Comfortable room temperature for the child. What is the optimal room temperature for a newborn and how to maintain it

We often hear and read about the imperfection of the mechanisms of thermoregulation in newborn children, so parents do their best to do everything so that the child does not get overcooled. But in a panic fear of hypothermia, we often simply overheat the kids, wrap them up, turn on the sources of additional heating, which leads to very unpleasant consequences. The optimal room where a child is up to a year old is 20-23 C. Someone may find 23 degrees as torture and too cold conditions, however, it is these conditions that contribute to the normal functioning of the baby's thermoregulation mechanism.

The optimum temperature in the nursery. How to maintain it?

Because of their fear, young mothers often overheat their children by wrapping them in extra blankets, which can be unsafe. heating of a private house or an apartment with heat-regulating batteries can allow the child to adjust to the desired temperature.

However, what should you do if in winter, especially during severe frosts, apartments in old buildings are not equipped with radiators that regulate heat? Central heating "fries", often causing restless sleep in the baby, skin problems and a large loss of fluid in the body, as well as beneficial salts, dries up the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, leading to constant coughing and a runny nose.

In this case, it is worth ventilating the room more often, doing wet cleaning regularly. Through ventilation is encouraged when the child is not at home. It is especially helpful to freshen up the room before going to bed, this will help you fall asleep faster and deeper sleep.

Temperature in the children's room and features of thermoregulation in children

In babies, metabolic processes in the body are quite intense, while a significant amount of heat is produced, which one way or another has to be disposed of. This can happen in two ways: through breathing or through the skin (this is contact with a cooler environment or).

The air that a person inhales (and a newborn as well), reaching the lungs, must warm up to body temperature. If the inhaled air has a temperature of 18-20 degrees, then the body, heating it to 36.6 degrees, loses some of its heat. Obviously, a higher room, for example 23-24 degrees, significantly reduces heat loss by a small body. But the need to lose heat does not disappear, and active sweating begins, which means that the loss of fluid and salts increases with it, and their reserves in babies are already small.

And the lack of fluid in the child's body affects the normal functioning of absolutely all organs and systems. Babies may have increased gas production due to lack of fluid in the intestines, diaper rash, thrush due to lack of fluid in saliva, runny nose, dry crusts in the nose due to dry nasal mucosa, coughing, during sleep, there can be a lot of problems. We begin to look for the reasons for their occurrence, but everything is much simpler - the air is too warm, which means it is drier.

How to solve this problem? There are two options:

- maintaining the optimal temperature in the children's room;
- choosing the right clothes for your baby.

Temperature in the nursery. Heaters as a last resort

If the room temperature is below the recommended values, heaters can be used. But their choice should be approached carefully, since most are simply unsafe, many dry the air and burn oxygen, and some contribute to the constant presence of dust particles in the air, which even the most responsible housewife cannot get rid of 100%.

The indicator of optimal air humidity in the child's room, and indeed in the apartment, is 50-70 percent. In the heating season, the humidity is approximately halved. If we use additional heat sources, then it becomes even lower. As a result, the child may experience the problems that we talked about above. Air humidity can and should be controlled. Various containers filled with water, aquariums, home fountains, wet cleaning, house plants, humidifying the air with a spray bottle - all this helps to rectify the situation.

In winter, families with babies under 3 years old are recommended to use air humidifiers in apartments, and in summer, the installation of such a mechanism as forced ventilation ... But do not forget about airing the apartment. Due to the fear of drafts, to which we are not accustomed from an early age, we protect our children from them. Of course, you should not go too far, but you should not endlessly demand from all relatives to close the doors tightly either. When a baby gets used to a small movement of air from an early age, then he is not afraid of drafts. And viruses and bacteria cannot live in moving fresh air.

We invite you to watch a video from Dr. Komarovsky about the temperature in the children's room and other useful points.

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Air humidity in an apartment for a child: standards according to GOST and the consequences of deviating from them, recommendations of pediatricians

Air humidity in an apartment for a child: standards according to GOST and the consequences of deviating from them, recommendations of pediatricians

Microclimate in the room is determined parameters air. Temperature and relative humidity are the main indicators comfort for the life and healthy development of the child.

For preschool institutions GOST 30494-2011 determines the optimal temperature norms from 18 before 22 ° C in the cold season and 22-24 ° C in warm. Relative humidity according to standard tables in winter should be 30-40% , in the summer 30-60% .

State standards provide for microclimate norms specifically for kindergartens. At home control of the air condition in the child's room must be carried out constantly in order to create favorable conditions for his development, to exclude violation of water balance, to prevent the occurrence of acute and chronic diseases.

Optimal temperature and humidity in the nursery

A feature of a growing child's body is fast metabolism, which is accompanied by increased heat generation. Moreover, the process thermoregulation carried out through the lungs or skin. A person inhales air at room temperature, and exhales heated to body temperature and humidified to 100% .

If the air in the room not enough cool and humid, then heat dissipation slows down and the baby starts to sweat. And since the reserves of water and salt in the baby's body are limited, dehydration can come very quickly.

Optimum temperature range for a child's room ranges from 18 to 20 ° C... the indicator in 50-70% ... During the daytime during air procedures, the temperature in the room can rise to 20-21 ° C, and during night sleep should not exceed 18-19 ° C.

Airing the room should be carried out several times a day and be sure before bedtime baby. In this case, the window must be opened to 5-10 minutes.

This microclimate contributes to healthy development child, normal metabolic processes, good mood and appetite. Unnecessarily Warm and dry air can cause dryness of mucous membranes, crusting in the nose, shortness of breath, and coughing.

Excessive sweating and as a result, dehydration of the body threatens with poor digestion, constipation, and blood clots.

How to measure humidity in a nursery?

You can determine the level of humidity in the apartment, including in the nursery, using psychrometric hygrometer... Its usually hang on the wall in the nursery. On the body of the device there are two thermometer and table determination of relative humidity.

One thermometer shows real temperature in the room (you can find out about its optimal readings). The tip of the other thermometer is permanently wrapped moisturized strip of fabric. The difference between the temperature values ​​is determined accurate relative humidity indicator.

Modern electronic hygrometers have a small body, they can be installed on or carried to other rooms. The device displays the temperature and humidity values ​​in the room, additionally they can display time and barometric pressure.

Some devices equipped with memory function and can record changes in readings over a certain period of time.

Hygrometer must always be in the children's room. The accuracy of the readings of the device will not replace any approximate calculations using improvised means. Optimal microclimate parameters are very important for the normal development of the child.

What if the room is damp?

Excessive humidity in the baby's room is as unfavorable as excessive dryness... Too humidified air significantly lowers the room temperature.

Hypothermia a child in a damp room is threatened with frequent colds diseases that begin with rhinitis. If you do not take action normalization humidity in the room, then a chronic rhinitis can develop into sinusitis.

Constant dampness causes the development of fungal microorganisms on furniture.

Toxic spores with the air enter the lungs and esophagus of a fragile child's body. Hence the occurrence of allergic reactions, general intoxication, mycoses of internal organs. With dampness and excess air humidity, it is necessary fight by all available means.

How to normalize (lower) the humidity level?

To be in a child's room, you need to find out the reason raising it. To identify source of dampness in the house, you need to attach a shard of glass to the outer wall of the room. If between the glass and the wall appears condensate, which means that moisture enters the room from the outside.

Insulate outdoor structures are better with material with good vapor permeability, for example, (read about how to insulate the walls in an apartment). They additionally increase the number heating devices.

With a periodic increase in the level of humidity as preventive measures you can use the general recommendations:

  • Full airing the room three times a day;
  • Insulation of a window opening;
  • Elimination of leaks through the seams and overlaps of the external structures of the house;
  • Installation oil cooler with insufficient temperature conditions;
  • Thermal insulation of niches behind heating devices;
  • Installation moisture absorbers with absorbent material;
  • Usage household dehumidifiers.

Advice: to achieve the goal (normalization of the humidity level), all or some of the listed methods of lowering the humidity level are used. The main thing is not to overdo it and to continuously monitor the microclimate in the child's room.

We create a comfortable microclimate in the nursery

In winter when the humidity of the outside air decreases naturally, the level of humidification of the indoor air sharp decreases due to the operation of the central heating system.

Dry hot air is not suitable for a room where a child is for a long time.

So ? To create a favorable microclimate in the nursery necessary:

  • Open windows three times a day for 10-15 minutes;
  • Conduct thorough wet cleaning morning and evening;
  • Dilute on the windowsill mini greenhouse;
  • To arrange open water tanks: vases, aquariums, in places inaccessible to the child;
  • Hang up decorative containers for water evaporation on heating devices;
  • Use household humidifiers air.

Installing a household humidifier will help quickly cope with excessive dryness of the air. Modern devices of the nozzle or membrane type are equipped with a system for regulating the intensity of moisture spraying and are automatically turned off when the humidity in the room rises. Ultrasonic humidifier works quietly and safely, so it is convenient to use it in the baby's room.

What do the doctor's say?

According to children's doctors, it is better "Overmoisten" indoor air than dry it out. When breathing, the child gives up a certain amount of water from the body to humidify the exhaled air. Therefore, the drier the air in the room, the more water the child loses.

At water imbalance, the baby experiences discomfort, becomes restless, as he is constantly thirsty. The mucous membranes of the nose and throat dry out, breathing becomes difficult, which makes it difficult to eat normally.

Having studied the experience of many generations, pediatricians have come to conclusion that it is not worth keeping the child in greenhouse conditions. Air in the nursery it should be fresh, moist and moderately warm. With intensive metabolic processes in a growing body, such conditions will be optimal for strengthening the health and normal development of the baby.

Fluctuations in the level of humidity and temperature in the nursery negatively affect the well-being and vital signs of the baby. Therefore, in the child's room, it is necessary support air parameters at a constant level.

To do this, carry out a regular microclimate control children's room with a hygrometer. With minor deviations from the norm, a number of preventive measures are taken to improve the situation.

From the following video You will learn about the humidity in the apartment for a child:

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Each parent worries about the health of their child from the very first days of life. Many ENT diseases are directly related to improperly created conditions in the room where the child is. For the normal functioning of the body, especially in a newborn, the temperature and humidity in the nursery are important. What are the optimal indicators and how to maintain and correct them, let's try to figure it out.

The body of a newborn is still imperfect, the regulation of body temperature occurs with some difficulties, which occurs due to intensive metabolism. In turn, a large amount of heat is generated, from which the child needs to get rid of, there are two options - through the lungs and the pores on the skin.

When a baby breathes in air, it heats up when it enters the respiratory system. If air with a temperature above 23 ° C enters the lungs, the loss of heat at the outlet is reduced and the body is freed from excess heat through sweating. A newborn loses moisture and salt, and an insufficient amount of fluid in the body provokes a disruption of many vital systems.

The level of humidity in the nursery is also extremely important, dryness is very harmful, especially for the baby's respiratory system. The expiratory air temperature is normally 36.6 ° C, and the amount of water vapor in it is 100%, the body spends fluid on eliminating dryness, and this is an additional water consumption.

Overheating is no less dangerous for a child than hypothermia, especially at an early age.

Moisture and heat levels

The correct temperature and sufficient air humidity in the child's room are the main conditions for a comfortable stay of a child in it. Dryness and excessive heat in the room can cause many diseases. Loss of fluid leads to a violation of the water-salt balance, and sometimes even dehydration.

Excessive sweating in a room that is too hot and unventilated can provoke skin problems in the child, namely: redness, dermatitis, diaper rash, rash, hives. Every mother has at least once faced one of these troubles and knows how difficult it is to get rid of them. It would be worthwhile to think about whether there was overheating of the air in the room?

In addition, the child may be bothered by pain in the tummy, problems with stool, because a lack of fluid leads to problems for the newborn in digestion, gastric juice is poorly diluted and food is not completely digested. Lack of water in the body threatens with the appearance of thrush - white spots in the mouth. In this case, saliva becomes too thick and cannot fully perform the functions of moisturizing the mucous membrane. Problems with the eyes of a child are also possible, they can fester, since little fluid enters the organ of vision.

On the part of the ENT organs, insufficient air humidity in the apartment and an excess of temperature threaten the appearance of:

  • Dry crusts in the nose.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Dry rhinitis.
  • Cough.
  • Decreased ability of the bronchi to cleanse themselves.
  • Swelling of the respiratory tract.
  • Increased susceptibility to ARVI.
  • Epistaxis.
  • General deterioration in well-being.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

All this is often accompanied by lethargy, whims, anxiety, and increased heart rate. It is worth noting that the presence of dampness in the room will bring many troubles, such as: headaches, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, respiratory system diseases, nosebleeds and indigestion.

Optimal air humidity in the room where the child stays for a long time reduces the risk of these problems, if you do not want to face them, observe the temperature regime and control the humidity.

Optimal room temperature and humidity

How many degrees should the thermometer show, what humidity should be adhered to, taking into account the opinion of experts? At birth, the child spends the first days of his life in the hospital, where the recommended 22 ° C is usually observed. Doctors advise adhering to the mark of 18-21 ° C - this is the norm for babies. Such parameters will be acceptable for healthy children; in case of prematurity, the room should be warmer by 3-5 ° C. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the air temperature in a healthy child's room should not exceed 18-19 ° C.

It should be borne in mind that babies feel differently at the same temperature regime. The room conditions are suitable if your child has:

  • Good restful sleep.
  • There is no excessive sweating and redness on the skin.
  • The limbs are warm.
  • Normal pulse and breathing.

Especially often dryness in a room can be found during the heating season, because parents are diligently trying to heat an apartment or house. Many parents ask themselves the question, what is the optimal humidity for a child in an apartment? Typically, the air humidity in such rooms does not exceed 30%, which is very low. The optimal indicator is considered 50–70%, for children it is still better to adhere to 70%.

To keep track of temperature and humidity levels, place a thermometer and hydrometer near your baby's crib.

Temperature and humidity control

In the child's room, the temperature regime must be adhered to first of all. If the room is too warm and the readings on the thermometer are higher than normal, you need:

  • Do frequent airing (open all windows in the room, but only when the baby is absent).
  • Turn on the air conditioner only in the adjacent rooms.
  • Cover hot batteries with a blanket.
  • It is advisable not to hang the canopy over the bed (this complicates air circulation).
  • Do not wrap the child tightly, do not wear a lot of clothes.
  • Give plenty of water to drink.
  • Take a bath (you can take it 2 times a day).

If the room is cool and the temperature is below 18 ° C, you should use a heater, but be sure to ventilate the room frequently. It is important to bathe your child at the same temperature that they are used to to avoid freezing.

Humidity must be within the normal range, but if its values ​​are lower, you need to buy a humidifier, place several open containers of water in the room, put an aquarium or cover the batteries with a wet thin cloth. If the house is damp, do the cleaning, if it is ineffective, you will have to make repairs and insulate the room.

With the birth of a child in any family, the hassle is significantly added. Every mommy wants to create the most comfortable living conditions for a newly born baby. She must not only provide the baby with the necessary care, but also make sure that the humidity and air temperature in the child's room correspond to the parameters recommended by pediatricians.

The child does not care which manufacturer's crib he sleeps on or what color wheelchair he is taken out for a walk. But the temperature and humidity in his room are of great importance, since an uncomfortable environment contributes to the development of most diseases. In addition, non-compliance with the necessary parameters can lead to a deterioration in the infant's mood.

Therefore, for the prevention of diseases in newborns, it is very important to maintain optimal climatic conditions in the room.

Comfortable temperature in the baby's room

Most pediatricians agree that the optimal temperature in a newborn baby's room should vary between 18 and 22 C˚. They consider this temperature to be comfortable for the normal health of the baby and its further development.

Dr. Komarovsky, widely known today, claims that in the room where the newborn baby is located, the temperature should be within 18 - 19 degrees. In his opinion, this is the optimal temperature regime for a baby.

Compliance with the temperature regime in the room in winter is much more difficult. This is due to the fact that during the heating period, the supply of heat to dwellings does not depend on us in any way. Therefore, even in winter, it is necessary to maintain the temperature no higher than 23 degrees.

Another important condition for the well-being of the baby is maintaining the necessary temperature indicators at night. If the room is too cold or hot, then the baby's sleep will be restless, with frequent waking up and whims. The ideal temperature for a restful baby sleep should not exceed 22 degrees.

It is necessary to select the optimal temperature regime for the baby, taking into account his individual characteristics. Mothers must determine for themselves at what temperature their baby sleeps more peacefully.

Remember that normal air circulation is not possible if a canopy is hanging over the crib or bumpers are used to decorate the crib.

Temperature regime while bathing a baby

During the water procedures, it is also necessary to maintain the appropriate temperature parameters of the air in the room. Most parents are convinced that the temperature in the baby's bathing room should be kept at a higher level than usual. However, they are deeply mistaken. If you bathe your baby in a warmer room, then at the end of the water procedures, returning to the usual climatic conditions, he will certainly freeze.

This means that, when going to bathe the crumbs, you do not need to additionally heat the bathroom. The baby should bathe at his usual temperature. Just after bathing, you need to wrap the baby in a warm towel for a short time. If parents want to temper a child from infancy, then immediately after water procedures, they should arrange air baths for him for several minutes.

Thus, there is no need to additionally heat the room at night and while the baby is bathing. The room temperature must be kept constant at the same level.

Temperature for premature babies

It should be noted that the above room temperature standards are applicable exclusively for children born on time. For a premature baby, other conditions of detention must be observed. For him, the optimal temperature regime, which ranges from 24 - 25 C, since their own thermoregulation in such children is often impaired.

Hazards from overheating or hypothermia in an infant


Specialists in the field of pediatrics have long noticed that overheating of a baby is more dangerous than hypothermia. During metabolic processes, which are much faster in babies than in adults, a certain amount of heat is accumulated in the body. Excess heat is released either through the surface of the skin or during breathing. The release of excess heat through breathing becomes much more difficult at high indoor temperatures. Then heat transfer occurs at an increased rate through the skin with the help of the sweating system. The baby sweats, he has redness, his pulse becomes more frequent, and breathing is difficult.

All this increases the child's tearfulness, makes him lethargic and deprives him of calmness. It can also cause dermatitis and metabolic processes and heat transfer are disrupted. In this regard, the temperature norm in the children's room must be strictly observed by the parents.


Hypothermia of a newborn baby is no less dangerous. Excessive coolness can provoke the development of colds in a child, which is fraught with the appearance of a number of dangerous complications.

Therefore, the temperature in the room for the newborn must be strictly observed in accordance with the existing norms and recommendations of pediatricians.

Ways to maintain the temperature in the newborn's room

Before you set the optimal temperature in the room, you need to decide which temperature regime is most comfortable for your child. It is quite easy to find out the optimal room temperature for the baby:

  1. the child has good health and restful sleep;
  2. the baby does not have redness and prickly heat;
  3. so-called "goose bumps" are not observed on the baby's skin, and his legs and arms are warm;
  4. the child's breathing is not difficult, the pulse is not quickened.

In the event that the temperature parameters in the room do not correspond to the norms, some steps should be taken to regulate the air temperature.

At elevated temperatures in the child's room, regulation is carried out using an air conditioner or room ventilation. It is better to go for a walk with your baby at this time. The air conditioner must be installed in the room next door, or in the same room, but far from the child. Heating radiators should be covered with a thick blanket or blanket.

At a low air temperature in the children's room, you can maintain optimal temperature indicators by turning on the heaters.

Can't control the room temperature?

Parents are not always able to maintain the desired temperature in the room in which the child is. In this case, it is necessary:

  1. give the baby more water if the room is stuffy and the air temperature is high;
  2. the baby should be dressed based on the temperature in the room. If the temperature is higher than normal, then it is enough to put on only panties. If the room is cold, then you will certainly need sliders, socks and a vest made of warm material.
  3. bathing the baby should be guided by the air temperature in the room. In a hot room, the bathing procedure can be repeated several times throughout the day.

The creation of optimal climatic conditions in the room for a newborn baby will have a positive effect on the well-being of the baby, his state of health and mood.

What is every mother afraid of? So that her baby does not freeze! This fear is inherent in us genetically, so we all strive to prevent hypothermia of the child at any cost. However, our efforts often turn into negative consequences for the child's body, for which overheating does much more harm than that very "terrible" hypothermia.

What is the danger of overheating

A newborn baby sleeps most of the day, but the systems of his body are working at full capacity. One of the most productive is the metabolism, which proceeds much faster than that of an adult. Metabolic processes cause the release of heat, from which the body needs to get rid of. Human physiology has laid down 2 ways to get rid of excess heat: through the lungs (that is, the respiratory system) and through the skin (sweat).

  • Breathing - the baby breathes in air, the temperature of which is lower than body temperature. Passing through the respiratory tract and lungs, the air heats up, and when you exhale, it carries away the heat that the body does not need. The higher the temperature difference between the air and the child's body, the more efficiently the heat transfer mechanism works.
  • Sweating - the high temperature in the baby's room does not allow the first respiratory mechanism to work productively, which makes the second one more active. The body begins to produce sweat, which is released to the surface of the skin, taking with it moisture and salt. The baby begins to feel the need for water:
    • his saliva dries up, which provokes the development of thrush in his mouth;
    • crusts appear in the nose, which make it difficult to breathe;
    • the stomach begins to swell, because due to a lack of moisture, the intestines cannot absorb food;
    • on the skin (under the diaper and in the folds), redness occurs - diaper rash. This is a reaction to irritation of the baby's delicate skin to its own salty sweat.

The second heat loss mechanism is extremely dangerous. It can cause severe conditions in a child, which sometimes require hospitalization and fluid saturation by intravenous fluids.

What should be the air temperature

So what should be the optimal temperature for a newborn? According to pediatricians, a range of 18 to 20 ° C is required. These are the most physiological indicators that ensure the normal course of natural processes in the baby's body. To control this parameter, you need to purchase a room thermometer and place it directly at the baby's crib.

At the same time, it is important to separate the concepts - "the air temperature in the newborn's room" and "the baby is freezing", and take into account that each child is different. One little toddler only needs to be in one cotton undershirt and thin sliders to feel good. And for others, the arms and legs may freeze, so you will need to put on socks or another blouse on the crumb.

How to maintain the temperature in a room

In the summertime, a family with a baby cannot do without an air conditioner. It can be placed in a child's bedroom or an adjacent room and just make sure that the air flow does not pass near the crib.

In winter, it is more difficult for a newborn to maintain the air temperature, since centralized heating warms up apartments to 25-26 ° C. If it is not possible to "screw" the tap on the riser and thereby reduce the heat from the batteries, you can:

  • regularly air the nursery - open the window 3-4 times a day for half an hour. During this time, the child should be taken out of the room. It is ideal to combine airing and walking: while you are on the street, the children's bedroom “cools down” to the desired temperature;
  • cover the batteries with a thick cloth - blankets, rugs, bedding are suitable, which will retain the heat inside.

The increased temperature in the room for the newborn requires other actions from the mother:

  • remove all unnecessary clothes from the baby - if the room is warmer than 24 ° C, leave him in one diaper;
  • regularly give the crumbs some water - this will reduce the risk of dehydration and its consequences;
  • more often - the water temperature for a newborn may be slightly lower than usual. The ideal parameters are 35-36 ° C. Bathing can be done 2-3 times a day.

Air humidity

The concept of "optimal room temperature for a newborn" is inextricably linked with the indicator of air humidity. It has a direct effect on the thermoregulation of the baby's body and is manifested in the following:

  • when inhaled, the air passes through the respiratory tract and lungs, where it is heated and saturated with moisture;
  • on exhalation, air humidity is always 100%;
  • if a child inhales dry air, his body spends its moisture reserves on humidifying the air, thereby provoking (or aggravating) the loss of fluid and its consequences.

The humidity level in the children's bedroom should be 50-70%. You can determine this indicator with a household hygrometer. The humidity is kept at about this level in autumn and spring, if the room is often ventilated and the heaters are not turned on. In summer, the air is drier, but this can be compensated for by periodic wet cleaning and by placing an open aquarium near the crib.

In winter, air dryness under the influence of heating devices reaches 100%. The solution is to use an easy-to-maintain and inexpensive humidifier.

Compliance with the optimal parameters of temperature and humidity will allow your baby to grow up healthy!