The phased process of producing artificial stone. Video: homemade forms for artificial stone. Examples of business plan

The newest material for facing buildings is artificial facing stone. It is better than natural stone, because It is a more durable and cheap material. Also, the artificial stone is "always at hand", so you can resume stopped work at any time, and the variety of textures and colors makes it truly a unique material.

Artificial facing stone is very often used to decorate buildings, in construction, and abroad and for restoration of buildings.

This article will be described about the stages of the production of artificial stone, as well as the implementation of the finished material.

Equipment for the production of artificial stone

Before starting work, besides special equipment for the production of artificial stone to purchase cars, shovels, trusters, scales, measuring spoons, a pigment container, boxes for finished products, pallets, which will need to be installed, a forklift for accommodating and moving goods.

The list of special equipment includes:

  • Mixer. With the help of it, the solution is mixed, the service life is 1-1.5 g, after which it is desirable to replace, since the repair will be very expensive;
  • Vibrostol.. It is necessary to remove air bubbles from the solution and the vibrator, which is needed for the movement of vibrostol.
  • Forms for stone. They can either buy ready-made, or do it yourself.

As such a special line, which would help to automate this process of manufacturing this decorative material, there is no open sale, and it may not exist at all. But there are molding machines.

Technology production of artificial stone

To begin with, the product range may consist of 14-17 types of stone of different textures and color. Over time, the range can be expanded.

Making artificial stone:

  1. First create a master model. They need 2-3 pcs. If you need different options for textures, then the forms will need a lot, because Each is used once a day. In order to make a model made of wood, make a box with a sample, which is poured with a special mixture. It consists of pore-a-mold and synthetics, after 24 hours it is separated and used further for the production of stone.
  2. Then in the rabid mixer we prepare a solution of water, dye, cement plasticizer and light sand. The proportion of sand and cement 3: 1. The solution is poured into the forms, put on the vibrationtol and include it. There should be no air in the solution. Shaking time for more than 2 minutes. If less, it is possible to marriage products. After the operation, the form is washed with acid.
  3. After shaking the mass, sprinkled in the mold, we will take into the dryer. The solution freezes about 7-9 hours at a temperature of + 30 ° C. After 12 hours, the artificial stone is packaged in the boxes and removing the warehouse.

Video of this process:

To produce artificial stone, a lot of water will be required. It can be obtained by drilling a well or using it ready, it will be cheaper.

For products from 2 to 9 square meters. m. (depending on what kind of texture the stone is needed) a mixture of 25 kg of cement and 60 kg of sand will be required.

3-4 workers are able to produce about 50 sq.m. Stone.

Requirements and planning

Production room

The approximate area of \u200b\u200bthe room should be 500-600 sq.m., of which 100-150 sq.m. It is necessary to leave under the workshop for the production of stone, the rest will go under the warehouse. The warehouse does not need to be missed, but in the main room the temperature should not be below 0 ° C, otherwise water will freeze, which is necessarily used in the process of producing artificial decorative stone.

In addition, you need to highlight and place in order to dry the stone ... approximately 50kv. m with a constant temperature of 30 ° C without excessive humidity.

Still needed room for staff. There, the temperature should be approximately 25 ° C. Also, the entire room must meet fire safety standards.

Working staff

Before starting the production of artificial decorative stone, it is necessary to develop a formulation of artificial stone, according to the corresponding specialist - a technologist. It uses or its own recipe or works with the ready-made material. In addition to the development of a formulation, a technologist creates models of artificial stone, picks up colors, participates in the control and presentation of the goods.

It is also necessary to take about 12 more employees. They will be 2 brigades of workers for 4 people to work in a shift for 12-14 hours, a package for a complete set of finished products, 2 managers for the sale of finished products, as well as the head of the production that will purchase raw materials, plan production and control the work of employees.

Sales of finished products

Sell \u200b\u200ba facing stone is preferably immediately the final buyer, and not through the mediator. To do this, advertise your company on radio, television, on the Internet, actively participate in exhibitions in your profile. You can also use visual advertising - buildings lined with a stone, will attract the buyer, as well as flattering reviews of satisfied customers.

Buyers of facing stone can be architects, designers, companies engaged in the construction and supply of cottage settlements.

Starting to make the manufacture of artificial facing stone, following our advice, you will gradually improve the technology and will soon become the leader in this area of \u200b\u200bsales!

Novice businessmen make many mistakes even in elementary things because of the banal lack of experience - not every person having general knowledge about business will be able to open its enterprise and receive constant income from him, most simply bankrupt and except loans in the bank they do not receive anything. We describe in detail every step of opening your business for the production of artificial stone and help you not only open your company, but also do not fly into the pipe. In the current market, it is better to open its enterprise in the construction business, because the service sphere is developing very slowly, and the construction business is quite rapidly. You do not want to develop your business forty years, what would you like a decent profit? It is for this reason that we will look at the production of stone as a great way to earn money, because you will have several significant advantages to be successful.

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Let's start with the fact that the owner of the company should always understand the production process from the beginning to the end. If you are not a professional in your area, then you will bloom the one who is a professional, remember it. The production of stone is not a very difficult process and after preliminary study of the industry, you will immediately understand how everything works here, what equipment need and how much raw materials is spent on production. In addition, we do not need to hire expensive frames, any worker or builder can pour into the form solution, and this will reduce our costs for functioning. These are just a few advantages that will allow you to become successful. Take to the end, and you will find many more useful tips.

How to open the production of artificial stone: rental rooms

As for any production, the main thing is not located in the city center, but find a room with an inexpensive rent, good wiring and source of water. Now we will tell you in detail exactly how to select the room for these parameters and why we allocated exactly these characteristics.

Let's start with the fact that for the production of stone you need a lot of water and you will be very expensive to ship the delivery of technical water. It is best to look for a room near large wells for the extraction of water or near the water treatment plant, it will be easy to buy cheap technical water and almost free to bring it to us. An ideal option would be to open your well and get water for free, but the drilling of the well requires high costs and it is not possible to drill it everywhere. We will bypass the most acceptable option, and when the business starts to generate income, think about drilling if it is possible.

We will deliver our products on trucks right to customer, so it is not necessary to place production in the city center. Yes, and it will not work with you to put a mini-breeding center in the city center, too much noise level and the rent is huge. Beyond the city you can find a spacious room for 60-100 square meters with a price of 20 thousand rubles per month. This room is suitable for us perfectly, as the cost of production will be lower and there will be a place under the warehouse of products.

After renting the room, you need to repair the wiring. This is an important point, the company pulls a lot of electricity and, if something is closed, you can either handle the equipment, or burn the entire room. It is advisable to immediately find a room with good wiring, but very rarely inexpensive rooms for 60 squares with 380 volt cables. Wiring repair will cost us 8 thousand rubles, these are the first capital expenditures of our company.

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Equipment in the manufacturing business always takes the most money, you need to get used to it. First of all, you need to buy forms in which we will pour the material. Forms, first, you need to buy 6 pieces. Polyurethane forms are 8 thousand rubles per piece, we will spend 48 thousand rubles on them. This is the basis of our production, thanks to the forms, we will receive high-quality stone with a special texture - than it is more interesting, the more customers we will have.

Forms will be installed on the floor, but we will spread ready-made products on desktops. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe tables should be about 20 square meters, it will be enough to comfortably work with a stone. One table for 2 square meters will cost 700 rubles, it turns out on the tables take 7 thousand rubles. To the expenses on the tables add and buy other small tools - 5 thousand rubles.

In the forms that we have already bought, a solution from sand and binding materials is poured. We will mix this material in a special compartment from the metal, its price is 6 thousand rubles. For large volumes of production, the compartment is needed with greater capacity, but we are not still such a huge firm to produce a lot of products. We will mix the solution in the compartment using a drill with a special nozzle for 5 thousand rubles. Buy high-quality drill, you will work with her for a very long time.

We consider the option of work in which we will transport the goods at your own expense by paying the services of the transport company. Still, buying a cargo car is very expensive, and you will pay down at the beginning when customers are still very little, it will not. When production volumes will increase and customers will also be somewhat think about their vehicle.

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Personnel search for artificial stone

We need to hire two workers who will fulfill all the work in the enterprise, but everyone will have their own terms of responsibilities. One employee may not have knowledge of the construction business and the production technology, it will perform a dirty work - knead the solution, wearing materials, transfer finished products and ship it on the client's car. You can find a worker to this position in the center of employment and a person will not require a lot of money with you - 12 thousand rubles will be enough for one who does not earn at all.

The second employee of our company should have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction and understand all the details of the production process. In principle, you can train a former builder or pro-paper work with equipment and make quality products if you do not find a professional in this area. Salary will be 18 thousand rubles per month, plus 3 thousand for human training to all the intricacies of production. All calculations, buying material and selling products you will spend yourself.

Production of artificial stone: business plan for costs and income

To begin with, we will describe the capital expenditures on the purchase of equipment, repair and so on. We need to buy six forms in which we will pour material, the price of 48 thousand, several tables by 7 thousand rubles, a small tool for accurate work with products by 5 thousand. We will form material for artificial stone in a special compartment for 6 thousand rubles. We need a drill and a special nozzle - 5 thousand rubles. The capital expenditures also include the registration of the company and repair the premises - 11 thousand together. The costs of functioning consist of rent, wages to workers and the purchase of consumables. In a month, our expenses will amount to 70 thousand rubles, at least.

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Revenues will depend on the number of products manufactured and sales capabilities. There is a little secret here - to sell all the goods that are made, first type orders, and then start doing a stone. This will allow not to score a warehouse with products that no one can buy. For a shift, our workshop will be able to produce 30 square meters of tiles from artificial stone, the price of one meter is 850 rubles. We take the minimum price of the tile, to more realize the potential income. The market price of the produced tile will be 25,500 rubles, the cost of 8,500 rubles. Net profit per day is 17 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that if you establish supplies to construction companies, shops selling materials for construction and constantly find customers with unique orders, then your profit will be constant, and the volume of production will need to raise. Stability primarily, right?

Manufacture of artificial stone: 4 main advantages of business + 11 "for" and 3 "against" + detailed plans for the production of artificial stone and countertops from it.

Thanks to the development of technology, our life becomes high quality and more convenient. And on this, you can make the production of worktops from an artificial stone can be well earned.

Natural stone in construction - material strong and reliable, but quite expensive. The technology of manufacturing an artificial analogue makes it possible to lower the price, while maintaining the advantages of natural stone.

Manufacture of artificial stone It is now growing and you can have good position in this niche in this niche, as well as rapidly develop your business through the use of products in a wide range of finishing and other repairs.

Is this business really so attractive?

Considering this type of business, it is important to weigh everything for and against. Studying a business for the production of artificial stone, we had no serious flaws.

But the strengths of the business are convincing:

  • growing demand
  • high profitability
  • small investment
  • wide scope of application.

Before making a decision on production, it is important to clearly understand what we are talking about, and which niche to start to start.

Artificial stone - his dignity and disadvantages

Artificial stone is a fake under natural. He looks as well, to distinguish one of the other only a specialist. It is made of binding substances and fillers. Depending on the required characteristics, the composition changes.

Advantages of artificial stone

  • it is cheaper than natural;
  • if necessary, its strength and wear resistance can be made higher than that of marble, and bring closer to the characteristics of the granite - the most durable rock used in construction;
  • low indicators of moisture absorption, which increases frost resistance;
  • it has a smaller weight;
  • it is convenient for installation and transportation due to a variety of forms;
  • less crumbs, which makes it possible to produce complex forms with corners and bends to achieve refinement in the interior;
  • has a respectable type of natural granite or marble;
  • allows you to provide a client with a huge selection of colors and textures;
  • it can be used for many types of construction and repair work, for the manufacture of furniture elements (table tops, sinks, tables, fireplaces, etc.) due to the possibilities of technologies to give the necessary characteristics;
  • repair of damage and restoration are held on site;
  • environmentally friendly material.

After transferring all the advantages, the artificial analogue seems perfect. He actually almost approached the ideal building material.

However, in an artificial stone there are some flaws

  • little durability than in natural (but, justice for the sake of, it is hardly a lot of people willing to build a Colosseum, which will serve thousands of years);
  • for the spectacular type of furniture, clients will have to pay more (the cost of artificial granite is much higher than MDF, laminated chipboard and other materials that are commonly used for the manufacture of tabletops);
  • acrylic artificial stone is widely used for the manufacture of tabletops, but it is easy to scratch it with cutlery and hot dishes can not be put on it; Such drawbacks are devoid of agglomerated deprived of the agglomerated material - it is afraid of only the effects of chemical and abrasive substances.

Types of artificial stone and their scope

The most widely used 4 types:

    Porcelain stoneware is the most reliable view.

    It has high strength, frost resistance, resistant to abrasion, chemical resistance, refractory, insulating, antistatic properties, refractory.

    Porcelain stonewares are used for cladding walls and floors inside and outside the building, the elements of rooting roads and sidewalks, for the manufacture of fireplaces and furnaces.

    Stone from colored concrete - imitates the texture of rock, but not its internal structure. Durable and moisture-resistant, additionally can be equipped with a reinforcement grid.

    Great for exterior facing works, however, it can also be used for interior decoration of walls.

  • Agglomerate is durable, but more elastic, moisture and frost-resistant, has a variety of colors. Used for interior work (countertops, window sills), for facing works and sidewalks.
  • Acrylic - durable, but less than the rest, moisture-resistant, elastic, allows you to make the shape of any kind and size without seams. It makes countertops, kitchen aprons, window sills.

Production of artificial stone: detailed plan

150 000 rubles.
The payback period of the company: From 6 months.

What technologies is the production of artificial stone?

The main materials for production are:

  • binders (portland cement);
  • filler (large quartz sand, clay sand);
  • pigments and dyes;
  • additives (plasticizers, polymer-latex additives, hardening accelerators, hydropobizats, chemical fibers for reinforcement and other).

Approximate consumption of components for production (10 sq.m):

  • portland cement - 60 kg;
  • quartz sand - 200 kg;
  • pigments - 1.5kg;
  • plasticizer - 0.6 kg.

Production technology differ depending on the purpose of the product. We offer to get acquainted clearly in general terms.

Below is 2 videos, where production is shown at home and industrial production:

Production at home:

Industrial production:

How to equip the workshop for production?

The production workshop takes little space. For a start, it is enough 40 sq. M. To improve the workshop and for the storage of consumables and the finished product.

For work equipment, it is necessary to power up 380V. And also the production technology involves the use of large volumes of water. The temperature of the product of products depends on the temperature regime - during the cold season in the workshop it is necessary to ensure heating and ventilation.

The production of artificial stone is not noisy and does not harm human health nor the environment.

Equipment for the production of artificial stone

  • forms (they are also called matrices);
  • vibrationtol;
  • mixer (concrete mixer);
  • vibrosito;
  • a drill with a mixing nozzle;
  • auxiliary tool: sandpaper, buckets, workflows.

Forms should be stopped separately. They can be made of silicone and rubber (not for cement artificial stone), formoplast (cheap, but unsafe for health), polyurethane (durable and eco-friendly).

Forms (matrix) can be bought, make to order, make yourself.

With instructions for our own manufacture can be found in the video.

Please note that the presented equipment for the production of artificial stone, as well as the list of components may differ depending on the choice of production technology and product requirements.

Registration of the company and staff

The choice of organizational and legal form depends on the planned scope of the enterprise. For a start, additional licenses are not required. The registration process takes 1 week.

For the manufacture of small batches there will be enough two workers: one trained specialist and one utility.

Sales products

Your target audience is a construction and repair firms and despite growing demand, sufficient sufficient, since this type of business is very attractive for both small and large businesses.

However, not everyone can properly offer products and promote their business. Your main task is personal meetings with managers or shop owners and firms and competent presentation of your production.

Here are some tips to achieve the maximum number of transactions:

  1. Make a business card site with high-quality photos of your products, a brief and understandable price list.
  2. Book paper business cards.
  3. Make product samples.
  4. Be prepared to answer the emerging questions clearly and clearly - you need to know your products, the terms of manufacture and all of its characteristics "on the teeth".
  5. Offer a good discount on the first batch.

Investing in business. Payback period

Article expenditureAmount (rub.)
Total:150 800 rubles
Registration of IP800
Rental premises20 000
Matrix 6pcs24 000
Vibrostol.50 000
Desktop3 000
Concrete mixer10 000
Vibrosito12 000
Mixer Drill5 000
Auxiliary tool and consumables10 000
Raw materials for first batch 100 sq.m8 000
Advertising8 000

The market has already appeared proposals for franchises or for example, from the company "SISTROM" (

Let us estimate the payback period

  • having a minimum set of equipment and 2 workers, you can produce 120 kV. m. per month;
  • the cost of 120 sq.m. artificial stone on average - 9,600 rubles;
  • regular business costs: (raw materials) + 30,000 (salary) + 20,000 (rent) + 10 000 (utilities) \u003d 69 600 rubles;
  • price on the market on average - 800 rubles. For 1 sq.m. (96000 rub. For 120 sq.m.);
  • profit in this case will be 26,400 rubles.

The average payback period of the project is 6 months.

Manufacture of artificial stone countertops: detailed plan

Capital investments in business: 155 000 rubles.
The payback period of the company: from 2 months.

Countertops made of artificial material are increasingly gaining popularity among furniture manufacturers thanks to:

  1. Its aesthetic properties (can be performed without visible seams, various shapes and colors).
  2. High strength characteristics.
  3. Hygienic indicators (easy to leave, prevent the appearance of fungus).

Manufacture of artificial stone countertops can be established from finished plates supplied to the market in a wide range of colors and sizes.

Detailed technology of manufacturing tabletops from stone is shown in the video clip:

You can also establish the production of cast countertops:

Certainly, making you enough to do it the products. However, this approach requires good technical training and professional workers.

Below we consider in more detail the option of the production of prefab tables, which is recommended to start a business.

Premises for the production of tabletops, tools and equipment

The workshop should be spacious, not less than 30 sq. M, well ventilated, heated.

Required tools and equipment:

  • milling from 1600 V;
  • grinder machine;
  • lobzik (without pendulum stroke);
  • assembly tables;
  • consumables (grinding skins, tools, poly rays, glue pistols, clamps, trimmers).

Sales products

Stone countertops are in demand from furniture manufacturers. With them you have to establish cooperation. The approach to conducting successful negotiations is similar to those described above in the section "Production of artificial stone - sales products".

Tabletop Business Investments

All regular investments (the purchase of materials, the salary of the workers) can be carried out from the prepayment of the customer.

  • having a minimum set of equipment and two workers, you can produce 15 table tops per month;
  • cost of average: 75,000 (raw) + 40,000 (salary) + 20,000 (rent) + 10 000 (utilities, taxes) \u003d 145,000;
  • sale of stone countertops on average will bring 225,000 rubles;
  • profit in this case will be 80,000.

The average payback period of the project is 2 months.

As you can see production of artificial stone As well as the production of countertops from it - profitable and in many ways an attractive business.

Start to act today, and you are ahead of thousands of people who want to enter this market. Produce a quality product, and you will with confidence will sell it.

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The manufacture of artificial flowers is great for creating a small home business and for large enterprises. Such flowers are constantly in demand in several spheres.

  • How to start a business for the production of artificial flowers
  • What equipment is used for the manufacture of artificial colors
  • Family business features
  • How much can you make money on the manufacture of artificial colors?
  • How much money is needed for starting business
  • What kind of OKVED for the manufacture of artificial flowers
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for the manufacture of artificial colors
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Artificial Flower Production Technology

How to start a business for the production of artificial flowers

First, it is the sphere of ritual services, where the artificial colors make wreaths and bouquets. They do not lose their original colors for a long time and look natural for a very long time. Usually the shelf life of wreaths is 10 or more. This allows entrepreneurs to extract maximum benefits and profits.

Secondly, actively applied by designers and designers to create a cozy atmosphere in the premises.

Thirdly, on various holidays and celebrations, where decorators create unique compositions from artificial and natural plants. Thus, a business based on the manufacture of colors is in demand and necessary, meets the needs and trends in market development. But it should be borne in mind that such a niche is not empty, and there is quite a rigid competition between handmaderes and businessmen.

Therefore, before starting the production of artificial colors, you need to consider several important points:

  1. The overall state of the market, for which a deep marketing study needs to be carried out.
  2. The presence of such enterprises in a particular area of \u200b\u200bone or another settlement.
  3. Which enterprises are more successful - large or small.
  4. How high profits are those who are engaged in the manufacture of colors using the handmade method.
  5. Whether the invested funds will take off, after how long will it happen?
  6. Where can I buy materials as they cost if they need to be specifically ordered from other countries.

The analytical data obtained will help properly compile a detailed business plan, take into account possible risks, identify development vectors and possible results.

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the direction of the business - home production or production cycle establishment. If you bet on Hand-Maid, then do not have any special financial costs. Usually, such a business begins as a hobby, passion, the desire to do something with your own hands. They can do absolutely everyone who has creative abilities, creative and original thinking, who has enough free time.

After some time, when the hobby begins to generate income, turning into a permanent type of earnings, you need to buy special equipment. To begin with, it may be a small machine that allows you to produce artificial flowers. Place a similar unit in the apartment will be very expensive, so you need an additional area. It may be a garage or other room outside housing. A feature of this type of production will be that it will be small, and the volume of products is insignificant. They can be sold in a particular city, gradually increasing the client base. The main thing is not to chase for money, and for quality, since it is on it that the strategy for the production of artificial colors is being built.

Second option, i.e. The creation of industrial production will cost Entrepreneurs much more expensive because:

  1. We need significant material and temporary investments.
  2. It is necessary to find the premises and choose specialists.
  3. It is also important to choose equipment, tools and materials.
  4. Register the activities of an individual enterprise.
  5. Adjust the production cycle. For each enterprise, it will have its own characteristics that depend on the selected material. Basically, 3 manufacturing stages are allocated.

With the help of the details of a live flower, you need to create patterns of those or other forms. To speed up the process and improve the quality of the image to work, you need to involve computer design professionals.

It is necessary to cut, cast, stand up and cut all the elements.

The flower harvest is achieved in various ways - using standard gluing, welding, sewing, stringing on the wire base.

What equipment is used for the manufacture of artificial colors

Equipment for the production of artificial colors in industrial production is one of the most important factors capable of providing the quality of manufacture and bring a high level of profit.

When choosing tools and machines, it is worth considering that the flowers can be made from plastic, fabrics, clay, polymeric materials. Usually the minimum set of equipment consists of the following list:

  • Installations to cut different parts.
  • Dryer.
  • Machines for forming and collecting colors.

Most often, entrepreneurs buy equipment in China. It is cheaper than European. Chinese machines will cost an entrepreneur of 1 million rubles, and for equipment from the EU will have to pay from 2.5 million rubles.

For manual and machine production, the use of special tools is very important. These include:

  1. Special steel balls, bugs that dress petals.
  2. Steel rings to curl petals.
  3. Knives to handle the leaves correctly.
  4. Smoothing parts can be smoothed using irons.
  5. Several tweezers.
  6. Crack scissors.
  7. Shilo and nippers.
  8. Cutting and rubber pillows to work with forms.

Family business features

An important stage of the production cycle is the implementation of finished products. You need to use various advertising ways to attract customers: Internet, advertising agencies, personal connections and dating.

It all depends on the financial capabilities if they are limited, then you can first engage in self-sale.

The owners of flower shops or firms that are engaged in interior design, designers, small boutiques can act as buyers. Set the price of products, based on market requests.

At first it may be somewhat lower, but it is this factor that plays on the hand of novice entrepreneurs. Otherwise, there is a risk, not to sell the finished product and lose the invested funds.

Other obstacles can stand on the way to success:

  • savings on quality materials;
  • no diversity in assortment.

How much can you make money on the manufacture of artificial colors?

The production of colors on a large scale with proper advertising and management, which is able to make a profit of several hundred thousand rubles every month.

The first few months the amount will be less because you need to return loans and credit, but after some time the payback of the business will become apparent. For those who will deal with hand-maid production, revenue will be from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

How much money is needed for starting business

The finished line, and the Chinese production, costs about 1 million rubles. The remaining costs will be approximately such:

  • rent a place for shop and storage of products - 50,000;
  • wage of the first months of work 5 people - 120-150 000;
  • registration of business and repair of the premises - 80,000;
  • purchase of components, raw materials - 200,000.

We get that for the start of artificial flower production activities, it is necessary to have a capital about 1.5 million rubles.

What kind of OKVED for the manufacture of artificial flowers

You must specify the work code 32.99 "Manufacture of other finished products not included in other groups."

What documents are needed to open

To create a business on the manufacture of artificial colors, we must complete the application in the form of P21001 and transfer it to a state registrar. A copy of the passport, the individual tax number and the root of the receipt of the payment of public services in the amount of 800 rubles is applied to it, which is provided for these cases by law. Those who wish to save their time can contact specialized companies to help prepare a package of documents, but such services will cost more.

What taxation system to choose for the manufacture of artificial colors

The use of a special system is a simplified system, will significantly reduce the reporting, and with it the frequency of visits to the tax inspectorate. It is reflected in the entrepreneurial book of income and the costs of those operations that will form the tax base. At the same time, the tax rate can be a 1st option of 6% of the dirty revenue or 15%, but with clean. In the second version, it is necessary to document all expenses from business.

Do I need permission to open

This business activity has an indisputable advantage of it does not require licenses and certificates of conformity, as well as other permits.

Artificial Flower Production Technology

Given that in recent years, demand is not growing for cheap products based on coarse plastic, and better quality, in which organza, parchment, latex, silk and polyester are applied, you can count on your own niche on the market.

First, it is preparing for the start of production, which should be repeated a live flower. Manual assembly requires a large amount of time spent - as a result, the products will cost approximately the same as crafts in the style of Hand Made. You can purchase a finished production line, which already includes installations for cutting leaves and laying stalks, forming machines, machine tools for cutting petals and adhesive equipment.

The maximum demand for similar products is observed on the eve of religious holidays and the days of the memorial memory. The greatest sales peaks will be several times a year. These dates should be made the highest possible amount of products, and function the network of retail points, including trading places in the markets and near city cemeteries.