Original texts of wedding invitations. Soul lyrics

In order for the wedding to leave behind pleasant memories for all participants, you need to carefully consider every detail. Delicious dishes at a banquet, extraordinary outfits for newlyweds or witnesses, an interesting wedding theme can leave a favorable impression, but first the guests need to be properly invited. Some couples do not pay due attention to invitation cards, but this component of the wedding ceremony is an important one. How to compose the text of wedding invitations? Let's find out!

Examples of writing text for wedding invitations

Wedding invitations are a small, but part of the celebration, so their design should be taken seriously. It is better if an individual text is written for each guest. You can compose it yourself or find it on the Internet. There are many different classic texts for invitation cards:

  • official;
  • thematic;
  • playful;
  • in verse;
  • in prose, etc.

Writing an invitation in a classic style

If the wedding is planned in a classic style without extravagant clothes or an extraordinary ceremony, then invitations for guests should also be kept in a classic formal style. Classic weddings are still the most popular, because they still respect the traditions of their parents. Any decor on different topics fits easily into the format of a modern classic wedding, so a classic invitation includes a wide variety of texts: official, romantic, thematic, and even humorous.

For a classic wedding, strict forms of postcards with curly cutouts are appropriate. Refinement and elegance will be emphasized by thick paper, and ribbons, beads, a monogram of a new family or even a family coat of arms will serve as decoration. But the most important part of the invitation card is the text. It should be special, consist of several components:

  1. Introduction. The text begins with general words to the couple, a personal story, love.
  2. Invitation. The text is an address to the guest.
  3. Description of the solemn event.
  4. Program indicating the place, time.

We bring to your attention several variants of classical texts:

  • We received a great gift from fate: our hearts were captured by great love, and our souls found happiness in each other. On March 1, 2017, we want to swear an oath to each other in eternal love, fidelity and register a relationship. Expensive ___! We will be glad if you share our happiness, and also celebrate this significant event with us at ____. The beginning will take place at 18.00 (Names of the newlyweds).
  • The inevitable happened - our mind-blowing love reached the point that we wanted to build our own nest! The stars have told us that the best day to get married is March 1, 2017! We will be happy to enlist your support in order to share the emotions of this day together. Plunge with us into the atmosphere of immense love! Our dear ____! Be with us at this grand event at the registry office (time, address), and enjoy the holiday that will take place (time, address). (Names of the groom, bride).
  • We were together for 1582 days and finally it happened! March 1, 2017 will be our wedding! Expensive ____! Share this joy with us and celebrate this event. Official registration will take place (place, time). The first family holiday will take place (place, time). We look forward to seeing you: bride and groom.

Unusual texts for wedding invitations

An unusual wedding invitation is not just a desire to please loved ones with an elegant style of performance or thin paper, but the presence of a lively, warm text that differs from the official or classic by some zest. And if you add an unusual text with an extravagant hand-made postcard, then your invitation will be left for storage and will periodically admire the creative approach.

Master of all trades Elena Volodkevich will help you make wedding invitations yourself. If you want to learn how to do this and make interesting invitations, watch the video:

An example of a classic but unusual text:

"Spring! The fragrance of greenery, the delightful trill of the nightingale and the fabulous dance of bunnies! A bright symbol of this spring joy will be the reunion of two loving hearts! Our beloved ______! We are in a hurry to invite you to a grand event, in which a sea of ​​​​positive is expected, a stable atmospheric front of love and precipitation in the form of laughter and joy, as well as an unforgettable riot of spring colors! The Union will be sealed at the address: (registry office address, time, date). The festive extravaganza will begin: (address, time, date). Loving hearts (names of the newlyweds).

Thematic texts

Classic lyrics can be at a wedding where the theme is clearly defined, such as a classy wedding, Italian, Hawaiian, or rock and roll party. An invitation designed according to the theme will become a family heirloom or the best decoration of a wedding album. We bring to your attention some classic texts for themed weddings:

  • Italian

Senorita! Seniors! Mafia structures are losing their best people! (Names of the newlyweds) spun amore, wanted a lot of small bambino! We invite you to quarrel and break a lot of dishes on March 1, 2017 in a restaurant at _____ at ____ hours. Presence is a must!

  • Pirate

Lord! A couple of adventurers report: after several years of wandering the seas and oceans of love, we have found a treasure! On the island of Passion in the ocean of Tenderness, we found Mutual Love, which will last us until the end of our lives! Share with us a grand feast on this significant event (address, date, time). Please bring parrots for competitions, wooden legs for dancing, chests of gold for gifts. Let's board together! (Names of the newlyweds).

  • dudes

Dude (name)! Dude (name)! Quit your business and join us for the wedding party that will take place (address, date, time). Password to enter: colored ties, socks, glasses, bows, shirts, shoes and other attributes of the style of the 50s. Your cool friends (names of the groom, bride).

Funny and cool

The younger generation prefers original shows to classical weddings, which do not require large financial costs, but are fun and creative. Therefore, when preparing wedding invitations, great attention is paid to humor and jokes. But the main thing is not to deviate from a sense of proportion so as not to offend anyone. Cool invitation texts depend on the style of the wedding itself, on the degree of closeness to the bride or groom.

For example, parents are better off sending more classic texts, while witnesses or friends are allowed different joke texts. For the brother of the groom, the following invitation would be appropriate:

  • "I'm sorry brother, I couldn't take it! I'm not like that - life is like that! I'm waiting for you without weapons on the arrow (date, time, place). There will be all brotherhood. Wipe a mean man's tear and come on, no offense. Your brother (name of the groom) and sister (name of the bride). The rest of the guests will laugh at the following text: “Attention! Speaks (name of the city). A spaceship called: "Let's take a chance, and then we'll see!" The ultimate goal of the flight is the star "It worked!". They are piloting (names of young people). Everyone interested should arrive at the start at the address (time, place of the celebration).

In verse and prose

Classical texts for wedding invitations are written both in verse and in prose. Some couples simply buy ready-made postcards with poems, and then write the names of the invitees on them. But creativity is always more valuable. We offer a selection of classical texts in verse and prose. We hope that our efforts will not be in vain and the texts will be useful to you.

We want to say seriously:
We decided to create a family!
And we ask you before it's too late
All your plans change!
Leave cares and deeds
And hurry to our wedding!
fill pockets to the top,
Take gifts with you!

On this day, happy, joyful for us
Light, warm, the most long-awaited,
From the bottom of our hearts we invite you
Be a guest, sincerely welcome!
Share the joy with us in half,
We will be glad to see you from the bottom of our hearts!
Let us be a gift for the wedding
Your joyful sincere looks!

I followed her
Wandered at night
Suitable words
I didn't find.
But she found
Came up to me
For life love
She came to us both.
We create our
New family.
Come to the wedding
My best friend!
Congratulations to us
You prepare yours!
Happiness in our life
Brought love!

Dear __________!
There are happy and joyful moments in our life that we want to share with dear people. Therefore, we invite you to open a new page in the book of our life with us.
Our wedding celebration will take place (date, time) at the registry office at __________. After that, we are waiting for dear guests at the restaurant __________ at _________.
Sincerely yours, (names and signatures of the newlyweds)

Our beloved ____________!
Your support, understanding and friendship have always been important to our couple. That is why on the happiest day of our lives, we really want you to be with us!
We are pleased to invite you to our wedding. Solemn registration will take place at the central office of the registry office (date, time) at ___________. The wedding will take place in _______ church in ____.
A festive banquet will be held at the restaurant _____________, at ____ in the evening. We look forward to seeing you.
With love (names of the bride and groom).

Dear______ (name)
We invite you to become a guest of our exciting, but at the same time happy event.
(Where, when, what time) our marriage ceremony will take place.
With thanks, ( signatures of the bride and groom)

Wedding invitation text- the visiting card of the celebration, this is the first thing your guests will see. Ideally, the text of the wedding invitation should not be a dry formality, but sincere words - you really want to see these people at your holiday.

The text of the wedding invitation can be official or classic, funny and cool, thematic and unusual. The main thing is that it matches the style of the wedding, its spirit and mood.

But if older guests are present, it is better for them to prepare invitations in the traditional style.

Here are some examples of text for wedding invitations in different styles that you can use as a template or use as a basis for further improvement.

Traditional, formal wedding invitation text style

Suitable for a wedding in a classic style, for older relatives, parents and guests of honor.

Dear ___________________________! We have the honor to invite you to the solemn registration of our family union, which will take place on _______ at ______ hours at ___________________________________.

Sincerely ____________________________.

Expensive ___________________________! We invite you to share our joy! ______ of the year one of the most important events in our lives will take place! We will be happy to see you among the guests at the gala registration at ___ o'clock and at the banquet at ______ o'clock at ___________________________________________.Please confirm your desire to attend our celebration by phone or in person no later than ______.
With gratitude and respect ___________.

We are waiting for you at our holiday!

Beautiful wedding invitation text in a warm, soulful style

Such wedding invitation texts suitable for a small wedding in a narrow family and / or friendly circle.

Our dear ____! We want to invite you to the birthday of ... our family! On this day, we are going to say “yes” to each other, surrounded by the closest and dearest people.

We decided to connect our hearts and destinies of _________, at _________ hours, at __________.

We will be very glad to see you at our first family holiday!

Fate has given us a wonderful gift, and we will arrange a real holiday on this occasion!

Our wedding will take place on _________ of the year at _________ hours at __________.

You can come to the registry office or join us at a banquet at _______ hours, at ____________.

We will be grateful for your attention and support on such an important day for us!

Sincerely yours___________

"True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it."

These are the words of La Rochefoucauld. We are very lucky, our love is real and we want to tell the whole world about it!

We will take an oath of allegiance to each other on _________ at ______ hours at __________.

And we will certainly celebrate this significant event in the cafe __________ at _______ hours.

We invite you to join our celebration of two loving hearts!

Invitation text for a themed wedding

Original texts of wedding invitations can be at a wedding where the theme is clearly defined (Hawaiian party, Italian wedding, Rock and roll party, etc.)

Italian wedding

Sinors and Signoritas! Our mafia is losing the best of the best! (names of the bride and groom) have started amore and are going to make a lot of little bambino!

We invite you to break the dishes and make a scandal __________ of the year at ______ hours at ___

Spaghetti and limoncello will be served at one of the best pizzerias in the area at _________ at _______ hours.

Sirs, it will be belissimo!

pirate wedding


Our couple of adventurers are happy to inform you that after many years of wandering the seas, we have found our treasure!

On the Island of Tenderness in the ocean of Passion, we found a treasure trove of Mutual Love, which was just enough for two!

We invite you to a friendly feast dedicated to such a significant event!

We are waiting for you _________ of the year, at ________ hours, at the address ____________.

Bring wooden legs for dancing, parrot monkeys for contests and chests of gold!


All for the wedding boarding!

Wedding a la Stilyagi

Dude (dude)!

Dude (name of the groom) and dude (name of the bride) invite you to the wedding party!

Quit your business and hang out with us for __________ years, at _____ hours, at _______.

We promise: the shoes will be worn out from dancing!

Your coolest friends:

wedding invitations in verse

wedding invitations in verse it is always original and beautiful. Especially if the poems are written by the bride or groom.

Miracles happen,

The wedding is coming up!

We call all friends for a walk

Songs to sing and dance!

The wedding of (bride's name) and (groom's name) will take place on __________, at _____ hours, at ________.

We will be glad to see you, our guests are the best!

We are happy to announce that we are getting married, friends!

We hasten to invite you: we cannot live without guests!

And in joy and in sorrow - we are together forever,

Our union is illuminated by a lucky star,

On your wedding day, we want to see you at the table

What could be better than loved ones around!

Solemn registration of marriage will begin _______ hours of _______ at _______.

We will be glad to see you at our holiday!

We just dreamed of each other.

Then they suddenly fell in love.

wished, dreamed, suffered,

Laughing, cursing, forgiving.

We caught the firebird of happiness:

Let's get married on Saturday!

Dear (th), we are waiting for you ____years, at ____ hours for our holiday at ______.

Informal, fun wedding invitation text

Such funny wedding invitation texts ideal for a youth wedding with friends.

Everything is lost! She did it! She fooled me!

S.OhS! The rescue operation will take place on ________ at ______ hours, at _________.

The invader will be in white, the victim in black.

You can dance on the bones of my ruined bachelor life at ________, at ________ hours.

Come! To die like this with music!

Yes! We are broken! There will be a pretentious dress and a doll on the hood! We invite you to gloat, giggle and have fun!

Show "Farewell, freedom!" _________ of the year, at ________ hours, at _________.

We accept presents in hard currency and strong friendly hugs!

A couple of crazy _________.

Dear friend! This is not spam, read to the end!: We decided to live happily ever after and die on the same day! The master class "How to start a happy life and not kill each other" will be held on _________, at ________ hours, at ________.

All funds raised at the event will go to charity, to the survival fund for a young family (surname of the newlyweds).

Bonus for every participant! A piece of our happiness as a gift!

A wedding invitation, written from the heart and beautifully designed, will certainly become a decoration of your wedding album and, over time, a family heirloom.

Dear _____!

We have the honor to invite you to the solemn registration of our family union, which will take place on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

Sincerely _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

We invite you to share our joy! _____ will be one of the most important events in our lives! We will be happy to see you among the guests at the registration ceremony at _____ hours and at the banquet at _____ hours at _____.

Please confirm your desire to attend our celebration by phone or in person no later than _____.

With gratitude and respect _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We are waiting for you at our holiday!

Our dear _____!

We want to invite you to our family's birthday! On this day, we are going to say "Yes" to each other, surrounded by the closest and dearest people.

We decided to connect our hearts and destinies _____, at _____ hours, at _____.

We will be very glad to see you at our first family holiday!

Fate has given us a wonderful gift, and we will arrange a real holiday on this occasion!

Our wedding will take place on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

You can come to the registry office or join us at the banquet at _____ hours, at _____.

We will be grateful for your attention and support on such an important day for us!

Sincerely yours _____ (names of the bride and groom)

"True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it." These are the words of La Rochefoucauld.

We are very lucky, our love is real and we want to tell the whole world about it!

We will pledge allegiance to each other on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

And we will certainly celebrate this significant event in the cafe _____ at _____ hours.

We invite you to join our celebration of two loving hearts!

Expensive _____!

_____ (date of) a solemn event will take place in our life - the day of our wedding. We will be glad to see you among our relatives and friends to share with us our happiness - the wedding day.

The celebration will take place at _____.

We kindly ask you to arrive by _____ hours.

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the conclusion of marriage and the celebration dedicated to this holiday.

Marriage registration will be held at the Wedding Palace at: _____.

The solemn part will be held at _____ hours _____ minutes at _____ at the address: _____.

We would love to have you at our wedding!

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

_____ (date of) in our life there will be a solemn event _____ the day of our wedding. We will be glad to see you among our relatives and friends to share with us our happiness - the wedding day.

The celebration will take place at _____. We kindly ask you to arrive by _____ h _____ minutes.

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Our dear _____ and _____.

Bring your most sincere words and biggest wishes in your soul, and gifts - in this envelope.

We look forward to seeing you at: _____ at _____ hours.

AND _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

Our wedding celebration will take place on _____ at _____ hours at the registry office at _____. After that, we are waiting for dear guests at the _____ restaurant at _____.

Sincerely yours, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our life - our First family holiday, where we will unite our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared with us the exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!

The solemn ceremony of registration of our union will take place at _____, at _____ hours on the last Friday of _____ (month) of this year.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____.

The wedding ceremony will take place at the registry office at _____ at _____ hours.

For a festive banquet, we are waiting for you at the restaurant _____ at _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

We invite you to celebrate with us the significant day of our marriage on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)


We are pleased to invite you to our wedding party, which will take place on _____ at _____ at _____ restaurant.

See you! _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We are pleased to announce that on _____ the wedding ceremony of two loving hearts will take place! We invite you to share this exciting event at the Wedding Palace at _____.

A banquet on the occasion of the celebration will take place in the restaurant _____ at _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We will be glad to share with you the joy of this unforgettable day and invite you to a holiday arranged for you in our honor!

Meeting time: _____ hours, _____ of the year. Meeting point: _____.

(names of the bride and groom)

It is with great pleasure that we invite you on _____ at _____ to register your marriage and celebrate this event. Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace at _____.

The wedding celebration will take place at ______ o'clock at the restaurant _____ at _____. We will be happy to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We invite you to a celebration dedicated to our marriage, which will take place on _____ at _____ hours _____ minutes at _____ at the address: _____.

We will be glad to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to a celebration dedicated to our wedding, which will take place on _____ in _____ at the address: _____, starting at _____.

We look forward to sharing this happy day with you!

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life.

We want to unite our destinies and our hearts _____, and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared our joy with us.

The celebration will take place at: _____at _____h _____min. by the address: _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We are pleased to invite you to our wedding party, which will take place on _____ at _____ hours, at _____.

See you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes on our wedding. The banquet will take place on _____ at _____ h _____ min at the address: _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

P.S. Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call. We are looking forward to it!

_____ (date of)

it can pass like an ordinary day and you will not remember anything special, or it can become one of the most pleasant days not only for us, but also for you! We look forward to seeing you at our happy holiday - our WEDDING!

The registration ceremony will take place at _____ (time) at the Wedding Palace at _____.

The celebration dedicated to this event will be held at the restaurant _____ at _____. Please confirm your presence in advance.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Our dear _____!

We invite you to a celebration that unites two hearts - our wedding. We really want you to share the joy of this day with us.

The registration ceremony will take place at the registry office at _____, at _____. The solemn banquet will be held at _____, at _____.

We are waiting for you, sincerely your _____ (names of the bride and groom) .

Expensive _____!

_____ (date of) forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at the Central Registry Office in _____, at _____.

After that, all guests will go to the party, which will be held at _____.

Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

Waiting for you _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We will be very happy if you will be with us and share our happiness!

We want to seal our union with the seal of _____ at _____ hours at _____.

We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us. Day of the beginning of our happy family life!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life. We want to unite our destinies and our hearts on October 23, 2014, and we would be very pleased if you shared our joy with us.

The celebration will take place in the restaurant _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We invite you to celebrate our wedding on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

We will be very glad to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____ and _____!

We are waiting for you _____ at _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes on our wedding. The banquet will take place on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call. We are looking forward to it!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

Your presence at our wedding celebration will be a wonderful gift for us on this significant day! We will be very glad to see you on _____ at _____ o'clock in the restaurant _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear, beloved and most dear to us _____.

In connection with the circumstances, namely: the inability to look at the empty page 14 of our passports and constantly answer the questions: "Well, when already ???", we nevertheless decided to perform the marriage ceremony.

In this connection, we will be glad to see you at our wedding on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

We will be very glad to see you! ____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We invite you to become a guest of our exciting, but at the same time happy event.

G. at _____ o'clock at _____, our marriage ceremony will take place.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

There are happy and joyful moments in our life that we want to share with dear people. Therefore, we invite you to open a new page in the book of our life with us.

Our wedding celebration will take place on _____. at _____ h. at the registry office at _____. After that, we are waiting for dear guests at the _____ restaurant at _____.

Sincerely yours, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

A wedding invitation and a text for it become a subject of careful search and a difficult task for every couple, because they want an unforgettable and most original wedding! So, the wedding invitation must be special. The main rule is wedding invitations, their design and text should correspond to the general style and theme of the wedding.

Wedding invitation for a classic wedding.

There are billions of galaxies in the universe and
My only other half!

We have received the greatest gift from fate:
our hearts are trapped in love,
our souls found happiness in each other!
July 1, 2011 we decided to say our vows and become husband and wife!
Expensive ___ !
We will be very happy if you will be with us and share our happiness!
We want to seal our union at (registry office, address and time).
And celebrate this event at (address). Start at (time).
We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us -
July 1 - the day of the beginning of our happy family life!

Names of the bride and groom

WITH wadeb invitation with humor to the traditional wedding of a young couple.

Bird trills, summer time,
Fate brought - what we wanted -
a happy family was born!

The inevitable happened - our crazy couple decided to build their family nest! The stars told us the best day for our undertakings - July 1, 2011!
We would be glad to enlist the support of the people closest to us, to share our most positive emotions of this day, to plunge into the atmosphere of our immense love!
Dear, dear, precious!
Be with us on this Our Insanely Important Day!
We want to secure this grandiose event with paper, seals and signatures in the registry office (time address) and enjoy our holiday, which will begin (time, place). And the continuation can be completely unpredictable and depends on the mood of our dear guests!

The names of the bride and groom.

Wedding invitation text for spring green wedding.

“Only in the delights of love do they feel the happiness of existence and,
pressing lips to lips, they exchange souls!
/ K. Helvetius /

Spring! The dazzling dance of sunbeams, the fragrance of greenery and the delightful trills of birds! The brightest symbol of all this spring joy will be the union of two loving hearts!
Expensive _______ !
We are in a hurry to invite you to join this festive riot of colors and a grandiose event, where a storm of positive emotions, a steady atmospheric front of love and precipitation, mainly in the form of good mood, are expected!
The union of two loving hearts will be sealed at (time, date, address of the registry office).
The spring festive extravaganza will begin at (time, address of the restaurant).
The clothes of spring flowers will serve as a pass for you: green, gold, white - the symbols of our holiday of love!

Two loving hearts
Names of the bride and groom

In love with spring and each other
Names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation text for autumn red and gold wedding.
An autumn wedding invitation can be made in the form of an autumn leaf. Another option - a dried yellow or red sheet can be varnished and pasted into an invitation. You can also use red rowan in the design. The invitation describes the dress code: the colors used to decorate the wedding are gold and red.

Saying "I love you" takes a few seconds
show how -
all life…

Under the rustle of golden leaves,
in the crimson beauty of the blushing mountain ash,
in heaven or somewhere higher,
we decided to light the hearth of the family.
We hasten to tell you this news,
Having dared the main decision,
On an autumn day, an autumn leaf
Let the talisman become true.
We ask for support from relatives and friends,
At such an important hour for our couple,
We want to give warmth to everyone
and end it all with a grand ball!

Let nature rejoice with us
our precious guest!
We are waiting for you in autumn clothes: crimson with gold
and red flowers.

Solemn speeches, ceremonies are waiting for you (date, time, place).
The autumn ball will whirl (time, place).

The text of the invitation to the youth denim wedding.
Such a wedding invitation with text in a playful form for a wedding with a denim dress code can be made in the form of a collage of funny photos of the newlyweds, with handwritten text on the back.

We decided to tell the whole world a secret!
We're getting married!
And this is not a prank!
Soon, or rather (date), we decided to connect our life lines and intend to write our own story about "They lived happily ever after"! On this day, we are going to have fun until we drop and we would be pleased to see you among our guests who came to share our happiness and indescribable delight with us!

Any formalities will take place (time and place)
well, the unofficial most interesting part will begin later, namely at (time and place).
We are children of our time, so we reject all conventions! No dress codes or rules! The best dress is denim, the best suit is jeans! Best congratulations - with humor!

Names of the bride and groom

Classic wedding invitation in formal style.

The whole universe in the eyes of the beloved ...
The whole universe in the eyes of a loved one ...
This is happiness!

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our life - our First family holiday, where we will unite our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared with us the exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!
The solemn ceremony of registration of our union will take place at (place) at (time) on the last Friday (month) of this year. Our First family holiday will take place at (time and place).
A white flower will serve as a pass to the celebration - a symbol of purity and nobility.

Names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation in verse for a traditional wedding.

Wedding date.

This day is the beginning of all beginnings!
On this day, we will double our happiness!
We were destined in heaven
Become a better fate for each other!
Invite let the joy of the day
Share and complete the event
A friendly toast of the best wine,
Wishing the love of a century!

Names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation with original text for city wedding.

“To love means not to look at each other,
but look together in the same direction"
/A. De Saint-Exupery/

We decided to create our own city of the future, the name of which is Family! We dream of settling in a house on Love Street in the Joy area, where it is light from the lanterns of Care and the music of Tenderness sounds. We would like to walk along the alleys of Boundless Sincerity and watch the attraction of Passion. On Trust Boulevard, we would sit with friends in the Attention cafe, and we would work on Respect Avenue. Family - City of our future - where all residents are happy!
Expensive ____ !
(Date) we invite you to the official ceremony of laying the first stone of Reciprocity of our future city Family. The ceremony will take place on (Date, time). And we will be glad to see you at a grand celebration in honor of the birth of our city (place)! The city gates will be open for all guests at (time).
Your pass to the first celebration of our city Family will be a red rose - a symbol of our love!

Family city founders
Names of the bride and groom

Wedding invitation text for wedding in nautical style.

Love is a beacon raised above the storm,
Not fading in darkness and fog;
Love is the star that sailor
Defines a place in the ocean.

ship captain name of the groom
and his muse is the name of the bride

Wedding invitation in the style of the Middle Ages.
An invitation to a medieval wedding of a Knight and a Lady of his heart must certainly be in the form of a scroll, which is personally read by the herald. With the invitation, a card is handed on which the guests come up with (usually with pleasure) and write their title, return the card if they are going to come to the celebration. Invented titles are used when meeting guests, who are solemnly announced by the herald. If the symbolism of a red and white rose is chosen for the wedding, then we ask guests to bring these flowers in the invitation, complementing the overall design. In the invitation (for decoration) you can use knightly symbols, an arrow, a heart. In the text of wedding invitations, we use phrases about love in Latin.

Ecce spectaculum dignum, ad quod respiciat intentus operi suo deus!
Here is a spectacle worthy of God looking back at him, contemplating his creation!

May God send you a beautiful day, virtuous Signora and Signor!
You are instructed to deliver good news.
In two families, equal in nobility and glory,
a day has been appointed when the Union of their children will be consecrated.
In an ancient castle
twelfth day
hot July this year
this rite will take place.
In honor of the young lady of the heart Olga
noble knight Alexander
accomplish some great deeds! Receiving favor,
he will rescue the beautiful bride from the maiden dungeon.
The monk will sanctify their union and demand an oath of allegiance immediately.
Evening feast and jousting,
and songs of wandering minstrels
waiting for you (name of the castle or place).
If you give this event your attention,
support the fun with eloquent words,
you will be grateful
beautiful signora Olga
and noble knight Alexander

Chief Herald of the White and Red Rose Kingdoms

P.S. The gates of the castle will open for guests at exactly six o'clock.
And let the flower be a pass for everyone - white or red of roses.
On the response card, write your noble title,
name and consent to take part in the solemn event
the twelfth of July 2010.

WITH wedding invitation in the style of "Alice in Wonderland".
An invitation to a stylized fairytale wedding can be of an unusual shape, with the theme of the chosen book. Alice in Wonderland is always the White Rabbit, the Hatter, the top hat, the smile of the Cheshire Cat, playing cards.

Dear friend,
Tell me honestly, when was the last time you read Alice in Wonderland? For a long time? But the fairy tale is so beautiful! Kings and queens, talking rabbits, smiling cats, magic and transformation... Are you sure they don't exist?
Of course, we have already grown up a little and must certainly grow up ... But the childish Faith in Miracles has always remained in us. And that Miracle of the Fairy Tale, which is in real life, happened to us - Love!
We know that this Miracle must be shared! And now it's our turn to tell you a Fairy Tale!
You are invited to Wonderland, where the kingdoms of the Red and White Roses will unite. You will get to a real Fairy Ball, and your pass will be a trick prepared by you and one rose, but always white or red. And don't forget that the Ball will be the Royal, which means you have to get your most elegant dress! Oh yes! If you want to congratulate the King and Queen of Hearts, then bring them a small envelope with your warmest wishes and... well, you see, you're already big!
Remember that this is a fairy tale, and be ready for adventure and oddity.
Read the next page carefully, so as not to get lost anywhere and try not to be late, otherwise you may miss something very interesting.

Therefore, I remain, your Good Storyteller,
on behalf of Eugene,
King of Hearts from the Red Rose Kingdom,
and Natalia
Queens of Hearts of the White Rose Kingdom.

Their Royal Majesties
Eugene and Natalia
waiting for you at the Kingdoms Unification Ceremony
May 29 this year
at ... hours of royal time at ……… (registry office)
The royal walk will take place along the route …….
It will be possible to have a rest before the Royal Ball at … o'clock in the Exit Palace at the address …….
After - you will have a buffet at ...... (exact place and time).
The solemn meeting of the King and Queen of Hearts and the opening of the Royal Ball will take place at ... .. hours of royal time at ... .. (place).
The Royal Ball will close with farewell fireworks on the lawn in front of the Palace in …. hours.
Royal carriages will take all guests home safe and sound!

P.S. Follow the White Rabbit!

And you can also order a wedding script in the style of Alice in Wonderland from Art-Bufet! Order.

Wedding invitation cards for a romantic chamomile wedding.

There are many happy days in life
but (wedding date) is the most important for us!
Let me invite you to spend this day in Chamomile Paradise - in the country where love leads, where the First Birthday of our family will take place.
We are waiting for you at the solemn ceremony (registry office address, time) and at the magic ball, which will be open (time, address).
Your pass to chamomile paradise will be a bouquet of daisies, because only this flower can tell everyone about true love "Loves - does not love, presses to the heart ..."

Another option for ending the invitation text:
A cute bouquet of daisies will show you the way to Chamomile Paradise and bring good luck, because only this flower will be able to tell about true love "Loves - does not love, presses to the heart ..."

French travel style wedding invitation.

My friend!
You soar behind a cloud with a dream -
You are delirious with the Kursk village ...
Shouldn't we wave to Paris,
So, let's say, on a tour?
Let's dedicate Van Gogh to the works
Clock: rural landscapes...
See the Louvre and Notre Dame
Elysian lawns!

We are going on a trip on a wedding charter flight (date, address)
Please bring minimum luggage with you, and wedding gifts in an envelope.

Wedding invitation in car travel style.

Our whole life is a journey full of exciting adventures!
"Adventure" - this word itself promises something tempting and incredible.
Very soon (date) we will have to experience one of the most grandiose adventures of our life - a wedding. And here we can not do without the support of loved ones. We will need all their reliability, goodwill, fantasy, adventurousness, ability to have fun and many other qualities.
The most interesting and romantic trip, in our opinion, can be made by car! Therefore, we invite you to join our wedding car trip, which starts (place, time).
A lot of surprises are waiting for you, and the most original design of the car will receive the main prize!
Your pass is 4 wheels, and what is on them is a matter of your imagination!

Names of the bride and groom

Variant wedding invitation text for a Hawaiian style wedding.
Invitations can be made in the form of a ticket to Hawaii on the Wings of Love fast liner.

Who wouldn't want to be the pioneer James Cook and visit exotic tropical islands in the heart of the Pacific Ocean? Who doesn't want to hear about the most active volcanoes on Earth? Sit in the shade of palm trees and listen to the huge turquoise waves breaking on the shore? Who would not like to taste exotic fruits and dance with the Papuans? Who wouldn't want to see heaven on earth?
All this is - in Hawaii. And it was in this magical place that we decided to unite our hearts. We invite you (date) to go with us on the Wings of Love high-speed liner to the bay (name of the restaurant and address).
The official ceremony of connecting our hearts and sailing to exotic islands will take place (address and time).
A beautiful lily will be your pass to the Wings of Love frigate. And do not forget about bright clothes for a trip to exotic islands.

Wedding invitation for cowboy wedding in western style.

Dear friends! We're getting married!
In honor of this event, we received a wedding gift from the planet Harakum from a certain mysterious professor - one jump in time and space. We decided to unravel the mystery of the ancient Incas.
We invite you with us (wedding date) after the solemn registration (registry office address, time) to go to the 19th century to the Wild West and visit the ancient town (cafe or restaurant name) on the prairie, on the border with the Indian Reservation (address).
To be on horseback and fully armed on our journey, do not forget to put on the outfit of a real cowboy and his lady, or you can represent the law in the person of the sheriff or join the ranks of the brave Indians.
It is better to travel light, so bring your wishes and congratulations in envelopes! And your pass to travel in time will be a scarlet rose.
And remember, there are surprises and suspense waiting for you around every turn!

The tradition of decorating wedding invitations in the form of exquisite and delicate cards in an envelope or unusual postcards and invitations is a kind of way to preserve the memories of the holiday. Picking up such a postcard many years after the wedding, and reading the text of the wedding invitation, you will definitely remember the solemn ceremony, a cheerful and bright holiday, which can be called one of the most important in life. Choose a ready-made template with the invitation text of your choice in prose or poetry, and let your own memories of the wedding and the impressions of your guests be the most pleasant.

Original wedding invitation text for any guest

Our dear (guest name)!

No matter where in the world we find ourselves, no matter what chic places we visit, all the brightest moments in life are created for us by people - close, loved and necessary. In the new story, the story of our young family, we want to see you among the guests. We invite you to share all the importance and joy of our marriage with us.

(Date) at (time) at (street and house name).

To celebrate the event, we expect your arrival at (time) at the restaurant (name) at (street and house name).

Groom (name) and bride (name).

Dear (name of guest)!

(Date) our most cherished dream will come true and we will become spouses.

We want to share the great joy and happiness of this moment with the most important and close people.

Therefore, we are waiting for you at (name of the registry office), where the official painting will take place at (time).

And then we invite you to taste champagne and a wedding loaf (name of the street and house), where a festive banquet will take place at (time).

Sincerely, (names of the bride and groom).

Dear (guest name)!

Where two souls strive to be one, where hearts burn with sincere love, and eyes burn with happiness, the strongest and happiest family is born. We create such a family and invite you to spend this day with us.

(Date) at (time) at (street name, registry office) we will exchange rings as a token of our eternal marital fidelity.

At (time) in the restaurant (name) we are waiting for you for an unforgettable celebration.

Future newlyweds (name of the bride and groom).

Beautiful wedding invitation text for parents

Dear our parents! We are pleased to inform you that we have made the most important decision in life - to create our own family. Following your example, we want to make this union strong, faithful and happy.

We invite you, as the most honored guests, to the wedding ceremony on (date) at (time) at (name).

With love and gratitude, (names of the bride and groom).

Thank you, our loved ones, for the warmth and care that the family gives us. We strive to create the same happy family, and the reason for this is our sincere love and devotion to each other. We invite you to a wedding that will be the birthday of the happiest family in the world!

Dear mommy!

Your care, wisdom, patience and understanding taught me the most important thing in life: love and fidelity. My happiness is your merit, and creating my own family, I invite you as the most honored guest (date) at (time) to the solemn ceremony of uniting two destinies.

With love, (name).

Cool wedding invitation text for friends

When all thoughts are close to only one person, when every day you want to hold his hand - it's time to unite into one happy family with an eternal sincere promise.

Our dear (names of guests)!

We want our life to have a place for both home comfort and joyful meetings with friends. We are proud of our friendship and invite you to share all the joy of the solemn event on (date) at (time, address).

In order for family life to be sweet, we will bake a loaf and treat you to a restaurant (name) at (time).

With love in our hearts, happy bride and groom (names).

Dear our friend!

The most valuable thing in life is respect, devotion and kindness. All this is in love and without all this there can be no real friendship. We unite our hearts with an official union, create a family, but at the same time we do not forget about an important and valuable friend like you. We invite you to the wedding as the most honored friend of a young family. We will become spouses on (date) at (time) and on this occasion we invite you to arrive at (address of the registry office)

With love, (names of the bride and groom).

Dear (names of guests)!

We solemnly announce that the future bride is ready to cook borscht, wash socks and iron shirts. The future groom is ready to give roses, take out the trash and hammer nails. In confirmation of our words, and also because of unthinkable great love, we invite you to a fun wedding.

We will put murals under these promises on (date) at (time) at (street and house name), and in the restaurant (name) at (street and house name) we will celebrate the event with you and other people closest to us.

Sincerely, future spouses (names).

Fancy wedding invitation text template

Dear (names of guests)!

In our modern and ordinary world, an unusual story happened. The marvelous and sweet beauty, with her gentle and affectionate gaze, captivated the valiant and brave knight, who forever entrusted his heart to her. Still don't believe in fairy tales? Then we invite you to see for yourself the existence of miracles and become part of the magical story of the creation of our young family.

Come and be sure that fairytale love exists on (date) at (time) at (street and house name).

The royal feast and unforgettable fun will take place at (time) at (street and house name).

A young knight (groom's name) and a young princess (bride's name).

Dear (names of guests)! In this letter we want to tell you an unusual story about love at first sight. She captivated us like magic that makes the heart beat faster, inspires new achievements and dispels any adversity. In order to preserve this magical gift of fate, we will make love the basis of our marriage, create a strong family that will protect the flame of love like an impregnable fortress.

The official ceremony will take place on (date) at (time) at (name of street and house).

Solemn reception and refreshment of guests: at (time) at the address (name of the street and house).

Captured by love, (names of the bride and groom).

Our meeting gave us the desire to love, the desire to be happy and the strength to cross any rivers of life and conquer any mountains. We realized how important and necessary each other is and we wish to continue our life path, holding each other's hands.

We invite you (names of guests) to our wedding. (Date) at (time) at (name of the street and house) we will unite our destinies, and at (time) we will gather all the guests at the festive table.

Inspired and in love, (names of the bride and groom).