New Year scenarios for children in the House of Culture. Scenario New Year on the stage of DC. Children's New Year Skalka "So as not to freeze ..."

new Year's script

1 part feast

(Melody sounds, leading to the microphone)

Lead 1:

There are quite a few beautiful holidays,

Everyone comes to his cerebrals.

But in the world is the kindest holiday,

The best holiday is the new year!

Lead 2:

He comes a snowy road,

Skiving snowflakes dance.

Beauty mysterious and strict

Fill the heart New Year!

Lead 1:

He gives us faith in a good case,

On the first day and in a new turn,

Helps get better

All in the light of people New Year!

Lead 2:

Calling laughter and joyful arms,

And flies from all earthly latitudes

Clock chime. We are all brothers all each other!

On the planet holiday - New Year!


Happy New Year!

Lead 1:

And we suggest the first glass to raise the outgoing old year!

Lead 2:

Champagne in glasses pour

And they drink everything together to the bottom!

For the old year we raise your toast,

Let's drink with you all friends!

(drink the first glass, eat, sounds song)

Lead 1:

And now, before the next toast sounds, we would like to introduce you to the charter of our evening, with his rules that we hope you will all be strictly and with great pleasure to perform.

Lead 2:

Rule 1:

Play and sing in the beloved hall,

For this you called you here!

Lead 1:

Rule 2:

Forgive all the mistakes today, but not the lack of smile!

Lead 2:

Rule 3:

Seven times wondered, once a rest!

Lead 1:

Rule 4:

We will send boring back,

You can be bored at home, completely free!

Lead 2:

Rule 5:

The entrance to our evening is free, but exit from the hall - on tickets signed by the leading evening. The price of the yield ticket - 42 smiles, 1000 cotton in your hands, 5000 troduptions in the dance.

Lead 1:

And now, when you are familiar with the rules of the evening, we can go to the main part of it - to friendly congratulations and wishes - after all, on the eve of the New Year, they sound especially exciting.

Lead 2:

Words of congratulations and wishes for you prepared our chef, he is a word for New Year's congratulations!

(director pronounces toast)

Lead 1:

Alcohol all in glasses pour,

And drank together again to the bottom.

For the toast director, we raise a glass,

Consider, waiting for you a glass now not alone!

Lead 2:

In this connection, I would like to give you the next order:

Drink, laugh, having fun

But I know the measure in everything.

Drink so that the new year

Did not give you trouble.

To grandfather frost

In the detox not carried away!

(Drink and eat)

Lead 1:

Dear friends! Continue to eat, but we ask you not only to eat, but listen to us very carefully.

Lead 2:

And we will introduce you to some interesting pages of history belonging to the celebration of the New Year.

Lead 1:

Custom meet New Year On the night of January 1, it was introduced in Russia in 1700. Before New Year We met on September 1. And the New Year's fun we owe Peter I. It was he who began to spend the fun winter Assembly with fireworks in the night Winter Sky, he came up with decorating at home and the gate of pine branches.

Lead 2:

And the custom of dressing up the Christmas tree appeared later in European countries. For the first time the Christmas tree began to decorate in the first half of the 20th century in Alsace. Then it was the territory of Germany, now it is part of France.

We chose this tree because it was believed that the Christmas tree possesses the magic force and her needles are protected from evil. In addition, the Christmas tree is evergranulated, and it means that it brings long life and health to people.

At that time, the Christmas tree was decorated with paper roses. She began to decorate with glass toys only in the middle of the XIX century. Where trees do not grow, other trees are decorated.

For example, in Vietnam, the tree replaces the peach, in Japan, a bamboo and plum branches add to the pine branches.

By the middle of the XIX century, the Christmas tree becomes famous in Russia.

Lead 1:

But from the October Revolution, the tradition of meeting the New Year in the elegant tree was predicted by oblivion as a feast of the bourgeois contradictory worker-peasant worldview. And only in the mid-1930s, the New Year holidays were revived with us and the Christmas tree ceased to be considered a "bourgeois prejudice".

Lead 2:

And today, the Christmas tree is again the main participant in the New Year holiday in any house.

The Christmas tree came on our holiday. Here it is, in front of you - beautiful, elegant. And we now offer everyone together to sing in honor of our green guests a song that everyone is well known from orphanage.

Lead 1:

But only words from this song will be others - taking into account the fact that we are all, unfortunately, have not been children for a long time.

Words of the New Year's songs about the Christmas tree for adults you have on the tables. Take them in hand, waters, if you need glasses, gather with spirit and thoughts. And with feeling, lyrically, in places nostalgically, I sing a song about the Christmas tree!

(Performed song about Christmas tree)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest.

We sing, remembering youth,

And the youth passed.

I do not believe more fabulous,

New Year's Eve.

And Santa Claus gifts,

It does not bring us.

We sang about the Christmas tree

For each new year.

And even though we have come,

But the Christmas tree lives.

Thank you, baby Yolchka,

That you had.

And a lot of joy,

We brought us in life.

Lead 1:

Well done! With the first task for children of the kindergarten, you coped well. We hope that the following our tasks will not be forced by surprise.

Lead 2:

And remember that ...

Those who will be fun

Today in this room.

We award such people

Good prizes.

Lead 1:

Happy New Year with a new happiness,

With a new joy of all.

Let us right today,

Songs, music and laughter!

It is for that we offer to raise the next toast!

(Drink and eat)

Lead 1:

There is a legend. One day under New Year Buddha convened animals and promised to reward them. It came to it 12 animals: mouse, buffalo, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, boar.

All these animals received "in possession" by year.

Lead 2:

The East Horoscope believes that people born in the year of any animal receives features and character of this animal. And now we would like to check it.

To do this, we ask you to get all those who were born a year, which we have to meet - the year of the dog.

(People who born in the year of the dog come to the middle)

Lead 1:

According to the eastern horoscope, the dog born in the year - the most ...

(Competition is held. If "dogs" are much, then you can use it all in the competition, but only 3-4 people. The winner you need to hand the prize. Prizes can be given to other participants of this contest.)

Lead 2:

And now we will check the intelligence of our "dogs". And we will do it as follows while you fill the glasses, "dogs" will have to come up with the words of congratulations for you and offer us the next toast.

(words of congratulations and toast "Dogs")

Lead 1:

New Year - It's time for the fulfillment of desires. These desires can be the most different, but we all wish that the coming year is more joyful and happy.

In anticipation of the miracle, we read various horoscopes to find out what the stars about the days are talking about the day. After all, a person is so arranged that he always wants to know about his past, present and future. This need is especially increasing during the New Year's Eve.

And now we want to satisfy your curiosity.

Astrologer :

Only now, and only once you can learn about your further fate.

It is only for someone from you to keep me a handle, and I will give you an accurate forecast for your future.

Lead 2:

Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen I offer all those present to make a desire. Many?

Now look at the opposite side of your chair, there is a digit. Looked?

Remember it, since the fulfillment of your desire will largely determine it.

Astrologer :

By remembering the figure that you got, remember the desire that you fucked, and carefully listen to the forecast for whether your desire will come true or not.

Raise your hand to whom Digit 1.

Remember, you need to act boldly, decisively, risky, assertive. All this is required to execute your desire. It can come true, but for this you have to compete.

Astrologer :

Figure 2: Your desire will be fulfilled, which will undoubtedly bring you the joy and feeling of the completeness of life. Moreover, nothing will interfere with the execution of your desire.

Astrologer :

Figure 3: deciphered as an unambiguous "no". The forecast advises you to abandon decisive actions, do not try to overcome circumstances. Nothing is worth it from this.

Astrologer :

Figure 4: To fulfill your desire, the time has not yet come. You need to wait, and then it may be fulfilled.

Astrologer :

Figure 5: says that you have every chance to get the desired. This figure inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions for the execution of conceived.

Astrologer :

But if you make me a pen once again, then the forecast may be more favorable.

Astrologer :

Figure 7: Digit of good luck. But do not interrupt it as accurate "yes" on your question. The forecast suggests that to fulfill the desire you will be given a wide range of possibilities, and extremely favorable.

You use them to fully, if you show the will and measure your self-conceit.

Astrologer :

Figure 8: What you fucked can come true, but provided that seeking the desired, you will not act out the head, spontaneously. The exact answer will give you a voice of mind. The obstacle can serve gossip and intrigue.

Astrologer :

Figure 9: This is "yes", and the mandated to be fulfilled without any effort. The forecast for you is so far that you will not have any barriers to achieving the desired one.

(Then the presenter chooses 2-3 people from among those who fucked the figure 9, and invites them to the microphone)

Lead 2:

(Guests talk about their desires)

Lead 1:

If you're lucky today, let it be lucky in everything. Therefore, the following words of congratulations to their colleagues and toast are yours.

(congratulations and toast those that the desire for the forecast should be fulfilled)

Lead 1:

We issued for the coming year

And for future years

More accurate than the weather bureau

Forecast on the topic "What is waiting for you"?

You are waiting for good luck, joy, happiness,

Fun, laughter, smiles, light!

In short, bad weather

In our forecast there is no for you!

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

We raise this toast for ensuring that all happy predictions, hopes, dreams and wishes be sure to come true! "

Lead 2:

For it, it is worth not only to raise glasses, but also drink them to the bottom!

(Drink and eat)

Lead 1:

And now it's time for the next test. To do this, we invite you to go to the microphones for one representative from each structural division of our team.

(Representatives go to the microphone)

Lead 2:

Dear friends, you will now take part in the contest of poets. After all, every person in the soul is a poet, even if it cannot come up with a single rhyme.

Lead 1:

Do not be afraid, poems for you are already composed, you just need to come up with the last word. We will read poems, and you call this word. Who is faster, better and more will call words in Rhyme, he will become the winner.

The condition of the competition is understandable? Then begin:

To make makeup,

Acquired beauty ... (Trellier)

Club Nudists as an application

Takes abandoned .... (Smelting)

All the girls fell in love with himself once

Rybnikov in comedy ... (girls)

One bidon and many roofs

Lucky thrush on ... (market)

Burst with milk package

Poured trousers and ... (jacket)

Wrote one blond so for

In the county count ... (Angola)

Tell me, dear frankly,

Was on the part of your ... (treason)

In Lukomorier, the cat decided

That he is local ... (Racketry, Deboshire, Strank)

Grand Draft and Screen

Italian ... (Celentano)

Once new faith light

He lit Arabs ... (Mohammed)

Worse and more dangerous than mine

For mountaineers Mountain ... (Top)

The publication stores the library

And Domino and Maps ... (Gameka)

I, as Karatet, do not calm down,

If you do not give me a black ... (belt)

Already both half have expired

And on the scoreboard is still ... (zeros)

Sumo champion for cargo

Good to have a big ... (belly)

Sports Elite Rada,

Again the next one ... (Olympics)

Wolf, looking at football, decided in the end:

"Like me, they are also fed ... (legs)."

There was almost submissive vertex,

But the snow (avalanche) was prevented.

Lead 2:

The calculation showed that in this competition won .... He is awarded the prize and the honorable right to pronounce the words of congratulations and the next toast.

(congratulation and toast of the winner of the competition)

Lead 1:

We laughed a lot and joked a lot,

But we are completely forgotten about one.

Who will say: What is waiting for us friends ahead?

Who should have an immediate holiday to come?

(sitting at the table shouting, that this is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)

Lead 2:

You are right, of course, this is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, without which no New Year's Eve costs.

But in order for them to come to us for a holiday, we must call them. Taking into account that Santa Claus is already at the age of calling them together, and as loud as possible.

(sitting at the table several times shout "Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden")

Lead 1:

With wind, blizzard and snow

Santa Claus Sedoyed with Snow Maiden Young.

Meet Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

(only one Snow Maiden appears in a very modern outfit)

Snow Maiden :

So ... Everything is already assembled, and for some reason Dedka is not yet.

Where is my cell phone? Need to call.

(gets out the ordinary phone from the bag)

Hello, is it a firm "Zarya"? What? Not "Dawn", but what do you take the phone then? What? I didn't get the number? You are not my brains for me! Look for "Zara"!

I scored a number and will wait. So do not pull rubber and let me "zary".

Allo "Zarya"? Snow Maid says. What do I want? I want to ask who I will work with today?

How to work? At the evening of the Economic College staff.

Where are they? Yes, at the table are sitting, in all eyes stared at me, as if the Snow Maiden was never seen.

What? Starting now Santa Claus? Why not Santa Claus? Sady frosts are somehow tired of me.

What? Santa Claus only for the currency and all the grip? Damn it, I did not have time!

Well, well, good, let's at least Santa Claus, just not quite ancient.

(Addresses to the table sitting)

Wait a bit, now my grandfather will fit, and we will be the brains of the brains. That is, we will entertain.

(Santa Claus comes out, also dressed in modern outfit)

Santa Claus :

For a whole year, we have not met.

I missed you.

Everyone hugged you today

This holiday is New Year.

Yes, I'm afraid not enough hands ...

Snow Maiden :

Grandfather is mine, another beetle!

Hey, frost, do not be keen

Do your work.

Congratulations Let's

I want to drink soon!

Santa Claus :

New Year knocks on the window,

Congratulations to you!

On a snowy track

I came in the desired hour.

Gave you a blizzard,

Wind, sun and frost,

And resinous smell ate

And hopes whole WHO.

Happy new year to you friends

Congratulations on Christmas tree! I!

Snow Maiden :

Happy New Year Congratulations

Many happiness you wish you

And we want to do on the tree,

Instead of festive animals,

There are a lot of different

Pol lithric bubbles.

To Santa Claus in a smile,

Semi-eyed pure eyes

The most delicious, sweet

Used champagne you.

Santa Claus :

We wish the sky clean

And air crystal

Twelve months spring

And nothing sad!

Snow Maiden :

Happy New Year Congratulations

We wish you happiness!

Santa Claus :

Everyone who has a single - get married

Everyone who is in a quarrel - torture,

For resentment forget.

Snow Maiden :

Everyone who is sick - to become healthy

Flaw to raise.

To everyone who is skinny - become thorough

Too thick - lose weight.

Santa Claus :

Too smart - to become simpler,

Nearby - wise.

Snow Maiden :

All gray - so that darkened,

So that the bald hair on the top of the thickened

like Siberian forests!

Santa Claus :

To songs to dances

Never cleaned ever.

Chorus :

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Yes, you will be afraid!

(toast rises for the new year)

Santa Claus :

I have a long time you know

We are old friends.

At the celebration of celebration

Not the first year me.

I am a winter grandfather

Shalun not by year

And so that the holiday

I will ask him!

(Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and guests, which they invite themselves in partners)

Santa Claus :

This day you waited long,

Few for a whole year.

Become, ka, friends,

Faster in dance.

With songs, dance and fun

Let's meet a friendly new year!

(Raise all guests from the table in the dance around the tree)

Snow Maiden :

To celebrate the biggest

It became more fun

In the dance we will pass

A friendly song is presido.

(dance around the tree)

(Dance and Competitions Block)

Lead 1:

We played having fun

And fame worked

It was hard for us hard

We gone a lot of strength.

It is necessary to relax a little

And eat though B a little bit.

(invite everyone at the table)

2 part feast

Lead 1:

Again to the neighbors, the postman goes,

As rarely, we sometimes come to ourselves.

But they say that on the night of the new year

Hearts of relatives are always together.

Lead 2:

New Year - Family holiday. Therefore, today we encounter it in a circle of colleagues, and tomorrow we will meet the New Year in the circle of our relatives and loved ones. Those who love and appreciate us in spite of everything.

Lead 1:

So let's rise, raise the glasses for all our relatives and loved ones, and all together say such simple, but such exciting words that we speak to each other only once a year: "Happy New Year to you! With new happiness!".

(All these words utter chorus)

Lead 2:

For the happiness of our relatives, loved ones, friends, we offer to drink a glass to the bottom. And then, whatever the distance between you and expensive people for you, your hearts will always be together.

(Drink, eat)

Lead 1:

And now we suggest you sing with us. Pay attention to the words of the songs that lie on your table. Let's try to fulfill it all together.

(Performed song on the melody "Call me with you")

Again from me the wind of good hopes

takes you away

Without leaving us even the shadows instead

and he will not ask

Maybe we want to stay with you,

With yellow autumn foliage,

With summer funny dream.


But comes New Year,

And the evil nights go,

Come again with you,

To the path to us neither propheted.

We will come there where you

Draw the sun in the sky,

Where broken dreams

Walk again the power of height.

Old year passed like a shadow

in the crowd of passersby.

Here is the last day,

and you come.

You will give us joy, offended not taia.

And as before loving

we again meet you.


But comes New Year

And the evil nights go

Come again with you

Whatever the way to us

We will come there where you

Draw the sun in the sky

Where broken dreams

Walk again the power of height.

Lead 1:

After such a mental song, I was born toast.

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

We raise this toast for ensuring that our dreams always gained the power of height. And that the new one gave us only joyful days!

Lead 2:

Under the battle battle, under the sounds of the Waltz

Under the new year we wish again

Raise a glass for peace and happiness

Hope, faith and love!

(toast rises)

(the astrologer holds a comic divination)

Lead 1:

And now dear friends, colleagues let's break a little.

I suggest, without leaving the table to play one antique game, "Phanti".

For a whole year, you performed all sorts of orders of your immediate bosses, and now please fulfill my comic orders.

To simplify everything, the phantas we have already prepared. And all I will ask you about this now, pull out one piece of phantom and perform the tasks that it is written on it.

(Suitable for sitting at the table and asks them to take a phanta. Each, stretched out the phanta, immediately performs the task.)

Tasks for Phantov :

1. apologize to the neighbor (neighbor) and achieving his (her) forgiveness

2. Kiss a neighbor (neighbor).

3. Explain the deaf neighbor (neighbor) that you are very hungry.

4. Drink on Brucershaft with a neighbor (neighbor).

5. Image flight of an eagle

6. Prosecursion three times

7. Give (if you can) your neighbors something.

8. Image of a child who has lost at the station.

9. Say a compliment to your colleagues.

10. Tell me the solemn phrase "I sit the fourth day at the table and drink."

11. Image like you eat last year's tear.

12. Cricrichi scandalous voice: "I'm not somehow there, I'm decent!"

13. Space your favorite song.

14. Explain our eyes or facial faces in Love neighbor (neighbor)

15. Try to persuade a neighbor or a neighbor to drink wine or vodka.

16. Offer a toast and congratulate everyone on the New Year.

Lead 2:

What do you think who coped with the task, i.e., with the execution of the order is better than all.

(Everyone chooses the most executive colleague).

Lead 1:

He is assigned the title "The most executive in college", is awarded the prize and is given the opportunity to congratulate everyone happy New Year!

(congratulation and toast winner game of phantas))

Lead 2:

And now we invite representatives from different tables to the microphone.

(3-4 representatives come out)

Lead 1:

You will be singing right now. Each of you will try to remember the songs of the songs about New Year, about winter, snow, blizzards and frosts - and starts to sing this verse. Sitting at his desk can singing.

The conditions of the competition are understandable, then the song contest is beginning.

Dear viewers, only once, pass from Paris to Moscow, for you they sing the best soloists of the Opera House of La Rock!

(a competition is held, the winner is determined, he is awarded a prize and is given a word for congratulations and toast)

(words of congratulations and toast the winner of the song contest)

Lead 2:

In the days filled with pre-New Year care, we still find the time to look back, on the path traveled and rushing your eyes on the day of tomorrow, even more joyful and happy. And so today, on the eve of the new year I would like to hold a small sociological survey that came to the New Year's holiday colleagues.

(asks questions sitting at the table)

What good brought you outgoing year?

What dreams and hopes do you associate Happy New Year?

How do you plan to celebrate New Year's holidays?

What do you want to wish your colleagues?

Lead 1:

And now I ask you to go to the microphone of all who just participated in a sociological survey and so brilliantly answered our questions.

(survey participants come out, they are given a word for congratulations and toast)

(congratulation and toast of the participants of the sociological survey)

Lead 2:

Listen, (referring to 1 leading) I want to tell you one cheerful story.

One Jew asks: "Rabinovich, why do you have such a kind of kind? There is no face on you. "

"You see, I came today on the racetrack, there is full of people. And at this time I have a lace on the shoe. I got down to tie it, and suddenly someone put me on the back of the saddle. "

"So what"?

"Nothing. Came third. "

Lead 1:

After listening to your story, I realized that we probably need to announce the competition for the best joke. The most original narrator is waiting for the prize.

(A jokes competition is held, a prize is awarded to the winner and he is given the right to congratulate colleagues and pronounce the next toast)

(toast the winner of the competition of jokes)

Lead 1:

Continuous good luck, not promising, I hope I, that the new year

Establish all of you from the seals and unforeseen concerns.

I still hope for another, and I believe in it hot

That all of you happiness is waiting for such as it was still.

(offered toast in a circle)

Lead 2:

Dancing and games, songs and jokes

Games and dancing again and again

All you have already rested a little

We invite you to dance again.

(Dance and Competitions Block)

Scenario of the New Year's matinee in the center of children's creativity "New Year's Cleanfore"

Sounds text on the background of music:
On a small blue planet
They live in vain ...
Everyone gives joy to children
And the light of the moon giving ...
New Year's smuffery
See here, friends!
(Sound melody sounds. Smourfs appear, sing a song).
Smurphs: New Year, the new year will come soon.
All gifts in the new year Santa Claus carries.
Open the door soon and meet the guests,
Meet as a new year - it will be such ...
Smurfort: How do I love the new year?! Everyone is happy and having fun, get gifts. New Year is the magic, unexpected surprises ... So you smuffered, did a surprise prepared me?
Smurmila: I still think to give you. After all, I want something unusual, incendiary as you.
Smurfly: And I prepared the dance for you. Want to show?
Smurmila: No no. We are not ready to meet guests. It is impossible to rest, dream and dance.
Smurfort: So what to do? Of course we will not have time to do anything. Smurfeta went to the forest behind the Christmas trees and lucky guests, smurdotch should be a festive table ... (shows for guys) But already some guests here ...
Smurmila: Oh, really! Let us get from the older sister. I told you enough songs sing and dance invent. Guests in the house, and we are not ready ...
Smurfly:(whisper) Let's ask us a little help.
Smurmila: What are you? It is completely uncomfortable and ashamed: to ask for help guests.
Smurfort: I will ask them now.
Smurmila: No need, you should not ...
Smurfort: Hi guys! (Children greets) Have you already come to visit? (Children answer) handles brought legs? There is such a thing ... In general, we can very fly if our older sister sees that we did not have time to get out to the arrival of guests. Could you help us? (children answer)
Smurmila: It does not make it difficult? (Children answer) What good and responsive guys. Do you have any experience? Help your mom help? (children answer)
Smurfort: Well done! Then the teams become to quickly remove the entire territory. Mops take, cloths, and proceed to cleaning.
Smurmila: And you are a little sister, do not be lazy, with the guys make a job.
Smurfort: What am I?! I can even show how to do it.
Smurmila: Something I do not remember: when was the last time you were cleaning.
Smurfort: See, do not yaw - remember everything.
(There is a "cleaning in the house" game)
Smurmila: Well done! You did not deceive us, help our parents. Raise your hand who is cleaned. (children raise hands)
Smurfort: And now raise your hand Who washes the dishes. (children raise)
Smurmila: And now Skina, what your parents do, if you do everything around you?
Smurfort: Guys, great! I will give you a New Year's gift. This is my dance.
Smurmila: Smuffle, maybe not?
Smurfort: Need, Need. Everyone becomes friendly, listen to music and repeat everything for me.
(Smurfule spends flashmop)
Smurmila: Well done! Good lit. I see the mood for the New Year holidays is excellent.
Smurfort: Beautiful dance, and you liked the guys, however, friends?
(Music sounds, smuffet appears)
Smurfeta: What I see? Already guests in the house, and cheerful and elegant. And the mood is excellent? How did you meet the Smurfs?
Smurmila: Well met ...
Smurfort:They're even my new dance have learned, promised to show friends. Truth?
Smurmila: And we removed our house. We guys helped in this greatly.
Smurfeta: How did the guys help? What guests did you work?
Smurfort: Not at all. They practiced.
Smurmila: Smurfet, tell me the tree found?
Smurfeta: Found, even two. They are both very fluffy. I did not know what to choose and therefore took both. Only they are still decorated with toys and garlands.
Smurfort: Come on your Christmas tree, guys will help us.
Smurmila: Only you first need to find stands under the tree.
Smurfort: It's not a problem. See how many people who want to help us.
Smurfeta: Early, guys, in teams become and decorating disassemble.
(There is a game "Decorating Christmas trees." Music sounds, smurcot appears)
Smurgota: What do chips dress up? Mood is good with us yes? Do you know that you will not get a fun holiday?
Smurfeta: What do you say, Smurgot, why do you spoil the mood?
Smurmila: Our mood and our cohesion do not spoil anything. True, friends!
Smurfort: Because we are funny (children - yes)
Because we are cohesive (children - yes)
Are we talented? (Children - yes)
Smurgota: Speak cheerful and cohesive. Ha ha ha. Smurmila, and you know where your holiday bow?
Smurmila: No, I searched everything. I won't be going to do where he went?
Smurfeta:Smurgota do not need ...
Smurgota: Need, Need. You will not find him. Do you know why?
Smurmila: Why?
Smurgota:Because it was smashed into Caulodets, when the water was typing. Notice and did not say anyone. Cheat.
Smurfort: I am not a lizard, I just did not want to upset the smuffer.
Smurfeta: Of course it was not necessary to talk.
Smurgota: Of course it is not necessary, only this is already lies.
Smurmila: I was not upset at all, because it was my favorite, the most beautiful bow (goes out)
Smurfeta: What did you do, Smurgota?
Smurfort: Why do you like to do the dirtyness and enjoy yourself?

Smurfeta: On the eve of the holiday - new year you need to do good, give all the warmth and joy.
Smurgota: So I did good: told Smurmile the whole truth about her festive, elegant, favorite bow.
Smurfort: I will go to calm the smuffer.
Smurfeta: And I will try to make a pleasant smurum. Guys, help me. (Children answer) Let's become a team and each will cover a bow for smuffy, it turns out a whole necklace.
(There is a game "Tie Banti")
Smurgota: Do you know, Smurfeta, what else happened in our quiet and peaceful blue world?
Smurfeta: Is something bad?
Smurgota: And this is how to see. Do you remember where your recipe book is?
Smurfeta: Sure. On the top shelf of the cabinet.
Smurgota: The book lay there, while Smurfule did not bring order and did not throw away the book in the garbage.
Smurfeta: How in trash?! My book was recorded the best recipes, culinary masterpieces ...
Smurgota: Now masterpieces are unknown where. I do not know if you are able to restore recipes and lose the New Year's festive cake ..
Smurfeta: My memory is bad. It is urgent to do something urgent. I will go remember the recipe.
Smurgota: Here is a new year. The holiday was a success. Everyone was running out. The mood spoil everything. Ha_ha_ha. To make this bad? Who else would hear, but from above something to pepper.
(Music sounds, fairy appears - shaft)
Smurgota: And this is the fairy - shaft. Hello!
Fairy: How ugly and wrong to be angry, cruel. You are smuffic, and smuffy - good, happy creatures, giving joy and the light of the moon.
Smurgota: Yes. Why should I be kind, friendly. Everyone has it ... Well, how is it? Favorite occupation is called, funny so ...
Fairy: Hobby.
Smurgota: Yes, this is the hobby. Smurfeta - cooking, smuffered makes wonderful jewelry, smuffle loves to invent original dances. All smuffles are busy. And I? Here from idleness, I do all sorts of shy things. Sometimes it is nasty, but I can't do anything. My it is ...
Fairy: Hobby.
Smurgota: Yes, the hobby is to have a dirtyness.
Fairy: Hobbies are an occupation that bring joy and you and others. And the dirtyness deliver the surrounding only chagrins. Clear?
Smurgota: Clear.
Fairy: Let me come up with a passion, your favorite thing. Do you like to sing?
Smurgota: No no no.
Fairy: Dance?
Smurgota: No, no.
Fairy: In board games to play?
Smurgota: Not an interesting occupation, not worthy of my precious attention.
Fairy: Riddles, Crosswords to guess?
Smurgota: To do this, you need a smart head to have ...
Fairy: And make it up?
Smurgota: Here you can think? What? It can be a very exciting occupation. When you ask the Smurfs a riddle and you see how they begin to move with a stupid ... it's great! I will make up funny puzzles.
Fairy: Solved. Your hobby, hobby - riddling mysteries. You still practice with the guys, and I will go invite Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden. You need to peer smuffles and celebrate the long-awaited new year.
(Fairy leaves)
Smurgota: Getting Started, now how to make. Ready, friends! (Children answer) Now you will get your tablet, I will open the omnipresent Internet (gets the tablet).
1st: Babius knows the whole light.
She is only 300 years old.
There on unknown tracks
Her house on chicken legs. (Baba Yaga)
2nd: what is it for a very strange
Man wooden?
On the ground and under water
Looking for a golden key.
Everywhere nose is long,
Who is it? (Buratino)
What erudite guys! All you know. But this is guess?
3rd: This fabulous hero
With the tail, pretty.
In his hat he has a pen,
The whole striped itself.
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots (cat in boots)
You can see fairy tales. Books love, the next riddle will be difficult. Think and answer the choir.
4th: As if the basin up the bottom.
Strong shell.
Who is in it?
Along the shore without fear
It was a big .... (Turtle) Well done! Do not relax. Say another one.
5th: This holiday is long-awaited
Loves every person
The best and most desired
Magic is rich for everyone.
Mood raises
Drives sadness, longing
And, of course, pounds
In the festive bustle. (New Year)
Well done, in what class learn? Maybe I also come to learn to you? Accept? I don't do the dirtyness now.
(Music sounds. Fairy appears, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)
Fairy: Here, grandfather, look
Smurfs village.
You, be kind, survey
Blue clatters.
Santa Claus: Yes, we hurried not in vain. I see that I am not in joy ... the new year does not want here, do not celebrate as it should.
Snow Maiden: We have arrived during the time, we have time to truce. Holiday here, today to be!
A little need to work hard: light the lights on the Christmas tree, blind snowmen and distribute gifts to everyone.
Fairy: But before Santa Claus, let them meet the guys.
Snow Maiden: In the circle are rather becoming. The grandfather will start his mittens from whom she will turn out to be the music pause and names his name.
(Meet the game "Acquaintance")
Smurgota: Hello, Santa Claus!
Santa Claus: Hello, since you do not joke.
Smurgota: It is for me to blame for everything: Iverrased everyone, even gasped. But now I will be good, because I have a favorite activity.
Santa Claus: What if not a secret? Here I have no secret - I love to make gifts.
And I now mysteriously become, in the sense that I will make riddles to all friends.
Fairy: Then you need to change the name.
Snow Maiden: Right. Let your name call you. Do you like?
Smurgota: Smurzagada, Cleaningaaaaagada?. Not bad, perhaps.
Santa Claus: So be! (knocking the staff) only with this name and image needed.
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you are good wizard.
Fairy: Maybe you will look into your magic bag and you will find something suitable for the smuffan ...
Santa Claus: Guys, what do you think I find? (children answer)
Only that the miracle happens to have a magic verse to read in the dance.
Snow Maiden: Version read and light on the Christmas tree.
Fairy: Smurfs will see the New Year's Beauty and immediately gather at the tree.
Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, you begin to take a verse, and the guys will pick up.
Snow Maiden: On fluffy soft paws comes to us ...
Everything: Christmas tree in the house.
Snow Maiden:Slightly resinous tart smell from childhood to everyone ...
Snow Maiden: It will rise modestly in the corner, waiting with gifts ...
Snow Maiden: Bright light bulbs flour ...
Everything: Best.
Snow Maiden:And candy, and slappers. Cute serpentine. Multicolored toys - decorate ...
Everything: What we want!.
Santa Claus: Well done! (D.M. gives a slaughter with a smurgote) Here it will be more suitable for you.
Smurgota: Oh, it will be simpotichno. What do you think? (Asks children) I am now symployers - I will be riddled. I like.
Fairy: And now let's light lights on the tree.
Snow Maiden: then all together smoking the New Year's crurch. Remember it?
Santa Claus: Then together, together "times, two, three Christmas trees-burn" (Lights ignite. There is a dance "The Christmas tree was born in the forest." Smurphs appear)
Santa Claus: Hello, my dear Smurfs!
We will leave all the insults in the past.
Let's start a year only with a clean sheet.
Snow Maiden:We will work in good faith
Nowhere to be lazy!
Fairy: Do not be sad, keep up
And to help each other!
Santa Claus: For you, friends, there are gifts for me. You are Smurfeta - a new book of recipes, Smurmile New Bow - Decoration, Smurfule Drive with new songs.
Smurphs: Thank you! I dreamed about such a long time. Even more delicious recipes will appear ...
Fairy: Santa Claus, please make a gift.
Santa Claus: What? Speak, I will fulfill everything.
Fairy: I want to learn with all of you and the guys incendiary dance.
Santa Claus: Well, I do not mind.
Snow Maiden: We are just for fun, we are glad to dance.
Fairy: Then I'll light it all new year.
(Fairy holds flashmop)
Snow Maiden: Ah, yes, Fairy-shaggy, raised, broke away all. At the time of cooling.
Smurmila: Let's collect snowmen.
Smurfeta: Do you know how to guys?
Smurgota: And what about it? Take more com, and sui into the bag.
(Games "Gather Snowman", "Snow Fight")
Santa Claus: And now there will be a new year to meet the new year.
Snow Maiden: Sit down guys, in the train grandfather.
Smurphs: Fun, fun, fun.
(Conducted: "Train of Santa Claus", "Snake Snow Maiden", "Dance of Blue Dwarfs", Disco)
Smurphs: We in the new year we wish you all success.
Snow Maiden: More cheerful ringing laughter.
Fairy: More cheerful friends and girlfriends.
Smurphs: Let everyone laugh around.
Santa Claus: And be healthy!
Everything: Goodbye guys!
(The final song sounds, the heroes distribute gifts)

The scene is decorated with various New Year's gifts; Large boxes with bows, big candies, huge flower bouquets and of course, the main heroine of the New Year scene - Christmas tree, or decorated branches.

New Year's fanfares, turning on the musical background of the leading. Exit leading.

Large New Year's health to everyone who came to plunge into the atmosphere of an important winter celebration, which you are ready to create wonderful artists of our cultural institution!

On the eve of the long-awaited holiday, impregnated with the magic and coniferous aroma, filled with the feelings of love and friendship, the expectation of gifts, souvenirs and congratulations of their expensive and people close to you are going through our pop concert.

For us, artists, the most expensive and close people, of course, you are dear viewers. We will not tire you long speeches, and immediately begin to give your creative gifts, among which Santa Claus and Snow Maiden congratulations are.

Prepare your hands and smiles, the team comes to the scene first, and your applause are already sounding!

1. "Winter" - executes the ensemble of the Russian song

The new year completes its circle, but the year creative comes to its very peak, the participants of creative teams perfectly worked for each Russian family to meet 2019, and wish you to show all your skills!

And show really, there is something! We invite the viewer to a fascinating New Year's trip in search of a miracle along with our artists!

Enjoy pleasant moments, magnificent rooms of our local amateur, songs dancing and of course, instrumental music.

A brass municipal orchestra is played for you - meet!

2. "Happy New Year" - performs a brass orchestra.

3. "Salute Moscow" - performs a brass band.

Official greetings of managers with the new 2019 year

His creative gifts, you prepared talented people of our region, which the citizens and guests of our Earth are happy during the season.

We really have a lot of talents and not only in scenic skills. The ability works, and benefit not only to your family, but also to society, socio-economic development of the territory. Labor, it is also a big talent of our people, about which the leadership of the city and the district know the most. You welcome:

(Leading alternately call names, patronymic and positions, officials under the musical background pass to microphones)

Congratulations to the heads Happy New Year 2019

Today you could see a lot of people with Christmas trees on the streets of the city, everyone tries to warm the little Christmas tree with festive warm and joy of children, who knows exactly that not only the Christmas tree is cold in winter!

We invite you to the scene of the most young participants of the pop concert, young, but already experienced artists who know most of all New Year's songs and poems.

4. "New Year" - performs folklore ensemble "Fidget" - your applause, the golden stock of our pop!

5. "Birch grove" - \u200b\u200bperforms folklore ensemble "Fidgets.

What children in the new year are good, then adults are always not easy! All you need to have time! Buy products, get rooted with peteed drinks, cook gifts, make a menu, to fit at home, decorate the Christmas tree and still dozens of New Year's affairs in the adult population of the country!

Men always get more ... more reproaches from his wife, mother-in-law, sisters, mothers and grandmothers. After all, all the shortcomings are revealed to the new year: change the bulbs, fix the sockets, eliminate finally flowing in the crane, please adjust the picture on the wall, and even think of how to install the Christmas tree! Obvious and humorist know about all New Year's skipping.

6. Homoring "How to meet ..." - executes a humorist.

Everything is incorporated to create a New Year's mood, perhaps, only our communal service workers who traditionally "please us" are still taking another increase in tariffs.

Therefore, our main task so that you relax a little before the new year and are a bit distracted from the cases of pressing and even opposing us on weekdays. Your sincere congratulations give you a wonderful creative team!

7. "We wish you happiness" - performed by a pop trio.

8. "My desires!"

9. "Winter Salute"

10. "New Year's love" - \u200b\u200bperforms a pop trio.

Customize your emotions for a festive way New Year's mood is just vital! And how without it? With a bad mood to celebrate the new 2017 year, it means to spend it also, sullenly and gloomily. Who needs it? To anyone!

Even if someone from you did not receive a festive charge, it will fix the most important characters of the most important winter festival, it is certainly ... right, - Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snow Maiden, meet!

D. M. and Snow. They go with the song, about the new year, sing, pass to the auditorium and return to the scene.

Santa Claus

Peace and happiness to all residents of this beautiful land! You have not worked out a lot of strength and talent! Rejoice, good people, their affairs, their efforts, the successes of your children and grandchildren! Your zeal in labor will certainly be rewarded, I say, Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden

Let's right now, for magical music, make a desire that will certainly be fulfilled! Close your eyes, and remember your most cherished dream, your New Year's desire!

Santa Claus

New Year, the most exciting holiday and the most wonderful! But only your aspirations in labor and love for their neighbors are able to realize, truly magical plans!

2006 RDK

Sound fanfares. The scene is the little Christmas tree.

Vedas: (behind the scenes): Snowflakes with white coat,
And on the heart - happily, festively, easy ...
In the New Year evening, fabulous, magical
Luck in your happy home ...

1. Prologue - "New New Year"

Author: in some kingdom, in an indefinite state,
somewhere where the fairy tale never ends three girls
under the window conceived to hold a solemn reception
high-ranking and subsidized persons of all
nationalities, races, confession and states of the state
TPRHNLANDI on unplanned ending
2006 and it is not clear where coming 2007 and
Of course, the most important guests will be Santa Claus and
Snow Maiden ...

(The light turns off on the stage. Snow Maiden with a flashlight is looking for Santa Claus.)

Snow Maiden: A-A-A-A-U, grandfather-ah! Morozushka-aa! Well, at least
Help, save, I
Holiday, help ... (Begins to cry)

(The robbers ("Bremen Musicians") Rogue with a wheel, robbers with wheels are traveled to the meeting.
Music sounds "We say bikes-beech"

Everyworth: Where did we stop? Che for dots? I did not understand where
Seated ???

Coward: I'm afraid of darkness, sho do something? (light turns on)
Oh, people.

(descends to the hall and meets the audience)

- Nikolai!
- Very nice, Ivanovich.
- Vasya, glad to meet
- Natasha ...

Lady Peak: Hey, you are so much rude, walk here.
(Snow Maiden sneezes)

Coward: Who is here?
Oh, and who is so small there, pretty. Duck
Muti, Musi-Pusi, Trali-Vali ...

Lady Peak: Devaha, what kind of roar dissolved?

Snow: I lost me-I-I-I! (Hysterical). I need to my grandfather, to
Frost. (Through tears). And I, and I here here ... (starts
Understand that about her people) oh, and you will withdraw me?

Everyworth: U-ha ha ha! (Abruptly seriously) Of course, we will bring out, girl,
Of course small. (Dailed) U-ha ha ha! Musty
Give !!!
(hears from behind the scenes song)

Snow: there are people! Let's go to them.

(go for other scenes)

2. Self-alone people Gurt "Polish"
"Dobry Euro"
3. "Shchedriors of the European"

("Polіsya" leaves. Snow Maiden with robberry appears on the scene.)

Snow: somewhere you do not keep me there! To me for people, I

Everyworth: not bazaar, Snow Magnik. And we are not people, we too
Holiday want. We have a holiday at the cottage ...

Snow: You deceived me, let me go (wants to escape, shouts)
What you want from me???

Lady Peak: We need a big, cool, stunning
Congratulations to a lot of people ...

Coward: And everyone sings and dance ...

Everyworthy: And everything is just for us ...

Snow: Only Grandfather Frost can do it.

Lady Peak: That's what we will send our messaging ...

(The robbers wrap it into the covers for the music from the movie "Caucasian Captive" and carry out the scenes)

4. "Rosinki" isp. "Ptashin Podіr'ya"

(After the number has not yet earned the performer comes out of Santa Claus)

Santa Claus: You have not seen the Snow Maiden? Divided granddaughter,
Lost, probably.

Perform: No. (Go for the scenes)

5. Dance Dance (Zababatinsk)
(Through the scene runs the shapoklyak with Kirsoy,)
6. L_Za Miracles

Piglet comes: the pig promises,
What no one comes comes!
Interesting will be the year
No doubt in it, here!

Santa Claus comes out: Piglet, didn't you see the Snow Maiden?

Piglet: I want to tell the poem.

D.M: I need to find a Snow Maiden, now there is no time ...

Piglet: I want ... to tell the poem.

Santa Claus: Well, tell.

Piglet: Speak under the New Year
This is not wished
Everything will always happen
Everything is always coming.

Santa Claus: What would you like, Piglet?

Piglet: I want ... I want ... there would be sweet snowflakes!

7. "Rosinki" isp. "Sweet snowflakes"
8. Dance "Scromorchi"

12. Elena Grisozyazova "New Year"

9. Alla Tyutyunnik

The scene overlook the robbers with the Snow Maiden.

Snow: A-A-A-A !!! I want to celebrate

Everyworthy: I can't let me go so ... let's let go ...

Snow: Let me go to me-I-I-I-I-I !!!

Coward: let's let go ...

Lady Peak: First you need to transfer a letter to my grandfather to frost ...

Towards a patch with a ball, the robbers hide the Snow Maiden.

Everyworthy: Hey, you are a pig, and you come to good people

Piglet: Something I can not believe that you are good ...

Lady: Good, Previous, send it a letter grandfather
From ... oh, frost.

Piglet (smiling): And all? Give.

Go to different directions

11. Natalia Klyuchik "New Year"
10. Maxim Mazur "Macho"

Runs on the bouquency of the Shapoklyak, looking around the sides (for mysterious music), the scene was spinning and climbing the microphone. Quietly rises, takes the microphone and starts curly. It turns out A. Pushko, comes to her from behind and scares: "Bunch!", Shapoklyak runs away.

13. A. Pushko "Kalina Red"

16. Elena Kulik "White Winter"

17. Maxim Mazur "I Water"

Under the music "Pruck" comes out water with a mysterious dreamy
Falls asleep with the edge of the scene under the Christmas tree and dream of a dream ...

18. "Eastern Dance"

19. Love Garbuisenko "Marry Want"
. Water wakes up ... And on stage, the abomination performs the song:

20. Love Garbuzenko "Potion"

Piglet with a big ball and writing in the hands:

Piglet: How to work under the New Year
I'm not a mind:
Here care, there is care there,
As lost go.

Santa Claus is suitable with a very frozen view ...

Santa Claus: And you have not seen a patch, Snow Maiden? Of course, N.
I saw ... (I got going to leave)

Piglet (Following): I saw

(Santa Claus returned sharply)

Santa Claus: Where, with whom ???

Piglet: with good people ... people ... people, oh, people,
similar to robbers. They handed you a letter to you.

Santa Claus reads:

Grandpa, Snow Maide with us, if you want the holiday to take place the redemption. Redemption - big, cool,
Stunning congratulations, so that a lot of people sang and danced only for us.
Good and bloodthirsty robbers.

D.M: We must urgently save the situation ... I will go to organize.

(grabs the head and runs away)

21. Dance "Well, wait"

22. Alina Podlok ""

23. Lena Kulik "Pupsik"

Robbers with Calesames and a lady of peak with a wheel in their hands are traveled to the scene, with them Snow Maiden. (To the music from M \\ f "Bremen Musicians"). Santa Claus comes to the meeting.

Lady Peak: We led Snow Maiden. Where is the holiday?

D. M.: Now. (He together with the Snow Maiden goes in the center

In the branches of the frost, the fun sparkles
Fields fluffy snow cooked ...
To us in the door of the New Year knocks on
He will bring good luck and warm.
So let him be happy and clear,
And the customer is light and beautiful!

Snow Maiden: Happy Fairy Tale
With the Christmas tree, with fun, with a dream of a dream!
Happiness! Health! Smiles and affection!
The world! Hope! Human kindness.

All participants in the concert come to the scene and the song "New Year"

21. Final "New Year"