Is it difficult to care for the square. Care with short bangs: how to lay and care for a haircut? Festive hairstyles for kara

Variations of the Haircut "Kare" are very popular at the present time in the beautiful half of humanity. Hairstyle can be with bangs and without, elongated and very short, but it always looks stylish.

True, girls with such a haircut often tormented the question of how beautiful to lay "Kare" to look irresistible at work, feminine on a date or party.

We find out how to independently lay "Kare" with elongation

An extended "Kare" is the kind of haircut that likes the overwhelming majority of women. This is due to the fact that the hairstyle looks very unusual and stylish, and due to the circumstances and how much the elongation is produced, the ladies even with the same haircut, look unique and unique. The most risky beauties make the difference between hair on the back of the head and strands near the face as noticeable as possible, which gives them an external appearance of keenness.

The simplest for laying at home is considered "Kare" with a medium elongation, when the front strands repeat the outline of the lower jaw. Such a haircut will suit traditional laying options.

So, to lay the hair in a simple way, make the following sequence of actions:

  • Wash the hair or, if the hair is clean, just moisten them;
  • If the curls are too wet, then slightly press them with a towel;
  • Take a modeling agent, for example, mousse. Squeeze it on the palm in small quantities and distribute over the entire length of the hair;
  • Determine which test you want: direct or oblique and make it;
  • Now arm yourself with a hairdryer and dry your hair. You need to start with elongated strands, winding them on a round brush. Slowly pull it out, leading down on top;
  • When the front hairs are dried, you can move to the back of the head. There are curls to dry, raising from the roots;
  • Final stage - fixation. Sprinkle lacquer hair.

Another one of the laying options: how to quickly lay "Kare" at home.

To create an image, you need to do the following:

  • To begin with, rinse and dry your hair with a towel. At the same time, the curls must remain wet;
  • Take a small amount of foam to fix and treat her hair from the roots to the most tips;
  • Frame combed, stacked strands to one side and dried with a hairdryer in the direction of hair growth;
  • Then cross the hair to the other side and also dried with a hair dryer;
  • Now tilt your head forward so that the hair closes your eyes and seize the curls in one direction;
  • Thrust moving the hair back, if you need to correct individual hairs with your hands;
  • Decide with a place for a sample and make it;
  • The resulting masterpiece is lacquered.

The two ways described above are simple and accessible. Such styling is made easily and suitable for every day, for example, for hiking or studying, but for a party you need something more interesting. Therefore, let's talk about how to better lay the extended "kara" for a solemn event.

If you are going for a holiday, then it is important to somehow in a special place "Kare".

You can try to do this in the following way:

  • If your hair is clean, then wet your hair when the curls are dirty, then rinse them;
  • Armed with a towel, laughing moisture;
  • Apply a modeling agent to the wet lap so that it evenly covered the hair from the roots to the tips;
  • Take a comb and put straight back so that the longest turned out to be top of all the hair;
  • Think a bit back and taking advantage of the hairdryer, start drying the hair, directing the stream of warm air towards the backbone. To make it easier to do, take a comb;
  • So that the hairstyle pleased you for a long time, fix it with varnish.

Such a hairstyle will look great with evening dress. Consider another option of laying, which is ideal for ladies with thin hair.

The sequence of execution hairstyle is as follows:

  • Before starting to lay the hair, the curls need to be washed or cooed well. After that, remove the excess moisture towel;
  • Wet hairs are divided into direct probor. Asymmetric in this version of the laying will not look at all appropriate;
  • Hair that lie on both sides of your head, try to divide on the same strand. Leave one strand for work, and the rest will cover the clips;
  • With the help of iron or forceps (Tool tool, choose, leaning on the width of the strands) Write free hairs;
  • When one curl is ready, you will be able for the second;
  • The resulting curries do not comb, just twist the head in different directions, so that the curls began to look natural;
  • Do not forget to sprinkle a lack chapel to keep the hairstyle for a long time.

In this image you will look very gently and beautiful.

"Kare" with bangs: how to put?

Before you start laying, it is worth deciding with the Length of the bang, it will be it to affect the hairstyle.

So the owners of a short or medium cute can be viewed two options for creating hairstyles: make hair straight or create beautiful curls.

And it doesn't matter, you want curls or smooth strands, bangs in both cases should be smooth, for this you will have to pull it with an iron.

If the bang is long and not very different from the rest of the volume of the chapels, then you can make a blessing back. It will give the face of the pain open look and visually extends it. Those ladies who love the volume hairstyles, it is recommended to slightly wind the curls, starting work from the roots.

The owners of graduated bangs or "curtains" with a combing side can be experimenting with different styling. The most advantageous options, according to hairdressers, are considered hairstyles with large curls, gentle waves or perfectly straight strands.

By the way, for those ladies who do not know how to put "Kare" without a hair dryer and iron, I want to give a small advice. Make beautiful waves on the hair can be using ordinary ribbons from durable fabric. To create a hairstyle, wash the hair, slightly dried by a towel and disassemble into separate strands, carefully lubricate the fixing agent.

Armed with pieces of matter of arbitrary length and thickness, start winding hair on them as if on curlers. At the roots, fix the resulting bundles. Leave such a facility on the head to the complete drying of the hair. The minimum time is 3 hours. After that, carefully disassemble the bundles, pulling the tapes. You will see that the hairs began to fall out beautiful waves. Optionally, you can comb shape or just sprinkle with varnish. Such a hairstyle will look natural and gently.

Make a beautiful laying with "Kare" is quite possible, you only need a little patience and desire. You should not be afraid of experiments, often they give a great result. Good luck.

Care cut today is very in demand. One of the reasons for such popularity is the ability to make a variety of styling. Curls, curls, pomp and elegance, direct or asymmetrical sample - every lady can choose a hairstyle to his taste.

Elements and means for laying Kare

It has long been fixed in fashion trends. With the help of some devices and styling, you can make a beautiful hairstyle at home.

To do this, you will need:

  • thermal protection preparation for styling;
  • Penka (or Mousse);
  • modeling wax;
  • Varnish (spray).

The laying composition is selected depending on the chosen hairstyle, as well as modifications of the haircut. Mousse handle thin strands of light shades. Penka gives hairstyle additional volume. Lacquer fixes the result of laying. If he is light fixation, it can be applied daily, moderate - use in the evening, strong - suitable for solemn cases.

For laying at home need tools:

  • Combs and brushes: smooth, brashing (round), spiker (for pure);
  • Hair dryer having several speed modes;
  • puffing;
  • Iron (direct and to create corrugations);
  • curlers of medium or large diameter;
  • invisible, hairpins;
  • Decorative rims, flowers.

Options for laying Karea

Kare always looks stylish. But often the young lady with such a fashionable haircut is asked as you can put a kara to become irresistible and feminine. It should be borne in mind that the option hairstyles depend on the curl structure. For example, straight hair can be twisted or inside, wavy - straighten the iron. Another important condition is a sufficient volume. However, his oversuetment will make the head puppet. The insufficient volume will create the impression of non-heavy hair. So try to find the golden middle. If you fill the strand behind the ear, the bow will be relaxed.

Consider more different laying options.

Express Care

Quickly lay a square as follows:

  1. On clean hair, apply spray for laying.
  2. Create side samples and secure hair by clips, as shown in the photo.
  3. Dry hair with a hair dryer.

The most fast version of the package - collect clean hair into a negligent bundle.

With a probor

The direct sample is perfectly combined with a square. However, it is not suitable for everyone. This element will adhere hairstyle with the ideal features of the face. Otherwise, the sample focuses on imperfection. Therefore, you can make a braid sample that looks very stylish. In addition, this detail is adversely able to hide asymmetry of the face.


  1. With the help of a hair dryer and brash, twist alternately every strand, directing the jet of the air down. Starting with the nape, gradually moving towards the temporal zones.
  2. Locks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe top of the top brushes at the roots and also dry the hair dryer.
  3. The end of the spikel make a sample. Combing hair from the probor in different directions.

The resulting result is lacquered.

On a note! Care with a slightly elongated front strands looks interesting and winning.

Hair back

An interesting idea is to lay the hair back with the help of mousse and varnish. This laying looks very elegant. If it is supplemented with a wagon or rim, it will turn into a festive. The method is simple, you will need only the means for fixing the hairstyle and a round comb. Performance time - 30 minutes.

Clean dry hair moisturize foam. Complete the lap and fix the lacquer shape. The hairstyle "back" demonstrates the whole face, for this reason the make-up should be flawless.

"Air" Kare

Lightweight and air curves will be added in the ranks of notes of playfulness and romanticity. This laying is ideal for evening walk or a campaign to the movies.

Hair at the temporal zone twisted on the curl. Spin on the back of the head is divided into parts and stab in invisible. Next, you should collect hair from the sides and from the top of the tail. Hide it with an end to the gum and also stab in invisible. The remaining curls from the frontal-dark zone lay out light curls. Be sure to fix the hair with a spray to the middle fixation to save the created masterpiece for a long time.

With waves (corrugation)

Corrugation - nozzle on a curl, turning curls into small waves.

Stages of performance:

  1. Wash the hair and flush towel.
  2. Moisten the hair with thermal protection makeup, then dry the hairdryer. Share the shock on equal strands and consolidate them with the help of clips.
  3. Go the iron corrugation for each strand.

Note! Fashionable texture can be made not only in terms of haircuts, but also on separate strands.


To make curls, you need to make the following sequential steps:

  1. A small amount of modeling composition to squeeze on the palm and evenly distribute the hair.
  2. Alternately strand behind the strand to wind the hair on the curl, holding it in a vertical position. It should be started from the bottom of the occipital zone, moving up through the top to the bangs.
  3. One temporal strand to leave a straight line by refraining her ear.

After the cheating, make your hair with your fingers and sprinkle. The result is worthy of admiration.

Phased performance hairstyles:

  1. On clean wet curls, designate the sample (oblique or direct).
  2. Locks on both sides of the probor should be divided into strands of the same width and start them with hairdressers.
  3. One selected bundle to dissolve and align the iron. You need to capture the strands closer to the roots, warming up the whole strand gradually going down to the ends.
  4. So process all the shop.

The resulting hairstyle is not combed - just waving a few times your head so that the hair look natural.

Care quickly stacked and looks gorgeous. For example, a romantic bow is suitable for a party, which is created from the curled strands. Moisten the hair with serum or foam. Take a few pieces of matter of any thickness and length. Screw strands of hair on them by fixing the resulting bundles from the roots. After about 3 hours, when the curls are dried, carefully pull the ribbons. A wavy hair to make a rare-skinned crest on one side, slightly sprinkle in sprays. This hairstyle looks very gently.

If there is no time to create curls, then decorative rim in the tone of the evening dress will come to the revenue. The main condition is freshly made hair. Swells the hair to the hair dryer, tilting the head forward. Combing by giving the right direction. To put on the head of the rim, then sprinkle the hairstyle with the effect of radiance a couple of times.

To create such hairstyles, clean wet curls are slightly dried, lubricate the foam, then turn on large curlers. You can create a volume with a brash and a hair dryer. Forceps to form large curls. When they are ready, to play the hair and opt for the roots. Next, you should smooth the hair with a massage brushing giving hair the desired direction. Slightly fix everything with medium fixation varnish.

You can decorate such a package from a square using a beautiful hoop or fabric flowers.

As an option - to focus on a torn crutop: with the help of simulating wax to lay it with separate strands.

Graduated Karea

The holder of the graduated kare is lucky: the haircut will add volume of hair. The styling itself takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Drink a wet hair with a hairdryer with a round brush. Then simulate strands from the roots. Do not get carried away by excess volume, otherwise you will get a puppet image. The hair tips can be issued by a modeling agent.

You can perform with direct or oblique sample. Clean hair is moisturized by sprays and dried with a hairdryer. In this case, the ends of the hair must be bent brushed inside. Getting ready to sprinkle with varnish. The stamping facilities should not be much, because it will be drowning strands.

Allows you to build a universal hairstyle, which is relevant for both evening events and for work. To balance long strands by the person - it is recommended to make a barking. Well will look a zigzag probor.

Tip! To facilitate the combing of long curls, it is desirable to apply laying.

On leg

Today there are, which differ in the technology of haircuts, selected hair length, as well as the contour of the leg itself. The haircut will look unsurpassed if you give the volume in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crown.

First you need to decide how to put bangs, since this element is adversely important. A combat mac tail is suitable for a curl shock. The bangs with profiled ends are relevant, as shown in the photo.

According to stylists, the owners of short straight bugs can make the rest of the hair also straight. In this case, the iron is used.

Taking into account! Oversized short bangs removes a rim.

Without bangs

Kare looks great as with bangs, and without it. If a long jug is bothering back and crushed with a decorative hairpin, then it visually extends the face.

As an option - leaving your hair away, making a central or side sample. The probor's line can be straight or zigzag, it all depends on the desire of the girl.

It is beneficial to the fact that its laying will take a little time in a woman. The hair dried with a hairdryer can be born on one side, then drove a little foam into the hair tips and fix everything with a spray. For a short asymmetric square, you can come up with many different hairstyles available for implementation at home.

On middle hair

Try to collect a square in a tight tail and fix it with a rubber band. Free tips draw scraps and sprinkle with varnish.

An excellent option for is to create wavy curls, and a long bangs to braid oblique, put it on the side and fix on the back of the invisibility.

If the kare has bangs and torn strands, framing, then this haircut is self-sufficient. Such an option will suit women with thin hair.

Long Care

To put a long car, you should arm a hairdryer and a round massage. Hair dry the hair dryer, combing strands and at the same time directing the jet of the air from the roots to the tips, bending them inside. Make oblique or direct probor. You can leave a pile.

Thus, if you have a desire and a bit of patience, you can make an amazing laying from a haircut. Boldly experiment and you will get a great result. Good luck!

One of the popular haircuts, which has not lost its relevance for many years - classic Karea. For the first time, such a haircut appeared in the time of Cleopatra. Easy in care and at the same time beautiful haircut was available to any resident of Egypt. And what about her now?

  1. First you need to split your hair. We define where the central sample of the forehead will be held to the nape. Then we spend the sample on the line from the ear to the ear through the highest dark part. Each of the resulting strand is fixed by the clamps. Now we separate the lower strands from the central test to the ear (approximately at the level of the urchine) on both sides. Fix the clips. There will be a free occipital strand.
  2. We start a haircut from the central part of the occipital strand. We take strand, pull it out clearly down (strand perpendicular to the fingers). My fingers are kept parallel to the floor and stand behind the back. The strand is well fired, pulling away and then having a haircut on the desired length. It will be a control strand. Side strands pull a little bit to the center, also fingers parallel to the floor and also compatible. We repeat on the other hand, we try to make the same delay. Check the symmetry of strands. The cut line should be straight, if necessary, align.
  3. Moving up, select the next strand of about 1 cm from the previous one. It is better to take strand at both sides. Read very well. We also pull out the top strand of the haircut slightly longer than the bottom (as soon as the bottom strand disappeared under the fingers, you need to cohere up the upper strand). Starting also need from the central part of the strands. Thus, we move to the middle of the nape. Check the symmetry of the haircut.
  4. Then start cutting and the occipital area, That is, we highlight a strand from one ear to another, getting a clear probor. Starting from the center, also pulling away the strand, we will be combing just lower than the previous one. Then we move to the temples and combat the rest of the strands, we pull back in the temples back. We highlight the second occipital strand and agreed on the growth (pull back it is no longer necessary), now you can not stand behind your back, but walk around. Correction to the last strands.
  5. The last strand is combing and having a sample. Correcting also from the center. We read well, check symmetry. If somewhere the strand turned out longer, the haircut should be started again, that is, everyone to challenge back and check where it turned out not the length.
  6. If necessary, combat the bangs of the desired configuration.

How to care for haircut kara classic?

Haircut Kare Classic does not require much care. The easiest: wash your hair, dry the hair dryer using combs to give the desired volume.

Also, to create a sustainable volume, you can put on the roots of the hair mousse or foam, tilt your head down, beat your hair with your hands, and then dry them with a hairdryer. Such styling will suit every day. If you use a brushing break with natural bristles, you can create soft or smooth bends ( it depends on the size of your comb: The larger the diameter, the softer curls).

First, it is worth drying the hair from the roots, lifting the brush, then screw the hair along the entire length and dry on medium or low temperatures (this method will be less harmful to hairstyles).

When obtaining the desired form and volume, fasten the hairstyle. It is best to use a fine high-quality sprayer from a distance of 25 cm.

More complex option - laying with ironing. Iron you can straighten too fluffy strands. If you want to add your own way of romanticity, you can spin your hair tips inside or out or make tender. Before using the iron, do not forget to apply mousse or a special hair spray on the hair. Such a laying is suitable for.

If you turn hair on the curlers and dry the hairdryer, you will get very beautiful curls that can be decorated with a cloth or ribbon. You can also open one ear, having laid my hair for it, which will create a new image.

To get, you can use a thin hoop or hair rim. In this case, the front strands can be released and tweaked. Also very elegant will look a small hat in the style of thirties.

Classic Kare's haircut is technically fully implemented (the main thing is that it is performed clearly and neatly), but it looks very elegant and does not depend on age or. And thanks to the simple laying, it remains in demand and popular among the representatives of the finest gender.

History of Kare is very ancient. Another great empress Cleopatra tried in this style. What is Cleopatra there. Even Men Pharaohs loved such a hairstyle. The country from which he originates is Kara, is Egypt. Pharaohs could not trigger so, but wearing wigs. Such a chapels approached massive decorations of that time.

In European countries, the car began to wear men. All segments of the population had hair on the shoulders, and here women had to have long hair. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, the situation has changed. Female Paul lent in the male half of the population habit to trim under the square. Under the end of the same century, women were along with men to work, but they did not stop looking gentle and fragile. This hairstyle helped in this. It was a wonderful choice, both for a hike in a restaurant and a work environment.

Types of Care

In all salons, you can choose one of the ways of haircuts. Such is the most popular:

1. Care with elongation

2. Kare on the leg

The shape of the haircut is very similar to the mushroom hat. This is exactly the basis for the name hairstyle. The ideal option for the owners of the face with a triangle or oval. But with proper laying, this haircut can look great and with other types.

Brunettes use the greatest demand for a foot. Special accent hairstyle makes on bare neck. Therefore, if you are not a happy owner of a thin swan neck, it is better not to do this kind of kara.

3. Care with bangs

Hairstyle Care with bangs hides any facial errors. Bang can be performed in different variations: oblique - for oval or round-type face, and straight - for triangular and square. There is no fundamental difference in the hair or not. Well, if the hair is thick, so that the kare does not look loose.

A big plus haircuts with bangs is its versatility. If you make a car on the hair length to the shoulders, then it is better to view the photo of the haircut kara to find a perfect option for yourself.

4. Graduated Care

Very simple haircut that does not require much care. With it, you can correct the face form. Graduated Karea are steps endured on long hair. On the back of the length of the shortest. This hairstyle is very bold and gives the image of individuality. If you do this option at the middle hair, it is suitable for women with an elongated face.

5. Care with an angle

This is a slightly modified variation of the haircut with an elongation. Rear hair is a little shorter than on the sides. The sample can be any. Such a haircut visually extends the face. It is not desirable to perform a hairstyle on short hair.
It is important to understand that the kara can be performed symmetrically and asymmetrically. The second option extends and reduces the face.

Handicap options Care

To date, there is a huge number of different haircut options. In any cabin, the client can see the photo of hairstyles. The choice makes the client, relying on his wishes and type of face. Someone loves long hair, someone short. To make the maximum to fulfill the desires of any woman, the Karea acquires all new and new shades. This can be judged by a huge number of photos and videos with this hairstyle.

Classic car haircut appeared very first. Its peculiarity is that the hair has the same length. To make such a hairstyle, the wizard performs several manipulations:

  1. On the back of the head of the hair strand.
  2. After that, each next curl is delayed at an angle and cut towards the head. At the same time, each strand should be longer from the previous one on 1, 5 centimeters.

Caring for success

If the haircut of the square is made professionally, it has a spectacular look even if it is easy to dry. And this is important for modern women who practically do not have free time to care. But constant care is not taken away from the girls a desire to look fashionable and beautiful. You can work a little over the stacking: the hair first dried, and then beat with your hands, applying a gel on them. To fix the hairstyle is quite simple hair lacquer.

Haircut Kare - perfect for women with any type of face. The main thing before knee, view the photos and video species hairstyles to pick up the most optimal option. The Master will advise what kind of hairstyle is ideal for your type of face.

What is an extended square, its advantages, minuses, varieties, hair styling features, overview of popular hairstyles.

Description of fashionable haircut extended square

An extended rank come from ancient Egypt - stylists are convinced. Proof can be found on wall figures. Does not lose its relevance of the haircut and nowadays.

Classic Kare is a single-cylinder haircut that has a massive shape and a fixed forming line. This is a pretty difficult haircut that requires a master of high professionalism. Its main feature is an angle of delaying curls. It equals 0 degrees. Fingers and scissors should be parallel to the floor surface. Thus, all curls end on the same line by forming a clear square line.

The highlight of the elongated kara is shorter strands in the occipital part of the head and elongated curls ahead. Hair that remains long can reach the level of shoulders. In the course of the haircut, the hairdresser is obliged to observe the smoothness of transitions from the front of the hair to the rear. This technique is able to open a face, emphasize the features, talk to an elegant line of neck.

An extended square refers to the variety of classic haircuts, which are equally perfectly fit and under business, and under sports style. Hairdressers and stylists regularly make small changes in this haircut, which allows it to stay at the peak of popularity for many seasons in a row.

To the indisputable pluses of this haircut include:

  • Universality. It suits almost for any type of person, hair structure. In addition, it is relevant for women of any age.
  • It will be good to look at a business meeting, and at a solemn reception.
  • Gives the owner notching elegance and grace.
But from the minuses of this haircut you can allocate only one: it requires daily laying. Otherwise, it will look inactively. An extended kare can decorate any lady, but it should have a perfect look.

Suitable haircut for any type of person. Proper laying and accents will be able to adjust small face defects, lend favors:

  1. Round face. Women with such a face can not be easy to choose a suitable haircut. I will pull out a little and smooth the cheeks will help long square. At the same time, the curls must be laid so that "weight" visually the bottom of the face and the chin. It will be optimal in this case oblique sample.
  2. Oval face. On such persons, any variety of elongated kare will look excellent. Therefore, when choosing a form of a kare, the owner of the ideal oval can rely only on fashion trends and their own preferences. You can choose a square with both bangs and without.
  3. Square face. Such women are suitable for a volumetric haircut extended square. Slightly soften the angularity of the face "Lestenka", asymmetric lines. Especially good, such a haircut will look at the wavy hair, which will gently framing a square face and smooth out the corners. At the same time, direct and volumetric bangs should be refused.
  4. Triangular face. Such women are suitable asymmetric haircut. She is suitable for those who have a fairly wide forehead and acute chin. In this case, it is good if the curls in front will be long and reach the shoulder line.

Types of extended kara

Extended square - universal and diverse haircut. Hairdressers for a long time brought various nuances into it, modified it and improved. Thanks to this, there are currently many varieties of this haircut, which are ideal for any type of person.

Bang is suitable for any shape and length of the square. It is formed depending on the type of face, because its main feature is the possibility of correction.

So, even the contours of the elongated kara with accented straight long bangs will help hide a wide forehead, and also allocate cheekbones. But the classic form of a kara with asymmetric oblique bangs is a suitable choice for widespread round or square owners. A very short bang will help visually make a narrow forehead above, and the light mill makes a haircut and simplifies the laying.

In addition, the pros of bangs can be attributed: the ability to hide wrinkles and too high forehead, give a novelty image, make a gaze of expressive.

Long thick bangs confident and business ladies. It can be drawn, wind and label the side, depending on the mood and case.

Direct slightly rounded bang that covers eyebrows, can add romanticism, especially if you paint it into several tones. Kosya bangs will give the owner mystery and charm. If you have a kara with asymmetric edges, then torn bangs are optimally suitable for it.

Such a haircut is a classic option for women who want to make hair shorter, but are not ready for experiments with too short curls. Perfectly suited to the elongated kare without bangs of ladies with an oval face form. In combination with him, it will be good to look at Karea both on straight and wavy hair.

Also well combined this haircut with a round and wide face. It will help visually narrow it, especially if you make a braid sample, which will make your image more playful and youth.

If you have a big cheekbone or a square face, then use the extended square without bangs is recommended only in that situation if the hair is thick and lush. Otherwise, such a haircut will emphasize the features of the person.

Do not wear such a haircut for women with a high forehead, because this flaw will be even more rushing into the eyes.

Such a haircut is considered universal and does not require long laying. You can go on a business date and to the gym. If you have wavy hair from nature, then not necessarily every morning to "syntify" their iron - leave strands curly. So you give the image a romance and diversify your appearance.

Extra Long Bob

Bob-kare haircut has various varieties, each of which is suitable for a certain sowing face, hair texture, direction of their growth.

The main difference between Bob Kare from the classic form of this haircut is that in this case there is a hair graduation. Their length can be different: start from the middle of the ear and reach the length of the square. Fully open neck and elongated side curls look stylish and spectacular.

Such a haircut is especially popular among young, sports women. It is short enough, but at the same time feminine. It looks originally such a bob thanks to asymmetric strands.

To the face of the elongated bob-kara women with the right features of the face, long neck. Excellent complement such a stylish haircut large earrings, which visually lengthen the neck, make it more elegant. An even more spectacular such bob can make coloring.

The elongated bean-kare is relevant and because on every woman it will look different. A decisive role is played by the structure of the hair, shape and features of the face.

A sign of a qualitatively made haircut will be a beautiful occipital part. It should be a harmonious continuation of the neck. Haircut equipment allows you to achieve an additional volume on the top of the top. As a rule, it is done without bangs.

The ends of strands can be drawn up as you like. The choice depends on the structure of the hair. The most optimal option in most cases is a combination of several techniques. For example, a cascade on the back of the head and light milling of lateral curls.

One of the varieties of Bob-Kare is a kare "on the leg". On the shape of the haircut reminds the Hat of the Mushroom, for which he received its name. Perfectly goes to women who have an oval and triangular face. It is also well suited for thin hair, as it allows you to achieve additional volume due to the optimal form. Such a haircut makes a greater focus on the neck, so it is important that it is long and elegant, otherwise the bob on the leg will look rude.

Popular, this kind of elongated Karea made the icon of the style of Victoria Beckham. The haircut has asymmetric edges. As a rule, on the one hand, the hair reaches the chin or lower, and on the other - open the ear. In other words, this is a combination of classic bob and an elongated kara in one haircut.

Asymmetric Kare is a choice of outrageous and bold women. It can largely transform appearance, make it brighter, emphasize certain features of the face. Well hides such a haircut flaws of a triangular face. The haircut can shift in the center. This allows you to adjust the oval of faces, hide flaws.

The disadvantage of this haircut is that it is almost impossible to make any laying or hairstyle. The strands of different lengths are hampered. In addition, the asymmetric elongated kare is recommended only on straight hair. They can be achieved accurate and clear sections. Light graduation can be performed on thin strands.

Another bold variety of Kare. Suitable for spectacular women who are not afraid of experiments with appearance. It is better to use this haircut on straight hair. In this case, the gradation of the layers will be clearly visible. On curly curls, the haircut will not be so spectacular.

In the course of the haircut, the hairdresser divides strands into several zones. It highlights the pattern of the pattern, and the population and whiskey will edit the flat line. In the dark part of the curls are cut in the form of oval. Thus, there is an imposition of strands on strands, the effect of "feathers" is achieved. On the back of the hair, the shortest, forward to the face they gradually lengthen.

An extended graded kare gives an artistic negligence, light slope and charm. It is suitable for more girls with oval faces elongated narrow.

How to lay an extended square

An extended kare, depending on the variety, is well suited for any hair structure, regardless of whether they are logged or straight. However, there are many options for laying curls that allow you to change the image and look fresh and in a new way.

Styling for extended square on long hair

Such a haircut is well amenable to different styling, which will suit any case. Consider laying extended squares on long hair for every day and for evening outlets:
  • Laying for every day with hair curlers. Wash hair evenly distribute foam for curls. Hound the strands of the middle thickness on the curlers of any thickness, depending on the desired effect. Drink hair with a hairdryer. Remove curiosity - ready stunning volume. Its enough to formally form and fasten with varnish.
  • Artistic disorder. This is the easiest laying of haircuts for every day, it will take only 10 minutes of time. Wash hair, dried with a hairdryer. On dry or slightly wet curls we apply a foam or mousse. At the same time we til down the head down and whip the hair. Thus, a light disorder is achieved, which gives a special charm owner. Fix laying varnish.
  • Curl tips. My hair and when drying with a hairdryer and round rolling grinding ends outwards. After the head is completely dry, fix the laying of varnish. Such hairstyle helps to achieve a larger volume.
  • Smooth laying for the evening. My hair and dried. With the help of foam, you combing curls back and fix the varnish. Using hairpins or invisible, we build a back "drawing", for example, waves.
If you do not have enough time to lay it, you can use any additional accessories - dressings, studs, hairpins.

Styling for extended square on medium hair

An extended square on medium hair looks great if they are smooth. In general, than shorter, the kara, the better it looks precisely on direct strands. Of course, it is better if you have direct curls from nature. In this case, the time for laying you will be reduced to a minimum. If your slightly goes, you can correct the situation using the iron.

Styling with it, we do according to such a scheme:

  1. We divide the hair into several pieces.
  2. First of all, start pulling the curls in the occipital part.
  3. Gradually go to the temples and side parts.
  4. Go to strands on the painter.
  5. Last but I straighten the curls ahead and bangs.
In the process of hair straightening, choose small strands. So you can achieve the optimal smoothness and mobility of curls. Make sure that the iron is not delayed in one place for too long, so as not to damage the hair structure. For each strand, it is enough to do 3-4 smoothing movements. When approaching curl tips, carry out a small twisting. Do not use the iron to straighten on wet hair, it can damage them.

In addition, you can practice laying an extended car on medium hair using a large round brush and a hair dryer. Wash your hair and dried slightly with a towel. Combing curls and divide them into several zones. We begin to dry your hair with a hairdryer, using a round brush - pull the strands from the roots to the ends. The latter can be twisted outside or inward. After all hair dries, use the lacquer to fix the laying.

Hairstyles for extended square

An extended square without asymmetry is a wide field for the activities of amateurs of various stylish hairstyles. On such hair you can do the hairstyle both every day and for evening exit.

Consider the most popular options:

  • Classic nobody. Lovers of rigor will choose such a simple, but spectacular hairstyle. On freshly made hair we apply a foam. Lubons near the forehead and slightly combing the comb with rare teeth. Twisting tips in harness and fasteners to the rest of the hair with the help of invisible or bright hairpins. The whole mass of the hair is slightly whipped with hands and fix varnish.
  • Assymmetric nobody. Such a hairstyle should be done on an elongated kare without bangs. On the clean head we make a sample side view. Front curls from the other side where they are more, combing with comb. We process your hair with varnish and put the rest of the strands to your taste.
  • Spit in the style of "Waterfall". Spit is a great addition to the festive image. If you can't do them on the usual classic square, then on an extended - easily. We smooth your hair with a brush with rare teeth. Separate a small strand near the temple and begin to determine the horizontal braid on the back of the back. During weaving we release the upper strand and capture another. The tip of the braid on the other hand fix the hairpin. The remaining mass of the curls is tightened into large waves. We process your hair with varnish.
  • Rim spikelet. Such a hairstyle will help give the image tenderness and romanticism. We remove the hair back, separate the small number of strands for pigtails in front, the rest is wicking up. We make wavy curls and sprinkle varnish. From the remaining curls, we braid a simple spikelet and turn it on the front. The rest of the hair is transferred one way. Fix braid and curls invisible, fasten decorations.
  • Volumetric high beam. This hairstyle loves the Hollywood stars, she attaches a special charm owner. We collect your hair back and comb all the strands in turn. The lower part of the curls are tightened to a dense harness, fix it in invisible. We put the remaining hair on the harness, making a bulk design. We put the varnish on the curls and decorate the hairstyle with a rim or bandage.
How to lay an extended square - look at the video:

An extended square does not leave fashion for several decades. Stylists and hairdressers regularly update this haircut with new details and execution techniques, making it universal. This option is suitable for women who are not ready for too short haircut, but they want to experiment a little with a way.