Easter egg from multicolored tapes in the artichoke technique. Holiday festive eggs can be used as beautifully. Easter crafts do it yourself from felt

Easter eggs do it yourself - this is a universal gift, which is always relevant on the eve of the main holiday of all Christians. Make a decorative Easter egg at home with your own hands alone or with children is completely simple, using quite ordinary materials. For example, very gentle and elegant Easter eggs can be made from the satin ribbons in the style of artichoke, made by Kanzashi technique. Of course, Kanzashi requires perseverance and patience, so such master classes will not suit the younger group of kindergarten. But beautiful and no less original eggs - crawls with babies can be made of beads, croup, pasta and even ordinary threads. As the basis for such decorative eggs, you can use both empty shell and special wood blanks or plastic. Next you are waiting for simple step-by-step workshops with photos and video for the manufacture of decorative Easter eggs with your own hands. Try to implement any of the options suggested below and please your relatives and friends with a beautiful thematic presentation on a light passion.

Easter eggs do it yourself from satin ribbons in Kanzashi technique, master class with photo

The technique of Kanzashi is from Japan and is the art of creating elements of decor and decorations from small pieces of fabric and tapes. This is a real art requiring perfection and patience. But believe me, the result of such efforts will not leave anyone indifferent. For example, Easter eggs with their own hands from satin ribbons in Kanzashi technique are exquisite and incredibly beautiful. If you want to learn how to create wonders with your own hands from ordinary satin ribbons, then rather see the next master class on creating Easter eggs in Kanzashi technique.

Necessary materials for Easter eggs from satin ribbons with their own hands

  • plastic egg
  • scissors
  • satin ribbons of different colors
  • glue gun
  • double sided tape
  • candle
  • threads and needle
  • beads

Instructions, how do it yourself make Easter eggs from ribbons in Kanzashi technique

  1. As the basis in this workshop, a plastic egg is used from children's toys. If necessary, it can be replaced by a wooden blank or even an empty shell. In order to get an egg shell, you need to gently pierce on top and bottom with a needle and pour its contents. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the shell is easily damaged and it is necessary to work very carefully. So, the entire surface of the base must be wrapped with bilateral scotch.

  2. Now the egg is necessary to reap the satin ribbon. It is best to take a ribbon with a thickness of 6 mm and a length of 5 meters. The tape should be carefully applied to the surface of the egg and cover it completely, winding up vertically. At the same time, the new layer of ribbons need to wake a little cleaner.

  3. To the tape tightly kept and did not slip, on the "ass" the eggs need to be coated.

  4. After the entire surface of the egg is wrapped, the end of the tape is cutting and fixing glue from below. The basis is ready!

  5. Now it is necessary to make decorative flowers. For this, the tape of a contrasting color of 1 cm wide should be cut into pieces, 2 cm long. Each such piece will become a petal. On one flower you need 5 petals. In order for the segment the form of the petal, the tape should be neatly neatly falling along the arc on the fire of the candle.

  6. From the bottom of the segment it is necessary to make a fold, cut off the more superfluous and fade on fire. Make it very carefully and not brings the tape too close to the candle to avoid fire and damage to the workpiece.

  7. From a piece of green ribbon, 2,5 cm wide, you should cut off a small piece - it will be the base for the leaf of the flower. Scissors need to give the segment the desired oval shape and also process edges on fire.

  8. Now you need to collect a flower. To do this, 5 petals should be riveted with a thread on the usual needle. Then in the middle need to insert stamens - pieces of wire with beads at the end. After tightening the thread and glue the leaf.

  9. It remains to attach ready-made flowers to the most Easter egg. For this purpose, it is convenient to use glue gun.

  10. In conclusion, you can decorate a decorative egg with beads or pearls, which also need to be fixed with glue. Ready!

How to make Easter eggs from satin ribbons in artichoke style with their own hands, step by step

Make beautiful Easter eggs from satin ribbons with their own hands and in the style of artichoke, which is a kind of canzashi. Externally, such eggs resemble artichokes or spruce cones, who like more like. In general, such Easter eggs look very original and unusual. Read more about how to make Easter eggs with your own hands from satin ribbons in the artichoke style further.

Required materials for Easter eggs from artichoke ribbons with their own hands

  • foam egg
  • satin ribbons of different colors
  • sewing needles with hats
  • scissors

Instructions, how to make your own hands Easter eggs from satin artichoke style ribbons

  1. In order for the egg to be beautiful, we recommend using several ribbons of different colors. The optimal width is 2-2.5 cm. Ribbons cut into pieces of 3-5 cm in length depending on the size of the foam blank. We will also need a few square pieces of the tape. Each piece of ribbon will be folded into the triangle, the corners inside, as shown in the photo below.

  2. With the help of needles, they fix the square piece of the ribbon on the top of the egg. Then we close it with 4 triangular blanks on the principle that can be seen in the next photo.

  3. The next row is laying out of the tapes of another color on the same principle.

  4. In a checkerboard, we fix the next series of pieces of tape.

  5. The fourth row is also postponing in a checker, but a ribbon of another color. The following series is fixed by the same principle, but with the help of tape segments of the third color.

  6. We continue to fill the entire surface of the egg with new multi-colored rows of satin ribbons.

  7. For the last 2-3 rows, we use the triangles less from segments of 2 by 2.5 cm. I fix them on the same principle in checkers with needles. The base of the eggs is closed with a square tape segment.

Step-by-step master class on the manufacture of Easter eggs from beads with their own hands

Weaving skills from beads can be applied in the master class for the manufacture of Easter eggs with their own hands. With the help of beads, skillful needlewomen decorate plastic and wooden writings with complex patterns and unusual drawings. Our next step-by-step master class on the manufacture of Easter eggs from beads is not so complicated. It will not be weaving, but ready-made Easter eggs still get very beautiful and original.

Required materials for Easter eggs from beads with their own hands

  • beads of different colors
  • pVA glue
  • plastic egg
  • brush
  • spaw

Instructions for the manufacture of Easter eggs do it yourself from beads

  1. First you need to scatter beads at different tanks. If you want to make one-photon Easter eggs, then just lay out the beads of each color in your plate. More interesting, in our opinion, eggs from beads of different colors that need to be mixed in one container are obtained.

  2. After it was decided on the decor, you need to prepare a brush and glue. It is best for this master class that the usual stationery PVA glue, which will need to be cast into a small capacity for convenience.

  3. Plastic egg onto a wooden skeletal and neatly rinse the whole surface with a sufficient thick layer of glue.

  4. Quickly dip the workpiece into the container with small beads and "interfer" the egg of the bead so that they are as close as possible in the base.

  5. Making sure that the egg is uniformly and completely covered with beads, leave it to dry. After that, carefully get a skewer. Ready!

How to make Easter eggs do it yourself from macaroni, step-by-step master class with photo

You can make beautiful and original Easter eggs with your own hands from Macaroni, as in our next step-by-step master class with a photo. It is best for this version of the decor, small curly pasta will suit, for example, children's pasta in the form of stars, wheels or flowers. Read more How to make Easter eggs from macaroni with their own hands.

Required materials for Easter eggs from macaroni do it yourself

  • wooden bulbs in the form of eggs
  • acrylic paints
  • pasta
  • glitter

Instruction how to make Easter eggs do it yourself from macaroni

The bright Orthodox holiday is nearing - Easter, one of the main characters of which is an egg. Eggs are customary to give each other all Easter week, not only chicken, but also souvenir, for example, made with their own hands.

I offer an easy version of the manufacture of an Easter souvenir egg in the artichoke technique, such a gift looks elegant, original and in spring warmth!

To work, you will need:

- blank for creativity from foam in the form of eggs,
- Rensite ribbons in small polka dots of two colors,
- felt with a thickness of 1 mm,
- Scissors, ruler, glue or adhesive gun.

How to make an Easter souvenir do it yourself:

1. For the base of the souvenir, use a special billet from the foam in the form of eggs, which can be purchased in any shop selling goods for needlework.
The dimensions of such eggs may be different, everything depends on the size of the souvenir you want to do. Depending on the size of the base, pick up the reps tapes into small polka dots of two contrasting, but suitable for each other: in this example, an egg was used with a height of 5 cm, the ribbon width for such a workpiece should be equal to at least 2.5 cm.
The larger the base size, the wider there should be ribbons used to decorate it. Rencechant ribbons can be replaced, for example, satin.

2. Using the ruler, measure the width of the selected tapes.

3. Based on the data obtained, make squares with the same sides from each tape - that is, the length of each segment must be equal to the ribbon width. The number of squares can be arbitrary so far, they can always be expensive.

4. For this example, pink and purple ribbons were chosen, the main thing is to create contrast and alternate colors, and not only vertically, but also, for example, on the painter eggs.
At the most upper, sharp point of the workpiece, glue a pink square, fix it in the corners with quick-drying glue, very convenient to use a glue gun in such a job.

5. For further work it is necessary to prepare the modules of two types.
For the first module: the square from the purple tape is folded in half from the corner to the corner, then folded again, connecting the corners over the same line, secure the thread or the glue drop, it turns out a small triangle with a hole side.

6. For the second module: the square of the pink tape is folded in half from the corner to the corner, deploy, flashing a fold from itself, bend the angles of the resulting triangle to the bottom point, while the "tails" on each other, without overlapping. Secure the module, lining or tailoring tips.

7. Now you can start the main work - decorating the egg. Start gluing it from the top: Secure the first module, from the purple tape, imposing on the already glued square, the main thing is to remember that the tip of the egg should be slightly open.

8. After that, post another triangle opposite the first, their tops should be placed symmetrically to each other. Now it remains to add two more modules, sticking them as well - in front of each other. The first row is ready.

9. The second row will consist of the modules of another color and other shape. The workpiece of pink tape is rolling between purple, placing a little lower and covering her side corners of triangles, while stretching on the edge side of the module to open its middle.

10. Like the first row, lock the four pink modules in the second. The main secret of the design of a beautiful egg in the artichoke technique - compliance with the symmetry in the placement of modules, their tops should be maximized on the same line, in each row it uses only four modules.

11. The third row repeats the first, modules place exactly, pressing to the base.

12. Next, alternating pink and purple rows, continue to stick an egg.
Photo 18.
13. The bottom of the foundation can be placed in the same way, and it is possible to make a contrast, like a painter, in addition, it is possible to use the most simple modules: the upper corners are a piece of ribbon to fold to the middle of the opposite side, it turns out a triangle with a strip in the middle. Make such a series of purple tape, it will repeat the first.

14. In order to carefully close the bottom of the eggs, use a thin felt. In this case, after purple, the pink should go, so we cut a small square from the felt of the desired shade.

15. Enclose felt square to the bottom of the egg, fixing the corners.

Easter souvenir "Egg in the artichoke technique" is ready!

Author of Ekaterina Slepchenko

0 530718

Photo Gallery: Original Easter eggs with their own hands - Kanzashi and artichokes from satin ribbons, beads and sequins, macaroni - with step-by-step photos and video master classes - Interesting crafts of Easter eggs for kindergarten

To the bright holiday of Easter and in kindergarten, and the children's children together with adults can produce a variety of crafts in the form of Easter eggs. They can be caught, paint, decorated beads and sequins. Adults and adolescents can try to create amazing Easter eggs with their own hands in Kanzashi or artichoke technique using ordinary satin ribbons. All products attract the simplicity of manufacturing and the absence of the need to purchase special materials. For example, you can use for work and ordinary pasta. Foam eggs sold in stationery stores or children's creativity stores are used as blanks. In the proposed master classes with step-by-step photos and video descriptions, describes how to create an unusual decor from different materials. Easter eggs made by their own hands are perfectly suitable for home decoration, and for congratulations to loved ones.

How to make Easter eggs Kanzashi do it yourself from satin ribbons - step-by-step video master class

Work in the technique of Kanzashi is quite easy, given the lack of necessity it is difficult to intertwine tapes. That is why many needlewomen want to learn how to produce Easter eggs with their own hands from satin ribbons Kanzashi. With the correct accounting of the distribution of materials and their subsequent consolidation, from the first attempt, the finished handicraft will be smooth and neat. Additionally, it can be decorate with transverse ribbons, ribbon colors or beads, beads. And when achieving sufficient experience in making such a decor, you can safely produce similar Easter eggs with your own threads. The procedure is performed according to a similar scheme, but requires additional fixation of the material on the foam base.

Video master class on the manufacture of Easter eggs from satin ribbons in Kanzashi technique

A simple and understandable master class will tell about how to learn how to make Easter eggs from ribbons in Kanzashi technique. Finished products can be given to familiar, colleagues or use for festive room decoration. These options for decorating the crafts can be changed to other lighter or leave the egg and at all without an additional decor.

Bright Easter eggs in the new artichoke style with their own hands from satin ribbons - photo and job description

Beautiful satin crafts are optimally suitable for presenting close and native people. Make Easter eggs with your own hands from the tapes will not be difficult, and with the right decoration they will look and stylish, and catchy. To build, the crafts do not need special skills, but you need to carefully attach pins, trying to minimize the fabric. About how it is easy to make Easter eggs with their own hands from the satin tapes in the artichoke style, tells the indicated instructions below.

Materials for the manufacture of Easter eggs in the artichoke style of satin ribbons

  • satin ribbons with a width of about 2-2.5 cm of different colors;
  • foam egg;
  • pins-carnations.

Step-by-step description of the work on the assembly of the Easter egg artichoke from bright satin ribbons

Production of Easter eggs with their own hands from beads or sequins - photos and video master classes

Easter eggs decorated with beads or beads will go roaming original and can be a good décor for home to Easter or an excellent gift to familiar and friends. Easter eggs are gathering such arms with their own hands for quite a long time and require special attention. Therefore, to simplify the task and make no less bright, but simpler products will help the use of beautiful sequins. About how to make Easter eggs with your own hands on the photo, told in a step-by-step master class.

Materials for the manufacture of Easter eggs do it yourself from sequins

  • a set of monophonic or multi-colored sequins (with them the billet will be original and bright);
  • pins-carnations;
  • foamflash egg.

Step-by-step master class for the manufacture of Easter eggs from sequins - with detailed photos

Video master class on the technique of making Easter eggs with their hands from beads

Make Easter eggs with their own hands from beads and a wooden or foam blank is somewhat more complicated. Such work requires the ability to combine small parts, make neat transitions between the individual parts of the beadic web. An example of how to make a beautiful and simple egg on Easter from beads can be found in the following workshop:

Funny and original Easter eggs from ordinary pasta with their own hands - step-by-step instructions

An unusual handicraft model from ordinary macaroni is great for making adults along with children. The kids will be able to quickly understand how to make an Easter egg with their own hands, and moms and dads will help them gently glue pasta and correctly paint the craft. Special skills or patiences for assembling such a decor will not be required: it is very simple performed. Under the power to make beautiful Easter eggs with their own hands from macaroni even kids from kindergarten.

Materials for the manufacture of original Easter eggs from ordinary macaroni

  • different types of pasta (from large roar to small stars);
  • plastic egg;
  • glue "moment";
  • paint spray;
  • bright beads.

Master class on the assembly of Easter eggs from ordinary macaroni do it yourself

Simple and beautiful Easter eggs in kindergarten with their own hands - Crafts in the decoupage technique

Working with the transfer of napkins to the workpiece will like many crumbs and allow you to make a very bright and unusual decor for home and kindergarten for the Easter holiday. By the forces, perform crafts of Easter eggs with their own hands in kindergarten and pupils of Central, and students of the preparatory group. For work, the baby can independently choose original and cool napkins. At the same time, gently decorate the Easter eggs with paper with your own hands is absolutely simple: it should be just twisted. Rules for transferring pictures on Easter eggs with their own hands are set forth in the master class for various techniques.

Materials for the manufacture of beautiful Easter eggs in kindergarten in a decoupage technique

  • napkin with a bright pattern;
  • empty shells from white eggs;
  • brush, plow glue;
  • slim lace;
  • scissors.

Master class on the manufacture of simple Easter eggs in the technique of decoupage

Bright and funny Easter eggs from all kinds of materials are an excellent option for decorating your home for the Easter holiday. You can use such crafts and for festive design of the Cabinets in kindergarten. At the same time, kids themselves can collect original crafts: unusual Easter eggs are created from ordinary pasta with their own hands. In the work you can also use beads, sequins. They will help make bright and brilliant products that can be given as a gift close and relatives. In the considered master classes, you can find detailed descriptions of the manufacture of Easter eggs in Kanzashi and artichoke techniques. They are going out of satin ribbons and can be additionally decorated with beads, beads or ribbon figures. Step-by-step photos and video tips will help carefully and correctly make bright crafts.

The chicken egg has long been considered one of the symbols of the bright holiday of Easter - there are several versions on the origin of this important festive attribute. In the old days, Easter eggs were painted only in red, using natural dyes in the form of a onion husk, beetrail and bezeny. For modern owners, the process of painting is simplified as much as possible - it is enough to buy food dyes and a few minutes later the eggs are obtained all the colors of the rainbow! In addition, with the help of a variety of decorative materials and painting, a regular egg can be turned into a real work of art. Children and adults will gladly take part in the manufacture of similar touching souvenirs on the eve of Easter - such joint classes raise the mood and create a unique atmosphere of the holiday. How to make Easter eggs do it yourself? We picked up simple master classes with step-by-step photos and video to create Easter eggs from satin tapes in the style of "Kanzashi" and "Artichok", beads, pasta, thread. Many of our lessons can be used to occupy in kindergarten - the kids will be interested to master the subtleties of this exciting process. Such original souvenir crafts will become an excellent gift for loved ones and relatives in the bright Sunday of Christ, as well as a reminder of the most wonderful and good Christian holiday.

Easter eggs do it yourself from satin ribbons in Kanzashi technique - a simple master class with step-by-step photos

The homeland of Kanzashi is considered to be Japan, where for the first time began to create an indescribable beauty decoration-flowers for hair - from silk and satin ribbons, beads, lacquered wood, turtle shells and precious metals. Today, Kanzashi style is extremely popular in the manufacture of rims, brooch, earrings, necklaces and other accessories. We bring to your attention a simple master class with step-by-step photos for the manufacture of Easter eggs with your own hands in the technique of "Kanzashi". Such original eggs from satin ribbons are perfect for a gift for Easter, as well as a festive interior decoration.

Materials and tools for master class to create an Easter egg "Kanzashi":

  • satin white and blue ribbons - 4 -5 cm width
  • scissors
  • lighter or candle
  • rhinestones for decoration
  • rule
  • wooden egg - the base of the crafts

Step-by-step description of the master class "Easter egg from satin ribbons in Kanzashi technique", with photo:

  1. First you need to cut the squares from the satin tape and carefully cut their edges with a lighter.

  2. For the manufacture of petals, each square is twice as diagonally - in the form of a "triangle".

  3. Then two corners again bended to the center of the "triangle".

  4. On the right corners you need to cut off, handle the lighter and gently press each other. As a result, the corners of each other will be glued together and the petal will not disintegrated. At the bottom of the corner also cut and cut.

  5. Thus, blue petals are obtained for Easter eggs in Kanzashi technique. In the same way, we make petals from the white-colored satin ribbon.

  6. Finished petals stick on a wooden egg base, starting from the top.

  7. Everything, our Easter egg from satin ribbons in Kanzashi technique is ready! In conclusion, the craft can be decorated with rhinestones or beads - as fantasy will tell.

Original Easter eggs from satin ribbons with their own hands in the style of "Artichok" - detailed master class, photo

For many, the "artichoke" means the name of an unusual "overseas" vegetable, in appearance resembling a bump. In addition, it is one of the directions in Patchwork, since the finished product in the style of "Artichok" really resembles the "cloves" or "scales" of the same election plant. By tradition, on the eve of the bright holiday Easter, it is customary to paint eggs in bright colors, as well as decorate their ornament using different needlework techniques. We have prepared a detailed master class with a photo "Easter egg from an artichoke style satin tapes" - such an original souvenir made with your own hands will warm the soul with the warmth of the spring sun. With bright Sundays of Christ, joy you and well-being!

List of materials for the manufacture of Easter eggs in the style of "Artichok":

  • foam-blank egg
  • reps or satin two-color ribbons in polka dot
  • a piece of felt - thickness1 mm
  • scissors
  • rule

How to make an Easter Egg "Artichok" - instruction for a master class, photo:

  1. The width of the tapes for the craft should be at least ½ the height of the billet eggs - for example, in our case, the ratio of two values \u200b\u200bis 2.5 cm: 5 cm.

  2. We measure the ruler width.

  3. Cut from satin tapes of squares, taking into account the measurements performed.

  4. Selecting the colors for the Easter egg, it is better to give preference to tapes of contrasting shades - in our case it is pink and purple. First we glue to the top of the base the square of the pink ribbon. In this case, glue is better to apply only on the corners of the figure.

  5. Then proceed to the manufacture of modules from sliced \u200b\u200bsquares of different colors. We fold the purple square diagonally in the form of a triangle. We again do the same action, and the corners fasten the leap droplet. It turns out a small triangle module with a side "pocket". The square of the pink ribbon is starting to fold similarly (triangle), and then the side corners bend inside. Ends of the corners need to be gently put down.

  6. Having made satin modules in the desired quantity, start decoring the egg-blank. At the top fix the purple module - on top of the previously glued pink square. At the same time, items are better to have a little lower than the tops of the egg so that the center remains open.

  7. Now we stick the second triangle from the purple tape by placing it opposite the first module (as in the photo). We add the third and fourth elements in the same way. The tops of purple triangles should be directed inside, each other is the first row of our "artichoke".

  8. For the second row, we take pink modules that have a little lower purple triangles, in the intervals between them.

  9. Fix four pink triangular blanks, trying to place them symmetrically. For each row, we use four blanks of a particular species. As a result, smooth "scales" are obtained - a real artichoke!

  10. We take purple modules and gently glue the billet for the eggs - watches the tops of the elements formed a flat line. So the third row of our Easter egg is ready. Thus, we fully glue the surface of the egg, observing the sequence of color rows.

  11. The lower part of the workpiece can be processed similarly to the top - gluing the eggs satin square from the felt of the contrast color to the "bottom."

  12. Such an original egg from the satin or reps tapes in the style of "Artichok" is perfect for a gift in honor of the Easter holiday.

Beautiful Easter eggs do it yourself from bead - master class for beginners with photos

Crafts from color beads are always beautiful and unusual, since this material allows you to embody the most courageous creative ideas. So, with the help of our master class and step-by-step photos, even a beginner "Needleman" will be able to create its own hands the original Easter egg from beads. True, you need to be patient for work, but the result is worth it! A plurality of beads are connected in bizarre ornaments and drawings, fascinating with thin color transitions - such Easter eggs are best suited for a gift to relatives and loved ones.

Easter egg from Bead - List of materials on a master class:

  • egg - from foam, wood or empty whole shell
  • wax - if we use an egg from the shell
  • middle Size Beads - White, Blue and Yellow
  • threads with needle
  • scissors
  • copper wire - a small cut
  • glue silicone

Instructions for a master class for the manufacture of easter eggs from beads, with photo:

  1. If an ordinary raw egg is chosen as a base for crafts, you need to make small holes in the shell - from below with a knife. Then carefully "blow" the contents, and the empty egg is poured with melted wax. After the frozen, immersed into the wax a piece of copper wire bent in the form of a hook - to fasten the thread. Now the thread is tied up and start to drive beads according to the selected scheme, simply lubricating the surface of the egg with glue.

  2. Bead thread turn around the base, gradually adding the necessary beerins.

  3. All, our Easter egg from the copyright beads is ready! For beginners in this handweller art, it is quite possible to make a monophonic background or pick up a simple ornament with small "splashes" of the beads of a contrasting shade. Experienced masters can use more complex schemes, creating real bead pictures on Easter topics.

Farida Galimova

Technique Kanzashi Right from Japan and represents the art of creating elements of decor and decorations from small pieces of fabric and tapes. This is a real art requiring perfection and patience. But believe me, the result of such efforts will not leave anyone indifferent. For example, easter eggs do it yourself from satin ribbons in Kanzashi technique It turns out exquisite and incredibly beautiful. If you want to learn to work wonders do it yourself from ordinary satin ribbons, rather see the next master class on creating Easter eggs in Kanzashi technique.

How to do easter eggs from satin ribbons in artichoke style with their own handsStep by step

Make beautiful easter eggs from satin ribbons with their own hands and artichoke stylewhich is a variety kanzashi. Externally, such eggs resemble artichokes or fir bumpswho how else like more. In general, such easter eggs They look very original and unusual.

Required materials for easter eggs from artichoke style tapes do it yourself

foam egg

satin ribbons of different colors

sewing needles with hats

Instruction how to make do it yourself Easter eggs from satin ribbons in artichoke style

In order for the egg to be beautiful, I recommend using several tapes of different colors. The optimal width is 2-2.5 cm. Ribbons Cut into pieces of 3-5 cm in length depending on the size of the foam blank. We will also need a few square pieces. ribbons. Each piece ribbons We will add to the triangle, the corners inside, as shown on photo below.

Using needles fix on the top eggs Square piece of ribbon. Then close it with 4 triangular blanks.

The next row lay out from tapes Other color on the same principle.

In checkerboard fix the next row pieces ribbons.

The fourth row is also postponing in a checker, but ribbon of other color. The following series is fixed by the same principle, but with the help of segments ribbons are already a third color.

We continue to fill the entire surface eggs New multicolored rows satin ribbons.

For the last 2-3 rows, we use the triangles less from segments of 2 by 2.5 cm. I fix them on the same principle in checkers with needles. Base eggs We close a square cut ribbons.

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