Is it possible to the church in pants a woman? Is it possible to enter the temple in pants whether you can attend church in pants

It is quite often a good reason to abandon the visit of the temple becomes a strict requirement for the appearance that exists in the Orthodox Church. Women, in particular, can scare the ban on wearing trousers. Is it possible to go to the church in pants a woman? This will be discussed in the article.

Female look

Some Orthodox claim that you can go to the church in pants to women. There is an absolutely opposite opinion. This ban on their wearing is not so unequivocal, as it may look at first glance. Some Christians comply with him too jealously, without carrying trousers not only when visiting the temple, but even in everyday life. Other women say that if you compare between pants and mini skirts, then the first option looks much more modest.

As far as paradoxically, it did not sound, but a single opinion about whether a woman is in the church in pants, no among the priests.

Aesthetic question

Is it possible to visit the church in pants? Reasoning is worth starting with a rather important issue of aesthetics. Beauty in Orthodoxy belongs to a special trepidation. The world was created by God beautiful. Wide landscapes or barely noticeable flower - everywhere you can consider traces of the attachment of the Creator. Therefore, a truly believer man tries to be a reflection of the beauty that was created by God. This is done not only in spiritual, morally, but also material. Do not trust those who are trying to convince you that the "true believer" is supposed to walk with non-communicable and unwashed hair, in a holey dress.

It is necessary to respect the beauty, love and try to save what was invested by the Creator. Based on this, it is possible to make a simple conclusion - in Orthodox women, the clothes should be beautiful, tidy and modest. Things should not become the most important part of life, to make a cult from it, dealing with only this issue - sin. But watching your own appearance is not just not yet reborn. It even deserves praise.

Pants as a male element

Is it possible to the church in pants a woman? Now few, in addition to historians, will be able to recall that wearing this object of the wardrobe when visiting the church was previously under a categorical prohibition even in men. In the 9th century, the Bulgarian Prince almost abandoned the baptism of the country due to the fact that the Byzantine bosses demanded to prohibit his subordinate to carry pants even outside the temple walls. A similar shape of clothing was called pagan.

At a later time, no one saw anything in his pants that would not fit the Christian faith, and until the newest time the women did not wear pants. Thus, trousers were only a male attribute.

Biblical ban

Why does a woman can not be in the church in pants? A ban on wearing the opposite sex, that for men, that for women, you can see in the wind, as well as the New Testament, which has not canceled it. To a certain extent, such behavior was equated to non-standard sexual orientation, which is also condemned by the Bible. But the reasons were different.

Dressing into other clothes was characteristic of the pagans during magical rites. Magic and everything that concerned it was strictly condemned by the Church at any time. Such norms also spread to wearing women men, especially if we are talking about visiting the temple.

But precisely because of this today, some priests say that it is not worth it to blindly adhere to such a limitation. For a long time, pants stopped being purely men's clothing. Today there are ladies' varieties that will not be suitable for any man. About the girl in a similar form will simply won't be able to say that she wears a male element of the wardrobe, from here there is no reason to prohibit her attending temples.

It must be borne in mind that a similar ban is seriously treated in monasteries. In such clothes, you should not go there even in the form of a guarantee.

Other reasons

But some of the priests still adhere to these norms and prohibits visiting the church to women dressed in pants. They suggest that such clothes dictates clear forms of behavior that comes against Christian stuff. The girl in the skirt will not be able to afford to be in an inappropriate pose, and in pants - quite simple. When changing the manner to keep itself you can observe the behavior and character traits.

Is it possible to the church in pants a woman? The degree of rigor can directly depend on the mood of the parishioners and the priest from a particular arrival. In some places, the girls in the pants are quite tolerant, somewhere no, but in any case you should not risk, especially if you first decide to visit the temple. In addition, such actions can lead to conflict situations. Even in the case when parishioners are not inclined to be outraged to this expense, they will realize that the woman who came in the skirt not only understands, but also respects the established rules. Thus, it will be possible to immediately establish a fairly warm relationship.

What can the church

Is it possible to the church in pants a woman? The main requirement for clothing in which you can go to the temple - a poorness and modesty. T-shirts and shorts fall under the strictest prohibition. Women's shoulders must be covered. There are some recommendations on what appearance is considered acceptable when you decide to go to the temple:

  • Walking to the church, the representative of the weak half of humanity should wear scarves. If you purely accidentally passed by the temple and decided to go to it, but there were no shim banks at hand, then the head can be covered with a hood or any balaphon. Also allowed takes or hat.
  • If you have decided to wear a dress, then select a model with long sleeves and a closed collar (a model is suitable for three-quarters sleeve). In any case, a prerequisite is closed shoulders, chest.
  • It is forbidden to come to the house of God in the shoes, which has high heels. For a while rejoice in low-speed shoes or flat sole.

Whether exceptions are possible

If a person is not a permanent parishioner, but decided to go to pray in trousers, no one will donate it from the church. Often, the priests will simply be swallowed, but for confession tactfully indicate errors.

True, justice for the sake of saying that there are such varieties of trousers in which it is better not to visit the House of God. This, for example, strongly tightening options in combination with a short shuttle.

Of course, there are different situations. For example, in the Winter Street and thirty degrees, a warm skirt, a woman is simply not, and the temple itself is at a fairly distant distance. Do not give up because of this from prayer. In the case when a person himself understands that his act is wrong, but it simply does not work in a different way, it is necessary to try to observe the decency. Put the long fur coat or coat so that the pants are not noticeable.

It is also possible to take a skirt with you and just put it on top of the pants in front of the temple. The main condition is to look more or less decent. At worst, of course, take pants with a free cut, which do not emphasize the figure, but rather, on the contrary, cover it. Let the outfit in which you gathered in the church will be quite modest.


Despite all the foundations that have evolved not one year, the main condition is a sincere desire to pray, in touching with something beautiful, thereby becoming a little closer to God. It is important to want to visit the church and believe that miracles are possible.

How many years of women in Russia wear trousers, there is a stereotype as much - "in the temple of God in pants it is impossible." For some of the ladies, it becomes a pretext not to enter the church in general, or at least for many years, for others - before entering the temple to tie around Jeans shawl, for the third - to walk in the skirt always: at least in the field dig potatoes, Though in the forest on the mushrooms, and at the "sins in pants" glance.

How does Orthodoxy relate to female trousers in fact? This question of the hallway to such an extent was tortured their shepherds, which even one of the highest hierarchs of the Russian Church, the head of the Department of External Church Relations Metropolitan Hilarion, had to be distracted from issues of theology and church policy to understand the features of modern fashion and give answers to several radio and TV shows. "If the woman came to the church without a handkerchief or in trousers, then no one has the right to point out of the parishioners, nor from the clearing to it rude to it," he stated a year and a half ago on the ether of the Russian News Service. Vladyka Hilarion also noted that the tradition to wear skirt and handkerchief to the divine service - "not universal" for all local churches and, for example, in Western Europe "not only is not observed, but it would even be unthinkable to force, for example, in France to wear a woman skirt in France - This means that it should look like Muslim. "

However, at the entrance to many temples and monasteries of the Moscow Patriarchate, you can see ads of the type "Women in pants entry is prohibited" or "Does not fit Christian to wear trousers." Often they are accompanied by a quote from the Old Testament: "There should be no men's clothing on a woman, and a man should not dress in a female dress, because there is no volatile by the god of your God (Deuteronomy, chapter 22, verse 5). Opponents of trousers as an object of women's clothing also love to refer to the decisions of the Sixth Universal and Gangrs Cathedrals, who also forbade women to wear men's clothing.

And now we think logically: whether the pants are exclusively male clothes today, when the release of this object of clothing is specially for women for over 80 years, and you can see the skirt or a dress in a street crowd from the strength on one woman out of ten? And what kind of phenomenon actually was convicted by the Law of Moses and the Cathedral Rules?

In the 62nd rule of the Sixth Ecumenical Cathedral, which is like to mention in ads from the "Foreign Entrance Related" series, it is said: "... in honor of the gods, falsely so by Hullea, who is here, the masculine or female sex, producing dance and rites, for some old and old and Alien Christianskago is a custom made, reject, and determine: no husband to dress in women's clothing, nor his wife in her husband's clothing; Do not wear leafing of comic, or satirical, or tragic. " The speech here is about pagan rituals, during which people gave themselves the appearance of the opposite sex, the men played the roles of women, and women were men. Today it would be called the parade of transvestites. But today you do not take a woman in pants for a man, do not contact her "young man"?

But the 13th rule of the Gangrs Cathedral, allegedly also prohibiting women's pants - this is a completely different topic. It reads: "There is some kind of wife, for the sake of Mimago Mobility, the apparel is prevenged, and, instead of the ordinary women's clothing, it will fit into men's: yes will be under the oath." On the same cathedral were convicted by Yersies Eustafia and his followers who practiced false asceticism. They believed that those who live in marriage would not be saved, threw their wives and husbands, fasted on Sundays, and the eating meat was rejected in principle. Women Evstafianki briefly cut her hair and wore men's clothing, and this rule was written specifically against them. Today, their analogue could serve as a sect of any convincingly lonely and aggressively tuned ladies that shave themselves, carry camouflage, sleep in tents, eat exclusively buckwheat sowing from the kitkop and condemn everyone who made betrayal and put a wedding ring on the finger.

As for the announcements prohibiting the entrance to the temple for someone, the matter is not in trousers at all. Translated into Russian, they should be understood as follows: "We have enough of the parishioners enough, sorry, we do not need new people. A warm company has already gathered here, all his own, we are comfortable and forgive, forgive, once to answer your stupid questions and pay attention to you. "

The reason for this phenomenon is as follows: There is a special nearby subculture, which even did not occur as a response reaction of a simple people into violent marginalization of believers during the years of communist persecution. It was formed by three centuries earlier, during the times of Petrovsky reforms, as an answer to the secularization of the state, the separation of church from secular. It was then that there was a special subculture of "church people" with such distinctive features, as wearing is emphasized by the dark clothing of dark tones, which resembles not the Nishchenskaya, not the monastic, reverence of the authority of the "Elderes" above the bishopath, the conviction of power as "challenged", "antichrist", The rejection of "worldly", especially European, culture. Probably, it is the oldest of existing protest subcultures in Russia today. The converted Orthodox Christians of the end of the last century gave a second breathing church subculture: having come to the temples and without having other samples of Orthodox culture, appearance and behavior before the eyes, they adopted this most exotic medium for the most jealous, mobility. Indeed, belonging to this subculture seems the easiest way to achieve "high spirituality": it is necessary to abandon cosmetics and manicure, and it is better to completely stop watching ourselves, to have a mint black skirt and gray shapeless sweatshirt, cover your head with a scarlet "Bundmourk" The wrist of the rosary, preferably time, "nasty", learn as a sign of gratitude to answer "Save, Lord", and with the yawa to baptize the mouth, and the "church environment" will gladly recognize you with his own, "knowledgeable", you will get psychological support and approval in it , confidence in the correctness of the selected path.

The problem is that when a person puts on the church something strange, inappropriate in ordinary life, and to work or for recreation is quite different, and Vera itself begins to be perceived as a role-playing game. And when the real, "adults" temptations come, a person is not able to cope with them, and it turns around for him a serious ideological crisis.

Does this mean that the church can be worn as you like: at least in mini, even in bikini? Of course not. Authoritative for each Orthodox person Holy Fathers wrote about clothes quite a bit, but their advice is relevant to this day. In St. John of Zlatoust, St. Cyril Alexandria, Rev. Makarius of the Egyptian, Rev. Ephraim Sirin, we see the following recommendations: not to wear clothes are emphasized rich, the sign of which in antiquity served "Mottrom and Lights", especially if it does not oblige to this social status. Also, the Holy Fathers call on Christians to prevent anything in the appearance of anything, which is able to excite in the faces of the opposite sex to lust, and the speech here is much more about behavior and cosmetics, rather than about clothes. Repeatedly repeats the Council of the believers do not stand out by their clothes from the people, among which they live, do not wear anything strange.

If you transfer the sacred tips from the world of sandals and chitons to our reality, then the picture is approximately the following. First, the clothes unambiguously should not be sexual. Secondly, it should not serve as a means of demonstration of material success, especially if you really don't have it. And, thirdly, you should not look wonderful, "not like everyone else." From these considerations and you should choose clothes if you are going to church purposefully. And what exactly to wear, tells common sense. In the Russian tradition - women cover their heads, but it should be treated as a national custom, and not as a dogma. In Greece, on the contrary, the head is not accepted, but even the clothes without sleeves are not welcomed to the forty-portus heat, the praying man in T-shirt can hear the comments in his address.

But in any case, if the desire to go to the church will arise from you suddenly, it is always better to go than do not go. If you are dressed quite "not in shape", for example, in a mini-skirt and top on the straps, ask for the candle or the guard of the bathrobe, usually do not refuse it. By the way, the main thing is that we can find about the clothes of the Christian in the Gospel - this is the call of the Lord Jesus Christ not to take care of her: "Therefore, I tell you: Don't care for your soul, what you have and what to drink, nor for your body, what to get dressed . Shower is no more food, and body body? " (Matthew's gospel, chapter 6, verse 25).

Probably there is no other such detail of the wardrobe, around which it would be broken so much copies as the usual skirt, in which the tradition of a believing woman should attend the temple.

All priests and believers share on the subject of the skirts into two groups: Some believe that the woman can come to the temple of God and in trousers, if only it was women's trousers, the second prove that this is disgusting the will of the Lord and are ready to shove the weak half of humanity in the bedspread From head to feet, like the apostle Paul.

Women's clothing

Indeed, in Deuteronomy, where Moses gives the Israelis laws, according to which they should live on, it is written: "On a woman it is not easy to be a male girl, and a man is not easy to sing in a female dress, Ibo Merzo to be one who has been doing anyone doing this" (Wor . 22: 5).

The famous interpreter of the Old Testament texts, theologians and the writer Alexander Lopukhin indicates: the purpose of Moses and God, who is his mouth, is the preservation of the Jewish people from an unnatural plant, that is, from homosexuality, which was in the course of many pagan peoples of the world. The Bible indicates the inadmissibility of this: "Do not lie down with a man, as with a woman: it is an abomination" (Levit. 18:22). There is a version that the dressingage was connected with various pagan rites, when the priests changed into the clothes of the other sex.

On the other hand, neither at the time of the Old Testament, nor in the days of the New Testament of Pants, and even more so, about women's trousers did not know: both sexes were melted in various lengths. Women's chlamydes, most likely, were longer and was made of soft and thin matters.

With the Old Testament, quite according to the decision of the Sixth Ecumenical Cathedral, which was convened in Tsargrad (Constantinople) in the VII century. On him, the exams of the Church were determined that: "I will not be in any way to feminine, nor my wife in an exercise, a sophisticated husband ... ... neither don't have a lichny ... ... not to visit the native of the name Dianis ...". We are talking, first of all, about the same-sex relationships and rites of worship of the pagan gods.

About pants not a word

In general, pants, like an element of men's clothing, became known in the Middle East only during the times of crusades, when local peoples saw medieval knights, and in Europe itself, the pants were in the go after the invasions on Rome of German barbaric tribes.

Therefore, we will not find any special statements about trousers in the early Christian saints, nor in the Christian holy fathers of the Middle Ages who considered the instructions of the Old Testament and the Cathedral sufficient for women.

Our days

Primary of the Assumption Temple of the city of Krasnogorsk Archpriest Konstantin Ostrovsky, says that those who want to dress all women in long skirts are mistaken, believing that this is the main thing, but those who consider long skirts with something unworthy, ugly and look at " Skirts "with contempt," For the kingdom of God is not food and beings, but righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit "(Rome 14: 17).

Archpriest Igor Fomin believes that it is better to go to the temple in jeans and with a unlocked head, than to pass by, but emphasizes that much more naturally and beautifully, when the girl, a woman come to the temple in traditional clothes.

Recently canonized by the Holy Georgian Orthodox Church, our contemporary archimandrite Gabriel (Urgebadze) pointed out that the man's clothes "exposes his soul's condition." It turns out that jeans on the girl in the temple in this context are the symbol of rebellion, feminism, not pleasing to God, while traditional clothing becomes a sign of humility of the soul, submortion of her will of God and aspiration to perfection.

Surprisingly, but in two thousand years, in Christianity did not have a common tradition: how exactly the woman who goes to the temple should be dressed. In some churches, the heads are covered with even baby girls (ROC), in others - the handkerchief is only married, in the east of Christians remain prolonged to be different from Muslim, and in Greece quietly go to the temples and without handkerchiefs and pants.


The tradition of the ROC is based on the fact that any believer should look modestly, not to attract views of the parishioners, not to disturb someone else's prayer and not excite lust. Therefore, the temple is better to walk in women's clothing below the knees, with a handkerchief or a calant on the head.

Surprisingly, many yesterday's lover of jeans or trousers assure that frequent visit to the temple changes the preferences of women - they become more conservative. One of the igumenes of the city of Kazan said very faithful words: "The woman herself should experience the need to walk in the skirt, and forcing it to do it there is no need."

Many Orthodox people are confident that girls and women are forbidden to appear in the church in pants. It is dictated by Christian canons, tradition, culture and public opinion. Wearing items other than the long skirt, often reverse and prohibited. This article disassembles how much this ban is justified.

For Orthodox people, beauty is very important. Scriptures urge to care for themselves to reflect the inner beauty in the external. According to Christian laws, it is impossible to pay outward attention too much attention, but not to follow it is impossible. Representatives of weak gender must show their main qualities in clothes: femininity and tenderness. Therefore, from aesthetic point, the appearance of the pants will be wrong. In addition, in all Christian temples, people wear standardized clothes, and pants on the girl will be shed out of the overall picture.

What is said in the Bible

In the Old Testament, the position relative to the clothing is quite clearly indicated. The new covenant confirms all the provisions. But most people treat words from the book incorrectly and too literally. The Bible says that women are forbidden to wear men's clothing, and men are women. In this case, this adjective is understood as "belonging to the man", his own. We are talking about the so-called "rich", as well as about various pagan rites, which were strictly prohibited. Part of these rites was changing. Any manifestations of magic and paganism are not accepted by Christian teachings, therefore this phrase is present in the Bible, which has no relation to the functions of the current wardrobe. In addition, during the time of writing the book, there was another understanding of trousers other than today. Currently, the pants have become a full element of the female wardrobe, their models are not worn by men: they simply do not fit them, such clothing is considered directly female. Therefore, the biblical principle does not apply to it.

Opinion of priests

The priests do not agree.

Some understand that clothing is an element of culture that is not related to faith. The teaching was written for a long time, so it must be adapted to modernity so that strict rules do not repel people. They urge not to condemn young girls who come to the temple for help, but they receive claims for the appearance and jeans. Others call on strictly follow the dress code. It is important to know that now there is no strict ban on trousers: it all depends on the church, the clergy and parishioners.

Basic requirements for things for things for a hike in the temple: modesty, minimalist, restraint, simplicity, lack of catchy elements.

  1. The head can not be left "uncovered." Be sure to use a handkerchief or golk. If they are missing, use the hood or other undergraduates.
  2. Preference is given to skirts and dresses.
  3. Long sleeves: Open shoulders and back are read by an indecent gesture. The human body must be closed with clothing.
  4. Not attracting color, decorations, non-car cosmetics.
  5. Skirt Requirements: Long or medium length (below the knee), free crog.

All rules are not considered mandatory and subject to clear execution. Their observance can be called desirable. This is how respect for other parishioners is expressed. Some men note that girls in short skirts or dresses distract them from prayer. Therefore, the selection of the dress code depends entirely on individual preferences and desires. Clear prescriptions do not exist.

IMPORTANT: The rigor of following the rules is individual: In some temples, open conflicts may occur due to appearance. A negative reaction will show parishioners or a clergyman. It does not concern the monasteries, there is a skirt, the rules are much stricter there.

Most people believers in God are wondering what to go to the church of a woman. In some cases, ignorance required for the church of clothing leads to the reluctance to come to the temple building.

There are many views on the style of clothing selected when visiting the church.

Why is it impossible to go to the church in pants

Studying in detail the Old Testament, you can find the answer of the following content: a woman should not use men's clothing, and the man cannot be changed into women's.

But in this answer there is an unexplained moment: clothes during the writing of the sacred book differ significantly from modern apparel. At the time of the Middle Ages, the trousers in the understanding of today did not exist.

This item of the wardrobe takes the origins of approximately in the 19th century. In the Bible, it is noted that the robe for the opposite sex is a comic image. Using your clothes was the attribute of people of another faith for ceremonies associated with magic. And magical actions were not taken by the Church since sincere. Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously argue that the lines of the Bible is a fundamental document that affirms the ban on trousers for women when hiking to church.

We should not forget that the studied question also applies to aesthetic. Orthodox people have a special concept requiring a reverent relationship. Therefore, believers seek to reflect beauty and in spiritual plan, and their exterior.

Clothes can not be done too important part of life, but also not to follow it is not welcome. Based on such a reasoning, a woman cannot be visited in the temple in pants, because this item of the wardrobe does not personify femininity and tenderness.

How to get rid of the church to the church

The primary condition for women's clothing is modesty and purity. Shorts, T-shirts, opening shoulders and women's hands, do not have respected by priests.

  • it should be covered with a handkerchief, in the absence of a scarf, you can use a hood or other things available;
  • give preference to skirts, dresses whose length is lower than the knee level;
  • clothing models must have long sleeves, as well as a closed collar, it is definitely important not to demonstrate shoulders and chest;
  • it should be discarded high heels, use a flat sole.
  • the coloring of the clothes should not attract attention;
  • it is better to abandon bright cosmetics and causing perfumery.

Women should not attract male attention to their appearance and distract from communicating with God. Even closed clothes are stylish. Decorating your body is not a ban, the main thing is to avoid vulgarity. It is important to remember that people come to the church to God, to peace, distract the attention of believers - an unworthy occupation.

Question: "Does the girl get to wear a skirt to the church?" Unambiguous clarification has no. But it is important to apply the correct style, choosing this type of wardrobe. The skirt must be either below the knee, or the maximum length. Do not use tightcloth tissue, it is recommended that the Logsa is recommended.

A short skirt may cause bewilderment of both servants of God and parishioners. The purpose of the visit to the temple can be any, but the choice of clothing should always be treated with great seriousness.

Opinion of priests

A categorical ban on carrying trousers with women when a hike in the church does not exist, but most priests are inclined to believe that women should not wear this type of wardrobe when communicating with the Almighty.

This is the following explanation: clothes in religion is related to the norms of behavior. Sitting in an indecent pose of a woman in pants comfortable. Therefore, the use of trousers can entail a change in female behavior.

Of course, in some churches to girls in pants include understanding, but still you should not provoke a conflict. Parishioners may regard such a form of clothing as disrespect for the Church, and others. And a woman who is dressed by the rules adopted in society is easy to immediately establish relationships with the priests.

In any rules there are exceptions. If a person does not go constantly to the church, but suddenly decided to enter and pray, then no one will kick him out. The priests, being tactical and patient people, will not indicate a mistake in public.

If alone on confession to Patuska ask a question: "Is it possible to wear jeans or trousers?" The answer will be a recommendation. The clergy will advise to follow the generally accepted standards of behavior.

There is a situation when a woman just does not have a warm skirt in a strong frost, and the church is removed from the house for a considerable distance. In this case, you should not give up the hike to the church. You can use a jacket of maximum length or a fur coat to hide pants. The main thing is that the appearance remain humble.

The foundations for the female robes in the temple for centuries have developed ambiguous, but the greatest remains sincere desire to communicate with God, touch the high, beautiful.