Why do people love cats? Who are the people who love cats?

There is an opinion that cats, unlike dogs, do not become attached to people and always remain animals that walk wherever they please and walk by themselves. As a rule, this view is held by people whose knowledge about cats is based on common stereotypes, and not on communication with a real, live, fluffy pet. Everyone, in whose house the animal is not a piece of furniture, but a friend and companion, will confirm that a cat has no less love for its owner than a dog. She just expresses her feelings in a different way, not so loudly and openly.

Of course, if the cat and the owner are united by a long history that began at the moment the purr was born, a person becomes for the animal a second mother, beloved creature and the only "giver of benefits." In general, if you raised a kitten yourself, his affection is almost guaranteed to you. It is more difficult to achieve the love of an adult cat, but it is also possible.

Simple signs that you are not only a breadwinner for a pet, but also a beloved owner

Any cat feels affection for its owner, but expresses it in its own way.
  • There are several people in the family, but.
  • The animal rubs its head against your face, legs, or hands. This is not only a sign of affection, but also a peculiar way for the cat to tag you with its scent.
  • Looking into your eyes, the pet slowly opens and closes its own. Experiment: Look at your cat and blink your eyes slowly, emphatically. If she has good feelings for you, she will blink back. For cats, this gesture is a sign of friendliness, she does not want to compete with you and does not hold evil.
  • When you open the front door, your cat runs as fast as he can. Of course, most of all he is interested in the "gifts" that you could bring, but the very fact of the return of the owner pleases the pet.
  • The cat tries to be closer to you, climbs into his arms, meows to attract attention, follows you from room to room. She purrs and falls belly up, as soon as you look at her, readily puts her ears and neck out for you to scratch them.
  • From you, the cat is ready to endure even trouble - bathing, checking by the veterinarian. If your relationship with an animal is not affected by such incidents, his love is unconditional.

What to do if your cat doesn't like you

Alas, it often happens that cats do not respond with kind feelings to a person who sincerely adores them, and avoid him. And vice versa, they are fond of some people. To bind a stubborn pet to yourself, you need to figure out what kind of people cats love.

  • According to cat etiquette, any sudden movements, like a gaze, should be regarded as a threat. Therefore, purrs prefer calm people with soft, flowing movements and a low voice. If your cat is avoiding you, consider what you are doing wrong. Perhaps you are looking into the eyes of an animal, and it sees it as a challenge and just dodges? Or do you make too many movements, wave your hands, beckoning to her? For an animal, you are an incomprehensible creature with unpredictable actions, it is calmer when you move smoothly and slowly.
  • The cat does not like to be suddenly grabbed, so she often dislikes ill-bred children (and some adults, also ill-bred). Respect your furry friend, and he will return the same to you.
  • Cats love people with high-pitched voices because they are closer to felines. You just have to put up with this factor, since you cannot change the timbre of the voice.
  • These animals have a good memory, so people who like to "take revenge" on a pet for their own failures at work or in personal life should not wait for his affection. The cat will remember an undeserved offense for a long time.
  • And of course, the cat tribe especially appreciates those who show love for them themselves. And love is, first of all, a concern. Taking care of the pet, feeding it, stroking and caressing it, arranging for it a "house" and cozy nooks for sleeping - all this will set the cat up to the fact that you are her best friend and protector.

Unfortunately, the well-known myth that cats love only good people and do not like villains is not confirmed by anything, so it will not work to check guests for good and evil with the help of a cat. There is also a good side to this: if cats avoid you, this does not mean that you are an inveterate villain, you just need to learn how to communicate with them in their language.

Do you know men who love cats? What do you think of them? Some, obeying an outdated stereotype, hate them. I think they are smart, subtle and deep. Fortunately, many agree with me, and one might even say that this opinion prevails lately.

It is also characteristic that many men no longer hide their tender affection for the furry brethren, and are even proud of them. The tone is set by writers, musicians and actors, people respected, famous, successful people who have weight in society. All of them proudly consider themselves to be cat lovers. But even among the harsh men, there are those who simply adore their cats. I remember a touching note in a magazine about a border guard colonel who served somewhere beyond the Arctic Circle with his Persian cat.

In general, we can say that there are more and more confident men among us who sincerely love and care for their small and funny furry companions. Frankly, I am sympathetic to this trend, and I thought that I could easily write why this is exactly the case. However, it took me several days to formulate the wonderful qualities that characterize such men, as well as to find interesting archive photos as illustrations.

They have a subtle sense of the mood

Even the most agreeable cats are sometimes unfriendly and not very kind. In such moments, the owner needs to be especially sensitive and instantly understand the signals broadcast by the cat, which can be translated with one short phrase: "do not touch me." Men usually always know when to leave the cat alone or to let go of the cat in time. But now the capricious princess has changed her anger to mercy, and she is already basking on the lap of her admirer.

It's great when a person is able to tune in to those around him and not get irritated because of a change in their mood.

They are responsible

While many people find cats easy to care for, a true connoisseur will tell you that a cat needs a lot of attention, not only care, but your love and attention as well. It will be necessary not only to feed, but also to comb, wash, vaccinate, walk, if possible, and, of course, clean the tray every day! I think that you can rely on a person who is able to take on all these chores.

They are serious and reliable.

Such men love not only cats. Perhaps they would have brought in someone else, but a high level of responsibility, a real assessment of their schedule and the specifics of their work do not allow them to do this. But the fact that a man is able to connect his life with someone for 10-15 years speaks volumes. It seems to me that young girls should take a closer look at them.

They are able to appreciate the versatility of the personality.

One and the same cat can be gentle, languid, playful, restrained, lazy, bored, funny - very, very different and all rolled into one, so to speak. Men who love cats obviously appreciate the complexity of the feline nature, and in life they are able to be flexible and accept people as they are..

They have a sense of humor

If you have a cat or a cat, you simply must have a sense of humor in order to appreciate their fun and antics. Men who love cats, of course, are able not to get angry, but to laugh at the funny pose of a cat lounging on a desktop right on important documents. They will be amused by a game of hunting, where the owner's morning sandwich acts as a prey, and the impudent hunter sits on the table so that his tail ends up in a plate with an omelet. They will definitely joke, even when the alarm bell rings in the house at 4 in the morning. In general, men with a good sense of humor are always interesting to those around them, and with a cat on their knees - doubly!

They are thinkers

Cats are smart and known for their willfulness. It is difficult to subordinate them to any rules, but you can always agree with them. And for this you need to be an observant person, to correctly understand the reasons for their behavior, and here you cannot do without the gift of original thinking. Apparently, male cat lovers fully possess this quality, because they usually easily find a common language with their pets. And in life they themselves are a little like them - they do what they love, and not what they are told, and are philosophical about life.

The main illustration is paintings by Natalia Osintseva (Govorukhina).

"A cat is an animal that walks by itself", "cats love everyone who feeds them" - these phrases very often sound in conversations about representatives of the feline family, because until now many people are sure that cats, unlike dogs, do not able to feel love for their masters. But those who have these fluffy, purring animals at home unequivocally refute the allegations that cats have no attachment to people, since they were convinced from their own experience that their pets are quite capable of love, only they do not feel it for everyone.

And they gladly get to know and play with all the guests and friends of their owner, but cats are more picky. When meeting a new person, an adult cat or cat may hiss, prevent himself from being stroked, and even scratch an unnecessarily annoying animal lover, and the cat, as a rule, treats the family members of the owner differently - he constantly adores someone, and someone - it barely suffers. Let's try to figure out what kind of people cats love and how the owner can earn the sympathy of a purring pet if he initially disliked him.

What kind of people do cats like?

The answer to the question of what kind of people cats love lies in the psychology of these animals, namely, in the peculiarities of their lifestyle and preferences. Cats love comfort and warmth, they can bask in the sun for hours and sleep up to 20 hours a day, and also devote a lot of time to taking care of themselves - licking their fur and paws, “washing”, etc. Most of the time cats behave independently , leisurely and measured, and only sometimes they want to run, jump, sharpen their claws and chase each other or after live or toy mice. That's why love representatives of the family of felines, in habits that resemble themselves. And vice versa, cats are distrustful and wary of those people who are very different in behavior from purrs - they fuss, make many sudden movements, are in constant tension, etc.

Zoopsychologists, observing, found that cats show love and affection for people who seem understandable to them and, at the same time, do not pose a danger to them. And cats determine this very degree of similarity and human safety by the following features:

From all family members the cat, most likely, will choose the most calm person as its owner and pet, who feeds and cares for the animal, but at the same time does not impose his love on him- does not try to constantly squeeze and stroke him, does not bother him during sleep and rest, etc. And vice versa, cats are often indifferent to children and do not like to play with babies too much, since these independent animals do not like being carried in their arms for a long time , squeeze, drag by the tail, and even more so - dress up like a doll.

Domestic cats can bond with their owner almost as strongly as dogs, but in order to make friends with a cat, it is not enough just to feed and pet the purr from time to time. According to zoopsychologists, it is much easier to achieve love and affection from a kitten than from an adult cat, since kittens perceive anyone who cares about them as their mother. But in order to win the heart of an adult animal, in addition to direct responsibilities for caring for a cat, the owner needs to do the following:

  1. Do not do what the animals perceive as aggression (for a cat, do not wave your arms near her, do not grab her in her arms when she is sleeping, do not throw or press down during the game, etc.)
  2. In no case show aggression towards the cat and do not rip off negative emotions on it - many representatives of felines are vindictive and can remember the offense inflicted by a person for many years
  3. Be calm and balanced in the presence of an animal , do not raise your voice with a cat and at a cat
  4. Show respect for the animal - do not interfere with his sleep, miss suddenly, do not drag him by the tail even as a joke, do not take away food, etc.
  5. Find a way to make your animal happy - from time to time, in addition to the main food, give him special treats, play with the cat with her toys, allow her to sit on her lap and, at the same time, without stifling or tugging the animal, take the cat for a walk outside, etc.

These simple measures are aimed at ensuring that the animal always feels calm, pleasure and joy in the presence of the owner, and begins to associate these positive emotions with him. And with the right approach to keeping and communicating with a cat, sooner or later this independent animal will surely change its anger for mercy and fall in love with its owner. And to find out when this moment comes is very simple - the cat will respond to a look in the eyes with a direct gaze, blink several times, and then, without taking his eyes off, will come up to be stroked and caressed.

Why do some people dislike cats?

    In my not sophisticated opinion, dogs are much smarter than cats, and I also love big dogs, and cats are big, if only tigers.

    Therefore, I give preference to dogs - I keep 3 Leonberger dogs (each weighing 60 kg), but I also keep 2 cats - because of their usefulness, dogs, unfortunately, do not protect from mice.

    Perhaps an allergy or some unpleasant memories, and perhaps even from childhood, may have been scratched by a cat or bitten, or frightened, or maybe you don't like the smell of a cat, or memories of a kitten who shit in a shoe ...

    some people dislike cats because they have bad memories of being in contact with cats. Perhaps they were frightened by a cat as a child. It is possible that

    these people have an allergic reaction to cats. Perhaps some do not like the fact that a lot of fluffy hair is left from the cat, which constantly flies throughout the house. Perhaps some people are intimidated by the fact that street cats can be fleas, and people are afraid of fleas and catching fleas from the cat.

    First, many people are allergic to cats. But the main reason, in my opinion, is the wayward nature of cats. Unlike dogs, who are very loyal to their owner, cats value only themselves and their freedom, and people, as the most selfish creatures on the planet, want to be loved.

    Perhaps because it is mutual with them. And precisely because cats do not like a particular person, he also does not have warm feelings for them. Will explain. The fact is that cats are unique animals, they feel the energy of people well and are able to highlight carriers of negative energy. If a person is unkind and he has an overabundance of such energy, cats literally shy away from him: they hiss, break out when trying to stroke, never go into their hands.

    However, people can have many reasons not to love cats, and the most common is adoration of dogs. An undeniable conclusion is drawn that dogs are smart and devoted friends, guards, and cats are stupid, brainless and completely useless creatures.

    How wrong these people are!)))

    Perhaps they are just allergic to cat hair.

    They do not like the independence, proud and detached behavior of cats.

    People love dogs more for their loyalty, and cats, they believe, are of no use.

    People dislike cats for their howling and meowing at night.

    People think cats are stupid.

    We had a cat, and to be honest, I have nothing against cats, but there are moments for which you really can not love them.

    1) Tear wallpaper and upholstered furniture when sharpening claws;

    2) There are times when they prefer another place instead of a tray;

    3) The smell in the apartment, especially when the cat lives.

    Some people may not like cats just because they are allergic to wool, for example, I know a person who is allergic to cat hair, he even has skin rashes, other allergy symptoms occur, although he loves animals ...

    Each person has their own preferences and the choice of an animal that you like to also belong to this number.

    Corades wrote that many people think that cats are not very smart animals, that they are not attached to humans, but to the house. So let me disagree. Many cats, living in a family, even from family members, choose an owner for themselves, and the rest are considered service personnel for it. majesties.

    Many people say that a cat can do something wrong, shit in the wrong place, ruin things. You might think a dog cannot do that. How many shoes a friend's dog ruined while growing up is just crazy, you can go crazy, and you chose the best shoes. getting up early in the morning in any weather, and walking in the rain with a dog is something that people who love dogs for some reason do not remember.

    So having both a cat and a dog at home is equally difficult.

    There is such a psychological test, very tricky, I always check with it little people I know in order to understand what kind of FRUIT is in front of me. The test is very simple, simple words are called to a person and he must tell what first comes to mind. His answers are written down, and then ... on the basis of them, I tell everything about the person! The fact is that there are words, symbols, and their meaning is closely intertwined with global things. For example, when your friend or girlfriend tells you his attitude towards a dog and a horse (this is male energy), he will give you his attitude towards men in general. The sea is life. The field is material. The sky is the mood. Any small animals are children. Bonfire is a hearth. etc. So a cat is a female energy - a woman. People who don't like cats can be called misogynists, albeit on a subconscious level. Knowing that a man does not like cats, I immediately draw conclusions. Once I wondered the test for my future boyfriend - at the word cat, he immediately exclaimed: `` Fu from her a lot of wool, I hate wool! ''. The test was 100% confirmed - in life he really hated fallen women's hair ...

    Believe it or not, I was lying literally an hour ago and thought to ask a similar question: Why do some people, in principle, do not like pets (both cats and dogs), or at least treat them completely indifferently?

    And my opinion is this: most often people do not like pets, because they did not have them in childhood, they are not used to taking care of someone and do not understand why they need it. I have a husband like that. She and her sister did not have any favorite pets and they do not understand at all how they can be kept at home. His sister, in principle, treats other people's cats well, but how can you start this at home, from them dirt, wool, poop and you still need to feed them. And the fact that they give joy and become like family members, they don't even understand what I'm talking about

There is an opinion that a cat does not become attached to a person, like a dog, and always remains, as it were, by itself. Usually this opinion is held by people who did not keep a live "fluffy" at home, but only know about them by hearsay. Anyone who has had the happiness of communicating with a cat will no doubt say that a cat becomes attached to a breeder and loves no worse than a dog. He just shows such love a little bit less loudly and openly.

Of course, if the cat has been with you since birth, you become a second mom or dad for her, and the affection will be undeniable. It's another matter if it concerns an adult cat, it will be more difficult to gain trust here, but nothing is impossible.

Signs that your cat has a favorite owner

  • You are not the only one in the family, but the cat sleeps only with you (why does a cat like to sleep on a person).
  • Your kitty is constantly rubbing against your face and legs. And not only when he wants to eat, this is a way to mark you with his scent, "stake out", so to speak, for himself.
  • When the cat looks you in the eye, it blinks slowly. Try to turn this trick with your pet, looking into her eyes blink slowly, if she loves you blink back. This is such a gesture of friendliness for cats, which means you are not a rival to her and you will not do anything bad for her.
  • When you come home your pet, whether he is sleeping or playing, rushes towards you as fast as he can. And here it is not only about hunger, but the very fact of the arrival of the beloved master home.
  • The kitty tries to be always close to you, walks after you, climbs into her arms, purrs, tries to draw attention to herself. She falls on her back, as soon as you paid attention to her, puts her head and ears for you to scratch them.
  • The cat forgives you even such unpleasant things as: bathing, (by the way, why does the cat not like water so much? You know? If not, then click on the link) giving pills, injections, visiting a veterinarian. If she does not react at all to such "bullying", then her love is completely limitless.

What if the cat doesn't love you?

Yes, it also happens, you will come to her with all your heart, and you will give that, and there you will make a bed, and a scratching post (not necessarily a purchased one - how to make a scratching post with your own hands), but she still does not recognize you. In order for a cat to start loving you, you need to know some rules:

  • According to the feline language of communication, sharp movements, a look at close range, is regarded as a threat. Following from this, cats prefer calm people with a soft voice and smooth body movements. If the kitten shuns you, think maybe you are doing something wrong. Wave your hands actively when you call her to you, the voice is too loud. For felines, we are not entirely understandable creatures, they are much calmer when we behave calmly, smoothly, slowly.
  • Cats do not like when they are unexpectedly grabbed, dragged, dragged, so they have some dislike for children, especially not raised ones, but if an adult does this ...
  • Animals have a good memory, and not only cats, so those who like to vent their anger on a pet should not expect a normal attitude towards themselves. The cat remembers well the grievances from the owner.
  • And, of course, the kitty will always answer you with love for a good attitude towards herself. Take care of your pet, feed her, build houses for her, places to sleep, watch the toilet for cats. All this will help the cat to understand that you are her best friend and protector.

There is such a myth - a cat loves only a good person, and avoids villains. This is, of course, not true. And if your pet avoids you, this does not mean that you are a bad person, you just need to know how to communicate with a cat in its language.

This is how cats can love their owners.

And so on.