Measure oz. What markings of sinkers can be found in local stores

When it comes to the weight of precious stones and metals, the term "ounce", which is unusual for the average ear, appears. This measure has been known since the days of the ancient Roman Empire, and it was the main unit of weight in Europe in the Middle Ages. Now it is not as widespread as it was before. Most often, it is found precisely in the purchase and sale of precious metals. Let's figure out how to find out how much an ounce of gold weighs in grams and what it is for.

A measure of weight with a rich past

When you hear the word "ounce", you should know that the ancestor of this unit of weight was the troy ounce. In international practice, this value has a fixed abbreviation, consisting of three letters in Latin. This can be either t oz or ozt.

This mass received its name from the French city of Troyes. In the Middle Ages, it was a large trade center, where representatives of different peoples brought all kinds of items in demand. In order not to be confused with calculations, all goods were bought and sold for pure gold. And the main measure of gold was the troy value. One troy ounce of gold weighs 31.103 grams.

Moreover, in the period from 1824 to 1858, the troy pound (it included twelve ounces of the same name) was the main unit of weight in Great Britain. Then the metric system of measures, which is used by the majority of modern people, became generally accepted. But goldsmiths continue to use the troy value in their calculations. This is a kind of gesture of the continuity of generations of jewelers and a tribute to this magnitude with its rich past. In addition, it is used in cosmetology when weighing especially expensive and unique ingredients.

It is in the troy unit that the mass of precious bank investment coins is measured.

Painstaking calculations

In order to correctly and quickly convert an ounce of gold to grams, you can use one of the online converters that are available in sufficient quantities on the Internet. If you do not have the opportunity to use the World Wide Web or you are just a supporter of traditional methods of calculation, you can do it yourself. To calculate the weight of a precious measure, you need a special formula:

(? oz) x (1 lb / 16 oz) x (1 kg / 2.2046 lb) x (1000 g / 1 kg) =

Explanations of the abbreviations used

Using this formula, you can figure out how many grams of gold are, for example, in five or nine ounces:

5 oz x (1 lb / 16 oz) x (1 kg / 2.2046 lb) x (1000g / 1 kg) = 141.749 g

9 oz x (1 lb / 16 oz) x (1 kg / 2.2046 lb) x (1000g / 1 kg) = 255.148 g

Thus, to calculate the exact number of grams in this unit, you need to know the values ​​of one ounce of averdup, kilogram and pound of averdup in grams.

How much is an ounce of gold worth

Speaking specifically about the "yellow devil", the value of the troy unit for this precious metal is difficult to overestimate. The fact is that the cost of gold is calculated in US dollars per troy ounce, not per gram. Every day in Great Britain, in London, the question is decided how much this measure of gold will cost in dollars. Moreover, prices are set twice every day. Moscow time, this occurs at half past one in the afternoon and at six o'clock in the evening (10:30 and 15:00 London time).

Interestingly, the question of how much one troy value of gold in dollars will cost is not decided by governments or presidents, but by several large banks with the most power in the market. And the process of their agreement to set a single price for gold is called "fixing". Thus, it is difficult to talk about the solid cost of an ounce of gold, since these quotes change not just daily, but even twice a day.

The issue with the cost of gold of various standards is even more complicated. The fact is that the bank quotes indicate the price of pure 999 gold. And many gold items are alloys of pure gold with silver, copper, platinum and so on. Therefore, the cost in any case will be lower, unless we are talking about metal in bank bullions.

If you are planning to sell gold jewelry, still keep track of the quotes for pure gold in order to try to sell your gizmos when the price of this precious metal is at its peak.

In our turbulent times, one of the most important indicators of the reliability of the economic condition of a country is the aggregate of its gold reserves. When they talk about the value of this yellow metal in one or another currency, they use a rather strange measure, which is called a troy ounce of gold. For some reason, the cost of this metal is not reflected in grams. How did it happen, why is the universal weight unit not used when weighing gold? And how much does a troy ounce weigh in grams?

What is "ounce"

The concept of an ounce was born in ancient Rome. In those days, bronze coins were in circulation, which were divided into parts. The twelfth part of the ancient Roman bronze coin was called "ounce". In modern terms, its weight was a little over 27 grams.

Over time, the ounce began to be used not only as a monetary unit. Since the standards for minting coins were quite strictly observed in Rome, it became convenient to weigh small measures of various substances in ounces. The price of gold at all times has been high, so an ounce was the best fit for weighing this metal. Over time, this small measure of weights spread throughout Europe.

How to convert troy ounce to grams

Converting a troy ounce to grams is fairly straightforward. It should be remembered that one troy ounce is equal to 31.1035 grams. Accordingly, for conversion, this value should be multiplied by the required number of ounces.

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What is the eternal value

What is an ounce? You can, perhaps, designate it as the most ancient and most used unit of measurement at all times, and this will be correct. But the weight of an ounce is not only a material value.

The main roots of this ambiguous concept must be sought in the area of ​​the most philosophical and comprehensible, this is a way of correlating a part of a whole to the whole itself.

Ancient Rome and the uncial system

In ancient Rome, an ounce is one twelfth of a unit (Latin uncia), and the number twelve, in turn, had a sacred meaning in ancient Roman digitology, since it reflected some patterns of astronomical and temporal processes available for observation and comprehension (twelve months of the year, for example, or the twelve zodiacal constellations).

The Romans also used uncial division as the basis for mathematical fractional calculations. Just as in modern mathematics we use decimal fractions, where decimal places are first followed by decimal places, then hundredths, thousandths, and so on, the Romans expressed fractions through series of quantities with a denominator that is a multiple of 12. These multiplicities were called, respectively: ounces, sicilicus, sexulas, scruples and silicves.

Such a system of duodecimal (among the Slavs - twelve) division of the whole, firstly, reflected the principles of the scientific and religious worldview of Roman society, and, secondly, it was a convenient and almost ideal system for solving both purely mathematical and practical, everyday problems in a wide variety of life spheres associated with counting something. Moreover, the system worked equally well both in situations with exact digital equivalents and with conditional quantities.

length (= 1/12 Roman feet, this is 9 685 lines or 0.0246 m); The versatility of the ounce is easily confirmed by the diversity of its use by the Romans as a measure, for example:

  • surfaces (= 1/12 yuguer, 2,400 rms. feet, 46 sq. fathoms, 209.91 m 2);
  • containers (= 1/12 sextaria, 0.0372 cups).

According to the principle of an ounce, banknotes were also divided into denominations: 1 Rome. The ass, most often used in circulation by the Romans, contained an average of 10 ounces (from 9 to 12), which is equal in weight to the libra (libra), (327, 45 g, 0.7996 Russian pounds), in which the Roman ounce weighed accordingly 27.288 g (0.0666 Russian pounds). At the same time, she was an independent monetary unit. An ounce was usually minted from copper, to which tin (7%) and lead (23.6%) were mixed. On one side of such a coin was depicted the head of Minerva, the goddess of Rome, on the other - the coat of arms of the city.

Even when determining the size of the inheritance in ancient Rome, they used all the same ounces and their multiple designations.

European countries, Africa, China

During the Roman Empire, as a systemic concept and metric unit, it was borrowed by the peoples of almost all European countries. Before the introduction of the metric system in the 18th century, it was the ounce that was the most common unit in the field of weight measurement. In Germany, it (Unze) was equal to 1/16 of a large commercial pound and was used in pharmacy, accounting for 1/12 of the so-called small pharmaceutical weight. From here Russia borrowed an ounce. In Russian pharmacies, as in the early 18th century, they continue to determine the weight by the uncial system.

The Netherlands, having switched to the metric system in 1820, left the ounce (Dutch ons) to indicate the weight in 100 g. The use of ounces as the basic unit of weight was widespread in Italy (Oncia, 12 Roman ounces in pound), in Spain ( Onza) and Portugal (Onca): 1/16 pound Castilian libra or Portuguese arratel. In Great Britain, the ounce as a measure of weight corresponds to such units as troy (1/12), pharmaceutical (1/12) and commercial (avoirdupois, 1/16) pounds.

In Sicily, until 1860, the ounce coin was in wide circulation, equal to 2.5 scudi, 3 ducats, or 123.4 today's Italian lira.

As units of weight with small variations, ounce (Ukkia) even reached northern Africa. In Algeria it is 34, 130 g, in Tunisia 31, 680 g, in Tripoli 30, 020 g, in Egypt 37, 068 g.

The Chinese monetary unit tael is also called an ounce.

Troyes money

The name "troy ounce" came from the French city of Troyes, where merchants from all over the world flocked to fairs in the 12th century. In order to streamline the currency confusion, it was proposed to take the French livre, containing the troy pound of silver, which was divided into ounces, as the basis for the single monetary equivalent. Since then, this unit, which has established itself as very convenient and reliable, has firmly established itself all over the world in the precious metals market, which is confirmed by the title of "royal standard of metal quality." And today this ancient "archaic" measured unit is not only alive, but and live internationally under the name "". In the cosmetics industry, this unit is used to determine the weight of the valuable ingredients. But the main area of ​​application is jewelry and banking, where it is used to determine both the weight of precious metals and their value. These are gold, silver, platinum and palladium. International designation, respectively: XAU, XAG, XPT, XPD.

Troy ounce is equal to 31.1034768 g, sometimes rounded to 31.1035 grams.

How many gold coins weigh one troy ounce:

  • golden maple leaf, Canada;
  • Philharmonic, Austria;
  • gold bar, Australia;
  • Krugerrand, South Africa;
  • panda, China;
  • golden eagle, USA;
  • golden buffalo, USA.

Ounce of averdupua

Today, there is another unit of weight in circulation in the world, the so-called ounce of averdupois (from the French Avoirdupois - "goods that have weight"). The weight of one such unit is 28.349523125 grams. It does not belong to precious metals.

Present day

So, today the concept of an ounce, in addition to the name of several banknotes and units of mass measurement, includes two measures of the volume of liquid bodies. These are the so-called "fluid ounces" (English, with a volume of 28.413 063 ml, and American, the exact volume of which is 29.573 531 ml, but for the convenience of labeling food products, it is rounded up to 30 ml), and even one unit of force measurement (English engineering and gravitational units, 1 oz - 0.278 newton).

So our good old ounce should be included in the category of "eternal values".

When buying or selling precious metals, an unfamiliar unit of measurement is often encountered - an ounce. It is much easier and more understandable for us who are accustomed to Everyday life use the metric system, the weight is measured in grams. However, in international practice, this is the standard for determining the value of precious metals. The answer to the question: 1 ounce, how many grams, is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Translation problems

Translation problems arise from the presence of different names depending on the area of ​​use and the country where it is used. The confusion is also added by the fact that some states, for example the United States, still do not use the metric system, preferring the traditional one.

  • Averdupua (oz or oz at) - 28.35 g, used by the United States as a measure of weight.
  • Fluid ounce (fl oz) - 29.573 531 ml, used to determine the volume of a liquid.
  • Troy ounce (toz or ozt) - 31.1034768 g, all over the world this value is used to measure the weight of precious metals.

Troy ounce

Troy ounce is a common measure for precious metals.

Simplified meaning for translation: 1 ozt - 31.1035 grams.

It should be noted that in international trade this unit is used only to determine the mass of pure metals of the highest standard.

In world currency markets, the XAU index is used to indicate the rate of 999.9 gold. Mints of different countries minted coins weighing 31.1 g. Many, both old and modern money made of gold and silver, have this denomination.

origin of name

Uncia- Latin term means 1/12 part. This concept came to us from Ancient Rome, but the troy ounce appeared as a measure of weight much later. This name has nothing to do with ancient Troy and comes from the name of the French city Troyes(Troyes), Champagne province.

In the Middle Ages, the famous champagne fairs were held here, which brought together traders from different countries. The presence of various measures has led to the need to apply some unifying value.

The troy pound became such a unit and its 1/12 part is the troy ounce. In the 19th century, Great Britain became the center of world trade. Which inherited and finally consolidated the application of this measure, as the main one in the international trade in precious metals.

Using recalculation in practice

The need to translate ounce-gram arises, in most cases, when trying to calculate, or silver per gram in national currency, for example in rubles, today. The calculation algorithm is quite complex and requires knowledge of not only the cost of the metal in dollars per ounce, but also the currency quotes of rubles / dollar. It looks like this:

the cost of gold (dollars / ozt) divided by 31.1035 and multiplied by the dollar / rub rate, we get the gold price in rubles / g.

There is a calculator for calculating the value of gold, which calculates according to the Central Bank data, which greatly simplifies and speeds up obtaining desired result.

On the Internet you can find a large number of converters of units of measurement, when using such programs to convert the weight of precious metals, it is important to remember that you need a troy ounce, and not any other value.

Gold is a precious metal that has several units of measurement depending on the territory. It is difficult for beginners to navigate in translations of one unit into another. Therefore, people have a question: how much will an ounce of gold weigh in grams? Units of measurement are needed to determine the exact weight of a precious metal. The most popular among them:

  • Grams. This unit of measurement is international, but, unfortunately, it has not taken root in all countries.
  • Ounces. Despite the fact that the measurement system is quite old, it still exists, especially in relation to the weight of precious metals. And the question is still relevant.
  • Carat and fineness are not weight units. It is just an indicator of the amount of gold in a piece of jewelry, expressed as a percentage or carat. Knowing this value and how much the jewelry weighs, you can calculate the mass of pure gold in it.

How the amount of gold is measured depends on the tradition. In some countries, ounces are more used when measuring any product, including gold.

Troy ounce

Origin of the ounce

Troy ounce of gold in grams equals 31.1035, which is often rounded up to 31 grams. It so happened that in jewelry, cosmetics and banking, until today, weight is determined in ounces.

It all started in the 12th century in the town of Trois on the banks of the Seine. It was there that the largest fairs in Europe were held, in which traders and merchants from different countries participated. And therefore, there was confusion in the monetary processes, since exchange rates simply did not exist at that time.

And all the coins, one way or another, were made of precious metals, so the weight of the French livre was taken as the basis for calculations, which corresponded to one troy pound of silver. Thus, it began to gain popularity and soon conquered the world of precious metals: now gold is measured most often with its help. Therefore, the origin of the name has nothing to do with Troy, and it is wrong to write “Trinity ounce”.

A troy ounce is comparable in weight to one-twelfth of an English gold-coin pound. 1 ounce of gold weighs the same as some coins:

  • Canadian gold maple leaf;
  • American golden eagle;
  • American golden buffalo;
  • Australian (this is not an ordinary gold bar).

In addition, one should not forget that, in addition to the troy ounce, there are several more types:

  • ounce averdupua, its weight is 28.34 grams;
  • pharmacy ounce that existed in Russia and is equivalent to 26.89 grams;
  • ounce in grams of Maria Teresa equals 31.10.

Despite the fact that the numbers are close to each other, nevertheless, the troy ounce is the main one in banking calculations for the purchase / sale of gold, it is in it that the precious metal will continue to be measured. Therefore, when buying, it is imperative to clarify the measure of weight, since even the slightest differences in milligrams will affect the cost. The price per ounce of the precious metal is expressed in US dollars, since it is the dollar that is the world's reserve currency.

Troy ounce

How is the value of an ounce of gold determined?