Tattoo Wolf - meaning and sketches for girls and men. Oscal wolf tattoo value in the zone What does grind the wolf

Tattoo Wolf is a choice of volitional strong people with solid character and principles. Wolf tattoo choose independent people who do not change their interests. Tatu Wolf will be the mascot of his owner, will protect him in a difficult moment and attach faith in itself.

Tattoo wolf - meaning

The wolf is a proud and noble beast with which many legends are associated, beliefs and will accept. Wolves have a double character: the wolf is like a devotee and an independent loner, both careful and aggressive. These features make a wolf tattoo popular and in demand.

Wolf tattoo is symbol of courage, mind, resistance, character force . From a long time, people of different peoples and cultures often treated wolves.

Loyalty to your fellows. One partner throughout life and willingness to withstand all the difficulties for the well-being of his flocks - bring it closer to this predator with a person who is ready to make a tattoo wolf.

Tatu Wolf can have many values \u200b\u200band various interpretations, however, the person who chose it should understand that the tattoo of the wolf does not harmonize with a soft, slow and pliable character.

Tattoo Wolf - Tattoo Thounds with Wolf

Each of the Variations of the Wolf Tattoo has its own details and subtleties.

For example, tattoo Wolf going to the moon - A symbol of a lonely person who survived a loss or betrayal, as well as ties with another world.

Tattoo White Wolf - Bright non-standard personality capable of going against the rules. This is a bold single warrior.

Tattoo Wolf and Wolf. This is a symbol of dedication and loyalty to its partner. Family values.

Tattoo Family Volkov Or Tattoo Wolf A pack, applied on the body, speaks about the volitional qualities of a person, his patronage and the desire to protect people who are important for him.

Wolf. (especially next to the wicras) is a symbol of loyalty, devotion, care and support.

Tattoo Oscal wolf Symbolizes cruelty, rage and fearlessness in any situations. The struggle for life and their aspirations, hardness in intentions, moral principles. If the mouth of the wolf is ajar - this means that a person with this tattoo is ready to attack the first. A tattoo of a wolf with a closed mouth - symbolizes that the owner of the tattoo is a strong and dangerous person, but never will attack first (before jumping the enemy).

Tattoo Lap Wolf. Means the power and unshakable tattoo media.

Tattoo Dream catcher with wolf. Catcher of dreams is the Indian whaling from interference with the life of evil spirits during sleep. Dream catcher in combination with a wolf tattoo, embodies protection against evil spirits and reports that the owner of Tatoo believes in mystical forces.

Tattoo Wolf with feathers or wolf-indian Carries undoubtedlymagic sacred meaning. Such a tattoo, means harmony of inner strength and wisdom with an external bodily power. As a rule, on such tattoo, we depict a calm peaceful animal, without an expression of aggressiveness.

Tattoo Wolf and Roron It is a key figure in Indian legends. In this combination, they can also mean trick, wisdom, strategic thinking and the ability to keep secrets.

Tattoo Wolf and Skull Symbolizes the understanding that life is not eternal. You are fearless in the face of death, like a wolf.

Tattoo Wolfand Rosameans clean and only love for your partner.

Tattoo Wolfin a jump Or on the run Says about the readiness of the owner to overcome any barriers, about the love of risk and the possibility of revenge, if the circumstance will lead to it.

Tattoo Girl with a wolf on the head Skura Wolf. It may come around the strong spirit and mysterious people, in whose life there is a mysticism and a mystery. The wolf in such a combination is a patron. A soft, loving and caring man, who left the skin of the beast at the right moment, is reincarnated into the wolf and endowed with its strength and power.

Tattoo Wolf in the forest Symbolizes the maturity and independence of man. The owner of such a tattoo demonstrates leadership qualities and knows what he does and what he wants to.

Tattoo Wolf-timbershown after the transformation or in the process of transformation, tells about the presence of a dark side by the owner, which he knows, which he tries to subordinate to himself.

Tattoo Wolf in fire or wolf with red eyes, most often applied to those who identify themselves with dark forces, unknown and witchcraft. Ancient people believed that the wolf is endowed with the ability to be a guide in the otherworldly worlds.

Tattoo wolf for girls

Tattoo Wolf for girls personifies loyalty to her beloved person, love for children, guardianship, justice.

Girls often choose colored bright wolf tattoo. A wolf tattoo in a tandem with other elements, choosing most often nerd. Let the wolf on the female body, looks good at the forearm, chest, leg, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe blades. Harmoniously and boldly looks symmetrical image of the wolf on the back.

Wolf Tattoo for Men

A man with a wolf tattoo instills reliability. This tattoo for a man means protection and courage. He is the leader of his flock. The tattoo of the wolf for men is most often performed as realistic as possible using one color. Men, as a rule, in such a tattoo, seek to emphasize the strongest sides of the beast. With the help of shadows and glare, the drawing is more realistic, and with the help of bright colors, they emphasize the eyes or other elements and subtleties, allowing to show the difference of which we wrote above.

Tattoo wolf -Sketches Tatoo Wolf.

Since ancient times, the warriors compared themselves with predatory animals and applied their images to their body, thereby believing that they would give them on their own and qualities.
The tattoo grind a wolf, in our time, is quite popular image. Many men and women make a tattoos of the paint wolf. However, at the same time, they do not fully understand what symbolizes the "Tattoo" and the main reason for their desire is just a beautiful drawing that will decorate their body. People who apply the tattoo of the wolf head with cracked teeth first, show all others that they are strong personalities, warriors for their nature.

The value of the tattoo grinding the wolf

Tattoo of Wolf Oskala has many designations. In the prison world, the tattoo of the wolf grazing is a symbol of disagreement with the regime, authorities. That is, the owner of such a tattoo, very angry with the power and does not put it in the penny. He does not obey any rules, he creates them himself. His motto for life: "Do not touch me, and I will not throne you."

In the usual world, this tattoo has positive values \u200b\u200b- strength, power, loyalty, fearlessness in any situations, as well as negative - rigidity, rage, audacity, trick. The man who has been tattoo has its own opinion on any occasion and it is difficult to convince him, as he will defend him to the last. These people do not like them to impose someone else's opinion, they ordered, as they can be ruined. Tattoo ruined the wolf should not be done if you, firstly, do not fully approach the above described description, and secondly, you are a changeable and windy person in friendship, love, work, communication, because it is faithful to everything that he has - flock, wolf.

Accommodation and color

If your human qualities are suitable for a description of the image of a wolf with a ruffle, then this tattoo should be applied in certain places where the tattoo will look most attractive, namely:

  • forearm;
  • chest;
  • shoulder;
  • shovel;
  • hip.

Often, the drawing of the scaled wolf is depicted in a realistic style with one, two colors. It looks good both color and black and white sketches. This is done in order to with the help of shadows and reflections, pass the predatory essence of the wolf.

Combination of tattoo grinding a wolf with other characters

In most cases, the tattoo of the wolf with a ruffle is depicted with red-fiery eyes, closed or with various objects (dwellers, arrows, feathers, turtles).


Each person, it is entitled to solve himself, what tattoo it should be applied. If you are a man aggressive, cunning, fierce, then this is this tattoo for you.

Let's find out the value of the tattoo grinding the wolf, drawing history and the meaning of such a tattoo. For people who have already made a choice and simply search for a suitable drawing for their tattoo, we have prepared the following sections on the topic:

  • Photographs of tattoos with grinding wolf
  • Sketches for tattoo grilled wolf

Meaning, history and value of tattoo wolf

Uskal Wolf Tattoo: "Do not touch - and you will not be touched"!

Having decided to make a tattoo wolf, you must first ask how your life will change after that: grind the wolf tattoo value. Such tattoos are most often done in the realistic style, mostly in one color, using the skillful game of shadows. Rarely encounter colored tattoos wolf.

The wolf is a wise, cunning, brave and hardy beast, worthy of respect. He may be generous, friendly and devoted, to have a compassion and be able to adapt to the surrounding conditions in new territories.

Having many values, tattoo oscal wolf First of all, it does not fit the weak, melancholic or indecisive person. But for a purposeful, strong, free and independent person who is confident and knows what he does, will become a real talisman.

What does the tattoo mean with a wolf ruffle?

The dedication of the wolf itself has the meaning of "denial": the authorities, law, regime, government, the environment with its rules of conduct. The bare teeth of the predator say that the person who has such a tattoo on a certain part of his body disagree with the opinion of others, and it is not worth a persecution. Having his own opinion, he will defend him to a victorious end, which is evidenced by the Wild Oskal, which in mystical beliefs protects against evil spirits. "Do not touch - and you will not be touched !!", "says such a tattoo.

Denial of any power, for "... every power is violence against people"! (M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"). Do not submit any rules except those that I created myself! Such people should not impose their opinions, speak by an ordinance tone, as they can become ruined by their next action.

Do not do wolf Tattoo With OscalIf you are changed in love, friendship and communication, as the wolf is faithful to their convictions, his wolf, her flock, faithful enemies and friends. And the wolf is loner it only after the loss of all this.

The image of the wolf is so mysterious and mysterious that he always gave rise to mysticism and fear for people around him. As a natural predator, the wolves created competition for an ancient person in terms of hunting and cooking. The features of the wolves hunts at sunset and dawn, the transfer of their desires at night with help was, he guessed fear and horror on people, leading to the world and the kingdom of shadows. Men admired wolves - hunters, their successes.

On the one hand, the wolf is evil, cruelty and cunning, with the other-cohesive and combined wolves, become a symbol of loyalty, durability, courage and victory.

It is from here that many legends about wolves - werewolves, Vervolph, a man - a wolf that exist, almost all nations.

And no doubt, the most rare and mysterious - red wolf. With her appearance, he resembles a wolf, fox and jackal, combined, with a full set of their qualities. The audacity and strength of the wolf, the fox cunning and the diligence of Jackal, as if merged together in the nature of this beast, giving birth to an extraordinary alloy.

The key to understanding the symbolism of images of the wolves is to understand their hearts and the wolf soul, because they experienced so much undeserved misunderstandings and delusions.

If you are a strong, cunning and unpredictable person, love to show aggression, this tattoo is created for you.

If you find a set of qualities characteristic of a multifaceted image of a wolf, then uskal Wolf Tatu "It is for you, and you need to apply it in certain places: breasts, shoulder, blade, less often hip, caviar.

Wolf tattoo - value

Choosing a drawing for a tattoo, you should pay attention not only to its beauty, but also know its meaning. It is believed that the tattoo can significantly affect the life of a person, and both in good and in the wrong side. To the image of a wolf on a body in different cultures, in their own way, for example, for some of this, this animal symbolizes a brave warrior, and for others it is a predator that belongs to the soul of people.

The value of the tattoo with the image of the wolf

Many people use this particular drawing in order to emphasize some character traits, for example, human strength, courage, courage, loyalty and determination. This tattoo symbolizes love and respect for native people. It is not recommended to use the image of a wolf to the weakly speakers who are not sure of themselves. Wolf tattoo on the forearm and other parts of the body are not suitable for windy people who often change their partners and opinion. In defense of such a picture, strong and independent people will be able to calculate.

We'll figure it out what the tattoo of the wolf for prisoners is a symbol that points to the contempt of a person to all law enforcement agencies. It is believed that such a drawing can choose for themselves prisoners who enjoy authority and are leaders. In prison, such a squint indicates that a person does not lose hope and faith in the best times.

Most often in modern life, the image of the wolf denotes loyalty. This is due to the fact that such animals choose for themselves a couple of times and for life. You can depict both one animal and a pair. Another tattoo can serve as an evil forces. Some people associated with magic are applied to their body exactly the image of this animal in order to improve the peace of light and darkness.

Miscellaneous Wolf Tattoo:

Take into account that a person who chooses a wolf tattoo is ready to reveal his nature. Remember that such a drawing can cool a change.

Tattoo wolf in prison. Which means the tattoo of the Wolf, not necessarily on the moon, just the speaker. (In prison)

Sergey Zimin

The value of the tattoo of the wolf means courage, endurance, the ability to adapt, loyalty, loyalty, courage and victory, he received these qualities because of his ability to unite into cohesive flock.
The wolf is a strong, intelligent, rapid beast, to him always treated with respect. A wolf tattoo can have a lot of values, but a person, choosing it, should understand that the wolf will not fit the weak, slow or indecisive man. On the contrary, the tattoo of the wolf will be appropriate only at a strong, focused, independent and self-confident person, only such and will be faithful to the faith. And you should not fill yourself a wolf if you are prone to frequent change of partners both in love and communicating. Wolf is faithful. Faithful convictions, faithful to wolf, is faithful to enemies and friends, alone

Even hunters are respectable to wolves. Gray animals do not obey a person, fighting to death. Not surprising the fact that many guys and girls wish to do tattoo with wolves: Everyone I want to associate myself with a strong, fearless, indomitable creature. The whole history of mankind is associated with gray predators that are enemies, and ironically by the progenitors of the faithful friends and assistants of a person - dogs. The wolf not only instills the horror, like any cruel and uncontrollable animal, but also causes admiration and respect for their resistance, strength and dedication of the flock.

The total value of TATU

A tattoo with a wolf is not suitable for everyone. The image of a predator is beautiful and impressive, and many people are asking for a tattooker to make a wolf topic, not knowing the sketch value. But the tattooers say that the depicted wolf can tell about its carrier much. Do not buy for a beautiful sketch and a malicious image of a beast, you need to think a hundred times before applying a wolf for life on the body.

The main value of the image is courage and endurance. The beast is inherent in these qualities, as well as the loyalty of the flock and the second half, the strength is physical and internal, energetic, freedom. On a man weak as physically, so spiritually, the tattoo will look ridiculous. There will be no harmony between the person and the image on her body.

People wishing to decorate the body should be borne in mind that the gray predator is ready to die for the flock, all his life keeps faithful to the sexual partner, selflessly take care of his parents. Before making a tattoo, a person need to think if he possesses the specified qualities. Personality that does not keep married faithfulness, conflicting with colleagues and family members, is unworthy of wearing a wolf on the body.

Separately, it should be said about girls who want to decorate the body with a wolf image. The wolf should not be sure about the male, it trusts him infinitely, all his life keeps loyalty. With a wolf, you can compare a strong spirit, a selfless, serious woman, with a difficult, but honest fate. Tattoo with wolf theme contraindicated frivolous girlsnot going to tie themselves with marriage, until the end of the life, to remain the right chosen one.

To whom will suit

It is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on hand, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 photos

Wolves are applied to the body of a girl and a man of all ages. The appearance of the owner is not so important as characteristic of the character. A tattoo can make a person who surrounding themselves as an insightful, intellectually developed, thoughtful, determined nature. A person should feel the "wolf" qualities that can be distinguished by tattoo: freedom, independence, courage, factories.

In the infantile, unimustal, dependent, incominitative person there is nothing "wolf". Do wolf tattooing such an personality is not worth it.

Nuances Tattoo

Tattoos with wolves may have color and stylistic features, complemented by different details with a specific value.

The beast Symbolizes loneliness. The carrier survived parting or betrayal. Another value is the connection with the other world.
White predator The individualist, a non-standard person, not recognizing the rules and social norms, ready alone to go against society.
Wolf Para A symbol of love and loyalty for life. Following family values.
Wolf flock with a leader The carrier is the leader, a person with a strong will, ready to lead, having the opportunity and striving to patronize.
Wolf with wolfs Symbolizes loyalty to the family, willingness to take care and maintain.
Cheered beast Reflects aggressiveness, angiveness, fearless owner in any situation. A man desperately climbs up in life, firmly seeks to realize the planned plans, is distinguished by factories and principle. The opened mouth means that the carrier of the tattoo attacks the enemy first. If grinned with a closed mouth, then the man is strong and dangerous, but does not attack first, so it is better not to touch it.
Wolf paw Symbol of rack and decisive nature.
Wolf with a dream catcher Catcher of dreams - charm in the form of a pendant over the bed, according to the beliefs of the Indians protecting during sleep from evil entities. Tatu means that the person is inclined to mysticism.
Predator with Indian feathers or Indian Image with magical meaning. Its carrier wise, possesses the inner force, harmonious combined with excellent physical abilities, lives measured and pacificately.
Wolf and Roron Another Indian symbol. The predatory beast and predatory bird are important images in Indian mythology, reflect the life of the cunning, smeezalism, wisdom, the ability to think through the actions, think strategically, to keep the tongue for teeth.
Symbol of lifestyle. The image carrier understands death, is not afraid of her.
Wolf and flower Sincere and unchanged feelings for his beloved person.
Running or jumping through an obstacle Ability to overcome any obstacles. Next to adventurism, risky events. Avenue.
Girl with wolf skin on the head The reflection of spiritually strong, mysterious, closed from the surrounding personality.
Wolf among the forest Shows the responsible and independent nature of the owner who can set goals, move to their embodiment.
Werewolf It shows that the carrier has the dark side, which is trying to fight.
Beast in flame languages \u200b\u200bor with burning red eyes It means that the owner is deeply immersed in the world of supernatural, engaged in witchcraft.

Prison mean

All the above-described values \u200b\u200bconcern the tattoo adorning the body of people who did not encounter prison life. Prisoners tattoos have their meanings. In places of detention of freedom of wolves, usually in monochrome style, stuffed at different parts of the body, but most often on the shoulders.

1 Wolf muzzle on the body of the prisoner is an abbreviation in the form of a picture: V.O.L.K. - "Warm Saddy - Legal Cover." The tattoo is typing usually recidivists, in this way emphasizing their neglect of law enforcement and ignoring laws.

2 Craked animal - the reluctance of the prisoner to follow the instructions of the prison administration.

3 The beast on the moon literally symbolizes loneliness, but is a sign for other prisoners so that they do not touch the carrier of the tattoo. The carrier himself refuses to communicate and help, lives according to the principle "Do not touch me - I will not throne you."

Meaning for men

Tattoo with a gray predator shows freedom-loving, fearless, brave character of a man, his endurance, loyalty to the principles and a beloved woman. The man does not necessarily have all the listed qualities, but the absolute opposite of character traits is contraindicated to the wolf tattoo. Wolves should not be on the bodies of peeled people, weakly accuracy, non-flying, irresponsible.

Girl with wolf skin

In general, for girls, the sketch values \u200b\u200bare the same as for guys. Nuance is only one: any wolf tattoo on the female body always carries an additional meaning - loyalty to the beloved to the end of life.

Often tattookers advise girls to form an image on the body with floral patterns. This is a symbol of maiden love and devotion. But often girls do not put meaning in the framing, they ask for a flower frame for beauty.

Styles Tatu

Tattoos offer customers sketches in different original styles. Tattoo is popular both in classic style and with unusual geometric or watercolor images.

1 Realism. This style is the most popular, but also the most time consuming for a tattoo. The master should portray the beasts as natural as possible. Usually used black and gray-white colors, but there are multicolor sketches. The difficulty lies in the drawing of the details, the display of shadows. To order a tattoo with realistic images is needed by the experienced, who has proven to the master.

2 Graphics. Similar to the previous style, but the image is created by hatching. Parallel strokes of different lengths are stuffed. The picture is saturated. It seems that the photo is glued to the body.

3 Oldschool (old school). Despite the name, in the art of tattoo style young, actively developing. The contour of the image is thicker than the internal lines, which makes the image light, romantic.

4 Tribal. Geometric style. Geometric shapes and sharp lines are used. The picture is original, expressive.

5 Watercolor. This style can be called the most beautiful. The image after applying should look like it painted on the body with watercolor paints. Style today is of great popularity, thanks to freshness and brightness of colors, elegance of contours. The image is light, neat, looks advantaged on the skin.