Santa Claus script for the new year. The script for congratulating Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. New Year's Noise Maker of Santa Claus for Children "In Winter or Summer"

This scenario is perfect for calling the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus on children's party . It involves quite understandable and interesting games for young children, quizzes and riddles. Kids will surely be delighted with such a performance. And in order for the script to turn out to be fascinating and exciting, learn with the children a few simple songs and rhymes on the New Year theme - they will have the opportunity to take an active part in the holiday.

Children unanimously call the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. The Snow Maiden appears on the stage.

Snow Maiden: - Hello, boys and girls! Did you recognize me?
Children: (chorus) - Found out! Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden: - Quite right, I am the Snow Maiden. I am so glad to see you all at this wonderful holiday! You have grown a lot this year, and what elegant and beautiful costumes you have put on. Do you know where I came from?
And I came from the winter magical forest. There, at the very edge, stands my wonderful ice house. And around the house grows a lot of green and fluffy ... what, guys?
Children: - Elok!
Snow Maiden: - Exactly Christmas trees. There are a lot of different Christmas trees in my magical forest: wide and thin, low and high. And let's, for a moment we turn into those beautiful Christmas trees that are in my forest?
When I say "high" you should raise your hands up, at the word "low" - quickly squat and lower your hands, "thin" - make a narrow circle, "wide" - make the circle as wide as possible.

(game in progress)

Snow Maiden: - Well, kids, did you like it? Let's play some more, shall we? (a game called “Hide your hands from the Snow Maiden”, in which the Snow Maiden manages to “freeze” several children)
Snow Maiden(referring to the "frozen"): - I feel that you guys did not listen to the elders well, did not put on warm hats and mittens on the street. So what's now? You need to be disenchanted. And who can do it, what do you guys think?
Children: - Father Frost!
Snow Maiden: - Absolutely right! Santa Claus! Let's all call him together.

Children with the Snow Maiden call Santa Claus.

Father Frost: - Hello children! Hello dear granddaughter! What happened to you? What's happened?
Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, we played with the guys, and I, quite by accident, froze those who didn’t dress well in winter. Relax, please guys. Help us.
Father Frost: - Of course, I will help you. However, you must promise me that in the coming year you will obey your elders.
Children: - We promise!
Father Frost: - Oh, blizzard, blizzard and blizzard!
You help Frost and free the children!
And now, let's all light this beautiful Christmas tree together!
Snow Maiden: - Wait a minute, grandfather. First, I want to invite the guys to play one very interesting game:
With what we decorate the Christmas tree, I will quickly tell you.
You guys listen
And answer as you go.
If I speak correctly -
Answer the word "Yes"
Well, if it doesn't work -
Say the word "no". (play the game)
Father Frost: - What are you good fellows! You know very well how to decorate the Christmas tree. And now you can light magic lights on our Christmas tree. Has anyone forgotten the spell?
Together: - Christmas tree, light up!
Snow Maiden: - Guys, what New Year's songs do you know?

(sing "Little Christmas Tree...")

Father Frost: - Something I got a little tired. While I swear, I will rest. And you, kids, please the old man with songs and poems. Granddaughter, where is my bag?
Snow Maiden: - I can't find the bag. Where did he disappear to?
Father Frost: - Oh, my gray head. What to do? After all, I must have lost the bag of gifts.
Snow Maiden: - Do not be upset, grandfather! We will immediately start looking for gifts, and the kids will help us with this!

(Everyone starts looking for the bag).

Strange, it's not there anywhere. Even the animals did not meet a bag with gifts anywhere.
Or maybe our New Year has long found a bag and quietly put it under the Christmas tree?

(They find a bag under the tree).

Father Frost: - Guys, let's all thank the New Year and the Christmas tree together! Now everyone will get gifts!
Snow Maiden: - Who among you wants to sing a song or tell a poem?
(Children take turns singing, reciting poetry, it is possible to hold a costume contest).
Father Frost: - Thank you, children! We've had a wonderful holiday!

Happy New Year!

Program 30 minutes at home:

C - 1. Song. Exit of the Snow Maiden Song of the Snow Maiden 1.38

I came from a wonderful fairy tale

Snow aunt of winter,

And of course, without prompting

You all recognized me!

S. - Hello! Did you find out who came to visit you? Are you waiting for Santa Claus? He is old, a little behind,

Let's shout loudly all seriously Grandfather Frost!

D.M. 2. Song. Musical Santa Claus

D.M. - Hello! What's your guys name? Right. I received letters from you. Here I came to look at you, brought gifts. First I want to know how you behaved all year? How did you study? (by age questions)

What a beautiful tree you have! The Christmas tree is elegant.

Snow Maiden, and so let's play, dance, otherwise it's probably cold for them near me.

D.M. shows the movements of the Muses.

dance of little ducks.

D.M. Eh! I'll freeze you a little!

The Snow Maiden tells the rules: Do not run away from the circle, hide your hands behind your back only when Santa Claus is approaching (Santa Claus can freeze by the cheeks)

4. Music I will freeze

frozen Snow Maiden collects near him.

S. What have you done, Grandpa? This is not good! Come on, get rid of it right now! Who will I play with?

D.M. Here's another! My job is to freeze. Let Grandpa sit down. What an angry granddaughter you are, not that Zimushka treated me to ice cream. (takes out and sort of unfolds and eats - there are props).

S. Oh! Do not eat. She will not treat you well! She also loves to freeze children. Competitor you mean to her.

S. Ai-yay-yay. Guys, what did I say! The ice cream turned out to be enchanted. Grandpa is asleep!

Come on, I'll unfreeze you all and warm up!

I will quickly teach you how to keep warm in winter! Now we're dancing! Who can not see the Snow Maiden - look at each other

  1. Music Ceiling ice - you can 1 verse. You can call everyone and adults to dance too - a flash mob (you can accompany the movement with words: We remove the curtains - We wipe the windows with each hand - we erase the curtains - and now three and turn around - and now - we hang it on the window ... and now everything is all over again who remembers? .. first ….).

S. Well, it seems to have thawed everyone.

Ta-a-ak! But what are we to do with our scoundrel! I ate magic ice cream, forgot everything in the world, and even fell asleep!

Let's wake him up together! Well, shout as loudly as possible: "Grandfather Frost!"

No ... We scream weakly,

Come on, all together, guys!

Let's call him seriously

Let's shout: "Santa Claus!"

D.M. Well, what are you making a fuss about? Don't let the old man sleep!

S. Get up, found time to sleep! Kids are waiting for gifts!

D.M. I have gifts!

I'm just checking out the guys.

Winder game, strongman

  1. Game from the Snow Maiden We are funny monkeys

We are funny monkeys!

We play loud too!

We all clap our hands!

We all stomp our feet!

We puff out cheeks!

Let's jump on toes!

And even to each other

Let's show languages!

Let's pop our ears!

Tail on top!

Let's raise a finger to the temple!

Together let's jump to the ceiling!

Let's open our mouths!

And we'll make grimaces!

How do I say the word "three"!

All freeze with grimaces.


Well, now the bones would not hurt me to knead.

Come on, friendly people, get into a round dance.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

- S. Santa Claus, have you forgotten anything?

D, M, - No! I am a cheerful Santa Claus,

Brought gifts for everyone!

Unties the bag, takes out items and comments, gives them to the Snow Maiden.

Here are boots - runners (one sock).

- The Snow Maiden is surprised - why in the plural?

D.M. Here is the invisible hat

Here is a self-assembled tablecloth, however, it has already worn out. (leaky napkin)

The Snow Maiden with horror, peering into the hole in the napkin:

Grandfather! What are you! It's some self-indulgence!

Are these gifts?

D.M.- What is the matter with me? The old one, apparently, has become. Sorry,

Guys. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - there will be miracles again!

Gets gifts.

S. - Grandfather Frost, these are gifts! Let me help you!

Guys, let's say "Thank you" together!

Well, it's time for me to leave, but in a year I vouch, I promise to be again, and I say goodbye to this!

S. To flip through the album later

And remember our holiday

I offer today

Take a picture of the New Year!


The host on the stage pronounces the following words, accompanying them with movements: The deer has a big house, He looks out of his window. The hare ran through the forest, Knocked at his door. Knock - knock - knock - deer, open. There is an evil hunter in the forest. Hare, hare, run, give a paw.

The facilitator learns the words with the children and explains that each word is played with the appropriate hand movements. The pace is constantly picking up.

The deer has a big house,

He looks out his window.

The hare runs through the forest.

There is a knock on his door:

"Knock, knock, open the door,

There's an evil hunter in the forest!

Open doors quickly

Give me a paw."
Vedas. addresses the guys: In order for us to play one interesting game, we need to learn catch and movement. Repeat after me. Vedas. sings the following words: - The deer has a big house (raises crossed arms above his head, depicting deer antlers). - He looks out his window (imitates a window). - The hare runs across the field (depicts running in place). - There is a knock on his door (knocking on an imaginary door). - Knock, knock, open the door (imitates a knock on the door and pulls the handle of an imaginary door). There is an evil hunter in the forest (points back with his thumb, then imitates a gun). - Hare, hare, run in (they wave their hands over their heads, depicting the ears of a hare, then make an inviting gesture). - Give me a paw (clasp hands in the castle). When the guys memorize the words, they pronounce them and make movements at a faster pace.

Music in the application:

1 archive for home

Music 1-4 is suitable for a 20-minute program for both the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, and for one Santa Claus (then you don’t need a flash mob, turn on games without music instead, or Deer, ducklings.

  1. Bells (only the beginning - in front of the door)
  2. The rivers have cooled down (for the game I will freeze 1 verse)
  3. Flash mob washing (icy ceiling - Snow Maiden defrosts)
  4. Round dance.
  5. Dance of little ducks
  6. little bears
  7. Monkeys
  8. Deer
  9. House 30 min. All together (with pauses according to the script)

Option 2 for a matinee in children's centers, circles

10 Exit of the Snow Maiden

11. Exit D.M.

12 Chimes

13. Phonogram for circles

  1. distribution of gifts

The New Year 2019 is coming - a time that is bright and joyful for children and rather troublesome for their parents. After all, it is necessary to congratulate your beloved children, to pick up gifts for everyone. Calling Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to the house is one of the options for congratulations that will be remembered for a long time.

The best New Year's scenarios for Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

Therefore, many parents use this service. The main thing here is that the child sincerely believes that the fairy-tale characters came to him, bringing with him a bag of gifts and sweets. Children are looking forward to Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden coming to their home, so you need to prepare well. And to help these talented creative people who congratulate our children on the New Year, we have prepared a program for the visit of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home.

The following congratulations script is designed for 15 minutes. Of course, the implementation of the congratulations of the child will largely depend on the artistry of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, but this scenario takes into account the main points. The performance time can be increased by playing with the child and singing, as well as fun tasks for parents who celebrate the New Year with their children.

Parents and a child open the door to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.
Father Frost: Hello! Do you know what holiday is today? answer: new year
Santa Claus: And who is the New Year coming? Answer: (Dogs)
Father Frost: Is this where the future cosmonaut lives? (athlete, singer, actor, firefighter - depending on the child's hobby)
Parents: Yes!
Father Frost:- Does a young lover of animals (insects, birds, fairy tales ...) live here?
Father Frost: This is where dad's (mother's) best assistant lives in the garage (in the kitchen)?
Father Frost: So, we came to congratulate three children at once?
Snow Maiden: No, grandfather, this is all one child, and his name is - (name)! (brings the child to Santa Claus)
Father Frost:“So you are so talented with us?” I'd love to see your skills! (pass, examine the drawings, etc., praise the child)
Snow Maiden:
We know, to everyone's surprise
You taught a poem.
Loudly, clearly, from the heart,
Make us happy, tell us! (child recites verse)
Father Frost:
New Year is coming
Let's start the round dance!
Let's stand together in a circle,
Sing us a song, my friend!
(everyone, including parents, dance around the Christmas tree, the child sings his favorite New Year's song, everyone picks up)

Snow Maiden:
In the New Year and there, and here
Children of a miracle are waiting again
We hurry to visit with grandfather
To the smallest and largest!
We bring gifts with us
Let the holiday be bright!

Father Frost (gives child a gift) :
Be kind and don't be sick
Protect the weak, pity
Eat well for breakfast
Do not indulge and listen to your mother!
Father Frost: Tell me, (name), do you have a friendly family? I really want to see how friendly you are, and I have a task for you. Can you handle it?
Santa Claus holds a mini-game "Ice Age", in which all family members and the Snow Maiden participate.
The goal of the game is to save the family during Global Warming. A large sheet of paper is laid out on the floor of the room. This is an ice floe. The floor around is water. The warmer - the more water, and the smaller the ice floe. All participants slowly move around the room - "floundering in the water." At the command of Santa Claus "Global warming!" everyone must climb onto the ice floe while he counts to five. Moreover, with each subsequent time, the ice floe melts more and more (the sheet is folded in half, etc.).

The Snow Maiden conducts the game "Snowball", the family and Santa Claus participate.
Participants lead a round dance. The Snow Maiden gives the commands “Jump” or “Let's go on tiptoe”, “Goose step” ... As soon as she unexpectedly commands “Snowball-2”, the participants should form groups of 2 people and freeze, hugging tightly. At the command "Snowball-1", everyone freezes, wrapping their arms around their shoulders. And so on up to the maximum number of hugged participants.
Santa Claus:
Well it's time to say goodbye
But let's not be upset -
I will come again,
And today my order:
Everyone play and have fun
And don't be lazy to laugh
It's fun to celebrate the holiday
Do not be sad and do not be bored!

Snow Maiden:
New Year at the door
He will enter the house as a good friend,
Take a quick look -
How everything shines!

Father Frost:
The family will come in the coming year
Luck, happiness and success,
And the year will be, of course, the best,
Beautiful, joyful for everyone!

On a note:
The performers of the roles of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden must have in their repertoire, in addition to a significant number of games, contests, attractions, riddles and quizzes, several poetic greetings. It is from the greeting of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden that the opinion of the audience begins to take shape about them. This is their calling card. We offer you some well-known, time-tested greetings.

Greetings from Santa Claus

Hello guys,
hello rosy,
funny blue eyes,
mischievous brown eyes,
Hello from the fairy tale!
And with green eyes
Are there guys in this room?
It can't be no!
Green is the Christmas tree color!
And the tree is a birthday girl today,
She does not put on airs, she does not repair,
Waiting for guests
After all, today is a holiday -
New Year!
They grew up, they became big,
And did you recognize me?
(Children answer: "Yes!")

Who am I?
(Children: "Santa Claus!")

All the same, I'm gray-haired,
With a long white beard!
But together with you even now
I'm ready to dance!
Stand up guys
Hurry to the round dance,
Song, dance and fun
Let's meet together...
(Children in chorus: "New Year!")

Father Frost. Hello dear guys!
Snow Maiden. Hello dear adults!
Father Frost. Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden. We wish you happiness with all your heart!
Father Frost. To live this year...
Snow Maiden. Without sadness and worries.
Father Frost. So that you work with success ...
Snow Maiden. And on a holiday - have fun.
Father Frost. And good luck with your business
Snow Maiden. And smiles on your lips!
Father Frost. So that love blooms like a rose ...
Snow Maiden. And not sluggish from the cold.
Father Frost. And the kids - the house is full ...
Snow Maiden. Be happy in everything!

One of the important parts of the New Year's holiday is the "magic lighting" of the lights on the New Year tree 2018. This is a solemn, touching moment, so the performers of the roles of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden need to have a few "magic" verses in reserve.

Let sadness and sadness go away
Let the magic happen!
Everyone will be glad to see
Christmas trees festive outfit.
Let them flare up among the branches
Instantly a hundred magical lights.
Children (all together):
Let them flare up among the branches
Instantly a hundred magical lights!

Light up different fires -
Green and red
Shine in honor of the year of the former
And the coming year!
Once! Two! Three!
Shine, shine, burn!

Well, then what are we talking about?
We need to light the tree!
You come closer
Friendly, in unison, all say:
"Christmas tree, wake up
And light up the fire!

He walks home.

Snow Maiden:
- At home - a Christmas tree and fun,
And mom has a day off
And by New Year's Eve -
Guests, jokes, a feast by the mountain!

Father Frost:
- And when a new one comes,
The best New Year
Be sure to go with him
New happiness will come.

WITH The script for New Year's greetings for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, who were invited to congratulate the child on the New Year at home, is designed for 15 minutes. Of course, the implementation of the congratulations of the child will largely depend on the artistry of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, but this scenario takes into account the main points. The performance time can be increased by playing with the child and singing, as well as fun tasks for parents who celebrate the New Year with their children.

Parents and a child open the door to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

D. Moroz: - Hello, does the future artist live here? (athlete, singer - depending on the child's hobby)

Parents : - Yes!

D. Moroz: - Does a young lover of animals (flowers) live here?
- Yes.

D. Moroz: - Does the best assistant (tsa) of dad (mother) live here in the garage (in the kitchen)?
- Yes!

D. Moroz: - So, we came to congratulate three children at once?

Snow Maiden: No, grandfather, this is all one child, but his name is - (name)! (brings the child to D. Moroz)

D. Moroz: - So you're so talented? I'd love to see your skills! (pass, examine the drawings and

etc., praise the child)

Snow Maiden:
- We know, to everyone's surprise
You taught poetry.
Loudly, clearly, from the heart,
Make us happy, tell us! (child recites verse)

D. Moroz:
- New Year is coming,
Let's start the round dance!
Let's stand together in a circle,
Sing us a song, my friend!
(everyone, including parents, dance around the Christmas tree, the child sings his favorite New Year's song, everyone picks up)

Snow Maiden:
- In the New Year and there, and here
Children of a miracle are waiting again
We hurry to visit with grandfather
To the smallest and largest!
We bring gifts with us
Let the holiday be bright!

Father Frost (gives child a gift)
- Be kind and do not be sick,
Protect the weak, pity
Eat well for breakfast
Do not indulge and listen to your mother!

D. Moroz : - Tell me, (name), do you have a friendly family? I really want to see how friendly you are, and I have a task for you. Can you handle it?

Santa Claus spends mini game "Glacial period", in which all family members and the Snow Maiden participate.
The goal of the game is to save the family during Global Warming. A large sheet of paper is laid out on the floor of the room. This is an ice floe. The floor around is water. The warmer - the more water, and the smaller the ice floe. All participants slowly move around the room - "floundering in the water." At the command of Santa Claus "Global warming!" everyone must climb onto the ice floe while he counts to five. Moreover, with each subsequent time, the ice floe melts more and more (the sheet is folded in half, etc.).

Snow Maiden spends snowball game, involved: family and Santa Claus.
Participants lead a round dance. The Snow Maiden gives the commands "Let's jump" or "We walk on tiptoe", "Goose step" ... As soon as she unexpectedly commands "Snowball-2", the participants should form groups of 2 people and stand still, embracing tightly. At the command "Snowball-1", everyone freezes, wrapping their arms around their shoulders. Etc. up to the maximum number of embraced participants.

D. Moroz:
- Well, it's time to say goodbye.


But let's not be upset -
I will come again,
And today my order:
Everyone play and have fun
And don't be lazy to laugh
It's fun to celebrate the holiday
Do not be sad and do not be bored!

Snow Maiden:
- New Year at the door
He will enter the house as a good friend,
Take a quick look -
How everything shines!

D. Moroz:
- They will come to the family in the coming year
Luck, happiness and success,
And the year will be, of course, the best,
Beautiful, joyful for everyone!

The script for the release of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at a corporate party

You can use the script from here to start the corporate party

The Snow Maiden appears in the hall with the song "And it's snowing"

SN: Hello, here I am. Happy New Year to you friends!
One day the day and the hour come. Everyone is looking forward to their arrival.
And a miracle happens again, because this miracle is the New Year!
We come to visit people with him and he is no longer far away.
Let everyone be happy on your New Year's light!

I was walking towards you on a long road through blizzards and snow, and that's bad luck: somewhere along the way, Grandfather Frost got lost. Let's try calling him. Answer in chorus to my questions "YES" or "NO":

Santa Claus - a great man?
Will he drink half a bucket of Wheat?
Likes jokes, anecdotes?
What about work Saturdays?
Santa Claus sings ditties?
Does Grandpa have a girlfriend?
Is he carrying a bag from the warehouse?
So who should we call?
All together: Santa Claus! Father Frost! Father Frost!….

Sounds like Jingle Bells. Santa Claus comes out

D.M.: Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy!
Everyone who is single - get married,
Everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny - become fuller,
Too fat - lose weight.
All gray-haired - to turn black. So that bald hair
Thickened at the top Like Siberian forests!
With all my heart I wish you not to be sad and not to grow old,
On a winter holiday, sometimes warm the Soul with a glass.
The first - for the New Year, the second - for our people,
The third - let's drink for love, To seethe blood in the veins.
To songs, to dances To make my head spin!
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
Congratulations, friends!

SN: Congratulations on the best,
The most tender and melodious
Happy holiday cheerful,
Snow-white new year!
Happiness, humor, good luck
And in love of great return.
And may this New Year
Won't give you any trouble.

Santa Claus invites everyone to fill their glasses. Have a drink

D.M.: How did the kids grow up, Snegurochka? I probably don't recognize them...
SN: Nothing, Grandpa, but they still expect gifts from you.
D.M.: Yes, I have a bag full of them here! But in order to get them, you must first solve the riddles of my assistant Snegurochka

The Snow Maiden makes riddles, conducts a game. Santa Claus gives prizes.

SN: First, I want to check how you know New Year's movies! I will guess them, and you answer. But the main thing is to rhyme!
They celebrated the New Year in the country ...

And it was a movie… (“Gentlemen of Fortune.”)
And, as usual, we would look

We are on this night ... ("Irony of Fate.")
Although Santa Claus is actually the namesake,

But affectionately in the film is called ... ("Frost".)
He was a freak, a dwarf, but a lucky one.

And the cartoon is called ... ("The Nutcracker".)
She was lucky to meet everyone at once.

About these brothers the film ... ("12 months.")
And fairy tales have scientific ideas.

About this film is wonderful ... ("Wizards".)
We don’t mind watching him for the tenth time,

The film is called ... ("Carnival Night".)

SN: Well, Grandfather, they know films well. So something more difficult is needed. Now we will guess winter and New Year's songs, but I turned the phrases from them and confused them. Here's an example: A large aspen is warm in summer. ("The little Christmas tree is cold in winter")
Oh, heat, heat, you don't steam him You don't steam him and his elephant. ("Oh, frost, frost, don't freeze me, don't freeze me, my horse")
The pinniped seal lies calmly. ("The hairy horse is in a hurry, runs")
Green, green dew fell on the grass. ("Blue, blue frost lay on the wires")
In silence, he told a rhyme, get up, get up quickly, aspen. (“The blizzard sang a song to her, sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye”)
I'll read you a report for two hours. ("I'll sing you a song about five minutes")
The clips were thrown and everything lay down in a row. ("Beads hung up, stood in a round dance")

SN: And then everything was guessed! Well, then I’ll guess quite difficult riddles!

In the new year in the midst of fun,
From it we will shoot loudly,
And we will laugh a lot
If we kill all our friends!

Every adult in the New Year,
This miracle is waiting
And here's hoping
Her director will bring!

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite
And who goes to the owner,
She lets you know.

Consists of three letters
Starts with "X"
When it's worth working
When he finishes, he bows.

If very, very long
Loudly shout loudly
If everyone, gathered together,
Invite him to visit.
That on New Year's Eve
He will definitely come!
police squad

D.M .: Well done, Snow Maiden, and now I’ll tell you my riddle:
Grandma's midwives
Grandpa's rattles will warm.

The host offers to fill the glasses. Have a drink

The Snow Maiden offers to sing a New Year's song and asks to guess the favorite song of Grandfather Frost. Everyone guesses "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." If there is a Christmas tree, they invite them to dance around it, if not, then Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in the center sing a song, and everyone around them.
DM: Now it's time to leave, But do not be upset!
You will meet us again, More surprises are waiting for you!

SN: In the meantime, thunder fun, Music and laughter flow,
Happy New Year! With new happiness! With wonderful time of miracles!