Face after laser. Procedure and necessary care after it. Equipment used for laser resurfacing

One of the most popular procedures performed by cosmetologists is laser face resurfacing. It is popular with women of all ages, as it helps not only to rejuvenate the skin, but also to cleanse it, eliminate the defects that have appeared. The article discusses the process of performing the procedure, its positive and negative aspects, feedback from women.

Description of the procedure

Laser resurfacing of facial skin is an effective method of rejuvenation, getting rid of imperfections with the ability to instantly restore the structure of the skin. Carrying out a course of procedures allows you to rejuvenate the skin for 10-15 years without resorting to plastic surgery. The main advantage of the procedure is that it is suitable for people of any age. Resurfacing is performed with a very powerful laser beam, which affects skin areas of different depths. The beam power is adjustable, each mode is suitable for a specific structure of the face: epidermis, blood vessels, age spots, scars. Laser resurfacing is the same peeling, only much more effective. Even the thinnest laser can have a significant effect on the skin, correct its tone, and bring it into proper shape.

Skin resurfacing with a laser is a rather traumatic procedure, which should only be carried out by a specialist and modern equipment. Violation of the rules for its conduct will result in the presence of bruises, scars and abrasions. In this case, recovery will take significantly longer.


The operation of the procedure is possible in several ways, they depend on the type of laser. Only the attending physician can choose the most suitable regimen. The cosmetologist pays attention to the structural features of the skin. Each mode is designed to correct a specific problem. Possibilities of laser skin resurfacing:

  • Carbon Dioxide Laser - When using this technique, the beam passes through the skin, heating it and causing the cells to evaporate. The dermis loses the old cover, regeneration begins and a new layer of cells appears, healthier and fresher. This method allows you to get rid of wrinkles and scars, and helps to obtain a healthy-looking skin.
  • Erbium laser is a softer defect reduction technique. After its implementation, the result is not as pronounced as after the carbon dioxide laser, however, it is also effective. In addition, after resurfacing, the skin takes less time to recover.
  • Low-intensity laser is the softest way to get rid of defects. It does not cause cell evaporation, so there is no recovery period after it. The method is designed to eliminate minor defects and wrinkles. It is painless, affects only the upper layer of the skin and triggers natural regenerative renewal processes. The effect after grinding with this technique does not appear immediately, so this method is not used as often as the others.

Laser face resurfacing, like any medical procedure, has its own indications and is performed only by those who really need it. In very many cases, it is she who helps people get rid of complexes and self-doubt.

Laser resurfacing allows you to start the formation of new collagen fibers, because this process is more difficult to start with age. A patient needs laser dermabrasion of the face if there is a need to narrow pores, hide wrinkles, give the skin a natural look, and restore a clear edge of the face. Also, this laser is very good at tightening the skin in the neck and décolleté area.

If the patient has such defects on the face, doctors recommend laser resurfacing:

  • scars;
  • wrinkles around the eyes;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • forehead wrinkles;
  • vascular manifestations.

It is best to carry out procedures during a decrease in solar activity - from about October to April. It is very important not to sunbathe or be outside for a long time after treatment; it is forbidden to visit the solarium. Ultraviolet light can damage the skin that has not yet healed, and this will negatively affect the overall result of the procedure. To avoid damage to the skin, it is worth using the highest protection sunscreen.

Indications and contraindications

Among the indications for the procedure are the following:

  • Deep laser resurfacing is most effective for skin rejuvenation and wrinkle elimination. The laser restores elasticity to the skin, makes it taut. The technique allows you to forget about enlarged pores, acne, scars, acne marks, scars.
  • Very often, the procedure is advised if there are scars on the body. If they are small, sanding will help completely remove the defect, and if the scars are large enough, then it will become almost invisible.
  • Another purpose of the laser is to get rid of stretch marks and pigmented formations.
  • There are other indications for grinding - these are enlarged pores, neoplasms (papillomas).
  • Also, using a laser, you can get rid of tattoos - this is the most popular way to remove an unsuccessful tattoo.
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • psoriasis;
  • exacerbated chronic diseases;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • acne;
  • colds, including herpes.

You should be especially careful with the procedure for people with dark skin, allergies, and a tendency to poor scar healing. If you have contraindications or allergies, you should consult your doctor. After taking retinoids, you should wait 2-3 months before resurfacing.

How is it different from fractional rejuvenation?

When carrying out laser resurfacing, reviews of which are often positive, the effect of the laser is on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe treated skin area. This allows you to remove the upper layer of the dermis, which contributes to the appearance of a new, healthier cover in its place. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve the appearance and quality of the skin, eliminate wrinkles, pigmented formations, and in some cases even small moles.

The total time for skin regeneration after laser resurfacing lasts up to 3 weeks. During this period, redness may appear. Fractional skin rejuvenation differs from laser rejuvenation in that the damage to the skin occurs along with the formation of controlled healing areas. The affected areas are surrounded by intact layers of the epidermis. Due to the treatment of small areas, the recovery period of the skin is much shorter - up to 7 days.


Laser resurfacing should be done by a professional. The presence of the appropriate skills in a person will avoid the negative consequences of the procedure.

Dermabrasion with a laser includes several stages:

  1. Local or general anesthesia is performed prior to the procedure. The choice of the method of anesthesia, as well as the procedure for the procedure, remains with the cosmetologist. Anesthesia can be applied as a cream or injected intravenously. All safety measures are taken: anesthesia is prescribed for a more comfortable procedure, special glasses are issued to prevent the patient from damaging his eyesight from the laser. If the doctor knows that his actions will not cause pain, then the work will proceed more calmly, and the patient will be better off thinking that the beautician is not distracted by something else. Before starting, the doctor will apply an antiseptic to the treatment site, perform make-up removal.
  2. The next step is laser correction. The doctor runs a laser along the problem area, removing layers of the epidermis with each step. At the end of the procedure, the skin turns pale. The duration varies from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  3. After the end of the laser resurfacing, the doctor prescribes an anesthetic, because after the procedure, the patient may experience discomfort. For early healing, the doctor may prescribe a special mask to soothe the skin.

To obtain the best result, usually one to six sessions are required with an interval of at least six months, but when treating with fractional resurfacing, the regeneration interval is from one to three months. The number of prescribed sessions depends on the complexity of the work performed, the nature of the skin, the volume of defects.

For 2-3 months after grinding, redness may be observed on the face, especially in people with light hair color.

How to take care of your skin?

After a medical procedure, you must take good care of your skin. It will not be possible to shorten the recovery time of the cover, but its timely recovery and the absence of adverse reactions depend on proper care.

  • It is important to minimize the possibility of skin contamination, to avoid exposure to irritants. If itching begins after the procedure, it is not recommended to scratch your face. Do not use creams, tonics or other cosmetics.
  • During sleep, you need to take the maximum vertical position in order to prevent the appearance of edema.
  • For washing, use only special products, do not rub the skin, but use the irrigation method. Usually, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial agents for 10 days after the laser resurfacing.
  • To reduce painful sensations, analgesics and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
  • In the first few days, you need to be in a room with a high percentage of humidity.
  • If the damaged skin needs to be treated, then only sterile wipes are used, which are sold in the pharmacy. They are soaked in a thin layer of petroleum jelly. Dressings are changed at least 5 times a day.
  • For the second week after the procedure, it is allowed to apply sunscreen when going outside.

These rules are general in nature. The specialist who performs the procedure can advise skin-specific care, depending on the results of the resurfacing.

Positive and negative aspects of the procedure

Any method of cosmetic skin rejuvenation has its pros and cons. Laser resurfacing has a number of advantages, which include:

  • No age restrictions for the procedure.
  • High degree of safety of the procedure.
  • Relatively short period of skin recovery.
  • Quite a few contraindications.
  • Visible and lasting effect.
  • No thinning of the skin.
  • The speed of carrying out.

The laser resurfacing procedure also has disadvantages:

  • Painful sensations during the procedure.
  • Long rehabilitation period.
  • The presence of contraindications, because the procedure is more surgical than cosmetic.
  • High price.

Where is the procedure and its cost

Laser resurfacing is carried out in specialized centers, and only by certified specialists. Before choosing the location for the procedure and the attending physician, it is necessary to read as many reviews as possible, to make sure the level of specialist training. Treatment must be taken seriously.

This service is quite expensive. Laser resurfacing of the entire face can cost 25,000 - 60,000 rubles. Separately, the client pays for pain relievers and masks for skin recovery.

Average prices for laser face resurfacing:

The beauty and youth industry has long included the peeling procedure in the list of basic and very effective cosmetic procedures. Laser dermabrasion, among many other types of peeling, is recognized by both specialists and clients. The results allow us to conclude that today laser dermabrasion is one of the most advanced methods for rejuvenating and improving facial skin.

Laser facial peeling results - what can be achieved with laser facial dermabrasion?

However, you should not exaggerate the capabilities of the laser and perceive it as a panacea for all skin problems in the face area. The laser simply cannot remove deep skin lesions, neoplasms, scar deformities and very deep wrinkles.

The laser allows you to defeat minor skin imperfections, scars after acne, acne rashes without recurrence in the future.

The results of laser dermabrasion are:

  1. An even complexion, improvement of the general condition of the skin.
  2. Elimination of age spots and freckles, improvement of skin color.
  3. Elimination of fine shallow wrinkles.
  4. Return to the skin of turgor, firmness, elasticity.
  5. Alignment of skin relief.
  6. Reduction of pores.

Benefits of laser dermabrasion:

  1. Exact and strictly dosed effect on the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin that needs correction.
  2. Absence of large wound surfaces, very low invasiveness of procedures.
  3. Instant and very fast skin rejuvenation effect.
  4. A short period of recovery and healing of the skin.

Indications and contraindications for laser face resurfacing

In order for laser dermabrasion to have a good result and not have negative consequences, the specialist sets the indications for the procedure for each client individually, and also carefully excludes any contraindications in the anamnesis.

Indications for laser dermabrasion:

  1. Shallow mimic wrinkles, the so-called "crow's feet".
  2. Uneven skin relief.
  3. Freckles, hyperpigmentation, age spots.
  4. Acne scars, scars, postoperative scars.
  5. Sagging skin, loss of turgor, dull color.
  6. Enlarged pores.

Contraindications to the laser peeling procedure:

  1. Any inflammatory processes on the skin.
  2. The period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  3. Any infectious diseases, herpes infection.
  4. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Tuberculosis.
  7. Epilepsy.
  8. Any violations of the blood coagulation ability.
  9. History of stroke, severe damage to the heart and blood vessels.
  10. Wearing.
  11. Any oncological diseases.
  12. Recurrence of acne.
  13. The tendency of the skin to form keloid scars.
  14. It is undesirable to perform the procedure during PMS, due to changes in hormonal levels and increased skin sensitivity.

Preparation for laser skin resurfacing

The laser dermabrasion procedure itself will take from half an hour to an hour, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe treated skin area. But to achieve the desired result - and this depends on the degree of skin damage - it may take from one to 4 or more procedures.

Laser facial dermabrasion should be performed in the fall or winter when the sun's ultraviolet activity is at its lowest.

The preparatory stage for laser peeling should include the following points:

  1. Blood test: general and biochemical, blood microreaction, antibodies to hepatitis B and C, HIV.
  2. Preliminary chemical peeling of the skin surface.
  3. Taking drugs with antiviral action to prevent the development of herpes infection after the procedure (the cycle of administration is two days before the peeling and a week after).
  4. Anesthetic cream is applied to the skin immediately before the procedure.

Laser facial peeling procedure - stages of performing dermabrasion

  • The second stage of the procedure is to warm up the deep layers of the skin. Collagen fibers under the influence of heat are reduced, but not destroyed - this contributes to skin tightening, acquiring elasticity, turgor, elasticity.
  • The depth of grinding is selected in each case individually, depending on the degree of existing skin problems. It can be superficial, median, or deep (two-stage).
  • Immediately after the procedure, the patient's face begins to "burn", the skin becomes light pink to crimson-red, and slight swelling appears.
  • After deep skin resurfacing with a laser, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for up to 3 days, receiving special dressings for skin healing.

It should be borne in mind that the swelling of the skin can persist and even intensify for 3-4 days, sometimes a week, and then gradually disappears.

Laser peeling price

The price of a laser peeling procedure depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe treated area and the degree of skin problems. On average, the cost of laser dermabrasion in cosmetic clinics is within 5 thousand rubles.

Recovery and care after laser face resurfacing - expert recommendations

The duration of the recovery period after laser dermabrasion depends on the individual characteristics of the person, as well as on the treated area and the depth of laser exposure. Basically, this period lasts from 10 to 20 days.

  1. The skin is flaky, crusty, and may develop small blisters and a lagging edge of the skin. In this period, in no case should you remove the crusts yourself. Caring for the skin, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of a specialist: lubricate the skin with ointment or cream with panthenol, avoid washing, steam rooms, exposure to the skin of dust, steam, sunlight. Do not use cosmetics.
  2. A special biosynthetic film is sometimes applied to the treated skin.
  3. The period of complete recovery of the skin lasts from six months to a year. During this period, you should use a cream with high SPF protection, going outside, wear a hat with brim, do not sunbathe. You can not use care peels, it is undesirable to use cosmetics - powders, tonal foundations and creams.
  4. When epithelialization of the treated skin areas occurs, you can wash your face using mild baby soap or baby shampoo.

Reviews of the laser dermabrasion procedure

Christina Mikhalchik:

The results exceeded my expectations! I didn't even hope that someday I would be able to get rid of the hated scars after acne on my face. It took two superficial peels to make my skin look like a baby's!

Anna Neumoyko:

It is a pity, because of the presence of a large nevus on the forehead, eyebrows and temples, the laser peeling procedure is prohibited for me. But the friend passed and is very happy. The result is obvious - the postpartum age spots, which she could not get rid of for a year, disappeared.


I went through three procedures with a fractional erbium laser, but unfortunately, the results are not visible - I have deep scars after acne. The beautician will choose another type of peeling for me.


My skin was so sensitive that the recovery period took over a year. A year and a half has passed since the time of two laser peeling procedures, and the redness has remained. I hope to get rid of it soon.

Laser peeling of the face (or resurfacing - as it is called by non-experts) is the most popular procedure. Its results are really impressive in most cases, there are few contraindications to the procedure, and accessibility plays its role.

Despite the positive reviews and approval of laser face resurfacing by cosmetologists, you need to understand that this is a rather traumatic procedure, and the consequences can be very different and not always pleasant.

Read in this article

Cons of laser resurfacing procedure

There are not so many disadvantages of the procedure under consideration, but they are very significant:

  • after laser resurfacing, the face (in places of direct exposure) remains red for some time;

The doctor shows the area of \u200b\u200bthe face that has undergone laser resurfacing (it turns slightly red)
  • before carrying out the procedure, it is highly advisable to consult a specialist;
  • the client experiences discomfort during face resurfacing, some, especially sensitive ones, indicate severe painful sensations;
  • there is a rather high risk of skin infection after the procedure;
  • the cost of laser face resurfacing is high.

Redness of the skin after the procedure is normal and has nothing to do with pathologies or complications. Such hyperemia disappears after a few days, but for some people this period is 2 days, and there are cases when full recovery lasts 10-14 days. Cosmetologists recommend carefully choosing the day of laser face resurfacing - it can be a vacation or a long weekend.

The requirement to consult a cosmetologist before carrying out the procedure in question is due to the fact that in some pathological conditions it is simply contraindicated. For example, to refuse laser resurfacing of the face, it is enough:

  • diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature;
  • infectious / fungal / inflammatory diseases of the skin;
  • systemic diseases (lupus erythematosus, vitiligo, scleroderma).

Some internal diseases can also become a contraindication to the laser rejuvenation procedure, for example, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Scleroderma (a) and systemic lupus erythematosus (b) are contraindications for laser face resurfacing

To eliminate painful sensations during the procedure, the specialist treats the client's skin with a special cream with an anesthetic effect. But he is not able to completely relieve discomfort.

If the procedure was carried out with violations, or there are extensive pustular eruptions on the client's face, then the risk of infection of the deep layers of the skin is 5%. Subsequently, you will have to undergo full antibiotic therapy.

No one is able to somehow influence the cost of laser face resurfacing. But according to reviews from those who have already passed the procedure in question, we can conclude: even a rather large price does not reduce the positive effect after grinding. Too often no one does laser face resurfacing, and it is quite possible to allocate a certain amount of money once every 5 to 10 years.

For information on what complications may appear after laser skin resurfacing, see this video:

Consequences and complications after

In general, complications after the procedure under consideration are not considered a common occurrence - rather, they can be classified as exceptions. And, nevertheless, you need to be aware. Possible complications that a client may face after laser face resurfacing are as follows:

  • erythema - pronounced redness of the skin due to the progression of the inflammatory process;
  • the appearance of increased pigmentation, which is typical for people with dark skin;
  • infection of the skin of the face;
  • scar formation.

Facial edema and hyperemia
Erythema and edema of facial tissues (first photo), punctate hemorrhages with the formation of hematomas (second photo)
Hyperpigmentation of skin areas

How to treat complications after laser resurfacing

If the above complications exist after the procedure under consideration, then self-medication is by no means necessary. The renewed layer of skin cells can inadequately respond to drugs and remedies habitual in the recent past. The best option would be to seek qualified medical help from a beautician.


Most often, this condition is caused by an inflammatory process, but cosmetologists do not prescribe medications. The fact is that an incompletely formed layer of new cells of the epidermis can react inadequately even to a regular cream from the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Most often, you need to do the following:

With this approach, the problem is solved within 10 - 14 days.

Hyperpigmentation of the skin

This can happen to people who have dark skin - spots with pronounced dark color appear in some places. The phenomenon is temporary and no medications will be received from a specialist. What you need to pay attention to:

  • do not expose problem areas of the skin to direct sunlight;
  • use a protective cream when going outside;
  • carry out a daily facial cleaning procedure with the help of special lotions.

As a rule, the uniform color of the skin on the face after laser resurfacing is restored within two weeks.


This is perhaps the most unpleasant of all complications after the procedure in question. Scar formation can occur due to the little experience of the master, incorrect "dosage" of the laser beam. And the problem will have to be solved only with the help of a beautician.

In some cases, re-grinding helps, but you will need to find a truly professional. If such measures do not give a positive result, then the solution will be plastic surgery.


The phenomenon is unpleasant, but completely surmountable. Treatment will consist of prescriptions from a beautician and dermatologist. As a rule, it means carrying out a full-fledged antibiotic therapy with the use of topical drugs (creams and gels) and general (tablets, injections).

If you correctly approach the solution of this problem, then in 15 - 20 days the infection will be defeated.

How to reduce the risk of adverse effects

Complications after laser face resurfacing are rare, but clients can prevent their occurrence on their own.

Firstly, you should go for the procedure only after consulting a cosmetologist. The specialist can choose another way to rejuvenate, for example, for people with pronounced dark skin.

This will help prevent the development of hyperpigmentation.

The cosmetologist examines the skin, performs several tests and makes sure that the potential client does not have hidden skin infections, and the general condition allows the procedure in question.

Secondly, you need to competently approach the choice of the location for laser resurfacing of the face. There can be no question of any private announcements and procedures at home! When contacting the clinic, a client concludes an agreement for the provision of a service, where all the nuances and possible consequences are discussed.

Thirdly, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of a facial care specialist after laser resurfacing. The lack of banal protection from sunlight can provoke not only inflammation, but also skin infection.

Laser face resurfacing, in fact, is one of the safest cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation. It is enough to be aware of the risks and possible consequences in order to be attentive to the choice of the clinic for the procedure, and to the observance of all the recommendations of the specialist.

Useful video

For how the face looks before, during and after laser resurfacing (patient feedback), see this video:

Recently I decided to do laser face resurfacing. There was a small scar that annoyed me since childhood. It took a long time to tune in, to find out opinions and reviews, to assess whether it was worth it or not. And yet I decided to go. I will share with you my impressions and results of this procedure.

Preparation and contraindications

The procedure requires mandatory preliminary preparation. Without it, no specialist will do your face resurfacing. And if someone promises to do so, run away from such a "specialist".

You need to start with a medical examination to determine the patient's health status and the possibility of the procedure.

Contraindications to laser resurfacing:

  • Any inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Herpetic infection in the acute stage.
  • Any chronic diseases of the body in the acute stage.
  • Tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Wearing a pacemaker.
  • PMS and menstruation period.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

If the examination does not reveal any contraindications, you can start preparing for the procedure. A specialist uses ultrasound to determine the thickness of the skin, prescribes an appointment for special creams or gels for the skin to be applied regularly for two weeks before sanding. These creams, which contain solutions of fruit acids, are used to reduce the thickness of the epidermis layer and facilitate the penetration of the laser into the deep layers of the skin.

During the preparatory period, it is strictly prohibited take oral contraceptives and anticoagulants, as they retain fluid in the body. Which in turn can provoke a burn during the procedure or the appearance of age spots.

Procedure and necessary care after it

There are two methods of laser resurfacing:

  1. Traditional (the beam of laser light completely captures the area of \u200b\u200bthe treated skin).
  2. Fractional (the device with which the procedure is carried out breaks the radiation beam into a mass of microscopic beams, therefore the laser affects only a quarter of the skin). The second method is more popular among clients, as it is less painful, has a short rehabilitation period and minimal side effects.

When do you need to do laser face resurfacing:

  • Small wrinkles, the so-called "crow's feet".
  • Uneven skin.
  • Freckles, age spots.
  • Postoperative scars or scars.
  • Sagging skin, dull color.
  • Enlarged pores.

The procedure takes place under local anesthesia and takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The duration depends on the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and its size. At the end of the laser resurfacing, the skin will definitely turn red - this is normal don't worry about it. The redness will go away on its own within 2-3 days.

In the first 48 hours after resurfacing, the skin will peel off heavily. It is absolutely impossible to touch it with your hands or wet it - scars may appear! It is not recommended to go outside during the period of active peeling! In addition to peeling, blisters and crusts can form, the pain threshold increases.

After the procedure, a rehabilitation period follows, which lasts about two weeks. During the rehabilitation period, the doctor prescribes wound-healing creams (selection is made individually for each patient). Before going outside, be sure to apply sunscreen with a high UV filter, at least 50 .

It is strictly FORBIDDEN to use cosmetics (including decorative ones), visit the sauna, solarium, gym, swimming pool and engage in heavy physical labor until the skin is completely healed!

Like any procedure, laser face resurfacing has complications. I must say that they occur extremely rarely, but they do happen.

In addition to redness and flaking, there may be:

  • Pinpoint hemorrhages.
  • Atrophic scars.
  • Post-inflammatory age spots.
  • Edema
  • Exacerbation of acne.

The price of such a cosmetic procedure depends on the correction zone, the size of the treated zone, the type of equipment used and the salon in which it is performed. The price varies from 40 to 200 dollars. For example, you will pay about $ 150 for a full face resurfacing. For the forehead - 80, for the cheeks - 70, for the nasolabial triangle around $ 50.

I will also note that you will not get off with one procedure. Usually you need to go through two or three procedures to get the desired effect. ... The interval between procedures is determined by a specialist, but the average interval is 3-6 months.

Personal experience

I had to resort to laser face resurfacing because of a very ugly scar on my cheek - the result of a cheerful childhood and unsuccessful climbing trees. The scar irritated me for a long time, but I could not find a way to solve this problem. I'm very afraid of plastic surgery, that's why I endured it, masked it as best I could. And here I stumbled upon an article on the Internet about laser face resurfacing. The girl wrote that she got rid of the scar on her face with a laser. And I decided to try.

I found a normal salon, signed up for a consultation. After talking with the master, I was sure of the correctness of my deed. This was followed by examinations and preparation for the procedure. The procedure itself was painless, with local anesthesia, and lasted about 40 minutes ... Then came the rehabilitation period. It took me 10 days.

Advice : if you decide to do laser face resurfacing, then do it either in late autumn or in winter.

Three months later, I was scheduled for a second procedure. And after another four months I underwent the third procedure, as a result of which not a trace of this nasty scar remained on my face. I am very happy with the result.

A little more about the procedure

Laser resurfacing can be done not only on the nose, face, eyelids and forehead, it can also be done on:

  • Earlobes.
  • The brow region of the forehead.
  • Skin around the neckline.
  • The mammary glands.

If resurfacing is done to remove wrinkles and improve skin texture , then experts guarantee you the result for a period of 3-5 years. But subject to certain rules for facial skin care. Then you will need to repeat the procedure.

The effect of the laser will improve the structure of the skin, increase the elasticity ... It will also improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve metabolic processes in the dermis. In addition, pores will narrow, fine wrinkles will be smoothed, puffiness and age-related sagging of the skin will disappear. There will be a complete renewal of the skin.

There is no age limit for this procedure. There are only contraindications for health. You can do grinding at the age of 17, and at 55.

- This is a procedure during which, under the influence of a laser, the removal of dead skin layers occurs, simultaneously with the acceleration of the restoration of new skin. Removal of dead epithelial cells leads to a smoothing of the skin structure, thanks to which this procedure is effective in the fight against scars, age spots, tattoos, acne, stretch marks and wrinkles. Due to the use of more intense radiation than laser peeling, the deeper layers of the skin of the face are affected, which causes stimulation of the skin, which accelerates tissue repair.

How is the procedure

Depending on the goals pursued, as well as the characteristics of the patient, the cosmetologist chooses the type of laser suitable for the procedure. Facial laser resurfacing machines can be grouped into 3 groups:
1. Carbon dioxide laser. Under the influence of which, the cells are removed as the beam passes along the surface of the skin of the face. As the epithelial cells of the dermis are released, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes smooth and acquires a healthy color.
2. Erbium laser, the effect of which is not as pronounced as the carbon dioxide laser, due to its weak effect on the upper layers of the skin of the face, but due to this, it has a short recovery period after the procedure.
3. Low-intensity laser. Its effect is the least pronounced of the listed types of laser devices, but it does not have a recovery period after the procedure.

After choosing the type of laser, the following steps are performed:
1. Facial skin is cleansed and make-up removal is performed
2. The doctor applies an anesthetic, usually Emla cream
3. The cosmetologist makes the first pass of the laser on the skin of the face, during which the dead epithelial layer is removed.
4. On the selected area, a layer-by-layer laser action takes place, which successively removes the keratinized layers of the dermis. Cosmetologists refer to the forehead, eyelids, and nasolabial folds as the priority areas of laser exposure.
5. As the laser resurfacing of the face is performed, the skin becomes reddened, and subsequently, the appearance of a pale shade occurs. This is due to the passage through different levels of the epidermal layer. After the end of the procedure, drops of blood may also appear on the patient's face, which indicates that the beam has reached the papillary layer of the dermis.
6. At the end of the exposure, a soothing mask or ointment and preparations containing panthenol are applied to soothe the skin and accelerate tissue regeneration.
7. Consultation on facial skin care recommendations for rehabilitation.

The rehabilitation period can last from 2 days to 3 weeks, depending on the chosen laser, duration and intensity of exposure. Note that facial skin resurfacing is a traumatic procedure, which is why its repeated passage is possible only after a certain time. The rehabilitation period is on average 3 to 6 months, depending on the laser chosen for resurfacing.


Due to the difference in the types of laser, penetrating power, intensity and duration of exposure, skin resurfacing using laser technology solves a whole range of problems. The most common reason for applying for the procedure is the presence of fine wrinkles in the patient, including senile ones, which can be easily removed using any laser. Another problem that cosmetologists solve with the help of laser skin resurfacing is post-acne and scars. After treatment with this method, a shorter course of rehabilitation will be required compared to traditional methods of treatment. When an experienced cosmetologist uses the correct wavelength setting, tattoos can be easily removed. The advantage of this method is the complete absence of scars and traces of the removed tattoo. Thanks to this property, in addition to tattoos, increased skin pigmentation is successfully removed. In addition to the above indications, another reason for the procedure will be hyperkeratosis, in fact it is a condition of the epidermal layer, which is expressed in an increase in the stratum corneum and loss of elasticity, which will be an indication for laser resurfacing. in addition to removing the stratum corneum, it accelerates the regeneration of healthy skin tissue, which does not subsequently lose its elasticity.


Due to the fact that various types of lasers are used for this medical procedure, we have structured and highlighted general contraindications for laser resurfacing:
1. Diseases affecting blood clotting
2. Oncological diseases
3. Chronic diseases at the time of exacerbation
4. Diabetes mellitus
5. Diseases associated with inflammation of the dermis
6. Herpes
7. Diabetes mellitus
8. Epilepsy
9. Lactation, breastfeeding and pregnancy.
10. Using a pacemaker.
11. Tendency to scar formation.
12. Dry and dehydrated skin.
13. A history of severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as a past stroke.
14. Laser intolerance due to the individual characteristics of the organism.
15. Tuberculosis


It is a relatively safe procedure, however, if you neglect the recommendations of your doctor or make a mistake, this procedure leads to unpleasant consequences.
1. Burns or blisters that occur due to excessively prolonged thermal exposure of the laser to sensitive skin areas.
2. Hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. Most often seen in patients with dark or swarthy skin.
3. Transition to the acute phase of a dormant infection, earlier in the layers of the skin
4. Erythema, which is a specific severe redness of the skin due to inflammation due to the immaturity of the new epithelium. This complication lasts up to 4 months on average.
5. Scars and scars. As a rule, this problem arises if the patient neglects contraindications, is prone to the formation of keloid scars, or due to too long thermal exposure to the skin with a laser.
6. The onset of suppuration after the procedure occurs with improper skin care, or the patient ignoring the doctor's recommendations, scratching or violation of the integrity of the formed skin.