Postcards Happy New Year. New Year's postcards do it yourself - the original mark of attention and a gift from the pure heart (51 photos)

From year to year, winter holidays unite friends, colleagues, old buddies and family members. Some conduct weekends in the countryside by the countryside, others organize friendly parties in the cafe, the third is called relatives and close to their warm and elegant house. To each his own! But contrary to differences in pre-holiday pastime, there is something uniting all the inhabitants of our immense expanses. Like 60 years ago, we continue with pleasure to send the most beautiful postcards with the upcoming New Year with congratulations to close and distant rhodations, employees, neighbors and friends.

Another vintage cards with winter landscapes and loud slogans were sometimes popular. Then the retro-postcards of the USSR period were entered with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Forest Snacks. Today creative New Year pictures from the Internet are relevant, which can be downloaded for free and send to all addressees immediately. Large collection and first, and second, and third hundreds we collected on this page. Choose the best postcards Happy New Year 2018 and give joyful moments to those who are dear to you.

The most beautiful postcards with the new 2018 year of the yellow dog

Let us fly a few more days, and the entire district is captivated by pre-holiday hype. Women will declare the search for new original recipes of delicious food, men will hurry for the gifts "under the Christmas tree", children will actively dress up with a cozy house with cute crafts and drawings. Everyone will deal with something long-awaited, unusually joyful and close to heart. And at the moments of complete returns to your favorite case, it is easy to forget about everything else. For example, the search for the most beautiful greeting cards for the new 2018 year of the yellow dog for parents, the godfather, brothers and sisters. And that on the last day of the outgoing year, do not spend the magic clock on the debrist in the overloaded network, download the free pictures today. The most beautiful postcards with the New Year 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog are looking for in the following sections.

Collection of beautiful greeting cards for the new 2018 Dogs

Best postcards with congratulations Happy New Year 2018 Year

Modern printing still offers a huge selection of the best New Year cards with congratulations: matte and glossy, black and white and multicolored, funny and serious, with sparkles, bows, bright festive details. But sincere and sincere wishes do not necessarily have to be prescribed on the cardboard with calligraphic handwriting. Signs of attention presented by your loved one in the magical winter holiday are valuable in any manifestations. We offer to send the best greeting cards with congratulations with the new year 2018 on a mobile or email, and saved money to spend on pleasant souvenirs or Cookies for Santa.

Collection of New Year cards with congratulations for free download

Beautiful Happy New Year and Christmas Postcards 2018

Following the magic New Year's celebration there is no less amazing, emotional and inspirational holiday - Christmas of Christ. It has a lot of wondrous traditions, ringing carols, sweet candies and spiritual family gatherings. If you do not plan to meet with friends in "Post a year's" vacation, prepare for them in advance colorful postcards Happy New Year and Merry Christmas 2018. Traditions congratulate each other eternal and unshakable, do not be neglected by them and this time.

If you do not know where to look for bright and colorful postcards with good wishes for Christmas and New Year, browse our collection. Surely a pair of pictures will like.

A selection of the best greeting cards for Christmas and New Year 2018

Corporate postcards for congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2018

For the first time, New Year's postcards appeared in England in the nineteenth century, and in just a few years they spread the world. In that period, funny greeting cards began to print massively, as long as there was a huge demand. To congratulate the native personal postcard released from printing, was considered a huge luxury and particular chic. Try today to find a couple of scans of old New Year's leaflets and send to the staff to the holiday, accompanying pleasant lines with good wishes. Such an act will witness your delicate taste and careful attitude to world history. But if the searches are in vain, use our modern corporate cards for congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2018. Of course, they are not so original and exclusive, but no less pleasant.

Collection of corporate New Year cards (free download)

Vintage and retro postcards Happy New Year (with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden)

Breasure - sister of talent, and simplicity - sister genius! This principle is not bad in choosing ancient and retro cards for moms, dads, grandparents for the new year. There is no need to revise hundreds of thousands of bright images, motivating patterns, festive symbolism and loud inscriptions. It is better to stay on copies of vintage greeting cards with the main New Year characters - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Dozens of years such postcards brought lively joy to our parents, so let them become a pleasant memories of childhood. Choose and download free old and retro greeting cards Happy New Year (with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden) in the next section.

Collection of vintage and retro cards for congratulations on New Year's holidays

The most unusual postcards of the USSR Happy New Year 2018 Dogs

New Year's postcards of the USSR period is the most unusual and amazing. On festive cards, scarlet rowan strokes are shown on a background of bluish snow, bullfinches on trees in a silong forest, happy children around the Christmas tree, Bengali lights and cunning serpentine, chimes and a lot of snow. All this is a little naive, but very soulful. Especially those who grew up in the Union - our parents and elderly relatives. For them, the most unusual postcards of the USSR Happy New Year 2018 dogs - an excellent opportunity at least by MiG will return to childhood and youth and survive the pre-New Year minutes of happiness.

Collection of original New Year cards of the period of the USSR for congratulations on loved ones

Creative Postcards "Angels" Happy New Year 2018

In recent years, newly popular vintage or new creative New Year cards with angels have become newly popular. Willing pictures depicting cute angels carry a part of festive wonders and good magic. They somehow completely unstable instinct the recipient a genuine feeling of the pre-New Year trembling and joyful waiting for new life changes. Choose Creative Postcards "Angels" Happy New Year 2018 in our last section and please your children, nephews and gods on the eve of the most important from winter holidays.

A selection of creative New Year's postcards "Angels" for the new year 2018

Today, people do not write letters from hand, do not sign ancient paper postcard to the upcoming holidays. Neither children nor adults hurry no longer with calligraphic handwriting symbolic inscription "Congratulations!" On the back of the retro card with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And only half a century ago, such celebrations, as a new year, were not even presented without the most beautiful congratulatory leaflets and the best wishes from the soul. Fortunately, new and unusual comes to replace everything old. Now the young people download for free and send postcards with the New Year 2018 the Year of the dog with New Year's congratulations. But the cards of the USSR period even for the current connoisseurs remain especially valuable.

The arrival of the winter holiday is waiting with impatience and adults, and children. At this wonderful day, it is necessary to wish all close health and happiness, and this can be done not only personally, but also with the help of New Year's greeting cards since 2018 the dog. A good idea is to send warm words to email or through social networks, and it is better to send a card with the image of this animal by normal mail.

New Year's greeting cards: Year of Dogs

2018 is the East Moon Calendar Year of the Yellow Earth Dog. She takes the eleventh place in the Chinese zodiac, writes the C-IB portal. Dogs devotees, honest, loving, gentle and cautious animals. Due to the strong sense of devotion and great sincerity, they do everything for people who are important and meaningful to them.

Since the dogs cannot convey their thoughts and desires to man, they are considered somewhat stubborn. Born with a positive and friendly character, they never remove the caustic from their bonds with the owner, but they want only a peaceful and quiet life in loving their family.

They are always ready to help others and do not care about their interests, but if they were betrayed, they feel severe spiritual pain and shock. When the owner is configured pessimistic, then the animal is transmitted to this feeling, and they begin to be sad. Pots have strong health, as they are very active and love.

The Chinese New Year is celebrated from the end of January to February, so it is necessary to prepare the options for beautiful postcards to the new 2018 in advance.

People born in the year of the dog, as a rule, choose professions that are associated with the help of others. According to the Chinese horoscope, they are friendly, kind and always ready to come to the rescue, so they are valued at work, and in the family

Christmas greeting cards: postcard history

It all started in 1864, when the head of the post office in Germany introduced an open letter at the conference. But colleagues did not appreciate the progressive idea and rejected the proposal, calculating such a disadvantaged method for the then contemporaries.

But the thought was filed, and at the end of the 19th century artistic cards with artistic images appeared. This was facilitated by the walk of war between France and Prussia. Initially, fought soldiers themselves painted illustrations on paper, and then enterprising traders decided to print art cards that quickly bought among the valiant fighters.

Thus, they began to spread and won the sympathies of people in many European powers, and in 1878 the official bodies approved the postal card standard with a pattern on one side. The first political postcard with the image of the dragon, the extinguishing flame, and the map of the Turkish and Slavic lands was the Card of Serb Peter Manylovich, who had a bright Slavophilic character.

In Russia, the prototype of postcards consider the chest drawings, which were depicted happy family with a cash bag. Russian artists developed an idea and began to create Christmas pictures with congratulations, drawing beautiful winter landscapes with elegant churches and snow-covered christmas trees. Previously, the new year was not so popular, only Christmas was celebrated with a scope.

There are two versions of the authorship of a New Year's postcard in Russia, one of her painted Nikolai Corozin at the beginning of the 20th century, on the other - the St. Petersburg librarian Fyodor Bernshat in 1912. The style of postcards was of great importance. For congratulations on loved ones, they bought pictures with embossed and gilding, and for business contacts - strict and minimalist forms.

Graphics and design cards with pictures have passed a long way and continue to develop today. Now you can meet congratulations in the form of photos, electronic images, drawings with texty and 3D animation. You can buy a postcard with the upcoming New Year of the Dog 2018 with videos and even flash games. The choice is huge, it is only necessary to find the best by entering a request to the search engine.

Send unusual New Year's congratulations to colleagues, you can not only friends in postcards, but also beautiful pictures. They can be decorated with thematic inscriptions or verses. The thematic images will help to originally congratulate the coming new year or merry Christmas familiar images. For example, it may be pictures of Happy New Year 2018 with Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, dogs, candles. We picked up the best postcards and drawings that are suitable for the theme of New Year holidays. They can be complemented by personal wishes, congratulations in verses and prose.

Funny pictures Happy New Year 2018 Dogs - a selection of drawings

Funny drawings with New Year's topics are perfectly suitable for congratulating acquaintances and friends. We picked up the best pictures to the new 2018 with dogs, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.

Funny drawings and pictures to New 2018 Dogs

With the help of our selection of cool pictures, you can find unusual New Year's drawings. When sending to the recipient, it is recommended to complement personal wishes. Also, they can be sent with verses, prose.

The most beautiful pictures with the New Year 2018 Dogs - Examples of Original Images

Drawings with cozy houses decorated for the new year, candle compositions will help create a festive atmosphere. Choose such beautiful pictures to the new year 2018 the dog will help the next selection.

Examples of the most beautiful and original pictures for the holiday of the new 2018 Dogs

Exquisite and beautiful pictures from the following selection are ideal for sending to the new 2018. They will enjoy the addressee and be sure to raise them.

Congratulatory pictures Happy New Year and Merry Christmas - a selection of drawings

To congratulate close and relatives with the upcoming holidays, you can use different drawings. These can be pictures with snow-covered fields, cities or images of New Year characters. Find these pictures for congratulations close to the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas in our next selection.

Selection of pictures for the coming new year and Christmas with congratulations

Each of the drawings selected in this selection are perfectly suitable for congratulating acquaintances. Beautiful pictures are better sent on the eve of the upcoming holidays. In addition, they can be saved for subsequent sending to colleagues.

Unusual pictures with congratulations Happy New Year 2018 Dog Colleagues - a selection for download

Employees and subordinates for the New Year holiday are recommended to send original postcards. It may be unusual pictures with congratulations to the new 2018 of the dog. In the images selected by us, you can find bright composites with candles, balls and christmas trees.

Free selection of pictures with congratulations in honor of the new 2018 for colleagues

Among the pictures of the next selection, you can find a variety of images on the topic of the new year. You can simply save them to the computer.

Best Pictures Happy New Year 2018 Dogs - a selection of cool drawings

New Year's drawings should not necessarily be restrained. We picked up the best pictures to the new 2018 dogs with unusual and bright characters.

A selection of the best and fun pictures for the holiday of the new 2018 Dogs

Using our selection of the best New Year's pictures, it will not be difficult to cool your friends and friends. You can also send them to colleagues, relatives. Original drawings will help to give to loved people a great mood.

Stylish Happy New Year 2018 pictures for the year of dogs for organizations - a selection of postcards

Find out business partners Original greeting cards at all is easy. We made a convenient selection of pictures to the new 2018 of the dog, which is suitable for congratulating organizations.

A selection of stylish pictures for the new year of the dog 2018 for organizations

Our selection of congratulations in pictures is suitable for sending colleagues, partners and managers. Exquisite postcards will help beautifully express appreciation, attention and respect.

New Year cards with congratulations or thematic pictures without inscriptions are perfectly suitable for sending New Year's Eve. It can be compositions with candles, balls, images of dogs and other characters. We can simply save or download the whole. Free pictures are suitable for sending to colleagues, organizations. They can also be used to congratulate relatives, friends. The best and beautiful pictures of the New Year 2018 are recommended to complement the wishes in your own words or ready-made verses.

P. 1 of 3.

It is already very soon completed by the last month of the current year and a very little time remains before the start of the new era - the year of the yellow dog. To prepare in advance for this, in time to purchase or find images, postcards Happy New Year 2018 on the Internet, you should hurry, at the same time deciding with the choice of gifts for relatives and loved ones.

Under the merry fight of the chimes

The new year comes.

Old we almost forgot

Let him already go.

With lare of golden dog

We enter the dance:

Serpant ribbon are crowned

All walk and laugh.

Make a holiday need

Fun and friendly.

The dog - the symbol of 2018 is a friendly, charming creature, faithful to friends, but extremely irreconcilable and uncompromising in relation to their enemies. Therefore, congratulations on the New Year 2018 dogs must certainly be filled with positive, definitely - good intentions and coming from the heart sincerity. For example, be such:

My dear friends and colleagues! I have a hurry to congratulate you on the upcoming holidays - New Year and Merry Christmas. Yellow dog is distinguished by perseverance, benevolence and high self-dedication. Let our friendship continues and will be strengthened, they will be effective any ideas and projects, health is strengthened and finance continues. Happy New Year!

New Year's holiday is the brightest, bright and surprisingly joyful. Since the four-legged charming symbol of the upcoming year is distinguished by good-natured temper and persistence of interest, it is precisely such qualities that people who will succeed. The yellow dog will bring good luck and wealth to each house will fill with fun and positive offices, pavilions and playgrounds. At the table there must be many meat dishes, fish, sweets, and of course, tangerines - solar, bright orange and undoubtedly delicious.

That the table is covered with guests,

On the verge of a holiday

What a dog will bring

Santa Claus Pickhead?

Many delicious, raw bowls

Sandwiches and salads

Do not forget about cutting

About snacks and calamity -

So that everything is as necessary.

An excellent decoration of the room, apartments or office will be yellow balls and decor in such colors placed to taste the owners. Candles, garlands, placed on the walls of the New Year's Talisman. I. Of course, motto and expression for the holiday.

We put on a dog

Savings of their own

We wish all each other

Light, joy, love.

Yellow as a symbol of happiness

Takes bad weather from us

The house will bring prosperity.

This is a holiday New Year!

Wonderfully suitable as congratulations on the New Year 2018 thematic postcards with images of fun, playful, cute dogs. They can be added small, literally in 2-3 lines, joking signatures. The symbol of the new year is distinguished by a kind, duplicate temper, so good portion of humor will be quite by the way.

Hurry, rushing to visit us

Four-legged talisman

He is silent and crazy

Take it to your home!

Meet: I am a dog

Not butuz, not a clogging

I love friends,

Evil and souls do not tolerate.

I will bring you a success in the house

Lights, joy for all

And also - good with prosper

Jokes and cheerful laugh.

With friends at midnight

We will drive a dog waltz.

And maybe the tarantella

Under the violin or double bass.

The dogs are merry very temper,

And we all walking together,

A little rested and having haughtily

At the table in a hurry, where a lot of stones

Full drinks and seasonings.

No matter what legs you got up

Dance, have fun, let me not understand

Your manners and do not approve

Acts such either friends nor enemies.

There are no bad thoughts

And look at the dog:

Honesty zeni, and not a red word

Not that outside, but what inside

No betrayal than a dog, creating

I have to learn what:

Loyalty, hardness, point clarity

Not only manners or mind

In the New Year Circle

Snow sparkles and takes off

Exactly at midnight, under the chimes

Year of dog is coming

Serpentine shines on the Christmas tree

Brightly glow balls

Friend shaggy and tail

Generous carries gifts:

Loyalty, devotion, good luck

Hardness, fame and success

Fly to divide gifts -

Nowadays them for everyone.

Friends, let's notice the arrival of the new, 2018. His symbol is the four-legged, faithful friend, yellow dog. It is famous for its direct character, uncompromising, devotion. This animal has a calm and smooth character, it is distinguished by exceptional friendliness and sociability. The dog appreciates sincerity, sometimes even straightness, she is alien to intrigue and conspiracies. Let this pretty animal bring good luck and happiness to all of us, success and prosperity!

People and dogs together in life

Divide burdens, walk together

Man's legs are longer,

Pesk is in a hurry, catching it.

Good-natured dog

Different signs of the zodiac

Gives peace and happiness, -

Stars are subject to her.

All prosperity and good

Bring a tailed friend

Even if there are others

Old - better than new two.