I bet my husband, and now I want to return to him back. To return the former, no need to begging him: it is better to make it so that he asked you to return

Hi friends! In this article, I want to tell you how to return the former husband without resorting to violence) i.e. Your loved one will ask you to return to it. Want to know how?

Of course you want! So...

Did he slapped the door and went to free swimming, leaving you from a broken trough? Gorky and hard, but do not think that life ends on it.

How to behave to return cute?

Let's talk about the causes of the divorce, about your desire to return it, we will deal with errors and consider advice to restore relations.

Each of us gets used to your chosen one.

Now you are free. It seems to be not necessary to defend your rightness, there is no need to collect dirty socks throughout the house and drag responsibility for two - and on the shower is empty more than ever.

Or another situation: you were afraid of every quarrel and now you wake up lonely. You are away from longing, you go to the fortune tellers, call him and spy on his page on the social network. Even if he often squeezed you or, worse, slowly destroyed your self-esteem.

In the first case, you have a habit of still arranging life. You remember the former moments that were not perfect, then definitely stable. Are you scary to start everything from pure sheet?

In the second version, you should think about, and whether your feelings are loved by love? This condition can be understood as love, but they are not fully.

In this case, you need to visit a good psychologist to sort out yourself.

Children are a separate conversation. It is difficult to let and even an unloved person, if there is a child.

Should I keep the past?

Indeed, is it necessary to return a husband? Is there any significant causes for this?

Remember the foundations of your disagreements

  1. Maybe the roads have long been separated, and the gap was the only permissible option?
  2. Or between you then aggression flashed?
  3. Your option (reason) divorce

Do not try to answer this question right now. Give yourself a time to weigh all the "for" and "against" so as not to go on the gusts that may be destructive.

To begin with, you should understand that sadness and loneliness are absolutely normal feelings when losing. Do not refuse these states, but also allow yourself to doubt the feasibility of restoring communication.

So. Your action plan.

How to return your beloved after the divorce?

If you have taken the final decision, listen to the recommendations below.

  • Understand yourself

First, calmly analyze your marriage. Evaluate all events thoughtfully, no offense and accusations: you need to find the exact cause of separation.

To do this, remember that it was specifically annoyed to her husband, try to patch the annoying bare bags. So you will learn to bypass painful questions to the party or to reduce those at all.

As the last stroke, as far as you are ready to change for reunion with a young man. If this requires a refusal of desires, aspirations and the worldview - perhaps he is just someone else's person.

  • If the initiative is yours

What if you were abandoned not, and you herself? Try to bring faithful to the conversation. Just do not try to do it intrusive - it is better to appoint a meeting at a neutral territory, where you can put all the points over I.

Moreover, wait at least a week so that his insult is stuck. Surely he thought about how to resist you.

The conversation should be calm and unobtrusive. Remember that the annoying is the inspired sense of ownership, which will play a bad joke with you.

Listen to him, do not interrupt and do not try to prove your right point. Accept his point of view, then express its in a benevolent tone. It is possible that you will be able to forgive each other and start all over again.

  • If you have a mistress

Perhaps this is the hardest situation for an abandoned wife - if he already has another. First of all, no matter how hurts, recognize his right to freedom. Like your own: let's know that you are not going to become a spare airfield.

Best start with conversation. Let us understand former husband, which only want to figure out the negative sides of the marriage. I hope you know that blackmailing and plenty only give you away from each other.

It is impossible to criticize a new passion. It is not worth straightforward to take away from the mistress.

It is best to pretend that you calmly take this fact, and in general the world is not a wedge on it. However, do not claim her role: hints for noble, friendly relations.

Invite him to joint events: walks with children, pastime with relatives, etc. Such a warm and neutral attitude will make him think about the correctness of his act.

But do not forget to yourself! A man is not the meaning of your life. In their free time, hold a hobby, hear themselves fans and emphasize every way.

  • No feeling

It is not necessary to wait for his care. Even if he does not want you as a woman is a disturbing bell.

Unfortunately, one can say one thing: it is impossible to return the feelings forcibly. Especially if the young man married and went to another family.

It is necessary to bring her husband to a frank conversation. Realizing each other, disperse without unnecessary complaints and insults.

Sometimes in order to understand love, it takes time. Give it to your beloved. And engage in ourselves: become the one that he once made an offer.

He himself will ask you to return

It is confident that this course may noticeably help in your case. And, most likely, the former will come running in your home.


Relationships of people are complex and multifaceted. We forget how the roads are each other, and then think how to return love.

It's not too late to go towards your native person to restore relations. Or at least to understand the thoughts of those with whom they divided life and feelings, let go without hatred and empty hope.

Maybe start everything from a new sheet. But this is a completely different story, and so as not to miss it, subscribe to the new blog articles. Even below there are socket buttons. Networks and for someone (for me including) will be very useful if you click on them. Thank you)

Love and take care of each other!

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova

A warning. This article is addressed to women experiencing male care. He went, she was left. Therefore, the article sounds that is he - Made bad. This is not a manifestation of sexism. It happens that the woman goes, causing pain a man. Will the husband in the family return? Tips, data in this article are applicable in this situation.

At consultation: "I wake up, I go to work. At work, I'm busy, no time to think. But in the evening - it is necessary! I remember everything that did wrong. All your mistakes. That it was necessary to resolve him and that, and when he asked. I think, and if I continue to behave differently, he will come back? I want to know. Suddenly he will return. "

He can return. This is the family that was, no longer return. Then what happened before - not return. This is exactly 100%.

Will the husband in the family return? Time to think.

The decision on final parting is comprehended in the first 2-3 weeks. I wrote about this in the article? If, by the expiration of this period, he still did not change his mind, did not come with apologies, which was getting glad, it means that the decision was final. For you. Now I will explain why.

Honestly, men feel when they are waiting. Even if the man left not just like that, but "somewhere", then the decision on parting was probably not easy for him. He is also scary. Understanding that there is a "spare airfield" makes life easier.

Therefore, in the interests of a man so you wait for him. The longer, the better. And if all his life - so generally perfectly. You can not blame him. In general, it is better not to think about him. At all, in any respect, and in positive, and in negative. Just know - you are free to solve yourself, wait or not to wait.

Of course, from the very moment of its care to close the door forever. But so few of whom it turns out. Therefore, decide for yourself (and you can, with him), what will time think. Two or three weeks. This time you are ready to wait. Then - Bridges burned.

How to understand if he wants to return?

Of course, you know the expression " to get on one's nerves" Oh, how many descriptions of this process I heard!

  • That he calls and says that he is all bad. And the former wife already "flies" - he will come back! Then he does not ring three days, and the former wife sees him on the page photo with another woman.
  • Or he does not come for things. All the time postponing. It seems like randomly.
  • He can also mention all the time in conversations that this is due to the mistakes of the former he left. Hint that if it were not for her mistakes, she would not destroy the family. Yes, yes, he was forced to leave because of her mistakes.

All these cases leave a woman the idea that the husband can return. If it change, or if he forgive her, or if he has there nothing will work.

But this is a hoax. Rather, even self-deception. Therefore, it is not necessary to seek evidence that it considers the return option.

The only confirmation of the fact that the husband is considering a family reunification option, only an open statement can be: "I need to understand myself. Please give me a time! ". It is honest. This is competent. It is a rarity.

Everything else is from the evil. No signs of what he wants to return everything. Maybe he is moving, because he is scary (see). The more he dreamed, the greater the nerves. Maybe not specifically. But these throwings are not evidence that he wants to return.

How to help your husband return to the family?

If your man took a time out to make a final decision, then you can help him. Here are actions that will help make a positive decision and will help you understand whether the husband in the family will return. The points.

  1. Give him time to thinking alone. That is, not to call. Do not intersect with him. Do not remind yourself through familiar and relatives.
  2. Bear yourself from mistakes. An example of error - "random" intimate proximity to another man as revenge.
  3. Keep criticized at his address.

It turned out not very much, but the point is not in quantity, but in quality. Violating these principles, you act very effectively towards the complete destruction of relations.

Is it possible to miss a chance?

Very scary to hear: "I wanted to return, but you spoiled everything myself!"

I never met such cases. Yes, it happens, husbands are returned. But it does not happen that you did something, because of what he could not return, although I wanted.

Theoretically, this, of course, maybe. If he is in the doorway next to the suitcase on his knees and asks for forgiveness, and you silently slam the door. This is perhaps the only scenario when "I wanted, and you spoiled everything"

Point of non-return.

When you are no longer next to him, everything seems meaningless and terrible. Life turned over. There is nothing further. Because you are accustomed to another life. You are waiting that everything will come back. It will be again as it was.

But it will definitely not be as it was before.

Yes, there are situations where the couples come back again. A month later, in a year - it does not matter. But any of these couples will confirm that Coming again, they began to live quite differently. New relationships, new rules.

That is, a person can physically be the same, but the family is different. In the soul, people change due to the experience of stress.

Take it as a fact. You definitely can not return the "Togo" man, that image, and "those" relationships.

Every time the thought will appear in your head - "What if he returns?", remind yourself that he, such as it was - will not return.

Discussing life with women after a divorce, I come across a description of situations when my husband returns. Here is how it is described:

"Him there nothing succeeded. He asked for forgiveness and wanted to return. Of course, I did not drive it. Yes, I was very painful and offensive, but still I love him! We began to live together again. But I could no longer as before. It seems that the same person. But now I know that he is lying. May lie. Can do it hurt. I used to be nice to look at his smile. And now this smile infuriates me! Because I know what he is! In general, everything has changed "

How not to ask yourself about it again and again?

Even let the husband sherry He made a decision on parting, in 3 weeks he managed to cool, think. And three more to think. Three weeks are deadline.

If he still did not come, then wait for him further - just mockery. Take the decision - "I am no longer waiting for his return!"

Now your best friend - mind. Your defender, your support, your hope. Trust him. Mind said - " I'm no longer waiting for a return! " Now every time you catch attempts to dream about my husband's return - get distracted. Will with effort or by chance.

Do you know how to effectively help children are not afraid to do lessons? According to the principle of "cut by an elephant slices." That is, you first need to spend a few minutes to prepare textbooks. Then - a break for other matters. After some time, we open tutorials on the desired page, put a notebook before the textbook. Again distracted. After another period of time - sat down, made one task. Do not remove anything from the table. So, gradually, all the task will be made. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the child will not scare the process.

What did I lend this example? To the fact that you need to be distracted from memories and thoughts about the return. Wherever you live - in the apartment, on the way to work - should be little leaks.

Suppose you spread the elements of your hobby on the table. And in the kitchen - open the book on the spot where the desired recipe. And the room is just a book that you read. And the route to work is maintained so as to go past the beautiful showcases. That is, you constantly have something to distract.

Honestly, at no other situation, I would not advise this. Usually ask to help concentrate. But now you have the opposite goal.

Is it fair? While your man decides what he wants, you can not drink, eat, breathe. This does not mean that he is cruel. He is ordinary. But you - you lose time and nerves. No matter what he decides, it hurts you here and now. Instead of predicting what decision he accepts, think about yourself. How remove your pain. Do not wait for the gifts of fate, but.

Hello. My name is Lisa, I am 30 years old. Civil husband is the name of Igor, he is 36. We have a son who is 5 months old. From the moment of my pregnancy, the husband gradually began to cool down as a woman, he and so a very detached person, and then he pulled himself in peace. He cared for food, clothes, cleanliness in the house, purely household things, but he stopped surrendered sincerely. After the birth of the son, he became more gentle, until the question arose on whose surname to record a child. Husband not wanted to marry, he said that he was not sure that I had the person who he needed in life, and to accept this decision he needed time (although we were already 3 years together). And I said that in this case I will write down the child on my surname, since it is not sure now too. From that moment he became very hard and cold. It's late to come home, I didn't pay any attention to me, we had no sex for half a year when I went to bed just turned away. I began to suspect him in treason, there was no direct evidence but constantly caught on the lies, I learned that he conducts correspondence on a dating site, Pornight visits regularly. I was terribly worried, I tried to talk to him, but he constantly accused me that I didn't think that I should be calm and feed the child, that I am a bad mother, etc. Besides, he began to ignore my relatives when they He came to leave, did not want to communicate, gather together for the holidays. If I tried to talk, I came down either to ignore or on frank rudeness. And the last time, a big scandal happened, due to the fact that he learned that my former husband was called for a certificate of divorce, there was a purely formal meeting. What I just did not hear in my address, and that I was whore, I told me to take things and left, and that if neither her son would have been going with me for a long time, and that he didn't like me anymore, because I turned him understanding a family because of the last name that I can't do anything like that I am not a person, also insulted my parents .... The next day, he said that he did not want that we were leaving that he wants the Son to be with Him, suggested living with him for now as friends, for the sake of his son, and there will be visible. I told my mother, she was shocked, said that he would not leave me there. Then my father and my sister came, helped to collect things. If neither they would not leave them .... I love him and probably I would have forgiven everything. She passed a month, he calls neither calling the phone when I call, says it hurts him and he does not want to communicate with me. What I took my son from him. About his son does not ask anything, says that under such circumstances does not want to keep the connection with him that he is very painful from this. I do not know what to do, on the one hand I want the son to be dad, and a man next to which I really miss, on the other, I understand that he does not like me as before, and we switched to so much borders that it is now hard that then return. I am in a constant conflict with me. I am tormented by a feeling of guilt, because I took my son's son, he's his dad and loves no less than me! I have all the time in a bad mood, I cry, I can not sleep. I do not know how to terms with what happened. I think that I did not correctly when I left, but I can't come back.

My name is Anastasia, I am now 33 years old, I want to tell my story. Please, do not judge strictly, even though I deserved insults and stones. Married for the first time came out at 18 years old, he was over for 2 years older than me, a wonderful, purposeful person, came out of love. A year later, we had a daughter, my husband switched to correspondence, worked for days and nights so that we did not need anything, was attentive, caring. 10 years later, the feelings were slightly stuck to Dima, but I did not seek new relationships, I didn't even look for entertainment on the side, because I was happy in marriage and what happened, for me the most unexpectedness, as if it was above me . All women, if they have another man on the side, they say that both are blamed, they try to shift most of the guilt to her husband: did not pay attention, did not appreciate, left one for a long time. Yes, he had a business trip, representative offices of the company, where he works as a top manager, are all over Russia and even abroad, but they have been not long, from one week to the site for a maximum month. I always came with gifts to me and my daughter, everything was super in sex, I don't think he was to blame for something, only I am to blame.

I was already at that time 28 years old, I worked as a designer-designer. I got acquainted with the future lover at the exhibition, called His Anatoly, he was 14 years older than me, divorced, it is clear that with life experience. He was the Director General of the company competing with her husband. After the exhibition, we went to the cafe, it turned out to be a very interesting interlocutor, I knew how to care beautifully, it turned out that many general topics exchanged phone numbers, I as a hypnotized gave him my number. And then everything was twisted, he was not stopped, that I was married that there is a daughter, he was very energetic. As a result, I gave up. First, chat, walking in the park, the first and subsequent kisses. I hated myself, I wanted to stop it all, I loved my husband and love the site, but no longer the feelings as before. There was no that spark that I was tested at that moment to Anatoly, for me the husband was like a native, my father's beloved man, my daughter's father, but there were completely different emotions to a new man.

When the husband went on a few days in Peter at Congress, Tolik invited me to spend the weekend from him in the country. I guess already what exactly should happen there, but it did not stop me. On the contrary, I saw curiosity, I met Dima from 16 years old, in physical plan it was my first and only man until now. Trying not to think about the husband, I took my daughter to the mother-in-law, and the sama himself called, and he sent a car for me. I decided that it would be our last meeting and the last stupidity that would be done on my part. When I arrived there, it seemed to me that I got into a fairy tale, in another world. There was a chic table, exotic fruit, sauna, swimming pool, jacuzzi. Dear brandy hit me in my head and there the site for the first time everything happened. Anatoly exceeded my husband and in experience and temperament, he seemed to read my thoughts and knew all my points, or it seemed to me, because with Dima everything was somehow happy and habitual, he always knew that I want, but toleray me Just surprised.

It seemed to me that since it would be the last time, I decided to break away in full. He gave me a gorgeous ring, said that he did not love anyone in his life as it was offered to divorce with Dima and, marry him. I just didn't expect such a turn of events, but he said that he understood me, what he knew how hard I was to make a choice, I said that I knew what it was a fear to hurt a close person, so I would not rush me up and put me on me. But in the case of a positive response is ready to provide me and daughter a wonderful future. The house came sobering and insight. I first changed my husband, my beloved and native person. Three hours lay in the bathroom, I stood under the shower for two hours, I swore until the evening. Took the site daughter. The next day, Dima arrived, happy, with gifts, hugged me, and I hid my eyes and the conscience gnawed me from the inside, I would even say, burst into parts. Dima did not deserve it. I even thought that he felt something. I deleted all the numbers of Anatoly, all calls and messages, hidden the ring that he gave me to his locker, tried to strike out the Tolik and the episode in the country from his life. He tried as much attention as possible and caress to her husband, daughters, in general, his family, but I could not not think about him. It's like a breaking like a drug, I remembered every touch of Toli, having sex with my husband, represented Anatoly and those watches in the country.

At first I ignored his calls, and then I could not stand it and myself called. She said that I want to meet, to remove the hotel room and waited for me there, warned that this is the last time, because I can't leave my husband. He returned him a ring in the room, and asked to go right away to the matter, not to say a word. The second betrayal of my husband was easier for my husband, even the feelings of conscience were not so already joined, although I still felt Merzko and Gadko. Tolik did not want to take his gift back, but I insisted, said that God forbid, my husband would find, until let him come to him while I did not make decisions. He joked, said that he did not clean. I decided that the next meeting would be the last for sure. Then, and then, and in the end, our meetings were regular, met anywhere, in the hotel, at the cottage, he did not lead to his house, and he did not like himself. The husband was lied, her daughter was lied, as she could, then at work detained, then the car broke down, then the girlfriend, in general, was confused in his own lies, but I still had anyway, I realized that it was specifically and be it that would be. I do not know how much it continued if there was no case. The case was in the summer, vacation at school began at the daughter. The husband joyfully informed that a long business trip to Germany had to develop a joint project, and the site he was ready to even take us with her daughter. There are two months somewhere. I refused, referring to the fact that I have a large designer project, but can go daughter. The husband was upset. After conducting them, I rank Anatoly at the airport right there at the airport.

These two months we lived literally like a husband and wife. I was completely forgotten that I had a husband, family, even forgot about my daughter. Lucky responded to their calls and messages. And literally a week, as they had to come back, I felt the first signs. After all, lately, we have not even been protected. I secretly made a test result positive. This child Anatoly, not her husband. I just feet feet. I decided not yet anything to talk to anyone, Tolly said that I needed home, to take and prepare for a meeting of her husband and daughter. He understood me, I said that I will accept the decision in the near future. The first thought was to take an abortion and break the relationship with Anatoly, then I remembered that Dima has repeatedly spoke about the second child, but I pull all the site. Then he thought, to give a child to her husband for his own, but how to live with it? I wanted to throw everything and escape from both, I had a breakdown, barely miscarriage did not happen. Husband came to her daughter. When I looked at Dima, I realized that I was looking at him with completely different eyes, like a person in a foreign person, and I realized that I had no previous feelings left for my husband. No, I still loved him, but just like a person close to me, like a friend, like a brother, as a decent father of my daughter. But those feelings that the woman experiences to a man fell asleep, lay on the bottom of my heart, and the rest of my heart was occupied by Anatoly, because under it I wore a child, his child - Toli. I was in confusion and did not know what to do. All the same gained courage and admitted Anatoly. How many delight and joy was, not to convey, demanded to talk to her husband or myself will talk to him on male. But I did not even know where to start the site, I simply didn't have a reason, I became irritable, fell on trifles on Dima and my daughter, confused, plus the pregnancy affected what Dima had not yet spoke.

I missed the time while I thought it was to do and aborted to do late, the stomach began to grow, and the pregnancy was becoming more difficult to hide. I tried several times to talk to Dima, but something broke all the time. And so I chose a moment, and said: "Dima, we need to talk." Then the words are stuck in my throat. But according to his expression, it was clear that he understood what a conversation would go about. "Speak! Do not know where to start? Want, I will help you? " It turned out that he knew everything. He knew, suffered, suffered, but silent. I thought and hoped that it was not serious I had all that I would understand, I was hoping to save my family to the latter. Asked: "You know when I realized that I lost you finally? When you refused to go with us to Germany, and I as a suicide person of execution expected this conversation. Well, I will not hold for power, but I will give you my daughter. She is all that I have left, I ask you, do not take me the last meaning of life. "

You can not even imagine what happened to me at this moment. I fell on my knees, I asked for you to forgive me, I don't know himself that I don't know why everything went wrong in our relationship that he was not guilty of anything, she said that I was not enough that I would pray that I would pray He was all good in life. Talked with my daughter, she firmly decided to stay with his father, and it is not even discussed, I also decided that Irishke would be better with dad. Both removed the rings, I went to another room and scored Anatolia, he said that he sent a car, the driver would help immerse my things. I still remember to take a tear on the face of my husband and an angry look of my daughter, when they spent me, got into the car and burst out. We were spread quickly, the place of residence of the daughter was appointed with his father, given the desires of both spouses and a child.

We got married with Tolley, the wedding was modest, only close relatives site and some work colleagues, my parents loved Dima very much and even the news of congratulations were not sent. My son was born, a wonderful boy, Sasha called. Occasionally saw her daughter, she seemed to serve to serve a service, and the whole view showed that I was unpleasant. When I tried to make comments, threw it, although I know that Dima is not the person who will tune his daughter against me. With Anatoly, our life did not work out, and our family idyll was enough for three years. No, he will not think the nice man, surrounded us with her son care, Dima, a former husband helped to make a leap in a career, the truth and not guess from whose submission. But each other we somehow burned out, and again the matter in me. It is possible that I experienced to him, it was love, passion, admiration, affection, anything, but not love. Dima I loved, really loved, and if I had not become pregnant from Toli, I would never leave him.

After the divorce, Anatoly bought me an apartment to the site a good prestigious area, tastefully furnished her, bought it all there, appointed us with her son a decent money content, hired a housekeeper, nanny, and I went to work again, otherwise I just go crazy. Often I think about Dima, about how he came with him, with him and her daughter. Recently asked Irishka, as he is there. "Is it so important to you?" - There was an answer. Asked, but would she want mom with dad together again? And then the hysteria began with it. She said that he was one and a half years old, almost in a vegetable turned, if it were not for her daughter, or put his hands on himself, either. That he is already half a year, as it meets with a young girl, and they plan a wedding. She said that Angela her like an older sister, that Dad had bloomed again, began to live, the joyful light appeared in his eyes, and that the new life to break them, they would not allow them. Ran away. I learned everything about that girl - some kind of student, in the firm of Dima work. I know that he will not be a site with her happy that he loves me so far. I cursed more and more every day, for what I did with Dima. The only thing that makes me do not regret it, so this is my son, Sasha, I love him very much. I really want to be with Dima to take me and my child.

Is it possible? Has he forgive me? Is it worth fighting for him, and does it make sense to restore the family or do not need to climb? Can the daughter forgive me? Advise me. This girl does not like him, she enjoys them only. Please, you, not for that writing a story so that I was condemned, I myself know that I robbed with three boxes of mistakes, myself destroyed everything. Advise how to approach Dima and how to start a conversation

Everyone knows the old folk saying that in the same river it is impossible to enter twice. But for some reason, when it comes to relationships, people believe that you can leave and return, say goodbye and renewed, while it will still be as before. And in essence, human relations are similar to the water in the river: if it came out of them, then return to those relationships will not succeed. The resumption of communication with the former partner is the beginning of a completely different relationship with a familiar person, and not the revival of the previous relationship.

Such a resumption of communication between former partners has a couple of advantages and quite a few minuses. Of the advantages, you can note the following:

  • People already know the habits, features and disadvantages of each other, so they do not spend time on this knowledge;
  • Knowing the cause of the previously taking place and wanting to build new strong relationships, partners will smooth potentially sharp corners in return relations.

However, still there are a lot of flaws in return relations. Often, the main negative moment in them is directly refund to the former husband or partner when you do not need to do this.

When you do not need to go back to my husband

No matter how sad woman is alone or uncomfortable in new relations, you should not return to the former man in the following cases:

  • If parting occurred on the basis of coarse or cruel treatment of a woman from a man, if a man insulted his wife, humiliated her, applied physical violence to her. Fix home tirana and "kitchen boxer" is impossible. It is laid in his psyche and has deep roots. No requests for forgiveness and oaths with promises change are not true in these cases. Therefore, returning, the woman will turn out to be exactly the same situation from which ran away. Sooner or later, she will again be insulting, offend, humiliate.
  • If the husband went to another woman, then broke up with her and asks his wife to return. There is absolutely no guarantee that the husband will not find a woman again and will not go to her. And the wife will again survive the same gamut of feelings, characteristic of a deceived abandoned wife. In this case, I use my wife as a "spare airfield", throwing it for another passion and returning to her after Fiasco. There is no future in such relationships.
  • If, during a joint life, the husband did not work, did not participate in family expenses, did not support the order of the house and the serviceability of communications. Indirectly attitude towards the house indirectly indicates indifference to a woman with which a man in this house lives. And the reluctance to work is formed in childhood, for example, when the boy sees how the mother works in several works, and the father either works randomly, or does not work at all. Such a model is enshrined in consciousness as the norm and it is possible to change it, only after passing the course of psychotherapy. The wife receives instead of her husband of a capricious and demanding child, which causes pity and annoyance at the same time, and irritation. Sometimes there is no place in such a relationship in such a relationship, since all resources are spent on a non-feasible man.
  • If the rupture of the relationship occurred due to the disputes of the material and property soil. Not so rare one spouse strokes another that he came to his house or in his apartment that he earns less that he spends too much (even if the spending were intelligent and not exceeding real needs), that a lot of money goes to the content of the children of the spouse from previous marriages. Even if the material position of the spouse recovered, it still does not guarantee that he will not be punished again and again.
  • If the husband is an alcoholic, a drug addict, a playground. To such a man can be returned only if it has passed inpatient treatment and is in a state of stable remission. But you need to understand that a man with addiction and a man after treatment are two completely different personalities. The second person is not familiar to the woman, so the principle of return relations does not work here. Relationships in this case are built up "from scratch".
  • If the husband is infantile. Surely the initiator and the cause of the destruction of the family is a mother-in-law or another significant close-old man from her husband. Hardly he rushed from the moment of parting. Therefore, the renewal of relations does not make sense.
  • If the reason for returning to her husband is not in feelings for it, but in fear stay alone. This fear will prevent a happy woman in any case - in relations with the previous partner, in relations with another man, out of any relationship. At first it is necessary to get rid of the fear of loneliness, and then establish a personal life.

In all other cases, you can try to start all over and renew the relationship with your ex-husband.

How to return to her husband if you left him to another

Sometimes women, before declare her husband about the break of relationships with Him, are looking for another man, tie relations with him, are convinced of the reliability and sustainability of these relationships, and then only openly leave her husband to another.

For most men who came to such a situation, it does not matter why there was a break with his wife. They are convinced that parting happened because of the treason of his wife. Their own flaws, mistakes and problems in family life are not considered as the root cause of marriage.

Men are almost always owners in a relationship with a woman. Even the man who does not show jealiness, exactly looks at the fact that his wife has friends and friends among men, that she receives male marks, clearly outlays for himself that the limit of which will be regarded as treason.

Therefore, the fact that the wife left not just from her husband, but left to another, practically eliminates the opportunity to restore relationships and return to her husband.

Sometimes the husbands themselves are ready to close their eyes to the fact that their wife consisted or is in a relationship with someone else, try to return it and live with her, not remembering her lover. But it happens quite rarely.

Still, the men's psyche arranged in such a way that the change of his wife is a huge blow with an incredible destructive force. Forgive your wife, the connection on the side is not given to every man.

What to do to return to my husband after leaving another

If he is ready to continue with his wife after her care to another man, then you need to take a step towards him. It also needs to be done so that nothing resembled the days spent with the other. This refers to gifts from the lover, joint photos with him, domestic films with his participation.

A woman needs to realize that a man is much easier to perceive the one who has had a woman to him, but it is almost impossible to accept those who were during relationship with him.

Completely unacceptably compare your husband with a lover. This can be compared with the control shots in the heart of a reviving relationship with her husband.

In order not to guess whether the husband wants to return his wife, is ready to forgive her care to another, you just need to find time and ask it in a relaxed atmosphere in neutral territory.

Often it is a simple question, without debris and theatrical emotions, gives an unequivocal and clear answer.

A man in the depths of the soul has long decided for himself if he can continue to continue the relationship with the woman who changed him. This decision is made subconsciously and is often hidden from himself.

The task of a woman is to ask your question so that the man can confess to his decision first to himself, and then his wife.

You do not need to cry, climb hands, give loud oaths, painting the head ashes and paint in their mistakes. First, it annoys a man and seems to him insincere, and secondly distract him from making a final decision.

Women's weapons in this case are one - sincerity. If the husband understands that the care is perceived by his wife as a mistake about which she regrets that she retained the true feelings to her husband, and not to the lover that his wife decided to build relationships only with one man - his spouse, it was easier for him It will be decided to restore family life and attempt to establish spoiled marital relations.

No requests, persuasions, promises, threats and blackmail will not help his wife return to her husband to whom they changed.