a bottle of champagne or wine.

Here is another idea, grandma and grandpa will be happy with a photo frame in the form of a collage, because it is not only fashionable and cool now, but they will also be seen most often in these photos.

What gifts can be presented to your beloved wife (girl)

Well, it's probably not a secret to anyone that a girl's best friends are diamonds, so give your beloved jewelry made of gold or silver. She will definitely be happy!

Well, each of us considers herself a queen. So guess what I mean?

Or go with her and choose a dress that she will be charming in.

Any girl or housewife will be delighted with a certificate to any hairdressing salon or spa. And also for example in a gym or a fitness club.

And you can even surprise and give her a heart rate monitor if she is actively interested in sports.

In addition, you can use another hint - to give what your woman, wife dreams of. For example, it will be household appliances, a multi-baker or a waffle iron. I have such a thing, I'm delighted.

Here, from unusual gifts, you can present a robot vacuum cleaner.

All kinds of air purifiers or humidifiers.

Well, or for example, a handmade perpetual calendar.

If your chosen one travels often, then she will like a scooter suitcase.

Well, if you don’t know the girl’s interests at all, then she will definitely like flowers or a cake.

Because everyone loves sweets.

Also, we women are very fond of everything primitive, the main thing is attention:

  • Take a photo of a Hollywood star Funny with the name of your chosen one;
  • Underwear set;
  • Elite spirits;
  • Romantic trip to any city in the world;
  • Name site, good idea);
  • Cool calendar for next year;
  • Scented candles or candlestick;
  • Film and presentation about her;
  • Pets;
  • And finally, a marriage proposal, if you are not yet married.

And also, men, especially for you, I scanned a bunch of things in one magazine that you can still give to your wives or beloved girls, choose and don’t say later that you don’t know how to surprise us.

After all, it can be various small accessories, nice things:

And finally, interests:

And finally, heid-ment presents that you can make yourself:

We choose gifts for my husband (beloved guy) for little money

If your betrothed likes to often spend time hunting or fishing, then he will like the idea with such gadgets.

Any business man will be happy with a computer flash drive, because you can record your favorite songs on it or store documents for work. And it can be cool, in the form of keys and with inscriptions.

I think he will be delighted with a stylish watch.

And here is another masterpiece, a portrait figurine, how about this?

Or a personalized towel or robe?

In addition, you can be witty and buy at least dad, even husband a flying alarm clock.

And also all men are children at heart, mine still dreams of a helicopter on the control panel.

You can also buy a ticket to the shooting gallery.

The next option is a fitness watch.

And here are some more points to the virtual world, if your beloved is a dreamer and loves all that.

A box with a surprise, and inside a year's supply of socks, ah-ha.

And here are a couple of ideas from the YouTube channel. Watch the video faster.

What can you give to friends (boyfriend or girlfriend) on New Year's Eve

Already scratching your head over this issue. Then, you have an exclusive right away. If your friends both drive a car, then give them a steering wheel cover or an air freshener.

At all times, a gift from dishes remains popular, but you pack it so that it is a surprise.

In addition, do not forget about Christmas tree decorations, balls, garlands and the like.

What Christmas gift to give a child

Approaching this issue, you need to immediately pay attention to the age category. Because of course, the older the child, the more requirements he has and he himself asks and indicates what he wants. For example, ask to write a letter to Santa Claus and you will find out what he is waiting for.

For toddlers or babies you can organize such a present, buy jumpers or walkers.

As well as various bathroom accessories, such as toys.

In addition, you can use this list.

Slightly older children who 1 year and up to 3 years- a learning center, such as a gurney or a magic music cube.

The next option may be toys, for example, developing or aimed at fine motor skills. Now it has become fashionable to make bodyboards yourself or buy them.

Or, for example, a tent, in the form of a machine transport or your favorite cartoon characters.

Also, anyone will be delighted with a photo session, where your child and all of you will be in the lead roles.

If your child loves interactive toys, then why not take advantage of this.

If there are no jumpers, then correct the situation.

It can also be a dry pool with balls, balls and skittles. And of course, sweet gifts from Santa Claus.

Here are some more interesting ideas that I forgot to tell about, choose:

I can offer Lol dolls to girls.

You can also choose a learning computer, fairy tales and creative kits.

Thematic didactic games, such as a hospital, a hairdresser, etc., are perceived well by the children. So take advantage of this.

Race tracks, cars, dolls, favorite cartoon characters - everything that your children will be happy about. Girls will definitely be delighted with the dollhouse.

The railroad or autotrack will please the boys.

Now it has become fashionable to buy magnetic constructors or bamchams.

And also kinetic sand, which is so good that you yourself will play.

Last year we bought a synthesizer with a microphone for our kids.

children 8-10 the following presentations will be of interest:

For girls:

  • dresses, outfits, etc.;
  • dolls, such as Barbie, or Hai;
  • dollhouse with furniture;
  • sets for quilling, beadwork, sand paintings, etc.;
  • rollers, skates, a bicycle and even a skipping rope, etc.

For boys:

  • game console;
  • dinosaurs, robots;
  • children's cars, guns, weapons;
  • hockey stick. soccer ball or skates;
  • console games.

In fact, this is only a small part, you can see everything else when you come to Detsky Mir or some other toy store. Make dreams come true and your child will be happy.

For older children, so as not to miscalculate ( 11 — 13 years) it is better to give a certificate to the same store and let the adult "cub" choose a gift for himself.

That's all, in fact, the main thing is attention. Therefore, whatever you donate, if you invest a part of yourself, then this person will feel it and will be very happy. Become a real magician and try to fulfill the dream of each of your loved ones.

Happy New Year, gentlemen, I congratulate you and wish you good health, happiness and mutual understanding! Good luck! Till.

Best regards, Ekaterina

Before the New Year holidays, we are all covered by the joyful fuss caused by the purchase of gifts and the preparation of parties. This is due not only to cheerful expectations, but also to significant financial expenses. It is not necessary to buy valuable presents for everyone, our list of 70 inexpensive gifts for the New Year 2019 will help to please loved ones and not be left stranded after the holidays.

List of the best inexpensive gifts for the New Year 2019

  1. Christmas decorations. It is quite possible to find a beautiful and inexpensive ball, even hand-painted. You can also pick up an interesting toy, for example, in ethnic style or made from natural materials.
  2. New Year's composition. You can make it yourself, for example, from spruce branches, candles, tinsel, etc.
  3. Themed candles. Ladies often give scented candles, multi-colored, decorated with tinsel, and a man can pick up something more strict.
  4. Festive composition of sweets. To make it cheaper, you can do it yourself using master classes from the Internet. A good idea is to make a pig out of sweets - a symbol of the New Year 2019.
  5. Nice case or phone case. Everyone uses smartphones today, so your gift will come in handy, the main thing is to choose the right model.
  6. Movie tickets or New Year's Eve tickets. Before the New Year, a huge number of festive events take place. Choose tickets for the one that the recipient will definitely like.
  7. Winter mittens. So that dear people do not freeze in their hands, give them cool mittens, you can with an original pattern. You can give a loved one pair of mittens to hold hands, even in the most severe frosts.
  8. A warm scarf. If you are friends with knitting needles, you can knit it yourself. If not, buy an inexpensive and beautiful product.
  9. Book. Knowing the tastes of the recipient, it will not be difficult to pick up an interesting little book - fiction, reference books or something else.
  10. Gloves for smartphones. Using the touch screen in cold weather is not easy because of the cold. And screen gloves would be a great solution.
  11. Nice warm socks. By themselves, socks are considered not the best gift, but if they are knitted, with an interesting pattern, then such a present can be given to a loved one.
  12. Massage pillow under the neck. It will come in handy on a long journey or while relaxing in front of the TV.
  13. Bottle of alcohol. Such a present can be very expensive, but quite budget options are also allowed, for example, craft beer or homemade wine.
  14. New Year's cookies. Before the holiday, gingerbread in the form of Christmas trees and other New Year's attributes in beautiful boxes appear on store shelves. They make a great inexpensive gift.
  15. Original T-shirt. Such a gift can be presented for the New Year 2019 to a loved one, as this is a rather personal thing. A great idea is to choose a T-shirt with an original print, such as a photo of the recipient.
  16. Nice mug. A good memorable gift would be a mug with New Year's greetings or a thematic pattern. You can also decorate your gift with a photo of the recipient or choose a chameleon cup with a pattern that changes under the influence of the high temperature of the drink.
  17. Photo album. This is a traditional inexpensive present, and everyone will surely like it and come in handy.
  18. Plaid. An excellent choice would be a cozy plaid with sleeves.
  19. Video greeting. It will appeal to a loved one with whom you have a lot in common. Surely the disc with heartfelt congratulations will be reviewed more than once.
  20. Bijouterie. Is this a great gift for women? who love unusual jewelry. It is not necessary to choose something expensive, budget products are also beautiful and fashionable.
  21. Magnetic board for the refrigerator. On it you can make notes and draw if inspiration suddenly comes.
  22. Handmade soap with natural ingredients to the taste of the recipient.
  23. Master class with a trainer. One lesson will not cost much, but it will please an enthusiastic person.
  24. Box of tangerines. This is a traditional New Year's delicacy that will delight children and adults.
  25. Compact thermos or thermo mug. They come in handy on long winter walks.
  26. Beautiful card. This is a nice and inexpensive gift for the New Year 2019. Not even a gift, but a cute sign of attention that can please you on a holiday.
  27. A jar of jam. You can choose something traditional, such as raspberry or strawberry, as well as original, such as cone jam.
  28. New Year's apron. It will appeal to everyone who loves to cook and is happy to create new culinary masterpieces.
  29. Glowing glasses. They will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table.
  30. Candies with wrappers-congratulations. Order multi-colored pieces of paper with pleasant words from the printing house and replace the original candy wrappers with them.
  31. Cool tea strainer, for example, in the form of a Christmas tree, a fish, a submarine or a funny little man resting.
  32. beautiful flask with name engraving.
  33. A set of several types of tea. They can be coolly packaged by building, for example, a Christmas tree.
  34. Christmas teapot.
  35. Set for making mulled wine. This drink is traditionally associated with the New Year holidays, and it will certainly come in handy these days. And for those who do not drink alcohol, you can add grape juice to the set instead of wine.
  36. Molds for New Year's cookies. Such a gift will please the hostesses.
  37. Basket with goodies. Choose what the recipient will like - sweets, cheeses, fruits. Only meat products, especially pork, cannot be given. The patron of 2019, the Yellow Pig, will definitely not approve of this.
  38. Decorative holiday napkins. You can embroider them with your own hands or buy ready-made ones.
  39. Notepad, diary or notebook. These are universal gifts that will be useful to literally everyone so as not to forget anything.
  40. Photo Frame. Such a traditional and versatile present will come in handy in any family.
  41. Beautiful pen. You can give a girl a pen decorated with rhinestones, or in the form of a flower. And a pen with a personalized engraving will become a universal present.
  42. Board game, such as lotto or monopoly.
  43. Puzzle. A diligent person will like to slowly fold a beautiful picture with his own hands.
  44. Makeup brushes or sponges They will please beautiful ladies.
  45. Handmade bath bombs or other natural cosmetic product.
  46. Wireless speaker. They are not at all expensive, especially if you do not chase well-known brands.
  47. Jewelry holder. It is beautiful, inexpensive and such a gift will definitely appeal to a lady who loves jewelry.
  48. Keychain multitool. A useful present that will help out in many difficult situations. The patroness of the year, Pig, loves practical things, so she will appreciate such a gift.
  49. Small table clock.
  50. Casket. The lady will love the jewelry box, embellished with carvings or rhinestones. And it is better for a man to give a practical tool box.
  51. Flashlight. It gets dark early in winter, so such a present will be useful, especially if there are problems with evening lighting in the area where the seller lives.
  52. Photo collage. This is a good gift for a very close and dear person with whom you have a very close relationship.
  53. Lip balm. In cold winter weather, it will protect lips from wind and frost. The representative of the stronger sex can choose a special men's balm without color and shine.
  54. Flash drive. This present is more expensive, but very useful and versatile, as everyone who works with a PC will like it.
  55. Piggy bank. A simple traditional ceramic piggy bank, and a modern electronic one that collects coins on its own will be a good present. This is a great reminder of the symbol of the new 2019 and a great souvenir.
  56. Antistress toys. Those who are nervous a lot because of work and domestic troubles will like such cool trinkets.
  57. Home plant. Many women adore them, and a man may like an interesting and unpretentious cactus. And a child can be presented with a herb - a toy in which grass grows instead of hair.
  58. Original coffee spoon. It can be used both as a measuring spoon and as a clip for a drink bag.
  59. small table lamp or powered by USB to illuminate the laptop keyboard.
  60. Cool cutting board set or coasters for hot for the kitchen.
  61. Unusual calendar for next year. You can use it to create a photo of the recipient or buy a ready-made flip or wall calendar.
  62. Sweater for a mug. This is a nice and very cheap gift. Even a child can tie it with his own hands.
  63. Christmas tree portable charger. The gift is useful and at the same time quite New Year's.
  64. USB hub in the form of a pig with piglets. Anyone who works a lot with a computer and connects a lot of devices, such a present will seem like a real find.
  65. Set of covers for documents. You can also choose a case for your smartphone in the same style.
  66. Pocket mirror embellished with rhinestones. This is a wonderful gift for the New Year 2019 for a beautiful lady.
  67. Grill mesh. Such a gift will appeal to everyone who loves outdoor recreation, barbecue and picnics.
  68. Unusual headphones. The girl will like the heart-shaped headphones, and the guy in the form of bolts. They can also glow or connect with lightning.
  69. LED candle. This is a beautiful and completely safe alternative to traditional wax candles.
  70. New Year's apple marshmallow in beautiful packaging.

With such gifts, you will be able to please and surprise all your dear people for the New Year 2019 without causing serious damage to your wallet.

New Year is perhaps the only holiday of the year, always shrouded in an atmosphere of fabulousness and mystery. This feeling is created largely due to the good tradition of mutual exchange of New Year's gifts.

Each of us tries to present at least a small souvenir to relatives, friends or colleagues on a festive night, receiving positive emotions and a joyful smile in return. At the same time, I really want the present to please and be useful to the recipient. Here are a few tips and ideas to help make choosing a gift easier.

What can not be given

Even if there is enough time to buy a gift, it is easy to succumb to the temptation and start sweeping away the tasteless New Year's baubles, made in the form of symbols of the upcoming year according to the Chinese calendar. It is better to refuse such a practice, especially since you can often buy something more meaningful for the cost of a banal souvenir - a good book, a small set of dishes. The only exception is the case when the gift is intended for a person who collects such items as a hobby.

Another group of gifts that should be avoided are perfumes and cosmetics, including decorative ones. Most likely, the future donor will not be able to choose the right fragrance or shade, and will not know for what type of skin or what hair creams, masks, lotions and other similar products will be required. For approximately the same reasons, you should not give clothes, especially underwear (unless, of course, the gift is intended for a close family member): the size can still be guessed occasionally, but preferences cannot. In both cases, a gift certificate will be a good alternative, the happy owner of which will be able to choose something to his taste.

Christmas gift ideas for loved ones

Choosing gifts for your family members is not as easy as it might seem. The thing is that in this case you have to fight the urge to give something practical, like another saucepan or a pair of good socks. We should not forget that the New Year is the time for the fulfillment of cherished desires, so forget about practicality and try to discreetly find out what the people around you want. It is convenient if loved ones for whom gifts are bought use wish lists: links to them can sometimes be found in profiles on social networks. If there is no wish list, then you should strain yourself and remember if there were any specific wishes regarding the gift - or even ask directly, and give exactly what was “ordered”.

The answer to the question of what to give a child will help you find Santa Claus. If your child still firmly believes in his existence, invite him to write a letter to the fabulous grandfather on his own or with the help of adults. Thus, you will find out what the baby wants most of all, and you will definitely be able to please with a gift. Young children most often dream about new toys, books, pets. Advanced teenagers will definitely like some modern gadget or a fashion item among young people.

There are a lot of ideas about what to give mom. Our closest people are accustomed to denying themselves in many ways in favor of the family, so the New Year is a great occasion to pamper mommy. Give her a certificate for a spa visit, tickets to a concert of your favorite artist, an interesting excursion, or any of the items that make everyday life easier.

The biggest confusion when buying New Year's gifts is the question of what to give a husband or what to give a wife. In this case, the following tips will help you navigate in the right direction:

Any man will be pleased to receive something related to his hobby. Even if you curse fishing, hunting or football 364 days a year, make an exception on New Year's Eve. Believe me, you yourself will get a lot of pleasure, watching how happy your husband is with a new spinning rod, a hunting flask or tickets for a football match.

If the spouse is a car enthusiast, then a win-win option would be to buy any accessories for his iron lady. What exactly to buy can be suggested by the husband's friends or employees of the station where he services the car.

It's much easier with women. As a rule, long before the holiday, they themselves hint at the desired gift in various ways. The main thing is to notice the hint in time. If, on the eve of the New Year, the wife began to complain that her favorite perfume was running out, or instead of a friend, she began to take you shopping for various reasons, pestering you with the question “how do you like this dress (earrings, ring, etc.)”, is a direct call to action. Remember - ladies are never enough dresses, jewelry and cosmetics.

Original gifts for the New Year

It often happens that the person who wants to give a gift is wealthy, and it is difficult to surprise him with material things. Especially if the donor does not have large funds.

There is a very good way out of this situation - give vivid impressions or memories!

You can make a gift with your own hands

Select photos that reflect the most pleasant and joyful moments in a person's life and arrange them in a beautiful photo book, collage, or mount and burn a slide show to disk. A variety of gift certificates will also come in handy. For example, a certificate for a parachute jump or a breathtaking flight in a hot air balloon.

Secret Santa Rules

In a large team, a game called "Secret Santa" will help to make the traditional procedure of presenting gifts more exciting and fun. It will definitely bring an element of festive mystery to the corporate party.

The essence and rules of the game are as follows. A few weeks before the New Year, all employees get together, write their names on identical pieces of paper and put them in some kind of container. After that, the contents of the vessel are mixed, and each of the workers pulls out one leaf with a name. According to the terms of the game, he is obliged to make a gift to a colleague whose name is written on a piece of paper. The purchased present is not handed over personally, but signed and placed under the corporate Christmas tree. Thus, an exciting intrigue is preserved, because the person who received the gift can only guess who it is from. This way of presenting gifts is also suitable for a large family or company.

How to wrap a gift beautifully

Gift wrapping is just as important as the present itself, as even the sight of beautifully wrapped boxes creates a festive mood and gives anticipation of something special. This issue should be approached creatively. For example, to have fun and keep the intrigue longer, a small present can be packed in a huge box or you can use several boxes of different sizes inserted one into the other. In the design itself, traditional New Year's colors are welcome - white, red, green, as well as various symbols of the upcoming holiday in the form of snowflakes, sledges, deer, snowmen and other paraphernalia. Don't forget to include a small card with warm wishes in the box.

The editors of the site advise you to take the choice of New Year's gifts responsibly, and then you will get no less portion of pleasure than from receiving them!
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