Correctional program for children with ADHD, mmd, rda. Corrective exercises for children with disabilities

Tatyana Efremova

In our MADOU DSCN No. 4 of the city of Sosnovoborsk, there are specialized groups for children with visual impairments.

Children attending these groups have various visual pathologies and low visual acuity. Most often, the most common diagnoses are farsightedness with strabismus, farsighted astigmatism, myopia, amblyopia.

Therefore, the problem of restoring the health of the child comes to the fore in our kindergarten.

It should be noted that a child attending a specialized group must spend a certain amount of time every day for therapeutic training sessions, from which kindergarten children of ordinary groups are free.

This problem is solved by combining medical ophthalmological measures with pedagogical activities aimed at preventing the restoration of visual acuity and eliminating strabismus. Activities for the correction of visual impairment are carried out systematically, taking into account the recommendations ophthalmologist.

In pedagogical activity, special corrective games and exercises are used to correct and prevent visual impairment.

Presented corrective games and exercises can be used in various activities. educators of general education groups for the prevention of vision, and parents.

Corrective exercises and games for the development of visual perception.

1. Effective for enhancing visual acuity and fine motor skills development,with coordinated actions of both hands exercises for sorting and stringing beads. The child is invited to make a decoration for the Christmas tree, for mom - beads. To do this, he needs to string beads on a thread. For example: when sorting, first select red beads, then yellow, green, orange, blue.

These tasks contribute to the formation binocular vision, color discrimination of primary colors.

2. Actively influence the development visual acuity, eye movement and cognitive development of the game "Labyrinth".

The child is invited to lead to the goal: animals, cars, etc., leading a pencil or a button through the labyrinth.

3. To enhance visual acuity I am using the game: "Merry Contour". I give the children the task of tracing contour images through tracing paper. First, a sheet of white paper with a contour image is placed on the table. Over the image of tracing paper. You need to outline. The resulting image can be cut, shaded.

4. The ultimate goal of strabismus treatment is to develop binocular and stereoscopic vision. To develop simultaneous vision, the following exercise is performed: "Silhouette".

Superimposing one image on top of another. Outline images of leaves are drawn on a sheet of white paper. And exact copies of these images cut out of colored paper are given (overlay copies on the drawn images).

5. For development binocular, stereoscopic vision used game "Confusion".

The child is shown an image of a picture with various overlays of vegetables and objects on top of each other. They ask the child to name what objects are drawn and what color they are.

Name the vegetables on the right that are hidden in the confusion.

6. According to the method of V. A. Kovalev In some cases, children perform this gymnastics, following the simulator with their eyes. "Flag", "Mitten", "Colored palms", which is controlled by the educator, the trajectory of the movement of the flag coincides with the pattern of the mail envelope. All gymnastics fit into 1-2 minutes.

7. Exercise on gaze fixation directed to convergence development, production binocular vision– developed Academician V.P. Filatov.

We stand or sit quietly. We stretch out our hand. We fix our eyes on the tip of the index finger, keep our eyes on the approaching own finger, with the other hand we simultaneously feel this finger.

With this method, in addition to fixation (there is a coordinated work of the visual, motor analyzers).

8. simulators for the development of perception and hand-eye coordination.

The place for applying schemes - simulators - the walls of the group.

Simulator "Butterfly"

Simulator "Palms"

Trainer "Routes of eyes"

1. Eye tracking along a given trajectory;

2. Eye tracking and tracing with the index finger (pointer) or the same index fingers and hands of the trajectory of movements.

The poster shows the lines - "Routes" for the eyes, each exercise is performed throughout the day.

9. Scheme of visual-motor projections - developed Professor V. F. Bazarny it is applied for vision correction, prevention of myopia.

1. - Smooth eye movements horizontally: left, right.

2. - Smooth eye movements vertically: up, down.

3. - Movement of the eyes clockwise on the red ellipse.

4. - Movement of the eyes counterclockwise on the blue ellipse.

5. - Continuous eye movements along two ellipses.

10. "Mark on glass" (according to E. S. Avetisov).

Allows you to train the eye muscles, contraction of the lens muscles. Promotes myopia prevention. Exercises are performed from a standing position.

The child is invited to consider a circle pasted on the glass (slowly count to ten, then look at the most distant point behind the glass and also slowly count to ten.

It is a kind of gymnastics for the eyes and just helps them to relax.

Children rub their palms until you feel warm. After that, the palms are placed on the closed eyes in such a way that the center of the palm falls just on the eye. The palms are a key part of palming. Keep your palms in front of your eyes for 2-3 minutes. At this time, you can turn on calm music or read poetry.

12. Relaxation- deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the removal of mental stress.

For restoration of strength and relieve emotional arousal in children, their calming is carried out by muscle relaxation. Children lie on their backs, relaxing all the muscles, and close their eyes. Relaxation takes place under the sound of calm music.

The following exercises are of particular interest:

Eyelashes fall...

Eyes are closing...

We are resting calmly ... (2 times)

We fall asleep with a magical dream ...

Our hands rest...

Get heavy, fall asleep (2 times)

The neck is not tense

She is relaxed...

Lips slightly open...

So nice to relax. (2 times)

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

We are having a great time.

We fall asleep with a magical dream ...

In free activity I use games formation of coordination in system coordinated skill "eye - hand" and correct its shortcomings.

Target: stimulation of visual and tactile analyzers, development of visual coordination.

"Assemble the whole from the parts"

"Make a figure out of sticks"


"Assemble a picture from geometric shapes"

flannelgraph "Seasons"

"Who quickly"

Regular corrective exercises have shown that:

In children, visual acuity increases, motor functions of the eyes develop, binocular vision develops;

Cognitive activity increases, the psycho-emotional state and health of children improve.


1. Ermakov V. P., Yakunin G. A. "Development, training and education of children with visual impairment" - M., 1990

2. "Education and education of preschool children with visual impairment" (from work experience), ed. Zemtsova M.I. - M., 1978.

3. Druzhinina L. A. Correctional work in a kindergarten for children with visual impairment. - M .: "Exam", 2006.

4. Grigorieva L.P. Development of perception in children. Handbook for correctional activities with children with visual impairments. - M., "Press".

5. Ermakov V. P. Development, training and education of children with visual impairment. M., 1990.

6. Nagaeva T. I. Visual impairment in preschool children. - Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix", 2008.

7. L. I. Medvedev. Treatment of strabismus and amblyopia in children in specialized nurseries. Ed. "Shtiintsa" Chisinau 1986.

Many parents are familiar with the term hyperactivity in children firsthand. Restlessness, overflowing activity and the inability to sit at least 5 minutes in one place often exhaust parents who are forced to restrain the irrepressible energy of their child almost around the clock. most common in preschool age. Such behavior can be difficult to control not only for parents, but also for educators and teachers. Children with increased activity are often characterized by excessive impulsiveness and even aggressiveness. Such character traits prevent the child from finding a common language with peers and making friends. The best solution in this situation is the correct adjustment of the child's behavior.

It is not always easy for a hyperactive child to find a common language with peers, because not all of them are restless. Correction of the child's behavior will help, among other things, to establish the social life of the baby.

Activities with a child with ADHD

If parents notice that it is difficult for a child to focus their attention, this most likely indicates violations in the corresponding part of the brain. In this case, you should not unnecessarily strain this area, avoiding overloading the child's attention. As an alternative, educators and psychologists unanimously propose to develop children's memory and thinking, thus training normally developing areas of the brain.

When choosing games and exercises, adhere to the following rules:

  • Tasks for games and activities should be extremely short and clear. It is possible to use visual pictures-tips. Before starting the lesson, make sure that the child understands the task well.
  • Help your child learn the rule: first you need to bring one thing to the end and only then take on another - so he learns to be consistent.
  • The time to complete the task should be short to avoid overworking the child. Excessive load will lead to the fact that the child will begin to lose control over himself and will become even more active and aggressive.
  • The sequence of active and quiet games should be alternated so that the child has time to "restore" the work of the brain. If you notice signs of overactivity, try to channel the excess energy in a positive direction by offering him quieter games.
  • Help your child to find out their inclinations for any business: drawing, sports, construction, music, or something else. Give yourself the freedom to do what you love. Having mastered a large number of skills and achieved some results, the child will begin to feel more confident.
  • Try to train the weaknesses of the baby. Often, hyperactive children have poor fine motor skills, in which case it is worth offering classes for its development: beading, origami, and so on.

Fine motor skills need to be developed not only in very young children, but also in schoolchildren - a designer favorite by children, puzzles, bead weaving or modeling will help the child better control their movements


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Correction through games is relevant for the development of poorly developed brain functions in hyperactive children. Children with increased activity often prefer to play more noisy games - this is due to the fact that the child cannot force himself to sit in one place on his own. In this case, the choice of outdoor games will be quite reasonable.

The list of corrective exercises suggested below is perfect for hyperactive preschool children (3, 4 and 5 years old). Also, such games will be interesting for school-age children. During the games, the children will train their reaction and attention, and the participants will also have the opportunity to learn to be more tactful and polite towards each other.

Active games by the rules will help make the child more disciplined and teach them to set goals and achieve goals. The pre-agreed rules of the games help to train the child's attention. Such games are widely used in kindergartens, but they can also be adapted for home use with mom and dad.

The game "An hour of silence and an hour of activity"

goal: If the children do not hear the comments and requests addressed to them, it's time to introduce this game. Children in a playful way throw out the accumulated energy, and parents or teachers get the opportunity to control naughty kids.

Note: Different days of the week may correspond to a specific time - for example, today will be the time for silence, and Wednesday will be the time for noise. The main thing is to strictly follow the rules.

In the hour of silence, the baby can do those games that will not interfere with the family's rest - for example, drawing, modeling, reading

Game "Pass the ball"

goal: to realize excess children's energy.

Note: For experienced players, you can complicate the game by blindfolding the participants with a bandage.

Game "Gwalt"

goal: develop attention.

Game "Siamese twins"

Goal: Make the kids more friendly, rally them.

Note: You can make the “common” leg unified and friendly with the help of a rope. You can connect pairs with backs, heads or other parts of the body.

The Gawker Game

goal: to develop concentrated attention in children, increase the speed of reaction, teach to coordinate their movements and clearly follow the rules.

Note: There is another version of the game where the clap matches any word from the song. The song can be played on a tape recorder or sung together.

Round dance games were known to our ancestors. They played not only a ritual role, but also helped to develop concentration and attentiveness in children.

Game "Four Elements"

goal: attention training, affecting the development of motor and auditory functions of the body.

Content: Exercise can be done standing or sitting in a circle. The facilitator explains how to show certain words. For example, earth - sit down, water - smooth movements with your hands, air - stand on your toes and stretch your arms up, fire - an image of flashes from fire with your palms. Having memorized the movements, the players follow the leader. He says the word, and the participants must quickly show it. The facilitator can confuse the guys by saying one word and showing another.

Note: You can take any words: dig, water, sow, hang clothes, etc. The minimum age limit for this game is 4 years.

Game "Forbidden Movement"

goal: Discipline in children is developed thanks to pre-negotiated clear rules of the game. The team building exercise trains the speed of reaction, improves the emotional background in the team and strengthens relationships between children.

Note: Instead of movements, you can use a forbidden figure. Players must repeat all the numbers after the leader in chorus, except for one, which is prohibited. Instead of this number, players should stomp their feet, jump or clap their hands.

The game "My triangular cap ..."

goal: the exercise teaches players attentiveness, coordination of movements, and also gives a charge of vivacity and good mood.

Practical psychologist in kindergarten. A manual for psychologists and teachers Veraksa Alexander Nikolaevich

Corrective games and exercises aimed at overcoming difficulties in the emotional, personal and cognitive spheres in children of senior preschool age

The problem of difficult education and learning difficulties is very relevant at the present time. A large number of scientific publications of various specialists is devoted specifically to the problem of difficult children or, as they are commonly called, children at risk. Children at risk are children who do not have a pronounced clinical and pathological characteristics. However, they have features that prevent them from adequately adapting to the social conditions of life. Recently, there has been a growing trend in the number of primary school students with school maladaptation. In this regard, the question arises of earlier diagnosis, which makes it possible to identify children at risk and organize remedial and developmental classes.

In order to identify older preschoolers with certain difficulties in mental development, you can use the following questionnaire, which is filled out by the teacher of the group (in some cases, together with a psychologist).

Surname and name of the child ______________________________________________


Basis for allocation to the risk group:

- behavioral difficulties

– learning difficulties __________________________________________

1. Features of the emotional-volitional sphere, attention

Does the child show:

1) nervousness, anxiety:

c) very rarely.

2) restlessness, restlessness, impulsivity:

c) never.

3) distraction, distractibility, restlessness:

c) never.

4) fatigue, exhaustion:

c) never.

5) irritability, aggressiveness:

c) never.

6) lethargy, passivity:

c) never.

7) stiffness, timidity, tearfulness:

c) never.

2. Features of cognitive activity

1) Cognitive activity:

a) high;

b) average;

c) low;

d) absent.

2) As understands explanations:

Oh good;

b) mediocre;

3) Level of speech development:

a) high;

b) average;

c) low.

4) Level of memory development:

a) high;

b) average;

c) low.

5) The level of mastery of mental actions:

a) high;

b) average;

c) low.

3. Are there any violations in the motor sphere:

In addition to the questionnaire, the psychologist needs to rely on the results of the diagnostics. To do this, it is advisable to divide children into two subgroups: children who have problems with attention, aggressiveness, and communication difficulties; preschoolers with low self-esteem, anxiety.

Classes with children should be carried out no more than once a week, for 30 minutes. At the same time, you need to communicate with children delicately, with humor. For example, aggressive children often scream loudly. You can ask them: “Guys, do we have deaf children here? Am I that old? Then why are you talking so loudly, I can hear well!” In addition, it is advisable to introduce some external means into a situation that requires self-control skills: “Let's pick up the remote control and make it a little quieter.” Conversely, anxious children who speak softly can be asked to "turn up the volume on the remote." When dealing with some imaginary object, the kids do not perceive the psychologist's remarks as reproaches and really change their behavior.

Although many tasks in the classroom are aimed at developing one or another cognitive process (thinking, memory, attention, etc.), the success of the correction is determined not so much by the content of the task itself, but by the goal that the psychologist sets for himself when offering it to children. Let's take a simple example. The game "dominoes" is familiar to many children - it requires attention and compliance with certain rules. However, in a joint game, the ability to keep a queue and cope with negative emotions comes to the fore. All children want to win, many cry when they realize that losing is inevitable. You can avoid such competitive situations in kindergarten, but at school, children will still meet with them, so it is better to overcome unpleasant emotions in remedial classes. The task of a psychologist is to teach preschoolers to experience such situations, to show children that losing, like winning, is a normal phenomenon in any game. The psychologist, along with the children, can clap the hands of the losing child to smooth out the unpleasant aftertaste. Over time, children begin to support each other themselves - “nothing happens”, “bad luck”, etc.

Below are examples of activities with older preschool children. In lessons 1-8, preschoolers are divided into two subgroups: children of the first subgroup are characterized by a fast reaction, children of the second subgroup are slower. Starting from the 9th lesson, the groups unite. Preschoolers with quick reactions learn to wait for slow children, which contributes to the development of their arbitrariness. Slow children, in turn, looking at "nimble" peers, try to change the pace of their activities; they become more confident in their actions. In addition, the association of subgroups contributes to the development of communication skills.

Lesson 1

Game "Introduction"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere, the establishment of friendly relations.

Children pass the ball to each other and say: “My name is ...” (as they are affectionately called in the family). This stage of the lesson is especially important if the subgroup includes a child who has not previously attended kindergarten. In this case, he talks about himself, about what he loves, what interests him; establishes contact with peers.

Game "What has changed?"

Target: development of attention, memory.

There are 5-6 toys on the table. The psychologist asks the children to memorize them and close their eyes. At this time, he removes one toy. Children open their eyes and guess what has changed.

1st subgroup

Exercise "Kicking"

Target: emotional release, release of muscle tension.

Children lie on their backs on the carpet, legs spread freely. Then they begin to kick slowly, touching the floor with their entire feet. During the exercise, children alternate legs and raise them high, gradually increasing the speed and strength of kicking. At the same time, for each kick, the child says “No!”, Increasing the intensity of the kick.

2nd subgroup

The game "Zhmurki"

Target: development of courage, self-confidence, ability to navigate in space.

Game "Collect the whole"

Target: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of visual-figurative thinking.

The psychologist invites children to collect split pictures from 3-8 parts.

Lesson 2

Game "Edible - inedible"

Target: development of attention, acquaintance with the essential properties of objects.

Children form a circle.

The leader takes turns throwing the ball to the children and naming objects and food. If something edible is called, the child catches the ball, if it is inedible, he hides his hands.

Domino "Associations"

Target: development in children of attention, thinking, associative representations.

An adult offers children to decompose dominoes according to associative representations. For example, a cow is dairy products, a dog is a bone, etc.

1st subgroup

Stop game

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction, overcoming motor automatism.

Children go to the music. Suddenly, the music stops, but the children must continue to move at the same pace until the leader says “Stop!”.

2nd subgroup

Freeze game

Target: development of attention, auditory perception, overcoming motor automatism.

Children jump to the music. Suddenly the music stops. Children freeze in the position they were in when the music stopped. Those who did not have time to “freeze” leave the game, the rest continue to play until only one child remains, who is declared the winner.

Exercise "Pick a pattern"

Target: development of visual perception, attention, imagination.

An adult distributes cards to children depicting various patterns consisting of geometric shapes. The children look at the figures. Then the adult begins to show geometric shapes, and preschoolers find the corresponding images on the cards.

Lesson 3 1st subgroup

The game "Good and evil cat"

Target: reduction of mental stress, correction of the behavior of aggressive children, reduction of aggression.

The psychologist asks the children to portray evil cats first, and then to the calm music of kind cats (relaxation).

2nd subgroup

The game "Who called?"

Target: development of auditory perception, improvement of attention, removal of mental stress.

Children stand in a circle. The driver with his eyes closed is in the center of the circle. On a signal from an adult, one of the children calls the name of the child standing in the middle of the circle. He guesses who called him.

Domino game

Target: development of attention, the ability to follow the rules of the game, fostering a sense of collectivism.

Children at the table play dominoes (with the image of various objects). The leader monitors compliance with the rules of the game.

The game "Flies, does not fly"

Target: development of attention, ideas about the environment.

Children form a circle. The host calls various objects and animals. If an object that flies is called, the children raise their hands, if an object that does not fly is called, they squat.

Exercise "Assemble the whole"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of visual-figurative thinking, attention.

Children collect pictures from parts (puzzles).

Lesson 4 1st subgroup

Game "Two sheep"

Target: reduction of mental stress, aggression and weakening of negative emotions.

Players are divided into pairs. “Early, early, two sheep met on the bridge,” says the host. With legs wide apart and leaning forward, the children rest on each other's palms. They must confront each other without moving. Who moves - lost. In this case, you can make the sounds "Be-e-e."

Then relaxation takes place.

2nd subgroup

Game "Club"

Target: development of the ability to communicate, not embarrassed to express their attitude to the environment; the formation of cohesion between children.

Children sit in a circle, the leader has a ball in his hands. He wraps the thread around his finger and betrays the ball to the child sitting next to him. At the same time, the facilitator asks the child about something, for example: “What is your name? Do you want to be friends with me? Who do you love and why? etc.

The child takes the ball, also wraps the thread around his finger, answers the question and asks the next player a question, etc.

Exercise "Pyramid"

Target: development of perception of size, improvement of attention.

An adult invites children to arrange objects (matryoshkas, bowls, pyramid rings) in ascending and descending order.

Game "Don't Move"

Target: improvement of attention, regulation of behavior, overcoming motor automatism.

Children jump to the sound of a tambourine. Suddenly, the sounds cut off and the children freeze in place. Whoever moves is out of the game.

Exercise "Collect a circle"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere; development of visual-figurative thinking.

Children according to the scheme assemble a circle from parts.

Lesson 5 1st subgroup

The game "Good and evil cat"

Target: correction of the behavior of aggressive children; reduction of mental stress, weakening of negative emotions.

An adult invites children to first portray evil cats, then to calm music - good cats (relaxation).

2nd subgroup

The game "In the mirror store"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; development of self-confidence, looseness.

An adult invites children to visit a mirror shop. One child is chosen to play the role of a monkey, the rest of the children portray mirrors. A child pretending to be a monkey enters a store and sees his image in the mirrors. He thinks they are other monkeys and starts making faces at them. Reflections are the same. The "monkey" threatens them with his fist, and they threaten her from the mirrors; she stomps her foot, and the monkeys stomp too. Whatever the "monkey" does, the reflections in the mirrors exactly repeat its movements.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.

The facilitator shows the children tables consisting of four pictures and suggests identifying an extra item. Children find an object and tell why they are superfluous.

Game "Say the other way around"

Target: development of thinking, attention, speed of reaction.

Children form a circle. The leader throws the ball to one of the children and calls an adjective or adverb. The child returns the ball, naming a word with the opposite meaning.

Game "What has changed?"

Purpose: development of attention, memory.

The host puts 5-7 toys in front of the children and asks them to close their eyes. At this time, he removes one toy. Opening their eyes, the children must guess which toy has disappeared.

Lesson 6 1st subgroup

Game "Kicking"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; emotional release, release of muscle tension.

Children lie on the carpet on their backs, legs spread freely. Then they begin to kick slowly, touching the floor with their entire feet. During the exercise, children alternate legs and raise them high, gradually increasing the speed and strength of kicking. At the same time, for each blow, the child says “No!”, Increasing the intensity of the blow.

Then the children listen to calm music (relaxation).

2nd subgroup

The game "Zhmurki"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; development of courage, self-confidence, ability to navigate in space.

The driver is blindfolded. One of the children twists it in place to make orientation difficult. Then the children scatter around the room, and the driver tries to catch them. If he succeeds, he tries by touch to determine who he has caught.

Game "ABC of mood"

Target: familiarity with the different emotional state of the people around, the development of the ability to understand this state.

The leader gives a set of cards (6 pieces) to the children sitting at the table, each of which depicts different emotional states of the character. The host asks the children to find cards on which the character is happy, offended, angry, etc. Preschoolers show the corresponding cards. The adult then asks the children to share experiences in their lives when they experienced the same feelings.

Game "Dwarfs and Giants"

Target: development of attention, speed of reaction.

At the command of the host "Dwarfs!" children squat, at the command "Giants!" - get up. An adult gives commands at random and at a different pace.

Exercise "Nonsense"

Target: development of attention, the ability to understand pictures with a ridiculous plot.

An adult shows the children pictures and offers to find on them something that does not happen in life.

Lesson 7 1st subgroup

The game "Yes or not?"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; development of attention, speed of reaction, ability to obey certain rules.

The players stand in a circle and hold hands. The leader is in the center of the circle. He asks the children to listen to his statement and decide whether they agree with it or not. If you agree, then you need to raise your hands up and shout “Yes!”, If you do not agree, you should lower your hands and shout “No!”.

Are there fireflies in the field?

Are there fishermen in the sea?

Does a calf have wings?

Does a piglet have a beak?

Does the burrow have doors?

Does a rooster have a tail?

Does the violin have a key?

Does the verse have a rhyme?

Does it have any errors?

2nd subgroup

Game "Crow"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; improvement of attention, development of activity, cohesion of the players, creation of healthy emotional arousal.

The leader in the center of the circle imitates the flight of a crow. Then he stops and starts plucking his wings: “The crow is sitting on the roof. She plucks her wings. Sirlalala, sirlalala!" Suddenly, the host says: “Who will sit down first?” Then: "And who will get up first?"

Whoever is late to execute the command is out of the game.

Game "Guess what's hidden?"

Target: training of attention, memory, development of ideas about surrounding objects.

The bag contains various items. The adult invites the child to find an object in the bag by touch, describe it and guess what it is.

Game "Remember your place"

Target: memory improvement; creating an uplifting mood.

Children stand in a circle or in different corners of the room. The leader asks them to remember their places. Then he turns on cheerful music and the children scatter. With the end of the music, they should return to their places.

Exercise "Find the Differences"

Target: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; improving attention.

An adult shows the children two almost identical drawings and asks them to determine how one drawing differs from the other.

Lesson 8 1st subgroup

The game “Roar, lion, growl; knock, train, knock"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere of the psyche; removal of barriers in communication, muscle tension.

The host tells the children: “We are all lions, a big lion family. Let's have a competition to see who can growl the loudest. As soon as I say 'Roar, lion, roar!', start roaring loudly."

Then the facilitator invites the children to portray a steam locomotive. Children stand in a line, putting their hands on each other's shoulders. The “locomotive” travels in different directions, either quickly or slowly, then turning, then bending, making loud sounds and whistling. The driver at the stations changes. At the end of the game, a "crash" occurs and everyone falls to the floor.

Then the children listen to calm music (relaxation).

2nd subgroup

The game "The wind blows on ..."

Target: correction of the emotional sphere; development of a sense of cohesion, removal of barriers in communication.

"The wind blows on ..." - the host starts the game and clarifies: "The wind blows on the one who has blond hair." All the blonde children gather at one end of the room. The host continues: “The wind blows on the one who has a sister (who loves animals, who cries a lot, who has no friends, etc.). Children who identify themselves as belonging to one group or another get together.

Exercise "What it looks like"

Target: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, ideas about surrounding objects.

The facilitator shows the children geometric shapes (circle, oval, rectangle, triangle) and suggests naming objects that have a similar shape.

The game "Flies, does not fly"


Children form a circle. The host calls various objects and animals. If an object that flies is called, the children raise their hands; if an object that does not fly is called, preschoolers squat.

Exercise "Assemble the square"

Target: development of thinking, attention, perception of a holistic image of objects.

Children according to the scheme assemble a square from parts.

Lesson 9

Exercise "Compliments"

Target: correction and development of the emotional sphere of the psyche; relieving mental stress, overcoming barriers in communication, developing the ability to see one's positive sides.

Children join hands and form a circle. Looking into the eyes, the children take turns saying a few kind words to each other, praising them for something. The recipient of the compliment nods his head: “Thank you, I am very pleased!” He then gives a compliment to his neighbor. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

Game "What is missing?"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; attention development.

The facilitator offers the children cards with the missing details. Children find the missing part and name it.

The game "Fire - ice"

Target: development of attention, speed of reactions.

At the command of the leader “Fire!”, The children standing in the circle begin to move. At the command "Ice!", they freeze in the position in which the team found them.

Noisy pictures exercise

Target: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of attention, visual perception.

An adult puts a picture in front of the children, on which randomly intertwined lines are drawn, and offers to find the image hidden behind these lines.

Lesson 10

Game "What does the mood look like"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere of the psyche; development of the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to adequately express one's mood.

Children form a circle. The facilitator asks them to take turns telling what season, natural phenomenon, weather, their current mood is like. The host begins: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in the blue sky. And your?"

Domino "Associations"

Target: development of thinking, attention, ability to obey a certain rule.

An adult offers children to decompose dominoes according to associative representations. For example: cow - dairy products, dog - bone, etc.

Game "Forbidden Movement"

Target: development of attention, memory, speed of reactions; relieving mental stress.

An adult explains the rules of the game to the children: “I will perform different movements, and you will repeat them after me. One movement cannot be repeated. The leader shows this movement. Then he starts to perform different movements and suddenly shows a forbidden movement. Whoever repeats it becomes the leader.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: correction and development of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, attention, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.

The facilitator shows the children tables consisting of four pictures and suggests identifying an extra item. Children find objects and tell why they are superfluous.

Target: correction of the emotional and personal sphere of the psyche; development of attention, auditory perception.

Children sit in a circle and cover their eyes with bandages. The leader transplants several people and touches the child with his hand. The one touched by the host says: “I'm here!” Children have to guess who said these words.

Exercise "Make a figure out of counting sticks"

Target: correction of cognitive and creative abilities; development of attention, fine motor skills of the hand, the ability to work, focusing on the sample.

Children, following the model, lay out different figures from counting sticks.


Children stand in a circle. The leader alternately throws the ball to the children, saying: “Water” (“Air”, “Earth”). The child returns the ball by naming an animal that walks on the ground (floats in water or flies). At the word "Fire", the child should turn around and clap their hands.

Exercise "Magic Figures"

Target: development of creative abilities, imagination, fine motor skills of the hand.

An adult invites children to become "wizards" and turn the figures into various objects or draw a picture by completing the figures. An adult notes the best drawings.

Lesson 12

Exercise "How do you feel?"

Target: correction of the emotional sphere of the psyche; development of the ability to understand their emotional state and the state of others.

An adult shows the children cards with the image of various shades of mood. Children should choose the one that best conveys their mood (the mood of mom, dad, etc.).

Exercise "Logical endings"

Target: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking.

The facilitator invites the children to complete the sentences: “Lemons are sour, but sugar ..., A bird flies, but a snake ..., You see with your eyes, but you hear ..., Apples and pears ..., A knife and a piece of glass ...”, etc.

Ear-nose game

Target: development of attention, dexterity, speed of reactions, creation of healthy emotional arousal, cheerful mood; relieving mental stress.

An adult invites children to perform appropriate actions on command. At the command "Ear!" the guys should touch the ear, at the command "Nose!" - to the nose. The leader performs actions together with the children, but after a while he “mistakes”. Children, not paying attention to "mistakes", should show that part of the face that the leader calls.

Exercise "Fold the Pattern"

Target: development of spatial thinking, the ability to create different patterns according to the model, the ability to work according to the scheme.

The host lays out a pattern from the cubes and invites the children to make exactly the same pattern from their cubes (Nikitin's cubes).

Lesson 13

Game "Wish"

Target: correction of the emotional and personal sphere of the psyche and relationships of children; fostering kindness, respect for peers, the desire to see the good in people and not be shy about talking about it.

Children sit in a circle and throw a ball to each other, saying good wishes.

Game "What has changed?"

Target: development of attention, memory.

The host puts 3 ^ 7 toys in front of the children and lets them look at them for a few seconds. Then he asks the children to turn away. At this time, he swaps several toys. Turning and looking at the toys, the children should say what has changed.

Game "Four Elements"

Target: development of attention, the ability to obey certain rules, the cohesion of the players, dexterity, speed of reaction; relieving mental stress.

The players sit in a circle. At the command of the host “Earth”, the children lower their hands down, at the command “Water” they stretch their arms forward, at the command “Air” they raise their hands up, at the command “Fire” they rotate their hands in the wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, attention, the ability to generalize objects on a certain basis.

The facilitator shows the children tables consisting of four pictures, and offers to determine the extra item. Children find objects and tell why they are superfluous.

Lesson 14

Exercise "What and when I feel"

Target: correction of undesirable character traits, behavior of children; development of the ability to express one's feelings, to correctly assess the attitude of other people towards oneself.

The facilitator asks the children how people might feel.

(Anger, disappointment, surprise, joy, fear, etc.) Then he invites each child to choose one card from a set of pictures with a schematic representation of the emotional state and tell when he experiences such feelings (“I am happy when ...”, “I it can be scary when ... ", etc.).

Exercise "Describe from memory"

Target: development of memory, attention.

The facilitator briefly shows the children a doll (any toy), then removes it and offers to answer the questions: “What kind of hair does the doll have? What dress? What eyes? Does the doll have bows (shoes, socks)? Is she standing or sitting? etc.

Game "Earth, air, water, fire"

Target: development of ideas about the environment, attention, speed of reactions.

Children form a circle. The leader alternately throws the ball to the children, saying: “Water” (“Air”, “Earth”), The child returns the ball, naming the animal that walks on the ground (swims in water or flies). At the word "Fire", the child should turn around and clap their hands.

Domino game

Target: correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of attention, thinking.

Children at the table play dominoes (with the image of various objects). The facilitator makes sure the rules are followed.

Lesson 15

Exercise "Kind word"

Target: correction of the relationship of children; the development of friendly relations between children, the ability to better understand themselves and other people, the removal of barriers in communication.

Children sit in a circle. Everyone takes turns saying something nice to their neighbor. At the same time, the speaker must look into the eyes of the person he is talking about.

Exercise "Guess the riddle"

Target: development and correction of the cognitive sphere of the psyche; development of thinking, attention, ingenuity.

The host makes riddles about animals and plants for the children, and the children guess them.

The game "Flies, does not fly"

Target: development of attention, ideas about the world around; creating a cheerful mood, healthy emotional arousal.

Children form a circle. The host calls various objects and animals. If an object that flies is called, the children raise their hands, if an object that does not fly is called, they squat. How unfortunate parents form anxiety in preschool children Emotions play an important role in children's lives: they help to perceive reality and respond to it. Manifested in behavior, they inform the adult about what the child likes, angry or upsets.

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    Games and exercises for the development of perception

Perception- a complex process of receiving and converting information that provides a reflection of objective reality and orientation in the surrounding world. As a form of sensory reflection of an object, it includes the detection of the object as a whole, the distinction of individual features in the object, the allocation of informative content in it that is adequate to the purpose of the action, the formation of a sensory image.

Perception properties: objectivity, integrity, constancy, categoriality.

objectivity- the ability of a person to perceive the world not in the form of a set of sensations that are not related to each other, but in the form of objects separated from each other that have properties that cause these sensations.

Integrity- perception is expressed in the fact that the image of perceived objects is not given in a complete finished form with all the necessary elements.

constancy- is defined as the ability to perceive objects relatively constant in shape, color and size to a number of other parameters, regardless of the applied physical conditions of perception.

Perception types: visual, auditory, tactile.

Exercise 1. "What items are hidden in the drawings?"

The child is explained that he will be shown several contour drawings, in which, as it were, many objects known to him are “hidden”. Next, the child is presented with a drawing and asked to sequentially name the outlines of all the objects “hidden” in its three parts: 1, 2 and 3. You can use pictures depicting objects related to the topic of the lesson, including numbers and letters.

The task execution time is limited to one minute.

If the child begins to rush and prematurely, not finding all the objects, moves from one drawing to another, then the teacher should stop the child and ask him to look in the previous drawing. You can move on to the next picture only when all the items in the previous picture are found.

Exercise 2. "Affectionate Paws". Development of tactile perception.

An adult picks up 6-7 small items of various textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is invited to bare his arm to the elbow; the teacher explains that the “animal” will walk on the hand and touch it with “paws”. It is necessary to guess with closed eyes which "animal" touched the hand - "glass, wooden, etc." Touches should be stroking, pleasant.

The game is good to use in elementary school, in any lesson, as a change of activity.

Exercise 3 "List the items."

One leader is selected from a group of children. He leaves the room for 2 minutes. At this time, 7 items related to the topic of the lesson or to a particular educational situation are placed on the table in the room, maybe a life situation.

The driver is invited, the situation is told to him and he is allowed to inspect the table for 1-2 minutes. Then he turns his back to the table and faces the group of children and starts listing the things on the table. After each correct answer, the group says “Correct!”, after an incorrect answer, “Wrong!”. If the driver has not listed all the items, the group says which items he forgot.

Toys can also be used in elementary school.

Exercise 4 "Visuo-motor coordination". The exercise includes several tasks.

Task 1. A dot and an asterisk are drawn here (show). Draw a straight line from dot to star without lifting your pencil from the paper. Try to keep the line as straight as possible. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Task 2. Two vertical lines are drawn here (show). Find the middle of the first line, and then the second. Draw a straight line from the middle of the first strip to the middle of the second. Don't take your pencil off the paper. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Task 3. Look: here is a path drawn (show). You need to draw a straight line from the beginning to the end of the path along its middle. Try not to let the line touch the edges of the track. Don't take your pencil off the paper. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Task 4. A dot and an asterisk are also drawn here. You need to connect them by drawing a straight line from top to bottom.

Task 5. Now you need to circle the drawn figure along a broken line, and then draw exactly the same figures yourself. Draw them as you see them, try to correctly convey the shape and size of the figure. Outline the figure and draw only in the given direction and try not to tear the pencil off the paper. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Task 6. Now you need to circle the proposed drawing along a broken line, but you need to draw a line only in the direction in which the arrow shows. Once you have drawn to the "crossroads", look where the arrow is pointing, and draw further in that direction. The line should end at an asterisk (show). Don't take your pencil off the paper. Do not forget that the sheet cannot be twirled. When you're done, put your pencil down.

Exercise 5 Figure-background distinction. Development of visual perception. The exercise includes several exercises.

Task 1. Look: a rectangle is drawn on the card. Now find it in this picture and circle it.

Task 2. And on this card you see a cross. Find it in the picture in front of you and circle it.

Task 3. Look at the picture of the task. A circle is depicted here, and inside it, among the stripes, several rhombuses are hidden. Take a colored pencil and circle as many diamonds as you can find.

Exercise 6 "Spatial Relations". Look carefully at the picture of the task. You see a figure (show in the picture). What does she look like? But it is drawn not just like that, but by points, i.e. each line goes from one point to another. You need to draw the same figure, connecting free points with lines. Be careful, keep track of where the lines go from which point to which. When you're done, put your pencil down.

2. Games and exercises for the development of memory

Memory- the ability to reproduce past experience, one of the main properties of the nervous system, expressed in the ability to store information for a long time and repeatedly enter it into the sphere of consciousness and behavior.

Memory processes: memorization, preservation, reproduction, recognition, recollection, proper recollection.

Types of memory: arbitrary, involuntary, instantaneous, short-term, operational, long-term, visual, auditory, motor, emotional.

Arbitrary memory- memorization and reproduction, carried out with the participation of active attention and requiring volitional efforts of a person.

involuntary memory- memory that is not regulated by a specific program and purpose. Memorization occurs without volitional efforts on the part of the subject, and the subject does not use any mediated memorization mechanisms and techniques. A person involuntarily remembers, and, moreover, he can not reproduce everything that happens to him, but only some separate parts.

instant memory- retention of an accurate and complete picture of the information that has just been perceived by the senses.

short-term- is a way of storing information for a short period of time. It retains the most essential elements of the image. From instant memory, only the information that attracts increased attention gets into it.

Operational- storage of information for a certain, for a predetermined period. The period of storage of information in this memory is determined by the task facing the person.

long-term- storage of information in an unlimited period of time. This information can be reproduced any number of times without loss.

visual- preservation and reproduction of visual images.

auditory- memorization and accurate reproduction of various sounds.

Motor- memorization and preservation, and, if necessary, reproduction with sufficient accuracy of diverse complex movements.

emotional- memory for experiences. What causes emotional experiences in a person is remembered by him without much difficulty and for a longer period.

Exercise 1. "Picture". The child is offered a standard sheet of paper and felt-tip pens, pencils (at least six different colors). The child is given the task to draw what he remembered best in the lesson on the topic (the topic of the last lesson or the present).

The task helps to develop long-term memory, fine motor skills and engages the child's interest.

This takes 5 minutes.

Exercise 2 . "Remember the drawings." The task is designed to develop the volume of short-term visual memory. Children receive the pictures presented in Appendix 2 as incentives.

The children are given instructions with the following content: “There are nine different figures in this picture. Try to memorize them and then recognize them in another picture, which I will now show you. On it, in addition to the nine previously shown images, there are six more that you have not yet seen. Try to recognize and show in the second picture only those images that you saw in the first of the pictures.

The display time of the stimulus picture (A) is 30 sec. After that, this picture is removed from the child's field of vision and instead of it, he is shown the second picture (B). The experiment continues until the child recognizes all the images, but no longer than 1.5 minutes.

Exercise 3 "Short-term visual memory".

The child is alternately offered each of the two drawings below. After presenting each part of the drawing, A and B, the child receives a stencil frame with a request to draw on it all the lines that he saw and remembered on each part of the drawing.

Exercise 4 "Recognize the figures." This task develops such a type of memory as recognition. In the task, children are offered pictures accompanied by the following instructions: “There are 5 pictures in front of you, arranged in rows. The picture on the left is separated from the rest by a bold vertical line and looks like one of the four pictures in a row to its right. It is necessary to find and point to a similar picture as soon as possible. The task is carried out for no more than 1.5 minutes, even if the child has not completed all the tasks by this time.

Exercise 5 "Parrot". Exercise for the development of short-term auditory memory (echo memory), auditory attention, phonemic hearing. Instruction: “In one hot country there lived a magic parrot who could repeat all sounds. Try to repeat after me all the incomprehensible sounds, as the parrot did:

to-tsa (the child repeats);

to-tsa-mu (the child repeats);

to-tsa-mu-de (the child repeats);

to-tsa-mu-de-ni (the child repeats);

to-tsa-mu-de-ni-zu (the child repeats);

to-tsa-mu-de-ni-zu-pa (the child repeats);

to-tsa-mu-de-ni-zu-pa-ki (the child repeats);

to-tsa-mu-de-ni-zu-pa-ki-cha (the child repeats).

The exercise is good to use in Russian lessons.

Exercise 6 "Kaleidoscope". All players line up in a semicircle in front of the driver, the driver stands facing them. Players call the driver in turn the color that each of them prefers. Then the driver turns away, the players quickly change places. When the driver turns around, he needs to tell which player which color he likes.

Exercise 7 "Tachytoscope". The class sits in a circle. One or two participants stand in the center of the circle. The lights are extinguished, and the participants standing inside the circle take any poses, motionlessly freezing in them. At the ready signal, the light is turned on for a short time and immediately turned off. At the moment of the flash, those sitting in a circle try to remember the position of those posing as accurately as possible. After a flash in the dark, the participants who posed in the center return to their places. Then the lights are turned on, and the members of the groups, with the exception of those who posed, work together to reconstruct what they saw.

Exercise is good to use as a change of activities, instead of a physical education minute.

Exercise 8 "Define a Character". Development of semantic memory.

One leader is selected from the group. For 3-5 minutes he goes out the door. In his absence, the teacher and the children come up with some kind of story in which the main character is some literary or historical hero.

All characters of a given literary work and historical event, including the hidden character, must be placed on the board in the form of illustrations or portraits. Leading child is welcome. The guys from the group take turns telling him an invented story, not naming the main character, but replacing his name with the pronoun "he" or "she". The story is told within 3-5 minutes. The driver must show the main character of the story told.

If the answer is wrong, the guys supplement the story told in such a way as to help the driver with new details, without naming the intended character.

In elementary school, toys or objects can be used.

It is good to play the game in the middle of a lesson or at the end, as a change in the type of activity.

3. Games and exercises to develop attention

Attention- this is an arbitrary or involuntary orientation and concentration of mental activity on some object of perception. It is not found in a “pure” form; functionally, attention is directed to something.

Attention Properties- volume, concentration (concentration), distribution, stability, fluctuation, switchability.

attention span measured by the number of objects that are perceived simultaneously. Objects that are united in meaning are perceived in greater numbers than those that are not united. In an adult, the amount of attention is 6-8 objects.

Concentration of attention is the degree of concentration of consciousness on the object (objects). The smaller the circle of objects of attention, the more concentrated attention.

Distribution of attention It is expressed in the ability to simultaneously perform several actions or monitor several processes, objects.

Sustainability of attention- the general focus of attention in the process of activity. Interest has a significant influence on the stability of attention. Repetitive actions reduce the stability of attention.

Distractibility It is expressed in fluctuations in attention, which are periodic weakening of attention to a specific object or activity.

Switching attention consists in the restructuring of attention, in transferring it from one object to another. Distinguish between switching attention intentional (arbitrary) and unintentional (unintentional). Deliberate switching of attention is accompanied by the participation of human volitional efforts.

Types of attention:

involuntary attention- involuntary, spontaneously arising attention, caused by the action of a strong, significant or new, unexpected stimulus. This is the concentration on the object due to some of its features.

Arbitrary attention is a consciously regulated focus on an object. A person focuses not on what is interesting for him, but on what he should do. Arbitrarily concentrating on an object, a person makes an effort of will, which maintains attention throughout the entire process of activity.

Post-voluntary attention- is called up through entry into the activity and the interest arising in connection with this, as a result, purposefulness is maintained for a long time, tension is relieved. The person does not get tired, although post-voluntary attention can last for hours.

Exercise 1. "Remember and dot."

Development of attention span. The following stimulus material is used, shown below. The sheet with dots is preliminarily cut into 8 small squares, which are then stacked in such a way that at the top there is a square with two dots, and at the bottom - a square with nine dots (all the rest go from top to bottom in order with a successively increasing number of dots on them).

Before starting the task, the child receives the following instruction: “Now we will play an attention game with you. I will show you one by one the cards on which the dots are drawn, and then you yourself will draw these dots in empty cells in the places where you saw these dots on the cards.

Next, the child is shown sequentially, for 1-2 seconds, each of the eight cards with dots from top to bottom in the stack in turn, and after each next card, they are asked to reproduce the seen dots in an empty card in 15 seconds. This time is given to the child so that he can remember where the points he saw were and mark them on an empty card.

Exercise 2. "Put the icons." The task is designed to develop the switching and distribution of the child's attention. Before starting the task, the children are shown a drawing and explained how to work with it. This work consists in putting in each of the squares, triangles, circles and rhombuses the sign that is given at the top of the sample, i.e., respectively, a tick, a line, a plus or a dot.

The child works continuously, completing this task for two minutes.

Exercise 3 The exercise is aimed at developing the distribution of attention. The teacher suggests the following tasks: count aloud from 1 to 31, but the child should not name numbers that include three or multiples of three. Instead of these numbers, he should say: "I won't go astray." For example: “One, two, I won’t go astray, four, five, I won’t go astray ...”.

The exercise is good to use in math lessons in any class.

Exercise 4 . Development of voluntary attention.

Children are given a sheet of paper, colored pencils and are asked to draw 10 triangles in a row. When this work is completed, the child is warned to be careful, as the instruction is pronounced only once: "Be careful, shade the third, seventh and ninth triangles with a red pencil."

If the child coped with the task, gradually you can complicate the conditions. It is also good to use in mathematics lessons as a change of activities.

Exercise 5 Development of stability of attention. Exercise for the development of stability of attention.

The child is given a small text and offered, looking through each line, to cross out a letter, for example, “A”. Record the time and number of errors. Record the results daily on a chart. They note the improvement in results, introduce the child to them, rejoice with him.

The assignment can be used in any lesson. Better at the beginning of the lesson.

Exercise 6 "Sea waves". The development of switching attention.

The game is good to use as a physical minute or as an option to change activities in the lesson.

At the signal of the teacher "Calm", all the children in the class "freeze". At the signal "Waves", the children take turns standing at their desks. First, the students sitting at the first desks get up. After 2-3 seconds, those who sit at the second desks rise, etc. As soon as the turn reaches the inhabitants of the last desks, they stand up and all clap their hands together, after which the children who got up first (behind the first desks) sit down, etc.

Exercise 7 "Hwalt". The development of concentration. One of the students (optional) becomes the leader and goes out the door. The group chooses a phrase or a quote known to everyone, a proverb, which is distributed as follows: each participant has one word. Then the driver enters, and the players all at the same time, in chorus, begin to loudly repeat each word. The driver must guess what this phrase, quote is, collecting it by the word.

It is desirable that before the driver enters, each child repeats aloud the word he got.

The exercise can be used in any class. As a physical minute, changing the type of activity.

Exercise 8 "Do as I do!"(counting sticks). Development of the volume of attention (the result is achieved by repeated repetition of the game options).

The teacher draws a figure on the board, then erases the children should lay out from memory from sticks. Initially, each child has 6 sticks. If successful, the number of sticks gradually increases to 12-15.

Good to use in math class. As a change of activity.

Exercise 9 "Hearing". Develop auditory attention.

Children are invited to listen to sounds that "live" only in the group room, then switch their auditory attention to sounds that "live" inside the school, then to sounds on the school grounds, etc.

At the end of the auditory attention switching chain, discuss with the children all the sounds they heard.

Exercise 10 "What changed?". Small items (eraser, pencil, notepad, match, etc. in the amount of 10-15 pieces) are laid out on the table and covered with a sheet of paper. Whoever wants to test his powers of observation first, please come to the table! He is offered to familiarize himself with the location of objects within 30 seconds (count up to 30); then he should turn his back to the table, and at this time three or four objects are shifted to other places. Again, 30 seconds are given to examine the objects, after which they are again covered with a sheet. Now let's ask the player: what has changed in the arrangement of objects, which of them have been moved? Don't think that answering this question will always be easy! Answers are scored. For each correctly indicated item, the player is credited with winning 1 point, but for each mistake, 1 point is removed from the number won. An error is considered when an object is named that has not been transferred to another place.

Let's mix our "collection", laying out the items in a different order, and call another participant in the game to the table. Thus, one by one, everyone will pass the test.

The conditions of the game for everyone should be the same: if four objects were swapped for the first player, then the same number is shifted for the rest.

In this case, the best result is 4 points won. Everyone who passes the test with such a result will be considered the winners in the game.

The game is good to play as a change of activity.

4. Games and exercises for the development of thinking

Thinking is the highest level of human knowledge. Allows you to gain knowledge about such objects, properties and relationships of the real world that cannot be directly perceived at the sensory level of knowledge.

Types of thinking: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical.

Thought processes: analysis and synthesis.

Analysis- this is the division of an object, mental or practical, into its constituent elements with their subsequent comparison.

Synthesis is the construction of a whole from analytically given parts.

Thinking operations: comparison, generalization, abstraction, concretization, classification and systematization.

Comparison- Establishing similarities and differences between objects. Cognition of the objects of the surrounding world begins primarily by comparing them, comparing them with each other (primary synthesis).

Generalization acts as a combination of the essential and linking it with a class of objects and phenomena. The concept becomes one of the forms of mental generalization.

Abstraction - this is the selection of some side or aspect of the phenomenon, which in reality does not exist as independent ones. Abstraction is carried out for a more thorough study of them and, as a rule, on the basis of a preliminary analysis and synthesis.

Specification acts as an operation inverse to generalization. It manifests itself, for example, in the fact that from a general definition, a concept, a judgment is derived about the belonging of individual things and phenomena to a certain class.

Classification- the operation of referring a single object, event, experience to a certain class, which can be verbal and non-verbal meanings, symbols, etc.

Exercise 1. "Tell by picture". The child is offered a drawing, picture, illustration on the topic of the lesson. The child is asked, after carefully examining the picture, to tell the picture how he understands what is shown on it. This exercise trains visual-figurative thinking, speech, memory.

For the time allotted for this task - 2 minutes - the child will not only have to talk about the event related to the topic of the lesson, but also justify his opinion about it, i.e. explain why he thinks so, indicate those signs that, in his opinion, indicate that this, and not any other event is shown in the figure.

Exercise 2. "Who's missing what?"

The exercise is designed to develop visual-figurative thinking. Children are shown illustrations of objects, objects, or events that lack some of the details. The child should see what exactly is missing from this illustration. Illustrations are used according to the topic of the lesson.

Exercise 3 "Matrices". Task for the development of visual-figurative thinking. The task is good to use in mathematics lessons, as a change in the type of activity.

The child is offered a series of ten gradually increasing tasks of the same type: to search for patterns in the arrangement of parts on the matrix (represented in the upper part of the indicated figures in the form of a large quadrangle) and to select one of the eight given figures below as the missing insert to this matrix corresponding to its pattern (this part of the matrix is ​​presented below in the form of flags with different patterns on them). Having studied the structure of the large matrix, the child must indicate that of the details (that of the eight flags at the bottom) that best fits this matrix, i.e. corresponds to its pattern or the logic of the arrangement of its parts vertically and horizontally.

Exercise 4 "Exclusion of concepts". Development of processes of generalization and abstraction. The teacher offers the students the following task: “Out of the five proposed words, four are similar to each other and can be combined with one name. Find the wrong word and say what the other four can be called.

For example:

1. Decrepit, old, worn out, small, dilapidated.

2. Bold, brave, courageous, angry, resolute.

3. Vasily, Fedor, Ivanov, Semyon, Porfiry.

4. Deep, high, light, low, shallow.

5. Milk, cream, cheese, lard, sour cream.

6. House, barn, hut, hut, building.

7. Birch, pine, tree, oak, spruce.

8. Hate, resent, despise, resent, punish.

9. Nest, burrow, anthill, chicken coop, lair.

10. Hammer, nail, tongs, ax, chisel.

11. Minute, second, hour, evening, day.

12. Robbery, theft, earthquake, arson, assault.

It is necessary to use words and concepts related to the subject being taught, you can combine words by topic, and children must exclude words that are not suitable for a particular topic.

Exercise 5 "Name the words." The development of verbal thinking. The teacher calls the child a certain word or concept from the relevant topic and asks him to independently list other words related to this topic.

Exercise 6 "Defining Concepts". The child is offered sets of words and concepts that relate to a particular topic. The following instruction is suggested: The words are in front of you. Imagine that you meet a person who does not know the meaning of any of these words. You should try to explain to this person what each word means. How would you explain this?"

Exercise 7 "Verbal Flexibility". Children are asked in one minute to write as many words as possible related to a particular topic of the lesson. Topics are set by the teacher. Words should not duplicate each other.

Or children are presented with a set of letters: “FROM CH L O I” (number). Children must decipher the words.

Exercise 8 "Using Items" Children are given a task: to list as many life situations and ways of using certain objects, objects as possible.

For example, in a biology lesson: this or that plant (what it is for, the benefits, the value of this plant, what can and cannot be done with this plant, etc.). Such a task helps in the development of logical thinking and is used as a change in the type of activity in the lesson, it diversifies the lesson.

Exercise 9 "Consequences of the situation". List the various consequences of a phenomenon.

For example, in a biology class: "Imagine what would happen if animals and birds could speak human language."

Such tasks develop thinking and imagination, diversify the lesson, appeal to the interest and emotions of children.

Exercise 10 "The words". Think of words related to the topic that begin or end with a certain syllable.

For example, in math:

Think about what word in mathematics can begin with the syllable "for" - "task".

Think about what word in mathematics can end in the syllable "current" - "remainder".

And so it is with any subject. The assignment can be used at the beginning of the lesson.

Exercise 11 "Expression".

Come up with sentences consisting of four words, each of which begins with the specified letter. These letters are: B, M, C, K (subjects are presented with printed letters). Sample sentence: "A cheerful boy is watching a movie."

The assignment can be used for any subject. Children can come up with suggestions on the topic of the lesson. The assignment can be used at the end of the lesson. The teacher has the opportunity to track how the children understood the topic.

Exercise 12 "Word Association".

Give as many definitions as possible for any word or definition, depending on the topic of the lesson. For example, find as many definitions for the word "book" as possible. For example: a beautiful book. What else is a book? Old, new, modern, big, heavy, long, medical, military, reference, art, famous, popular, famous, rare good, funny, sad, scary, sad, interesting, smart, useful, etc.

The task can be used in the middle of the lesson, both written and oral.

5. Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills

Game 1. "Centipedes". Before the start of the game, the hands are on the edge of the desk. At the signal of the teacher, the centipedes begin to move to the opposite edge of the desk or in any other direction given by the teacher. All five fingers take part in the movement.

Game 2. "Bipedes". The game is played similarly to the previous one, but only 2 fingers participate in the “races”: index and middle. The rest are pressed to the palm. You can arrange races between the "two-legs" of the left and right hands.

Game 3. "Elephants". The middle finger of the right or left hand turns into a “trunk”, the rest into “elephant legs”. It is forbidden for an elephant to jump and touch the ground with its trunk; when walking, it must rely on all 4 paws. Elephant racing is also possible.

Game 4 "Don't drop it!" Matches are poured out of the box, the empty box and the lid are placed on the table with a narrow long edge, parallel to each other. The child takes 4 matches with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand and puts them on the box or lid, trying not to drop them.

If it worked out, then with the left hand, with the same fingers, he shifts the matches to another box.

If he succeeds, then he tries to do the same with the middle and thumb fingers of both hands (alternately). And then - nameless and large, little finger and large. (If at least one match falls, you have to start over.)

Usually children hold a maximum of 8 matches.

The game is good to use as a change of activity.

Game 5. The child lowers his hands into a vessel filled with some kind of homogeneous filler (water, sand, various cereals, pellets, any small objects). 5 - 10 minutes, as it were, mixes the contents. Then he is offered a vessel with a different filler texture. After several tests, the child, with his eyes closed, lowers his hand into the proposed vessel and tries to guess its contents, without feeling its individual elements with his fingers. The game is good to use as a switch from a complex activity to a simpler one, as an option for rest or relaxation. For example, invite the child to stroke each finger of the hand without removing the hands from the vessel of water. Or, in a container with small grains, repeat the same massage, so that the grains seem to be rubbed into the child's fingers

You can also use natural material for recognition by touch. For example, with your eyes closed, find out which tree a leaf belongs to. At the same time, in order for the fingers to work more differentiated, it is necessary to ask the child questions: what shape is the leaf, texture (“hard or soft”, “smooth or rough, with veins”), what sensations arise in the fingers.

At labor lessons, you can also work with various materials, recognizing by touch different types of fabric, building material.

Game 6 Recognition of figures, numbers or letters "written" on the right and left hand. Good to use in pairs. Especially in the lessons of the Russian language and mathematics. The game can be played to change the type of activity.

Also, as an option, children can be asked to identify shapes, numbers or letters on the cards. At the same time, use a different texture from which letters and numbers will be made: rough paper, wire, fabric, sand, etc.

Game 7. Plasticine molding of geometric shapes, letters, numbers. For school-age children, modeling not only block letters, but also capital letters. Then the recognition of the stuck together letters with closed eyes.

Game 8. "Rubber". For this exercise, you can use an elastic band with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters. All fingers are inserted into the elastic. The task is to move the elastic band 360%, first in one direction and then in the other direction, with the movements of all fingers. It is performed first with one, then with the other hand.

Game 9. Rolling the pencil between the fingers from the thumb to the little finger and back alternately with each hand.

Game 10. Graphic dictations. Performed on paper in a box under the dictation of an adult. The child is asked to draw a line as follows:

For example: Two cells to the left, two cells up, two cells to the right, two cells down, two cells to the right, two cells up, two cells to the left.

Slowness is not some kind of ailment or disadvantage, but, as a rule, it causes a lot of trouble for children and their parents.

Once I witnessed such a picture in the locker room of the second graders. The confused boy is trying to get dressed, and an irritated mother looming over him shouts menacingly: “Well, what is this, what are you digging for?! Everyone has already left, and you, as always ... So, two more minutes, and I'm leaving! The completely frightened boy, now not even able to get his foot in his boot, begins to cry uncontrollably, which finally brings his mother to exhaustion. It's sad, isn't it?

Slowness is a feature of the development of the nervous system, which, however, if diligence is applied, can be corrected in childhood. It is necessary to train the mobility of nervous processes in slow children. There are many different well-known games for training slow children.

Within the framework of this material, an attempt was made to systematize games and exercises for the development of the mobility of nervous processes, which are successfully used in our educational institution, in particular, in physical education lessons in primary grades.

I. Games with a change in the pace of movements
Name of the game Content


Children walk in a circle, changing the speed of movement according to predetermined signals from the teacher (leader). Walking - running - slow walking.

"Catch up with rivals"

Children line up in two columns opposite each other on opposite sides of the playground. At the signal of the teacher, the children perform tasks in a certain sequence: walking with a side step along the line of the hall, quick walking, slow running, walking with jumps and normal walking. In the process of completing tasks, each column tries to catch up with each other; whoever succeeds wins.

"Clap - top"

In this exercise, children need to clap their hands, stomp at different speeds, changing the pace at the teacher's signal.

"Funny Fingers"

In this exercise, children should bend and unbend their fingers at a certain pace following the teacher.

"Open - Squeeze"

Students hold their hands clenched into fists in front of them, and then with the words: “Open the windows, let in the light,” they sharply unclench their fingers.

II. Games with the fastest movements

"Pass the ball"

Sitting on chairs or standing in a circle, the players try to pass the ball as quickly as possible without dropping it to a neighbor. You can throw the ball to each other at the fastest pace or pass it, turning your back in a circle and putting your hands behind your back. You can complicate the exercise by asking children to play with their eyes closed or by using several balls in the game at the same time.

"Pass the ball"

Children stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands below, one of them has a ball. On a signal from the teacher, they quickly shift the ball from one hand to the other in front and behind themselves.

"Bring the Flag"

Children stand at one end of the hall, and at the other end there are racks (according to the number of children playing), on which flags lie. On a signal, the children run to the racks, take the flag and return to their places. The one who ran first gives the signal for the next "run".

"Push - Turn - Catch"

Children play in pairs, being at a distance of 3-3.5 m. One child is standing, the second is squatting with a ball in his hands. The seated one pushes the ball along the standing floor, after that he quickly gets up, makes a turn around himself and catches the ball thrown to him by the standing child. At the signal of the teacher, the children change places.

"Wrappers" -1

A long rope is taken, at least 5 m, its middle is marked with a knot. Players stand on opposite sides of the rope, fasten the ends to the belt. At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to spin in place, winding the ends of the rope around themselves until they meet. The one with the knot on his belt wins. You can wind the rope not around the waist, but on the wrist.

"Wrappers" -2

The middle of the rope is also marked with a knot, each end is tied to a stick a little more than a pencil thick. Two players disperse, stretching the rope. At the signal of the teacher, everyone begins to wind the rope around the stick. The one with the most rope wins.

Several lines parallel to the wall are drawn on the floor of the hall at a distance of 30 cm from one another. Children stand in front of the first line to the wall and throw the ball against the wall, catch and move to the next line. Then they also throw and catch the ball, gradually retreating from the wall. Whoever catches the ball farthest from the wall wins. You can make the game more difficult by increasing the number of balls thrown against the wall.

"Catch the ball, don't drop it"

Several children stand at the center line. They throw the ball up and catch it, and then hit the ball on the ground and catch it again. Then they throw the ball up again and, making a clap, catch it. Each exercise is performed with advancement one step forward. If the ball falls, the child returns to the center line and starts the exercise again. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line faster, the distance to which is 5-8 m

III. Games for the development of internal inhibition

relay races

(Directly aimed at training retarded braking: children are divided into two or three groups, the first (captains) from the groups (teams) run the first distance, they are replaced by the second, running the second distance, etc. Here, a variety of options are possible, it is important that each next waits for its turn at the end of the distance, i.e. trains retarded braking.)

Run with the ball in front of you

Run while dribbling the ball in front of you; having reached the wall, hit the ball against the wall 5 times and dribble the ball back to the next team member.

Run while snaking a wooden cube with a hockey stick.

Run, hitting a balloon with a stick, preventing it from falling to the floor.

Run (jump) with a balloon (ball) sandwiched between the legs.

Crawl by moving the table tennis ball by blowing on it.

Run with a table tennis ball in your mouth.

"Skiers". Walk the distance like a skier using two pieces of cloth for the skis.

"Granny-hedgehogs." Run a distance wearing a skirt, a scarf and holding a broom (a long stick) between your legs. The baton is passed by dressing the next participant (the child should not dress himself).

"Cleaning". The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, holding it with his hand, in the other hand - a mop. In this position, he overcomes the distance, pushing a small “garbage” object in front of the mop, and passes his attributes to the next one.


In this game, students will be a mirror, that is, they will repeat all the movements of the teacher (leader) standing opposite. The teacher makes a variety of movements, either accelerating or slowing down the pace. Children repeat them exactly, at the same speed.

"Forbidden Movement"

Children stand facing the teacher (leader). To the music, with the beginning of each measure, they repeat the movements that the teacher (leader) shows. Then one movement is selected that cannot be performed. The one who repeats the forbidden movement is out of the game. Instead of showing movement, you can call numbers out loud. The participants in the game repeat all the numbers in chorus, except for one, which is forbidden. When the children hear it, they will have to clap their hands (or spin in place).

"Players Without a Place"

All children, except for one (leader), sit lengthwise on gymnastic benches installed in one row, and count on the first - second, forming two teams. The driver stands in front of them and shows different movements (clapping, leaning forward, bending and unbending the legs, etc.), which are repeated by those sitting on the benches after him. Before the start, prohibited movements are agreed for each team. For example, for the first team, the “hands up” movement is prohibited, and for the second - “Hands forward”. Players closely monitor the actions of the driver. As soon as he shows one of the forbidden movements, the players of the corresponding team quickly get up, run along the benches, and the driver runs with them, runs around them, returns and sits in empty places. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver. The game is repeated 3-5 times. At the end, players are marked who have never been left without a place.


Children jump to the beat of the music (legs to the sides - together, accompanying the jumps with claps above the head and on the hips). Suddenly the music stops. The players must freeze in the position in which the music stopped. If one of the participants did not succeed, he leaves the game. Music sounds again - the rest continue to perform movements. They play until there is only one player left in the circle. Music can be replaced by the teacher's signal (whistle, clap).


Children stand facing the leader. To the music, with the beginning of each measure, they repeat the movements that the teacher (leader) shows. Then one movement is selected to be replaced by another movement. For example, if the leader crouches, the children should jump, if he jumps, sit down. The rest of the movements are copied. Each time, new movements are subject to replacement.

"Do the opposite"

The teacher, showing the movements, also gives verbal commands: Faster! Slower! Quiet! Louder! At first, children must clearly follow the instructions.

Then the tasks change. Hearing "Hurry!" - children should slow down the pace, "Slower!" - on the contrary, speed it up, "Hush!" - clap and stomp as loudly as possible, "Louder!" - clap and stomp as quietly as possible.


All players walk in a circle holding hands. At the signal of the teacher (it can be a whistle, clap or some kind of word), the children stop, clap their hands 4 times, turn around and go the other way. Those who do not have time to complete the task are eliminated from the game.

"Simple Arithmetic"

Children line up one at a time. The teacher (leader) calls different numbers one after the other, and after each number the students call the next one in order. If this number is "0", you should put your hands on your belt, if "00" - stretch your arms forward, "000" - sit down. For example: 29/30 - hands on the belt; 99/100 - hands forward; 1999/2000 - squat. The players who made fewer mistakes are marked. This exercise is also aimed at developing attention.

"Flies - does not fly"

The teacher says to the children: “If I name someone who can fly, for example, a dragonfly, then raise your hands up and say in chorus:“ It flies! If I call a flightless animal, for example, a dog, be silent and do not raise your hands.

Camel! Etc.


Children stand in a circle. At the pace set by the teacher, they clap their hands, but not together, but one after the other, clockwise.

At the command of the teacher "Hop!" claps should be beaten back in the opposite direction, counterclockwise.

During the exercise, the pace may change.

"Fishing rod"

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the teacher and rotates the rope (rope) on the floor around him. Children jump over it, trying not to touch it. The child touched by the rope is out of the game.

"My house"

On the floor of the hall, there are hoops in random order, the number of which is equal to the number of children playing. There is a child in each hoop. At the first signal from the teacher, the children jump out of the hoops and perform arbitrary movements. At this time, the teacher removes one hoop. On the second signal, the children perform motor tasks in a certain sequence: walking with an added step in a circle, walking with a change in hand position, etc. To the teacher’s command “Everything in the house!” children must quickly jump into any hoop. The one who does not have time to take the hoop is out of the game.

"Sparrows and Crows"

4 parallel lines are drawn on the floor: two middle ones - at a distance of 1-2 m from each other and two extreme ones - at a distance of 8-10 m from them. The players are divided into two teams and are located along the middle lines with their backs to each other, taking a low start position. The players of one line are "sparrows", the other - "crows".

The teacher calls one of the teams - for example, "sparrows". At the same time, the "sparrows" quickly turn around and catch the fleeing players of the other team - the "raven". You can only catch those who did not reach their extreme line. At the whistle of the teacher, the teams return to their places again. Caught players go to the opposing team.

The teacher calls one or the other team in any order. At the same time, he pronounces the first two syllables lingeringly, and the last one abruptly: “vo-o-o-ro-o-NY”, “vo-o-o-ro-o-BI”. Until the teacher finishes the word, the players are not allowed to run away or turn around. The team that "captured" the most players wins.


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