Memo nursing mom: how to properly feed the newborn breast milk. Proper and full feeding of a newborn baby

So the nature is headed that for a long time after the birth of the child, he feeds on milk. It seems that everything seems simple, but in young mothers who are first faced with babies and their feeding, often arises many important issues that are sometimes ashamed to ask the doctor or a patronage sister.

Is young colostrum?

The first of your feeding will happen in the House of the Roadom 6-10 hours after delivery. It is believed that the earlier the newborn will start sucking the chest, the better for the most infant, and for mother lactation.

In breast glands, a colostrum begins shortly after delivery, which must be fed to feed the child. The volume is relatively small - it is not more than 30 ml, but the process of its creation in the mammary glands is continuous. Previously, the colostrum was considered empty, but as it turned out, on the contrary, the food is right, and brings great benefits to the baby.

This liquid contains bifidobacteria in large quantities, which, falling into the infant esophagus and passing through the entire system, after a while they settled in the bowel of the baby. Thus, when nutrition, the bridge is created by the microflora of the newborn, and the immune system begins to start. Do not be afraid that your baby in the first days will not be pumped up with a prayer: if you learn with a baby in the same chamber, then you have the opportunity and time to feed the baby often, at least every half an hour if he asks. Such applying to the chest will stimulate the production of prolactin - responsible for the production of hormone milk, and, therefore, only accelerates lactation and increase its volume. If you are toddler with the baby, the nurses will necessarily finish it with a mixture.

When does breast milk appear?

Two or three days after childbirth, the first allocations from the chest will change, milk will come to replace the collapse. Properly continue to feed the newborn as possible, so you will train his sucking skills and stimulate your own lactation. Carefully feel your breasts: at the first signs of painful cones inside, massaging, rub and join. Feel free to ask for advice and help from medical personnel. They will tell and show how to keep the baby correctly, how often it is necessary to feed it in the first days.

How to feed the newborn baby?

Often babies, requiring to eat, so fond of crying that they do not notice the fact that mom has long been trying to feed it, and do not take the chest. Any newborn is developed a sucking reflex, so in order for it to eat, you just have enough child lips with your neighbor. Rotik will immediately turn into, and you can begin feeding the baby.

Be sure to follow that in the process your chest does not interfere with breathing baby. In the mouth, the baby should be a nipple, and a part of the halo, if it is not so - neatly "fuel" the missing parts inside.

If you have a little milk in the first days, and the baby attempted and asks for more - feed the newborn from another breast. Completely observe the order of "power sources" and, before offering the second milk gland, make sure that everything is very sudden from the first.

If for some reason you did not come milk, do not try to try, let the baby tries and sucks as much as it can, until he pays, - then suggest it a mixture of a bottle. If you often stimulate nipples - it may eventually start the natural lactation mechanism.

How often do you need to feed the newborn?

A standard break between newborns in newborns is 3 hours. It is absolutely necessary to strictly stick to this time and torturing a crying child with the expectation of the "Iks hour". Modern pediatricians believe that optimal and for a newborn, and for mom is feeding on demand. You give your child the chest when he asks to eat, but before making sure that the cause of crying was not colic and not discomfort. Also, the baby can hit, if he is lonely, and he just wants maternal heat. When the baby creates, you must determine what he behaves like this - check the diaper, stroke the tummy and hug. If the baby continues to cry - offer him the chest. Such checks you will often arrange in the first days, then all moms on the timbre of crying can correctly determine the cause of whims.

The newborn will wake up at night in order to eat. About how to feed it right - to solve you. Some moms put baby next to them and fall asleep together. Others are afraid to crush the child in a dream and, feeding, put it back into the crib, while losing the precious night time for sleep.

Do I need to dope with a child with water?

It is believed that Mom's milk is quite enough to replenish the liquid needs of the infant. But in practice, everything is not so perfect. The organism of the newborn spends water to develop urine and saliva, on softening the chair, to moisturizing breathing, etc. Such liquid losses are considered physiological and are completely covered by the amount of water, which comes by means of maternal milk.

But there are situations where moisture is missing. For example, in the heating season, the air becomes too dry, or the intestines of the baby will fail in the work and the diarrhea will begin, or the baby can be hot, it will sweat, - in all these cases there is a light dehydration of the body. You need to look closely to the baby and dope it to replenish the fluid, to do it correctly with the help of conventional mineral water.

What poses are convenient for feeding?

The most important factor when choosing a feeding posture is convenience. This process should take pleasure and mom, and baby. There are two optimal positions when feeding:

  • many mothers celebrate the ease of feeding lying. So my mother rests, and the baby is calmly lying, and both breasts are in the zone of his access. If the baby is inconvenient to get to the upper breast - you can put under the newborn pillow. Be sure to make sure that the milk iron does not cover the nose of the child and did not interfere with it to breathe correctly.
  • in the sitting position you can quickly respond if the baby wants to jump. The newborn head is on my mother's forearm, and it can adjust its position to the hands.

What products are banned for a nursing mother?

It is known that a nursing mother needs to stick with a rather strict diet. After all, from now on, all that she eats, goes to the child. The body of the kid is still weak and reacts to everything, therefore, many familiar products should be expelled from the diet.

The older generation confidently declares that young mothers need to be excluded from the diet, everything is red to prevent the manifestation of allergies in the infant. Indeed, nursing mothers are forbidden to eat tomatoes, red apples, pomegranates and berries - cherry, strawberries, strawberries and grapes. Caution should be used sweet and honey. All these products can cause a negative reaction not only in Chad, but also at a hormonally unstable mother. At first, the newborn is almost constantly suffering from colic due to the faded work of the intestine, so the mother should be excluded from its dietary products with a gas formation effect: cabbage, radishes and legumes.

To ensure sufficient lactation, nursing mothers recommended abundant drinking. Young mother should be eaten by dairy products, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, cheeses and cottage cheese. Fruits can be equipped with any - but not citrus, not red and not grapes. From vegetables - avoid tomatoes and cabbage.

It is important as often as possible and continuously resting and less nervous, because due to fatigue or experiences, milk generation may decrease, and with strong stress and stop at all.

Do I need to make?

Chairing will need you in the following cases:

  1. if you are not together with the baby (for example, it was placed in a hospital) or take medicines, but you need to maintain lactation;
  2. if you are forced to leave during the day (for work or business), and one of the relatives may feed the baby with your milk from the bottle;
  3. if the newborn does not eat all the milk, - in order to avoid stoles and inflammation, it is necessary to join and smooth, knead all the bumps and nodules in the chest.

Keep the "harmful" milk - with antibiotics or other medicines - no need, begging, it is poured. Good milk can be frozen, for this there are special sterile packages. It can be stored for long, no nutritional properties will not lose. Defrote it correctly at room temperature and warm in a water bath. Store empty milk just in the refrigerator more inexpedient, because in this case everything is disappeared from it.

To what age is optimally feeding the baby breast?

As a rule, the baby becomes not enough for the six-month age that it gets from milk. The newborn is often actively moving, in addition, the intestine of the child is almost ready for digesting new types of food. In breast milk, in the meantime, it becomes more and less nutrients than it was in the first days.

Pediatricians are recommended from age 5-6 months to start smoothly enter the lore. The doctor, based on his observations for the development of a baby, recommends that you, what exactly to start - with vegetables, fruits or porridge. So, gradually introducing new products into a diet of the child and replacing them with whole feeding, you will take a kid to the abandonment of breast milk.

The nutrition of the infant is significantly different from adult food intakes for different indicators: actually a meal, its number, frequency of receptions. How to feed the newborn - this question is important to find out because how successfully "start" in the race called "breastfeeding" will depend on how long the mother will be able to feed the best food - breast milk.

How does lactation appear or why no milk

We are uniquely created: the body of the future mother long before childbirth begins to tune in breastfeeding (GW), because this is the same natural process as tooling the fetus embedded in the woman at the DNA level.

Immediately after birth, the formation of lactation begins with the development of a colostrum. Despite his small amount (about 30 ml), it is highly calorie, rich in immune bodies and a full protein, so it is quite enough for a child in the first days of life. In addition, the colostrum has a soft laxative effect, which facilitates the exit of the original feces of meconium.

The colostrum helps to adapt the newborn to a new method of nutrition, thanks to this period, he needs to spend less forces for sucking, which is a bit of the first time, after all, Mom, and the crumb rest after childbirth.

Also within 2-3 days, the mother has the opportunity to learn the technique of attaching a child to the chest, and this is one of the most important secrets of successful lactation.

About Pose and Application Technique

Before starting breastfeeding a newborn, take a comfortable position. Every woman has its own, the main thing is to be comfortable and you, and the young.

It is good to learn 2-3 postures, for example, the "cradle" pose, when the baby is on her mother's hands with the tummy to her, lying on the elbow bending. It is important to learn to feed in the position "Lying: on hand, from hand, from the upper chest." Many women note that it is convenient to enjoy a special pillow for feeding, which reduces the load on hand.

Some convenient postures and an example of the proper seizure of the nipple

Proper feeding implies the correct seizure of the nipple. It looks like this:

  • the baby captures the nipple widely open mouth together with the halo, while the lower lip of the child turns outwardly;
  • nose is pressed tightly to the chest, but it remains to breathe normally;
  • in the process of sucking, no smacks and other sounds, except for swallowing, should not be;
  • it should be nice to feed the newborn if you are discomfort, it means that something is wrong.

How to be if the cracks of nipples appeared

Due to improper applying, cracks can be formed by the near region. They need to be treated, because, firstly, this is an open gate for infection, often leading to the Master, secondly, to feed because of pain becomes practically unbearable. At the time of treatment, you can use special silicone overlays and lubricate a bust of 5% syntomicin emulsion.

Third day - milk ordered?

Upon the onset of third day, the chest is noticeably poured - the so-called transitional milk arrives, which in a couple of weeks will change to a full one in a couple of weeks. Now the interesting process begins, which can be understood if you can remember physiology.

On the influence of hormones on the tides of milk

For lactation, prolactin and oxytocin hormones are responsible. The latter stands out directly during sucking, due to which the reflex reduction of the octopic cells occurs and the milk begins to flow. The role of prolactin is different. During sucking in the brain, more precisely, the ledge is sent to the existing need for the future. In other words, under the influence of prolactin, the brain analyzes how much milk must be developed in the following times.

From this it follows an important conclusion: during the lactation formation it is necessary to apply a baby to the chest more often, even if it seems that it is "empty."

From the side it may look like a mockery of a baby, relatives can tell about the need to recover with mixtures. Do not panic. If the cub was born with normal weight, without pathologies, 3 days for debugging milk will not bring him harm, and this time, as a rule, is enough for the brain to give a team to increase lactation. About when you need to enter the discounts, we will talk a little later.

Feeding mode

How often feed the newborn? There are two styles of breastfeeding:

  1. On demand. His essence is that, as soon as Karapuz begins to cry, stating his feeling of hunger, Mom "hurries to the rescue."
  2. By hours. In this case, from one feeding to another will be waited for 3 hours, catching the child to the regime.

We must admit that often the nature of the Karapus is influenced by the process of eating the food, because not every mother will endure half an hour of screams, and it is not worth it to annoy the crumb to such an extent. The same can be said about the duration of one feeding: it can last up to 30-40 minutes, it seems that the newborn "hangs" on the chest, but for the first meals of food it is absolutely normal.

Feeding on demand seems to be the most reasonable option in the first two to three weeks, when both participants in the process adapt to each other. Next - how it turns out. But after how many hours? Popular free feeding style, in which the baby is fed upon request, but not earlier than 2 hours from the last meal.

Do I need to make?

In the case when you have chosen the option on demand, there is no need for a chant - a child and so will empty everything to the last drop. However, there are situations in which you need to help free from milk:

Breast pump makes it easier to push

  1. If, for various reasons, the mother is separated from the baby in the first weeks of life (the premature babe is placed in the hospital), but there is a desire to save GW.
  2. If the baby poins, and you feel that the stocks of breast milk are not exhausted.
  3. If the mother leaves a child with someone from relatives, and herself goes to work, study, but at the same time it wishes to continue GW. In such a case, the "food product" is stored in a frozen form in a clean container. Do not worry about freezing and defrosting - it does not affect the composition and taste of the milk.

How old to continue GW? It is believed that the first six months of life, the baby especially needs breast milk. Further development of events depends on the desire of mom and family needs. Some feed up to the year, others - up to one and a half years and more.

Is there milk enough?

How to understand, a baby nailed or not? There are several signs that everything is in order:

  • kroch fell asleep from Sisi or let you go;
  • normal weight gain and growth;
  • he sleeps well, in the period of wakefulness is active;
  • the kid pisses a lot.

A few words about hygiene

Before starting "feeding" you need to wash your hands with soap. The bust at the same time washing every time there is no need, enough adoption of the hygienic soul without soaps once a day.

Special bra - the desired thing for a nursing mother

It is recommended to buy a special bra, not squeezing the chest. Such models are detached cups for a more convenient attachment of the baby. Consider that clothing as a whole should provide quick access to "dairy kitchen". For example, for a walk, my mother is not in every dress can feed the crumb.

How to go to mixed feeding?

The crumb gains both milk and an artificial mixture. This process in medicine is called discounts and it happens for various reasons:

  • nursing woman need to go to work;
  • there is a need for drug adoption, contraindicated with GW;
  • shortness of milk;
  • selfless weight in the newborn.

A competent transition to mixed food implies the calculation of the missing food volume, which will help to make a pediatrician in a children's clinic. In addition, it must be appropriate, that is, you fall under the situations described above, and the doctor recommends that you feed the baby.

About that, and not get lost in their assortment, you can read the article on our website.

It is worth mentioning the fact that when a mixed nutrition is given to a baby from a bottle, a small problem arises: the baby very quickly understands that sucking from the bottle is much more easier than to produce a heavy work of milk, so caprizis is possible near the Sisi that you need to survive. For this reason, you need to remember the basic rules:

  • first, the newborn is applied to the chest, and only after its emptying gives a designed portion of the mixture;
  • it is better to feed from the spoon, but if this fails, the hole in the bottle nipple should not be too wide, it is desirable to have a nipple with an anticolique valve.

Recuses from the bottle sometimes creates difficulties for further GW

About night feeding

The benefit from GW at night, especially in the morning, has long been proven, so it is not necessary to refuse night-to-nights. Another thing is how often it happens. It happens that the kid confuses the day with the night and the whole family is very worn with him.

It will help to solve such a problem later swimming and feeding for the night a little later than usual: our goal is to be tired and hung up. Cool fresh air also contributes to a good sleep. Ideally, feed at night once, gradually, closer to the year, refusing such a midnight meal.

Problems related to gv and ways to solve them

The child does not sleep after feeding

Often kids fall asleep right in the chest, but there are exceptions. What if the baby does not sleep after feeding? Perhaps your baby has already just gone and become in principle to sleep less. But sometimes he is waiting for additional assurances in love and affection: pondle it in his arms, spoil the lullaby if the crib or stroller provides for a mission mechanism, use it.

Exciration is what you need to wait before going to bed.
If the newborn is swallowed by air, it will be uncomfortable to sleep, as gas bubbles are put on the walls of the stomach. Hold the baby vertically, as they speak in the people, the "Stage" until the belching will not know itself, and then lay the baby to sleep.

Kid crying his chest

If you gave the baby breasts, and when attempting sucking with tears, it means that something bothers him. Below are the reasons why the kid is crying during feeding:

  1. Sour tummy. About this pain tell the legs to the tummy. To avoid a similar situation, your mother should stick to the diet, not to use products that increase gas formation. The baby makes massage with warm hands, give anticolone preparations based on Simeticon.
  2. The problem in ear pain. When otitis, swallowing movements cause pain in the ears. If, besides crying, an increased temperature is observed and when pressed on the gone, the scaffolding is enhanced, it is necessary to urgently seek the doctor.
  3. Headache . If there are neurological disorders, the headache can be one of the symptoms. Complete the neuropathologist.
  4. Air capture, as mentioned earlier, brings discomfort. The problem is solved simply - a few minutes of the baby are kept vertically until it breaks off the air.
  5. Milk changed the taste. The taste quality of milk depend on the mother's addictions in food. Karapecuz may not like that his usually sweet food suddenly acquired a sharp taste. Conclusion: Monitor your power.
  6. The mucous mouth is inflamed. Thrush, laryngitis, pharyngitis - with all these diseases, the child hurts to swallow. Treatment begins as early as possible.

If Krocha ikata

And what about when the baby starts after feeding the baby begins? Mostly, the causes of such a phenomenon are physiological, and some of them we have already discussed:

  • air caught during meal;
  • overeating;
  • supercooling;
  • due to the large stream of Milk, the baby is given to them.

All these reasons are easily eliminated: Do not throw the child, let's get out the air, let him drink. And only in rare cases of the ICTO may indicate the problems of a neurological nature.

These are just some tips on breastfeeding. This topic can be discussed infinitely, as it is in demand, because what mother would not want to give his precious chad the best, especially when it comes to breast milk.

In this article:

The question of feeding newborn children is worried about many pregnant girls and newly-made mothers. Women should know how to feed the newborn baby correctly and not harm him.

Pediatricians from the World Health Organization are united that baby food for newborns should consist only of maternal milk. Nature took care of children and endowed each mom the opportunity to give her baby with useful and nutritious food, which fills the body with all the necessary vitamins.

After the child's birth, Mom can have various unexpected situations when breastfeeding will be impossible. In this case, it is necessary to correctly pick up a specially adapted mixture for crumbs. Experts advise to buy and choose a breast milk substitute based on individual features and crumb preferences.

Breastfeeding is not only physiological food, one can say that this is a responsible and pleasant moment when each other, the closest people are most closely communicated. For women, the feeding time of newborns will remain in memory for a long time and will be a warm memoir. In these lucky minutes, there is some kind of the origin of maternal love, tenderness, warmth, which is so important for small crumbs.

The procedure for feeding a newborn baby

To find out how to feed the newborn baby correctly, you need to listen to the doctors who teach these skills to young mothers. The whole process of feeding the infants should be comfortable and comfortable to it should be treated with warm feelings and positive emotions.

After the birth of a baby, if there is such an opportunity, then the first feeding of a breast child must be carried out in the maternity hospital in the first minutes of his life. Perhaps the kid will not immediately want to eat, but the immediate process of applying to the chest will deliver a lot of positive and pleasant emotions.

Today in many maternity homes, a joint stay of a child with a mother is widely practiced. If there are no contraindications, then the baby is with my mother, from the first minutes of life, rarely when you bring baby mom for 2 days. Therefore, during your stay in the walls of the maternity hospital, you can learn and find out how to breastly breast milk. The first meal of crumbs will be difficult and many moms experience that their favorite kids eat small portions. But it is not necessary to worry in advance, because then the baby necessarily buses the missing number.

Newly-made mothers should experience more and worry about comfortable poses for breast feeding, because they depends on how fully, the baby herself.

Fife feeding breasts

Pediatricians from the World Health Organization could not come to a common opinion and determine the optimal nutritional of the newborn baby. Some were clearly confident that it is necessary to give the chest in a strictly defined hour. Another part came to the conclusion that children need to be fed upon request. If you look from the point of view of your mother, it will be convenient for it to feed your crumb on the regime, for example, every 2nd - 3 hours. But for a child, it is better if the mother will feed him on his physiological needs.

If we talk about adults, then when compliance with the regime can go to the kitchen and make a small snack when hunger feel. Therefore, why torment the baby and feed it strictly according to the regime, if its body requires another. Each person has its own individual needs and features, it concerns newborn children. As practice shows, some of the children loves for a long time, and slowly sucking maternal milk, and others prefer to eat quickly.

The feeding mode of the breast child will be changed, because every month it will develop and only closer to the year the mode is more or less improves. In most cases, young mothers experience that their favorite kids do not receive the required amount of milk. But among the doctors there is no consensus, how much the newborn baby should eat. The nutrition of the breast is at an intuitive level.

Nutrition for newborn children

Sometimes such cases occur when mom can dramatically disappear breast milk, so it is worth thinking about buying a special adapted mixture. Of course, the best baby food for newborn children is Mamino Milk, but it is not always possible to breastfeed. Doctors determined for themselves the only scheme and formula for calculating the required amount of food of newborn crumbs.

The daily rate of the adapted mixture is calculated in this way: the number of days of the child's life is multiplied by 70.

This indicator can be used if the birth weight was less than 3kg 200g. If the weight of the child at birth was more than 3kg 200g., The number of days the child's lived days should be multiplied by 80.

The resulting digit must be divided into an approximate amount of feedings per day and the end of the result will be the volume of milk, which should eat for one feeding of a newborn.

But such calculations should not blindly trust and consider that this is the only correct formula, because each little man is individuality. And the daily rate is selected in a strictly individual order. The above formula is excellent for determining the required amount of the finished mixture. Many well-known manufacturers indicate boxes or banks with baby food. Approximate menu and feeding volumes.

Each mother must remember that if her child feeds on an artificial mixture, then it does not suit the "on demand" mode. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the day mode. Newborn Curls should be fed from a special bottle at least one - 2 times in three hours.

Does water need for a newborn?

This question today concerns many young mammies. Children's pediatricians did not come together in the only opinion and each offers their own option, solutions in such a difficult question. But as statistics shows, yet most of the doctors believe that the newborn baby and the artificial is not necessary to additionally dope with a driver.

For crumbs, which is powered by breast maternal milk, quite sufficient nutrients, and it does not need fluid. If there is a stuffy and hot summer on the street, you need to drink it a little. But it is not worth it to abuse. After all, the amount of milk produced by the mother is directly dependent on the frequency of applying the breast child. And the additional fluid will occupy a lot of space in the stomach, which was intended initially for milk.

Food baby for months

Each mother wants her baby to grow strong, healthy and smart. The main source of excellent health is the right and full nutrition. Young parents must be taken care of the optimal diet, in order to find the best feeding option for a newborn baby.

Even before the birth of a child, future mothers ask for planned receptions from a doctor, "What nutrition is better for newborns?" Often get such an answer that in addition to breast milk there should be no additional liquids, such as children's tea and water. In the first days after childbirth, a young mother appears a small amount of colostrum, which is considered very useful for the normalization of the intestine and the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. Mamino Mosno is able to protect just born crumbling from a variety of infections and develop immunity.

In such a difficult and at the same time, the joyful period, each mother is obliged to pay all his attention to the organization and planning of the correct nutrition of the baby. It is necessary to take into account the needs of the child and feed it on the first requirement. The more mom will apply his baby to his chest, the more milk will be produced. Important is the timely feeding of newborns at night.

Breastfeeding in 2 months is practically no different from the previous mode. Two month old kid should drink breast milk. Very often, moms begin to unreasonably worry that their crocha is not very fat or milk in 2 months. To dispel all fears and experiences on this issue, it is necessary to carry out an experiment and analyze wet diapers.

Moms, nursing baby breasts, must stick to the diet and not allow themselves too much. While the baby is 2 months old, mom can not be eaten sharp, pepped, greasy, red and many other products. Food should be abandoned, which is not good can affect the overall health of a 2 month old child.

As in 2 months, 3 months of life, the baby does not change the mode and remains the same. Most often, women may have a lactation crisis during this period. Almost half of moms makes an incorrect solution and translates its 2 - 3 month old kids on artificial or mixed food. But there is a way out of such a situation. It is necessary to apply the infant to the chest as often as possible and over time, any lactation crisis will pass.

The power mode in 4 months begins with some changes. If the mother sees that her child is ready for innovations in nutrition, it is possible to occasionally give a few drops of pure or diluted apple juice.

Pediatricians and doctors from the World Health Organization recommend using green apple juice or pear. No other products and fruits can be administered at that age. If the baby has problems with a chair, allergic rashes, then stand for some time to stand up with the beginning of the dust.

At the age of 5 months, some mothers want to start to feed the kid with food from a common table, justifying this by the fact that it will grow faster. But such an approval is erroneous and completely incorrect. On the next inspection in the doctor's office, each mother should consult about the introduction of the dust. Today, doctors from the World Health Organization are not recommended to begin to introduce babies to the babies up to 6 months. If a children's pediatrician did not reveal problems in the development, disorders of the digestive tract and allowed to gradually introduce new foods to meals, then at the first stage it can be fruit juices or a finely discovered puree of a homogeneous consistency.

When the new product is first introduced into the diet, it is impossible to close the cloth and for the reaction of its body. If there are no problems, it means that such adhesion can safely offer him for lunch.

After 6 months, all the recommendations and rules for the introduction of the attachment should appoint only the attending physician. He will advise in detail and informatively for all sorts of questions. Each mother, independently familiarize himself with the existing tables of proximations in the office of the pediatrician, ask questions and immediately get answers on them.

Each new product introduced into the diet should be given in the minimum dosage. After the adaptation period, the norm, gradually can be increased. Children's stomach and intestinal tract will fully formed and strengthen only to a year. Therefore, it should be carefully referring to baby food and follow the number of food eaten. After six months, you can gradually introduce various kasya and cereals. Some moms make a decision to buy them in pharmacies. It is certainly comfortable and fast, but do not forget that the cooked food will always be more useful to the instant porridge.

To please the little crumb to take a buckwheat or rice barbell and grind it into flour. Only after this process it can be transferred to thermal processing. The same applies to fruit and vegetable puree. They can be prepared at home from fresh products.

Many pediatricians and doctors of children's clinic recommended Mothers and relatives of the crumbs do not experiment with conformity and do not engage in amateur. The children's body will not tolerate various experiments and at any time can fail. Long-term treatment and restoration of the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract still did not benefit anyone.

How to understand that baby is enough breast milk?

When the baby eats from the bottle, moms can control the process of food eaten by the amount of milk. But what to do when the child is breastfeeding? To determine if the child is fed, it is worth paying attention to such moments:

  1. You can calculate the number of wet diapers or diapers. It is best to use diapers, because they will most objectively show the result. A child who eats enough breast milk should go to a small about 8 times per day, and even more, if less than 2 times, you should be alarming.
  2. Mother must carefully examine the child's chair. The norm is considered a grainy homogeneous structure of yellow.
  3. The green chair in little crumbs can speak to parents that lactose failure occurs in the body. In this case, it is necessary to seek help from your pediatrician.
  4. Make the analysis of the behavior of the crumbs during feeding. After meals, the child must behave calmly, to give the chest itself or even fall asleep. This feature speaks directly about satiety and full satisfaction. If the baby is capricious and very often requires breasts, it does not eat. With such a question, you need to seek advice from breastfeeding professionals.

Useful video about how to determine whether the child has enough milk

If it happened so that the baby became an artificial and was for some reason devoid of breast milk, the parents should be taken to this with full responsibility. First, you need to familiarize yourself with the approximate daily nutrition, the necessary children of different ages. Secondly, they will have to focus on a certain schedule of food reception by the hour. Thirdly, there are rules how to feed the newborn mixture: they must be adhered to and try not to move away from them.

All this will help the crumb faster to adapt to the new world around the world, to develop normally and grow energetic and healthy.

If it happened so that the newborn needs to be fed a mixture, it is necessary to choose it to correctly. The modern baby food market offers a wide variety of options: highly or partially adapted, dairy and unpleasant, antirefluxus and gluten-free, liquid and dry. Having examined the ratings and reviews (reviews, types and ratings of the best mixtures for newborns find c), consulted with a pediatrician, parents pick one of the most optimal options.

After the desired powder (or emulsion) is purchased, one of the main tasks does not overlap the child or vice versa - do not leave it hungry. And here there is a large help of the table "Daily norms of the mixture".

Since there are several parameters in the table, consider each of them in more detail.

  • Age

Despite the fact that our task is to feed the newborn with a mixture (which, by definition, should be from 0 to 1 month), the table shows data and for later age. So parents will be able to compare the indicators and focus on them in the future, as crumbs grow up.

  • Quantity of the mixture for 1 feeding

These indicators have a fairly wide range of scope, as you can see the numbers of the first line. So how much to give a mixture? 20 ml or 60? This indicator will depend on what graphics mom will feed the newborn. If 7 times, according to the recommendations of pediatricians, then the figure will be one. If on the first requirement (the so-called free artificial feeding) - the number of food receptions will be greater, and the doses are less.

  • The amount of mixture per day

There is no longer such a wide range. And if the numbers from the second column are easily adjusted depending on how often you feed the newborn mixture, then as a result, you still have to get indicators from the third column - orient to them.

Although they depend on the weight and state of health of the newborn. If he is premature, has some pathology, in any case it does not eat a lot. But if a bogatyr with short-sighted health and large weight appeared on the light, it will be required more than a mixture. But this difference is taken into account in another, more convenient, from the point of view of many parents, the table.

There are various ways to calculate how much the mixture you must feed your newborn, based on its individual indicators (in particular, weighs). You can take advantage of these formulas. They will give more accurate numbers. As soon as you decide with the power volume, you will need to make a chart of feeding.

Helpful advice. Most often, all these tables and formulas turn out to be unnecessary parents for one simple reason. Most artificial mixtures for newborns contain detailed instructions, how much powder in which amount of water is to breed 1 time. In some manufacturers, this information is contained on the box, others - directly on the measuring bottle, which is part of the mixtures.


Immediately decide how you feed the newborn mixture - in time or on demand.

In the first case, a certain schedule will be developed, which will organically fit into the day mode. It is convenient, will allow mom to do homemade business at intervals, teach the baby and his stomach to order.

On the other hand, many pediatricians say that it is much more useful to feed the crumb to his first requirement, in accordance with the natural urges of its body. However, there is a risk of overpricing and further obesity.

This dilemma needs to be solved by parents independently or listening to the opinion of the precinct pediatrician. If the schedule is selected by the hour, you can use the following table.

This is an indicative schedule for artificial feeding newborn by the hour, which can be corrected at its discretion, taking into account the regime of the day and individual characteristics of each family separately.

Age from 1 to 5 months is given for comparison and for convenience: after all, then it will be easy enough to stretch the intervals between food receivers, if you immediately teach the child to eat in time, and not on demand. So choose the scheme and it's time to learn how to prepare the mixture correctly.

You need to know. To date, the World Health Organization (one of the most competent authorities in medicine and pediatrics) recommends young parents to abandon strict charts by the clock in favor of feeding at the request of the newborn.

Cooking process

The well-being of the newborn, which is on artificial feeding, will most directly depend on how much the mother will prepare a mixture.

For all such products, a detailed instruction is attached, which should be carefully studied, and all its items are strictly implemented. Among them, several general moments can be distinguished.

  1. To breed a dry mixture, use bottled water, which can not be boiled to save all its beneficial properties.
  2. Water from under the tap is boiling necessarily.
  3. Meet the dosage indicated in the instructions for the mixture. Many powder and lack of water will cause dyspeptic disorders. Too small amount of dry base and plenty of water is a guarantee that the newborn will be capricious and ask to eat no time.
  4. Divide the mixture immediately in a bottle.
  5. First, water is poured, pre-adjusted to 50 ° C. If its temperature is higher than this indicator, it will destroy the beneficial bacteria of the mixture.
  6. After falling asleep powder in a bottle, shake it, as it should not be lumps.
  7. Before feeding the newborn, check the mixture temperature again: it should not exceed 37 ° C.
  8. The width of the hole in the nipple should force the newborn to apply certain efforts to complete the mixture of the bottle.

The process of preparing the mixture is one of the main steps of feeding. From the correctness of it will depend on how satisfaction will be a baby in food, whether it will be saturated fully, as well as his health and further physical development.

As soon as you master the basics of cooking for such bass, you will have to go through small "courses" to learn them correctly feed.

Lifehak. To determine the temperature of the finished mixture for a newborn, drip out of a bottle of a little dairy fluid on your wrist. If the skin does not feel anything - you can feed your hero. If she tries a hot or cold touch - food will have to cool or warm up.

Feeding process

A very important moment for all young mothers - to learn how to properly feed the newborn mixture, because the technique of this process is significantly different from the one that is used for infants.

The faster it will master it, the smaller the problems with food and further development will arise. Several useful tips will help it.

The position of the newborn

  1. It should not lie on the back, as the mixture will flow from the bottle itself. Because of this, the child may choke or suppress. Reflex sucking will also be formed incorrectly.
  2. The head should be slightly higher than the body, on bending bent in the elbow of her mother's hand.
  3. The head and spine of the newborn should form direct.
  4. The position of the baby during feeding the mixture should be the same as in the breast.

Equipment feeding

  1. It is impossible to give newborns to grab my pacifier lips entirely. Proper position: In his mouth, he should only have her oblong part, but on a round - lying lips.
  2. Make sure that the oblong part of the nipple is constantly filled with a mixture. So the newborn will not get the air, and then suffer from colic.
  3. Do not rush the child while feeding. He himself knows the pace in which he is comfortable to suck. Do not shake a bottle, do not shine on it and try to not show your impatience yourself.
  4. If the newborn refuses to eat, do not force him to eat everything up to drop. If the dose is less than usual, look at: perhaps he feels bad. In this case, consult a pediatrician.
  5. After feeding, praise a light baby on the back - it will force it to jump into the air, swallowed during sucking.


  1. Want to learn how to feed the child with a mixture? Then you must make small breaks directly during meals.
  2. The fact is that when sucking, the baby still swallows the air, which creates a false sense of saturation. To get rid of it, you need small stops. They allow a newborn to jump, that is, to free themselves from the air, and again feel that he has not yet been flooded.
  3. As soon as the crumb will be removed from the bottle, hold it in a half-propical or vertical position of the column and wait for joining.
  4. With the same purpose, you can put it with the tummy - to my shoulder, and the handles are on your back.
  5. Another way to get rid of swallowed air is a lightweight backrest massage, gentle pats on the pope.
  6. If you put it on the knees with tummy down - the result will be the same.
  7. Practice different ways and choose the technique that will allow you to quickly reach the desired effect.
  8. At the same time, do not forget to protect your and his clothes from shinking.
  9. If the break does not make and not wait for jerking, the swallowed air will provoke colic and gazi.

Communication Mom and Baby

  1. Very often in women who do not feed their kids breasts, there is a feeling of guilt, as it is believed that in the baby with their moms, an emotional connection is much closer. However, with artificials, it can be established just during the feeding process.
  2. During food gently press the baby to himself.
  3. Talk to him: call it affectionate names, try to pass through your voice all your love and tenderness.
  4. Stroking the newborn during feeding - this will create a close body contact, which is not enough artificial.
  5. One of the advantages of food mixtures call the interaction of a newborn with other relatives, in particular - with dad, which can also take it with a mixture of a bottle. However, for the establishment of emotional communications with Mom, it is she who must feed the crumb throughout the first month of life.

Such is the technique of feeding newborns with a mixture. If you learn how to perform it correctly, it will avoid many unpleasant moments that are considered to be lack of artificial nutrition.

Adapted food is as close as possible in the composition of breast milk. Emotional communication and close bodily contact can also be achieved. So there should be no problems. A few more useful tips on top will allow dispel the last doubts.

Little nuance. During the break in the midst of feeding with a mixture, when you will help the child to jump into the swallowed air, you should not put it on the knees with the tummy down, although this method exists and is applied in practice. Yes, the air will be released, but also the pressure rendered in this position to the digestive tract of crumbs may cause violations in its work.


Following all the following advice, you can quickly learn how to properly feed the newborn mixture of the bottle. If there are some doubts, you can always consult with your doctor or look into the list of general recommendations.

  1. Do not leave the newborn alone with a bottle.
  2. Periodically change the nipple - as it is deformed and wear out.
  3. Watch out for the shelf life of the mixture.
  4. Do not feed the child in the depressed or irritable state. First you need to relax and calm down. Newborn very thinly feel the mood of their mother. You will strain - the baby will also worry.
  5. Do not feed the baby if he screams or crying so that he does not favor. Try to reassure it first.
  6. Keep in mind that the mixture is harder and longer is digested by the stomach of the child than breast milk. Therefore, the intervals between feedings should be at least 3 hours.
  7. The bottle and nipple are disinfected for each meal.
  8. It is impossible to leave an unselected mixture until the next time.

All these nuances, how to feed the newborn mixture are very important for its further development and health. If you do everything according to the recommendations of specialists, relying on the individual advice of the pediatrician, no problems will arise.

Do not even worry that your crumb is devoid of breast milk. Modern baby food is adapted to the forming gastrointestinal tract of a small organism and contains a large number of useful and nutrients needed to him for normal development. Cake the child is correctly qualitative, - and he will delight you with his strong health and irrepressible energy.

The need for feeding may occur immediately after birth or after some time after delivery. In the first days in the breast, a browse is formed. Three days later, the browse in the chest gave birth to the woman is replaced by milk. It sticks to breast glands, women's chest begins to "break" from the arrived milk.

If not to join, then after a few feedings, its quantity will come to normal, and will correspond to the needs of the child.

During the tide of milk, a woman has painful sensations, so I want to give a child a breast more often to release the pierced chest. Since the newborn sleeps a lot, the question arises, how to wake a newborn for feeding.

We give a few tips, how can I do this:

  • Give your chest sleeping child. If after feeding passed an hour and a half, then the baby can start sucking without waking up.
  • You can make a massage of palms and a stop kid. Massive touches stimulate the activity of the brain, strengthen the blood flow and lead to awakening.
  • Enable music - First quietly and after starting to strengthen its sounds. It is impossible to include a musical background sharply. It will frighten the baby and cause a sharp cry. The volume of sounds should grow gradually.
  • Malate baby Contact with cool air will cause his awakening.

How much milk kid eats up at once

How much newborn should eat for one feed - is determined by its age (1 or 4 weeks). It is possible to measure its amount by weighing the baby before and after feeding. From the difference of the results obtained, the increment that the baby ate was obtained.

In medicine, the following norms are used, which determine how much the newborn is eaten for one feeding:

  • 1st day - 10 g for one feeding, in just 10-12 feedings 100-120 ml per day.
  • 2nd day - One-time dose - 20 g, daily - 200-240 ml.
  • 3 days - For one feeding - 30 g, per day - 300-320 ml.

So by the 10th day of life, the dose of feeding increases to 100 g per reception and up to 600 ml of milk per day. Such rules are preserved up to 1.5 months. The total amount of milk eaten is 1/5 part of the weight of the kid. In 2 months, the baby eats 120-150 g at a time and up to 800 ml per day (1/6 of its weight).

Frequent feedings are normal

Free feeding of the baby suggests that it can choose the time intervals between feeding, their duration and amount of milk eaten. The listed factors depend on the nature and characteristics of the child himself.

There are children who eat quickly and a lot, while hurrying, they often get sick with milk, after feeding - jerk. There are other children who suck slowly, often breaking away from the chest and thoughtfully looking at the surrounding space. All people are different, also different children and their manner to eat.

How often feed newborn breast milk

The recommendations of pediatricians of twenty years ago, how to feed the newborn, talked about the mandatory compliance of the regime - feed the kid not more than 3-4 hours. Do not keep the breast longer than 10-15 minutes and be sure to see the remaining milk. It is good that these recommendations went down in history. They caused too many food violations in children and mastitis at mom.

Modern pediatricians do not put a hard framework, how much time must go between feeding. Frequency feedings are determined by the requests of the child and cannot be standard for all occasions.

If the baby was active, moved a lot with handles and legs, swimming in the bathroom - he spent a lot of energy. When feeding, he will squint more milk. If the time between feeding passed calmly, the baby slept or lay in the crib, actively did not communicate with the surrounding world - most likely his appetite will be modest, since the need for food did not reach the maximum.

How to feed the newborn: Mom's and Child Pies

When feeding a baby, you can sit, stand, lie, located in any poses comfortable for mom and child. The feeding cave should be convenient, as the time for this is quite long enough - from 20 to 50 minutes a day.

  1. Lokia on the side - Mom and baby are face to each other. In this position it is convenient to feed with that breast, which is located below. If necessary, mom can lean a little forward, and give the baby that the chest, which is higher.
  2. Lokya Valetom - Mom and baby can be located on the sofa (beds) head towards each other (legs - in opposite sides). How to feed lying newborn - near or currency - depends on the time of day. Night more convenient to lie next to the baby. Day - You can use both postures.
  3. In a semi-chair chair - Baby from above. In such a posture, it is recommended to feed those mothers that forms too much milk. The location of the kid slightly reduces the flow of milk and allows the baby to suck out as much as necessary.
  4. Sitting - Mom sits, the baby lies with her knees and takes the breast as if "bottom". Mom sticks the baby with his hand, bent it in the elbow. In order for the baby to be above and take to his chest, his pillow is put on his knees.
  5. Sitting out of hand - For such feeding, a sofa and a large pillow are needed. The baby is put on the pillow so that it is at the level of her mother's chest. Mother sits on the sofa and takes a baby as if "mouse".
  6. Standing - This feeding option is also possible, especially if you walk on the street in the sling.

It's important to know: When feeding, the rocker sliced \u200b\u200bis emptied the strongest, in the direction of which the chin is directed. Therefore, for a complete suction of milk from the gland, it is necessary to have a kid with different ways with each feeding.

How to apply newborn for feeding

The health of the mother of the mother's chest is depends on the adhesiveness of the baby. To prevent the injury to the nipple, it is necessary to invest in the mouth of all the range. How to feed the newborn breast?

  • The kid's mouth should be wide open (as in yawning). The mouth opens wider, if you raise your face up (make such an experience with you - lower the face and open your mouth, and after - lift it and also open your mouth). Therefore, for proper feeding, place the baby so that he slightly lifted his face to your chest.
  • With the proper seizure, the nipple should touch the baby's nose. Such applying was called asymmetric. The nipple is directed not to the center of the mouth, but in the upper palate.
  • The asymmetry of applying is visible from the outside - the part of the alveoli, which is under the bottom of the lip - completely inside the mouth. That part of the alveoli, which is behind the upper lip, can not be taken completely.
  • With proper sucking, the toddler's tongue "hugs" the nipple and alveolu below. In this position, he does not compress the chest and does not create pain. The tongue is turned out of her mouth further than it is located at normal time (without feeding). The language is poorly supersed with a shortened bridle (skin membrane under the tongue). Therefore, if the baby feeding is painful for you, show the child to the doctor. With too short bridle, its surgical incision is performed.
  • You need to select your chest when he leaves her himself. If he is no longer sucking, but simply lies and holds the nipple in his mouth, let him relax. Nipple the nipple is not worth it. If you really want to get up, you can easily press on the chin of a baby with your finger or insert a little finger in the corner. The kid will reveal the mouth, and you can take the chest without pain.

When feeding, the baby's head should not be fixed hard. He should be able to break away from the nipple and give to understand mom that he was a mell.

Jumping after feeding: causes and fears

Jumping accompany almost every baby feeding age up to 3 months. Sometimes jerking is so strong that the milk comes out of the stomach not only through the mouth, but also through the nose. Normally, the infant should not exceed 10-15 ml (this is 2-3 tablespoons).

Why does the newborn jerks after feeding? The reason is in the ingestion of air and its subsequent exit from the esophagus of the child. So that the baby jumped immediately after feeding, it is necessary to hold it vertically. Otherwise, the belching will be held in the position of the lying, along with the air from the stomach of the child will be thrown milk.

Some children swallow too much air, then the belching occurs right during feeding. Such crumbs need to tear off from food in the middle of sucking and keep a few minutes vertically.

We list the reasons for fuses in newborns after feeding:

  • During sucking, the baby rests on the spout in the chest, breathing his mouth and therefore heated the air.
  • For children on artificial feeding - too much hole in the nipple.
  • Too much milk volume or insufficient small volume of the stomach. The child overeats and returns a part of the milk back (the part that he cannot learn).
  • Problems with digestion: lack of bacteria in the stomach and intestines, colic, resulting in gas formation.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • Violations of the CNS, generic injuries.

In order not to stimulate jeeping, after feeding the baby does not need to brake. We must put it on a barrel or back and give to lie down calmly 15-20 minutes. The best option is to feed the baby before falling asleep.

Jumping in newborns after feeding should not cause concerns if:

  • The child stably gains weight.
  • The kid has no capriciousness, irritability or lethargy.
  • After jeeping, the baby does not cry.
  • Milk from joining has a white color without a sharp unpleasant smell.

If the baby joins the yellow milk with an unpleasant smell - it requires medical advice and treatment.

Icota after feeding: why arises and what to do

Icota after feeding in newborns is not pathology. It arises as a result of a diaphragm reduction - muscles located between digestive organs and light. Why is a newborn jacket after feeding?

Want something interesting?

Muscular contractions occur due to the pressure on them the walls of the stomach. In the formation of gas gazes or swallowing the air stomach cuts.

Therefore, the ICOT often occurs before joining. If the baby knocked down - Ikota passes.

We list the factors that contribute to Ikota:

  • The newborn is playing after feeding, if it hurried too hurriedly and at the same time stroked a lot of air.
  • Newborn docking in the crust. If too much food is eaten, the stomach presses on the diaphragm and causes it to reduce it.
  • The kid is playing if he has frequent intestinal colic. They are accompanied by the formation of gases that accumulate in the intestines and the stomach. When feeding the body stretches the walls of the stomach and pressure on the diaphragm.

What if the newborn IKOT after feeding is:

  • Do not worry. Almost never idol is a sign of illness or other pathology. As a rule, it passes with age when the toddler's stomach becomes more roomy.
  • Next - Do not feed so much, feed calmly and give to lie on your stomach before feeding (warn meteorism).

Artificial feeding: what mixtures feed

Artificial feeding of babies should be avoided. Breast milk is incomparably useful, nutritious, it is better absorbed and rarely causes allergies. The most correct choice is to feed a newborn baby with breast milk.

The transition to artificial mixtures is justified only with a mother's disease, which does not allow it to feed the child with breasts. The question of which mixture is better to feed the newborn, is solved after analyzing its composition (it is written on the package).

The basis of the mixture is a dairy serum, which passed hydrolysis (decomposition), demoormalization and is easily absorbed in the baby's esophagus. Such a mixture is called adapted, it is hypoallergenic.

Worse for the newborn - a mixture based on casein. This component is slower thanks in the children's body. Casein-based mixtures are more suitable for the artificial nutrition of children after half a year. They are related to partially adapted.

It is also good if there are bifidobacteria in the mixture. Such mixtures include similac, uncomplying, impress, enfamil.

For children with lactose intolerance, mixtures based on soy milk (Nutria-Soya, Bona Soya) are used.

What should be a bottle for feeding

Are there requirements for bottles for feeding newborns? What bottles for feeding newborn better?

We list what to pay attention to, choosing a bottle:

  • The hole in the nipple should be small, the baby must "work out" to stretch out of the bottle of milk.
  • When feeding the nipple should always be filled with milk.
  • Glass bottle is better for feeding than plastic. The glass is an inert material, while plastic is made of food polycarbonate. It can contain a number of components, not quite useful for the baby.
  • It is necessary to change the nipples every 2-3 weeks. The hole in them is stretched and acquires too large sizes. Preferably the nipple shape with an anti-vacuum skirt. Latex nipple is softer, it can not be boiled. Silicone - more hard, better imitates the chest and easily transfers boiling.
  • A simple bottle shape will facilitate her wash.
  • Special anticolique bottle shape - curved, warn air ingestion (special valves). They do not let the air bubbles from the bottle in the stomach.

How to feed from a bottle of a newborn:

  1. Take the baby on your hands to make a body contact.
  2. Keep the bottle with your hands, and do not reflect it with pillows (so that the child does not choose).
  3. The nipple should be directed to the child's panel.

Sucking the bottle is easier than pulling milk from the mother's chest (the mouth opens is not so wide, you do not need to pull a lot, suck out). In case of artificial feeding, it is necessary to imitate the maternal breast: pick up a harsh nipple, make a small hole in it.