Tales of betrayal. Cheating on a wife or unfaithfulness on a husband are real stories. Different destinies - different betrayals

Reading stories about wives cheating on their own husbands is always extremely interesting. In them, we learn to look at the situation of the heroes from the outside, try on different roles, analyze and draw conclusions, try to learn life from other people's mistakes. But what if the stories about the unfaithful wife cease to be someone's story and become reality? What makes women commit adultery and, most importantly, what feelings do they have to live with after that? What is treason - the beginning of a new or the end of the present?

I cheated on my husband ...

Cheating is always seen in a negative way, no matter what the circumstances preceded it. This is not surprising, because it implies lies, resentment and betrayal, destroys relationships, breaks fates, changes the characters of people. The betrayal of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is especially acutely perceived - they cause contempt, misunderstanding, condemnation. When visiting forums with women's stories about cheating on her husband, you immediately come across uncompromising accusations and insults against the author of the post. Let's put aside all prejudices, sighs and familiar values ​​today, and try to rationally look at the motives and possible consequences of female adultery.

Arina Veselova, psychotherapist, family psychologist, shares real stories from her own practice about female infidelities.

Tatyana, 22 years old, married for 2 years, her husband 26 years old, have no children. “My husband is perfect - he will help in cleaning, he will take to the movies, and he will cook dinner. Fulfills all my whims, with him I am definitely married. Sometimes he is too calm, but intellectually I understand that this suits perfectly for family life (I have seen enough of a passionate relationship from the side, where you can raise your hand against your wife and offend - I definitely don’t want this). I am graduating from college and I needed to make a big presentation of my project on the computer. I am not very friendly with technology (ashamed in the 21st century) at this level, so we started looking for someone who would help in this matter. The choice fell on his fellow programmer. He has a girlfriend, I have a husband, so we all agreed to this freelance training without a shadow of a doubt. Anton (the client's husband's name is a psychologist's note) worked late, and Kostya and I sat with us, then with him, and then the husband joined us after work. Once I came to Kostya, and he asked if I would drink beer with him, otherwise he was very tired. I agreed, but asked just in case, maybe I need to come tomorrow, and today let him rest. He refused, assured that he just wanted to relax a little, besides, the contract is more expensive than money. We fiddled for about 20 minutes at the computer, then he began to show his pictures, turned on the music, and we started talking. On that day, the project did not come to mind, and the beer did its job. Suddenly Kostya asked if we were watching films for adults with Anton. I honestly answered that yes, it happens. Then he, without hesitation for a second, opened the folder and launched a video of intimate content. He just invited me, as if to an old friend, to check out the figure of a porn actress ... I did not dare to say anything and sat silently, watching a banal plot. Kostya looked at me, I - at the monitor, but I directly felt his breath. In general, the stars were so formed that everything happened with us. It was wild, passionate, I don't know what liberated me so much - beer, film, secrecy or his assertiveness. That was our last meeting, on the case he practically did not help, but he filled me with some kind of strength, madness, fire. I'm uncomfortable in front of my beloved, but I'm not going to tell him anything. Our relationship with my spouse has strengthened, although maybe I'm just trying to make amends (I haven't figured it out yet). Would I do it one more time? Probably yes, that's why that meeting became the last one. "

Victoria, 36 years old, married for 15 years, has two sons. “I work as a teacher, so I always devote a lot of time to my appearance. Igor (husband) approves of my desire for grooming, because I am the face of my class and I am not ashamed to become an example for growing girls. My husband is excellent - his money is for the family, I can spend my money as I like. And in everyday life, an assistant, and a lion in bed, and as a father, no complaints. I never thought about cheating, because I have no time, and I don’t want to spend energy on getting into contact, hiding what is happening. We met Vladimir at a restaurant when we celebrated the christening of a good friend's daughter with a large company. Oh, it was hard to look away from him - big, confident, dressed with a needle, impudent, but gallant. He came to dinner alone, in an expensive car, so it's no wonder everyone was staring at him. Even then, the thought flashed through my mind that, probably, with this I would have changed, if I had considered such a prospect at all. After 2 weeks I went on business and went to a cozy cafe in the city to drink coffee. Vova was sitting with a friend at lunch. He recognized me, immediately approached and acted as if we had known each other for a long time. He told me not to go anywhere, he will be back now. They left, but after 10 minutes he fulfilled his promise and arrived alone. We sat at a table, chatted for a long time. Volodya is a very interesting interlocutor, moreover, he did not spare compliments to me. I had to leave, and he asked bluntly when we would see each other again. I objected, because it’s one thing, if a meeting happened suddenly, and the planned dates are not included in my plans, I’m still a married lady. He said “okay,” and even deep down, I was upset. After another 2 days we ran into a shopping center (I doubt it was an accident, although our town is really small). He came close to me, so that I could not breathe from his passion, and offered to leave for another city. For a day, on a business trip ... I agreed and immediately got scared! Why, why did I agree, how will I explain this to my husband and I do realize WHY I am going there ?! “I can leave at any moment,” this thought reassured and gave me strength. My husband took the news calmly, I often wandered to the regional center on business. She did not take the car, she said that I was going with colleagues. Yes, these were the most unforgettable 10 hours of my life. Vova has a large apartment there, so we enjoyed each other everywhere. I was fascinated and frightened by his strength and experience, such men are only in books! He wanted to take me away from Igor, but I was not going to ruin anything. Yes, I am terribly pleased to be in the center of the universe (with him I feel that way), but I cannot betray my family. Sometimes I want to tell my spouse, but I can't afford to hurt him. And the sons? They won't understand me at all ... "

Anya, 26 years old, married for 1 year. “My husband, Vitalik, practically doesn’t think of me. Either I didn’t cook what he wanted, then in bed he wants more, then I need to gain a little weight. Enrages! When I ask why he needs me like that, he says that he loves me very much, and there is nothing wrong with criticism. Allegedly, it is always necessary to accept comments from a loved one and a loved one with understanding, because he wants only good for me! One evening his friends came and he began to make fun of me in their presence. He said that I can feed sour borscht or fall asleep after the first glass of wine. It's a shame - this is little said. I was so angry that I was about to burst into tears. As a result, they got drunk, Vitalya trudged off to watch TV, and after 2 minutes he began to snore. One guy immediately went home, and the second lingered under the pretext of charging a little phone. He was so gentle, holding my hand and whispering that he would always appreciate a companion like me. We had sex right in the kitchen. I didn't think about anything, neither about my husband, nor about cheating, I just enjoyed it. The comrade left, and for a long time I could not sleep, I recalled his caresses. I am not ashamed in front of Vitalik, it is my own fault. After a while (he again poked me at something), I told about what had happened, he was taken aback and did not even scream, as I expected. We have not discussed what will happen next, we just parted. "

Human nature is boundless in the knowledge of the unknown. Female infidelity in three different variations had its own thread and led to a logical outcome. What can be said about these cases?

Different destinies - different betrayals

It was not for nothing that I gave examples of real betrayals of absolutely different wives - with different character, status and attitude of the faithful towards them. Based on the above, can we conclude that betrayal occurs only when the marriage is bursting at the seams? Absolutely not!

In the first story, where the wife cheated on her husband, one can trace the suppression of hidden desires and the girl's infantilism. She is comfortable with a calm spouse, but she is secretly ready to go on an adventure with any (reliable!) Passionate man. She could leave when the person said they were tired and would drink beer, or when after 20 minutes they were distracted from the project, and, of course, she should have resented when a friend turned on an adult video. It was not alcohol that pushed her to have violent sex with a friend of her legal companion, he only "pulled" to the surface everything that she lacked in her own marriage. From the woman's story about her infidelity, it becomes clear that this incident brought them closer to her husband, but, nevertheless, the wrong one does not exclude the fact of a repeated incident. This key wording conceals Tatyana's wrong attitude toward the family. What served as a provoking factor - an unsuccessful parental example, distortion of family values ​​through authoritative people / books / films, previous bitter experience is still unknown, but it is obvious that the relationship will not last for a long time in such torment.

Infantilism lies precisely in ignoring or hushing up their problems. Replacing unsatisfied desires will never bring true pleasure. Learn to speak your desires, overcome barriers and free yourself from existing clamps.

The story where an adult woman cheated on her husband with an influential person only says that she loves to be in the center of attention, to feel that he is ready to put the whole world at her feet. Of course, each of us likes this, we love with our eyes and appreciate people by their actions. But my husband also did things - he helped, took him to restaurants, was a wonderful lover and a caring father. Why did he fade into the background?

We all need a second breath sometimes. Who and where finds it - depends only on our inner content. Apparently for Victoria, Vladimir just became that very second wind, youth, flirting, unbridledness. But she knew intellectually that the family, the system that had been created over a long time, should not be destroyed. In such cases, a serious intrapersonal conflict develops, which, if not resolved, will end in severe depression, which can develop into chronic neurasthenia.

Tip: In the case of a conflicting desire and reality, you need to understand yourself in order to understand and accept your true motives. Do not be afraid to seek help from a specialist, so you will have a chance to remain not only a happy, but also a psychologically healthy person.

As for the story where the wife tells her husband about how she cheated on him, everything is obvious - the girl is ruled by unwillingness to continue further relationships. This can be veiled with different subtexts - to click on his nose (they say, look, you are making fun of me, and someone caresses), to hurt (you are like this, and I am like this to you), etc. But the main idea of ​​this story is - awareness of their failed marriage. As a specialist, I usually fight for my family, if I have something to save. In this story, where the wife gave herself up to another with her husband (even if she was sleeping), unfortunately, there is nothing to fight for. Incompatibility of temperaments, disrespect, frustration, disagreement, mismatch of moral values, unwillingness to accept oneself and each other, to work on oneself, denial of one's mistakes, etc. - a bad basis for a happy union.

Can the husband be blamed for his wife's infidelity? Indirectly, yes. But “I deceived you, because you brought me down” - sounds somehow ridiculous, you must agree. Usually, I say that it is good when such a relationship ends at a stage where the spouses have nothing to share yet or the bitter realization that you have lived half your life somehow, not how you dreamed did not come.

What about female infidelity? Are they as weak, led, and defenseless as they seem? Of course not! We are endowed with natural strength, dexterity and intuition, we always know exactly where we are going and how our road will end. We are wise, so it would be wrong and incorrect to write off carnal pleasures as a coincidence. Women are not hostages of the situation - this is a fact.

There are, for example, in my practice, and non-standard betrayal of the wife from the stories of eyewitnesses, where these eyewitnesses, in fact, are the husbands. It was with their consent that the sexual intercourse of the spouse and the man, who was carefully selected by the faithful, took place. Can this be called treason? No, it can rather be called the diversity of the sexual life of two adults, mature partners. Here, no one suppresses anyone, does not force, does not blackmail anyone. Everyone saves their marriage and feeds their feelings exactly the way they want and feel. If this does not cause discomfort to the other half, moral trauma, pain and other negative emotions - why not?

In all the stories "How I Cheated on My Husband," you can see the unique story of each woman, not like the others. There is only one conclusion from such stories - betrayal does not save from pain, does not rehabilitate relationships, does not glue families together, does not replace love. Cheating makes you feel guilty, corners, wounds, destroys. If you are experiencing dissatisfaction with your marriage, do not rush to dive into the arms of another. I assure you, you will get a lot more problems than before! Someone else's bed nourishes with illusions, but usually ends in emptiness. Be happy!

Betrayal is a lot like a brief death. Only the one who was betrayed does not know that there is a whole life ahead and this death is not real.
For some people who have experienced the pain of betrayal on their own skin, it is very difficult to understand why people generally betray each other, why they act with others the way they would not want to be treated. On the other hand, those people who themselves betrayed someone sometimes look for excuses for their treacherous act, and, as a rule, find it. You can understand, and I think it is necessary, of both.

The young man found his mother. A very touching story. He put in a lot of effort, spent a lot of money - and found it. In a settlement colony in the Urals. There was a touching meeting, my mother hugged her son, whom she sent to an orphanage at the age of three - this is how the circumstances developed.

People who betray and give always say this weighty phrase about circumstances. For some reason, during the war and famine, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not send their children to an orphanage. But this is by the way. In general, then such events began that I do not even want to write. This mother began to demand money and all-round support. And she even tried to sue my friend. But she was deprived of parental rights, fortunately. And soon, drunk, she fell into a well, where, by the way, they also found a missing roommate - they lost him a year ago ...

And the young man swore to look for someone, although he had always dreamed about meeting his mother ... I understood a lot.

Or the husband left his wife with two children. He took everything out of the house, even the clotheslines and soap. In general, all the belongings. I unscrewed the bulbs. He gave it to his wife in the ear - and left. He did not pay alimony, he lived for his own pleasure. And his wife dreamed that he would change his mind and return. Cried into the pillow - when I bought a pillow. She wandered in poverty, washed the floors, gave the last piece to the children - and dreamed that the door would open, her husband would ask for forgiveness and return. I have been waiting for him for fifteen years. He returned, but of course. And a normal wealthy woman, mother of two adult sons, saw a dirty tramp on the doorstep, who asked for forgiveness. And he demanded money. And in the apartment to be allowed, which this woman bought with her own money. And he began to threaten and blackmail. And I didn't want to leave for anything!

You know, if a person has abandoned and betrayed, he can return. This happens quite often. And dreams will come true!

We will be together again. In the native embrace of a loved one. And it will be very, very difficult to break out of this embrace. Who betrayed and abandoned, he will do it again. And if not this, then something else is worse. More awful. And you have to think a hundred times - is there any point in looking for a parent who abandoned the child and did not help him in any way. Or return a husband who has been abandoned in a helpless state. Or again be friends with the one who betrayed and framed.

Human nature is unchanging. Repented - well, I don't know. This is probably good. Let him follow the path of correction further. Farther and farther. Until it disappears beyond the horizon, along with painful memories of what we had to endure ...

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If you are one of those who “didn’t have much bukaf”, then you will hardly read to the end, and even more so you will understand, do not waste your time in vain reading ...

I didn’t dare to write my story for a long time, although I’ve been reading the forum for a long time ... I don’t know why, probably because I don’t consider it very problematic, because it can be worse, although ... The point is not in the story itself, but in its perception by a person, I’m probably just very impulsive chtoli, I don’t know ... You know, only now I am beginning to understand that I am a very naive person in fact ... I am not like that because I am a fool, but because a girl ... Nonsense, but even writing about it is hard ...

An ordinary routine evening ... Denis calls:

Hello how are you? What are you doing?

Nothing special, everything is fine.

Come, you will flutter. I want to introduce you to a friend.

No thanks, I have to go to work tomorrow, get up early.

Come, otherwise I will be offended. At least for an hour ...

There was no particular mood. I just got behind the wheel and drove off ... Denis was waiting on the street, near the entrance to the bar ...

Hi. Well, finally, I really thought you wouldn't come ...

I promised, ”I replied dryly.

Well, let's go soon ...

Upon entering the bar, I immediately noticed a young man who was sitting half-turned and looking directly at us with a sweet smile on his face ... Already at that moment I felt my heart beating wildly. A banal acquaintance “hello, how are you? the name of?". It so happened that Denis met his friend, he was drunk. Denis asked me to wait a little, because he would go and put a drunk friend in a taxi. There were four other people at the table besides "Him": a girl with her boyfriend, her friend and his friend. I did not know them, and listening to their drunk conversations did not cause much desire. "He" looked at me and was silent, and suddenly said: You have beautiful eyes ... Apparently he wanted to see my reaction. I don’t know why, but I thought "regular cute pick-up artist." We talked with him for about 10 minutes, but it felt like I knew him for eternity. It took about 20 minutes since Denis left. I called, I asked where he was, in response - already here.

Suddenly, for no reason, no reason:

Who did you call? Denis? Are you worried?

Of course I'm worried, - I replied.

At that moment, Denis came, sat down next to me, putting his hand behind me as if embracing me. And that's it, "He" didn't even look at me. "Well, exactly, an ordinary pick-up artist" - for some reason I thought sadly. Further, various kinds of conversations. Time twelve, the bar closes, I went to work in the morning, but I did not want to leave at all ... I don’t know, but apparently Denis understood this, and offered to take a walk near the eternal flame. Naturally, I agreed. As soon as we reached the shop, Denis urgently phoned Denis, casually throwing the phrase “I'll be there in half an hour, don't be bored,” he left very quickly ... Left alone with “Him”, I felt calm and comfortable, “a strange feeling” - then I thought, because I didn't know "Him" at all.

Lucky for Denis.

In the sense?

Well, you’re with him ...

I AM? With Denis? Do not make me laugh. Just friends…

He smiled, pulled me sharply to him and kissed me so tenderly. I was shocked, I did not understand anything at all. Standard reaction: “What are you? Let me go". There are incomprehensible thoughts in my head: where did he get the idea that I was with Denis, cough-cough ... After all, Denis called me to get acquainted with "Him". Believe it or not, then there was so much banal romance, he turned out to be a very smart young man. Talking about the stars, the whisper of leaves, a light breath of the wind, the two of us ... It was as if I had been replaced, I looked at "Him" and listened, without thinking about the meaning of "His" phrases, I just listened ...

I will not describe in paints what happened next, but after a week we lived together. I was the happiest in the world, "He" gave me a fairy tale. I don’t know how to explain it, but there were so many intriguing moments: a strand of hair that fell on my face, which "He" so gently removed and gently kissed on the cheek, a banal wait a couple of minutes when we walked, coming with a rose hidden behind my back. You know, even a declaration of love was unexpected: I came home from work, opened the door to the room, found a room full of balloons with the inscription "I love you", turned and "He" uttered the cherished words ... "He" in the full sense of these words "blew away dust particles from me ”,“ carried on my hands ”...

Let me get a little off the topic: "He" came from Tyumen to my city to earn money, we pay well, a rich city - oil, gas. The first month they lived with my parents, then they rented an apartment. "He" worked, I worked and studied at the university. Parents were against "Him", not a local, they say they need a residence permit, there is nothing behind the soul, and so on and so on. I, in turn, was in the 7th heaven with happiness, and I didn't care what my parents thought, rose-colored glasses syndrome, so to speak ... I got sick, my disease was called "He".

I could watch him sleeping for hours ... It's funny, talking with a friend, I could ask after 5 minutes: Huh? Did you say something? In response: Come down to earth ... Yes, love makes people different ...

So we lived for a year, it seemed to me I found my "happiness", began to think about the child. We could spend hours discussing this topic:

The first would like a girl, she will help later with her brother, - He said.

No, what are you. And imagine the first boy will protect his sister.

In fact, it doesn't really matter who will be the first, because it will be the embodiment of our love.

I love you.

I more.

With tears and a smile on my face, I now remember these moments, there were so many of them, but I do not regret anything ... But, vryatli someday I will forgive him ...

I still remember that day, and the feelings that I experienced, God forbid anyone else to know this.

I came home from work in the evening. "He" to me:

We need to talk.

Sunny, wait a minute, I'll at least undress and run to the bathroom, and then I'm all yours, - I smiled sweetly.

I don’t know how to tell you so that you understand me.

Oh well, my God, you speak as if someone died, - I laughed ...

IM married.

With these words, he killed me on the spot. I did not understand what was happening, how so? I had no words. Emptiness…

I have a child, he is 2 years old.

Apparently he decided to finish me off completely. I catch myself thinking that I can’t say anything. Having looked into “His” eyes, I dress and just leave.

Let's talk.

I go down and go in silence. I didn't know what to do, how could he lie to me for so long? How could I believe so blindly? For a year, there was not even a thought to look at his passport. I called a friend, we went to the club. It was difficult for me to hide what was inside me, so I agreed to meet at the entrance. I went there on foot. Tears, thoughts, hum by passing cars, deception, pain, a pool ... It darkens in my eyes, I am absolutely insane ... Why? Why? Upon reaching the entrance to the club:

What's taking so long? Let's go already. Do you hear me at all ?, - She pulled me up.

Oh, yes, hello.

Closing of the club in the morning. In such a chaotic state, I trudged home, again on foot. The phone was breaking all the time, "He" was calling ... Pick up the phone? What for? But does it make sense? - thoughts in my head. A familiar door, I open it, enter ...


I couldn't tell you before, I was afraid of losing you. You understand, I've been with you for a year, I only need you. I'm getting divorced, my wife filed for divorce. Kid ..., - tears in his eyes, - We can take him for the weekend, will you mind? You love children ...

I had such inexplicable feelings: "pain" and "joy", "anger" and "affection" - it's like a bolt from the blue. “He” started kissing me, we cried in unison, there were many words of love, hope for a happy future ...

So I lived for another two months. "He" said: As soon as I get divorced, marry me? These words evoked in me double sensations, but flapping innocently and joyfully with eyelashes, I said: "Of course." I loved, as madly as possible. Then there were all sorts of conversations with "His" parents, they accepted me as part of their family. By this time my parents had already got used to "Him", and were already happy when we came to visit them and stayed overnight.

I was finishing the 5th course, summer was approaching, preferential vacation. I just could not help but take advantage of this privilege, and I live in the north, I wanted to go to the sea. "He" could not go with me, he went to his parents. Vacation - the sea, telephone conversations. But, I could not live without him. I went for 28 days, but on the 15th day I went and changed tickets. I called "Him", I said that I was tired of having a rest, that I wanted to see him, and so on. In general, he takes tickets so that he can arrive on the same day. So we met, again the same apartment, and "He". Again I looked at “Him” with loving eyes, again I felt the peace of mind that “He” was just there. After 10 days he says to me: “And let's go to my parents. Mom wants to meet you so much. " I did not believe that this was happening to me, a married man wants to introduce me to my parents. “His” words were not just words, but backed up by actions, so to speak - to me it looked like that. As a result, the next day we are already on the train, going to his parents. Drive for a day. Already at his home, his mother is such a kind woman. Says "He" changed when he met you. I was so happy. But, "He" was constantly talking about his son, he was very worried. "He" said: "She said she won't let me see him," "I haven't seen him for six months," "I want to see him, just see how he walks with her by the hand." I was worried together with "Him" ... A week passed, the departure was approaching. We decided that first I would leave, in a month “He”, already divorced, would come to me.

Last night at his parents' house:

You know, if you are very worried and want to return to her, I will understand ... I want you to be happy. I will not be hysterical, I will just leave ... - I was haunted by his "torment", his gloomy appearance.

No, what are you? I love only you, I want to be with you, and in general, let's not talk about it.

Calm, I went to bed. 8 am, he put me on a train. 10 am - call: (tightly drunk voice)

Forgive me for everything. I stay….

Discouraged, I went out to the vestibule - to smoke. I was numb, I could not speak, I looked out the window at the forest, tears flowed by themselves, it hurt to the limit, as if a knife had been stuck in my heart and turned constantly. The world collapsed for me, everything became black and white. In the vestibule, a man asked if everything was fine. I couldn't speak and just nodded. My legs gave way, my eyes darkened. I woke up from the ammonia in the hands of that man.

Everything became indifferent to me. Huddled into a ball, I lay all the way home. Tears, phone (in the hope that he will call and say that this is just a cruel joke). Upon arrival, I quit my job. There was no desire to look for a new profession (graduated from the university). You know, I didn't want to live. A couple of days later the call:

Hello how are you? Just tell me you got there.

I was silent all the time. I understood that this was all, the end of that fairy tale, but why? Why is it all with me? There is a huge hole in the soul, which is getting bigger and bigger every day. I already do not understand anything in this life. Why is this to me? The age-old question. I don't even have anyone to tell me about it. It's like falling into an abyss, trying to get out, but it doesn't work, you quickly climb up - it doesn't work out, and in fact no one will even stretch out a hand. I returned home, I still haven't talked to my parents about it, they understood everything themselves.

This is how I live for a year with these feelings, with these thoughts. Now I do not know how to smile, enjoy life. It hurts, I withdrawn into myself. I understand that you do not need to get stuck, you need to live on, to be strong. But I can't, I'm so tired. For a year now, and every day 4 walls, tears, I died morally. I was trampled, there is nothing in me, absolutely, emptiness and a huge hole inside. I find it hard to breathe, I can no longer exist like this. The world is lost to me, I just don't need it, I don't want anything.

This history is already quite ancient. But I want to tell you to protect the girls from this. I have been dating Roma for a year already. Everything was amazing! On weekdays we did not see each other because of the busy work schedule, but the weekend we passed very, very stormy! That saunas, hotels, restaurants, amusement parks, and so on, so on, so on. Romka is a rich boy, and he could afford to spend a lot of money on us. Although I did not meet with him because of this! Sometimes I just dragged him to my house and we smoked a hookah ...

Well, that's how we met. Once, before the next weekend, Romka called me and said that he planned to first hang out with his friend in the apartment with a hookah and all that stuff, and then go to the sauna. And he asked me to take two friends with me, because 2 friends had to go with him. I called Christina first (we hadn’t seen each other for a year at that time), she agreed and was very happy that there would be an opportunity to see me. Then I called my childhood friend Katya. She, too, with great pleasure agreed to go.

The weekend has come. Chris and I agreed to meet in advance to sit at the cafe. Still, we haven't seen each other for a year! The long-awaited meeting with his beloved friend went very well! We sat so nicely in a cafe, drank a mojito ... Then we met with Katya, and the guys took us away in a car. We bought elite alcohol and went to Igor, a friend of Roma. With us was also Roma's cousin, Marat. At first everything was fine. It seems to be. But Romka did not seem to be particularly happy about our meeting with him. And we haven't seen each other for 2 weeks! In general, we sat down, drank a little ... More precisely, Christina and I drank a LITTLE, but Katya ... The girls and I went to make a salad. Christina came up to me and asked to talk to Roma, because he was very frankly gluing to her, and not only is it unpleasant for her, but also insulting for me and my feelings! I talked to Roma, it seems, everything has calmed down ... For a while ...

An hour later, Katya was already drunk and began to dance almost a striptease! It looked disgusting! Exactly the same as her behavior! In general, Romka and I had a little quarrel, and he was going to leave. I know that he would not have left ... And I already wanted to go to talk to him and make peace, but Katya got ahead of me. She took him to the bath and about half an hour. Chris and I packed up and left, but Katya stayed there ...

Then I found out that not only had they slept ... So also after I wrote to Roma an SMS "Don't call and don't write to me again," he invited Katya to meet! Still would! I threw him, and he picked up what was lying around ... Disgusting !!! Girls, lovely! Don't get your boyfriends close to your girlfriends! They can be the smallest white and fluffy on the outside, but in fact they turn out to be reptiles! Draw conclusions and do not repeat my mistakes!

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An amazing story from life - about betrayal and cruelty, nobility and female dignity. This made an indelible impression on me. It's a pity for the heroine.

Dickens criticized his wife (Katherine Dickens) - she is too fat. Because he eats a lot of fatty foods and everything lies on the couch. She's stupid and has nothing to talk about. Pays little attention to children. And with her psyche is wrong; fits of jealousy and tears out of the blue.

And the great, my favorite writer wrote a public letter about his wife - with criticism. And the readers sympathized with the genius.

And I think all day: it's no wonder to get fat if you give birth to 10 children in 12 years. You will bury three. You will lie here exhausted on the couch. And it is difficult for ten children, husband, relatives and guests to pay much attention ... And you will seem stupid and awkward, although she and her husband sailed to America on a terrible steamer; and bravely gave birth to children. And with the psyche - and we would cry if by mistake they brought home the bracelet that the husband bought the young actress ... This actress was the whole point - the wife grew old and blurred. And the girl was 18 years old. That's all.

The wife was not the point. She was disgusted, and divorce was not welcomed. And Dickens ordered to brick the passage to his half of the bedroom - somewhat defiantly, to put it mildly.

And this fat, stupid and abnormal wife got up, put on her hat and left home forever. In order not to be humiliated. Don't listen to criticism or read it in magazines. And the children were not given to her. So she lived the rest of her life alone.

Watercolor portrait of Catherine by the English artist Daniel Maclees

And when the writer died, she only asked to publish the letters that Charles wrote to me in his youth. Please! Let everyone know that he loved me; and I was slim, cheerful, witty ... But even that was not done.

And criticism is when they don't like us, that's what I think. And they want to get rid of it. But they don't even admit it to themselves. And it is better to put on a hat and leave - as this brave and noble woman did ...