Silver Christmas wreath. A detailed video master class on how to make a Christmas wreath from tinsel, satin ribbons and Christmas balls. Foam base

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, there is inevitably a desire to decorate your home with something new or unusual. Someone buy Christmas decorations with boxes, others. But more and more overseas jewelry is gaining popularity, which only yesterday surprised with its brilliance only from pictures. It's about Christmas wreaths. Definitely, you can buy such a decor before Christmas to replenish your home collection. But homemade jewelry looks much more interesting. The designers of the Zatusim website have prepared several master classes with step-by-step photos that will help you figure out how to make and decorate a Christmas wreath with your own hands.

It is the coniferous branches that form the basis of the classic Christmas wreath. Various new ideas for making wreaths from fabric and thread, beads and ribbons, tinsel and vines, and even toilet paper and bottle caps are variations that look colorful, but have nothing to do with Christmas decoration - a wreath symbolizing infinity of time and counting weekdays and holidays before Christmas.

In the classic version, spruce, pine, juniper branches can be used as a base. It is the needles that give such a decoration New Year's shades, filling the room with traditional aromas.

But the decoration for a fir Christmas wreath can be made with your own hands from any material at hand.

First, let's learn how to make a classic Christmas wreath with our own hands - it's very easy to do this with step-by-step master classes.

Fir Christmas wreath with cones

You will spend no more than an hour on making a Christmas wreath from spruce branches with your own hands, and it will delight with its grace, beauty and excite all the holidays with a coniferous smell.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Spruce branches - 15 - 20 pcs.;
  • Cardboard - 40x40 cm;
  • Sheets of paper - 10 - 15 pcs.;
  • Spruce cones - 8-10 pcs .;
  • Red woolen thread - 1.5 - 2 m;
  • Bell - 1 pc.;
  • Red ribbon 1 cm wide - 60 cm;
  • Artificial berries - 3 - 4 branches.
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Artificial snow in an aerosol can.

We make the basis for a Christmas wreath from cardboard with our own hands.

To do this, draw with a compass two circles of different diameters. You can use any utensil: a lid from a saucepan or a plate, which can be easily outlined with a simple pencil.

Cut out both circles with scissors.

We take sheets of paper A-4 (you can replace it with a newspaper) and, crushing them, wrap the cardboard base.

We prepare spruce branches for work - cut large ones to size, small ones give an attractive appearance.

We attach the spruce branches to the base with glue. Glue each next branch so that it overlaps the base of the previous one. We continue to work until we close the whole circle with needles.

Preparing cones for decorating the wreath.

We will also decorate the wreath with artificial berries.

A small bell.

And red woolen thread.

We evenly wrap the entire wreath with a thread.

We proceed to decorate the spruce wreath with cones, which we glue in random order on the needles.

Now you can attach artificial berries to the branches.

We make a small bow from the ribbon, which, together with the bell, we glue to the wreath so that it looks inside the circle.

It remains to process the needles with snow. To do this, you can use artificial snow in an aerosol can.

Our Christmas wreath of fir branches with cones is ready.

It remains only to find a place where to hang it.

Thuja or fir Christmas wreath

Beautiful Christmas wreaths are obtained not only from spruce or pine branches, but also from thuja, fir, juniper.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Fir, thuja or juniper twigs - 20 - 25 pcs.;
  • Soft wire - 3 - 4 m;
  • Green threads;
  • Nippers.

A bouquet of fir twigs can be purchased on the market.

You will need several such bouquets. They become brittle after being in the cold, so leave them that way until warmed up.

Now you can untie the bouquet and make several miniature bouquets from small twigs, tying them with a thread.

The frame for such a Christmas wreath can be a circle woven from a vine.

Or from rods.

Or wire.

Fir bouquets are fastened to the base with a thread or wire.

Gradually fill the whole circle with twigs.

As a result, we get a beautiful Christmas wreath.

If you pick up all the branches to size and carefully fill the base with them, you can make such a beautiful wreath.

And decorate in an original way.

Beautiful Christmas wreath made of artificial tree

If you want to make a Christmas wreath with your own hands, which can be preserved and used for more than one year, use artificial spruce branches. No, you don't need to disassemble your New Year's beauty for parts or purposefully buy a new one. It is enough to buy a garland of pine needles, which can be cut into small branches or used whole.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Artificial spruce twigs;
  • Cardboard - 2 sheets;
  • Christmas toys - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • Red beads - 1 m;
  • Twine - 10 m.

Tools and auxiliary materials:

  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Glue gun;
  • Plates of different diameters - 2 pcs.

The base for the Christmas wreath will be made of cardboard.

To do this, draw a plate around the contour.

First a larger diameter, then a smaller one.

In total, you need two cardboard blanks.

Cut out the templates with scissors to make 2 cardboard rings.

We will tie the blanks with twine.

We wrap the base with a strong thread, folding both rings together.

Immediately we make a loop on which it will be possible to hang the finished Christmas wreath in the future.

We take spruce branches. It is more convenient to work with a long garland, since it will not need to be fixed several times.

We wrap the rings.

We continue to wrap the blank ring until we fill the base completely.

It remains to decorate the finished wreath. To do this, we wrap a ring with beads in any shape, glue stars, toys, snowflakes.

We have learned how to make Christmas wreaths from a live and artificial tree and other conifers.

Symbolic Christmas wreath with candles

But if you really adhere to Christmas traditions exactly, then you need to make a wreath with candles.

It is the candles that symbolize the approach of Christmas. There should be 4 large ones in total - according to the number of Sundays when they are lit, and 24 small ones. With the tradition and history of Christmas wreaths you can.

Definitely, a Christmas wreath and candles are a decoration for the festive table. But they can decorate any flat surface both in the room and on the street. We start to create.

Traditional Christmas wreath with candles

We will make a Christmas wreath with candles with our own hands on the basis of spruce branches. We will use 4 candles in total, which can be lit every Sunday on the eve of the holiday.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Coniferous twigs: spruce, boxwood, fir;
  • Straw circle;
  • Pine cones - 30 - 40 pcs.
  • Candles - 4 pcs.;
  • Materials for decoration.

Tools and auxiliary materials:

  • Thin wire;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue gun.

We make the base of the wreath from ordinary straw, which can be replaced with foam or other easy-to-cut construction material.

Glue the base around the edge with pine cones.

It is necessary to glue over both the outer and inner contours.

Fill the remaining surface of the base with coniferous branches on one side. You can combine several types of needles.

It remains to install 4 large candles on the finished Christmas wreath and decorate with scrap materials. In our version, we used cinnamon sticks, bows, cookies, stars.

Thanks to the decor, you can make wreaths in different colors.

Christmas wreath composition with candles

This composition can be used for the central decoration of a New Year's or Christmas table. A wreath of pine needles and snow-white candles will look noble and elegant.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Sprigs of conifers
  • Tray;
  • Large white candles - 3 pcs.;
  • Small white candles - 4 pcs.;
  • Semolina;
  • Artificial snow in an aerosol can;
  • Decorative white crystals.

The base of the composition will be a small tray. We put big candles on it. You can take candles of different heights - so the composition will look more interesting, or supplement with small candles.

Place the finished Christmas wreath on top of the tray, decorated with artificial snow.

It remains to decorate the composition. In this case, we will use ready-made crystals or twigs with a snow cover.

We place them directly on top of the needles.

Finally, sprinkle the entire composition with semolina to create the illusion of real grains of snow.

If in the previous article dedicated to the new year, we talked about that, then today's issue will be devoted to the manufacture of New Year's wreaths. Today I invite you to get acquainted with 7 different master classes on this topic.

I assure you that you will be surprised how easy and simple it is to make a wreath for the new year yourself, rather than buying ready-made and expensive ones in the store. In addition to the fact that you will save, you will also spend a couple of hours with your children doing this activity (of course, if there are any). In any case, you will be pleased at least from the fact that you made this beauty yourself.

The most interesting thing is that you can use anything to make a wreath, the main thing is that there is fantasy and a little imagination. In this article, we will consider the most common options for New Year's (Christmas) attributes.

But, as far as I know, this is far from all, and not even half, but some small part of all the options for making this symbol of the new year that exist. But the point is not this, but that we should learn how to make the simplest wreaths. And then, if you like it and everything will work out, you can already fantasize and experiment with inventions of new types, which will please yourself and your loved ones.

Well, now, let's start our review already.

DIY New Year's wreath of newspaper tubes

The first option is more likely not a wreath, but a base for it. That is, I want to first show you how you can make a good and reliable ring with your own hands, which will serve you for more than one year. Now they sell ready-made foundations for wreaths in stores, but their cost is far from small.

That is why it is better to do it yourself, especially since it is not so difficult. A little effort will have to be made, of course, but the result is worth it. We will use newspaper tubes as material. You can easily find how to make and color them on the Internet.

And here we will deal with the question of how to make a wreath, that is, the basis for a wreath from newspaper tubes. Since the manufacturing process is quite difficult and dreary to describe step by step, and besides, you can get confused, I suggest you watch a short video in which everything is described in detail, shown and told. Happy viewing!

I hope that you have understood everything and that you have no questions left on this topic. Now let's continue with the main topic.

We make wreaths from pine cones with our own hands

For this version of the New Year's wreath, any cones, any trees will suit us. If you do not have pine trees, then you can safely take into account others. This won't make the look worse, or maybe even better.

In this version, we will make artificial Christmas tree branches out of paper. If you do not want to mess around for a long time, then it is quite possible to get by with the purchased ones.

We need:

  • bumps
  • cardboard
  • baking paper (newspaper)
  • A4 paper
  • acrylic paint (green)
  • copper wire
  • Super glue
  • ribbon and beads for decoration

How to do:

1. From cardboard we cut out a "donut" of any size that you like. To do this, draw circles on the cardboard and cut it out.

2. To the resulting frame, using adhesive tape, glue baking paper or an old newspaper.

Before gluing, the paper needs to be crumpled well so that it becomes voluminous.

3. It turns out such a blank, as in the photo below.

4. Now paint the A4 sheet green on both sides and let it dry.

5. After that, cut it into strips 3-4 cm wide and proceed to the next step.

6. From the stripes we need to make a fringe. To do this, we fold the colored stripes in several layers and make frequent cuts, about 2/3 of the width.

7. Carefully open it so that the workpiece does not break.

9. We put it on a paper fringe and begin to wrap the wire in paper, gradually going down.

10. Fluff it up a little and get just such a twig.

11. Having made several such branches, you can collect larger branches by connecting them together.

12. Now we glue the cones with the resulting Christmas tree branches to the base of the wreath.

For beauty, several cones can be painted red, as we did.

13. Decorate the finished wreath with beads and tie a ribbon.

That's all! Ready. As you can see, everything is pretty easy and simple. And in the end, we got such a beautiful, festive wreath for the New Year and Christmas.

Burlap wreaths and wine corks

The wreath that I want to offer you now will look very good in the kitchen. In addition to corks and burlap, we will use bay leaves, allspice, cinnamon rolls and various nuts. As a result, you will get a very fragrant wreath that will fill your kitchen with its aroma.

How to do:

1. To begin with, as always, let's make a base. You can make it from an ordinary newspaper, twisting which, you need to connect the ends with glue or paper tape. You can also use the first option described in this article.

2. We wrap the workpiece with burlap or decorative mesh, as in our case. With a glue gun, glue it to the base of the wreath.

3. Now it's time for wine corks. We glue the future wreath with them around the entire perimeter.

4. Let's make a loop out of a ribbon or some kind of rope. It must also be glued with a glue gun, and wrap the free ends over the entire surface of the workpiece.

5. Decorate the wreath with nuts (almonds or walnuts), planting them on glue.

The more nuts, cinnamon and lavrushka there are, the more festive and beautiful the finished product will look.

6. Next are cinnamon sticks.

7. Laurel leaves and allspice peas will complete our composition.

Ready. How do you like this idea?

Making a wreath for the New Year 2019 from beads

People who are engaged in weaving all kinds of beadwork know that you can make anything out of it. So the New Year's wreath is no exception. It takes a little time and skill, and in the end, you get a very beautiful product that you can hang anywhere. Let's try to do it.

We need:

  • green beads
  • copper wire
  • aluminum wire (noodles)
  • ribbon
  • beads
  • glue gun

How to do:

1. First of all, we need to weave Christmas tree branches from beads. To do this, we put as many beads as possible on the copper wire.

2. We count the beads, in an amount of about 12-15 pieces and make a loop.

3. Twist the wire 3-4 turns.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until we have made the required length.

5. Now we wrap the aluminum wire with green tape and glue the end with a glue gun.

6. We wind the beaded "needles" on this wire in a circle.

7. We connect both ends of the wire, giving a round shape. We wrap the joint with red tape and glue it.

8. We also form a bow from the red ribbon and glue it to the wreath.

9. Glue the red beads to the finished product.

10. Put the golden beads into the copper wire and wrap it around the wreath.

That's the whole process. Agree that it turned out very nicely.

Master class for making a wreath from foamiran:

Another video on making one of the main attributes of the New Year. We watch and learn. Happy viewing!

How to make a wreath of Christmas balls?

A very beautiful and bright wreath can be made from balls with which we usually decorate a Christmas tree. This is a very simple and fast way. But the result is simply stunning. A few balls, Christmas tree tinsel, cardboard base and glue - that's all we need. And of course, a good mood and a confident attitude.

We need:

  • cardboard base (bagel)
  • Christmas balls
  • tinsel
  • ribbon

How to do:

1. We distribute the balls on the cardboard base and glue them with glue.

Leave a small gap between the balls so that you can decorate the wreath with tinsel.

2. Wrap tinsel around the wreath.

3. Glue the ribbon bow.

4. You can hang a couple of balls to the finished wreath.

It takes very little time for this creativity, but it turns out very beautifully.

Step-by-step instructions for making a felt wreath

Did you know that felt can be used to make more than just toys? As you probably already guessed, now we will try to make a Christmas wreath, which will be present with elements. made from this material, namely felt flowers. We stock up on patience and get started.

We need:

  • base for the wreath
  • sackcloth
  • felt (red and white)
  • pine twigs (live or artificial)
  • bumps
  • beads
  • ribbon
  • glue gun

How to do:

1. You know how to make the basis, so I will not describe the process, but I will go straight to the next step.

2.Using glue, glue the burlap tape to the base.

3. Let's start decorating. Let's make flowers out of felt.

4. Cut out flowers using a stencil. We need to cut out one whole shape and 5 separate petals, like in the photo below.

5. Sew the lower part of each petal, forming a depression and sew to the main flower.

6. We do the same with the rest of the petals and sew them together.

7. Glue a bead in the middle of the flower.

8. Glue the finished flowers to the base of the wreath with a glue gun.

10. Attach the gold ribbons.

11. The edges of the flowers can be painted white to give them a more complete look.

12. And finally, glue the cones and decorate the wreath with a ribbon bow.

Wreath on the door of pine cones and balls

The last option will be a New Year's wreath, collected from different cones and balls, as well as some more elements that will complement the picture with their presence. This wreath looks very good anywhere, but we will hang it on the door.

Agree that when it comes to New Year's wreaths, you immediately imagine the front door on which it hangs. So why not make and hang it exactly where it looks best?

We need:

  • the foundation
  • tinsel
  • bumps
  • Christmas balls
  • walnuts
  • large beads

How to do:

1. Tinsel wrap the base of the wreath, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.

2. We glue the cones in a chaotic manner.

Some buds can be dyed white on the edges. It will look prettier this way.

3. Now it's up to the balls. We also glue them over the entire surface.

4. And the last decorative elements are nuts.

5. With white paint we slightly tint all the components of the wreath.

6. If desired, finalize with white and silver beads.

7. Spray with artificial snow and hang on the door.

That's all. It turned out very cool and festively beautiful.

That's it for today. It's up to you. Good luck with your creativity! I will wait for your feedback on what and how you did it. Thank you for your time and attention.

Hello everyone! We continue the theme of decorating our home on the eve of the New Year's holiday. And today I want to invite you to try to make a homemade accessory - a wreath. This is a very bright product that will attract the attention of every guest and create a truly festive atmosphere.

And it is done so easily and simply, it does not take much time, and at the same time any available materials and decorative means are used. The most important thing here is to learn how to make a frame, that is, the basis for a New Year's wreath.

You can buy a frame, for example, use a foam mold or a hoop, or make it yourself from paper, cardboard, wire or fabric. The following accessories are well suited for decoration: tinsel, rain, fabric, cones, spruce twigs, clippings from newspapers and postcards, ribbons, etc.

Also remember that this element is most often used to decorate doors, so do not forget about the method of fastening products.

It is now fashionable to replace familiar round wreaths with unusual shapes, such as stars and hearts. Therefore, think over the shape for your product in advance. Be sure to keep track of what accessories to choose for decorating such a craft. After all, the decoration should complement your entire interior.

Rather, start reading today's issue and then you will learn in detail about how and from what you can make wreaths for the New Year and Christmas.

In addition to doors, wreaths can be weighed on walls and shelves.

Now I will tell you how you can make such an accessory using thick cardboard and tinsel, as well as Christmas balls.

I also want to say that in such products, decorative elements must be combined in color so that they do not contradict each other, but, on the contrary, complement.

You will need:

  • tinsel in three shades;
  • thick cardboard;
  • Christmas decorations and other decorations;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • cord.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut a bagel of the desired size from thick cardboard. Next, place Christmas tree decorations and other decorations on it in the order you like.

2. Now secure them with tape.

4. With the fastened tinsel, wrap the entire product in a circle.

5. Then wrap the craft in a different color with tinsel in the same way.

6. And for the third time, wrap the wreath with tinsel of a different color. You can use thinner tinsel as a last resort. And do not forget to fasten the ends of the tinsel.

After you learn how to make a cardboard frame, I propose to complicate the work a little and try to make a base from newspaper and fabric.

You will need:

  • newspapers;
  • kitchen napkins;
  • green organza (if necessary);
  • PVA glue or hot glue;
  • tinsel;
  • decorations.

Manufacturing process:

1. From the sheets of newspaper, twist a tube and make a ring. Wrap it with a few more sheets to make it sturdy. The ends of the newspaper can be glued together.

2. Now wrap the resulting ring with white paper napkins.

4. Then, on the base, fasten the tip of the tinsel and wrap the whole ring with it in a circle. Reattach the tip.

And now options for finished work using tinsel.

Christmas wreath of fir branches and cones on the door

I really love it when natural materials are used in crafts, especially cones and spruce branches. Firstly, such works always look natural and chic, and secondly, the coniferous smell from such products is present throughout the house.

Therefore, let's now try to make a wreath using cones and twigs. And we will learn how to make the base from a foam base and fabric.

You will need:

  • base form made of papier mache or foam (or cardboard bagel);
  • decorative wide ribbon;
  • decorative twigs with beads;
  • spruce twigs with cones;
  • large artificial flower (poinsettia - "Christmas star");
  • pins, scissors;
  • hot glue gun.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the base and attach the decorative tape to the back with a pin. Wrap the base tightly.

2. Once you have completely hidden the base, secure the tape with a pin from the inside.

3. Now prepare the elements for decoration.

4. First, secure the beaded twigs.

5. And then the spruce branches with cones.

6. Glue the flower on top of the branches.

Or another way to make a wire base.

You will need:

  • wire;
  • fir branches;
  • strong black rope;
  • Christmas toys.

Manufacturing process:

First, make a round wire frame of the required size. Then form lush bunches of spruce branches, and tie them with black thread at the base. Then fasten the prepared bundles to the frame. Next, decorate your creation using toys, bows, ribbons. Tie a loop.

And here is a detailed master class on making a New Year's wreath from a purchased frame.

You will need:

  • a ready-made or home-made frame (you can use a wooden hoop);
  • twine or twine;
  • cones;
  • all kinds of decorations;
  • glue gun, scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take spruce twigs and begin to fix them on the frame away from you on the right side. Fasten the twigs with a string, tying in three knots. In this case, do not cut the thread, but wind it through the frame and fasten all other branches in the same way.

2. At the very end, tie the string into a knot and fix it with hot glue. Make a loop.

3. Now lay out the decorations and define their place on the product. Glue the decor. Everything is ready!

And I suggest taking a look at the photo samples.

Workshop on making a wreath of balls

And now an interesting way to create accessories from Christmas balls. Let's take a foam circle as a basis. You can make a wireframe from the options already discussed.

You will need:

  • foam base;
  • Christmas balls;
  • beads;
  • ribbon;
  • spray paint;
  • glue gun.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a Styrofoam base and paint over with gray paint. Dry the product.

2. Now glue small balls in size inside.

3. And on the outside, on the contrary, it is larger.

Balls can be used different not only in size and color, but also of different textures (matte, glossy, shiny).

Another creative idea. Maybe you will use it.

You will need:

  • wire;
  • wide tape;
  • factory Christmas balls;
  • glue gun.

Manufacturing process:

Make a round frame out of metal wire. Then string Christmas balls on the wire, while glue them initially to the metal loops. Decorate the finished craft with a ribbon.

I don’t throw off the samples of ready-made decorations this time, since they are all identical.

Making a wreath for the New Year out of paper

And we have another way to create products from plain paper ahead of us. This kind of creativity will be interesting for kids too, so be sure to involve them in the process.

By the way, we will make a bagel from newspaper tubes.

You will need:

  • newspapers;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • acrylic paint (white);
  • scrapbooking paper, colored or wrapping paper;
  • pictures on thick sheets (from old postcards, packages, boxes);
  • various other decorations.

Manufacturing process:

1. Roll newspaper sheets into thin tubes. Glue the ends of the newspaper with PVA glue. The number of newspaper tubes will depend on the thickness of your product.

2. Now take any round object and wrap it in tubes in several layers. Grease all the tubes with glue. When you have laid out all the tubes, grease the entire structure with PVA glue and let it dry well.

3. After drying, remove the workpiece from the round object and paint the base with white paint.

5. Place them on the product and then glue them.

6. Additionally, the craft can be decorated with sparkles or beads.

Now I will tell and show you how to make such beauty out of cardboard.

You will need:

  • colored paper, colored cardboard or patterned paper;
  • cardboard (for the base);
  • stapler;
  • scissors.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take white cardboard. Draw a round object on it. Cut out the circle.

2. Then draw a round object inside, but with a smaller diameter.

3. Cut out the middle.

4. Cut out petal-shaped pieces from colored cardboard.

5. Twist each petal at the base.

6. Start gluing the petals to the cardboard base.

7. Glue the pieces close together to form a twig.

8. In this way, glue the entire base.

9. Finally, glue the loop-ribbon.

As you can see, everything is very easy and simple. Any more ideas? Then catch it!

You can take a regular paper plate as a basis for crafts. Cut out the inner circle and decorate.

How to sew a New Year's wreath from felt + patterns

In addition to the usual and familiar options, you can and should also use felt and fabric. In this case, you can also sew a donut base from fabric and fill it with padding polyester. Or use frames made of twigs, paper and other materials, but still sew the decorations themselves.

I liked the following option. I share with you.

You will need:

  • foam base;
  • fluffy green threads;
  • ordinary sewing thread;
  • glue gun;
  • felt of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • patterned fabric of different colors;
  • fabric chalk;
  • cardboard stencils of figures: heart, snowman, herringbone, bell, etc.;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • elements for decoration: ribbons, buttons.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the base, fix the fluffy thread and gently, without glimpses, wrap the workpiece around the entire circle with it.

2. Secure the end of the thread with glue and protrude the villi up.

3. Circle a larger heart on the stencil on felt, cut it out (2 pcs.).

4. Circle a smaller heart on the fabric, also cut it out (1 pc.).

5. Now attach the small fabric heart to the large felt heart and sew it neatly.

6. Connect the pieces of the big heart, start sewing together. Then fill in with padding polyester and sew the blanks to the end.

8. Glue all sewn figures to the fluffy base.

9. Also tie bows from satin ribbons and decorate the craft with them.

Or choose from the following jobs.

And of course, diagrams, patterns and patterns for needlework.

DIY Christmas wreath from a hanger. Step-by-step instruction

You will need:

  • thick wire hanger;
  • sweets (lollipops or jelly);
  • braid;
  • scissors;
  • Double-sided tape.

Manufacturing process:

Unbend the hanger and form a circle out of it. You have a solid frame, and the "eyelet" is a mount for the hanging product. Scotch, fasten the braid to the frame and tie the candies with it in turn. The sweets should completely cover all the wire. Decorate the finished product with a ribbon.

You can also attach small scissors to the wreath so that everyone can cut off the candy and eat it.

And here is the beauty of the balls. You can also use tinsel and sewn figurines.

Video selection on what wreaths can be made at home from scrap materials

And in the end, try to make just such a sweet craft. I think this decoration is perfect for decorating a child's room.

You will need:

  • corrugated board;
  • two round objects of different diameters;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • acrylic paint;
  • bandage;
  • double sided tape;
  • foam rubber;
  • candies in shiny wrappers.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a piece of cardboard and trace a round object with a larger diameter on it. Cut it out.

2. Then draw a small circle inside the large one. You can also use a compass. Cut out the middle.

3. Make the exact same base (repeat steps 1 and 2). Glue the two pieces together.

5. Then cut the foam rubber into pieces and glue the finished frame with them.

6. Now wrap the base tightly with the bandage.

8. And then glue the whole frame with sweets.

9. Finally, fill in the empty spaces with tinsel or beads. Fix them with glue.

And, as promised, a selection of interesting and most creative ideas for your creativity.

Now you know how and from what you can make New Year's wreaths from scrap materials. Difficulties in such work will definitely not arise, and the process will be a pleasure, the result will delight the eye. Use the checklist below and you will succeed!

  1. Create or buy a frame of the desired shape and diameter;
  2. Fix the main material on the frame, on which the decorations will be attached in the future;
  3. Make eyelets to secure the wreath;
  4. Decorate the product using any available means.

I wish you all the best. Holiday greetings!

Preparing for the New Year is sometimes even more pleasant than the celebration itself. The whole family, including the smallest residents, can take part in the interior decoration process. You can decorate an apartment or house for the New Year holidays in a variety of ways, but recently New Year's wreaths, which we know better from romantic Christmas films in Hollywood, have become very popular. However, fashion trends have come down to us.

We have collected for you more than 40 master classes on making New Year and Christmas wreaths from a variety of materials. Are you ready? Let's go then!

A very simple Christmas wreath in terms of materials. You will need: New Year's tinsel, a base for a wreath (can be from a vine, polystyrene, a wire hanger, etc.), dry twigs for horns, a New Year's ball.

For such a cute New Year's wreath, you will need: a foam ring for the base, glue, glitter, tape, toothpicks, white paper for the clouds.

You will have to try to create such a New Year's wreath. You will need: foam base, corrugated paper, paper for creating volumetric balls, safety pins in huge quantities.

Find out what else you can do out of paper with your own hands:

The most popular are the Christmas cone wreaths. However, this is not surprising: New Year, pine cone tree - a logical chain is visible to the naked eye. For such a wreath you will need: foam base, blue fabric, glue, cones, acorns and maple helicopters.

If you want to surprise your home and guests, then pay attention to the New Year's wreath of ties. The ties will be hopelessly damaged, so do not hope that after the holidays the wreath can be disassembled and the ties re-hung in the closet. What you need to create: a ring for the base, some ties, glue, scissors.

Such a wreath is suitable only for those who like to drink a glass of wine in the evening, and then do not throw away the wooden corks. You will need: corks, a lot of corks, glue, paints.

Making such a wreath should be done together with a strong half. You will need: a metal base for a wreath, burlap, wooden boards, glue, paints.

You will need: a base for a wreath, foam balls of different sizes, glue, salt or artificial snow, a red ribbon for decorating.

See more:

Simple, original and tasteful. What you need: a wire base for a wreath, tennis balls, dried flowers, glue, threads, ribbon for decorating.

An incredibly original decoration will be a New Year's wreath made of soft marshmallows - march melo. You will need: a foam base for a wreath, toothpicks, soft marshmallows, a ribbon for decorating.

To add some sparkle to the most fabulous night of the year, you can DIY a sequin Christmas wreath. You will need: a base for a wreath, sequins on a ribbon, English needles, a ribbon for decorating, a button.

A Christmas wreath, soft as a cloud, can be made from cotton balls, diluted with multi-colored pom-poms. You will need: foam base for the wreath, cotton balls, colored pom-poms, glue.

A delicious and appetizing New Year's wreath on the door in front of which a kind grandfather certainly will not resist and will definitely drop in on your holiday. You will need: a foam base for a wreath, gummy candy, toothpicks, a ribbon for decorating.

A Christmas wreath made of openwork paper napkins looks very delicate and truly wintry. For production you will need: openwork paper napkins, a base for a wreath, glue.

Master class on making a New Year's wreath on a door in a rustic style. You will need: a base for a wreath, burlap, cones, glue, decoration tape.

An ecological Christmas wreath can be made from the most common natural materials: wreath base, moss, cotton balls.

To create you will need: a base for a wreath, threads, pompons, beads, bells, felt Christmas trees for decoration.

You will need: a base for a wreath, a red ribbon, a lot of candies, glue.

You will need: a base for a wreath, ribbons, scissors.

You will need: a base for a wreath, lollipops, glue, decoration tape.

A very easy to make New Year's wreath. You will need: plastic snowflakes from the store, glue, decorating tape.

See more paper crafts:

To create this miracle, you will need: toilet paper base, scissors, glue, red beads for decoration

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You will need: a base for a wreath, cotton wool, glue, threads, a red lace for decorating.

In continuation of the forest theme, you should note a New Year's wreath of cones. What you need: a base for a wreath (a wire hanger will do), beads (the hole in the beads must match the size of the wire base), cones, glue, decoration tape.

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To create such a masterpiece, you will need: a base for a wreath, white tape, glue, foam balls (for the eyes and mouth), a foam cone (for the nose), paint, a cardboard box (for a hat).

Creating a Christmas wreath like this won't work quickly. Only take note of this idea if you have time to spare. You will have to work hard! You will need: a base for a wreath, colored paper, scissors, glue and perseverance.

Very simple, quick to make and original New Year's wreath from cocktail tubes. You will need: a base for a wreath, straws, glue, decoration tape.

A great idea for a New Year's wreath will be a craft from photos of the best moments of the outgoing year. The wreath is very simple and easy to make. You will need: a base for a wreath, a ribbon for decorating the base, a photo, scissors, glue, buttons, stickers, beads, buttons, rhinestones for decorating.

To create such a masterpiece, you will need: a paper base for a wreath, thick paper for stars (you can use scrapbooking paper), scissors, glue, buttons and ribbon for decorating.

This version of the New Year's wreath is suitable for older children who know how to handle scissors. What do you need? Green and red paper, ruler, scissors, glue or stapler. Fold a sheet of green paper in half, retreat from the edge about 2 cm and line it into strips about 1 cm wide. Next, cut it (note that you need to cut it from the side of the paper fold). We open the sheet and fold it into a ring, gluing along the edge (where we made an indent of 2 cm). You can glue it with glue, double-sided tape or a stapler. Now we close our "pipe" into a ring and fix it. The wreath is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate it (you can use colored paper, or you can use rhinestones, stickers or sequins).

And this master class is perfect for New Year's crafts in kindergarten. In the modern rhythm of life, working mothers do not have an easy time, the baby himself is not yet able to generate ideas, so this issue should be taken care of by mom, or dad. In order not to waste precious time on the invention of the bicycle, we propose to use a ready-made idea and have fun with a pleasant activity. So, for a New Year's wreath you will need: a disposable paper plate, green paper, a red ribbon, as well as beads, rhinestones, mini pom-poms and other decorative elements. In a paper plate, cut out the bottom, so that you get a ring. Well, we circle the child's hand on the paper and cut out about 12 prints. We glue them on the ring and decorate. New Year's craft for kindergarten is ready!

# 48 Christmas paper wreath for kids: a step-by-step master class with a photo

Or here's another version of crafts for the New Year in kindergarten. For such a wreath, we need: a cardboard ring, green paper, a red bow (you can tie it yourself from a ribbon), scissors, glue (you can use double-sided tape). Cut the paper into strips of about 2-2.5 cm.Fold it with an accordion and glue it to the cardboard ring with the extreme ends. Add a bow and the craft is ready!

It's December - which means that pre-new year mood has already captured everyone who expects magic and joyful events in winter. In order to fill everything around with the spirit of the holiday, everyone seeks to surround themselves, one of which is a Christmas wreath.

How did the tradition of decorating a house with wreaths come about?

Decorating your home this way is enough ancient tradition that came from Western countries. It is worth noting that Christmas wreaths on Russian doors looked quite exotic until quite recently.

The idea of ​​creation belongs to Johann Wiechern, who lived in Hamburg. He was wealthy enough that he could afford to help orphans. The kids were looking forward to Christmas and constantly asked their caregiver when it would come. Then Johann decided to present them with a small gift - taking an old wheel from a cart and placing 16 candles on it, he hung it on the door. 12 candles were red and not very large, and the other 4 were much larger and white. Every morning Johann, together with the little ones, lit one red candle, and on Sunday one white one lit up. It turned out to be a kind of calendar, which made it possible to count down the time until the long-awaited holiday.

Wreath- It is not simple symbol of Christmas and New Year, it is also a kind of amulet for the house, which protects all its inhabitants, brings happiness and prosperity. The rounded shape of the wreath symbolizes endless life, the green color symbolizes good health, and small candles personify the warmth of the family hearth.

How to make a frame for a wreath?

It can serve as a basis tree or metal wire, as well as coniferous twigs and even paper. The strength of the entire structure and its durability depend on the choice of the base. So, the classic base can be straw, grapevine, willow twigs and even rim from the old wheel... If this is not at hand, ordinary metal wire will also be a good basis for Christmas decorations. Another option is unnecessary wires(for example, an old extension cord), which must be twisted tightly together. If you do not know how to make a Christmas wreath with your own hands, the photos will help you understand the basic principle of work.

Small piece of old hose, thick cardboard, and pieces of old newspaper twisted between themselves and fastened with wire, as well as fabric in the form of a roller, filled with cotton wool or padding polyester - all this and much more can serve as an excellent the basis for the Christmas wreath.

How to decorate a Christmas wreath?

For decoration, you can use the classic ones - Christmas balls, tinsel, artificial candles and small figurines of angels. However, the symbol of the hearth and the approaching magic deserves a greater manifestation of imagination, so it is worth making a little effort to ensure that every detail of this New Year's miracle is of special interest.


Bright ribbons in red, green, gold and silver will decorate your Christmas wreath and give it a festive look. If you wish, you can complement the composition with a bow made of beautiful fabric.


This decorative element was presented by nature itself. To make the buds look brighter and more attractive, you can paint them with silver paint.


Coniferous or pine twigs can be replaced with thuja or juniper legs. Artificial spruce legs are sold in a decorative jewelry store - in this case, the wreath will last for several years.


Juicy and beautiful berries will remind you that autumn is over, and frost and snow are ahead. They go well with both straw and green spruce legs.


Fresh flowers on wreaths are very rare, as they quickly wither. Recently, however, stabilized plants have emerged that can be incorporated into even the most complex compositions. If you do not have such elements at hand, then replace them with dried flowers.


An original way to decorate a wreath is to add knitted ornaments or pom-poms made from yarn to it. Stylish and unusual.


What can please children more than sweets? Brightly wrapped candies make a great decoration, but can quickly disappear from the base.


Decorations can also be made from plain craft paper. Flowers, animal figurines or New Year's motives - it all depends on your imagination.


Dried leaves will perfectly complement the wreath that reminds of the end of this year. This composition will be complemented by cinnamon sticks and dried fruits.

DIY Christmas wreath: step by step instructions

How to make a DIY Christmas wreath step by step? Such a decoration will not only delight the eyes of others, but also exude an extraordinary aroma - another symbol of the upcoming holiday. However, it has a small minus - sooner or later the needles will begin to crumble.

Required materials and tools:

  • strong and flexible wire (from 2 to 4 meters);
  • threads;
  • neat twigs of real spruce (can be replaced with juniper, thuja twigs, etc.);
  • liquid nails or glue;
  • cones, multi-colored ribbons;
  • sweets and nuts;
  • bunches of rowan or viburnum.

First you need to make a wire frame. To do this, you need to wind it in a circle of a suitable diameter and fasten it together.

After that, you can start decorating the green base. All elements can be fastened both with glue and by winding them with wire to the base.

Christmas wreath: photo

How to make a Christmas wreath with your own hands: video