Examples of stylish clothes for women. The right choice of clothes according to the type of figure

I'm still wandering through the back alleys of my brain, trying to come up with a convenient and understandable blog post about the vast topic of basic wardrobe. I wanted to continue the tactic of itemized enumeration and, following the bags, gut the shoe shelf. But I realized that before that it would not hurt to dedicate one or two posts to excellent tediousness to more global issues. If only because they will arise constantly. So let's better deal with them right away and live in peace.

One of the main phobias about the basic wardrobe is related to the colors of things in it. I have even gotten used to almost every conversation on the subject of the base with a promise that it will not be all gray. I won’t draw feathers in rhinestones there either, but I can guarantee one thing: you can make the basic wardrobe of even the most “gray” color tone moderately cheerful. In short, today about universal shades.

It was not in vain that I mentioned the color type. Bayan, but still once again: the basic wardrobe differs from person to person not only in the list of his personal "universal" things and styles, but also in color scheme. Therefore, alas, there is no single list of shades that each of us can rely on when compiling our base. And such googling illustrations of the basic wardrobe are an absolute evil for the majority:

The other extreme is a literal understanding of "one's own" color at the base of the base. Because this, for example, is also not a basic wardrobe:

It's just a wardrobe capsule created around one particular color. And such a concentrated approach will inevitably lead to an unchanging daily total look. Every day like this - as if bust:

Therefore, to create at the same time a diverse and not boring base, you can and need use almost most of the personal color palette. And she, for a moment, covers all the colors of the rainbow in general with a correction for the color type of a particular person. Here, for example, is a more or less expanded palette of a girl of a dark, neutrally warm color type:

Everyone has such a palette, of course, will have their own. But this fifty-odd shades, in principle, is quite enough to understand the picture of your wardrobe future. At the same time, there is enough for everything: for accents, and for the background, and for the base - even for feathers with rhinestones, it will remain. The point is small: to select in a pile those universal shades that can serve as a basic wardrobe.

I must say right away that the base above is not very typical, because it was compiled for deep coloring in a very creative style. But in any case, from the palette to the basic wardrobe, I usually drag between 50 and 70 percent of the docher shades, depending on the individual. And it's not conventionally gray, black or white. I take a little bit of everyone - but only those that pass the test with my three favorite rules of #hardest-dropout.

So. Rule number one: do not allow white and black to the competition

Okay, I screwed up a bit. Bright and cold color typesmay consider h pure textbook white and black as base colors. Actually, because these are two very bright and very cold colors that are able to kill the appearance of the vast majority of the Slavic population. After all, many of us, as you know, are distinguished by natural softness of varying degrees of severity.

But this is just closer to the second rule, so let's move on.

Rule number two: base shades are the most complex and incomprehensible

This, it seems to me, is a very logical and direct golden rule. The meaning of the basic wardrobe is the ability to easily combine into outfits with absolutely any, even your most extravagant acquisitions. In our today's case - under-tucked in the color plan.

It's only on beautiful streetstyle pictures that under the most incredible thing there is another perfect incredible thing - and together they look like a great set. In our harsh reality, at best, you have to unplanned to spend money on a "companion", which most often turns out to be completely unsuitable for any other use in the wardrobe. At worst - hysteria in front of the closet on the topic "nothing to wear" or put on as is. All options are impassable.

Best of all, it is complex shades that cope with the task of basic things. That is, those in which several colors are already initially involved. Because such "incomprehensible" shades will somehow overlap with any bright or accent colors of your outfit. And therefore - to create a harmonious inflorescence that is pleasing to the eye without any mental effort on your part.

Here I will make it clearer on the example of specific shades. In the top row, I placed a simple shade of red, which was unsuccessful as a base, and its more versatile, convenient counterparts below.

For myself in the store, I usually recognize the basic shades like this: if you can’t immediately name the color or something starts to spin on the tongue with two or three dashes (gray-brown-crimson), then the shade is what you need. We take!

For the sake of experiment, you can now imagine your most incongruous item from your wardrobe and "wear" it with something from complex shades, suitable for your color type. Well, how can you go out to people?

Rule number three: if you don’t know what to choose, buy a golden dozen

This lifeline in the form of twelve shades that go to the vast majority of people has long been replicated on the Internet. Actually, I myself once stumbled upon it on the net, but whoever doubted did not believe it. Therefore, she repeatedly ran on herself and voluntary test subjects. Working. Here is the magic layout:

I specifically brought shades with names, because the color rendition of the screens of our gadgets is better to shoot yourself right away. We definitely won’t understand each other and we’ll all get confused. And the names of the shades will explain a lot. Because the secret secret of universal shades is in their complexity and simultaneous muffledness. That is, in fact, these shades are formed mixing different shades plus adding gray. Here’s the garbage I toiled last night, for example, dismembered the color of the sea wave from the diagram above in Photoshop:

Look at its composition in the spectrum and the level of gray content. Look, gray not only knows how to muffle any bright color, but at the same time brings it half a step closer to the opposite shade on the color wheel (and such pairs are known to create the most curious combinations). In general, all this makes universal colors truly basic and suitable for all color types.

By the way, for complete happiness, my favorite bronze shade is missing here. And he, too, is such a bridge between different metals, combining all their qualities to the state of universality. Remember, I talked about this last time?

Well, actually, and all my color conclusions for today. If you want, you can now create a color base for yourself at your leisure. If something doesn't work, whistle. Let's figure it out.

And I'll remind you about beauty quest who is on his own head. I happily catch beautiful painted faces in a box and will do it until Tuesday 17 November. Come on, who has not yet decided on a make-up, go for it. It’s Friday night, there’s a reason to create a trendy face :) Well, where to create it, take a picture there. And if you take a picture, then send it already.

The wardrobe is one of the most important women's problems. A woman always needs to look inimitable. But not all representatives of the weaker sex know how to make a wardrobe, what things should be included in it, and which ones are better to refrain from. After all, it was not without reason that it was said that "They meet by clothes ...". Indeed, clothes are the first thing that catches your eye when you meet. And the first impression that you get when you meet depends on how you are dressed. You can be taught the right choice of clothes in shopping courses https://moscow.ecolespb.ru/style-school/kursy-ehffektivnogo-shopinga, and you can look at clothes here - a wide choice allows http://www.lamoda.ru/ But if If you want to learn on your own, read this article.

Before embarking on a wardrobe, you need to understand some of the nuances. The wardrobe can be divided into basic and capsule.

The basic wardrobe is a certain set of things, as a rule, they are all of a classic cut. These things allow you to create several images by combining them with each other. You need to know some rules on how to choose a basic wardrobe so that the images turn out to be successful.

A capsule wardrobe is also a certain set of things, but a capsule wardrobe includes already completely finished and composed images, things from which cannot be applied to another image. With a capsule wardrobe, there is no need to create an image every day. But the basic set of things is much more economical, because the capsule one requires a lot of money.

The main thing is to start

If you decide to update your wardrobe, then, first of all, you need to decide on the reason why this decision was made. You may have gained or lost weight, or changed jobs or companies. All this affects what things prevail in your closet. For example, if you have not worked for a long time, and now you have got a job in a reputable company, then you need to get classic suits and high-heeled shoes. After all, if you show up to work in sneakers and jeans, then you won’t last long there. Or, if your weight has changed, then a full figure will stand out in tight clothes, and a thin girl will look ridiculous in shapeless clothes.

If you find it difficult to decide on a style, then stop at the classics - this is the basis of a woman's wardrobe.

New life

Before you pick your wardrobe, open your closet and review the contents. It is possible that there are several gizmos that can still be worn. Perhaps they just need to pick up beautiful accessories or shoes. This will help save time and money. After all, why get rid of things that have not yet gone out of fashion and sit well on you. But do not get carried away and give a second chance to things that have already served their purpose. You need to muster up the courage and get rid of your favorite sweater that your grandmother gave and from comfortable stretched sweatpants.

Right choice

Getting into the store, many women begin to try on things that first came to hand or those that are now at the height of fashion. This is the biggest mistake fashionistas make. After all, things from the catwalks are not for everyone. After all, the main thing is not to dress in the most fashionable things, but to have your own style and periodically supplement it with some new elements.

Take a close look at yourself and your body. Notice your weaknesses and highlight your strengths. You need to do this by removing your pride in order to be able to objectively evaluate yourself.

Choose the clothes that would hide your flaws and emphasize your dignity. The thing you like may not fit you in size or style. Remember that a large size will make you shapeless, and too small will show all your flaws. It is also worth paying attention to the color and print of clothes, these details are also of great importance.

What to emphasize and what to hide

Clothing, its color, shape and pattern all matter. You can not buy only what you like, you need to buy what will look good.

The color must be chosen correctly, dark clothes are suitable for a full woman, which will slim her, and light colors, on the contrary, add volume to the figure. The same applies to drawings, large colors, a horizontal strip and a cage give fullness, but a vertical strip slims.

But not always everything depends on the type of clothing. Of great importance is the age of the woman, and the place for which the wardrobe is selected. A full or middle-aged woman will look ridiculous in tight tops and skirts, transparent blouses. And young girls should not choose their teenage clothes.

Irreplaceable things

There are things, the presence of which is simply necessary in the women's wardrobe. Such things must be present in the wardrobe.

Why exactly black? This is because black is versatile and can be combined with a number of other colors. This is the first dress to buy. For example, not all women have the opportunity to buy different outfits, and a black dress with a simple cut will allow you to create many looks. It can be combined with different accessories, bags, shoes. And each image will be special and unique.

If you still don't know how to choose the right wardrobe, then you can start with classic trousers. This is one of the main elements. Such trousers or jeans will perfectly replace a skirt, they will be appropriate at work, a business meeting or an interview. It is better to choose neutral colors: beige, gray, but black is best. Black trousers will well beat the figure and will be appropriate for any option.

A classic shirt is a white shirt with a simple cut that does not have any additional decorative elements. Every woman should have this shirt. We can safely say that this is the basis of a woman's wardrobe. It should be so versatile that you could wear it to work, to a meeting with friends, a date and even attend a quiet family dinner. The shirt must match the phrase "From the ship to the ball."

But when choosing this element of the wardrobe, you need to remember your advantages, which need to be emphasized and the shortcomings, which are better to hide.

Pants and skirts are important wardrobe pieces, but they get boring. Dress will make a difference. It should be a neutral color dress, without a bright print. In it, a woman should feel comfortable at work or on a normal day.

The skirt is suitable for many situations and images, it gives femininity. A classic strict skirt is suitable for office workers, a denim skirt will be appropriate in a casual look or at an enterprise where there are no certain limits in clothing.

A jacket is a must have in your closet. If you still don't know how to put together the perfect wardrobe, then start with a jacket. This item is combined with many others: skirts, trousers, jeans and dresses. But the choice of a jacket should be taken seriously. The wrong jacket can increase the shoulders or hide the waist. The jacket should fit the figure, emphasize the waistline, if the waistline is poorly expressed, then the jacket should reach its level.

A trench coat is a double-breasted raincoat that is either mid-length or maxi. This thing has always been and will remain in fashion, so having it in your basic wardrobe is a must. This thing is very popular at that time of the year when there is no certainty with the weather. You can combine it with any outfit. A cardigan or sweater can be a good substitute for a trench coat, but a sweater is not so versatile and can exist as a detail of one look and completely not fit another.

Shoes for a woman are very important. Often fashionistas have a lot of pairs of shoes for all occasions. But classic pumps should be bought first. They will perfectly emphasize a business and evening look, moreover, they will look equally appropriate in the office and in the restaurant. One of their advantages is that they visually make legs slimmer and fit any style of clothing.


When it became more or less clear how to choose a basic wardrobe, it is worth taking the time to accessorize. Accessories are an indispensable part of the image. It is they who set the mood of the image, bring some zest. The same clothes can look different if different accessories are matched.

Accessories include not only jewelry, but also shoes, a bag, a hairstyle. All this creates and complements the image. Particular attention should be paid to shoes. It should always be made of quality material and match the style of clothing. You also need to have several pairs of shoes for each season. If you wear the same shoes all the time, they will quickly deteriorate, and your foot will get tired.

When choosing clothes, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fabric. Make sure the item does not stretch or lose shape or color after several washes. Check the quality of the seams so as not to get into a situation where a hole appears on your favorite blouse at the most crucial moment.

These are the basic rules on how to properly compose a wardrobe, if you follow them, then you will be able to create your own unique and stylish image. Rely on your taste, but do not chase fashion trends, they are not for everyone. Consider the features of your figure, choose clothes that will be appropriate in the places you visit.

Not everyone has the opportunity to have all the necessary things of the basic wardrobe. This is not necessary. Sometimes, a few things are enough to have a stylish look. The main thing is to be able to combine them correctly with each other, select appropriate accessories, shoes and be able to present this image to others.

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The basic wardrobe for a woman is the basis of her style and fashionable image, allowing her to look tasteful, fresh and new every day.

The basis of the basic wardrobe of every woman is simple and concise things that can be easily and simply combined with each other.

The basic women's wardrobe to a greater extent depends on the type of activity and profession, which determines the basic things around which the external image and the entire style of clothing are made.

The basic wardrobe of girls and women is compiled according to the principle - about 70% of the things are the basis of the wardrobe and have a neutral color scheme and restrained style.

And the remaining 30% of clothes are designer items that are distinguished by originality, brightness and expressiveness.

A properly selected basic wardrobe for a woman is, first of all, the absence of the “eternal” female problem of “nothing to wear” and most often in cases where the wardrobe is bursting with completely unnecessary and incomprehensible things.

Therefore, it is very important to create the right basic women's wardrobe. To do this, you need to know just a few rules and secrets on how to make a wardrobe for women in order to look stylish and modern, combining and combining your favorite things with each other, always in different ways and with taste.

We offer you interesting and original photos - basic things in the wardrobe, examples of things and clothes for the competent compilation of a basic wardrobe for women and girls, photo images of girls using things from the basic wardrobe, which are presented in our selection - the most fashionable basic wardrobe for women and girls .

Basic wardrobe: fashionable women's shirts

The basic things in the wardrobe of women and girls, which you cannot do without, are stylish women's shirts. Composing a basic wardrobe, do not forget to buy fashionable and stylish shirts. Choose laconic and simple women's shirts made of natural fabrics and, importantly, free style.

Women's shirts in the basic wardrobe should not be bright colors, but on the contrary - calm and pastel. An excellent option are women's shirts in white, gray, black, blue, blue to create the right basic wardrobe.

Beautiful shirts in the basic wardrobe can be worn with trousers, jeans, pencil skirts, or you can beautifully combine shirts with a cardigan and jacket. A well-chosen women's shirt always looks stylish and casual, creating a winning combination with many things.

Wardrobe essentials: trendy trousers

Fashion trousers for women have always been and will be an integral part of the basic wardrobe. Pants can be worn with shirts and blouses, or combined with heels or ballet flats.

Women's trousers in the basic women's wardrobe can be of different styles: flared, straight, bone-length, high-waisted - you can choose any of the proposed options.

The main thing is that women's trousers can be easily and beautifully combined with other things in a capsule wardrobe.

Basic wardrobe items: pencil skirt

A pencil skirt is a must have in your basic wardrobe. In office style, a pencil skirt is a “must have” for a business look.

In addition, a pencil skirt looks great in other styles, combined with loose blouses, light sweaters and other options for women's outerwear.

Most importantly, a pencil skirt should fit perfectly: you need to choose the optimal length of the skirt and the girth at the waist and hips. The basic wardrobe is best complemented with a pencil skirt in classic colors - black, gray, dark blue, and for summer, a white pencil skirt is suitable.

Do not hesitate, a beautiful and stylish pencil skirt will be an excellent choice for replenishing the basic wardrobe of every woman.

Fashion basic wardrobe: jeans

A classic pair of dark blue jeans is a must-have in your basic wardrobe.

Jeans are timeless classics that will always be in trend. Stylish jeans will help out every woman and girl in any situation, and the versatility and practicality of jeans is always pleasing.

Composing a basic wardrobe for women and girls, choose jeans with a classic straight cut and blue jeans that do not go out of style, despite the new models and styles of jeans offered by designers in each fashion season.

Basic women's wardrobe: little black dress

A beautiful classic sheath dress or is the best choice for a basic wardrobe for a woman. Choose a style of a dress without folds and a calm color - black, dark gray or blue, which can be best complemented by the basic things in the wardrobe.

A classic black dress always looks beautiful and stylish, allowing you to easily complement it with a jacket, pumps or ballet flats - and your irresistible look is ready.

Basic wardrobe for a girl: ballet flats and oxfords

Light, beautiful and comfortable ballet flats are always appropriate in any look. Also indispensable are oxfords, sleepers, loafers, which are incredibly convenient and comfortable in any weather. Therefore, be sure to pick up a couple of second shoes of this type in order to forget about the inconvenience and impracticality forever.

The unconditional advantage of ballet flats and oxfords is versatility - they can be worn in the office, for a walk, under a dress and trousers, jeans and a skirt. This version of shoes will appeal to many cute girls and women.

Basic wardrobe for a woman: pumps

Girls cannot do without classic beige or black pumps, making up a basic wardrobe.

Pumps without exaggeration will transform any of your looks, whether it be a classic dress, stylish trousers or fashionable jeans. You can’t do without classic boats, so be sure to look after yourself a beautiful pair of boats.

Basic women's wardrobe: stylish bags

A bag is the most important accessory for a woman and you can't argue with that. As they say, if a woman is without a handbag, then something is wrong with her and this is suspicious. There can not be many bags in a women's wardrobe - this rule is known to each of us.

When composing a basic women's wardrobe, it is important to choose three main types of bags - a small clutch for an evening out, a summer version of a bag for summer, and a large and practical bag in black or dark color for every day.

It is best that the bags in the basic wardrobe be without unnecessary decor and in a solid color - this makes it easy to combine basic items.

Basic wardrobe for a woman: cardigan

An important part of the basic wardrobe of women and girls are cardigans and jackets, which, like other basic things in your wardrobe, should be simple and classic colors - black, white, blue, brown, beige.

Basic things in the wardrobe of women: coats

It is better to choose a coat or trench coat in neutral and calm shades that are appropriate for any event and will look stylish and unobtrusive.

Fashionable coats in the basic wardrobe should be straight cut, knee-length and certainly without unnecessary details and decorations.

How to make a basic wardrobe: photos, basic things in the wardrobe, basic wardrobe for women

We have collected for you a fashionable selection of basic items in the wardrobe of women and girls, beautiful examples of how to make a basic wardrobe, photo images of girls using things from the basic wardrobe can be viewed further ...

The basic wardrobe includes a set of versatile items that will form the basis of your wardrobe. The most well-chosen basic wardrobe will allow you to create an individual image that is ideal for a particular event. To create a fashionable and eye-pleasing bow, it will be enough to add a few bright accents to the basic things.

So I ran into the eternal problem - there is nothing to wear ... This can only be solved with the help of a thorough revision of the existing wardrobe and drawing up a basic one that will always help stay stylish without extra effort or expense.

How to make a basic wardrobe for a stylish girl?

In order to correctly compose a basic wardrobe, I will highlight several basic criteria:

The basic wardrobe makes up 70% of all available clothes, so it should be suitable for all occasions.

Clothing must meet all requirements office dress code , but at the same time there should be things for going to a party, meeting with friends, walking around the city.

List of must-have items for the basic wardrobe of a fashionable girl

Regardless of the season, there is a set of things that a modern girl cannot do without. It is worth considering what is included in it, what should be mandatory, and what can be abandoned.

How to choose a girl's basic wardrobe depending on the season

Depending on the season you will need to make a few more purchases. Then you will feel comfortable in any weather.


Dress up for hot summer light colors . A light sundress or shirt dress will be a great addition to your wardrobe. Change tight to flowy fabric skirt . For opponents of skirts and dresses, capris, breeches or denim shorts are suitable for the summer. Take from shoes flat sandals .

In summer, you can opt for light and bright colors, but you should not chase trendy colors and prints, choose what fits and fits well.


Autumn is the time for the withering of nature and the beginning of cold weather, so for this time of year we need warm pastel colored stuff . The cardigan will always warm, add to the image of warmth. You can buy both long and shortened with a clasp in the form of buttons or a belt.

Black leather jacket for windy weather, and a beige trench coat for walking in the rain. For the first winter frosts coat pastel or dark colors in cashmere or wool. From shoes for autumn fit batillons or boots .


In winter, you must definitely choose warm non-stinging clothes . In severe frosts will save soft sweater with collar , insulated pants. Outerwear coat or winter coat . A few warm scarves will complete your look. Winter boots will warm in any frost if they are made of genuine leather and fur.


With the onset of spring, I want to quickly get rid of the cold and go out to meet the dazzling summer. But winter will not bring a couple more cold days, so do not rush to put away warm clothes, pick up plain turtleneck that goes well with a jacket and trousers. Feet should always be kept dry, so you will need casual or rubber boots boots. T-shirts, both with long and short sleeves, will not be superfluous in the spring. And from the first bright rays of the sun will help to hide Sunglasses .

As it turned out, the basic wardrobe includes ordinary things, and it’s easy to pick them up . I already have most of the list. When I purchased the missing items and started to combine them correctly, I realized that being fashionable and looking stylish is easy, it is unnecessary to spend a lot of money for this.

Hello everyone! In the closet of women, most often there is a huge amount of clothes, but they are of the same type and do not combine with each other. It is because of this that the eternal “nothing to wear” arises. A carefully thought-out wardrobe will help you try on a new look every day, changing only minor details, adding fashion trends of the season. A planned selection of the necessary things from a small assortment of products will help to create a large number of options. What is a basic wardrobe? What clothes fit this definition and what should you pay attention to when choosing a base?

Basic wardrobe: what is it?

The core of the image of a young girl and an adult woman is the basic set of things. These are classic universal wardrobe items that can become the basis of any outfit, suitable for different situations. Simply put, a basic wardrobe is a set of basic clothing that forms the backdrop for a female image. They wear products every day, creating seemingly completely opposite styles: from classic and business to casual and sporty. The more correctly the base is chosen, the more harmonious and interesting bright accents, stylish details and accessories will look on it, and the image will turn out to be harmonious and complete.

The basic principles of a universal basic wardrobe:

  • Things must be chosen in neutral shades. They can be white, black, beige, gray, peach, brown, in order to easily connect and interchange products.
  • Wardrobe items should be selected in a classic cut so that they blend perfectly with each other.
  • Products should be neutral in design, discreet, without patterns, prints, rhinestones and other decorative elements.
  • It is necessary that the chosen clothes fit perfectly on the figure, but not too tight, fit in style to the type of figure, emphasize the dignity.

Basic things are worn for several seasons, so you need to select them with all responsibility. They must be of high quality and expensive. It is better to purchase basic items of clothing according to the field of activity, for example, a business lady should have more classic items in stock.

In addition to the universal wardrobe, the women's closet has fashion items designed to be worn for one or two seasons.

According to experts, every girl should have 70% of all things basic, the remaining 30% - bright designer novelties.

Base color palette

The basic set of things a modern fashionista can conditionally be divided into summer and winter. In the first, light shades predominate: white, beige, cream, peach, blue, in the second - dark, for example, black, dark green, indigo, gray, brown. All colors are chosen calm, not flashy, so that they can be easily combined and diluted with bright details, accessories and paints.

It is important to select universal wardrobe items according to the one that suits a particular girl.

13 basic wardrobe items

The basic wardrobe is those things that do not go out of fashion for years. According to statistics, only 20% of things are worn by women, the rest are waiting in the closet in the wings, but soon become small, obsolete, no longer like it.

So, what clothes should certainly be in an ideal women's wardrobe?

1. Little black dress

A classic sheath dress is what you should start with assembling the base of your wardrobe. Such laconic clothes should be of a simple, clear cut, without voluminous draperies, bright details, flashy decor, but look chic and elegant. On the basis of such a dress, you can create a huge number of interesting images, combine it with different styles. It is universal and appropriate everywhere: in nature, for a walk, in the office, on a date, in a club, theater, interview.

You can complement this item of women's wardrobe with beads, a scarf, a wide belt, a necklace, a string of pearls. It is worth wearing a dress with shoes of discreet or bright colors, with interesting tights, a clutch.

Better, there will be several dresses: one in a neutral, discreet shade (black, gray) for work and business meetings, the other bright and bold for special occasions.

2. Blouse

White, beige, light blue blouses, "male" shirts, sweatshirts are a must for a female image. They can be silk, dense, lacy and transparent. There should be at least two such things: different shades, styles, collar options and sleeve lengths. The main thing is to choose the right tone of the product. One goes snow-white, the other - ivory or baked milk. Here lies one secret - a blouse or shirt should not be much whiter than the shade of tooth enamel.

Such a wardrobe item goes to absolutely all girls and ladies, regardless of age and figure. They go well with a strict trouser suit and a tight skirt, suitable for office workers and business ladies. Pair a loose-fitting white shirt with jeans or skinny leather for a less formal look. To this option, you can add a variety of interesting accessories, complementing the image.

3. Pants

Pants, ideally suited to the type of figure, will bring together all the clothes. Such a basis will help to make a lot of outfits: for leisure, workdays, special occasions.

Black or navy blue trousers can be chosen in regular length or cropped, it all depends on the fullness of the ankle. This indispensable thing is easily combined with thin translucent blouses, sweatshirts, elongated jackets and cardigans, pumps, heeled sandals, sneakers.

4. Jeans

Modern life is unthinkable without jeans. But before they were considered the clothes of workers. This versatile and comfortable item is included in the basic wardrobe of women of any age. The only thing is that it is better to choose pants made of dark blue denim, classic cut, straight or slightly flared. They should be without scuffs, cuts, holes, rhinestones, and other obvious decorative elements.

Jeans are appropriate in almost all situations: from the office (if the company does not have a strict dress code) to evening walks. You can wear them with any shoes: sneakers, high-heeled shoes, flats.

Don't skimp on jeans. It is worth choosing a good dense material, your ideal style and cut. Such a piece of clothing should advantageously emphasize the figure, hide the tummy, visually lift the buttocks.

5. Pencil skirt

A classic narrow skirt made of dense material, with a high waistline and a slight narrowing towards the bottom, is a spectacular and feminine detail of the main wardrobe. Such products visually stretch the silhouette, emphasize the hip line.

It is advisable to choose a neutral color skirt: black, gray, beige. The length may vary depending on age: on the palm above the knee, to the knee and just below the knee. The degree of fit and the height of the waist level depend on the type and characteristics of the figure, height - you need to choose the thing that will look perfect.

Looks great with blouses, tops, sweaters, cardigans, sweatshirts.

6. T-shirt, t-shirt

Knitwear should be in the wardrobe of every fashionista. It is desirable that there are several of them. A plain T-shirt with thin straps, a short-sleeved T-shirt with a classic cut - that's the minimum. These necessary options should be without patterns, preferably neutral colors: white, gray or black.

Literally everything can be combined with such things: from jeans and sneakers to strict trousers and bright pumps. In cool weather, knitwear can be supplemented with a cardigan or jacket.

A favorite of many, a vest can also become the basis of a basic wardrobe. It will fit into any look, it can be with long and short sleeves, with a V-neck or a straight neckline. Shoes fit the marine style classic and sporty.

7. Jumper, turtleneck

Sweater, jacket, turtleneck or jumper - any two items from this list must be in a universal wardrobe. It is better if one thing is coarse knitted wool, the other thin cashmere. The colors that you should focus on when choosing this option are as neutral as possible - beige, gray, dark gray, black, brown.

You can wear these products all year round. They are an excellent alternative to outerwear in cool weather, warm in winter frosts. Such a warm version of the basic things is perfectly combined with any bottom: with jeans, strict skirts and trousers.

8. Cardigan

Such an irreplaceable thing as a knitted cardigan will fit into the image of a business lady and a young student girl. It will look great over a small classic dress, with a pencil skirt or trousers, a T-shirt and jeans.

This cozy thing is better to choose calm shades. Such an elongated jacket without a collar, with buttons or with a belt is relevant in any season: in cool summers, changeable spring, cold autumn evenings, in cold winters as an additional layer of outerwear.

9. Jacket

A versatile piece of women's wardrobe is a fitted jacket or blazer. Perfect fit, it goes with almost every outfit. Combining a jacket with classic trousers, skirts, you can look luxurious and strict, as it should be for office workers. Wearing a blazer with jeans and T-shirts will create an image for walking on weekends.

It is worth giving preference to a jacket in black, gray, dark blue, dark gray, bottle color, preferably without large buttons and other memorable decorative elements. Any shoes fit this piece of clothing: sneakers, sneakers, stilettos, loafers, ballet flats.

10. Trench

Trench coat (trench coat) is a thing that never goes out of fashion and is the leader of the wardrobe in the spring-autumn period. This double-breasted lightweight raincoat is a must-have with buckle waistband, pseudo-epaulettes, a button-down collar, a slit at the back and tabs on the sleeves.

This classic version of light outerwear can be chosen in a beige shade, any delicate pastel - pistachio, lavender, lemon, white, caramel, as well as black, dark blue or protective (khaki). A trench coat will suit any style: from casual to formal.

11. Shoes

Classic pumps are something you should not save on. It is advisable to choose models of a skin tone close to the color of the skin, or black. Such an attribute, indispensable in the universal wardrobe of a fashionista, should be at least two copies: one pair with high heels for special occasions and one comfortable pair with low heels for everyday wear.

Beige shoes are a universal thing. They visually lengthen the legs, fit almost any bow and help to look elegant and harmonious in any outfit. Black pumps are also combined with any outfit, but they do not look so advantageous. Preference should be given to shoes made of genuine matte leather or suede, avoiding patent models.

12. Ballerinas

Ballet shoes are indispensable for mobile and energetic people. They are a worthy replacement for stilettos. High heels, of course, look beautiful, but you can’t walk all day in them. In addition, it is worth listening to the opinion of orthopedists who unanimously claim that shoes with high thin heels can only be worn 3-4 hours a day.

Ballet shoes are better to choose stylish and elegant, neutral shades: black, flesh, gray, brown. These versatile shoes are suitable for everyday wear, as a change pair to the office, and even an evening dress. It is advisable to look for models made of genuine leather or suede.

13. Bag

Bags are an important part of any woman's look. This mandatory attribute must be in the women's wardrobe in at least three pieces. A small clutch bag will perfectly complement an evening bow, a medium-sized bag will perfectly fit into any outfit: from a romantic dress with stilettos to jeans with ballet flats. A large bag, most often with two handles, is a roomy and comfortable thing for every day.

It is desirable that all accessories are plain. You can dilute them with scarves, key rings, and other bright details.

Worth reading:

Having an idea of ​​​​what a basic wardrobe is, you can skillfully select winning combinations of clothes, look new every day with a limited number of things. All kits are interchangeable, compatible with each other and always up to date. They will help you look elegant, stylish and advantageous in any situation. Having supplemented the basic wardrobe with fashionable designer accessories, bright novelties and details of the season, any girl will be on top!