Hairstyles of girls from 3 6 years old. Best Weaving Moscycles for Girls. Bezel in French technique with flower

Baby hair is very soft and cheese, so working with them is a pleasure. Of course, many babies are asked to leave strands to spread, but this is not the best solution. Hair is confused, and after combing it is broken due to the fact that many moms incorrectly displaced the nodes.

In general, in any case, the best hairstyle for the girl is 3-10 years old - this is a pigtail. Moreover, today there is a lot of options to make a beautiful and simple hairstyle with braids, so inspire. Everyone will come!

By the way, if you decide to twist your hair, use high-quality devices that do not spoil and do not harness them.

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Basic weaving methods

So, there are many ways of weaving, which are applicable in children's hair. The simplest is:

  • ordinary weaving;
  • spikelets and spikelets on the contrary;
  • fish tail;
  • bow;
  • with rubber bands.

We suggest to consider the simplest options that can be performed literally in a couple of minutes. Of course. Ordinary spikelet and reverse. Mastering these technicians can create a variety of hairstyles, because it is not necessary to determine exactly one pigtail. The amount may be the most different as the location on the head. You can also combine spikelets with a tail, with a bundle, various hair accessories.

How to braid a simple beautiful spikelet?

The spikelet should weave on long or medium hair. With short work in such a technique is very difficult. If a child has a bang, it can be used in the spikelet, then you need to start a pigtail from the forehead yourself, or leave.

Performing a standard beautiful spikelet for a girl on long hair worth starting with three simple rules:

  1. carefully combing hair, you can use spray for easy combing;
  2. prepare gum, hairpins, invisible and comb with a thin tail;
  3. squeeze the child, as convenient as possible, so as not to send the neck.

If you first decided to brake spikelets, start with one. To do this, stride all the hair back and highlight the strand at the forehead with a thickness of up to 2 cm, 3-4 width. Divide the strand into three equal parts and twist as a regular pigtail. Now it is necessary to pick up extra hair with each side brand.

To be clearer, how to act, watch a video lesson on which it is shown in detail how to weave the French pigtail.

French braid on the side - simple hairstyle for every day

Having studied the technique of weaving French Kos, you can create a variety of hairstyles. It is enough to experiment with the amount of braids and their location on the head. For example, the original and stylish version of the school or the garden will be French braid on the side.

To perform a hairstyle, divide the hair into two parts and start wearing the French braid on one side, picking up the hair only before the probor. Pleerate from the middle of the forehead, moving in the opposite ear.

See step-by-step photo to understand the technique of hairstyles:

Spit on the contrary - light hairstyle in 5 minutes

Many scares such a hairstyle as a braid on the contrary, but it is even easier than the classic pigtail. To do this, it is also necessary to highlight the strand and divide it into three equal parts. The prerequisite from the classic spiker is that the strands need to be placed, and at the bottom, picking up extra hair.

Watch a video lesson how to weave the back French braid:

Original pigtails for girls on medium and long hair

Oshiving basic weaving techniques - ordinary braid, spikelers and French braids, on the contrary, you can create an unlimited number of hairstyles for girls on medium and long hair. With short, a little more complicated and tell about them later.

So, if the holiday is planned, then a simple hairstyle with weaving can be slightly complicated. For example: consolidate over another visa transparent invisible, creating a basket. Or in braid you can need a bright tape, stick the hairpins. You can also braid only part of the hair, the rest of the collected in one or more tails.

Not depending on what hairstyle you are going to do, prepare your hair: Carefully spread out. You can pre-wind or straighten.

Step-by-step photo of performing hairstyles "Move of two braces":

Mapper in the tail - Fast novelty from stylists, which is gaining popularity this season. Highlight strand at the temple and braid the usual braid. Fix it with a rubber band, and then collect along with the rest of the hair in the tail. It will be fashionable and original.

A rubber band can be hidden by strands of the hair, securing it with a pin or invisible.

The simplest casual hairstyle for girls to school is Malwinka. This allows you to remove curls from the face and at the same time leave the chapels loose. And in order to somehow diversify the Malun, you can braid a pigtail from those hair that are collected and wind them bagel. Secure with the power of the trigger.

Such a semilion today is considered very fashionable hairstyle, because Hollywood stars are worn.

The basket of two spikes will take a little longer than a semi-crawl or braid with a tail, but it is worth it. It turns out stylish and beautiful.

Divide your hair into two equal parts by a vertical survey and braid two classic spikes or French inside out. With the hardware, fasten them on the back of the head, creating a basket.

Long hair can be collected in a high tail, and braids braid out of it. Moreover, it is best to weave different: a fishtail, harness, ordinary. Then all the workpieces must be applied to each other, it turns out a volumetric and very original hairstyle.

Another way to tempt the child, which has long or medium hair - spikelets in two rows. To do this, we divide the hair not vertically, but horizontally. We ride two French pigtails, but in the first grab extra hair only above. The bottom is already classic.

We are braided spikelets under the tail, if we want to create an original beam or a tall horse tail. To do this, start the ear not from the forehead, but from the nape. Pre-read each strand thoroughly.

Another version of the original weaving for girls is the grip spikelets. So that the hairstyle succeeds divide the hair into three equal parts. We begin to weave from the temple and you stop on the top, weeping the usual braid about 4-5 cm. Then, by passing the center, again begin to capture extra hair again in the selected zone. On the other hand, we do the same.

Weaving braids for girls on short hair: ideas, nuances

Short hair is much more difficult to assemble in the hairstyle, especially in such as braid. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-apply mousse or foam to laying so that they do not disintegrate.

The easiest option is to make flashers on short hair. Highlight small strands and collect elastic bands, and then scroll through the center. It will be imitation of small spikes.

Weaving pigs for girls: video with step-by-step instructions

Learn various weaving to please your own child with various hairstyles are obliged not only women, but also men. Moreover, with the help of video directions, it is much easier to study.

Here is an example of how quickly you can make a hairstyle or garden:

Also braids can be decorated with various accessories, and the most popular of them - the canchelon. This is an artificial fiber, which is crowded into the hair, lengthening them.

If weaving are not at all, it is possible to master the tricky and original reception - braids with rubber bands. There is no weaving here, but everything looks like a relaxed spikelet.

Each of you will be able to fulfill children's hairstyles for girls with their own hands - in the presented master class we collected only simple and very fast styling.

Multilayer basket

Do you like retro style? Hairstyle in the "grandmother's" style looks very interesting! With a certain skill, you will not be difficult to fulfill her for my daughter!

  1. Dispense your hair across the entire head of the head.
  2. From the top of a circular weaving on the principle of the French braid. Free strands capture only from the outside.
  3. Moving in a circle, braid all hair. Strong weaving need a conventional three-row oblique.
  4. The tip tie a rubber band and hide it under the "basket" by fixing the invisible.


Hairstyle for every day in the form of a circular braid is done very simply and allows you to carefully remove strands from the face.

  1. Hair near the foreheads separated with fine comb.
  2. The rest of the hair collect a rubber, so as not to interfere.
  3. Throw strands at the forehead on one side and start weave the French spikelet, capturing free strands on both sides.
  4. The tip of the braid will make a very thin elastic band and hide under the flowing hair. If there is a desire, screw them with the catch.

Beautiful flower of hair

For matinees and celebrations, such very beautiful laying is perfect.

  1. Drop smooth hair and put them on one side by making a side sample.
  2. Tie a tail of a fine rubber band.
  3. Separate from it the middle strand and braid the pigtail until the tip. Tie it another thin rubber band.
  4. With the help of studs, put a braid around the main gum to get a flower.
  5. Copy tips scroll on curlers.

Hairstyle "Heart" for medium length

Beautiful children's hairstyles will turn your girly into a real princess. This elegant option bribes simplicity!

  1. Drop braids on a central sample.
  2. One part of the hair tie a rubber band.
  3. From the second part, we will braid the French pigtail, inlet free strands only from the outside. Then it will resemble the shape of the heart. Tip Tie a rubber band.
  4. On the other hand, repeat the same weaving. Spit must be symmetrical.
  5. Tie together the tips of the braids.

See more in more detail in the video:

Elegant wreath of rubber

Hairstyle with the help of gums are especially in demand, as they allow you to create a real beauty literally in 10 minutes! This option is suitable for hair medium.

  1. Divide the hair by a longitudinal survey.
  2. Watch in half a horizontal versus each of the two parts.
  3. Now do the same with each of the 4 sections. You will have 8 identical strands.
  4. Each strand jows a thin colored or monochrome rubber band. As a result, you will have 16 small tails located in a circle.
  5. Collect them in the middle of one big rubber band so that it turned out a wreath.

Beam on the side of the braid

Elegant hairstyle for children is suitable for any along and make your daughter a beautiful little princess.

  1. Tie a tail side.
  2. Take three braids. If the hair is thick, they can be much more.
  3. Each braid wrap around the base of the tail, fixing with stiletts.
  4. Decorate a bundle with decorative elements.

"Sign Infinity"

This wonderful hairstyle comes from the 80s. In the modern version it is easier, but it also looks beautiful.

  1. Make a central or zigzag sample and tie two tail practically at the nape.
  2. Take two braids.
  3. Raise the right spit up and stretch under the rubber band, which holds the tail. For reliability, you can use another gum.
  4. To the resulting ring stretch the left braid.
  5. The tip also fasten.
  6. For decoration, use hairpins with bows or flowers.

Also, you will like these options:

Low beam made of pigs

Girls 10 years old can run such an amazing beam - feminine and elegant. Like a beloved mother!

  1. Draw your hair on the side sample.
  2. Tie low tail.
  3. Divide it on 5-6 equal parts.
  4. Every part will turn into a spit.
  5. Tips tie together very thin rubber band and fold in half, so that the tails watched up.
  6. Secure the bundle with a rubber band and complement the cloth or a living flower.

Hairstyle for loose hair

Cute styling for loose hair can be made in kindergarten both on holidays and on weekdays.

  1. Drop your hair on the side sample and tie 4 small tail along it.
  2. The second and the third divide in half and connect the gum neighboring strands.
  3. The central tail is again divided in half and attach to extreme tails.
  4. Tips of the tails turn in pigtails.

Bowl of hair

Festive children's hairstyle for the girl do not require special knowledge. Make it can everyone!

  1. Tie a high tail. Do not pull your hair to the end, and leave the tip hang on the forehead.
  2. Share in half the resulting loop.
  3. The remaining ends transfer back to completely close the rubber band. Secure it invisible.
  4. Spray Bantian lacquer.

How do you like such a bow?

Laying from nodules

This hairstyle is durable - it will last all day, providing your daughter a neat appearance.

  1. Make side sample.
  2. On the left and on the right separate the strands of the site passing from the temple to the ear.
  3. Each part is divided into three identical sections.
  4. Starting from the sample, tighten the tight harness, gradually adding free strands. Make three harness on both sides.
  5. Hair in the occipital part divide in half.
  6. We make the tail on the right side by attaching the corresponding harnesses to it.
  7. Exactly the same tail on the left side.
  8. Twist two beams, fixing them with stiletts.
  9. We distribute protruding tips and spray with varnish.

Two hearts

From long and thick hair you can make two hearts. It looks very beautiful!

  1. Divide the hair in half a direct vesary.
  2. Make two tails.
  3. At the base of the gum, make a small deepening and stretch the tail through it.
  4. Divide it into two parts and twist into the harness.
  5. Form the heart and securely secure invisible or stud.

And how do you like these 2 options:

Lightweight fish tap

This fashionable hairstyle can be safely performed even on short strands.

  1. Drop the hair and separate the sides of the two identical strands.
  2. Tie their fine rubber band.
  3. Low it down and stretch the tail inside.
  4. Below will separate two more such strands and repeat the process.
  5. In this way, you can braid all hair, and you can only make 3-4 weaving.

How to cut? How to stack? What come up with tomorrow? These and other questions are familiar with the parents of the girls.

As an answer, we offer a large material about haircuts, tricks and accessories. We also consider in detail the hairstyles for girls for every day and for the holiday. In general, with such a guide, you can be completely going to battle ... That is, to school or kindergarten. And, perhaps, something from this mother will fit for themselves.

Baby haircuts for girls

Against the background of waves of adoration, swelling girls with long hair, shorter haircuts seem forgotten. However, this does not mean that the elegant bob or fluffy buzz is needed. It is recommended to leave the length to the shoulders that are well kept form.

If the chapels forever looks disheveled, it is worth thinking about Garson with accented tips.

Simple, but at the same time stylish and flexible haircuts that retain the volume of the crown and cut it on the back of the head, like girls of all ages.

Hairstyles for girls in kindergarten

And now it's time for conversation about laying. Let's start with the most difficult category - Malyk-Preschool IC. There are a lot of problems with hairstyle for girls to kindergarten:

  • hair is still too thin to achieve volume;
  • the child is hard to sit in one place and not twist head;
  • laying so badly crumble during active games.

There are no universal solutions, but several colored rubber bands at hand and 15 minutes to heat up several braids will save a lot of families.

And still small fashionista love to take an example with mothers. Therefore, calmly repeat the bundles on their heads and do not forget about fashionable bays.

Actually, the bow is one of the most devoted friends as long as the baby will grow to a "serious" second class. Alternative to Bantu - Cute "ears" based on the wire.

Hairstyles for girls on graduation in the garden do not have to be complex. Wrap the hoop strands or just hide it among curls.

If time allows, you can choose more lush nodes and harnesses.

Hairstyles for graduation in kindergarten worth decorating with flowers, abandoning more complex decorations made of metal or tapes. The exception can be imitation of a lace or thin diadem.

Hairstyles for schoolgirls

Of particular interest are hairstyles for girls on graduation grade 4. Not yet adults, but no longer the crumbs, the ladies usually ordered "something cool." Such cool can be a crown of braids with butterflies decoration, a large bundle with a decor or a beam with a natural bow.

In general, hairstyles for girls 10 years should assume that their owners still cannot sit on the spot all day. So the hoop is more useful.

The older the girl becomes, the simpler becomes the laying. Hairstyles for girls to school usually do not die with hairpins and are not surprised by intricacies. The optimal option is an asymmetrical emphasis in the form of three braids.

Bocho's school style embodies hairstyles with diagonal-oriented braids (48, 53, 12).

And by February 14, the laying can be made romantic, decorated with hearts from stretched toward thin strands.

Weaving braids for girls

Today weaving completely passed from the category of characters into art elements. Very relevant hairstyles with a tail or a bundle that continues the bulk braid.

And at the end of fashion - hairstyles with multiple pigtails, which connect the ribbons. As a result, the stitch effect is obtained, which will become an elegant highlight for a solemn event.

If we talk about simple "drawings", then the "fishe tail" and "Danish spit" are unconditional leaders.

Third place is gradually conquering a twisted braid, which is made from several harnesses.

The combination of several types of drawing is also very important: it allows you to create a strict but spectacular image.

Finally, I want to remember about the old good grid from the braid, suitable and as a hairstyle for girls grade 4 and for dance performances in 9. From such a design, strands are not knocked out and do not interfere.

If the time is limited, it is enough to braid 2-3 "tracks".

Light hairstyles for girls

Usually they are built on a braid of a traffic that complement the braids, a bundle or catchy decorations. Laying will be filled with special charm due to curls.

Tails are ideal hairstyles for girls in 5 minutes. We intercept the strands of rubber bands in several places and get ready-made cute image. From these segments you can create a braid.

Do not underestimate the capabilities of the harnesses, the benefit that they can decorate and short hairstyles for girls.

Festive hairstyles for girls do it yourself

Do not completely catch how to weave or chain strands? Let's analyze the composite hairstyles for girls step by step.

Spit "Herringbone"

For the basics, we will need to heat the braid, for which 3-6 transparent rubber bands will need (if there are green - they are suitable). Like many beautiful hairstyles for girls, this does not require special skills and knowledge.

Hair is smoothly combing, raise the upper third and on the back of the head we fastened with a rubber band. The resulting tail is divided to the upper and lower beam. They, in turn, also divide in half. Further, the scheme is as follows: the lower halves supply the top, fix the rubber band, stretching to the parties (it is necessary to stretch immediately, and not when the spit will be braided - otherwise the strands will be asymmetrically pulled). And so - before the nape.

The remaining? Hair collected in a low horse tail. We skip it through weaving so as to close the lower gum.

Now it will be needed decor for our Christmas tree. It is better if the studs are more than 3 - so they will not look random. You need to challenge them in the base of the "trunk", that is, to the place that is fixed with a rubber band.

Everything, now the basis for the festive hairstyles for girls on long hair is ready.

Corrugated braids

The option for all those cases when I want something unusual, and little time left for training. Such children's hairstyles for girls (the photo gives us to approximately estimate the front of the work) will take place within half an hour.

We divide the hair on the "gear" sample.

We braid braids on the sides: To do this, we add hair from the temple to strands from the "teeth"; fix a rubber band.

The central part temporarily postpone. Now we proceed weaving and tips below the rubber band of the catch (if it is so convenient for you - you can first make strands corrugated and only then braid).

Spit we reduce on the back of the head, remove one of the rubber, and the second we fix the weaving. Free strand is wrapped with a design so that nothing cut eyes.

Double "chain"

There are hairstyles for girls, photos and just the type of which always causes increased attention. "Chain" is one of them. What is noteworthy, it will not require a lot of time.

We divide the hair onto the straight sample, form two symmetric tail on the sides. From the top of the tail, we pick up two thin strands and tie them into a simple ordinary knot. We laid your hair in the direction of the second tail. After 4-6 cm again tie strands to the node. We repeat to the moment until the tips can be hidden under a gum or a picker invisible.

The same "chain" weave from the second tail. After that, we collect loose hair into spiral harnesses and slightly stretch the "snail" to the sides. Tails are fixed inside with the help of the hairpins.

Fighting that children's hairstyles for girls on long hair can be repeated and for medium length - just a chain will consist of two halves.

Waves like a princess

Often the most beloved children's hairstyles for girls - with scattered on the shoulders curls. To make such stacking, it will take to take a little firm minium for half an hour, because it will have to sit still sit while you are managed with a curling.

Dry hair clean up. Work is starting with the lowest strands, winding them on the curl of the spiral. As we have already written, girls have thin hair, so there is a temptation to turn the whole layer of the whole, but it is not worth doing this. Share layers on 3-4 parts.

Ready curls scatter with your fingers. To resort to the brush, even soft, it is not necessary, because curls can deal.

The head is bit buzzing, right? But it is so pulling to try missing for girls, whose photo you have had a little earlier. Actually, for this we collected so much material.

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In addition, this hairstyle looks neatly, beautiful and aesthetically, it is also practical, which is especially important if we are talking about children who rarely sit in one place. Any other styling quickly disintegrates and will lose its original appearance.

Despite the variety of weaving species, there are some standards and principles that are unchanged - these are the so-called blocks. Each of them has characteristic only for one or another hairstyles of strands and their interlacing. Having mastered several techniques, you can combine them.

Some pigtails for girls are most popular thanks to the ease of weaving, others have less popularity due to the complexity and greater time spent on their creation. However, you can easily find 100 hairstyles with step-by-step photo instructions.

Rules with ribbons

Ribbons give hairstyle originality and attractiveness.

When using ribbons, it is important to remember about the following points:

  1. Used, as a rule, narrow satin ribbons. Wide apply rarely.
  2. To make the image harmonious, special attention should be paid to the color of the tape.
  3. Before starting weaving, the tape is attached invisible to the hair at the base.

Classical three permanent

The classic option woves from three strands, which alternately superimpore one to another.

Pigtails for girls - 100 hairstyles are traditionally starting with the usual all-famous three permanent braids, we can even determine the children

Two three permanent mosiches

This is a favorite hairstyle of little girls. At the heart of weaving the classic scheme, only the hair is divided into two parts along the direct vertical sample and braid on both sides.

Two pigtails crossed on the back

Two pigtails carass

Horns from KS.

Two beams of three permanent braids

Movement from tail

Clap from the tail: Weaving scheme with gum

Three retail braids

This hairstyle resembles the previous one with the difference that there are three braids from the collected on the painshche or head of the tail.


For this hairstyle, all hair is collected in the tail, from which at least 10 braids are brazed. Next, they are fixed by invisible, leading to the gum and it turns out, a little untidy, but it is even more romantic and the original cocoon.

Fish tail

Pigs for girls (100 hairstyles with step-by-step photo Instructions are presented in this article) are performed in a variety of techniques.

For hairstyles "Fish Tail" Hair must be smooth and obedient, so they are lubricated with air conditioning or water. Work begins with the temples, where two strands come from. They crossed on the back of the head, left under the right.

An additional strand is taken on the left and crosses the right in such a way that the new strand is from below. Next, the strand is taken on the right side and then on this technology, the entire "fish tail" is brazed.

French or spikes

Weaving begins with a macushkin. The big curl is divided into three parts, and the work begins with the bracket of the usual classic option. Then the hair from the sides are beginning to be frightened.

Three French Spit - Dragon

Hairstyle "Dragon" can be performed from both three, so from two or four inverse French braids

French waterfall

Take 4 strands of the same volume in the temple, with the exception of 2, which should be a bit thinner than the rest.

Weave on such a scheme:

  • 1st under the 2nd and on top of the 3rd;
  • 4th under the 3rd and on top of the 2nd.

Then some hair from the total volume is added to the extreme strands.

  • 2nd over the 3rd and under the 4th;
  • then the 1st strand is removed to the side, and instead they take the curl of the total mass;
  • new is carried out under the 3rd and over the 2nd.

Weave according to such a scheme, but the extra hair takes no longer only below, and on top.

Waterfall from KG.

The technique is the same as in the last version, but those strands, which in the last hairstyle freely fell down, they will be swam in small pigtails.

Multi-row french waterfall

Two French braids connected in one Two French braids, intertwined cross

Two braids are very original looking in the neck area. In order to heat such a hairstyle, you need to divide the hair into 2 parts by vertical sample, and then each part is divided into another 2 parts, but already on the horizontal test, that is, to separate from the bottom. For convenience, all parts can be fixed with rubber bands.

Weaving begins with the top left strand. At the heart - French technique with one-sided capture. Having reached the middle, it is fixed with a rubber band. The upper right side is brazed in the same way and is also fixed with a rubber band in the middle.

Two French braids with hair adding on one side

Another interesting version of the weaving of French braids is with gradually wwaking hair into the braid only on the one hand.

Circular french braid


In appearance resembles a wicker basket. Before starting work, hair is distributed evenly from the top. The basis is French technique.

Spit is brazed from the top of a circle and only on the outside. It should break the whole head, and the remaining hair will be blocked either in the usual braid, or carefully fix with spills.

Spit milking (around the head)

One of the most simple hairstyles, which will require a minimum of time. Hair must be divided by central sample to the bottom. Parts must be approximately the same in volume.

Each is brazed separately, and then they are connected on the top of the cross-crosswise, one above the other is fixed with the spilet and hairstyle ready.


The countdown of strands begins to the left of the right. The 3rd placed on the 2nd and sums up under the 1st. The 2nd is placed on top of the 4th and is supplied under it. The 4th is carried out between the 1st and 2nd, and is supplied under the 3rd. 2nd. Conducted under the 1st and attach from above to the 3rd. And further along the same scheme.

Four distribution braid with the main 3rd strand

The 3rd strand is taken for the central, i.e. All weaving is carried out around one strand, and she herself is not involved, so the focus is clearly visible in the finished work.

Four distribution braid with ribbon

Five permanent

Learning to braid this option is best from the tail, and in the future you can do without it.

The tail is divided into 5 strands (countdown to the right) and weave according to the scheme:

  • 5 above 3rd and under the 4th;
  • 1st over the 3rd, under the 2nd;
  • 5 over the 4th, under the 3rd;
  • 1st over the 3rd, under the 2nd.

Spit - Hollywood Wave

Dual Hollywood wave

With rubber bands

Movement with rubber bands is one of the favorite hairstyles for every girl. 100 hairstyles with step-by-step photos clearly transmit the process of creating hairstyles.

Two options are most popular: with throwing and with the product. The basis is a high tail. It is divided into 4 parts, 2 side connects on top and tie with rubber band. They share a strand that remained at the bottom of 2 parts, throw them from above, connect and also fix the rubber band. And so to the end.

In the case of damage to strands, the principle is about the same, but a slightly different technology. The hair is divided not two parts, and not 4, that is, the top is separated from Niza. They alternately do one through the other and fixed with rubber bands.

Spiral (twist) or harness

Each strand (and they can be from 2 to 6) twisted into the spiral, and then intertwined with each other. An important point is to twist the harnesses need a tight, otherwise everything will fall apart.

French-style twist
Twist from KS. Spit with rubber bands with the addition of two braids in the technique of twist on the sides

Cosos harness or twist can also be mad at one with a rubber band.

Malwinka of two braids
Malwinka with one oblique Hairstyle from braid and crossed strands a la French weaving
French braid


The principle of weaving is the same as in the classical version, with the only difference that each strand twists in the harness.

Classic, spikelet or fishe tail in the tail

This kind of hairstyles involves weaving on one of the techniques, but the hair is not dissolved, but tied to the tail.

Spit in spit

This hairstyle looks good on dense long hair. We need to make a sample with a view of a triangle, the top of which looks inside. The hair of the dedicated triangular region is braided by the wrong technology. And the remaining hair assembled for convenience in the tail, they fought through those that are brazed and secured from above.

After the base is braided, discharge the crusions and braid them with a pigtail that passes right in the middle.


Work begins with the separation of hair on the side test. From a small strand, highlighted in front, the French water purple braid will turn. The pickup is carried out only with one, external part.

Next, the weaving unfolds in the other direction, and the pickup is done already on the other side, reaching the opposite edge, she again unfolds and the side of pickup is also changing. Thus, the braid is preparing to Niza and has the type of snake.

French inside out (Dutch, Danish)

Hair is lubricated with air conditioning for softness. Weaving begins with a macushkin. You need to take three strands and start weave the usual braid and as you move to add free hair to strands.

But if in a classic French version, the strands are superimposed on each other, then in this variation, on the contrary, they are strained to each other.

Diagonal Danish Spa

Fishe tail on top of French braids

Fish Tail over French Spit: Weaving Scheme

French inverted

The work begins not from the top, but from the bottom of the neck and turn up. The remaining hair is either drawn up in a beautiful beam, or hide inside.

French inverted, over the sample and divergent on the forehead

Weaving begins slightly above the nape. First, two probes are done in such a way that the triangle is formed, the sharp end of which is above the nape, that is, at the beginning of weaving. The dedicated strand must be such a volume so that it can be divided into two parts.

Weaving is carried out towards the face. At the base of the forehead, the strand is divided into two parts and thin pigtails are molded. One starts through the left side to the back of the head, the second - through the right, and there they are connected.

Bunch with ordinary oblique

Hair must be lower shoulders long. They need to comb well, tie a high tail. Then they are wound on the lining designed to create hairstyles with beams (you can buy in any specialized store).

Bunch with two twisted braids

Movement for girls (100 hairstyles with step-by-step photos demonstrate that the hairstyle of any complexity can master everyone who has a clear example of their execution before the eyes) should be able to weave moms who grow daughters.

The beam is made in the same way as in the last hairstyle, but first on the sides, starting from the temples, the inverse French braids are brazed. Their ends are tied in the tail on the back of the head. Next is made a beam, but, in this case, the ends are not brazed, but hiding inside the beam and are attached invisible. Such a hairstyle looks more festive and elegant.

Five per grain braid with ribbons

One of the most popular options with ribbon is considered five permanent. It uses two tapes that are woven so that in the finished spit they are placed in the middle of weaving.


This is a lot of small braids all over your head. Such a hairstyle is quite practical and convenient, because if weaving is more or less tight and fastened with rubber bands, then you can wash your head, not even broken them.


One braid is brazed on the back of the head using a small amount of hair. The second is from the remaining strands and turns around around the first ring, forming a bundle.

Weaving with rubber bands

Pigs for girls (100 hairstyles with step-by-step photos - the necessary allowance for the newcomer) often weave using rubber, studs, ribbons.

The required number of rubber bands is 11 pieces. The sample is not made in the middle, but a little side. On the other side where the hair is more, 4 horizontal probes are made, and these strands are tied in the tails. The second and third tails are divided into 2 parts. Then the first tail and half the second are connected together and are tied with a rubber band, forming a new tail.

The same makes the second half of the second and half of the third, and the second half of the third and fourth. Thus, it turns out 3 tails. Next, the first and half of the second, as well as half the second and the third are also connected together, and 2 tails are obtained, of which ordinary Russian braids are molded.


The name speaks for itself - the finished hairstyle is a kind of rim around the head. The sample is made horizontally in the front of the head so that only the frontal zone is involved in the hairstyle.

Weaving begins from the temple on French techniques. Free hair usually turn into a classic braid.

Roman grid

Hair is divided into two parts by means of a horizontal probor. From the resulting probor separating the curl, but not straight, but slightly with a slope. We will braid the French braid so that it goes the form. Then another curl is separated, but already with a slope in the opposite direction.

A heart

This hairstyle can be two options: when all the hair is involved and when not all hair is involved.

Option 1

2 probes are made - horizontal and vertical so that it turned out 4 squares. Weaving begins from the lower middle edge of the right upper square (where the probes intersect), according to the technology of French braids with the closer of curls on both sides. Weave diagonally, that is, from the corner up, then weaving are spinning, go to the lower right square and weave diagonally down.

The same is done on the other side and connect at the base of the neck. You can fix the rubber band and make the tail, and you can continue the weaving and, twisting the tails of both braids in the harnesses, intertwine.

Option 2.

Make a vertical sample - from the forehead to the top. Start weave on the right side from the middle of the probor. Weaving - French Spit with one-sided (external) capture.

As a weaving is formed a heart shape. The capture cease to do shortly before the end of the weaving. From the second side they do the same and connect them on the back of the head, leaving the end free. Bottom hair is leaving leaving.

Christmas tree

Hairstyle has such a name, because the sample is made in the form of a Christmas tree (zigzag). Spit originate from the middle of the head, that is, with the narrow ends of the Christmas tree and diverge on the parties. At the end, they can be tied in the tail.

Loop or flower in french machinery

Pigs for girls (100 hairstyles with step-by-step photos give the choice) often cut down those who want to create a fashionable, but comfortable hairstyle.

This is weaving, if we consider individual elements, resembles a loop, and if you look at the composition as a whole - flower. The sample is made crosswise, as a result of which 4 sectors are formed, in each of which braid will be braided in the form of a loop.

The curl of one sector is beginning to weave from the top of the French braid technique, smoothly sprawling it until the loop turns out. And so in all four sectors. The free ends are braided in a classic style and collected in the tail. Spit in the tail intertwined between themselves and look like a weaving "twist".

Flower of crushed in a snail three-robes

Bezel in French technique with flower

A waterfall from three permanent braids from one temple to another with strands, missed on each link after weaving braids.

Two braids waterfall on the sides and fishe tail in the center

Two braids in the technique of French waterfall, which are then connected in one braid, "fishe tail" from the temples.

Malwinka, supplemented by braids, decorated in the "strand on each link" technique

Malun from two strands, decorated with nodule weaving

In this hairstyle, the Malunka braced on the technique is going to the similarity of the nodule.

Malwinka of two braided in French technician

Tail with two braids braided from hair

So that the hairstyle looked neatly, and the braids did not disintegrate, the tips of the hair fasten with elastic, exciting and unwarked hair.

Heart of two thin braids (based on Malun)

This hairstyle is largely echoing with the first version of the weaving "Heart".

Two braids-twist connected in one with a beam

Two braids twist twist or harness, which on the back of the back are connected in one, after which this braid is twisted into the beam and is fixed with studs.

Spit-waterfall with French braids

Horizontal spit waterfall from three strands. The strands coming out of it are divided into two parts and two one-sided French braids fly from them, each time it is inspired one strands. The ends of the brass are bonded by one rubber band.


Spit from tailings with adding strands

Technique reminds French. First, the tail is made, it is divided into two strands, add to each one by one additional on both sides, twisted once and secured with a rubber band. Then repeat the same thing.

Malunkey-based braids nodules

At first, braids on the principle of Malunka are wearing, which are then collected in the nodules and are fixed with hairpins.

Double braid-twist from the tail with two three-circuit braids on the sides

Two types of weaving are connected in this hairstyle - twist or harness and the usual three permanent.

Spit from the temple with the addition of strands in French technique on one side

In essence, it is weaving in the style of French braids. Kosa can be placed in both ordinary French and reverse (inside out).

Greek braid

Greek braid with loose hair

This version of the Greek Spit is suitable for festive events.

Two French braids with the addition of self-based temples

In the technique of Malwinka, two French braids are wearing, which are then connected in the tail.

Tail, braided oblique grid in a circle

Two crossed one-sided braids of two tails on the top

Such a hairstyle is neat and practical, since it collects all hair that is convenient for a child.

Hair Bow with Spit

Snake on loose hair

Heart with tail

The usual tail is made first. Then the lower strand from the tail is drawn under the rubber band and pull up.

They divide it into two strands and from each braid one spit. The ends of the braids are fastened with a rubber band under the tail.

A beam of several braids with a bagel

Two three permanent braids with woven small braids

Initially, you need to divide the hair by direct surgery in half, then braid several three-row pigs on each half. After from these small braids to brake on the sides, two three permanent braids. Small braids in the same time they are woven in French techniques.

Two unilateral French braids braked from temple

Two braids begin to temple, their hair is woven in French technique from the forehead. Spit places one under the other.

Two parallel braids waterfall from the top and tail

Two braids of the waterfall are beginning to be placed on both sides, which after going to the tail.

Lush Danish braid

The technique of weaving this spit is similar to the technique of weaving the usual Danish braid. The pomps can be achieved by small pulling and waving strands from the braided braid.

Tail, braided in fishe tail


Combination of fish tail and french technology

Fish Tail of Malunka with Tail on the back

Crossed strands and minor pigtails



Several small braids braided from the rash zone and connected in the tail on the back of the head.

Double Spit-Waterfall - Beer

Such a hairstyle will help separate the hair from the face, while leaving them away.

Bundle-basket with flower from hair in the center

Another popular variation of the braid "basket", which can be both everyday hairstyle and festive.

French braid with the addition of air strands

Chinese braid

Three Distribution Spit in the technique of "strand on each link" and the tail on the back of the head

In this hairstyle, three permanent weaving and tail are combined.

Tail, braided in french technician

In order for the girl to always look at school, it is fashionable, fashionable and stylish, mom is worth mastering several weaving braids. Based on pigs, you can easily make 100 hairstyles if you guide step-by-step photos and this is not the limit.

Some hairstyles older girl can do it yourself. Spit is one of those few hairstyles that are universal and are suitable for everyday life, holidays and sports.

Video about weaving braids

Video about pigtails for girls - 100 hairstyles - 3 the most simple and beautiful:

Video about 10 of the most beautiful and easy to perform hairstyles on the last call:

No girl can resist beautiful styling. There are no rush to lose their popularity a variety of weaving braid techniques, because these are the best options for girls. After studying several schemes carefully, you can independently create a stylish laying and change your image every day.

For beginners

Option number 1

  1. First you need to wash your hair well, dry the hair dryer and carefully combing, because the curls should be perfectly smooth for weaving.
  2. A strand is taken in the center of the center.
  3. More than one strand is separated from the left and right side (there must be about the same thickness).
  4. The left strand is superimposed on top of the central and skipped under the right.
  5. It is necessary to monitor the strength of weaving so that the spit does not break.
  6. A fine strand of loose hair is taken to the right and connects with the main one.
  7. Additional strand is taken on the left side and is added to the main one.
  8. According to this scheme, weaving continues to the end of the hair.
  9. As soon as the braid is finished, the tail is fixed with a beautiful rubber band.

Option number 2.

  1. Hair is well clean, dry, combed. Tight tail is tied on the top of the top. It is necessary to trace the hair to be smoothly broken and no "roosters".
  2. The tail is divided into 3 approximately equal strands.
  3. Under the middle placed right strand. Then the left strand is placed under the middle.
  4. From loose hair on the right, the curl is separated and added to the main one, then placed under the average.
  5. Separated free part of the hair on the left and joins the main, then put under the central
  6. According to this scheme, the braid woves to the end.
  7. From above, the tail can be decorated with elastic or bow. This is a French braid on the contrary, which is perfect for almost any occasion.

Option number 3.

  1. Dried hair is combed on the right side.
  2. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe right temple, it takes 3 not very large strands and a simple braid woves.
  3. Weaving continues to the left temple.
  4. At the end, the hair is wrapped in a thin curler and fixed so that the hairstyle does not break.

For long hair

Option number 1

  1. Clean and combed hair are separated into two equal parts.
  2. On the left separates the part of the main strands and is superimposed on it from above.
  3. Actions from the previous paragraph are repeated on the right side.
  4. Additional strands intersect and connected with the main.
  5. Actions from paragraph 2 are repeated again.
  6. According to this scheme, the braid woves to the very end. This hairstyle is suitable for graduation, but it can be done for every day.
  7. So that the spit was more voluminous, it can be slightly fluffed, pulling the strands.

Option number 2.

  1. Hair is well combed, there is a smooth sample.
  2. On the right side there are 3 equal strands and a simple braid woves.
  3. So that such hairstyles with braids do not break up during the day, you need to gradually add strands from the bulk of hair. As if inlet braid.
  4. Spit is preparing until the middle of the nape and fixes.
  5. The strands are slightly pulled out, which gives an additional volume.
  6. In the same way, the braid on the left side is braid, but now placed on top over the first.
  7. The end of the hair is neatly fixed and hiding under weaving so that the tail is not noticeable. This is the perfect hairstyle for young girls, because it remains neat throughout the day, and the hair will not climb the child's eyes.

Option number 3.

  1. The next master class will help create a beautiful and stylish hairstyle. First, the Spit "Fish-tail" is turned off.
  2. It is not necessary to do too tight weaving and at the end of the spit is fixed with a simple elastic band, then it can be replaced.
  3. A little higher than the middle of the braids, one strand is drawn up and not a very big loop.
  4. From the opposite side, the same loop is done.
  5. The tips of the stretched strands are fixed by a bow so that it does not break up.
  6. The ends of the strands are neatly disguised, refueling into the braid.
  7. For this scheme, you can make several bows.

Option number 4.

  1. Hair is combed, and 3 spars of equal thickness take on the top of the top.
  2. During weaving, additional strands are added on each side.
  3. Spit is prevailed to the middle.
  4. On the same scheme, the braid on the back of the head, but in the direction upwards.
  5. Two braids are connected in the tail and tied with a rubber band.
  6. A loop is made from the tail, which is divided into 2 parts.
  7. In the middle of the loops intersect remaining hair, and carefully fixes in the form of a bow.

On middle hair

Option number 1

  1. The dried hair is combed and aligned with the iron so that the curls are perfectly smooth.
  2. In the field of temples, on the right and left, it takes on one strand, which on the back of the elastic bands are bonded.
  3. The tail is passed inside, flagellas are formed.
  4. Once again, on the left and on the left is taken along the strands of the hair, which behind the rear are fixed with elastic band. The tail is passed inside, forming flavors again.
  5. This scheme takes another tail.
  6. At the end, the hair is collected in the tail and combed.

Option number 2.

  1. Hair is well combed, if necessary, aligned with iron.
  2. Two strands are separated, approximately equal volume.
  3. On the right side, near the temple, the third strand is taken and throws over the second.
  4. On the left side, near the temple, the fourth strand is taken and throws over the first.
  5. In the same diagram, the fifth and sixth strand is added, braid woves to the end.
  6. Below the tail is tied with a fine rubber band and hairstyle is completely ready.

Beautiful weaving

Option number 1

  1. Washing and dried hair is combed. A small part of the hair is taken on the back of the head and the tail is tied with a thin rubber.
  2. The tail is divided into several equal strands. Two additional strands are taken near the forehead and the process of weaving a simple braid begins.
  3. During weaving, strands from the tail are gradually added.
  4. Spit stops up to the nape.
  5. According to this scheme, a pigtail on the left side is woven.
  6. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe nape of braids, they are connected and weave as one to the end.

Option number 2.

  1. First, the hair is well combed, then strand is taken and put on the index finger of the left hand. The second strand is clamped between the index and middle finger. The third is between medium and unnamed fingers.
  2. The third strand is skipped under the central, the first is shifted from above.
  3. On the left and on the right side is taken on additional strands, which are added to the main.
  4. According to this scheme, the braid woves to the end, leaving the blurred curls below.

Option number 3.

  1. A braid sample on the right side is made on well-combed hair. 4 are approximately equal to the volume of strands.
  2. A simple braid is woven.
  3. Reaching the backbone, you need to use free curls for weaving on the left side.
  4. As soon as the braid will be supplemented to the end, it is twisted with a neat circle.
  5. Studs are used for fixation.
  6. Such a hairstyle is ideal for both daily use and solemn cases.

Option number 4.

  1. To braid African pigtails, you need to thoroughly combing strands and make a sample.
  2. In the field of the navel, a small plot is distinguished, a thin strand is taken.
  3. The spinship is well combed and takes the thread of the canchelon, which is in advance of chipped in a koltun and is attached in the root area.
  4. Further, the strand is divided into 3 approximately equal parts and the maximum tight pigtail is brazed. As soon as the level of natural hair is reached, a bit of a canchelon will be woven into the strand. Thanks to this, the Spit acquires a homogeneous volume.
  5. You can fix the end of the spit in various ways - rubber band, glue or bead.

According to this technique, not only smooth braids can be braked, but also to create a wide variety of patterns right on the head.

Option number 5.

  1. The hair is thoroughly combed, aligned, the sample is done. 3 thin strands are taken on the top and the braid begins on the left side.
  2. Additional strands are gradually added.
  3. According to this scheme, the braid on the right side is braid, but in the middle of the hair remain intact.
  4. Simple slim braid in the middle.
  5. 3 braids are connected together and fixed with small hairpins so that the hairstyle does not break.

With ribbons

Option number 1

  1. Hair is well combed, and 3 strands are taken on the top of the same thickness.
  2. On the central strand the tape is fixed and harness is done.
  3. A simple braid around the head is brazed, a lulka is tied on the back of the head.

Option number 2.

  1. Two tougy braids are braid.
  2. Tape is taken and fixed in braids. All actions should be careful that the hairstyle does not disengage.
  3. With the help of a pencil, the tape refills into the braids, then it is delayed.
  4. The result is one thick braid, supplemented with a bright ribbon.