Makeup for brown eyes. Amazing makeup for brown eyes - how to choose a good color gamut makeup for brown eyes simple

Even day makeup for brown eyes can be made saturated and expressive. Not only the Easy Eveningival looks spectacular, if you skillfully pick up the color gamut and use the appliance of the commercially. At home, it is quite realistic to create interesting makeup, which is correct and harmoniously emphasize the beauty and depths of karelo look.

The owner of such eyes can often boast dark hair, black eyelashes and attractive eyebrows. For brunettes, it is quite properly and thought out to emphasize the natural beauty, which is quite simple. You can skillfully make the almond-shaped eyes, visually lift the outer corners, which makes the look more interesting and more attractive.

Day makeup for brown eyes with step-by-step photos will help to do quickly and efficiently, so literally after several trial options you can quickly create an interesting image for a walk, shopping hike or to work.

Skill selection of color gamma

When you start, you need to take into account their natural combination with each other. There is a specific technique that helps to combine colors correctly. If you adhere to it, makeup for light brown eyes will look appropriate and very harmonious in all your image. A simple way is based on the choice of shades that smoothly go into each other.

Makeup artists recommend making a beautiful day makeup with blue shades. You can use such common tones: the color of the sea wave, purple, indigo, plum. Such colors will not simply emphasize your glance and will make it expressive, but also harmoniously fit into the image of a spectacular brunette.

With the help of proper combination of shades, you can come up with not only new and original ideas of evening makeup, but also day options that are suitable not only for walking, but also for daily visits to work.

If you want to use three colors, it is better to combine shades that are contrasted with respect to each other. If you want to use more shades, also give preference to the opposite shades that will be spectacular next to each other and with the right decisive.

What is the perfect combination of shades for brown eyes? The perfect combination of pleasant shades of blue and green. Nude shades look good: apricot, bodily, chocolate. It is appropriate and relevant to the use of golden, lilac and sandy color.

For Karich Raidups will also suit the shades of white, for example, pearl. Choose the final colors, based on the general image that you want to get in the end. It will be right to take into account the event or place where you go to join the situation as harmoniously and relevant as possible.

Day makeup for brown eyes Thanks to phased steps, you can create daily or for some events that are held in the afternoon. You can also use video that show detailed execution instructions, but in the photo you can consider in detail the result you should get after each step performed.

Day Makeup at home

Make an interesting and bright makeup step by step quite simply, if you follow several professional recommendations from the makeup artists. Day makeup should be a bit restrained and easy, so it is appropriate to use a nude gamut, but other shades can also be used.

Alternatively, carefully apply the tonal basis for future makeup - this will certainly help make the shade of selected shadows more intense and homogeneous. Also, the resistance of decorative cosmetics rises several times. The base for makeup is always applied only by a thin layer. We are growing with the pads of the fingers, as you can't make the perfect surface and the basics.

Apply a black eyeliner along the direct line of eyelash growth. The eyeliner should be applied unevenly - in the inner corner it is fine, and at an external corner it is thicker.

With the help of a conventional brushes for shadows of a small size, carefully apply the shadows on the upper eyelid to the fold over it. If your eyes are deeply fanciful, you should not visually emphasize the shadows of the fold of the century, as it significantly takes the eyelids - they look swollen.

Shadows we grow with a soft brush, as well as light movements. It is not worth pressing hard, as you just wipe all the shadows since the century and will have to re-apply them. Remember, the reception of the decisive helps to align the tone, and do not save the eyelid from the applied decorative cosmetics.

At the end you will need to apply mascara. Better, if you do it in several layers - the cilia will look more lush and long. In order not to stick out the hairs, the second layer is applied even to the immediate drying of the first. So you add the volume, and each cilia will fall as you want. If you are the owner of rebnish cilia, it is enough to carefully comb with a special brush.

Casual version of Smokey Ice

Favorite all smoky makeup can be done in daytime variation.

Apply a tonal cream into a thin layer, which is carefully fixed with powder. This will help to make the right basis for the future makeup, which, with the right approach to the Makeup base, will last until the very end of the day.

With the help of a conventional black pencil for the eyes, apply a line on the upper eyelid, which will fill all the gaps between the cilia. This look will be expressive, and the makeup is perfect.

Shadows are applied with a flat tassel. Start with a dark shade, which is usually represented by the black or other dark tone. Movements in this case should resemble strokes that are directed from the middle of the century and along the arrow. Properly emphasize the bends of the eyes. Color should look quite intensively, so that after decisive it has acquired a pleasant shade.

Now you need shadows for several tones lighter. They should be applied along the contour of the previous color so that the line of eyelashes is repeated correctly. We grow in color so that the transition from one in another looks natural.

An even brighter tone is applied at the last stage. The shadows are put in the top of the upper eyelid, and the transition again is carefully chosen. Also, this color should be applied to the inner corner of the eye, under the lower eyelid and the line of eyebrows. So the eyes will be highlighted at the maximum. Cook the eyelashes in mascara in several layers and your image will be completed.

Barglase lady, in contrast to seruly, blue-eyed or green-eyed ladies have one weighty advantage. The hint of the eye is much mysterious, brighter and attractive. In addition, dark eyes usually framed fluffy black cilias, so sometimes it is not worth tinting a lot of them, just to emphasize the natural charm.

We choose a pencil and eyeliner for the visage of brown eyes

For strong and bright accent of brown eyes, liquid eyeliner, as well as a pencil - indispensable attributes.

The eyeliner is preferably a thin arrogant to apply closer to the seafront.

In order for the line to be smooth, the movement of the eyeliner should be not straining and lungs. For evening exit, the eyelid line makes a little brighter and thicker to highlight the natural attractiveness of a dark look.

The classic option is to use pencils or liquid eyeliner, the carragelasm women are lucky. All of them can buy easily eyeliner for makeup, as well as cosmetic pencils of any tones. The color of the pinkish tones will suit the color of gentle-purple, and the purple palettes are harmonized with chocolate.

Mascara paint brown eyes

Ladies with dark eyes, as well as dense and long cilias, it is not necessary to buy a bulk or expensive extension mascara.

No very thick eyelashes are better to apply paint in a couple of layers.

To make a look deeper, give it expressiveness, before applying the cilia carcini covers the crumbly powder without color or cause a special two-phase, and only then use a classic mascara.

It is not necessary to buy a black standard mascara. The makeup artists recommend that the brown mascara make the brown masses, the main thing is to apply it with neat and even strokes, separating cilia from each other so that they do not glue.

Eye expressiveness with shadows

Dry or wet eyeshadow play in the bridge of brown eyes an important role. It is important for them to choose the right shades and halftones and combine them harmoniously. Light brown eyes are harmonized with brownish decorative shadows, there is no need to use bright colors.

It is better to separate the eyelids and dark shades to apply on the upper zone, and so that there is no obvious border of the tones, use the neutral shade of the carcass. The shadow of champagne is suitable for honey eyes, as well as all sorts of tender and bright shades of purple.

But it is better not to create a strong contrast of shadows with a shade of eyes.

Ladies with light brown eyes are worth choosing a gentle color of violet, bright bronze, metal colors. Makeup with silver shadows is unnaturally day. They are better to put them in the evening.

The eyes of the Tone "Bitter Chocolate" will be brighter, if they cut them with all the flowers of green grass, light purple shadows or brownish.

Step-by-step day makeup Carbonise ladies

Such everyday makeup is ideal for daily business meetings, business days or parties.

Learn as well as using you can get rid of such negative features, like bags and swelling under the eyes.

Selection of colors for different tones of dark eyes

Dark brown and classic brown eyes look expressive if you choose the shadows of high and medium saturation. Here it is reasonable to combine bright and dark shadow tones.

The dark eyes with gentle-beige, sandy, sophisticated dark pink or purple shadows look good. Dumpless girls are better to buy a standard brown-olive palette.

Green-brown eyes will perfectly emphasize liquid brown shadows and the same mascara. It is worth trying blue and blue color solutions.

In order not to look old-fashioned, it is better to abandon the boning pearl and give preference to matte textures.

Delicate shades for everyday makeup are the perfect option. Greenish eye splashes emphasize purple violet shadows, grape, lavender or eggplant colors. Brownish gamma is most suitable to emphasize the unusual and attractive shade of the eye iris. Coffee colors with milk, chocolate, caramel, autumn foliage or terracotta palette are also advantageous.

For light brown eyes, professional professionals advise chocolate, gentle pink, silver shadows. Flooking girls with a similar shade of eyes choose harmonious cold shadows - all tones of blue or juicy greenery.

To give the look of Sharma, a brown mascara is chosen for the day aimage and the same shade is liquid eyeliner.

For carbohylase blondes, natural makeup is perfectly harmonious, including combinations of sandy, light beige, soft peach, chocolate, and coffee tones. Light colors most open a look, giving him freshness and depth.

For a natural image, peach blush, a brown mascara and a thin eye pencil, a brilliance with a barely pinkish tint, are excellent.

Romantic evening image is emphasized by sophisticated turquoise, bright lavender, light-olive shadows.

On light skin should not be applied greenish shades of make-apa.

The highlight will add a pearl, but not to overload the style, it is better to grow it smoothly. The thematic parties look at the carbonous blonds bright lipstick, which gives the way a juicion and attractiveness.

Blue Makeup for Brown Eye

This bright experiment can afford extravagant ladies and young girls seeking to be separated from the crowd. Cold shades of the blue and blue will emphasize the shine and an attractive crown of dark brown eyes. Here the main thing is to play on the contrast of the blue decorative shadows and iris eyes.

Shadows and decorative pencils for eyeliner of blue colors More to the face of a dark-haired lady with brown eyes than red-haired and light. They attract views to the face, so it is important to toned it ideally that the skin looks like healthy and well-keeped and highlighting shining and rested eyes.

Makeup for small eyes

Brown eyes are different, but if they are small, with the hungry age or deeply planted, they will have to abandon the warm and dark palette. The primary task is to visually increase the view, but only then emphasize the beauty of the color of the eyes.

The rosy of small brown eyes shade the natural tones of purple, peach, olive color, as well as beige-brown gamma.

The darker tone is taking closer to the gentle corners of the eyes, and the alignment or thin pencil itself should be slightly growing, so as not to clearly expressed the growth line of eyelashes.

The decorative mascara is better to choose the extension cilia and with the effect of the volume to make small dark eyes to make visually wider.

Under the lower eyelid, the makeup artists sometimes apply a thin line of pearl or beige shadow.

A contrast framing for non-strokes of the eye creates shades light. Only for evening makeup carefully choose and apply a darker palette. Dairy, white, vanilla, sand, ivory, pinkish and yellowish shadows are perfect for the procration of the upper eyelid. To create bright overflows, they are also applied under the eyebrow zone. Dark shadows clearly and gently distinguish the shape of the eyes.

Wedding Makeup for Brown Eye

Warm and deep brown eyes at the wedding look perfectly if they correctly express. Mysteriously and charming look at the wedding of eyes, painted by professional makeup artist, used coffee, soft, chocolate shades, in contrast - honey and brown shadows. A pleasant sand range at the wedding is better to combine with darker colors.

Brides with brown eyes can also contact cool, as well as more bold tones - blue, bright-corn, brilliantly purple, lavender. Light hair with dark eyes combines greenish gamma. Shallow and dull make a brown look Orange and catchy terracotta shadows that best avoid, preparing for the most solemn day.

The gentle and touching will look newlywed, if you make a smooth gradient transition from light to the darker. Alone, the shadows are well built, avoiding aggressive and sharp arrows. The emphasis is placed on beautiful eyelashes that paint a good dark carcass. She makes eye velvety and sophisticated.

Casual unobtrusive makeup

  1. Choose brown, cream and light beige shadows. You can matte, and not pearl light tone are applied to the bottom and top, and the dark brown color is closer to the corners. The outer corner of the eye is highlighted by a black or dark brown pencil, slightly rustic. Then the mascara is applied to the cilia, and light makeup for every day is ready, the main thing in it is to use 2 colors, dark and brighter palette.
  2. Pearl shadows are applied forever, growing, and under the eyebrow zone. Dynamic shadows at the end put a fatty point and rub a large brush. The final moment is the application of a black fluffing carcass on the eyelashes, as well as peach or gentle pinkish Rumba. Light lipstick is suitable for lips, poor shine or just moisturizing scrub.
  3. Summer makeup is perfect with a combination of juicy purple in the upper eyelid. Dark brown or any light matte shadows are applied by a poorly in the outside of the eyelids and make a soft transition. In the summer, it is not necessary to use ink, decorative bright pencils and oily eyelids, especially in the heat. They are suitable for evening randnev or party.
  4. For daily light meyk-apo eye, makeup artists recommend not to use bright shadows, fairly light tones with transitions into darker colors to emphasize the depth and expressiveness of the eyes. Clear and thick eyeliner lines will look prefigured and unnaturally, and the eye pencil should be carefully cut.

Evening version

Beautiful evening makeup can be done independently, if you adhere to the above rules. If the eye iris has a gentle-golden edging, then for evening makeup will wait for gold, pinkish and peach shadows. Ugly and tender shades give light shadows on the inner zone of the eyelids.

For a festive evening, a combination of deep-emerald shadows with shades of brown and gold is perfectly suitable. You can cut the eyes of a brownish, not a black carcass. An excessive ending in the evening makeup should also be avoided. No need to look too morning and vulgar. Ideal to place accents - to make a thin, and the cilia are fluffy.

East or Arabic Makeup for Brown Eye

Eastern beauties stand out by the beauty of their attractive dark eyes. You can recreate all the secrets of their makeup on your own. The main accents put on expressive eyes and clearly defined eyebrows.

Arabic or oriental makeup provides for the mandatory application of a liquid eyeliner. On centuries make a clear and bright line, slightly withdrawing it beyond the upper eyelid. Such arrows give the eyes of the almond shape.

The shadows for oriental makeup choose 2 tones, best with pearl, rather than matte texture, because oriental makeup more refer to the evening options of Make-APA. Brunettes with dark eyes are suitable silver, purple, brown, lilac shadows, blondes are perfect dark pink, sand, beige tones. Brows lengthen the dark pencil slightly, making them expressive.

Brown eyes are always associated with passion and romance. Girls with brown eyes captivated many great people. Such eyes are considered magnetic and even mystical. The ability to emphasize it with cosmetics makes a woman irresistible.

Makeup for brown eyes should be started not from the classic steps to apply carcass or eyeliner. Finish the main makeup of easy skin training.

If you see swelling, redness or swelling on the eyelids (any fatigue symptoms), then make a mask or use special correctors. Then the skin must be added smooth and clean.

To the eyes were the only bright focus on the face. In small quantities, evenly apply tone cream and powder on the skin of the face.

When choosing a carcass, do not use the shadows of silver or gray. Also avoid terracotch colors. Makeup artists recommend even a light makeup for brown eyes only taking into account the type of skin and hair tone.

Blondes are better suited tones calm. For brunettes, the makeup artists are used in Make-Up catchy tones. Expressive make-up needs to be done with eyeliner. Oriental makeup is very carbonized girls. The eyeliner is applied with a smooth line.

Try to make it closer to the line of the eyelashes (the line it must be expanded to the outer corner) and in the eyelid the lower as thinner as possible.

Thanks to this technique, the eyeliner will make the eyes of the almond-shaped. It will give them a charming riddle. Color eyeliner should be chosen, repel from the shadows.

In addition to the classics of black (brown), you can safely experiment. Try purple or pink.

Volume and length are attached to ink. Mascara should choose only black. Barglazy ladies should not paint the eyelashes of brown inkling, or gray. If desired, you can use cosmetics of alternative colors (turquoise, greens). To add volume, before applying mascara - lightly sweep the eyelashes.

Step-by-step makeup instructions for brown eyes

  1. Stress the contour of the eyes with a cosmetic pencil (or eyeliner).
  2. Apply shadows (choose only one or two shades). Dark tone is used for external corners. Light - for internal. Growing to give naturally color transitions.
  3. Apply mascara. When applying a carcass, the main thing is not to overdo it. Kraft eyelashes no more than two layers. Before the second layer, you need to give a carcass to dry, so that the kids are not formed, and the eyelashes themselves did not glue.

Evening makeup for brown eyes

For evening make-up you can use a catchy palette. It may include from 2 to 4 tones.

Use your own taste and do not overdo the color brightness. They must be combined, otherwise the extravagant makeup in his eyes can become tasteless and spoil all the impression.

The main steps:

  • Select the dominant shade from the selected color palette and apply it.
  • Along the folds on the skin apply the color, which will be darker to one tone. Next, apply the remaining tones and growing.
  • To get a classic dark makeup for brown eyes, add contrast touches - they will increase expressiveness. If the eyes are narrow, then the contrast bar should be done in the inner age. If the eyes are big, then make a bright bar in the outdoor century.
  • Take the eyes with black eyeliner.

Beautiful Day Makeup for Brown Eye

Casual Make-Up does not require a clear. Brown eyes have great expressiveness, even with a minimum of cosmetics to make a proper impression.

Use gold tones (possibly purple) if you have dark hair. Pastel tones are perfect for blondes. You can still pay attention to the light purple.

Casual makeup for brown eyes does not imply the use of eyeliner. If you emphasize the contour, it is still necessary, it is better to make shades.

Makeup Features for Karglase Blondes

Blonde girl is better to use a bright gamut. Choose tender and calm tones.

The main steps:

  • Correction of problem areas of the skin, applying the basics of makeup. If the eyebrows are blonde - tun them.
  • Choose and apply shadows (pastel or other light). Pearl shades do not use, in the photo makeup for brown eyes, it can be seen how such solutions create an impression of swelling.
  • Put the eyeliner. Black color. Test and growing a line on the lower eyelids. Pearl shadows are recommended to apply along the eyebrows, they visually reveal the look.
  • Apply a black mascara on the eyelashes.

Makeup Features for Brunette Brunettes

Girls with black or dark rusia hair are very spectacular due to contrast with light skin. This image is easy to spoil if it is overloaded with "heavy" eye makeup.

Brunettes should be accent only on the lips, or only in front of her eyes. The palette for brunettes is very wide. You can use bright tones.

Boldly and relevant the colors of berry and tone "cyclamen". Brunettes with the eyes of a chanda-green color is better to use the shadows purple.

Photo of ideas and makeup new products for brown eyes

Usually the focus is on the eyes. Having reached them with black arrows, it will be possible to achieve a deep look and focus on their beauty. Blondes with blond eyes are especially important to make eyebrows and eyelashes noticeable. The color of the pencil or carcass also depends on the skin tone and hair shade. It is important to make an image spectacular, but not vulgar. Makeup for brown eyes is the danger of using an excessive amount of shades, because their owner and so bright and irresistible.

Properly selected skillful makeup will allow the girl to show personality, emphasize the merits and hide minor flaws of appearance. The selection of cosmetics is a difficult question that requires both fantasies and careful coordination of all shades. Before each season, stylists talk about fashion trends, but the choice always remains for the girl.

Dumpless brown eyes are so fascinating that few men can note such a nuance as their exact color. But there are almost black eyes, and with the addition of nut and greenish pigment.

Win deal shades of shadows for brown eyes - all gamma beige-brown and gray. They are combined with the outfit of any color and allow the girl to emphasize the depth of view.

Light or silver shadows applied to the upper eyelid will help refresh the image. Other shades are green, swamp, blue or gentle pink - must cross the dress or other accessories.

Now in the trend arrows. The carragelasm girls will suit the dark pencil, since their eyelashes are most often black. But the mascara can be any, even playful emerald. Experiments with its color also at the peak of fashion.

Basic Rules and Tricks Makeup:

  • blur and growing clear lines to achieve Smoke-Ice effect;
  • the lower eyelid is better not to let the pencil, but use only shadows, increasing the size of the eye;
  • eyebrows give the shape and tinted with a pencil repeating hair color;
  • disguise dark circles under the eyes of the consilet so that the face seemed to be fresh and rested;
  • use pearl shadows to create a more delicate image.

Makeup for brown eyes of various shades

Consider the best makeup options for brown eyes, taking into account their shade. The main task of the procedure is to make a face expressive and show the flavored taste of the girl. The daily makeup is better to perform in beige-brown tones, and evening - in contrasting, brighter shades.

For dark brown eyes

Casual eye shadow is better to choose a beige and orange gamma. Two and more different colors will give their eyes the volume and make makeup more interesting.

The procedure for applying is.

  1. Conduct a thin brush with rich-beige shadows under the eyebrows to give them volume.
  2. The space from the rolling age to the eyebrow to make up a light base.
  3. Apply peach shadows from the inner corner of the eye until the middle of the century and slightly above the folds.
  4. Use a brown color for an outer corner of the eye with an intercession of 3-4 mm above the fold
  5. The border between the bright and dark shades neatly growing.
  6. Cut the black pencil arrows protruding for an outer corner no more than 2 mm. White pencil allocate the inner line of the lower eyelid.
  7. Eyelashes cover black ink.

For "ordinary" brown eyes

If a green or yellow pigment is immeasured and the color of the eye of a flat brown shade, you can use the shadows of the pink and gray or beige gamut.

Makeup application instruction.

For light brown eyes

Shades shades and pencil should be selected gentle than in the first two versions, and the inner corner of the eye and the part of the lower century to peel into silver shadows to it.

Differences in Makeup Karglase Blondes and Brunettes

The artists of the Renaissance loved to portray on their faces of the "summer" type girls - blondes with brown eyes. Dark eyes gave them to their air innocent image of seriousness and often sadness. So, Madonna Raphael, holding a baby in the hands of his hands, looks at the world sad and extensively.

Brunette brunettes in the works of writers and artists more often appear beautiful sorcerers and fatal women. Their appearance is very bright and catchy.

Usually the skin tone is darker than blondes. In order not to overload the image, it is better to stop on a monochrome brown or olive range of shadows for day makeup. In the evening, lilac, blue and gold shades are allowed.

Blonde girls leather tender shade, so the shadows should be applied with sand, beige or nude colors and avoid a black pencil for drawing the arrows.

Various Make-up techniques

Fashion now admits everything: both classics and retro, and even an exotic ethnic. The main thing is to choose shades and style adorning appearances. You can see the methods of applying makeup for brown eyes on video, but the final decision every girl takes on its own.

There are several techniques that make a sensual look, and the face is incredibly attractive, given the peculiarities of appearance.

The upper eyelid is desirable to carry out a liner, and brown or gray shadows are completely suitable for the lower. They visually expand their eyes and make a glance. Choosing an emphasis on the shadows in makeup, you should choose as a variety of contrasting palette.

Topping from light to dark, you can use ocher, dark beige and brown shades or pearl-pink, lilac and gray. It is important to carefully grow the boundaries and use at least three colors of the shadows.

With arrows

The arrows are drawn from an inner corner of the eye to the external. Stylists offer both clear wide lines and a thin eyeliner made between eyelashes. What technique of applying to stop, tells the style of clothing and mood. Less noticeable arrows involve makeup in the natural range.

Step-by-step instructions for the creation of "smoky" makeup includes the following actions.

  1. Circuit with a black eyeliner or pencil arrow along the upper age and fold, combining their elegant corner in the area of \u200b\u200bthe outer corner of the eye.
  2. Use the monochrome range of shadows of 3-4 shades, applying them in order from the light to the dark and filling the surface of the century, circled with lines. Borders to grow.
  3. Lower eyelid to circle with a black pencil. The wide line of arrows is additionally covered with dark gray shadows.
  4. The inner corner of the eye can be isolated by a wide fuzzy smear of a white pencil.

Depending on the choice of color shadows, the spectacular stylish makeup is permissible to use both in the afternoon and in the evening.

For diagonal eyes

Eyes are called diagonal, if the outer corner is located noticeably above the internal. At the same time, they will not necessarily be narrow. To emphasize the unusual of the eye shape will help the wide line of the arrow, spent on the upper age of the inner corner of the eye to the external and higher, towards the temple.

The lower eyelid will be burned with a thin dark liner, and a part between the eye and eyelashes is a white pencil. Cream shadows are superimposed on the upper eyelid. At the end of the outer corner and the surface above the folds are painted with marsh or gray.

For eyes with hanging eyelids

It is best to hide this feature will damage the folds and surfaces above it. It should be remembered that the skin under the eyebrow must be left light so that the shadows and eyebrows do not merge, creating a gothic image. It is best to add a highlighting eyebrows.

Perfect "Smokey Ice". This makeup technique will hide the hindy eyelid and emphasize the individuality.

The volume of makeup will give brilliant glitter shadows that distract attention from a small problem.

Makeup types for carbohydrate girls

Each event requires a special approach to the choice of cosmetics. , shadows, lipstick should be perfectly combined with an outfit and attach integrity and completion.

Day Makeup

Naturalness and refinement are the basic principles of day makeup. The beige gamma of the shadows admits an addition in the form of a peach or dark-swamp shade in the case of a presence in the iris similar pigment. An eyebrow pencil should repeat the hair color or be on the tone lighter.

evening make-up

For a celebration, presentation or parties will suit the wicked shadows. The sequins will make eyes shine, and the liquid eyeliner of black, blue or emerald color will emphasize their depth. Lips can be made of pearl lipstick so that makeup is harmonious.

Casual Makeup

Covered with mascara, slightly curled eyelashes immediately "will open the" look and emphasize the beauty of the eyes. Because of dark girls, the upper eyelid often seems dark, makeup for the owners of brown eyes and dark hair should include applying cream shadows on it.

Wedding make-up

The joyful event lasts long and suggests feast, contests and dances. A huge number of photos will also be made on which the bride should be irresistible and impeccable.

It is necessary to choose the waterproof elements of makeup so that throughout the celebration do not correct them. The mascara, pearl shadow in the inner corner of the eye and the alley of anthracite, and the black eyeliner will become a good option.

Highlighting the eyes, do not need to cover the lips of red lipstick, especially during the day. Too many accents distract attention from the eyes.

At the moment, cosmetic firms offer many options for overhead eyelashes. Taking advantage of them, it will be possible to save time on makeup and feel comfortable during the day.

Makeup for brown eyes and light hair is distinguished by non-lass shades. Beautifully look at the ages of pearl shadows and arrows drawn by brown or gray pencil.


The most charming and well-kept woman will not cause admiration if there is no shine in her eyes, but on the lips smile. No wonder the men from the first meeting falls in love with the girls with the "lights" and a sense of humor.

The energetic positive girlfriend is able to give faith in itself and make communication with joyful and cheerful, and then the strong half of humanity will not want to take a look from her burning brown eyes, decorated with the right make-up.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, I am the author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "Alma-Press" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently, help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge positive and give inspiration. In my free time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about the epoch. I offer you articles capable of captivate a new hobby or just give pleasant moments. You need to dream of beautiful, then it will come true!

Women want to look beautifully always - not only at a solemn event, but also in everyday life. If an abundance of cosmetics can be used for the holiday, then on weekdays it is better to give preference to a low-speed, accurate and most natural image, emphasizing its main advantages. It can be said that the carbon-eyed girls are very lucky - the whole color palette at their disposal. But some subtleties are still there. From this article you will learn what casual makeup for brown eyes will be appropriate in any situation.

The palette is very wide - you can safely use bronze, chocolate, peach, green, purple and blue shades. Each of them will only strengthen the depth of your eyes and make it more expressive. Some colors can be successfully combined. By the way, it can afford not all girls. However, portrait beauties can be played in contrasts of beige and bronze shades, white and lilac. However, it is necessary to be careful not to create a complete buckwax.

Performing day makeup for brown eyes, you can not neglected with such factors as skin tone, hair color and clothing. These nuances play a huge role in the integrity and harmoniousness of the image. Consider several examples.

  1. Blonde girl is better to stay on the palette of beige, sandy and dark pink shades. In some cases, you can use any green shadow.
  2. If you have a dark skin, then olive brown tones are more suitable.
  3. Brown eyes and dark hair create an image that is expressive in itself. Chocolate, black, silver and soft pink shadows will help him to give it depth and seduction.
  4. Flooking girls are more suitable cold tones - blue or greenish.

Makeup secrets for brown eyes

The choice will depend on the intensity of the color of your eyes. Therefore, before making everyday makeup for brown eyes, we recommend that you explore small tips.

  1. With almost black eyes will be harmonized with shades intensity. But they will certainly need to be neutralized with lighter pigments.
  2. Typical brown color is the most unpretentious. It combines almost all the color gamut: purple, lilac, copper, bronze, green, gold and many others. There are no strict restrictions in the choice, so be boldly experiment.
  3. Light brown eyes are amazing by themselves. They have some none of mysteriousness and elegance. It is important not to rearrange with the abundance and intensity of cosmetics. Avoid dark shadows, and the eyeliner use predominantly brown.
  4. Another striking option is nut. It is perfectly shaped with light pigments and colored eyeliner - dark brown, bronze or purple.

Important Day Makeup Nuances

Day makeup will always be successful if you adhere to some elementary rules. You can use muted shades or bright juicy paint - this is the matter of your taste and mood. But it is important to remember about some moments:

  • it is necessary to combine shades correctly;
  • apply cosmetics extremely neat;
  • pay more attention to the alignment of the facial tone.

These rules should always be kept in the head and apply in practice, making day makeup. Regardless of the style and color palette, the sequence of your actions should be standard.

  1. Applying a matting tone cream.
  2. Correction of the area around the eye by consilers.
  3. Application on the eyelids of the tonal basis. It is necessary for the cosmetics to keep longer.

After that, you can safely perform everyday makeup for brown eyes. And, of course, enjoy the result.

Option of simple makeup for every day

Despite the fact that natural makeup seems extremely simple, it takes exactly the same time as to create a bright and daring evening image. Therefore, be sure to be patient. Strictly follow all instructions, creating impeccable meycap.

  1. On the top eyelid, apply delicate peach shadows. Try to lay the layer very thin and uniform.
  2. The area under the outer corner of eyebrows is treated with a brighter tone up to white. It is slightly lifting the eyelid and make a look more open.
  3. Apply the same color to the site between eyebrows and an inner corner of the eye.
  4. The external part of the century with a wide brush slightly touch with gray shadows and grow well enough to not be noticeable boundaries between pigments.
  5. These shadows highlight the outer corner of the eye, but not too intense.
  6. The middle part emphasize the lighter tone.
  7. With the help of a thin brush with gray shadows, spend not too wide strip along the growth line of the eyelashes, and then brown at the bottom century.
  8. Now make a thinner and clear touch using a liquid eyeliner.
  9. On the eyelashes, apply a moderate amount of carcass, trying to separate and lift them.

That's all - expressive and fairly light makeup for brown eyes are ready. You can admire your excellent reflection in the mirror! In order for you to learn new ideas and inspiration for the class Maikapa, we have prepared for you several photos with a very stylish and relevant makeup for brown eyes for every day.

In this article, we told you all about the choice of shades, shared the main rules for creating an impeccable image and led an example with step-by-step photos and explanations. In conclusion, we suggest you watch a video of charming Mary, which will show how to make a wonderful daily meicap for brown eyes.