Who is smarter man or woman. Who is smarter than men or women

The question of the superiority of the male mind before feminine periodically rises in scientific circles. Confucius argued that an ordinary woman's mind is like a chicken, and an extraordinary one - like two chicken. However, these medicine data show that both girls have something to praise, except for pleasant appearance. Experiments spent in the UK and the United States proved that they have a very developed ability to memorize and reproduce information.

Elena Gurieva / Health-Info

Recently, scientists have increasingly come to the conclusion that gender differences are not that men are smarter than women, but that representatives of opposite floors think and argue every one in their own way. And these differences are not always in favor of strong sex.

Is there "maiden" memory?

A study conducted by British scientists in which 4.5 thousand people took part from 49 to 90 years old, demonstrated that women did not have a "maiden" at all, as was customary. Ladies, unlike gentlemen, remember all - and anniversary of significant events, and the details of the very dispute three months ago. "

Experimentators are based on the results of the test used to identify the degree of dementia (senile dementia). The subject shows six fields, one of which is color, the rest are empty. Then they show six fields again, all empty. You must specify where the last time there was a color field. Then the configuration is gradually changing, and the task is complicated. In almost all tasks, the ladies turned out to be stronger than their men's opponents.

It is usually considered that the representatives of the beautiful floor are better developed verbal information, while in a strong - spatial. Nevertheless, British researchers show that women in memory tests in spatial dimension are also ahead of men.

The results of this study correlate the conclusions of American psychologists. In the course of their scientific project, it turned out that the "senual" diagnosis is increasingly raised by elderly gentlemen. Statistical data analysis showed that the problem of various nature concerning intellectual possibilities and memory appearing with age, among the representatives of the strong half of humanity, to a greater extent. Further research revealed that as a result of violations in the work of the brain, the male part of the population is more often observed in the early stages.
The early stage of dementia (dementia) is that patients sometimes forget their daily or weekly affairs that they have to commit. It may concern housekeeping, visiting sports and gym, etc. Specialists note that such forgetfulness many people consider quite a normal age manifestation. However, the failures in memory even on the household level are evidence that the brain sends alarming signals about the problems arising from him.

Thus, it turned out that men's memory is much weaker than women. Now many scientists are confident that the ability of women to memorize and reproduce information significantly exceeds men.

Men - Theorists, Women - Practices

Where you need to quickly perceive the details and often switch, women show greater efficiency than men. Therefore, for such posts as a secretary, an accountant, an operator and other similar to them, where you need to take into account many little things, without distracting from the main task, employers often invite girls. From the point of view of science, this is explained by the fact that the Ladies mind is focused on the ultimate goal of its activities, that is, women are more practical, while the male mind pays more attention to the process itself - how to achieve the result or how to succeed.

The myth about the "female" logic is based on sexual differences in the psychological understanding of the work of consciousness. The fact is that a chain of logical reasoning in a woman occurs in the subconscious, the finished conclusion comes to the surface. And when it is asked why so, and not otherwise, it can lead the first random motive, and not the best. From the side it seems that the woman thinks not logically, but intuitively. However, in fact, such a "flair" is based not on the sixth sense, simply usually the ladies do not consider it necessary to go into unnecessary details of the mental process. The main thing is to get to the truth, regardless of the particular path. Psychologists explain that for women it is important for general, final property, and they pay less attention to specific internal mechanisms, whether it is the mechanism of operation of the machine or the inner course of thought.

What is stronger - hormones or brain?

As for the reasons for the existence of gender peculiarities of memorizing information, experts have not yet come to a common opinion. So far, researchers consider two possible ways - either the influence of hormones, or the features of the structure of the brain.

An interesting experiment in which women participated before and after childbirth, held American scientists. In the period when in the body of the participants, the level of female hormone estrogen decreased, they cope with the solution of certain intellectual tasks. These data are consistent with the previously obtained, which indicate that the high level of women of the male hormone testosterone helps to perform tasks for spatial thinking (which is better developed in men).

By the way, the strong half of humanity is a large number of male hormone, on the contrary, interferes with spatial perception. Those of them who have a testosterone level has been raised, worse coped with tasks compared to participants with a reduced content of this substance. Thus, there is an effect of a hormonal background to mental - both men and women.

And yet, sex differences in the brain structure cannot but play a certain role. Until recently, neurobiologists believed that these differences are limited to the structures responsible for sexual. However, ten years ago there was an opportunity to study the brain of a living person with the help of bloodless visualization methods - positron-emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It turned out that some frontal cortex zones responsible for cognitive functions, as well as participating in the development of emotional reactions, women are larger than in men. But the latter are better developed by parts of the parietal cortex, participating spaces, as well as almonds - a structure that is sensitive to information, awakening emotion and causing and emissions.

Memory types

When we say that we remember something, it means that we have successfully done three things: they have learned some information, store and in case of need we can reproduce again. If we cannot remember anything, the reason may be a violation of any of these three processes. In fact, there are two types of memory: short-term and long-term. Some psychologists allocate direct memory - when information is stored in the brain just a few seconds, for example, landscape from the window of the riding train.

Short-term memory has been valid for several minutes. If you need to remember the phone number, and at hand there is no pencil, we use short-term memory. Some important objects are translated from short-term in long-term memory, where they are stored for several hours or even a lifetime. One of the structures of the brain necessary for the implementation of such a transfer is the hippocampus - a pair system in each of the temporal pieces of the brain. The medical literature describes a case when both hippocampus removed the patient, after which he stopped remembering anything and knew only those events that occurred before the operation.

In addition, according to specialists, there is procedural and declarative memory. The first is knowledge about how to act. The second retains a clear and affordable report on past individual experience.

As a result, scientists come to the following conclusions. Sexual differences in the intellectual sphere exist, but at the same time they turn out to be very insignificant and often do not exceed 5-10%. However, these small features turn out to be enough to thoroughly affect the sexual and even for the entire lifestyle. For example, you can bring such a fact. The difference between the power of the right and left hand does not exceed 10%, and in other psychomotor indicators and is less. However, look at what it leads to the behavioral level: 90% of people prefer to enjoy the right hand, and not both equally. Thus, insignificant at first glance, the differences can be repeatedly enhanced by men and women due to the preference of one or another behavioral manner, when choosing activities, etc.

For some reason, it is believed that a man will not tolerate a smart woman next to him. What to do in this case by smartm? All life diligently pretend to "confuse Gogol with Hegel" or ...

Extremely rarely, the joint life of the descendants of Adam and Eva costs without clarifying the eternal question: who is smarter - men or women? A lot of copies were broken in these battles, but "WHO and now there." For some reason, it is believed that a man will not tolerate a smart woman next to him. What to do in this case by smartm? All life, carefully pretend to "confuse Gogol with Hegel" or ... Once during the lunch break, I involuntarily became a witness of the conversation of two men in the Dining Room Center:

True, what did you sneak with light?

And what? So many years together ...

Count, she lied to me all the time: I sat at home with children, such a whole exemplary housewife, and then I accidentally learned that she worked on the freelanse - writing cool computer programs for security systems.

So what?

Like what? And after that, what, on ..., programmer?!

So draw conclusions: is it so safe for the preservation of the family (and honestly?) To pretend to be fool.

Why are men afraid of smart?

The reason is the first. A man is afraid that his pride will be vulnerable. Against the background of a smart woman, he will look "not very" with all the consequences that aroused from here: Parents are pushed ("And where is our fool who fucked such a clever thing?"), Friends laughed ("And you consult with yours, can you tell me something smart!"), Children do not respect ("And mom knows better than you!").

Cause of the second. High intelligence implies demand. And the demand is a security deposit. Saying "If you are so smart, why are you so poor?" Round in the fly. Today, a smart woman has every chance to make a good career and make a decent thing. And how should the husband feel next to her, "lacking stars from the sky"? Approximately as the hero of A. Baltova Gosha from the film "Moscow does not believe in tears": "Its status is higher than mine, personal status!"

The cause is the third. The most banal: just a man is frankly stupid. And perfectly understands that he never "take" a higher bar. And why? When you can find a girl whose abilities will be lower, and which will "look into the mouth", whatever he says to her. The scientific approach

Who is smarter - a man or a woman, - the science is more unknown, as well as life on Mars or not. Periodically, scientists conduct research on this topic, the results of which contradict each other.

So, the study of John Philip Rashton showed that the IQ of an average man is almost four points higher than that of a woman.

On the other hand, the highest IQ indicator, according to the Guinness Book, was recorded at a 10-year-old American Marilyn Rosca Savant - 228 units (and this is 28 units exceeds IQ itself A. Einstein!).

From the third party, it has long been proven: the hemispheres of the brain in women in men is developed in different ways. Men dominates what is responsible for the logical and spatial thinking, and in women for memory and figurative thinking. Therefore, it is often possible to hear that if a man is smarter, then a woman is conscious and wiser.

At the same time, since 1965, there is still the theory of the Evolution of Paul V. Geodakian, which says: Evolution on men experiments, and more and more proven and the best "invests" in women ... and who to believe? And most importantly - what does all this give us, simple clever women, "in practice"?

"Charm, what a fool" or "Horror, what a fool"

So, if you still do not decide to "put into intelligence" on your beloved, - do it with the mind (I do not hope for the pun). Simply put - do not overdo it. Anecdotes about blondes are not in vain so popular among the male audience: they do not want to see with them stupid geese, who have "hair a long, and the mind is short." And the difference between "the charm, what for fool" and "horror, what a fool" is determined by once or twice. Therefore, deciding to cultivate in relations with a man's image of the "naive girl", observe the simple rules:

it is not necessary to recommend aloud yourself out loud, to recommend for a fool in a man, - "Oh, what am I for Idiot, forgot again, how it works!" etc. (It will end in that he will believe in it and starts not only to annoy it, but also to call you himself, and it is not easy to squeeze); Be always extremely honest in financial matters: Even if you want to make him a surprise, spending him Part of the family budget, do not "confess" that today you "dispelled" a gypsy and a wallet on the street (a man thinks: and for whether he makes a woman who earns money hard? And even having learned soon that the cash went to his new shirt "The precipitate will remain"); Never give a reason for his friends to doubt your mental abilities: you can "lose" in chess at home, but you should "show class" in the billiard club (every man by nature by the owner and He must be sure that his "trophy" - the subject of environments surrounding). "Silent, for the smart one ..."

And now remember: who in school in your class has learned better than everyone? Girls. Who at the Institute received an increased scholarship and had less than all "tails"? That's right, the maidens-beauties are again. Hence the sad conclusion, it is suggested: you do not want to "be fed up for a changeable world", the dream of finding the same intelligent partner, as they themselves, mean - smart enough, and they are not enough for everyone. Many modern young people simply "scout" under smart, grabbing here and there by top, covering their poor horizontal horizons with several sonorous phrases. How to determine what your man is really not a fool? To begin with, it should be erudite and read (no one has canceled good education). Then - the wit and adventure, which will allow you to quickly find a right way out of a difficult situation. Next - not a talkative and not an avid debater (life has long proved that it is not truth in disputes, and no one is unnecessary insult in the spirit "well, I know better!"). Finally, - held in his profession (a man, up to 40 years "looking for himself" in different areas, to be called smart anyone will not turn the language). Moreover, it is better that it (that is, the profession) was close to you and understand: look for your fate in your circle.

But, fortunately, it happens that the woman, who, behind the "two higher", happily lives happily with a simple manager, quite successful in his business. The main thing is that they are good together. So, the question "Who is smarter - men or women" is better not to raise at all. This will be a truly smart way out.

Let's just say the most important thing: women are no more stupid men, the intellect of men and women in general is equal. This is the first. Second: It concerns only work space or study. As soon as the woman moves into the space of personal life, its intellect is rapidly replaced by emotions and completes its work. Third: It seems that it is not a biological feature of women, but a cultural factor: many modern men like to see women of foolishness, women demonstrate it, and modern culture is such a woman behavior.

Now more and very seriously.

If you judge the tests measuring intelligence, then on average, the man is a little smarter. Smarter, but not much - not so much so that it was the basis for far-reaching conclusions. In any case, there are a large number of women who confidently overtake most men in the competition of intellect.

According to Wikipedia, the smartest man in the world is a woman, Marilyn Bos Savant, American writer, playwright and journalist. According to other data, the smartest woman of the planet - Bulgarian Daniel Simidchiev: It has 5 master's degrees, IQ 192 and 3 children. Which of them are really smarter, it is difficult to say, because in different years testing gives different results: Sawant IQ ranges from 167 to 230.

Over the past 100 years, women catch up with men by IQ. If a hundred years ago, in most countries, women lagged behind men on a common intelligence on average for 5 units, then gradually the gap decreased, and today in many countries women are already overtaken men on intellect (researcher - Professor of the New Zealand University of Otago James Flynn).

Data in Russia: the level of intelligence of men 100.01 points, women 99.86.

As for the total temperature in the hospital, and the most prominent indicators, the number of men who showed the level of "genius", turned out to be almost 5.5 times more than women. In terms of "high-formation", men also went around women, however, in this case, men turned out only twice as much. The study of more than 100 thousand students spent by Canadian Professor John Philipp Rashton showed: IQ his student students are 3.64 points lower than his students. On the other hand, among men more and people with a serious lag for intellect, including straight fools.

This data is another confirmation that approvers that the evolution on men is experimenting, and more and more proven invests in women. Indeed, among men more scatter: men are more often genius and more often mentally retard. On the contrary, the intellect of women is distributed more than: among women intellectually outstanding a bit, but also less and lagging behind.

It is curious that an increase in testosterone level (male sex hormone) improves the intelligence and ability to spatial (topographic) thinking, and these data are valid.

It seems that the "intelligence as a whole" is measured is not the most intelligent job. Responding to practice requests, you need to be extremely specific, speaking about the strengths and weaknesses of the male and female mind in various situations. Perhaps the young man may not be worse than the girl to cope with the job of the cashier, he is enough of his mind, but he does not have the patience and the perfection to sit on the day after the cash office, and he will begin to make mistakes. There are a number of works with which men cope worse than women (and on the contrary), and it is hardly worth it to reduce the strength or weakness of the mind. For the tasks of practice, it is more important to understand what tasks a man will decide what - a woman, and as a specific young man or a girl knows how to dispose of his head.

It is curious that that Daniel Simidchiev, which has 5 degrees of the master, does not know how to earn money at all, and it is not taken to work. Her head is not sharpened to earn money.

Simidchiyeva says: "I possess the specialties of a manufacturing engineer, an English teacher, an electrician engineer, I have five degrees of Master of Science. But as it turned out, in Bulgaria, employers do not want to work smart staff. Even in those times, when I had Work, the greatest salary I received, did not exceed $ 150 per month. I do not know myself to sell! "

What is the female mind better sharp? The female mind specialize in all that is associated with human relationships. If you take the sphere of relationship, more precisely, the solution of operational issues in relationships, then the women are definitely smarter here. Women feel better than the interlocutor, more precisely predict the development of relations - that, in fact, not so much IQ, how much level.

However, if it is not even in relationships about the situation "here and now", but about the issues of the relationship strategy, then men are already better oriented. Why? Because here you need to no longer feel, but think. Moreover, in business situations associated with the conceptual thinking and acceptance of responsible decisions, men are usually smarter. There are several reasons for it.

First, women's thinking is not so reliable, it makes it easier to fail under the influence of emotions. A woman can be very clever, but smartly unreliable - her thinking, her mind is often refused, and it is conducted on emotions. It is known that women are usually emotionally, and emotions turn off their heads.

The Moscow Institute of Psychology conducted an experiment. They took a man: candidate of science, 35 years old, IQ - 160. I measured the level of his intelligence when beautiful ladies went around and touched it slightly before him. He showed IQ 80. The experiment was attended by the lady of 30 years with IQ, equal to 155. There were men around her from the club's bodybuilding club and danced the striptease show. IQ - 75. However, it is unclear, such a decrease in the intelligence occurred in connection with sexual interest or simply the touch and dancing of people elementaryly distracted?

Secondly, thinking is only a tool that gives the result only when they use it. One thing is to be smart (smart), another thing is to turn on the head, to use my mind. You can have a car with the ability to drive up to 250 km / h, but a lover of a quiet ride or the more lover of hiking will move away without hurry. The vertex achievements in the intellectual activity of a particular person are not talking about his everyday rationality. A person can have a very high IQ, but if he doesn't like to use his head or does not consider it right ("you need to be able to disconnect your head!") In many situations it will be elementary inadequate. In particular, most women are perfectly used by the mind at work, when it is required by the leadership, and turn off the head when the working day ends: a woman is more convenient and more pleasant to live feelings.

During testing IQ, the girl will turn on the head and show excellent results. And coming out from behind the table and starting chatting with a friend, she turns off her head and starts to worry because of nonsense. Question: So what is your intelligence in fact? It seems that talking about "intelligence at all" is not quite serious.

Unfortunately, modern culture insists that it is necessary to think men, while "not necessarily thinking women." In the same side, the desire for men feel their intellectual superiority: a girl playing a little fool, for many men is more attractive, and the girls take into account. As a result, even if women as a whole in their intellect are not inferior to men, in practice, in many situations, the girls should think about philosophically and do not always use their mind ...

Disputes on this topic do not subside for centuries. Men and women violently prove their intellectual superiority, with varying success. In the last hundred and fifty years, these disputes somewhat dull. Scientists explained to us that the work of the brain does not depend on sexuality. So, there are no differences in intellectual abilities.

However, in recent years, the dispute flared up with a new force. Men began to prove their mental superiority, and women naturally silently nag headed with a slight smile on the lips. They, they know exactly who is smarter. Just many preteay that rustic. After all, as they say, men do not like and afraid of smart women.

So where is the truth? And she, as always, in the middle. Let's discuss what the science says - Men smartly or women and statistics on IQ tests, what is known? So:

What Statistics says?

Experiments, research and testing about the difference in intellectuals have been held for a long time. In search of truth, spears scholars from different countries break. If you judge according to statistics based on the results of IQ tests, they indicate that men are a little smarter, but not so much so that these data serve as the basis for far-reaching, cardinal conclusions.

Despite general statistics, many representatives of weak sex seriously overtake men in the competition of intellect. So, for example, the American writer and journalist Marilyn Rosca Savant is recognized as the smartest person on the planet (according to the World Online Library). Its IQ is, approximately 167-230 points.

Another example is a recent study on the Internet. Testing was attended by representatives of both sexes, from different countries of the world. Answers to posted questionnaires (questions were written on the nine most common languages) came to scientists within five months. Testing result: Women gave the greatest number of correct answers, although not much than men.

As evidenced by scientific findings?

Researchers of different countries have been proven that the mass of the male brain is slightly exceeding the mass of female. However, it turned out later that this does not affect the intellectuality of a person.

At the very beginning of the study, scientists relied on the hypothesis that human intelligence completely depends on the work of his brain. As a result, it was found that both sexes have the central department of the nervous system, which is in the skull and the filling channel of the spine functions absolutely the same.

However, despite the identity of the brain's work, there are also obvious differences in the mental process of men and women. But why? The fact is that the left and right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for various processes of thinking:

For the ability to accurate thinking, logic, analysis, ability to memorize facts, names and dates, and the like is the left hemisphere of the brain.

For emotions, intuition, processing of non-verbal information, musical abilities, imagination, and the like responds right.

It is also known that the left and right hemisphere in women have the ability to work more consistently, complementing each other's opportunity in performing a certain task. The male brain has no such ability. This is explained by the fact that the corn body connecting both hemispheres, the ladies have a little more than that of representatives of the other sex.

This, the so-called, corn body, provides an increased information ability, in both directions. Because of these differences, the girls begin to talk before the boys, they have more abilities to foreign languages. In addition, the weak floor of the recognition center of spoken speech is greater than in men by 30%, and the center of coordination of speech muscles is 20%.

However, scientists also found out that although the mass of a strong floor brain is slightly more, when solving any task, men turn on only the right hemisphere, and the left in it cannot participate simultaneously.

This can explain the features of their thinking - men bother not the problem "at all", but quite concrete. Representatives of heavy sex pragmatic and realistic. They think logical, act quickly and accurately, know how to navigate well in space.

Conclusions of scientists

Scientists have proven that men are still somewhat smarter than women. But not much much. So, there are no few women in the world, whose intelligence is much higher than men. Already today, in many Western countries, women caught up and confidently overtake men in this kind of competition. If we talk about Russia, then the level of intelligence in women - 99.86, in men according to statistics - 100.01.

Why do you need differences in intelligence?

As you can see, the differences between female and male thinking exist and rather significant. However, why are they needed?

In nature, everything is arranged so that both options complement each other. In particular, one version of thinking is needed to consolidate the indicators necessary to continue the lives and transfer the necessary descendants. Another option is important for the ability to survive and change in various life situations and options.

So, the weak floor is aimed at survival: keeps all information about the most important achievements of evolution in genes. And strong - for development: moving forward, forgets the past, but absorbs, improves and remembers everything new.

Thinking men and women differ - so arranged wise nature. And the disputes who are smarter, just meaningless, because each of us fulfills its own, very important life destination.

What do you think, who is smarter - men or women? Representatives of strong sex are confident that the palm of championship in intellectual abilities belongs to them, because according to statistics, they more often occupy senior positions and own large corporations. However, the story knows a lot of examples when women achieved enormous success in science, medicine, economics and other highly intelligent regions. In addition, the smartest person in the world, the IQ of which exceeds 200 points, a woman is recognized - american journalist and writer named Marilyn Rosca Savant.

Eternal disputes on the level of mental abilities of two floors. To regain scientists. For several decades, many studies have been conducted, the results of which have proven that the intellectual abilities of men and women will nevertheless differ.

How our brain works

The human brain consists of millions of nervous cells - neurons, and billion molecules of intercellular fluid - synapses. While this body is not fully studied, but it is known that the interaction of neurons and synapses is responsible for our consciousness, reaction, livelihood and intelligence. Analyzing the process of working the male and female brain, scientists found out that the brain of men is harder female about a hundred grams. During the time of the insidious discrimination, this fact would probably be perceived as evidence of female nonsense. However, now we know that size and weight do not have absolutely no connection with intelligence, because These indicators are greater dependent on human body. Elephants have the largest and heavy brain, however, this did not make them the most intellectual animals and did not give them consciousness.

In addition, in the female brain, about 4% less neurons than in men's. If scientists had no opportunity to carry out extensive medical and psychological research, this fact would be recognized as proof of high intelligence of men. But, as it turned out, during the mental processes, the female brain shows a greater activity compared to the brain of representatives of strong sex. Consequently, the difference in the number of neurons cannot be considered proof of the best or worst mental abilities.

It's all about hemispheres

The brain is divided into two hemispheres that perform different functions. It is known that the left hemisphere is responsible for our analytical abilities, and the right - for the ability to focus attention, perceive feelings and emotions. In men, the left hemisphere has been more developed, and in women both halves work approximately the same, but still the dominant zone is often the right hemisphere. This minor physiological feature explains a number of differences in the psychology of men and women. For example, the fact that women quietly perform several tasks at the same time, while men are important to focus on something one.

In addition, it is proved that women have a more developed limbic system that participates in the organization of emotional and motivational analysis. This confirms the fact that women are emotionally men, brighter feel feelings and more often suffer from depressions. But, at the same time, the representatives of the weak gender in the critical situation are able to better motivate themselves, showing the power of will and excerpt.

Work of gray and white substance

By way of work, our brain is similar to the computer. The gray substance in it carries out information processing, is responsible for memory and association. White substance is a link in different parts of the brain, so that we can move, act, control ourselves and perform various tasks. Since white substance prevails in the female brain, and in men's gray - gray, we analyze information differently and act. Women's way of processing incoming information is more extensive. Due to the physical characteristics, the beautiful floor can not only perform several actions at the same time, but also focus on small details.

The hypothalamus is an essential brain area. This zone is responsible for metabolism, the process of wakefulness and sleep, libido and body temperature. In men, the hypotalamic region is almost twice as much as women. In addition, it contains several times more nerve cells. However, these differences cannot be considered as a sign of high or low intelligence. Differences in the sizes of the hypothalamus only explain why men are more physically, rushing and more temperament in terms of libido.

So all the same, who is smarter? Men or women?

The scientific studies have proven that the male and female brain have many differences in the structure. However, none of the above facts does not understand whether the degree of mental abilities differs from the representatives of the two floors. According to statistical data, men and women have approximately the same level of IQ, but it does not make us equal in intellectual plan. It turns out that quite a large percentage of men possesses both very high and very low results, while the results of women are more or less equivalent. At the same time, experts emphasize that the results of IQ tests can not be perceived as an axiom, since they use fairly generalized issues that do not provide ideas about human mental abilities in any particular sphere.

But still, thanks to the studies, it is known that men are better coping with mechanical and spatial tasks. Most of the strong sex representatives are freely oriented in an unfamiliar area, understands how complex mechanisms are arranged and understands in mathematical sciences. Women show the best abilities in learning foreign languages, expressing their thoughts through speech and writing. In addition, weak gender boasts good memory and high ability to absorb information on the rumor.