Mastering the origami technique: how to make a module out of paper? Production of triangular modules

Original stuff, right? Such a colorful swan will not only decorate your home, but can also be a wonderful gift. Making such a swan is not so much difficult as it takes a long time, because it consists of many elements (modules), and of course it is completely handmade. See below for a detailed diagram of the modular origami swan.

This technology was invented by the Chinese, they were the first to create three-dimensional figures from triangular origami modules. The composition is made up of many identical elements (modules). Each module is folded from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by nesting them into each other.

It is possible to assemble such an origami swan without glue, the friction force will not allow the structure to fall apart, but it will still be more reliable to glue the modules together, thus. the figure can be used as a toy and not be afraid that it will fall apart.

To make a modular origami swan, you need to add many modules of different colors, their number is indicated below. It would be nice to make such a complex figure with friends or helpers. Paper must be of high quality, office colored paper or coated colored paper is suitable. It is better not to use thin paper.

As mentioned above, the basis of all origami is the module, let's take a closer look at the technology (scheme) of its manufacture.

The module consists of a rectangle of colored or white paper. The aspect ratio of the rectangle should be approximately 1:1.5. You can get the desired rectangles by dividing the A4 format into equal parts. If the long and short sides of the A4 format are divided into 4 equal parts and cut along the marked lines, then rectangles of approximately 53 × 74 mm will be obtained.

If the long side of the A4 format is divided into 8 parts, and the short side into 4 parts, then rectangles of 37 × 53 mm will be obtained.

You can also fold modules from half a square using the note blocks available in the stationery.

How to fold a triangular origami module

1. Lay the rectangle back to you. Bend in half.

2. Bend and straighten to outline the middle line.

3. Fold the edges towards the middle. (At this stage, you can turn the part upside down and fold the edges to the middle on the other side. Everyone can find the most convenient way for themselves).

4. Turn over the workpiece.

5. Fold up the corners. (Please note: it is better to leave a small gap between the folded corner and the upper triangle).

6. Pull the edges up.

7. Fold the triangle.

The resulting module has two corners and two pockets.

How to connect modules to each other?

The modules folded according to the above diagram can be inserted into each other in various ways and receive bulk products. Here is one possible connection example:

Assembling the figure of a swan

1 red

136 pink

90 orange

60 yellow

78 green

39 blue

36 blue

19 purple

If you want to make a snow-white swan with a red beak, then take 458 white rectangles and 1 red one.
Take three pink modules and arrange them in this way.

Insert the corners of the first two modules into the two pockets of the third module.

Take two more modules and attach them in the same way to the first group. This is how the first ring is done. It consists of two rows: an inner row, the modules of which are on the short side, and an outer row, the modules of which are on the long side.

Each row consists of 30 modules. Collect the ring along the chain, holding it with your hands. With the last module, close the ends of the chain.

Take 30 orange pieces and complete the third row. Pay attention to the fact that the modules are put on in a checkerboard pattern.

In the same way, do the fourth and fifth rows, also consisting of thirty orange modules.

Now, grasping the edges of the workpiece with your fingers, perform the movement, as if you want to turn the entire ring inside out. You should get this form. From above, it resembles a stadium.

From the back, the stadium will look like this:

Complete the sixth row, consisting of 30 yellow pieces. Now you need to put them on top. Check that the arrangement of the modules is the same as in the previous rows.

From the seventh row, start making wings. Choose the side where the swan's head will be. Choose one pair of corners (from two neighboring modules). This will be the place where the neck is attached. To the left and right of this pair, make a row of 12 yellow pieces. Those. the seventh row will be 24 modules and has two gaps.

Continue to make wings, decreasing each next row by one module. 8 row: 22 green modules (two times 11), 9 row: 20 green modules, 10 row: 18 green modules.

11th row: 16 blue modules, 12th row: 14 blue modules.

13th row: 12 blue modules, 14th row: 10 blue modules, 15th row: 8 blue modules.

16th row: 6 purple modules, 17th row: 4 purple modules, 18th row: 2 purple modules. The wings are ready. Give them a shape so that they are convex at the bottom and slightly bent at the top.

Run a ponytail consisting of five rows. Similarly, reduce the modules by one in each row. It will go 12 green and 3 blue modules.

To make a neck, the workpieces need to be connected in a different way. Insert the two corners of one module into the two pockets of the other.

Connect to the red module 7 purple. Try to immediately give the neck the desired bend. If you do not want the swan's beak to be forked, it is better to glue the corners of the red module in advance.

Next, attach 6 blue, 6 light blue, 6 green and 6 yellow pieces. Give your neck the desired shape.

Strengthen the neck at the two corners between the wings. Optionally, add details - eyes, a bow.

Make a stand in the form of two rings, consisting of 36 and 40 modules. Connect the modules in the same way as for the neck.

If desired, the rings can be glued and the swan glued to the stand.

That's all, our origami swan is ready. As you can see, the paper swan looks very elegant and will delight your eyes for a long time. I don't think you will regret the time spent.

Materials and tools

What paper is best for crafts? How to make a lot of modules faster? What is the best module size? This section will reveal the secrets modular origami and help you take your first creative steps.

Paper selection

Office paper. This is the most suitable paper for modular origami: it is quite dense and not too smooth, so the modules do not slip when connected and hold well. Colored office paper is dyed on both sides and does not turn white on the folds.

Blocks for records (stickers). Square stickers are suitable for the Superball Kusudama module and the Shamrock module. Triangular modules are usually made up of rectangular pieces of paper. The approximate aspect ratio of such a leaflet is 2:3 (for example, 14x6 cm). However, square stickers cut in half can be used. The aspect ratio will then be 2:1. The module will be thicker. For some crafts, it's even good. There are also rectangular stickers that do not need to be cut.

Advice. When using sticky note pads, fold the sticky side inward.

Origami paper. special paper for origami also called "kami" ("paper" in Japanese). It is already cut into sheets of a certain shape, usually square. The value may vary. Usually one side of such a sheet is white and the other is colored, there are several different colors in the set. There is colored paper on both sides and paper with an ornament.

Colored paper for children's creativity. Some types of such paper can be used, but you need to check if it is torn at the folds. For modular origami, as a rule, you need a lot of paper of the same color, and in sets for children's creativity there are only a few one-color sheets. However, for example, black or brown paper is difficult to find, and you have to take it from such sets.

magazine paper. Paper from modern glossy magazines (both with pictures and text) is well suited for modular origami. Choose not too thin paper. If you sort the modules by color, you can get very interesting pictorial effects in the assembled product. Several of these products are presented in this book.

Mudol paper size

The size of the pieces of paper for folding the modules can be different - large or small. The size of the future craft depends on this. For triangular modules, it is convenient to use sheets of 1/16 or 1/32 size of a standard A4 sheet.

♦ If the long and short sides of an A4 sheet are divided into 4 equal parts and cut along the marked lines, then rectangles of approximately 53 x 74 mm will be obtained.

♦ If the long side of an A4 sheet is divided into 8 equal parts, and the short side into 4 and the sheet is cut along the marked lines, then rectangles of approximately 37 x 53 mm will be obtained.
You can choose another size. For example, almost all the crafts in this book are made from modules with the original size of pieces of paper 38x60 mm (or 4X6 cm). In some cases, 76 x 76 mm stickers cut in half were used. But no matter what size of the module you choose, it is most convenient to focus on it when making all crafts. Then they will be compatible with each other and the Christmas tree, folded for the New Year, will be able to turn into a palm tree, and then into a peacock or something else.

Tools and additional materials

Stationery knife and ruler. Before you start folding the modules, you need to cut the paper into rectangles or squares if you are not using stickers of a suitable shape. It is convenient to cut several layers of paper at once. It is very difficult to do this with scissors. It is better to cut paper with a good stationery knife along the ruler. The ruler should be solid, preferably with a recess or a handle for holding. Place a solid board under the paper. If possible, purchase a special paper cutter.

Glue. Most of the triangular pieces presented in this book were made without the use of glue. It is very comfortable. Any craft can be disassembled and create something new. Glue is used only for attaching small parts - a peephole, jewelry, etc. If desired, it can be replaced with an adhesive mass. However, if you plan to use the craft as a children's toy, as a gift or an exhibition item, then it makes sense to take care of durability. You can use thick PVA glue or an adhesive stick when assembling. And when working with the Shamrock module, glue is needed. With the help of glue, flower petals are connected, it is also needed in the manufacture of stems and fastening of leaves.

Adhesive mass. A very handy invention! Reminds me of a cross between double-sided tape and white plasticine. You can tear off a piece, roll it into a ball and attach any
detail outside or inside the craft. When necessary, the part can be removed. This mass leaves no traces.

Paints. The whole craft can be made from white office paper, and then coated with paint from a spray can - golden, silver or any color.

Sewing thread with a needle. Kusudama "Superball" modules are interconnected with a needle and thread.

Additional details. When making crafts, you will need ready-made eyes for toys. They come in different sizes and shapes. You can draw eyes yourself on thick paper or print ready-made images of an eye of the desired size and type on a printer, which can be found, for example, on the Land of Masters website. Ribbons, beads, sequins, beads, etc. are suitable for decorating crafts.

Origami modules

There are many varieties origami modules: flat - for mosaics, voluminous - for kusudam and various figures. Modules for mosaics are simply glued to the base close to each other. Volumetric modules can be glued to each other, sewn together or connected in a constructive way (the protruding parts of one module are inserted into the pockets of another). Let's consider how three types of bulk modules are performed, from which all the products presented in the book will be assembled.

triangular module

The triangular module is the basis of the crafts presented in the book. As mentioned above, to complete such a module, you need a rectangular piece of paper.
1. Fold a rectangular piece of paper in half lengthwise.
2. Bend across to mark the middle line, and unbend. Lay angle up.
3. Bend the edges to the middle.
4. Turn over.
5. Fold the bottom up.
6. Fold the corners over the large triangle.
7. Unfold the corners and the bottom.
8. Fold the corners again along the marked lines and lift the bottom up.
9. Fold in half. The resulting module has two lower corners and two pockets. Such modules can be inserted into each other in various ways and get three-dimensional figures. The figure, folded from modules, can be easily disassembled. One of the possible connection methods is shown in the photo.

Attention! The side lying in the triangular module opposite the right angle will be called the long side. The side opposite the 60 degree angle is short.

Kusudami module "Superball"

One of the objects modular origami is kusudama - a spherical figure assembled from modules of various shapes. The classic Kusudama "Superball" consists of 40 modules in the form of flowers, also called flower.
These modules can serve as the basis for creating various crafts, such as dolls. In addition, they can be used to make hearts for flowers or the flowers themselves. Kusudama module "Superball" is made from a square piece of paper. For kusudama, it is better to use double-sided colored paper, for other crafts - depending on the design.

1. Lay a square piece of paper upside down. Mark the lines of the diagonals by bending and straightening it. Flip.
2. Mark the middle vertical and horizontal lines by bending and unbending a piece of paper. Flip.
3. Fold along all the marked lines at the same time. The result is a basic shape - a double square.
4. Position the form with the "entrance" down and fold the edges to the middle in front and behind.
5. When bending the edges, four "pockets" were obtained. Open one of the "pockets" and flatten it.
6. "Flip" the left side of the workpiece to the right.
7. Perform the same operation with the pair "pocket", as well as with the remaining two.
8. Open the blank on the side without the "pocket". Fold the edges towards the middle.
9. Fold the corner.
10. Perform steps 8 and 9 three more times, "flipping" the workpiece.
11. Fully expand the resulting workpiece.
12. Press in the middle of the piece of paper with the marked folds so that it becomes concave. Now assemble the final module. Start in the top left corner. Grasp the edges of the paper with your hands in the places marked in the photo with dotted lines.
13. Bring the folds back, around the corner of the square. The folds marked with a dotted line should meet at the back.
14. Bend the edges of the resulting "petal" to the middle along the previously outlined folds.
15. Bend the corner inward.
16. "Flip" the right side of the resulting figure to the left. Do the next "petal" in the same way.
17. Bend the edges of the "petal" and the corner again.
18. Perform steps 16 and 17 twice more.

Shamrock module

From such modules, you can make various mosaics, applications and bulk products. To fold the module, you need a square piece of paper.

1. Lay a square piece of paper upside down. Bend diagonally and straighten.
2. Bend the edges to the middle.
3. Bend the corner up and tuck in.
4. Bend the side corners to the middle.
5. Now the corners need to be filled inside the workpiece. Unfold the left corner, then unbend the entire left side of the workpiece.
6. Adjust the corner inward, fold the left side.
7. Do the same on the right side.
8. Rotate the workpiece 180° and fold the edges down.
9. Turn over to the other side.
10. Fold the edges to the middle, while the back layer of paper should come up.

Surely many have heard of this type of creativity as modular origami. This is when origami crafts are assembled from multi-colored paper modules (details). Today we will begin to master the basics of this type and learn how to make triangular origami modules.

First we need paper of the required dimensions:

For the manufacture of blanks, ordinary sheets of A-4 format are suitable, which, using a ruler, must be drawn into the same 16 (4 equal parts in width and 4 in length) or 32 (4 equal parts in length and 8 in width) rectangle, and then cut them using a paper cutter.

Also, blanks can be made from stickers measuring 76X76 mm, which will need to be cut in half (origami masters consider this method of making blanks the most convenient).

Making a triangular origami module

The triangular module is made in seven steps:

1. We bend the rectangular blank along in half.

2. In order to outline the line of the middle, we bend the folded workpiece and unbend it across. Turn the piece upside down.

3. We bend the edges of the sheet to the middle, as shown in the figure.

4. Turn over the resulting form.

5. We bend the lower part of the workpiece up.

6. Bend the corners and lift the bottom up.

Creativity called origami is now familiar to many Russians. In fact, this is the ancient Japanese art of DIY paper construction. This is the applied art of making decorative paper products by bending it in various directions.

In classic origami, only bending and folding of paper is allowed. Further. cutting and combining began to be allowed. People admire how from a paper sheet - just a few minutes after starting work, you are holding a finished figure of a boat or a figure of a bird in your hands.

The working material is plain paper, the cheapest and most affordable material for creativity. The technological possibilities of paper are endless. A real master puts his engineering thought into the creation of figures and sets himself more complex modeling tasks.

And it will no longer be just folding paper, like fine needlework, but creating and inventing new three-dimensional figures. This direction is called - modular origami.

Now traditional Japanese art in Russia has become an intellectual pursuit and a mass hobby.

What modules are and how they are done technically

  1. Paper selection

For crafts using the modular origami technique, you can use almost any thin paper. The main thing is that it should be the right color and not break on the folds. You can make modules from ordinary office paper - white or color.

To check. whether the paper you have chosen is suitable for crafts using the modular origami technique, fold the sheet several times, carefully fixing the folds. If there are creases (creases) or ugly white cracks on the folds, it is better not to use such paper.

Tip: Office paper does not need to be tested. It will hold up well to bending. Colored office paper is dyed in the mass, so white cracks do not occur.

2. How to make blanks

Basically, in this article we will take a closer look at triangular modules and others that go well with them. To do this, the paper must be cut with scissors or a breadboard knife into rectangular blanks of the same size.

  • Lay a sheet of paper on a flat surface.

  • Divide the opposite sides of the sheet into equal parts, as in the photo.
  • Cut the sheet into blanks using scissors or a craft knife.

Tip: You can cut several sheets of paper at once with a dummy knife. To do this, collect the paper in a pile and place it on the cutting substrate. Make sure that the sheets of paper do not move when cutting.

3. How to fold a triangular module

Triangular modules can be folded in different ways. Here we consider the most common and simple.

  1. Take the blank, as shown in the photo.
  2. Bend the workpiece in half away from you, aligning its long sides.

3. To mark the middle of the workpiece, fold the paper in half, aligning the short sides.

4. Unfold the fold and turn the workpiece upside down.

5. Bend the edges of the workpiece to the middle.

6. Turn the workpiece upside down towards you.

7. Fold the edges up.

8. Fold the corners away from you around the side folds.

10. Fold the module along the middle line.

Tip: To make the module even, stretch the paper a little with each fold and fix the fold by compressing all layers of the paper.

The triangular module is ready for further work.

4. Connection of triangular modules

Triangular modules can be connected in different ways. It is proved that there is enough friction force so that the craft does not crumble. In some cases, modules can be glued together.

Each triangular module has two sharp tips. On the opposite side of them, pockets are formed.

If you place the module with pockets towards you, then a broach is visible on one side, and a loop on the other.

To connect the modules, you need to insert the sharp tip of one module into the pocket of the other, as in the photo.

Modules are hung in rows, one or more modules in each.

Tip: It is the shape of the module that allows you to create various crafts by changing the hanging methods and the number of modules in a row. To achieve the desired result, snowflakes and figurines, always follow the instructions clearly.

5. How to make a triangular module master class (video)

6. How to make a sprocket module

In origami crafts, you can use modules of several shapes at the same time. You need to know them - it will come in handy in your work. So, asterisks and Kusudama modules are perfectly combined with triangular modules.

  1. Fold a sheet of paper diagonally, as in the photo.
  2. Fold the left corner inward.

3. Bend the bottom corner.

4. Bend the right corner inward.

5. Bend the bottom corners inward.

6. And now bend them in the opposite direction.

7. Straighten the folds a little - you have a sprocket module.

8. You will need four modules to assemble the sprocket.

7. Kusudama module technique

  1. Fold the sheet diagonally and turn it over.
  2. Fold the sheet in half vertically and horizontally.
  3. (3a - 3b) Fold along the marked guides.

4. We got such a figure.

5. Bend the corners towards you.

6. Turn over and on the reverse side again bend the corners towards you.

7. Thus, you have outlined four pockets, straighten and form them.

8. It turned out such a blank. Turn the left side of one of the pockets over to the right.

9. It turned out such a blank.

10. Bend the bottom corners towards you.

11. Bend the bottom corner up, as in the photo.

12. Fold in half and flip the right corner to the left.

13. Repeat the additions in steps 10-11 on the remaining sides of the workpiece.

14. The result is such a figure.

15. Gently unfold it and turn it inside out.

16. Bend along the marked guides.

17. Bend the left and right corners inward.

18. Bend the top corner down. Bend the resulting sector in half.

19. Turn the right corner over to the left and move on to the next sector.

20. Repeat steps 17 and 18 on the remaining sides.

21. You have a kusudama module - a bell.

This is what it looks like in 3D.

8. How to make a bell-shaped kusudama module (video)

I hope you enjoyed the modular origami technique. In the following articles, we will already create three-dimensional figures of various shapes and sizes.