Air conditioning for linen thickened what to do. Concentrated air conditioner for linen Lenor Aromatherapy Freshness of lavender. With the console "Eco"

You probably have already had the opportunity to learn about all the harmful ingredients that the air conditioners are stuck for the linen that we buy. However, what then use as a replacement? What is the safe rinser to use if there are small kids or allergies in the family? There is nothing easier! We will prepare homemade air conditioner for linen with your own hands.

Home Reinforcement for Linen No. 1 - Table Vinegar

The maximum simple natural rinser. Cheap, Available, non-toxic, very effective, in addition, vinegar has antibacterial properties. And as a bonus, vinegar removes all the remnants of the used detergent.

Pour before washing about 50-100 mg of vinegar into a rinsing compartment. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to ensure a fantastic flavor. The result is excellent! After washing, things become soft, and the paints get brighter!

Home Relator for Linen No. 2 - Food Soda + Vinegar

The main ingredient is sodium bicarbonate - the usual food soda. This is a safe natural ingredient, in addition, soda will help better wash clothes and refresh it. In one liter of water, add 140 ml of 9% of the table vinegar, it is also necessary to add soda - a half-table of soda will be sufficient, mix everything and use 120-240 ml of the obtained tool on one washing. You can add a couple of drops of any aromatic essential oil as desired to give things a pleasant fragrance.

Home Air Conditioner for Linen No. 3 - Water + Vinegar + Hair Balm

This rinsing recipe with the addition of hair balm is one of the most popular: it is necessary to take six parts of water, three parts of 9% of the cutlery, two parts of hair balm. All components mix well and use 120 ml (or a little more) to each wash. This hair liner has the greatest number of positive feedback from women who used it.

The rinse for linen, cooked with his own hands at home, is primarily safe for health, which is especially important when there are small children or people who suffer allergies in the family.

Good day! The store had an action to Lenor's air conditioners, I chose a lavender. It took just a huge flicker-2 liter. I used it for about a year. I ruin it 1: 2, so the aroma becomes more gentle and easy. I pour air conditioning in its cap, and half topping the water. It is enough for the full load of the washing machine. I liked the fragrance, the lavender did not catch, smells just so clean. The aroma remains on the underwear, after drying. On the curtains, the fragrance holds for a very long time.

Of the minus it is probably a bottle. Slipping, out of thin plastic, and without a handle. When a complete pour is quite difficult, since the thin plastic is puzzled in the hands, you can overdo it or pour, from wet hands can generally slip away. I would change the packaging, and would have done a handle, for ease of use. Under the end, the air conditioner thickened and curled his lumps.

In general, the air conditioner itself is not bad, in addition to the flavor, well softens the underwear, and makes it easier to iron drywear.

I will also take, but already try other flavors.

Air conditioning for laundry laundry has become an integral part in the household. He appeared relatively recently, but it was already firmly entered into use. Of course, someone believes that it is not necessary to use air conditioning when washing, since things are so clean. Why spend extra money? But there are also such mistresses that can not do without this.

Let's figure out what is still a flavored additive - luxury or necessity? And how to make air conditioning for linen with your own hands?

What is the conditioner for linen?

First you should figure out why you need air conditioning for linen and whether it is needed at all. All its useful properties, the rinse balsam is obliged to surfactant, which settle on the surface of clothing and linen, forming a film. It is it that gives a positive effect. First, the cloth becomes softer and pleasant for the body. Secondly, after washing, especially woolen fabrics, clothing "is electrified". Application of surfactant Similar effect eliminates. Thirdly, the use of air conditioner when washing greatly facilitates ironing, since under the action of surfactants, the tissue is smoothed independently.

In addition, there are such rinsers that protect the colored cloth from flushing color. And one more important moment: the resulting film does not allow the dirt to penetrate deep into the fabric, so you can talk about the dirt-repellent properties of the rinse balm. And as a bonus - almost every air conditioner gives clothes a certain fragrance.

We hope all the above will convince you that the use of air conditioning for linen is needed if you want from your belongings to come.

How to make air conditioning for linen with your own hands? Preparation features and composition

To cook homemade air conditioning for linen with your own hands is easy, while everything that will be necessary for us is at hand, well, or you can buy in an absolutely any nearest store. The composition of the home air conditioner is as follows:

  • The usual food soda is 125 ml.
  • 9% dining vinegar - 125 ml.
  • Warm water (approximately 40 degrees) - 250 ml.
  • Essential oils - 7 drops.

Now the cooking process itself:

  • First mix warm water and vinegar.
  • Then gradually add to the solution soda. If you add all the quantity at once, then, of course, it will be impressive, but already unsuitable. Therefore, add soda gradually. By the way, it perfectly softens the hard water, thereby making underwear soft. And the soda is well killed by unpleasant odors.
  • Pour the mass into the container where you plan to store a homely rinser, add the essential oil and shake well.

Air conditioning for children's linen is preparing for a long time, but serves a long time.

We all accustomed that the rinser has a thick consistency. If it turned out to be liquid home air conditioning for linen, you can fix this situation with your own hands - just add some of your one to it one of the properties of the rinser's balsam is the preservation of color. So, so that your clothes do not polish, add a cap of the white vinegar when rinse. And also, home air conditioning can be used as a means for soaking up linen with stains. Just apply a little money on a problem place and leave half an hour, and then send to washing. Do not forget to shake the container before each use, where the air conditioner is stored for linen. You can create that fragrance that you like more. It is enough to choose the appropriate essential oils.

How else can you use air conditioning for linen

We all know that the rinser is applied during washing. Surely it will surprise you, but it can also be used for other purposes. Interesting? Then remember:

  • Air conditioning can be used for washing glass so that there are no divorces on it. To do this, it is enough to mix the rinser with water in the same proportions.
  • Balzam perfectly removes pollution from leather products, so do not rush to take soap in the hands.

  • Want your laminate to acquire a primordial look? Wash it with a water conditioner with water.
  • Do you have repair and old wallpapers do not want to spare from the wall? And here the rinse balm can come to the rescue. Moisten the wallpaper with an aqueous solution, and after a while they can easily come off from the walls.
  • If a stain appeared on your car chair, just wipe it with a sponge dipped in a solution of water and a rinse.

Agree, how much is useful and needed air conditioning for laundry laundry! It can be done in any quantities with your own hands to subsequently use for a variety of business needs.

The effectiveness of natural equipment for washing was proven by our grandmothers. They did not have such a huge choice of household chemicals, but at the same time they were always dismissed. In addition to the powders and soap for washing, a means of mitigating tissues are needed to care for the linen. In modern language, it is called a rinse or air conditioning. And it is absolutely necessary to buy it in the store, as you can very quickly cook it at home with your own hands.

Vinegar-based recipes

The most common substance that is used to rinse the linen is a table vinegar, especially well it is suitable for wool products. In addition, the vinegar retains the color of clothing. You can use vinegar separately, but only for manual rinsing. You should not pour it into the machine. There are several recipes based on this substance.

Important! Preparing one or another air conditioner, observe the proportions of all substances from which you make the composition.

For your information! Acetic acid has a good disinfectant property, as well as well sheats the washing powder, it is inexpensive, and therefore the home air conditioner will be very cheap based on it.

The composition of the boury

The bora has a property to mitigate hard water, so it can be used for washing things with their own hands. It is not necessary to do anything special, it is enough to pour a quarter of a glass of this substance into water in the rinse process.

The bora is not just softens the fabric, it kills the linen tick, as well as various fungi and mold. Things made in this way become cleaner and softer. However, be careful, the bora can cause irritation and allergies on the skin, do not raw it too much.

"Aromatic" rinsers

Those who do not want to deal with acetic acid because of its unpleasant smell, we offer ways to manufacture an air conditioner without vinegar.

  • Method first. Buy in a pharmacy an English salt (Magnesia) in an amount of 250 g, then add 10 droplets of orange oil to salt. The resulting mixture is put into the cuvette for the rinse, there will be enough pair of tablespoons.Keep such a conditioner in a hermetically closed container.
  • The method of the second. In a glass of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve 3 tablespoons of food soda and add sandalwood or jasmine oil. This recipe is suitable for a washing machine.
  • The third way. To make your hands a thick rinser of the linen suitable for the washing machine, you need 6 spoons of the air conditioner to mix with 10 spoons of sea salt and add a few droplets of essential oil. This air conditioner makes the underwear pleasant to the touch, put it in a volume of 3-5 spoons in a special compartment.

What to replace?

Some mistresses instead of air conditioner use tennis balls. This is not by chance. The balls have a smooth surface and do not harm the fabric. They constantly rotate in the drum along with the linen, it shake it well, making soft and pleasant.

Of course, tennis balls will not give up a pleasant smell that leave homemade air conditioners made by their own hands, but if you do not like smells, then this is what suits you.

And what is important, tennis balls least affect the performance of the typewriter, which you can not say about vinegar or bore. In our opinion, such substances are not worth added to the washer.

Summing up, we list all the advantages of home air conditioners made with your own hands:

  • they are much cheaper than their store analogues;
  • air conditioning based on vinegar kill microbes on clothing;
  • facilitate ironing linen and make it softer;
  • well polished themselves and wash the remnants of means for washing;
  • from the mass of recipes, even allergic can find your own.

Not so long ago, the hostess, washing things, got out without air conditioning for linen, but gradually this agent entered each family. Of course, the washing powder will help to achieve the purity of the linen. But many people no longer imagine how to do without air conditioning: it softens underwear, improves dressing and has an antistatic action. The air conditioner is often called a rinse or antistatic.

Not so long ago hostess, erasing things, got out without air conditioning for linen

Benefit from the use of the rinse

Why do we need a rinse for linen? What is his benefit? Pluses from the use of this fund several:

  • dried underwear is much softer than after washing without air conditioning;
  • clothes acquire dirt-repellent properties;
  • after applying the tool, the laundry is much easier to iron;
  • even after several styrics, things retain their colors;
  • the rinser has an antistatic effect;
  • lingerie acquires a pleasant fragrance.

The positive effect of the rinse is provided by cationic substances in its composition. They settled on the surface of the fabric, creating an invisible film that serves as protection for clothes from the penetration of dirt. Those stains that will appear in the socks process, it will be much easier to wash. And softens the tissue of silicone, which is also part of the rinse.

Air conditioner for washing can not be used. On the things from silk, he can leave a divorce. Lingerie, which includes material for the correction of the figure, can be spoiled - it loses the elasticity of the rinse. You should not use the tool when washing the outerwear, as it can lose its moisture-repellent qualities.

The positive effect of the rinse is provided by cationic substances in its composition.

Air conditioning-rinser flavoring things. In recent years, many products with different flavors are produced. Anyone will choose exactly what he likes - from floral fragrance to the smell of freshness. But manufacturers took care of those who do not tolerate various fragrances, and produce funds without additional flavors.