Caesarean section - "Caesarean after IVF". IVF after caesarean section

Despite the fact that IVF is no longer a unique procedure in our country, it is still surrounded by a lot of myths. For example, many women are sure that childbirth after IVF will only be artificial, through a caesarean section. Is this so, we will try to figure it out in this article.

During the existence of the IVF procedure, more than 4 million such babies have appeared in the world. This allowed doctors to accumulate a lot of information about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, labor, the very moment of the birth of a child, its development in the first days of life.

One of the main conclusions is that IVF children are no different from those conceived in the usual way. The same goes for childbirth.

Women who conceive a child through the IVF procedure go on to have a normal pregnancy and go through a normal birth. In theory.


In practice, childbirth after IVF most often really takes place with the help of a caesarean section. But the reason is not in the method of conceiving a child, but in the characteristics of the body of the woman herself.

Healthy, young people who do not have pathologies, chronic diseases and other unpleasant moments in their personal history rarely resort to the IVF procedure. Most often, they themselves can conceive, endure and give birth.

If medical assistance is required already in the first paragraph, this means that health leaves much to be desired. Therefore, most often, natural childbirth after IVF is associated with a certain risk, which doctors try to minimize by prescribing a caesarean section.

Read also: Pros and cons of partner or joint childbirth

Why is a caesarean section prescribed?

When childbirth after IVF pregnancy is discussed, in most cases, at the slightest indication, doctors recommend a caesarean section. And there may be many:

  • Age after 35 years. The older the mother, the more difficult the birth can be. Women try not to think about their age, but the body cannot be deceived by a youthful appearance and youthful enthusiasm, and after a certain age it is better not to risk going for natural childbirth.
  • Multiple pregnancy. Often, during IVF, several replantations are done, in the hope that at least one embryo will take root. But sometimes two and three take root. The doctor may suggest a reduction procedure, ie. to remove the “superfluous”, but not everyone goes for this, especially since it increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.
  • Medical indicators. Often, IVF mothers do not have the best state of health, which did not allow them to conceive on their own. And any deviations (inflammation, neoplasms, preeclampsia) can be a reason to do a cesarean.
  • Fear. The banal fear of parents and doctors to lose a child conceived against all odds. After all, any childbirth is an unpredictable process, while caesarean is more predictable.

Considering all these factors, it should not be surprising that natural childbirth after IVF is much less common than caesarean section.

Reasons for natural childbirth

Of course, caesarean after IVF is by no means the rule. If the woman who did it is young and healthy, and the reason was in a man, then nothing prevents her from going to an independent birth. The same applies to surrogate mothers, one of the requirements for which is good health.

Thus, natural childbirth is quite possible. But provided that the expectant mother does not have any contraindications to them.

Of course, she can try to insist on conventional childbirth, contrary to the opinion of doctors, but the reasonableness of such an act is very doubtful. Is it worth risking the health of a child who has come at the cost of such sacrifices and efforts?

As for the stimulation of labor, here, too, everything depends on the characteristics of the mother's body. In most cases, she comes at the right time. If the expected date of delivery during IVF has already passed, but there are no prerequisites, the doctor may decide on artificial stimulation.

Date of birth

By the way, artificial conception is one of the few situations where the estimated date of birth will be very accurate. In other cases, it is impossible to know the date of fertilization of egg implantation. Even the best methods will give an error of several days.

Women who have passed the in vitro fertilization protocol have been thinking about the issue of delivery since the moment of pregnancy planning. Since for many years some couples did not have the opportunity to have a long-awaited child, and with the slightest hope for a bright future, the patients of reproductive clinics want to plan everything in advance so as not to make mistakes anywhere. After a positive analysis for hCG, which confirms a favorably developing pregnancy, expectant mothers ask themselves questions: how does the birth go during eco-pregnancy?

IVF and childbirth are slightly different concepts that are practically unrelated. What is life like after IVF?

IVF is an indication for cesarean section This question can be answered unequivocally: there can be no IVF indication for cesarean section if the woman does not have any obstetric or extragenital indications for such an operative method of delivery.

If a woman does not have any severe somatic pathologies, is consulted by funny specialists if there are any health issues and they do not give a conclusion on the need for operative delivery, in the normal course of pregnancy, normal delivery during IVF is not only possible, but even indicated by this patient.

The course of a pregnancy obtained as a result of the use of assisted reproductive technologies is no different from a spontaneous one.

PDR after IVF

Calculating the date of delivery after IVF is quite simple. When performing the protocol, the woman knows exactly the date of the puncture and replanting of the embryos. Replanting can be carried out with a four-day morula or at the age of five days with a blastocyst. Fertilization of the obtained eggs is carried out in the first hours after the puncture, so the day of conception a woman can consider the day of the ovarian puncture. To calculate the date of delivery for IVF, you must take into account the date of puncture of the ovary and add 38 weeks to it. And to calculate the obstetric gestational age, you must add 2 weeks to the embryonic.

Women who have passed the IVF protocol have a high risk of threatened miscarriage, the threat of premature birth, so things for the maternity hospital for both the child and the mother should be ready from an early date. The statistics of childbirth after IVF, which occurred prematurely, remains higher than with spontaneous pregnancy.

Term is considered to be 37 completed weeks.

How should Orthodoxy treat eco?

Childbirth during IVF - indication for caesarean section

During pregnancy, women with any extragenital pathologies should be consulted by narrow specialists who should give an opinion on the diagnosis and method of delivery.

IVF and caesarean section. As for obstetric indications for caesarean section, during pregnancy obtained with the help of assisted reproductive technologies, there are no differences from the indications for spontaneous onset.

List of indications for operative delivery by caesarean section:

  1. Pathologies of placental attachment: central presentation - a condition when the placenta completely covers the internal uterine os; marginal placenta previa - a pathological type of placental attachment, when its edge reaches the edge of the internal uterine os; low placentation when the edge of the placenta lags less than 20 mm. Childbirth with such a diagnosis is impossible.
  2. Premature detachment of a normally located placenta is a condition characterized by its normal attachment to the uterine cavity, however, due to many reasons, the placenta exfoliates, massive bleeding occurs, aggravation of blood loss leads to acute fetal hypoxia - distress, that is, an acute state of oxygen starvation. In the event of such an urgent situation, minutes count and delivery is carried out only with the help of operational equipment.
  3. History of surgical interventions such as two or more scars on the uterus, refusal of a woman with one scar on the uterus from an attempt at vaginal delivery, plastic surgery on the uterus. Removal of a myomatous node on the uterus without suturing its bed. All of these positions have a high risk of uterine rupture in childbirth, therefore, weighing the risks and benefits, it was decided to deliver these women by caesarean section.
  4. Pathological positions of the fetus in the uterus: transverse position, oblique position, breech presentation of the fetus and an estimated weight of more than 3700 grams.
  5. Multiple pregnancy in some cases can also end in operative delivery: an oblique or transverse position of one of the fetuses, a breech presentation of the first fetus and a head presentation of the second, since the risk of such a complication as a collision is high.
  6. The indication is also the gestational age of 41 weeks and the complete absence of the effect of various methods of preparing the cervix for natural childbirth.
  7. Congenital or traumatic deformities of the pelvic bones that prevent the birth of a child.
  8. Clinically narrow pelvis - a clinical discrepancy between the size of the pelvis and the size of the child. This diagnosis is made only in the genus and is characterized by a high standing of the fetal head, tight contractions with a high-standing head, and a positive symptom of Vasten. Such childbirth cannot be completed spontaneously, so an urgent caesarean section is performed.
  9. The presence of myomatous nodes of the cervix is ​​an obstacle to natural delivery.
  10. The presence of a history of suturing a rupture of the vagina of the 3rd degree, the presence of plastic surgery on the perineum are also indications for operative delivery.
  11. A threatening or completed rupture of the uterus is a formidable complication that has only one method of treatment - surgical.
  12. Severe preeclampsia, an attack of eclampsia;
  13. The presence of extragenital pathology, which excludes natural natural childbirth. The conclusion of a narrow specialist is mandatory for the choice of tactics of delivery.
  14. Prolapse of the umbilical cord, as the blood flow in its vessels can very quickly stop when it is squeezed by its presenting part.
  15. Fetal distress is an acute lack of oxygen, which can be diagnosed both during pregnancy and during the birth itself. Then the plan for conducting childbirth by the council is reviewed in the direction of a caesarean section.
  16. Women with established HIV infection who have a load greater than 1,000 copies/ml. Delivery of such women should be carried out before 39 weeks, since by this time the ability of the placenta as a barrier to infectious agents is greatly reduced.
  17. Exacerbation of genital herpes or its manifestation 3 weeks before delivery is also an indication for operative delivery, since there is a high risk of infection of the fetus.
  18. Congenital fetal anomalies such as hydrocephalus, sacrococcygeal teratoma.

A planned caesarean section is performed at 39 weeks, when the fetus is considered mature. Urgent caesarean section can be performed at any time for lifelong indications of the mother and fetus.

There is no specific preparation for childbirth for women who have undergone an in vitro fertilization protocol. The woman must sign consent to the processing of personal data and that she agrees with the birth plan. This usually happens if repeated IVF after Cesarean.

The course of labor is the same in women with IVF as in women with independent pregnancy, which takes place in three stages:

  • 1 period - the period of opening of the cervix, which is divided into a latent phase and an active phase and ends with full opening.
  • 2 period - the period from the full opening of the cervix, attempts and last until the birth of the child.
  • The third (afterbirth) period is the birth of the afterbirth.

Childbirth is an unpredictable process and no woman in the world can be insured against any complications in childbirth that may require operative delivery. In each of these cases of the most favorable pregnancy, indications for a surgical type of delivery may urgently appear.

Statistics of childbirth after IVF and recovery after them

After childbirth, the baby will be attached to the breast, in the first two days colostrum will be released from the breast, then lactation will be established - the release of full-fledged breast milk. Discharge from the genital tract - lochia, will be released throughout the postpartum period. When a baby is attached to the breast, oxytocin, a hormone that contracts the uterus, is released in the brain. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, do not be afraid of this.

After ordinary childbirth, a woman after in vitro fertilization, like an ordinary woman, can be discharged on the 3rd - 4th day of the postpartum period in the absence of complications.

If the birth ended with a caesarean section, then the woman will recover longer than the usual birth.

If a couple has made the decision to become pregnant with a second child, when can IVF be done after a caesarean section or a natural birth?

Regardless of the method of delivery, IVF after caesarean section or IVF after childbirth - it does not matter, for a woman's body, pregnancy and childbirth are stressful and it needs sufficient time to recover. The optimal minimum term is 2 - 3 years.

Before the second in vitro fertilization protocol, the couple will again have to undergo the same list of examinations as the previous one.

“If a person really wants something, then the whole universe will help to ensure that his desire comes true” Paulo Coelho

Functions and infertility. Despite the complexity of the procedure and the high cost, many have already become happy parents. The only question that arises in women: childbirth after IVF - caesarean or natural. Because even 7-10 years ago, doctors strongly recommended giving birth only by abdominal surgery. Now the situation has changed.

Features of modern IVF

The method of in vitro fertilization has already become familiar all over the world. Previously, after IVF, they always did a caesarean section, in contrast to the present time. Improving the technique allows you to achieve excellent results. According to statistics, out of 10 couples, 8 become happy parents, moreover, women gave birth on their own.

Sorry, there are currently no surveys available.

Before you find out why a caesarean section is done after IVF, you should understand the essence of the technique.

Important! The IVF procedure is not an indication for a caesarean section!

The technique lies in the fact that fertilization occurs outside the body of the mother. Stages of the procedure:

  1. Stimulation of ovulation. It is carried out with the help of hormonal drugs - Puregon, Orgalutran, Pregnil.
  2. Puncture follicles (structural components of the ovary). Viable eggs are separated.
  3. Sperm collection. A man donates seminal fluid by masturbation. If this method is not possible, sperm sampling is carried out with the help of surgical intervention. Then the most mobile and viable spermatozoa are selected.
  4. fertilization process. It is carried out 5 hours after the extraction of the follicles. Motile spermatozoa are combined with eggs and placed in special conditions.
  5. Process embryonic culture. Throughout the day zygotes intensively divided. After 5 days, a cavity will be created in which the fetal cells divide and placenta.
  6. Embryo transfer. On the 7th day, the fetus is transferred to the uterus, where it attaches to endometrium uterus.

In order for the embryo to “cling” to the endometrium as tightly as possible, doctors prescribe a course of hormonal drugs. After 2 weeks, the woman will have to take a pregnancy test. Thanks to innovative technologies, conception occurs in 85%.

By the way, even a decade ago, doctors guaranteed a positive result after IVF in only 30%.

Natural birth or caesarean section

What choice to make after IVF - natural childbirth or caesarean? As mentioned earlier, this type of conception is not. Of the 100% of women who conceived artificially, 80% gave birth to children naturally.

There are no differences between childbirth after the IVF procedure and conventional ones. That is, it has nothing to do with the method of fertilization. Especially in cases where infertility is diagnosed not in a woman, but in a man. It is impossible in the future to determine how the child was conceived. Children are no different!

Indications for caesarean section after IVF

Indications for caesarean section are:

  1. The woman is over 40 years old.
  2. The first pregnancy in a woman over 40 years of age (in fact, in this case, and with natural fertilization, conception in 60% is prescribed abdominal surgery, because at this age the risk of complications is highest).
  3. Infertility has been diagnosed for more than 6 years.
  4. A woman is carrying twins, triplets (in this case, with IVF, only a caesarean section is done).
  5. Preeclampsia is a complication of pregnancy, in which blood pressure rises, protein appears in the urine, and edema.
  6. Multiple pregnancy.
  7. Diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, diabetes mellitus.
  8. Low presentation n lacentes.
  9. Placental abruption.
  10. Narrow pelvis.
  11. Severe varicose veins in the vaginal area.
  12. The position of the fetus is transverse or pelvic.
  13. Lack of oxygen in the fetus.
  14. Abnormal labor activity that is not amenable to medical treatment.

Natural childbirth after IVF

If a woman has no health problems, there are no prescriptions for abdominal surgery, doctors recommend giving birth by spontaneous childbirth after IVF.

The child must go through the birth canal as laid down by nature. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the physiological, but also the psychological factor. After all, the child is already considered as a person in the womb. And psychologists say that it is natural childbirth that does not violate his mental development. The child himself must want to be born. That is, 9 months he is calm and serene in the womb. But when contractions begin, uterine contractions, he becomes uncomfortable, and at the level of instincts, the baby himself tries to get away from this, trying to leave the place of discomfort through the birth canal. And this is absolutely normal. The generic tunnel lays in it independence and purposefulness.

Many women, having become pregnant with the IVF procedure, subconsciously worry about such a long-awaited child and want to prevent possible complications during childbirth. What to hide, the qualifications of some doctors, to put it mildly, are not professional. Therefore, women in labor insist on surgery after IVF. Here, as they say, the human factor plays a role. But one thing is clear - for a child conceived through the IVF procedure, the best way to give birth will be natural childbirth!

Possible risks

When can IVF be done? This procedure can be carried out after a detailed examination of the body of a woman, a man, and identifying the reasons why a couple cannot conceive a child. If they are associated with chronic diseases, the inability to give birth on their own, then the woman will be asked to give birth only by caesarean section.

Any medical intervention can cause complications. IVF is no exception. But at the same time, the risks of developing complications after IVF are minimal.

Possible risks:

  1. hyperstimulation. It develops against the background of increased production of hormones. Symptoms: a feeling of heaviness, distension of the abdomen, mild discomfort and pain (due to enlarged ovaries).
  2. Bleeding . Occurs when the follicle ruptures, twisting the ovaries. Such a complication develops in 5% of women, that is, very rarely. Manifested by severe pain in the lower abdomen and on the sides of the navel, palpitations, loss of consciousness.
  3. Side effects while taking medication to stimulate ovulation. This risk is extremely rare. It is characterized by a change in mood, discontent, decreased performance,.
  4. Infectious complications in the form of foci of inflammation at the puncture site. The reason - reduced immunity in women.

One of the misconceptions that exist among the female sex is that IVF causes further mastopathy, breast cancer, and malignant tumors of the endometrium. In vitro fertilization has nothing to do with the development of such pathologies. This is a scientifically proven fact, which has been proven by multiple studies.

In general, according to statistics, in vitro fertilization causes complications in only 9% of cases.

What do doctors think

The procedure of artificial insemination is safe for a woman. In fact, such a conception is no different from the usual. And how pregnancy and childbirth will proceed, no one can predict in advance. In the end, even perfectly healthy partners with natural conception can develop complications. Therefore, if there are no indications for an operation, it is better to give preference to independent childbirth rather than surgery.

One thing should be remembered - between the fact that a woman could not get pregnant for some reason, and how she will bear the fetus, give birth - there is absolutely no relationship. The idea that a long-awaited pregnancy with the help of an artificial insemination procedure should be protected under a “cap” is just a stereotype that was invented by women for whom conception is a long-awaited process.

How fertilization occurred - naturally or in vitro, does not affect the pregnancy and childbirth in the future. A pregnant woman must protect herself, protect herself from stress, negative environmental factors both after IVF and after natural conception.

In addition, we must not forget that a caesarean section is an operative intervention, and this does not apply to minimally invasive (sparing) methods. It is carried out with a scalpel by incision of the skin and the wall of the uterus using anesthesia. One way or another, complications after a caesarean section can be much greater than after a natural birth. And the remaining scar does not please everyone, even mothers whose pregnancy was long-awaited.

And we should not forget that the drugs used for anesthesia have an equally negative effect on both the child and the expectant mother. Therefore, doctors recommend, in the absence of indications for surgery, nevertheless, to give birth on their own.

Plus, the body recovers much faster after normal natural childbirth than after abdominal surgery. Because natural childbirth is a process laid down by nature, and an operation is a surgical intervention and a huge stress for the body.


Childbirth for the baby and the expectant mother is a natural process. They are both equally prepared for it at the level of instincts. A child born as a result of an operation does not go through a long birth canal. But it is with this that the adaptation period begins, teaching the baby to live in a new world and get used to the new environment of life. But, of course, if a woman has some health problems, then it is better to agree to a caesarean section after IVF in order to avoid complications.

Another plus in the direction of natural childbirth after artificial insemination. According to experts, if in later life a woman wants to do IVF after a cesarean section, the effectiveness of the procedure is reduced by 50% due to the inability of the embryo to "cling" to the scarred endometrium of the uterus.

Pregnancy that occurs after IVF procedures is practically no different from pregnancy that occurs during natural conception. After undergoing maintenance therapy for better implantation of the embryo and confirmation of the onset of conception, the pregnant woman becomes registered at the place of residence. The expectant mother begins to worry about the preparation for childbirth. We will learn how to prepare for a woman to give birth after IVF, get acquainted with the calculation of the estimated date of delivery and how they occur.

Preparing a pregnant woman for childbirth

The method of conception does not affect how pregnancy and childbirth will proceed. The only difference is that the probability of multiple pregnancy increases significantly, which is an increased burden on the female body, needs special control and a more careful attitude towards oneself.
Frequent problems in women in labor who become pregnant with the help of IVF also arise due to the fact that women over 30 years old, burdened by various diseases, turn to this procedure, and their preparation for childbirth has a number of features.

In case of health problems, you should start preparing for the birth of a child even before conception, having passed the recommended examination, and if pregnancy occurs through IVF, you should be under the supervision of doctors, follow their recommendations and undergo the necessary control.

Important! Doctors recommend during the pregnancy that occurred after in vitro fertilization, to control the hormonal background due to the stimulation of the ovaries performed before the IVF procedure. After that, hormonal treatment is very often prescribed in the first trimesters.

Most births during pregnancy after IVF, carried out due to obstruction of the tubes in women or due to male infertility, take place on time and without problems. Before childbirth, attention should be paid to the psychological state and physical health.


A woman who is preparing for the birth of a baby after IVF should be in a calm state and be tuned in to a positive result. Sometimes expectant mothers, after unrest in the fight against infertility, experience fears and nervous tension even after the onset of such a desired conception.

In this case, they can be helped by psychological help from a specialist, to whom it is better to contact with a partner. During this period, the support of relatives and friends is very important, so it is recommended to listen to the advice of a psychologist for the future dad.

A pregnant woman can set herself up for peace and positive emotions with the help of walks, good sleep and relaxation.

The birth of a child for a woman is a transitional period for which she should be prepared. The expectant mother should know and not be afraid of what she can expect, be ready for changes in her life.

The right decision would be to attend classes that will tell you how to behave during childbirth, what awaits in the postpartum period and how to deal with a newborn. Almost all antenatal clinics have free training groups for expectant mothers.


For pregnant women, specially designed exercises will be very useful, which can prepare the muscles for the appearance of the child in a natural way and will have an overall healing effect. Ball exercises and water gymnastics are also useful.

These complexes should include breathing exercises that help the woman in labor control her breathing during contractions and attempts. Properly performed inhalations and exhalations can reduce pain, provide the body with the necessary oxygen, help calm down and tune in to the process itself.

You should not put too much stress on yourself physically, as this can cause the threat of a breakdown.

Important! Before embarking on any set of exercises, a woman should receive recommendations from her gynecologist, since during pregnancy there may be contraindications for their implementation.

Here is a list of the most common gymnastics bans:

  • the presence of miscarriages and premature births in the past;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • exfoliation or low location of the placenta;
  • high blood pressure;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • colds, flu and other infections;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Gymnastics should be practiced with good health and notice changes in your condition. If during classes you begin to feel unwell, then they should be stopped, and if there are threatening symptoms (dizziness, palpitations, discharge, pain, etc.), seek medical help.

How many weeks do they give birth and how to calculate the date

In the normal course of pregnancy, a woman can give birth at 38-40 weeks from the beginning of the last period before conception. In ideal calculations, the gestation time from the moment of conception is 38 weeks, or 266 days.

The date of birth of the child is calculated on the basis that the conception occurred two weeks after the start of the critical days, but in fact the cycle for women can be different.

For example, with a short cycle (less than 24 days), childbirth may occur 10–15 days earlier, and with a long cycle (more than 32 days), the child may appear two weeks from the expected date.

Estimated due date after IVF conception is calculated from the day of embryo transfer plus 38 weeks or plus 40 days from the start of menstruation for natural conception.

How is childbirth after IVF

In the absence of health problems in the woman in labor and the baby, women after the IVF procedure give birth, as a rule, in a natural way. However, since patients with a aggravated history turn to in vitro fertilization methods, they are often shown a caesarean section.


Often, women who become pregnant with IVF have problems associated with the functioning of the female genital organs, which is the main reason for the appointment of a caesarean section.

Did you know? If there are no complications, after 1.5 months the scar can be removed using the following methods: chemical peeling, laser, physiotherapy procedures or special ointments.

This operation has long been not uncommon and has been well developed, so a woman in labor should not be afraid of it, since complications are extremely rare.

Caesarean section is planned in the following cases:

  • various disorders of placentation;
  • the fetus is incorrectly located - the ass is at the exit from the uterus, or it has taken a position along the horizontal axis of the uterus;
  • narrow pelvis of the expectant mother or too large fetus;
  • expectation of twins;
  • incompatibility of the Rh factors of the mother and the unborn child;
  • pregnancy proceeds with complications due to eclampsia, somatic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, severe arterial hypertension, etc.;
  • tumor formations in female organs;
  • defective scar on the uterus;
  • short umbilical cord.

Diseases of the nerves, kidney and heart activity, myopia and some other diseases can also be a reason for such an appointment. In addition, the first childbirth after 35 years is more difficult, therefore, in this case, a caesarean section is also indicated.

Often, surgical intervention is urgently used for insufficient labor activity, premature discharge of amniotic fluid and other anomalies that can be detected already during childbirth.

Important! Caesarean section is contraindicated in case of fetal death or the presence of pathologies incompatible with life, severe prematurity, amnionitis, infectious diseases of the birth canal and purulent inflammation of the abdominal wall. A woman can always refuse it, but it is best to listen to the doctor's recommendations.

At what time to plan a caesarean section, the doctor will decide for each woman in labor individually. But, as a rule, with normal health, the pregnant woman enters the hospital a few weeks before the operation and undergoes the necessary examination. Usually this is the 38-40th week of pregnancy.
In a planned operation, interest in the anesthesia used should be shown. With epidural anesthesia, you can feed the baby 12-24 hours after the operation, and the mother's milk does not disappear.

Natural way

If the pregnancy proceeds normally and there are no contraindications, then the attending gynecologist will recommend that the expectant mother give birth naturally. This option has its pros and cons.

Benefits of natural childbirth include:

  • a quick recovery process after childbirth compared to a caesarean section. In two days the woman becomes independent;
  • the natural hormonal process in this case contributes to the normal production of milk, so women, as a rule, do not have problems with lactation;
  • There is a strong bond between mother and child. Seeing with her own eyes a baby that has just been born, a mother experiences many emotions.

The risks include an increase in the likelihood of injuries during childbirth, since the long process of giving birth to a child can lead to ruptures of the perineum and birth canal.

Did you know? The baby is born in a protective lubricant, and it should not be washed off in the next day. The newborn should be placed on the mother's tummy so that it is populated by her bacteria. Separating a baby from its mother and washing it colonizes it with hospital germs.

Expectant mothers who have been conceived using IVF methods should not be afraid of childbirth. Their pregnancy and childbirth is no different from a pregnancy that occurs naturally.

They should maintain a positive attitude and be calm, prepare for childbirth with the help of gymnastics for pregnant women and breathing exercises (if there are no contraindications). You should be under control in the antenatal clinic and, if necessary, consider a caesarean section.