People of different faiths will see each other in the next world. Dreams of a dead person, or revelations of someone who has been in the next world. When the brain turned off

What happens to a person after clinical death? The stories of near-death patients very often testify to the existence of God.

Someone appears before the Lord, someone before Satan. People who meet with God for a moment, regaining consciousness, radically change their lives.

Testimonies about God: what happens to people who have experienced clinical death

  • Some stories only confirm scientific facts. People who have experienced clinical death encounter a similar set of visions that have a scientific explanation.
  • After cardiac arrest comes clinical brain death. The pictures that patients see fall on the last minutes before clinical death, during the period of agony of the body.
  • On the uniformity of visions have the influence of several factors. Unstable work of the heart causes oxygen starvation of the brain. This condition leads to a characteristic reaction of the body.
  • Hallucinations in which the near-death patient thinks he is leaving his physical body explained by accelerated eye movement. Reality is mixed with hallucinations, there is a mirror reflection of some pictures.
  • A person's stay in a certain space - moving along narrow corridors, flying in the air, arise due to the heightened work of tunnel vision in the last minutes of life. Flights are also associated with weakening of the vestibular apparatus.
  • According to research, in At the time of death, the level of serotonin in the body increases sharply. This result gives a person a boundless feeling of peace and tranquility. The onset of clinical death plunges the patient into darkness.

Believe in God or scientific explanations - the decision is yours. To understand what clinical death is will help the stories of survivors.

The leading designer of OKB "Impulse" Vladimir Efremov died suddenly. He coughed, sank down on the sofa and fell silent. Relatives at first did not understand that a terrible thing had happened.

We thought we were sitting down to rest. Natalia was the first to come out of her stupor. She touched her brother on the shoulder.

Volodya, what's wrong with you?

Yefremov collapsed helplessly on his side. Natalya tried to feel for a pulse. The heart didn't beat! She began to do artificial respiration, but her brother was not breathing.

Natalya, herself a physician, knew that the chances of salvation were decreasing every minute. Tried to "start" the heart, massaging the breasts. The eighth minute was drawing to a close when her palms felt a slight push back. The heart turned on. Vladimir Grigorievich breathed on his own.

Alive! hugged his sister. - We thought you were dead. That's all, the end!

There is no end, - whispered Vladimir Grigorievich. - There is also life. But different. It is better...

Vladimir Grigorievich wrote down the experience during clinical death in all details. His testimonies are priceless. This is the first scientific study of the afterlife by a scientist who has experienced death himself. Vladimir Grigorievich published his observations in the journal Nauchno-tekhnicheskie vedomosti of St. Petersburg State Technical University, and then spoke about them at a scientific congress.

His report on the afterlife became a sensation.

It's impossible to imagine this! - said Professor Anatoly Smirnov, head of the International Club of Scientists.

The reputation of Vladimir Efremov in scientific circles is impeccable.

He is a major specialist in the field of artificial intelligence, worked for a long time at the Impulse Design Bureau. Participated in the launch of Gagarin, contributed to the development of the latest rocket systems. Four times his research team received the State Prize.

Before his clinical death, he considered himself an absolute atheist, - says Vladimir Grigorievich. - I trusted only the facts. He considered all discussions about the afterlife to be a religious intoxication. To be honest, I did not think about death then. There were so many cases in the service that even in ten lives it would not be cleared up. Then there was no time to be treated - my heart was naughty, chronic bronchitis tortured me, other ailments annoyed me.

On March 12, at the house of my sister, Natalia Grigorievna, I had a coughing fit. I felt like I was suffocating. The lungs did not obey me, I tried to take a breath - and could not! The body became wadded, the heart stopped. The last air came out of his lungs with wheezing and foam. The thought flashed through my brain that this was the last second of my life.

But for some reason, consciousness did not turn off. Suddenly there was a feeling of extraordinary lightness. Nothing hurt me anymore - neither my throat, nor my heart, nor my stomach. I felt so comfortable only as a child. I did not feel my body and did not see it. But with me were all my feelings and memories. I was flying somewhere along a giant pipe. The feeling of flying was familiar - this had happened before in a dream. Mentally tried to slow down the flight, change its direction. Happened! There was no horror or fear. Only bliss. I tried to analyze what was going on. Conclusions came instantly. The world you are in exists. I think, therefore I also exist. And my thinking has the property of causality, since it can change the direction and speed of my flight.

Everything was fresh, bright and interesting, - Vladimir Grigoryevich continues his story. - My consciousness worked completely differently than before. It encompassed everything at once at the same time, neither time nor distance existed for it. I admired the surroundings. It was like it was rolled up into a tube. I did not see the sun, everywhere an even light, not casting shadows. Some inhomogeneous structures resembling a relief are visible on the walls of the pipe. It was impossible to determine which was up and which was down.

I tried to memorize the area over which I flew. It looked like some kind of mountains.

The landscape was remembered without any difficulty, the volume of my memory was truly bottomless. I tried to return to the place over which I had already flown, mentally imagining it. Everything came out! It was like teleportation.

TV set

A crazy thought came, - Efremov continues his story. - To what extent can you influence the world around you? Is it possible to return to your past life? Mentally imagined the old broken TV from his apartment. And I saw him from all sides at once. Somehow I knew everything about him. How and where was it designed. He knew where the ore was mined, from which the metals that were used in the construction were smelted. He knew what steelmaker did it. I knew that he was married, that he had problems with his mother-in-law. I saw everything related to this TV globally, realizing every little thing. And he knew exactly which part was faulty. Then, when they resuscitated me, I changed that T-350 transistor and the TV started working ...

There was a sense of the omnipotence of thought. For two years our design bureau struggled to solve the most difficult task related to cruise missiles. And suddenly, having presented this design, I saw the problem in all its versatility. And the solution algorithm arose by itself.

Then I wrote it down and IMPLEMENTED ...

The realization that he was not alone in the next world came to Efremov gradually.

My informational interaction with the environment gradually lost its one-sided character, - says Vladimir Grigorievich. - To the formulated question, the answer appeared in my mind. At first, such answers were perceived as a natural result of reflection. But the information coming to me began to go beyond the limits of the knowledge that I had during my lifetime. The knowledge gained in this tube was many times greater than my previous baggage!

I realized that I was being guided by Someone omnipresent, without boundaries. And He has unlimited possibilities, is omnipotent and full of love. This invisible, but tangible subject of my whole being did everything not to frighten me. I realized that it was He who showed me the phenomena and problems in the whole causal relationship. I did not see Him, but I felt it sharply, sharply. And I knew it was God...

Suddenly I noticed that something was bothering me. I was dragged outside like a carrot from a garden. Didn't want to go back, everything was fine. Everything flashed, and I saw my sister. She was frightened, and I beamed with delight ...


Efremov in his scientific works described the afterlife using mathematical and physical terms. In this article, we decided to try to do without complex concepts and formulas.

Vladimir Grigoryevich, what can you compare the world to which you ended up after death?

Any comparison will be invalid. The processes there do not proceed linearly, as we do, they are not extended in time. They go at the same time and in all directions. Objects "in the next world" are presented in the form of information blocks, the content of which determines their location and properties. Everyone and everything is with each other in a causal relationship. Objects and properties are enclosed in a single global information structure, in which everything goes according to the laws set by the leading subject - that is, God. He is subject to the appearance, change or removal of any objects, properties, processes, including the passage of time.

How free is a person, his consciousness, soul there in his actions?

A person, as a source of information, can also influence objects in the sphere accessible to him. At my will, the relief of the “pipe” changed, and terrestrial objects appeared.

It looks like the movies "Solaris" and "The Matrix"...

And a giant computer game. But both worlds, ours and the afterlife, are real. They constantly interact with each other, although they are isolated from one another, and together with the controlling subject - God - form a global intellectual system.

Our world is simpler to comprehend, it has a rigid frame of constants that ensure the inviolability of the laws of nature, time acts as the beginning connecting events.

In the afterlife, there are either no constants at all, or there are much fewer of them than in ours, and they can change. The basis for building that world is information formations containing the entire set of known and still unknown properties of material objects in the complete absence of the objects themselves. So, as on Earth it happens in the conditions of computer simulation. I understood - a person sees there what he wants to see. Therefore, descriptions of the afterlife by people who survived death differ from each other. The righteous sees heaven, the sinner sees hell...

For me, death was an indescribable joy, incomparable to anything on Earth. Even love for a woman compared to what she experienced there is nothing....

Vladimir Grigorievich read Holy Scripture after his resurrection. And he found confirmation of his posthumous experience and his thoughts about the information essence of the world.

The Gospel of John says that “in the beginning was the Word,” Efremov quotes the Bible. - And the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It was in the beginning with God. Everything came into being through Him, and without Him nothing came into being that came into being.” Isn't this a hint that in Scripture the "word" means some kind of global informational essence, which includes the all-encompassing content of everything?

Efremov put his posthumous experience into practice. He brought the key to many complex tasks that have to be solved in earthly life from there.

The thinking of all people has the property of causality, - says Vladimir Grigorievich. - But few people know about it. In order not to harm yourself and others, you need to follow the religious norms of life. The holy books are dictated by the Creator, they are safety precautions for humanity...

Vladimir Efremov: “Death is not terrible for me now. I know it's a door to another world."

Have you ever thought about what awaits us after death? Published on the web portal with a link to

There are people who have suffered clinical death, which means that they were on the other side of life for some time.


This is a very entertaining story of a 50-year-old man from France. “I had a myocardial infarction. I only remember the intense pain in my chest and the screams of the people around me. Then the pain went away, and I, suddenly opening my eyes, saw myself from the outside. I hung from the ceiling, and watched my body lie on the table, and the doctors bent over it. They fussed, talked among themselves, shouted something to each other. I did not hear the words, there was absolute silence, there was calm and some kind of indifference to everything that was happening.

Suddenly, a window opened in the ceiling. Through it, I saw crowds of moving people, and they were all golden, alive, but as if cast in gold. I tried to make out familiar faces in the crowd, I tried to talk to people passing by, but they did not answer me. And then I felt myself slowly sinking down and sinking into my own body. I came to my senses. After this event, it became obvious to me that our body is just a shell.”


And this is the story of a Russian pensioner who found himself in a similar situation. “Suddenly I felt sick. My son and daughter-in-law dragged me home and laid me on the bed. My whole body ached, blood gushed out of my mouth and I began to choke. But in an instant everything stopped! I suddenly saw myself from the side, and having left my own body, I began to be irresistibly pulled into an unusual corridor or tunnel. It was all black with stone walls, very long and narrow. At the end of it was a light that drew me to itself. And I swam towards this light, slowly at first, then accelerated so that my limbs went cold.

It flew for a long time, and finally flew out of the tunnel, hitting the dome with the brightest light. Around was another, some kind of fairy-tale world, with tropical trees and exotic birds. I seemed to be pulled forward towards a huge waterfall. I went up to him, and noticed a small well-kept house nearby. In the house I found my father, who died a few years ago. There was no surprise, as if I knew that everything should be just like that. My father came up to me and said: “Come back! Your time hasn't come yet!" Literally after his words, I woke up, opened my eyes and noticed the doctors standing nearby.


Not all patients like to remember their own "flights" to another world. One such case is told by the wife of a patient who has been in the next world. “Yuri fell from a great height and for a week was in a state of clinical death due to a severe blow to his head. Every day visiting her husband, connected to the artificial respiration apparatus, the grieving wife lost the keys to the house.

But Yuri survived! And the first thing he asked his wife when he regained consciousness: "Have you found the keys?" And looking into her puzzled eyes, he continued: “They are under the stairs!” How could he know about the loss of the keys and how did he know where they fell out, the man explained later. It turns out that during clinical death, his soul left the body and became a cloud. He saw his wife's every move, no matter where she was. Moreover, he visited the place where the souls of his deceased relatives, his mother and older brother, rested. According to Yuri, it was his relatives who convinced him to return.

And a year later, when Yuri's son was dying, and his mother wept inconsolably, saying goodbye to her only child, Yuri hugged his wife and said: "He will live another year." Indeed, the child went on the mend and died only a year later. And at the funeral of his beloved son, the man reassured his wife: “Don't be sad. He didn’t die, he just moved to another world before us.”


Professor Rawlings once saved a dying man by giving him a heart massage. The dying man's heart stopped, his pulse disappeared, but at some point the man suddenly came to his senses and in an imploring voice asked the doctor not to stop! It was especially unexpected, because during the massage, the doctor broke two of the patient's ribs!

The patient survived, and, having come to his senses, told the doctor the terrible story of his stay in the “other world”. After a car accident, he lost consciousness, and woke up in a cell with stone walls and strong bars. In addition to the man, there were four more demonic-looking creatures in the chamber. Huge, black, of incredible strength, they tore at his flesh, causing terrible pain. He could not even move, feeling as if there was not a single muscle in his body. It was also very hot in the cell, and the man went crazy with thirst. According to him, the torment continued for several weeks. But in an instant, he closed his eyes and woke up in intensive care. It turned out that he had been in a state of clinical death for no more than 8 minutes.

According to the surviving patient, he undoubtedly went to hell. Moreover, it was after this story that I truly understood the essence of the word “eternity”. Tellingly, clinical death seriously affected the worldview of a man. He gave up alcohol, stopped showing aggression towards people around him and became a deeply religious person.


During the operation, the patient was clinically dead. Within 10 minutes they tried to bring her back to life, and when the doctors succeeded, the woman came to her senses and began to tell a fantastic story. “When my heart stopped, I felt myself get rid of the body and hover over the operating table. Looking at my lifeless body, I clearly realized that I had died! It hurt me terribly that I never said goodbye to my family. And I just flew home! In the apartment, a neighbor sat at the table, my mother and beloved daughter, but in an unusual dress with green polka dots, which she had not had before. At some point, my mother dropped a cup, which immediately shattered to smithereens. At that moment, I opened my eyes and saw the doctors bending over me!

Later, the doctor of the same patient met with her mother and was incredibly surprised to learn from her that on that day and at the same time they really were sitting at the table and drinking tea. A polka-dot dress was brought to the girl by a neighbor, and the cup really broke. Perhaps fortunately...

As you can see, a variety of people, experiencing clinical death, tell fantastic stories that the afterlife is not fiction and, quite possibly, each of us will have to answer for our actions committed in life.

To learn more about the afterlife and draw your own conclusions about the likelihood of its existence, we bring you some creepy, but incredibly interesting stories from people who have suffered clinical death.

Have you ever thought about what awaits us after death? Is there an afterlife at all, does Heaven and Hell exist, does reincarnation take place, or does our soul disappear forever along with the body? You can argue about this endlessly, but among us there are people who have suffered clinical death, which means that they were on the other side of life for some time.

1. My soul is under the ceiling

This is a very entertaining story of a 50-year-old man from France. “I had a myocardial infarction. I only remember the intense pain in my chest and the screams of the people around me. Then the pain went away, and I, suddenly opening my eyes, saw myself from the outside. I hung from the ceiling, and watched my body lie on the table, and the doctors bent over it. They fussed, talked among themselves, shouted something to each other. I did not hear the words, there was absolute silence, there was calm and some kind of indifference to everything that was happening.

Suddenly, a window opened in the ceiling. Through it, I saw crowds of moving people, and they were all golden, alive, but as if cast in gold. I tried to make out familiar faces in the crowd, I tried to talk to people passing by, but they did not answer me. And then I felt myself slowly sinking down and sinking into my own body. I came to my senses. After this event, it became obvious to me that our body is just a shell.”

2. Flight to heaven

And this is the story of a Russian pensioner who found himself in a similar situation. “Suddenly I felt sick. My son and daughter-in-law dragged me home and laid me on the bed. My whole body ached, blood gushed out of my mouth and I began to choke. But in an instant everything stopped! I suddenly saw myself from the side, and having left my own body, I began to be irresistibly pulled into an unusual corridor or tunnel. It was all black with stone walls, very long and narrow. At the end of it was a light that drew me to itself. And I swam towards this light, slowly at first, then accelerated so that my limbs went cold.

It flew for a long time, and finally flew out of the tunnel, hitting the dome with the brightest light. Around was another, some kind of fairy-tale world, with tropical trees and exotic birds. I seemed to be pulled forward towards a huge waterfall. I went up to him, and noticed a small well-kept house nearby. In the house I found my father, who died a few years ago. There was no surprise, as if I knew that everything should be just like that. My father came up to me and said: “Come back! Your time hasn't come yet!" Literally after his words, I woke up, opened my eyes and noticed the doctors standing nearby.

3. Became a cloud

Not all patients like to remember their own "flights" to another world. One such case is told by the wife of a patient who has been in the next world. “Yuri fell from a great height and for a week was in a state of clinical death due to a severe blow to his head. Every day visiting her husband, connected to the artificial respiration apparatus, the grieving wife lost the keys to the house.

But Yuri survived! And the first thing he asked his wife when he regained consciousness: "Have you found the keys?" And looking into her puzzled eyes, he continued: “They are under the stairs!” How could he know about the loss of the keys and how did he know where they fell out, the man explained later. It turns out that during clinical death, his soul left the body and became a cloud. He saw his wife's every move, no matter where she was. Moreover, he visited the place where the souls of his deceased relatives, his mother and older brother, rested. According to Yuri, it was his relatives who convinced him to return.

And a year later, when Yuri's son was dying, and his mother wept inconsolably, saying goodbye to her only child, Yuri hugged his wife and said: "He will live another year." Indeed, the child went on the mend and died only a year later. And at the funeral of his beloved son, the man reassured his wife: “Don't be sad. He didn’t die, he just moved to another world before us.”

4. Camera in hell

Professor Rawlings once saved a dying man by giving him a heart massage. The dying man's heart stopped, his pulse disappeared, but at some point the man suddenly came to his senses and in an imploring voice asked the doctor not to stop! It was especially unexpected, because during the massage, the doctor broke two of the patient's ribs!

The patient survived, and, having come to his senses, told the doctor the terrible story of his stay in the “other world”. After a car accident, he lost consciousness, and woke up in a cell with stone walls and strong bars. In addition to the man, there were four more demonic-looking creatures in the chamber. Huge, black, of incredible strength, they tore at his flesh, causing terrible pain. He could not even move, feeling as if there was not a single muscle in his body. It was also very hot in the cell, and the man went crazy with thirst. According to him, the torment continued for several weeks. But in an instant, he closed his eyes and woke up in intensive care. It turned out that he had been in a state of clinical death for no more than 8 minutes.

According to the surviving patient, he undoubtedly went to hell. Moreover, it was after this story that I truly understood the essence of the word “eternity”. Tellingly, clinical death seriously affected the worldview of a man. He gave up alcohol, stopped showing aggression towards people around him and became a deeply religious person.

5. Broken cup

During the operation, the patient was clinically dead. Within 10 minutes they tried to bring her back to life, and when the doctors succeeded, the woman came to her senses and began to tell a fantastic story. “When my heart stopped, I felt myself get rid of the body and hover over the operating table. Looking at my lifeless body, I clearly realized that I had died! It hurt me terribly that I never said goodbye to my family. And I just flew home! In the apartment, a neighbor sat at the table, my mother and beloved daughter, but in an unusual dress with green polka dots, which she had not had before. At some point, my mother dropped a cup, which immediately shattered to smithereens. At that moment, I opened my eyes and saw the doctors bending over me!

Later, the doctor of the same patient met with her mother and was incredibly surprised to learn from her that on that day and at the same time they really were sitting at the table and drinking tea. A polka-dot dress was brought to the girl by a neighbor, and the cup really broke. Perhaps fortunately...

As you can see, a variety of people, experiencing clinical death, tell fantastic stories that the afterlife is not fiction and, quite possibly, each of us will have to answer for our actions committed in life. But even if it is not, there is human memory. And it is better if the preserved memory of a person is good.


Priest Anatoly Pershin, Rector of the Church of St. Basil the Great in Aspen Grove (St. Petersburg Diocese)

I have two lives - before meeting God and after. And I met God ... in the next world. I had an injury, in intensive care the doctors pumped me out, and in the meantime my soul left my body and “flew with the wind to unknown worlds,” as Yuri Shevchuk sings. The actual exit from the body was completely painless. But then the Lord showed me my life in one second, and I realized that I had not done a single good deed, I lived only for myself, that I was an egoist, that everything in my life was wrong. And the first desire was: to rush down, back, and fix everything. And the feeling: “I got it!”
But when I wanted to do this, I felt that I had neither arms nor legs - I feel everything, I think, but I have no body. It was very unusual and I got scared.
However, the Lord, apparently, had his own providence: He stopped me with this accident.

I had to forcibly return myself to normal human sensations - I still lived among people. I tried to sort of "land".
In a past life, I denied the Church as an institution, I thought that it was a museum, that these rituals had nothing to do with real life, that some new religion was needed now. Therefore, I did not even go to the temples. And after meeting with God, whole worlds, universes opened up to me. Before that, I did not know that the Lord is everywhere, that He is in me. It was only through bitter experience that it began to be felt.
Once - after the story of clinical death - I felt very bad. And Yura Shevchuk, with whom we have been friends since the mid-1980s, took me to his friends at the Military Medical Academy. There I was told that people do not live with such blood. Then Yura said: “I was on tour in Arkhangelsk and met there with one abbot, he invited me to his monastery. Let's send you there." So I ended up in the Antoniev-Siysky Monastery. And he received healing on the relics of St. Anthony of Siya. I understood more and more clearly why the Lord brought me back from the other world. The main thing is that I realized that there is salvation, that it is possible to be saved in this world. It was as if some kind of program was invested in me, they gave me a direction where to go - into the light. Then, I think, my path to becoming a priest began. Although, of course, I myself didn’t know this yet, and on this path I had to go through many more trials and miracles.
I am grateful to God that He forced me to meet with Himself. I realized that He did it out of love. Like a surgeon who sees that the patient's appendicitis is about to burst, and the person will die from this pus. And then the surgeon makes an incision, removes this appendicitis, then everything heals in the patient, and now he is ready to run somewhere. But where? Sin? But the Lord puts understanding, knowledge into a person. And it is important for him to apply this knowledge.
God visits every person in his own time. And I do not condemn a person, for example, seventy years old, if he did not believe in God. After all, this can happen tomorrow, or a second before death ...
Now I am 60 years old. I believe that I have very few spiritual achievements, but still I have become closer to the essence. It's like I've been reformatted, set up like a receiver. And it is very important to keep the wave - as soon as she left, you handle - once! - and turned to the right position. You can not relax: a little to the side, and the enemy radio station begins to broadcast.
I feel sorry for people, and my task as a priest is to help them as much as possible. It seems to me that in the other world the truth was revealed to me: salvation in the world is service to God and people, service to God through people, through good deeds. And when I go out to the pulpit in my church, I have the feeling that my family is in front of me.