Make your own snowman at home. Huge voluminous snowman made of plastic cups. snowman with hair

DIY Christmas crafts are a fun and creative pastime for kids of all ages. Many mistakenly believe that the place for such creativity is only in kindergartens and schools, but not at home. In fact, joint creativity from available materials with children at home works great not only for the development of motor skills, but also for the rapprochement of children and parents. In addition, Christmas crafts can be a great gift or themed home decor. In our article today, you will find many interesting master classes with step-by-step instructions and photos for the New Year for children and adults. All of them are united by one theme: how to make a snowman with your own hands. A snowman is one of the most popular New Year's characters and at the same time an easy craft to make. A quick and easy snowman can be made from cotton wool / cotton pads, socks, fabric, paper, thread, balloons. An original do-it-yourself snowman can also be made from a plastic bottle or disposable cups. In general, the flight of fancy in terms of making this craft is unlimited and, importantly, very easy to implement.

A simple do-it-yourself snowman from cotton pads for kindergarten - a master class step by step with a photo

Cotton pads, which are great for making Christmas crafts, can be found in any home. For example, ordinary cotton pads can be used to make a simple do-it-yourself snowman for kindergarten. This is not just a craft, but also an original Christmas tree toy. Read more about how to make a do-it-yourself snowman from cotton pads in a kindergarten in a simple master class with a photo below.

Necessary materials for a simple do-it-yourself cotton pad snowman for kindergarten

  • cotton pads
  • thread with a needle
  • scissors
  • stickers
  • fleece pieces
  • miniature pompoms

Step-by-step instructions for a simple do-it-yourself snowman from cotton pads to kindergarten

An original snowman for the New Year with your own hands from improvised materials - a step-by-step lesson for children

To make an original snowman for the New Year, it is enough to have available materials at hand and dream up a little. For example, in the following lesson for children, an ice cream stick serves as the basis for a snowman. Read more about how to make an original snowman with your own hands for the New Year from improvised materials in a step-by-step lesson for kids below.

Necessary materials for the original do-it-yourself snowman for the New Year from improvised materials for children

  • ice cream sticks
  • acrylic paints
  • blackmarker
  • small buttons
  • bright ribbon

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for the original snowman for the New Year from improvised materials for children

DIY Christmas snowman made of threads - a master class and step-by-step instructions with a photo

White balls of knitting threads of different sizes are ideal for a DIY Christmas snowman at home. Such a craft will become both an original thematic decor and a pleasant children's gift. How to make a New Year's snowman with your own hands from threads, learn from the master class with a photo below.

Necessary materials for a New Year's snowman with your own hands from threads

  • balls of thread
  • twigs
  • beads
  • ribbon
  • buttons
  • piece of orange pencil lead

Step-by-step instructions for a New Year's snowman made of threads with your own hands at home

Do-it-yourself New Year's paper snowman for children - a step-by-step master class with a photo

Paper - white and colored, thick and plain, well suited for any children's crafts. Do-it-yourself New Year's paper snowman for children from the next master class is a direct confirmation of this. In addition to paper, you will also need a paper towel sleeve to make this craft. All the details in the do-it-yourself New Year's snowman master class for children from colored paper.

Necessary materials for a DIY paper snowman for children

  • paper towel roll
  • colored paper
  • white sheet A4
  • scissors
  • black felt-tip pen

Step-by-step instructions for a do-it-yourself New Year's colored paper snowman for children

How to quickly sew a snowman out of socks at home with your own hands - a master class with a photo

If you want to sew a snowman with your own hands at home quickly and easily, then be sure to take a closer look at the next master class from socks. Ideally, one white cotton sock is suitable for making a snowman. Read more about how to quickly sew a snowman with your own hands from socks at home further.

Necessary materials to quickly sew a snowman out of socks at home

  • sock
  • buttons
  • threads
  • beads
  • rubber bands
  • piece of colored cloth

Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly sew a snowman from a sock at home with your own hands

How to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from threads and balls at home, photo

From a few balloons and ordinary threads at home, you can make an original snowman with your own hands, which will delight the whole New Year. This master class can be used in elementary school and kindergarten. Read more about how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from threads and balls at home further.

Necessary materials to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from threads and balls at home

  • Balloons
  • thread with a needle
  • PVA glue
  • scissors
  • flexible vine
  • artificial carrot nose

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a snowman with your own hands for the New Year from threads and balls

How to make a snowman from cotton wool with your own hands at home - a lesson with a photo, step by step

Cotton wool in its external characteristics is quite similar to snow. Therefore, it is not surprising that snowmen are often made from cotton at home with their own hands. In the next lesson, in addition to cotton wool, foam balls will also be used, which will ensure the strength of the finished craft. Read more about how to make a snowman from cotton wool with your own hands at home in a step-by-step lesson below.

Materials needed to make a DIY cotton snowman at home

  • foam balls
  • ribbons
  • buttons
  • colored cardboard
  • scissors
  • sequins
  • wire

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a snowman with your own hands from cotton wool at home

How to make a snowman from plastic bottles at home - step by step instructions

A small plastic bottle, especially a “pot-bellied” one, can become the basis for an original snowman at home. And if you replace its contents with a white shower gel or liquid cream, then such a craft will automatically turn into a practical New Year's gift. Read more about how to make a snowman from a plastic bottle at home in the step-by-step instructions below.

Materials needed to make a snowman from a plastic bottle at home

  • small round plastic bottle
  • markers
  • scissors
  • ribbon
  • colored paper
  • cotton wool or finely chopped silver garland

Step-by-step instructions on how to make snowmen from plastic bottles with your own hands at home

How to make an original snowman from disposable cups - step by step instructions with photos

To make an original snowman with your own hands from disposable cups, you do not need to have special talents. Even a child can cope with this task under the strict guidance of an adult. But the best part is that a snowman made of cups can become an unusual lamp for a gift. Read more about how to make an original snowman from disposable cups in the step-by-step instructions below.

Materials needed to make an original snowman from a disposable cup

  • disposable paper cups
  • chenille wire
  • markers
  • colored paper
  • scissors
  • Adhesive artificial eyes
  • LED candle-tablet (optional)

Step-by-step instructions on how to make an original snowman with your own hands from disposable cups

How to quickly make a snowman out of plastic cups with your own hands - a step-by-step master class, video

Another master class on how to quickly make a snowman out of plastic cups with your own hands is waiting for you in the next video. This version of New Year's crafts is suitable for both school and kindergarten. Such a snowman with your own hands will also be a good gift for the New Year. Do not forget that you can always supplement such a craft with other snowmen, for example, from paper, thread, socks, cotton wool, disks, fabric, bottles. You will find detailed instructions on how to make a snowman out of plastic cups with your own hands in the master class with a video below.

The tradition of making snowmen came to us from ancient pagan times, they treated the snowman with reverence as the spirit of winter and asked that there were no prolonged, severe frosts, rather spring would come. Among European peoples, the snowman is always male, but snowmen and snow maidens were invented by the Russian people. In pagan times, it was believed that winter natural phenomena (blizzards, snowfalls, blizzards) were controlled by female spirits. Therefore, in order to appease, express their respect to them, they sculpted snow maidens, snow women.

But all this was long ago and all is now forgotten. Now the snowman is a symbol of winter holidays for children and New Year holidays for the older generation. Thanks to him, winter fun for children and adults becomes more interesting!

What weather will make the best snowman

It would seem that there is such a thing as making a snowman? Went outside in the winter and blinded. The main thing is that there is a lot of snow. But not everything is so simple! To get good snow sculptures and to play a fun game, you need a certain weather.

If there is a severe frost on the street, the snow becomes crumbly, it does not mold at all. It’s not like a snowman, it’s hard to make a snowball here! The most ideal weather was when it froze, snow fell, and the next day the frost let go to 0 ° C. FROM Neg turns out to be melted, but without an ice crust on top. Here is the most ideal weather to get together with the children, go outside, build a snowman, a snowman and arrange a little family holiday in the fresh air.

In order for winter fun for children and adults to bring a lot of joy, you need to choose the right, comfortable, preferably waterproof clothing. Keep in mind that you will be moving around a lot and may sweat, so make sure you wear light clothing. The most suitable option is a ski suit. You need to have a pair of interchangeable mittens with you, and even better, wear waterproof gloves.

It is better to wear a hat with ears, it is needed to protect against the wind and from the flying snow thrown by your beloved relatives, because playing snowballs is just as important as the process of making a snowman.

Video: how to make a huge snowman with your own hands.

How to make a snowman

What will be a snowman depends only on your imagination. You can make a classic one from three balls or just two balls, where one elongated one will be the body, and a round ball will be the head. You can, in general, make a whole family: a snowman, a snowwoman, a snow maiden, a snow maiden. Thanks to this, winter fun for children and adults will become even more interesting!

Choosing a place for a snowman

Choose a place preferably even, where there is a lot of snow, your snowman should not interfere with anyone. For example, leaving a parking lot or garage is completely unsuitable for the permanent residence of your snowman and snowwoman.

Sculpting the torso

If you are sculpting a classic snowman figure, you need to roll up the largest ball, which will be the abdomen. It is important to remember that this kruglyash is the basis of the whole structure, it must turn out to be especially durable.

Step-by-step instructions for sculpting the torso of a snowman.

  1. The whole process of making a snowman begins with a snowball: make a large, dense snowball, put it on the snow, start pushing it in front of you. Wet snow will gradually stick, and your snowball will begin to grow. Roll the ball in different directions, otherwise you will get a snow log. The longer you roll your lump, the fatter the snowman will turn out.
  2. After you roll a snowball of the size you need, set it on a flat area, smooth out all the bulges and bumps with your hands. The ball should turn out smooth, beautiful.
  3. In the same way, you do the second, third room, only the second should be less than the first, and the third, respectively, less than the second.
  4. The large ball has already been firmly installed, now we put the middle ball on top. This will be the chest of the sculpture, we also align it so that it is beautiful.
  5. And finally, we install the smallest ball. This will be the head. That's all the torso you have ready!

Important! If you stick a straight stick into the snowman, it will help your snow friend not fall apart quickly. The length of the stick should be from the ground to the top of the head.

Video: how to make a snowman out of snow with your own hands.

Sculpt arms and legs

Hands can be fashioned from snow: roll up 2 snow balls, attach well to the body. Or take two branches - stick into the snowman. You will get such hand-hooks.

You also roll your legs out of the snow - attach them to the body. It's a good idea to paint laces with gouache, or even better, take your old slippers and give them to the snowman. Let him wear it in good health!

Create a face

Probably all the snowmen that have ever been shown in cartoons have a carrot instead of a nose. So your snowman can do carrot nose, cones or simply fashion from snow. Eyes are made from coals, pebbles.

A snowman's mouth can be made from viburnum or mountain ash berries. If you do not find berries, then, stick the embers. Just be sure to make the snowman smile! Let him smile at everyone! To complete the image, make him ears.

It's a great idea to take paint - just draw a face, then you will have a unique snowman.

Dressing up a snowman

A snowman must be dressed, he will not stand naked. On the hands - twigs put on mittens, wrap a beautiful scarf around your neck, attach beautiful buttons to your chest.

You can decorate with the help of paints, drawing clothes for him to your taste and color. On the head you can wear a hat Every self-respecting snowman must wear a hat! Well, bucket will go too. You can push dry grass under the hat, then it will turn out with a hairstyle.

Adding accessories

After the snowman is completely molded, proceed to add various accessories as desired. Surely, you will find things at home that you don’t need, but you don’t raise your hand to throw it away. Here they will be very useful.

If your snowman is wearing a hat, instead of a scarf, you can wear a tie and a jacket. Of course, there is always the opportunity to add anything to the image, whatever your imagination tells you. Do not forget to give him a broom, according to popular beliefs, a snowman disperses clouds with a broom and this contributes to the arrival of good weather.

If you want to pair your snowman with snow snowman, it can be dressed up in a beautiful scarf, elegant apron. Put on her beads and earrings, do makeup. Let your snowman and his companion - a snow woman be the most beautiful!

Making the snowman stronger

To keep your snowman from melting longer, you need to make it especially durable. To do this, it is necessary to spray it with water from a spray bottle (it is better to do this several times). T When the resulting crust of ice turns out to be thicker, which means that the snowman will be stronger.

Video: sculpting a snowman from snow.

What else to blind from the snow

If your snowman is already ready, and you and your children don’t feel like going home at all, then you can make a lot of small snow sculptures with your own hands.

  • It is very easy to sculpt animals: it can be a bunny, a hedgehog, a turtle.
  • From insects, make a ladybug, centipede, butterfly.
  • Make different cartoon characters, for example, Smeshariki.

Video: here's what you can make of snow in winter.

snow hare you can make it with your own hands in the same way as a snowman, but only from two lumps of snow make the lower one elongated, it will be the body, and the upper one will be smaller - the head. Stick big ears on your head, insert a mustache from twigs into the muzzle, and button eyes. You can draw a smiling mouth, give a carrot to the paws of a hare.

To do snow hedgehog with your own hands, you need to roll up the middle ball, scrape off excess snow a little from the base, which should be flat, even, and set the base on the ground.

Then mold 4 small balls and attach to a large ball on four sides. You made the paws. Now form a nose out of snow, make eyes out of pebbles, and stick many, many sticks into the back. Now your hedgehog is ready.

centipede build from a large number of small balls stuck to each other, make legs, antennae from sticks, eyes can be made from buttons, large beads. To make the centipede fun, paint it with watercolors or gouache in different colors.

By the way! To make it more convenient to use paints, dilute gouache or food colors of different colors in plastic bottles at home. Small holes need to be pierced in the caps, so you will be able to water your crafts directly from the bottles.

It's very easy to make a magic lantern out of snowballs. They put a candle on the snow, put snowballs around it, you should get a small needle. The larger the diameter of the circle, the larger the flashlight will turn out. When everything is ready, one snowball is removed so that you can pull out and put the candle back inside the flashlight.

It is possible to make such a lantern in several floors, where the diameter of each upper floor is made smaller than the lower one. Light small, flat candles and stick them inside. Your magic lantern is ready!

Video: how to make a do-it-yourself snowball lantern.

Photo gallery of sculptures and figurines made of snow for inspiration, you can make them yourself:

Building a snow fort

Another fun entertainment building a snow fort with your own hands. But this requires a lot of snow and preferably a large company of like-minded people.

Step-by-step instructions - how to build a snow fortress with your own hands.

  • To build a fortress out of snow, you need to roll a large number of balls of different sizes. The bottom row should consist of the largest clods, they are laid out around the perimeter of the future fortress, it can be round, or maybe rectangular.
  • After laying the first row of the snow fortress, take on the second. For the second row, the balls should be smaller so that they can be installed on the bottom row.
  • The third row of the snow castle is made from even smaller clods.
  • When all the rows are set, the gaps between the balls are covered with snow.
  • If desired, cut through the windows of the loopholes in the walls.

Note! Pour water over your snow fortress, and then it will be more reliable and last longer.

To make the snow fort even more beautiful, you can tint the water and make the fortress colorful. It is better to water in the evening, if you know for sure that there will be a hard frost at night. When the snow castle freezes well, you can split up into teams and play the well-known game: taking the fortress.

If you no longer feel like sculpting a fortress out of snow, and there are still paints left in the bottles, you can simply draw summer on the snow. Draw bright flowers, butterflies, a rainbow, all kinds of animals, but whatever comes into your head! This type of creativity on the snow fortress will be very popular with children, even the smallest ones.

Video: building a snow fortress.

When everyone is tired of building a snow castle and, most likely, they are soaked to the skin, or they themselves have become like snowmen, take your good mood and return home with it. At home, you need to change into dry warm clothes and be sure to drink hot tea with raspberries. This will help you not get sick.

Video: how to build a snow fort.

What to do if the snow is loose and not molded?

The weather does not always favor us. Unfortunately, there are such situations in winter - I want to go with my whole family or friends to make a snowman, have fun, enjoy the winter. But the weather is such that the snow is loose and does not mold at all. What to do in such a seemingly hopeless situation? There is an exit!

  1. You can fill a large spray bottle with hot water and spray it on a snowball, rolling it along the way.
  2. Or you can take a bucket of hot water and gently moisten the lump.

Of course, making a snowy friend is more difficult and tricky, but you don’t have to wait for the right weather and you can make a snowman at any time when there is snow on the streets.

Video: we make a snowman from loose and non-sticky snow.

Making a snowman and building a snow fort are wonderful activities that will help parents keep their kids entertained outside in the winter. After all, when the whole family has fun together, it remains in the memory of parents and children for a long time. When the years pass and the children grow up, it is precisely such days spent together that everyone remembers with joy.

In contact with

For one sock you need
1 white or white patterned sock. Any size of the sock, I took the children's, because I wanted little snowmen.
2. How to stuff it: synthetic winterizer, cotton wool (only not the one that is already rolled up in pieces, it will look bad), even some sources offered rice and old newspapers!
3. What to put on the bottom if you want the snowman to stand, and not just hang. I put some uncooked rice at the very bottom, one aunt advised putting a jar lid on the bottom of a big snowman - which are for twisting all sorts of jams, here at the dinn ** conference there was a proposal to put a heavy coin (5 rubles, it seems).
4. Well, everything that your imagination tells you to decorate a snowman - pieces of fabric, buttons, beads, beautiful threads, lace, your cosmetics, indelible felt-tip pens, I bought "pompoms" and special eyes, they are cheap, but you can just use the same buttons, make your own pompoms. You also need a harsh thread or elastic band to pull the snowman and separate the head from the body.

We put a "stabilizing element" on the bottom of the snowman - something heavier, the same rice, then stuff the sock with synthetic winterizer, cotton wool or rice. We stuff the sock somewhere up to the “shin”, adjust the degree of “fatness” yourself. At first I hid the heel back, and then vice versa, I began to glue my eyes on it, etc. - it seemed to me more convenient. The sock can be turned inside out, so it often looks "terry", and it can also be pre-soaked in strong tea and then it will become a "sepia" shade. And if the tea is fragrant, like mine, then the smell will remain pleasant.
When the snowman is stuffed to the height you need (that is, just somewhere up to the heel), we sew-tie-twist the rest of the unstuffed sock, you can tie it strictly in the center or a little more to the “back” of the snowman - it’s more convenient if the sock is with a heel And the hat fits better. We divide the snowman into 2 unequal parts and put on an elastic band or tie a thread to separate the body from the head (we hide the elastic band under the scarf later). We take the unstuffed part of the sock and pull it over the head of the snowman - we get a hat. Then we decorate as we want - we glue-sew on eyes of any size, buttons, mouth-nose, buboes on a hat, scarf, etc. You can use almost anything. A match with cotton wool and ordinary blush can make a blush. That's basically it!

Marshmallow snowman

A cheerful snowman, sweet and appetizing, will decorate the festive table.
Such a sweet pleasure can be made from marshmallows, Rafaelo, toothpicks, tangerine peel.
Two marshmallows are interconnected with two toothpicks for strength and get the torso of a snowman. The third marshmallow is attached vertically - this will be the head. Attach the rafaelo to the snowman's body with toothpicks. Cap, scarf, nose, mouth cut out of the tangerine peel. Eyes can be made from coffee beans or peppers. Everything is decorated with Rafaelo. You can also decorate with cream.
Enjoy your meal!

Snowman from threads

What do you need: small balloons, spools of thread, needles, needle cushions, silicate glue, colored paper, scissors.
How to do:
1. To start, thread the end of the thread into the needle without lifting the thread from the spool, and then pierce through the plastic bottle with glue and pull a small piece of thread through it. The thread should be easily pulled out of the bottle and well lubricated with glue.
2. Remove the needle from the thread, stick it into the pillow.
3. Take the ball with your right hand. Wind the thread around it with the left, making turns in different directions. The winding should be loose, with gaps. Make two of these balls.
4. Let the balls dry.
5.Puncture the ball that was left inside and take it out through one of the holes between the threads.
6. Glue both balls together.
7. From colored paper, make a snowman eyes, nose, mouth, a bucket on his head and a broom.

Snowman from "garbage"

Material: shampoo packaging lids; scissors; threads or serpentine; glue "Moment"; awl; Double-sided tape; hard wire (the diameter of the wire should be equal to the diameter of the inner hole of the cocktail sticks), Chupa-Chups candy sticks or cocktail tubes, material for decorating and decorating crafts; artistic oil paints or markers for discs or for inscriptions on plastic. To prepare a Snowman, you can use shampoo bottles of a certain shape, broken toys of a certain configuration, three plastic balls of different sizes, a ring from a pyramid.

Manufacturing technology

balloon snowman

1. We connect balls of different sizes with each other with the help of Chupa-Chups candy sticks. To do this, carefully make small holes in the balls, equal to the diameter of the stick. We insert the stick into the hole of one ball, then carefully insert it into the other ball. We tightly fix the balls together.

2. The basis for the Snowman will be the ring from the pyramid. We fix the balls on the ring with glue.

Snowmen made from other shapes

1. We make the head of the Snowman from a plastic ball. We fasten the ball-head with the help of a stick with the form for the body.

2. We make the Snowman's hands with the help of a Chupa-Chups candy stick strung on a wire.

3. In the body on both sides we make small holes with an awl, equal in diameter to the holes in the sticks-hands. We fasten the arms with the body, bend them, giving the shape of the intended gesture. We make mittens from self-adhesive film (colored paper) or cotton wool.

4. From threads or serpentine we make hair of the required length. (You can “curl” the serpentine with scissors or a pencil.) We fix the hair on the Snowman’s head with glue or double-sided tape.

5. We make a “hat” from the lid, fixing it with double-sided tape or glue on the head.

6. We draw the eyes, nose, mouth of the Snowman with artistic paints or make them from beads or colored paper.

7. With the help of rags, cotton wool and other materials, we decorate the Snowman, giving him the final look.

Pictures for decoupage

The time is coming, New Year's snowmen appear in our homes and yards. They are not always made of snow, but they are cute and funny. From what and how to make a snowman - this is our selection.

Canned Coconut Snowman

You will need:

  • a jar with a screw cap;
  • buttons;
  • glue;
  • coconut flakes (you can buy in bags at the store);
  • paper is bright, orange or red;
  • ribbon.

Lubricate the jar with glue, sprinkle thickly with coconut flakes. We glue the buttons, a carrot nose cut out of paper. Ribbon - for decorating a snowman. If the lid has holes, you get a New Year's lamp. Inside we fall asleep some kind of cereal, peas and set a small candle.

New Year's pendant from tins

You will need:

  • tin cans of various sizes;
  • paints for painting;
  • thin rope or twine;
  • fabric or red felt.

First, we cover the tins on top with white paint, paint the faces after drying. Decorate with fabric or felt ribbons.

In such jars, it is easy to punch a hole with a nail using a hammer. We stretch the rope / twine into the holes, fix it with knots inside.

snowman with hair

The simplest craft. We paint the jar as described above, as hair we use New Year's sweets in the form of Santa's staff. If it was not possible to buy them, we come up with the usual hairstyle - from twigs, threads, etc.

From glass jars

We paint small glass jars with white paint - preferably spray paint, then there will be no streaks and brush marks. We draw a muzzle. We put on a hat sewn from a piece of bright fabric.

Even without caps, snowman jars are adorable.

Another option for Christmas crafts. The decor is green and red, Christmas.

We use suitable bottles for cosmetics and detergents.

By the same principle, we turn ordinary glass bottles into snowmen.

Inverted glasses will serve as candlesticks on a holiday.

New Year's florarium from plastic bottles

You will need:

  • plastic bottle 2 l;
  • starch - about 200 g;
  • decorative ribbon;
  • New Year's figurine - snowman, Santa Claus, etc.

Cut off the bottom and top of the bottle from the bottle. Set aside the middle of the bottle.

Pour starch into the bottom of the craft, install the toy. We connect the top of the bottle with the bottom, mask the connection with a lace ribbon. We tie a beautiful bow on the neck.

Snowmen from flower pots

You will need:

  • pots of different sizes, plastic or ceramic;
  • dye;
  • glue;
  • decor - ribbons, pine / spruce branches, flowers.

We turn the pot tray into a hat by gluing a pompom.

Here is a hat made from a smaller pot. Eyes purchased glued, but you can draw.

Stylish snowmen - in hats and even with headphones. Hats can be made from an old sweater, and headphones from pom-poms.

The most beautiful "snow man".

Wooden but snowmen

You will need:

  • boards, slats, bars - to choose from;
  • dye;
  • hats / scarves for children or homemade;
  • decor.

Pieces of a wooden board turned into cute little men.

We make a shield from boards, draw the figure of a snowman, cut it out and decorate it.

If there is a jigsaw, we will make wooden decorations - a hat, scarf, heart, bird, etc.

A few cuts of wood, and you have these wonderful winter creatures.

Snowmen from a pipe

You will need:

  • piece of plastic pipe;
  • white paint;
  • paint for painting - at least red and black;
  • Terry socks or stockings.

For scarves and hats, you can take not only terry socks / socks, but also small towels.

Mini snowmen from balls

For painting, we will use sports balls - for table tennis and tennis, for golf, etc.

From felt - for the Christmas tree

The beauty of making Christmas tree snowmen from felt is that they are sewn by hand, and if you do not have a sewing machine, this will not be an obstacle. All you need is:

  • white felt;
  • colored felt for decoration;
  • synthetic winterizer - a meager amount (can be replaced with cotton wool);
  • needle, thread, scissors;
  • beads, ribbons.
  • glue for fabric - it is more convenient not to sew on small decorations, but to glue them.

eskimo snowman

We sew a pillow from soft fabric, leaving a hole for the stick (you can buy wooden spatulas at the pharmacy, with which they look at the throat). Sew on beads-eyes, a nose from a piece of fabric. We put on a cap, tie a bow.

Another kind of ice cream. We will make waffles from burlap bags.

Christmas snowballs

We drag in several places a sleeve made of soft fabric, getting "koloboks".

And this handsome man is made from a folded terry towel.

MORE snowmen that are easy to make.

From bags.

From clothespins.

From toilet paper tubes.

Chocolate snowmen. Just wrap it in white paper and paint. Hats - from children's socks.

From a bump.

How to make a top hat for a snowman

What is the symbol of snowy winter? Of course, the snowman! Unfortunately, not all regions of our country were lucky with winter precipitation ... However, you can give the interior a winter flavor and decorate the Christmas tree by making snowmen from ornamental materials.

We have prepared some interesting workshops for you and your kids.

1. Snowman from a sock.

Here a piece of white children's leggings is used for the calf, and a hat and jacket are made from a striped sock. The nose and eyes are made of beads. The ends of a piece of leggings need to be tied and stuffed with padding polyester or cotton wool, pulled with a thread to form a calf, and then dress our hero.

Another similar option, but here cute fabric scarves are added.

2. DIY snowman from old hats.

This handsome man is made of two old children's hats, stuffed with padding polyester and decorated with large bright buttons.

2. From pom-poms

This furry friend is made from two pompoms, which are also easy to make with thread. Or you can use pom-poms left over from old hats and scarves.

2. Snowman from wooden buttons.

Your little one will enjoy painting large wooden buttons with a felt-tip pen. It remains only to tie them with threads and put on a hat made from a finger from an old glove.

2. From salt dough.

Surprisingly cozy and homely snowman! By clicking on the link, you can read about the New Year.

2. Crocheted

Even little knitters can handle this task. Two circles connected with a single crochet, the mouth is made of thread, the eyes are buttons.

2. Snowman from covers.

Even ordinary bottle caps can be made into something interesting. On the back surface you need to glue a ribbon, decorate the neck of the hero with a ribbon and a button, draw a muzzle with acrylic paints.

2. Candlestick snowman from a jar