Mint's Cat Grass: For what it needs and why she likes cats. Drugs are dedicated to whether mint from smoking

When studying plants, you can encounter unusual facts and names. Faithful mint is found, for which it needs and whether it is applied towards people - it is interested in owners of pets.

Cat and cat mint - these are 2 compatible concepts

Each owner of the cat has noticed more than once that acquiring a new toy, cats begin to actively play and chew with it. All this happens not because our favorite liked the thing, but because inside such toys, as a rule, there is a grass that produces the same effect on cats as Valerian. This plant got the name of the cat mint, or a kittnik. Such a strange title of grass received only because cats love her.

The beneficial properties of Kotovnik

Cat and cat mint are 2 compatible concepts. No wonder this very name was exactly the name. Quite often, veterinarians use the cat in medicinal purposes.

Such a strange name of grass received only because cats love her

Cat mint for cats can perform the so-called behavior corrective. Some owners thanks to the use of this grass cope with excessive aggression of their pets. If you give a cat a few pieces of feline mint, the behavior becomes more affectionate and calm.

At the same time, it is recommended to use the kitneck and for the sluggish and lazy cat, which is used to sleep most of the time and eat. Feline mint positively affects such passive pets and makes them more playful and active.

An equally important aspect is that the kittnik has so-called bactericidal effects and can remove spasms in the stomach of your pet and eliminate excessive pain if necessary. Experienced veterinarians argue that mint cat is considered a quality tool for cats from stressful situations. Thanks to the reception of several leaves of this plant, your favorite pet will be able to transfer long trips and hiking to the doctor without fear.

A question may arise whether this grass does not affect the fifty just like drugs per person. Professionals argue that there is no. The most important thing is not to let the animal to the grass daily in unlimited quantities.

Such cats for cats of this plant contributed to the release of numerous toys for cats. Essential oils of this grass are often added to special brates, which attract the attention of cats. The owners will make their own furniture and walls.

Also, veterinarians say that dried grass can be applied in the absence of appetite in the pets. In addition to the foregoing, the plant has a fairly powerful anti-chain effect. If this grass does not grow in your area, it is possible to grow it at home. Her seeds are sold in any pet store.

Cat reaction on a wand with feline mint (video)

Does the Kotovnik need people?

Feline mint can affect not only cats, but also on people. The composition of this plant contains a huge number of essential oils, which are very often used in medicine and perfumery. Mint's cat is extremely rich in Vitamin C, thanks to which various chambers of healing and healing teas are made.

Also, veterinarians say that dried grass can be applied in the absence of appetite pets

Kotovnik has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the use of this herb, you can eliminate inflammation of any kind. If it is connected with the wounds, it is necessary to make a bumber and compresses. When it comes to inflammation of the internal organs, it is better to drink teas from this plant.

Pleasant mint fragrance contributes to the reassurance of the nervous system. It can be said that mint cat can lower emotional overexcitation and eliminate stress not only in cats, but also in humans.

Often, the cottberry is used to eliminate unpleasant gastric spasms, colic and bloating. In slower metabolism, this plant can also be used. Often, mint cat acts as a soft painkiller. For example, if you have a tooth hurt, and there is no opportunity to visit the clinic, then you can rinse the oral cavity with a tincture prepared from this plant, and for a while the pain subsides.

Often this grass is attributed to a strong cough. This agent stimulates the active expectoration of sputum of bronchi. Often, doctors advise rinse the throat with a decoction from the kittnik, as it ceases to hurt faster.

Many people this plant attracts the same way as cats, so they are often wondering if it is possible to smoke a cat in ordinary doses for man instead of ordinary cigarettes sold in stalls of tobacco products. Numerous studies have shown that smoking of this plant does not cause a human dependence, as many narcotic substances. But despite this, it is not recommended to smoke with cats.

After heating the plant, it highlights a lot of poisonous resins, like a simple tobacco. Due to frequent smoking of Kotovnik, problems with the respiratory system and other organ systems may arise. But on the other hand, mint can not be called more harmful to health than tobacco, which is part of each cigarette.

Mint cat is a useful plant for both animals and people. But it benefits only when it is properly used.

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Recently, information on meat smoking is widely spread, but not everyone knows what consequences this harmless prank can turn into. That is why it is necessary to approach the consideration of this issue in more detail and warn from the wrong act, which can seriously harm human health.

Smoking mint can cause hallucinations and the highest content of the active substance is contained in a feline mint. The plant was called for the fact that this kind of Asian plant is actively used as a soothing and pacifying means for wild cats, which it accounted for, just as homemade cats are not indifferent to Valerian. When smoking foliage of this plant, people may experience a similar effect. Perhaps this is exactly what attracts young people who want to experience the "buzz."

The impact of feline mint on the body

Many young people are interested, is it possible to smoke mint? The answer is ambiguous. In fact, it is allowed and not punishable by applicable law. However, before making a tight, think, and is it necessary? What the consequences will be unknown, but harm is harmful to the body.

For the preparation of one portion, 100 grams of feline mint will be required. It is desirable to take well-dried crushed leaves for this. To obtain the effect, smoking the grass is not necessary, it can be chewing or cook tea from it. Considering that she quickly turns into ashes, some craftsmen mix it with ordinary tobacco and even marijuana. In the last variant, the maximum possible hallucinogenic effect is achieved.

Quickly dry any plant can be putting the leaves on a plate into the microwave for 10-30 seconds.

The choice of pepper mint is safer. In small quantities, it is able to save you from high temperature, migraine and cope with stressful situations. For this, smoking is not necessary. It is better to brew healing herbal tea, taking only 30 grams of crushed dry foliage. As a matter of fact, smoking the mint of the list of proper desired effect does not give, besides the unpleasant odor and the taste.

Answering a question whether it is possible to smoke with mint, it is worth noting only that it is capable of giveing \u200b\u200ba relaxing effect, like the roots of Valerians. Only for some instant it is possible to feel some joy, calm and soaring feeling. But after that, the headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, temperature increase and other signs of intoxication will immediately follow.

What will happen if you smoke mint?

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According to the original, smoking mint smoking is accompanied by a disgusting taste and subsequent specific smell, which will accompany you for a long time. In combination with tobacco, the smell first reminds Melissa, but only before it does not begin to smooth. For a short period of time, feelings are exacerbated, lightness appears (as well as I want to flutter), the colors become brighter, the sensitivity also increases. But the pacifying state at which you enjoy life, long lasts. After that, I want to run, jump and frolic. There is a feeling of some panic. And in conclusion, an increased sense of hunger with fatigue.

However, for these wonderful few minutes you will have to pay a rather painful state. To enhance the effect of mint it is better to smoke together with a conventional smoking tobacco. In fact, the same effect occurs as when using marijuana, but in a lighter form. In some cases, mint is used to refuse cigarettes faster, because With another tightening, nausea occurs, leading to disgust and moral abandonment of such a harmful habit. It can not please and the formation of rather caustic smoke.

Video: Guys smoke mint from nothing to do)

The peppermint has numerous useful properties, but if it is used as an smoking composition, be prepared for coughing, problems with nervous and cardiovascular systems. Heart and easy to touch unequivocally.

Stunning euphoria, smoothly flowing in a splash of energy, passes after 15 minutes. For its extraordinary impact in some countries, this plant has already been noted as a narcotic agent, like marijuana and other similar preparations. With repeated use, a more persistent dependence may occur, to get rid of which it will be difficult and in moral, and physiological plan, as from nicotine with tobacco smoke. Therefore, it is better not to try at all and do not kill your body for the for the fleet of the fleeting effect.

Now you know what cats and peppermint are used as smoking mixtures. We recommend not to start trying, from which then it will be quite difficult to refuse, and there will be no special joy.

In pursuit of getting a buzz, teenagers are sometimes ready to make really stupid and rapid acts. What is the most interesting, many of them try something new in the hope of experiencing incomparable sensations. Next, you will learn about the strangest ways, with which American teenagers "catch" a buzz.

The abuse of inhalants or "stimuli" is an old American, you can say Dedovsky, the method of receiving a cheap buzz. It is known for a long time. Flakes with aerosols can be found in most homes, and it is easy to buy them enough. But inhalation of hydrocarbons creates a sense of temporary paralysis and oxygen deficiency. It may also lead to damage to the internal organs and cause death. Parents recommend paying attention to the weirdness in the sentence of adolescents, extended pupils and quickly ending aerosols.

Another substance from the drug category "stimuli" is naphthalene balls. The gas released by naphthalene balls is intended to keep hungry insects away from your clothing. But it turns out that he also attracts teenagers who hoped to get a buzz. After inhalation, teenagers lose coordination, their skin can become "scaly", as the body tries to bring the chemicals that they inhale. In any case, it is stupid. It may lead to the strongest poisoning of the body.

This method stands out in the list, because it is not a drug. Teens do it to achieve the same effect as the use of irritants. In short, games with asphysee are to stop the inflow of blood to the brain to such an extent that a person faints or begins to lose consciousness. As soon as the blood flow to the brain is restored, the explosion of oxygen in the brain creates a feeling of euphoria. But as they say, you can rearrange.

Antiseptic gel.
He is supposed to be applied to your hands to kill the microbes. Some adolescents decided that they could drink him and intoxicate. Some antiseptic gels contain more than 60% ethanol. This means that a pair of drops are equivalent to a pair of a glass of vodka. As in the case of conventional alcoholic beverages, it can lead to serious side effects, including the weakening of the motor function, the loss of memory, damage to the internal organs and an increase in blood sugar.

If the study of drugs did not show you anything surprising among the fact that teenagers are ready to eat, drink or smoke to get a buzz, meet the cat mint.

Listening to people know cat mint as a plant that makes your cat behave in idiot. Mint's cat was actually used by people in the 1960s as an alternative to marijuana. The quirk returned, as teenagers began to use a feline drug to get their own buzz and take away the buzz from their cats. Edible or smoked, mint cat can cause relaxation, moderate euphoria or dizziness. Side effects include nausea, headaches and people riding you. If you notice that a teenager, meowoka rides around the shirts of yarn, do not doubt, it is a cat mint.

Known as a hippie crack, nitrogen rushing is a very famous drug. In addition, it is used by dentistists and speed lovers. The most affordable source of the drug is the dairy department of the grocery store. In banks with whipped cream, nitrogen is used in order to extract the product from the bank. Inhale this substance (nitrogen, and not whipped cream) causes euphoria. But it can also cause frostbite, damage to the internal organs, suffocation and death. National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that over a year more than 700,000 adolescents tried such inhalants such as nitrogen rushing. But the data is not limited to adolescents. Even Demi Moore was hospitalized after reportedly, nitrogen took up.

Freon - gas used in freezers and refrigerators. If you breathe it, you will get a buzz. Teens found out that the usual home air conditioner also contains Freon. According to reports they use scolding to inhale gas. In recent years, technical staff and repairmen report an increase in the number of complaints related to the loss of Freon in air conditioners. In addition to Euphoria, Freon can cause the liver, heart and brain damage, as well as death. It can also cause severe frostbite face and lungs.

There is a new term for the drug that is used today - Beezin '. This applies to adolescents who found a fancy way to use Burt's Bees products to get a buzz. Burt's bees produce a line of natural and organic products that include toothpastes, shampoos and balms. Teens found that the use of a lip balm company on the centuries can cause a feeling of euphoria. Experts believe that this effect causes pepper-mint oil. Side effects are not yet known, but boredom who caused a desire to try this should be alarming.

This method does not require any substances, it uses music to get a "digital kayfa". With the help of headphones, a person listens to various sounds or bits in each ear. The result is that the listener feels the wonderful sound of "inside the head". Some reported feelings and sensations as when used marijuana or acid. Experts say that music can break the vital rhythms of the body and sleep cycles.

Teenagers love to use things not by appointment. Over the past few years, a jump in the bizarre methods of alcohol consumption was noted. It turns out that the teenagers liked to soak tampons with vodka and they introduce them to where the sun does not shine, or poured vodka directly into the eyes. The logic is simple - a thinner skin membrane and a high concentration of blood vessels in these "specific" places allow alcohol to be absorbed faster. This is true, but the problem is that alcohol comes directly in the bloodstream in a higher concentration than if it was first treated with the liver. This can lead to alcohol poisoning or eye damage and "chocolate eye".

Yes, right, nutmeg.

The Iron Oil Oil contains a small amount of myristicin, a psychotropic drug. Teens eat, drink and smoke this spice to get some kind of buzz. The sensations that are reported to vary from a small "hum" in the head to hallucinations. Side effects sound more serious. They include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness.

It's just stupid. In American schools there is a comic draw, when they ask to eat something or shove something into the nose. It turns out, now it has become fashionable to inhale candy. The only thing worth saying about this "trend is that one of the side effects is the possibility of obtaining nasal larvae.

Jenkem - Human waste. The use of Jenkem on reports began in Africa in the 1990s. The first information about Jenkem appeared at the beginning of this century, but soon the information was denied, and translated everything in a joke. Logically (if we can use this word in this article) Inhalation of naturally manufactured methane contributes to any "kaif". However, if adolescents are ready to inhale candy and smoke a nutmeg, we are ready to bet that somewhere there is a group of adolescents who tried to use shit. All this is so funny that it has the right to be number 1 in this list.

Most popular thanks to rapera in the 1990s, Purple Drank, also known as Texas Tea, Sizzurp, or Just "Drank", another substance that continues to use adolescents to get a buzz. Purple Drank - cough medicine mixed with Sprite or Mountain Dew and sometimes candy to add sweets. At the heart of this mixture, the drug contained in cough medicine. Popularized hip-hop culture, and reports used by Justin Biber, Purple Drank causes moderate euphoria. It also causes lethargy and drowsiness and, if you take a sufficiently high dose, can slow down the nervous system and make a person stop breathing. High sugar content also leads to an excessive increase in weight and destruction of teeth.

Activates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes digestion. Kotovnik Extract - a safe natural agent that is gently and efficiently copes with problems. In stress and alarming states you need to take champs, infusion or capsules and periodic headaches, too, what is if you smoke with mint after taking this medication. The essential oil of feline mint has a characteristic lemon odor, so it is used in perfumery.

First of all, it positively affects the nervous system - soothes, relieves anxiety, irritation and removes the consequences of stress. The brawl of the Kotovnik helps to cope with strong headaches and migraines.

The grass is very useful and for the gastrointestinal tract: mint can be given in poisoning, it acts as an absorbent, with diarrhea and indiscriminate stomach. Decorations and infancy can be used as a disinfectant and antibacterial agent. In reasonable quantities, it can be applied to improving sleep.

Drugs are dedicated

If a person is constantly experiencing stress, feel fatigue and anxiety, then this plant is better suitable as a light sleeping bag, because it calms the nervous system and improves the fallback. To improve sleep and as a sleeping pill, you can still use Ashwaganda and Melatonin. Therefore, the smoking of feline mint is better to refrain. Some researchers argue that it is still possible to combine this grass with tobacco, so there will be less harm to smoking. For medicinal purposes it is better to use decoctions, teas or capsules.

Now cigarettes with cloves what is if you smoke mint smit less tax and therefore, in most Asian countries, smokers prefer precisely. Sage sage hallucinogen free access. For smoking, the average dose of salvinarine is only 0.5 mg per person with medium sensitivity and mass. Based on the concentration of salvinarine in the leaves of this plant, the MG of middle leaves contain a sufficient amount of salvinarine to cause psychoactive hallucinogenic effects.

Cat mint cats just beetted from this grass, maybe even more than from Valerian. So why would a person do not handle? In some countries, the leaves of feline mint smoke separately or in a mixture with an equal amount of tobacco.

The corn is not all corn, of course, and corn hairs farmers smoked a long time ago when the tobacco prices were very high. Of the effects, only improvements in people suffering from incontinence are noted. Bananas in bananas, namely in banana peel contains a small amount of the substance "Musa Sapientum Bananadine", which is a light psychedelic of short-term action.

  • Is it possible to smoke mint: reasons and effect
  • By the way, who smokes? (8 photos)
  • What will happen if you smoke mint?

And you need to collect 7 kg.

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02/19/2018 Luke: 03/03/2018 PAEFEGO: 03/05/2018 Justpival: 02.24.2018 Evdokia: 03/04/2018 Stanislav:03/08/2018 Yakov:

Mint pepper, which is often confused with Melissa (mint lemon, In fact, not a plant of the genus of mint at all), long and successfully used in pharmacology. The peppermint is a cultural hybrid of wild species - mint of water and mint garden, in which a person has strengthened beneficial features Because of the plants known to him. It was obtained in the 17th century on a foggy albion; And before that, folk healers used her direct relatives - cat and wilderness.

Currently, drugs are used predominantly peppermint, due to the increased content of terpenes, flavonoids, and, of course, menthola is the famous mint essential oil. Important active substances are lemonins, bitterness, tubectors, eucalyptus oil, rosemary and coffee-acids. Almost all parts of the plant go to the move, but the most popular drugs based on mint leaves are most popular.
Mint, except for antiseptic and deeperating action, also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves fatigue and removes the symptoms of irritability. Therefore, many drugs manufactured for smokers include a mint component. In addition, mint fragrance provides healthy sleep and eliminates headaches.

Apply mint can be used in different ways. For example, rub 10% oil in the head and whiskey with headaches. Insomnia and nightmares (and this is hardly possible to avoid at first after the abandonment of nicotine) can be defeated by filling the pillowcase with a small pillow with dried mint leaves and putting it next to the headboard. Mint tea tones, returns the lost taste for a healthy life and optimizes the digestion chronically oppressed by nicotine.
Make it like this: a tablespoon of dried mint leaves with a slide pour a glass of boiling water. Then it is possible to strengthen for 8-10 minutes, filter and drink. Fresh mint leaves are also suitable for cooking herbal drink. There are 4 sheets on the cup. They are washed, finely chopped as welding, and poured boiling water. After half a minute, water drain and pour boiling water again. After that, insist 2 minutes and drink in warm form.

It is important to remember that mint tea is a means of irregular use. Long-term use can lead to undesirable effects!


Why cats love cat mint (video)

The beneficial properties of Kotovnik

Cat and cat mint are 2 compatible concepts. No wonder this very name was exactly the name. Quite often, veterinarians use the cat in medicinal purposes.

Cat mint for cats can perform the so-called behavior corrective. Some owners thanks to the use of this grass cope with excessive aggression of their pets. If you give a cat a few pieces of feline mint, the behavior becomes more affectionate and calm.

At the same time, it is recommended to use the kitneck and for the sluggish and lazy cat, which is used to sleep most of the time and eat. Feline mint positively affects such passive pets and makes them more playful and active.

An equally important aspect is that the kittnik has so-called bactericidal effects and can remove spasms in the stomach of your pet and eliminate excessive pain if necessary. Experienced veterinarians argue that mint cat is considered a quality tool for cats from stressful situations. Thanks to the reception of several leaves of this plant, your favorite pet will be able to transfer long trips and hiking to the doctor without fear.

A question may arise whether this grass does not affect the fifty just like drugs per person. Professionals argue that there is no. The most important thing is not to let the animal to the grass daily in unlimited quantities.

Such cats for cats of this plant contributed to the release of numerous toys for cats. Essential oils of this grass are often added to special brates, which attract the attention of cats. The owners will make their own furniture and walls.

Also, veterinarians say that dried grass can be applied in the absence of appetite in the pets. In addition to the foregoing, the plant has a fairly powerful anti-chain effect. If this grass does not grow in your area, it is possible to grow it at home. Her seeds are sold in any pet store.

Cat reaction on a wand with feline mint (video)

Does the Kotovnik need people?

Feline mint can affect not only cats, but also on people. The composition of this plant contains a huge number of essential oils, which are very often used in medicine and perfumery. Mint's cat is extremely rich in Vitamin C, thanks to which various chambers of healing and healing teas are made.

Kotovnik has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the use of this herb, you can eliminate inflammation of any kind. If it is connected with the wounds, it is necessary to make a bumber and compresses. When it comes to inflammation of the internal organs, it is better to drink teas from this plant.

Pleasant mint fragrance contributes to the reassurance of the nervous system. It can be said that mint cat can lower emotional overexcitation and eliminate stress not only in cats, but also in humans.

Often, the cottberry is used to eliminate unpleasant gastric spasms, colic and bloating. In slower metabolism, this plant can also be used. Often, mint cat acts as a soft painkiller. For example, if you have a tooth hurt, and there is no opportunity to visit the clinic, then you can rinse the oral cavity with a tincture prepared from this plant, and for a while the pain subsides.

Often this grass is attributed to a strong cough. This agent stimulates the active expectoration of sputum of bronchi. Often, doctors advise rinse the throat with a decoction from the kittnik, as it ceases to hurt faster.

Many people this plant attracts the same way as cats, so they are often wondering if it is possible to smoke a cat in ordinary doses for man instead of ordinary cigarettes sold in stalls of tobacco products. Numerous studies have shown that smoking of this plant does not cause a human dependence, as many narcotic substances. But despite this, it is not recommended to smoke with cats.

After heating the plant, it highlights a lot of poisonous resins, like a simple tobacco. Due to frequent smoking of Kotovnik, problems with the respiratory system and other organ systems may arise. But on the other hand, mint can not be called more harmful to health than tobacco, which is part of each cigarette.

Mint cat is a useful plant for both animals and people. But it benefits only when it is properly used.

Why do mint smoke?

One of the plants, which often acts as a "filler" of cigarettes is mint. A characteristic pleasant smell makes mint attractive not only for cooking or perfumery, but also for smoking. However, it remains to be dealt with, whether it is possible to smoke this plant.

When trying to create a herbal cigarette, the choice does not fall on mint at odds. This plant has some attitude towards ordinary cigarettes. We are talking about cigarettes with menthol. True, there is no mint itself. Menthol is added to these cigarettes - a substance contained in mint essential oil. What will happen if smoking the mint itself, that is, its dried leaves?

Effect of smoking mint

Since the mint does not contain nicotine, it will not be able to satisfy nicotine hunger. It is believed that as a medicinal plant mint soothes and relaxes. However, it must be used in the form of tea or bravery, and not to inhale the smoke from its burning. When smoking mint in the mouth, a pleasant taste remains, but no more sensations do not give such smoking.

A much more dangerous version of mint smoking - when the leaves of this plant are processed by any synthetic drug. In this case, the mint itself protrudes only the basis that can be "scored" into the cigarettes, and the drunk effect comes not from it, but from a narcotic substance.

No specific harm to the body smoking mint does not cause. This means that the harm from smoking mint is not connected with the plant itself, but with the fact of inhalation of hot smoke, saturated with carbon monoxide and other harmful substances formed during burning. Despite the presence of some harm, such smoking is considered to be more secure than smoking ordinary cigarettes. In this regard, special herbal cigarettes are created for the abandon from smoking, in which the mint is also very often contained along with other components. Such pendant cigarettes are an alternative to tablets, gums or nicotine pockets. They allow you to overcome the physiological dependence on nicotine. Psychological dependence on the smoking process remains.

Thus, it can be said that smoking mint is quite acceptable. Compared to the smoking of the usual tobacco, smoking the mint turns out to be more secure, and as a result, it can contribute to the complete abandonment of smoking. If a person smokes mint for the sake of obtaining special sensations, then there is no point in that. Mint does not contain any components that can cause narcotic intoxication. Maximum what can be obtained if you smoke mint - an unusual taste in the mouth and the lack of tobacco smell.

Smoking often pushes people to different experiments. By and large, in the cigarette paper, any dried and crushed plant can be wrapped, and in this sense you can smoke at least that. As part of their experiments, people try to smoke tea, different medicinal plants. Some do it in search of new sensations, others - in attempts to abandon real cigarettes. Teenagers can simultaneously join smoking.

Why do mint smoke?

One of the plants, which often acts as a "filler" of cigarettes is mint. A characteristic pleasant smell makes mint attractive not only for cooking or perfumery, but also for smoking. However, it remains to be dealt with, whether it is possible to smoke this plant.

When trying to create a herbal cigarette, the choice does not fall on mint at odds. This plant has some attitude towards ordinary cigarettes. We are talking about cigarettes with menthol. True, there is no mint itself. Menthol is added to these cigarettes - a substance contained in mint essential oil. What will happen if smoking the mint itself, that is, its dried leaves?

Effect of smoking mint

Since the mint does not contain nicotine, it will not be able to satisfy nicotine hunger. It is believed that as a medicinal plant mint soothes and relaxes. However, it must be used in the form of tea or bravery, and not to inhale the smoke from its burning. When smoking mint in the mouth, a pleasant taste remains, but no more sensations do not give such smoking.

A much more dangerous version of mint smoking - when the leaves of this plant are processed by any synthetic drug. In this case, the mint itself protrudes only the basis that can be "scored" into the cigarettes, and the drunk effect comes not from it, but from a narcotic substance.

No specific harm to the body smoking mint does not cause. This means that the harm from smoking mint is not connected with the plant itself, but with the fact of inhalation of hot smoke, saturated with carbon monoxide and other harmful substances formed during burning. Despite the presence of some harm, such smoking is considered to be more secure than smoking ordinary cigarettes. In this regard, special herbal cigarettes are created for the abandon from smoking, in which the mint is also very often contained along with other components. Such pendant cigarettes are an alternative to tablets, gums or nicotine pockets. They allow you to overcome the physiological dependence on nicotine. Psychological dependence on the smoking process remains.

Thus, it can be said that smoking mint is quite acceptable. Compared to the smoking of the usual tobacco, smoking the mint turns out to be more secure, and as a result, it can contribute to the complete abandonment of smoking. If a person smokes mint for the sake of obtaining special sensations, then there is no point in that. Mint does not contain any components that can cause narcotic intoxication. Maximum what can be obtained if you smoke mint - an unusual taste in the mouth and the lack of tobacco smell.

The impact of feline mint on the body

Many young people are interested, is it possible to smoke mint? The answer is ambiguous.

The essence is allowed and is not punishable by applicable law. However, before making a tight, think, and is it necessary? What the consequences will be unknown, but harm is harmful to the body.

For the preparation of one portion, 100 grams of feline mint will be required. It is desirable to take well-dried crushed leaves for this. To obtain the effect, smoking the grass is not necessary, it can be chewing or cook tea from it. Considering that she quickly turns into ashes, some craftsmen mix it with ordinary tobacco and even marijuana. In the last variant, the maximum possible hallucinogenic effect is achieved.

Quickly dry any plant can be putting the leaves on a plate into the microwave for 10-30 seconds.

The choice of pepper mint is safer. In small quantities, it is able to save you from high temperature, migraine and cope with stressful situations. For this, smoking is not necessary. It is better to brew healing herbal tea, taking only 30 grams of crushed dry foliage. As a matter of fact, smoking the mint of the list of proper desired effect does not give, besides the unpleasant odor and the taste.

Answering a question whether it is possible to smoke with mint, it is worth noting only that it is capable of giveing \u200b\u200ba relaxing effect, like the roots of Valerians. Only for some instant it is possible to feel some joy, calm and soaring feeling. But after that, the headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, temperature increase and other signs of intoxication will immediately follow.

What will happen if you smoke mint?

According to the original, smoking mint smoking is accompanied by a disgusting taste and subsequent specific smell, which will accompany you for a long time. In combination with tobacco, the smell first reminds Melissa, but only before it does not begin to smooth. For a short period of time, feelings are exacerbated, lightness appears (as well as I want to flutter), the colors become brighter, the sensitivity also increases. But the pacifying state at which you enjoy life, long lasts. After that, I want to run, jump and frolic. There is a feeling of some panic. And in conclusion, an increased sense of hunger with fatigue.

However, for these wonderful few minutes you will have to pay a rather painful state. To enhance the effect of mint it is better to smoke together with a conventional smoking tobacco. In fact, the same effect occurs as when using marijuana, but in a lighter form. In some cases, mint is used to refuse cigarettes faster, because With another tightening, nausea occurs, leading to disgust and moral abandonment of such a harmful habit. It can not please and the formation of rather caustic smoke.

Video: Guys smoke mint from nothing to do)

The peppermint has numerous useful properties, but if it is used as an smoking composition, be prepared for coughing, problems with nervous and cardiovascular systems. Heart and easy to touch unequivocally.

Stunning euphoria, smoothly flowing in a splash of energy, passes after 15 minutes. For its extraordinary impact in some countries, this plant has already been noted as a narcotic agent, like marijuana and other similar preparations. With repeated use, a more persistent dependence may occur, to get rid of which it will be difficult and in moral, and physiological plan, as from nicotine with tobacco smoke. Therefore, it is better not to try at all and do not kill your body for the for the fleet of the fleeting effect.

Now you know what cats and peppermint are used as smoking mixtures. We recommend not to start trying, from which then it will be quite difficult to refuse, and there will be no special joy.

Mint pepper, which is often confused with Melissa (mint lemon, In fact, not a plant of the genus of mint at all), long and successfully used in pharmacology. The peppermint is a cultural hybrid of wild species - mint of water and mint garden, in which a person has strengthened beneficial features Because of the plants known to him. It was obtained in the 17th century on a foggy albion; And before that, folk healers used her direct relatives - cat and wilderness.

Currently, drugs are used predominantly peppermint, due to the increased content of terpenes, flavonoids, and, of course, menthola is the famous mint essential oil. Important active substances are lemonins, bitterness, tubectors, eucalyptus oil, rosemary and coffee-acids. Almost all parts of the plant go to the move, but the most popular drugs based on mint leaves are most popular.
Mint, except for antiseptic and deeperating action, also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves fatigue and removes the symptoms of irritability. Therefore, many drugs manufactured for smokers include a mint component. In addition, mint fragrance provides healthy sleep and eliminates headaches.

Apply mint can be used in different ways. For example, rub 10% oil in the head and whiskey with headaches. Insomnia and nightmares (and this is hardly possible to avoid at first after the abandonment of nicotine) can be defeated by filling the pillowcase with a small pillow with dried mint leaves and putting it next to the headboard. Mint tea tones, returns the lost taste for a healthy life and optimizes the digestion chronically oppressed by nicotine.
Make it like this: a tablespoon of dried mint leaves with a slide pour a glass of boiling water. Then it is possible to strengthen for 8-10 minutes, filter and drink. Fresh mint leaves are also suitable for cooking herbal drink. There are 4 sheets on the cup. They are washed, finely chopped as welding, and poured boiling water. After half a minute, water drain and pour boiling water again. After that, insist 2 minutes and drink in warm form.

It is important to remember that mint tea is a means of irregular use. Long-term use can lead to undesirable effects!


In pursuit of getting a buzz, teenagers are sometimes ready to make really stupid and rapid acts. What is the most interesting, many of them try something new in the hope of experiencing incomparable sensations. Next, you will learn about the strangest ways, with which American teenagers "catch" a buzz.

The abuse of inhalants or "stimuli" is an old American, you can say Dedovsky, the method of receiving a cheap buzz. It is known for a long time. Flakes with aerosols can be found in most homes, and it is easy to buy them enough. But inhalation of hydrocarbons creates a sense of temporary paralysis and oxygen deficiency. It may also lead to damage to the internal organs and cause death. Parents recommend paying attention to the weirdness in the sentence of adolescents, extended pupils and quickly ending aerosols.

Another substance from the drug category "stimuli" is naphthalene balls. The gas released by naphthalene balls is intended to keep hungry insects away from your clothing. But it turns out that he also attracts teenagers who hoped to get a buzz. After inhalation, teenagers lose coordination, their skin can become "scaly", as the body tries to bring the chemicals that they inhale. In any case, it is stupid. It may lead to the strongest poisoning of the body.

This method stands out in the list, because it is not a drug. Teens do it to achieve the same effect as the use of irritants. In short, games with asphysee are to stop the inflow of blood to the brain to such an extent that a person faints or begins to lose consciousness. As soon as the blood flow to the brain is restored, the explosion of oxygen in the brain creates a feeling of euphoria. But as they say, you can rearrange.

Antiseptic gel.
He is supposed to be applied to your hands to kill the microbes. Some adolescents decided that they could drink him and intoxicate. Some antiseptic gels contain more than 60% ethanol. This means that a pair of drops are equivalent to a pair of a glass of vodka. As in the case of conventional alcoholic beverages, it can lead to serious side effects, including the weakening of the motor function, the loss of memory, damage to the internal organs and an increase in blood sugar.

If the study of drugs did not show you anything surprising among the fact that teenagers are ready to eat, drink or smoke to get a buzz, meet the cat mint.

Listening to people know cat mint as a plant that makes your cat behave in idiot. Mint's cat was actually used by people in the 1960s as an alternative to marijuana. The quirk returned, as teenagers began to use a feline drug to get their own buzz and take away the buzz from their cats. Edible or smoked, mint cat can cause relaxation, moderate euphoria or dizziness. Side effects include nausea, headaches and people riding you. If you notice that a teenager, meowoka rides around the shirts of yarn, do not doubt, it is a cat mint.

Known as a hippie crack, nitrogen rushing is a very famous drug. In addition, it is used by dentistists and speed lovers. The most affordable source of the drug is the dairy department of the grocery store. In banks with whipped cream, nitrogen is used in order to extract the product from the bank. Inhale this substance (nitrogen, and not whipped cream) causes euphoria. But it can also cause frostbite, damage to the internal organs, suffocation and death. National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that over a year more than 700,000 adolescents tried such inhalants such as nitrogen rushing. But the data is not limited to adolescents. Even Demi Moore was hospitalized after reportedly, nitrogen took up.

Freon - gas used in freezers and refrigerators. If you breathe it, you will get a buzz. Teens found out that the usual home air conditioner also contains Freon. According to reports they use scolding to inhale gas. In recent years, technical staff and repairmen report an increase in the number of complaints related to the loss of Freon in air conditioners. In addition to Euphoria, Freon can cause the liver, heart and brain damage, as well as death. It can also cause severe frostbite face and lungs.

There is a new term for the drug that is used today - Beezin '. This applies to adolescents who found a fancy way to use Burt's Bees products to get a buzz. Burt's bees produce a line of natural and organic products that include toothpastes, shampoos and balms. Teens found that the use of a lip balm company on the centuries can cause a feeling of euphoria. Experts believe that this effect causes pepper-mint oil. Side effects are not yet known, but boredom who caused a desire to try this should be alarming.

This method does not require any substances, it uses music to get a "digital kayfa". With the help of headphones, a person listens to various sounds or bits in each ear. The result is that the listener feels the wonderful sound of "inside the head". Some reported feelings and sensations as when used marijuana or acid. Experts say that music can break the vital rhythms of the body and sleep cycles.

Teenagers love to use things not by appointment. Over the past few years, a jump in the bizarre methods of alcohol consumption was noted. It turns out that the teenagers liked to soak tampons with vodka and they introduce them to where the sun does not shine, or poured vodka directly into the eyes. The logic is simple - a thinner skin membrane and a high concentration of blood vessels in these "specific" places allow alcohol to be absorbed faster. This is true, but the problem is that alcohol comes directly in the bloodstream in a higher concentration than if it was first treated with the liver. This can lead to alcohol poisoning or eye damage and "chocolate eye".

Yes, right, nutmeg. The ethereal oil of nutmeg contains a small amount of myristry, a psychotropic drug. Teens eat, drink and smoke this spice to get some kind of buzz. The sensations that are reported to vary from a small "hum" in the head to hallucinations. Side effects sound more serious. They include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness.

It's just stupid. In American schools there is a comic draw, when they ask to eat something or shove something into the nose. It turns out, now it has become fashionable to inhale candy. The only thing worth saying about this "trend is that one of the side effects is the possibility of obtaining nasal larvae.

Jenkem - Human waste. The use of Jenkem on reports began in Africa in the 1990s. The first information about Jenkem appeared at the beginning of this century, but soon the information was denied, and translated everything in a joke. Logically (if we can use this word in this article) Inhalation of naturally manufactured methane contributes to any "kaif". However, if adolescents are ready to inhale candy and smoke a nutmeg, we are ready to bet that somewhere there is a group of adolescents who tried to use shit. All this is so funny that it has the right to be number 1 in this list.

Most popular thanks to rapera in the 1990s, Purple Drank, also known as Texas Tea, Sizzurp, or Just "Drank", another substance that continues to use adolescents to get a buzz. Purple Drank - cough medicine mixed with Sprite or Mountain Dew and sometimes candy to add sweets. At the heart of this mixture, the drug contained in cough medicine. Popularized hip-hop culture, and reports used by Justin Biber, Purple Drank causes moderate euphoria. It also causes lethargy and drowsiness and, if you take a sufficiently high dose, can slow down the nervous system and make a person stop breathing. High sugar content also leads to an excessive increase in weight and destruction of teeth.

Why cats love cat mint (video)

The beneficial properties of Kotovnik

Cat and cat mint are 2 compatible concepts. No wonder this very name was exactly the name. Quite often, veterinarians use the cat in medicinal purposes.

Cat mint for cats can perform the so-called behavior corrective. Some owners thanks to the use of this grass cope with excessive aggression of their pets. If you give a cat a few pieces of feline mint, the behavior becomes more affectionate and calm.

At the same time, it is recommended to use the kitneck and for the sluggish and lazy cat, which is used to sleep most of the time and eat. Feline mint positively affects such passive pets and makes them more playful and active.

An equally important aspect is that the kittnik has so-called bactericidal effects and can remove spasms in the stomach of your pet and eliminate excessive pain if necessary. Experienced veterinarians argue that mint cat is considered a quality tool for cats from stressful situations. Thanks to the reception of several leaves of this plant, your favorite pet will be able to transfer long trips and hiking to the doctor without fear.

A question may arise whether this grass does not affect the fifty just like drugs per person. Professionals argue that there is no. The most important thing is not to let the animal to the grass daily in unlimited quantities.

Such cats for cats of this plant contributed to the release of numerous toys for cats. Essential oils of this grass are often added to special brates, which attract the attention of cats. The owners will make their own furniture and walls.

Also, veterinarians say that dried grass can be applied in the absence of appetite in the pets. In addition to the foregoing, the plant has a fairly powerful anti-chain effect. If this grass does not grow in your area, it is possible to grow it at home. Her seeds are sold in any pet store.

Cat reaction on a wand with feline mint (video)

Does the Kotovnik need people?

Feline mint can affect not only cats, but also on people. The composition of this plant contains a huge number of essential oils, which are very often used in medicine and perfumery. Mint's cat is extremely rich in Vitamin C, thanks to which various chambers of healing and healing teas are made.

Kotovnik has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the use of this herb, you can eliminate inflammation of any kind. If it is connected with the wounds, it is necessary to make a bumber and compresses. When it comes to inflammation of the internal organs, it is better to drink teas from this plant.

Pleasant mint fragrance contributes to the reassurance of the nervous system. It can be said that mint cat can lower emotional overexcitation and eliminate stress not only in cats, but also in humans.

Often, the cottberry is used to eliminate unpleasant gastric spasms, colic and bloating. In slower metabolism, this plant can also be used. Often, mint cat acts as a soft painkiller. For example, if you have a tooth hurt, and there is no opportunity to visit the clinic, then you can rinse the oral cavity with a tincture prepared from this plant, and for a while the pain subsides.

Often this grass is attributed to a strong cough. This agent stimulates the active expectoration of sputum of bronchi. Often, doctors advise rinse the throat with a decoction from the kittnik, as it ceases to hurt faster.

Many people this plant attracts the same way as cats, so they are often wondering if it is possible to smoke a cat in ordinary doses for man instead of ordinary cigarettes sold in stalls of tobacco products. Numerous studies have shown that smoking of this plant does not cause a human dependence, as many narcotic substances. But despite this, it is not recommended to smoke with cats.

After heating the plant, it highlights a lot of poisonous resins, like a simple tobacco. Due to frequent smoking of Kotovnik, problems with the respiratory system and other organ systems may arise. But on the other hand, mint can not be called more harmful to health than tobacco, which is part of each cigarette.

Mint cat is a useful plant for both animals and people. But it benefits only when it is properly used.

Activates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes digestion. Kotovnik Extract - a safe natural agent that is gently and efficiently copes with problems. In stress and alarming states you need to take champs, infusion or capsules and periodic headaches, too, what is if you smoke with mint after taking this medication. The essential oil of feline mint has a characteristic lemon odor, so it is used in perfumery.

First of all, it positively affects the nervous system - soothes, relieves anxiety, irritation and removes the consequences of stress. The brawl of the Kotovnik helps to cope with strong headaches and migraines.

The grass is very useful and for the gastrointestinal tract: mint can be given in poisoning, it acts as an absorbent, with diarrhea and indiscriminate stomach. Decorations and infancy can be used as a disinfectant and antibacterial agent. In reasonable quantities, it can be applied to improving sleep.

Drugs are dedicated

If a person is constantly experiencing stress, feel fatigue and anxiety, then this plant is better suitable as a light sleeping bag, because it calms the nervous system and improves the fallback. To improve sleep and as a sleeping pill, you can still use Ashwaganda and Melatonin. Therefore, the smoking of feline mint is better to refrain. Some researchers argue that it is still possible to combine this grass with tobacco, so there will be less harm to smoking. For medicinal purposes it is better to use decoctions, teas or capsules.

Now cigarettes with cloves what is if you smoke mint smit less tax and therefore, in most Asian countries, smokers prefer precisely. Sage sage hallucinogen free access. For smoking, the average dose of salvinarine is only 0.5 mg per person with medium sensitivity and mass. Based on the concentration of salvinarine in the leaves of this plant, the MG of middle leaves contain a sufficient amount of salvinarine to cause psychoactive hallucinogenic effects.

Cat mint cats just beetted from this grass, maybe even more than from Valerian. So why would a person do not handle? In some countries, the leaves of feline mint smoke separately or in a mixture with an equal amount of tobacco.

The corn is not all corn, of course, and corn hairs farmers smoked a long time ago when the tobacco prices were very high. Of the effects, only improvements in people suffering from incontinence are noted. Bananas in bananas, namely in banana peel contains a small amount of the substance "Musa Sapientum Bananadine", which is a light psychedelic of short-term action.

  • Is it possible to smoke mint: reasons and effect
  • By the way, who smokes? (8 photos)
  • What will happen if you smoke mint?

And you need to collect 7 kg.

Encyclopedia of psychoactive funds not prohibited by the law Adam Gottlib

Catnip - Mint Cat

Catnip - Mint Cat

Nepeta Catoria. LabiiaTae family (licable).

Material: Leaves.

Application: The leaves smoke separately or in a mixture with an equal amount of tobacco. Also wet your tobacco extract or other Kuriso.

Active substances: Mettabilacetone, Nepatalacton, Nettalic Acid.

Effects: Soft marijuana-like euphoria, with tobacco more pronounced and long.

Contraindications: Harmful effects are not known. Tobacco is harmful and forms addictive.

Provider: MGH and pet stores. Aerosol extract in pet stores. Vissal seeds in B, FM, G, NK, RCS.

Cat Lapa (gnaphalium. Gnaphaliumpolycephalum) Spilitic medicines. Chamomilla, Euphorbia Corrollata, Ipecacuanha, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Veratrum Album, Iris. Specific action. On the stomach and intestine, also on the liver, kidney and prostate gland. Application. Diarrhea, especially in children; nervous or gastric headache;

156. Cat Flashes foot foot in action is not inferior to the immortelle of sandy. The infusion of floral baskets is prescribed for diseases of the liver and cholecystitis as a strong anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent. In addition, the cat's feline gives good results when

Mint is the most useful look is mint with rare leaves. Its properties: cold and dry in I degrees. It has mitigating properties due to strong volatile properties. Helps with ulcers and noise in the ears. Helps with difficulty breathing and breast diseases (suppresses

Mint spray the room with mint water to remove stress and fatigue. Mint water refreshes and soothes. But people with reduced pressure are better to abandon mint water - it is possible to lower

Cat foot dvoommnaya perennial grass, less often half-worker. It dwells on dry sudidas. Low height is only 8 to 25 cm. That is why the plant is ironically and low. It is covered with a light flush that protects it from heat and drying. Protunition

Mint Mint The pepper contains essential oil, the main component of which is menthol that determines the taste of mint. There are tanning substances, flavonoids, bitterness in its composition. It has painful and vasodilatory properties. Mint oil is part of

Mint Mint oil - pale yellow or greenish fluid with warm, fresh, mint aroma. Fragrance invigorating, cold, fresh, thin. It is well mixed with lavender oils, eucalyptus, basilica, jasmine. Ensures forces, eliminates nervous oveugulation,

Kotovnik, or mint cat (Nepeta) Family of Clanotkovaya (GuboColic). The lathe generic name has happened from the city of Nape, located in Italy. Russian version of Yatoteh Rod got due to the smell of attracting cats. As far as the growing feline is planted on an open

Mint mint is one of the oldest medicinal and fragrant plants. The peppermint is most important - this hybrid species was first discovered in England at the end of the XVII century, and in total century later, peppermint plantations appeared in many countries, and the creation began

Mint Mint - a perennial herbaceous plant, whose leaves are distinguished by a high content of essential oils. About 40 of her species grows in our country. Menthol obtained from peppermint leaves has a moderate local anesthetic and vasodilator

Mint nervous system. Digestion. Female diseases. Activation of mental activity is the oldest of incense. In ancient Rome, with the help of mint smears refresh the dwelling. Guests could judge how much they are despite, on spicy flavors of wild or peppermint.

Mint healing properties have a soothing, antispasmodic, anesthetic, antiseptic effect. The composition of the mint includes a menthol that narrows the vessels located on the surface and reflexively expands the vessels of the internal organs. Reliable mint

Mint mint - the oldest of incense. When today we are talking about the spices "Mint", then, first of all, we mean pepper mint. It is it that has frosty, clean, cooling and refreshing aroma, burning taste. And although all types of mint are similar, but replacing the pepper mint is not

What can be smoking instead of tobacco and what herbs can be used for smoking? This concerns not only throwing smoking, but also avid smokers, who found themselves for various reasons without cigarettes.

What can be replaced by the usual tightening and avoid nicotine breaking, which will arise after an obsessive thought: how would it be to delay? Tell that you can smoke instead of cigarettes and how to do it.

Long-awaited tightening

Smoking cigarettes with tobacco, as you know, a dependent event, except for dubious pleasure, brings a lot of problems. Health worsening, non-letters, bad smell and constant spending on cigarettes are not the entire list of trouble accompanying smoking specials.

Smoking forms a special "tobacco" lifestyle, in which each smokers have to take care of smoking and to replenish the "strategic reserve" of cigarettes in order to eliminate the moment of their unexpected absence.

Without another tightening, there will be so bad that in such a state you will agree to smoke anything, and even though tea or grass.

Once without cigarettes, far from the places of their acquisition, a smoking person begins to seriously suffer physically and psychologically. The abolition syndrome approaching the wide steps causes feverishly to think what to smoke instead of the usual cigarette and which substitute is a suitable alternative to tobacco.

Tobacco substitutes are sufficient, and they depend on the places where the smokers brought down the circumstances. All smoking person know about it, as well as the person who tried to "tie" with tobacco and smoked herbal substitute.

What herbs can be smoking instead of tobacco and which result should be expected from such a replacement?

Unusual papira

You can smoke not only tobacco, there were still ancient industries about it, deftly folding herbal "self-workers". Such unusual cigarettes, as a rule, did not contain tobacco, and stuffed in them there were various spicy herbs and mixtures thereof.

Smoking of Indian cigarettes is not like classic smoking and more resembles the inhalation process of incense. Ayurvedic cigarette is presented as a smoking inhaler that has a lot of positive effects on the body.

Smoking of Indian cigarettes is not like classic smoking and more resembles the inhalation process of incense.

Such cigarettes in which instead of tobacco grass, and to this day are popular, and apply them as help in dumping from smoking. Grass in Indian cigarettes are quite exotic and are intended for an amateur. Among them:

  1. Basil and carnation.
  2. Turmeric and Lacricians.
  3. Calgan and Tree Tena.
  4. Dish and Indian Bedius.

As can be seen, herbs in Indian products are absolutely "overseas", and although they are smoked for a long time and at the same time he is very praised, our compatriot is desirable to smoke "native".

The history of smoking has brought to our time interesting facts to replace tobacco in cigarettes. During the blockade of Leningrad, when there was a big tension with tobacco, the laboratory of St. Petersburg food industry developed several substitutes.

In blockade Leningrad, cigarettes were produced in which, besides Tyutyun, there were 10-20% of additives. As substitutes served:

  • Hop cones.
  • Aspen leaves.
  • Maple leaves, oak and birch.

Whether smoke useful plants

They say smoking herbal cigarettes greatly facilitates the refusal of smoking and reduces the manifestation of the symptoms of abstinence. This proves the practice and reviews of many, already former, smokers. But what kind of grass you can smoke, not fearing harm the body?

Of course, her choice depends on the location of the smoker and the remedies that can serve as a cigarette substitute. According to experienced "Kuryagi", you can smoke tea and medicinal plants, among which:

  1. Oregano, chamber, eucalyptus.
  2. Mint, Melissa, Yarrow.
  3. Plantain, mother-in-law, sage.

Smoke allocated when burning these herbs, bitter taste, but rather pleasant and soft, and smoking such erzats cigarettes helps for a while forget about Nicotine. The grass of the mother-in-law and a sheet of mother-and-stepmother, for smoking, form a very bitter taste smoke and may even cause disgust for the smoking itself.

According to experienced "Kuryagi", you can smoke tea and medicinal plants.

As a rule, when smoking a substitute, cigarettes are manufactured manually. For this, vegetable raw materials are slightly crushed and wrapped in thin paper. The quality of "self-tutor" depends on the agility of the smokers, and its "taste" - from the composition of herbal filling.

Each grass has its own smell and taste, so the sensations for smoking the substitute will be different. The cloves of the smell and smoke are pleasant, smoking such cigarettes is well distracted and temporarily helps to do without tobacco.

You can smoke black and green tea, but it is better not to delay much. Tea smoke annoys the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and causes coughing.

What else would you get

Tobacocuria is an ancient lesson, and firmly "sowing" to the tobacco has always been abuse. In times, when with tobacco was very bad, the erzatz products and all sorts of substitutes were smoked. The "hay, missed through the horse", was so called in the time of "Berklen" the then filler cigarettes, which consisted of a mixture of tobacco dust and maple leaves.

Tobacco can be replaced with a dry yellow joy of pine with broken branches of a tree. They say Carpathian Hutsules prefer to smoke a mother-and-stepmother, considering it useful.

People's healers argue that healing plants are useful to smoke, it is not by chance that they were added to smoking mixtures into the old days. Ancient characteristics recommended smoking:

  • Motherboard (soul) - with gastric and nervous diseases.
  • Lovers - with inflammatory diseases.
  • The mint sheet is to raise the tone and the acquisition of calm.
  • Padub - with throat, teeth and gum diseases.
  • Programmer yellow (Tyrlich) - with joint diseases.

The ancient Cossacks smoked "Tyrsa" (dry hood) and smoking mixtures of tobacco with wormwood, loving and mint. Until our time, the recipe of the Cossack "Evil Tyutyun", consisting of ¼ wormwood and ¾ Tyutyuna.

To the question of what to do instead of smoking, answer: to achieve the goal, all means are good, but the main thing is that they are safe for health. You can use tea or therapeutic herbs; Chewing the root of Aira; Smoking cigarettes without nicotine or sucking lollipops.

what will happen if smoking mint

Smoking, especially long, sometimes pushing avid smokers for some experiments. After all, you can make cigarettes yourself by wrapping various mixtures of herbs into cigarette paper. Moreover, given the well-known fact that real tobacco in modern cigarettes almost already and not meet. So it turns out, a special difference that use for smoking is not.

Many people use various herbal mixtures not only in order to obtain unusual sensations, and trying to throw a malicious habit. Especially common in the circles of smokers-experimenters smoking mint. This plant, due to its characteristic pleasant smell, is actively used in the vial of perfumes and cooks.

Mint is harmless when smoking and is part of some phytosigaret

Why mint.

The choice of fragrant leaves does not fall accidentally when trying to create herbal cigarettes. This vegetable culture is directly related to known many smokers cigarettes with menthol. Of course, there are no mint itself in its pure form. But menthol, included in such tobacco products, is obtained from the extract of essential oil of this plant culture. Is it possible to smoke mint instead of tobacco using dry leaves? Does such experiments do not harm such experiments?

The resulting effect

Of course, mint, unlike tobacco, it absolutely does not contain in its composition nicotine, it means that the tobacco hunger of the smoker satisfy this plant is unable. But, according to some, inhalation of smoldering dry mint leaves can affect a person relaxing and soothing. True, experts add that to obtain such an effect, mint should be taken as teas, inward, but not by smoking.

Decorations and infusions from mint leaves well soothe organism well, in folk medicine such teas are especially advised to take in the evenings, for good and strong sleep.

So what will happen if smoking mint, in addition to quite pleasant perception? There will be no other experimental sensations. There is also a dangerous use of the leaves of this plant - many drug addicts are treated with such culture of drug-containing drugs (synthetic drugs are most often used).

In this case, the plant is used as a base for packing "Kosyachka", and the drinking euphoria happens due to the effects of the drug. There will be no harm to the body from clean mint. But it should be borne in mind that when combustion, smoke is saturated with poisonous compounds, in particular, carbon monoxide, which is direct danger to health.

Mint is part of some means intended for helping smoking

But in any case, herbal cigarettes based on mint are the rugs are safer than conventional, created from tobacco crumbs. Therefore, mint actively use manufacturers of herbal cigarettes. Such products are intended for those who have decided to quit smoking, but still suffering from psychological dependence. And in the unification of herbal cigarette products with nicotinocycular therapy (chewing, sprays, plasters), the liberation of cigaretoman is released and from physical traction.

It is not a secret for a long time that modern tobacco products practically do not contain a complained full-fledged tobacco. Harm for such hobbies is huge. Therefore, increasingly smokers are thinking about the replacement of poisonous products of the modern tobacco industry and the transition to the use of plant.

In modern herbal cigarettes created for helping to smoke, almost all compounds are included.

Herbal cigarettes "Tollga" (production Russia) contains composed of:

  • oregano;
  • sage;
  • st. John's wort;
  • motherwort;
  • mint leaves;
  • horsetail;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • yarrow;
  • highlander bird.

American smoke free created on the basis of mint leaves and soft fibrous shell of coconuts. And the Indian herbal cigarettes of NiRdosh have a rather rich in the flora, where they can enter:

  • caraway;
  • guggul;
  • basil;
  • corticress;
  • carnation;
  • licorice;
  • persimmon leaves;
  • smooth licorice;
  • indian cinnamon;
  • calgana root;
  • kurkuma rhizoma.

The absence of tobacco products in such products provides a gradual dumping smokers from psychological dependence. And the part of the mint helps to calm down, and distracts its pleasant taste from the desire to smoke real (classic) cigarettes.

Narrosh vegetable cigarettes contain meat

Mixtures that can be useful

You can use some advice of herbalists and independently produce yourself herbal mixes for smoking. Moreover, knowing the specifics of the impact on the body of certain plants, to receive some benefit from plant smoking. For example, create herbal mixtures of the following plants:

To purify the respiratory tract and lungs:

  • mint;
  • fir;
  • dyagil;
  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • agave;
  • plantain;
  • altea root;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • clover flowers.

For removal of the bronchi mucus residues:

  • thyme;
  • nettle;
  • eucalyptus;
  • juniper needles;
  • leaves of strawberries (or raspberries).

To increase the tone:

  • mint;
  • willow;
  • alfalfa;
  • kalanchoe;
  • rosehip;
  • ginseng;
  • dandelion;
  • licorice;
  • rhodiola pink.

For a sedative effect:

  • mint;
  • linden;
  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • melissa;
  • chamomile;
  • blooming Sally;
  • adonis;
  • st. John's wort;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • yarrow;
  • belocurity black.

For the refusal of ordinary nicotine cigarettes:

  • fir;
  • thyme;
  • ginger;
  • oregano;
  • chicory;
  • elecampane;
  • eucalyptus;
  • peppermint;
  • red clover;
  • leaves of black currant.

To improve metabolism and weight loss:

  • mint;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile;
  • lingonberry;
  • st. John's wort;
  • parsley;
  • rosehip;
  • dandelion;
  • ginger roots and ginseng.

But, of course, it is better to use these fees (and you can only take a few of the listed herbs of a certain group, not all) in the form of inhalations, decoctions and tinctures. Use them as a framework for smoking self-lead will not bring such an effect.


Smoking mint is inherently quite acceptable procedure. Of particular harm from this type of recreation, the body will not receive. In comparison with conventional cigarettes, herbal self-leads based on these fragrant dry leaves are even more useful and safe. Plus, it is also help to part with the usual smoking. Receipt of any drug effects Smoking mint will not give - there are no narcotic components in this plant. Maximum that can get a "herbal smoker" is to experience unusual taste.

See also:

In contact with


Smoking often pushes people to different experiments. By and large, you can wrap in cigarette paper.

any dried and crushed plant, and in this sense you can smoke even that. As part of their experiments, people try to smoke tea, different medicinal plants. Some do it in search of new sensations, others - in attempts to abandon real cigarettes. Teenagers can simultaneously join smoking.

Why do mint smoke?

Effect of smoking mint

Is it possible to smoke mint - harmful

What will happen if you smoke mint?

In pursuit of getting a buzz, teenagers are sometimes ready to make really stupid and rapid acts. What is the most interesting, many of them try something new in the hope of experiencing incomparable sensations. Next, you will learn about the strangest ways, with which American teenagers "catch" a buzz.

The abuse of inhalants or "stimuli" is an old American, you can say Dedovsky, the method of receiving a cheap buzz. It is known for a long time. Flakes with aerosols can be found in most homes, and it is easy to buy them enough. But inhalation of hydrocarbons creates a sense of temporary paralysis and oxygen deficiency. It may also lead to damage to the internal organs and cause death. Parents recommend paying attention to the weirdness in the sentence of adolescents, extended pupils and quickly ending aerosols.

Another substance from the drug category "stimuli" is naphthalene balls. The gas released by naphthalene balls is intended to keep hungry insects away from your clothing. But it turns out that he also attracts teenagers who hoped to get a buzz. After inhalation, teenagers lose coordination, their skin can become "scaly", as the body tries to bring the chemicals that they inhale. In any case, it is stupid. It may lead to the strongest poisoning of the body.

This method stands out in the list, because it is not a drug. Teens do it to achieve the same effect as the use of irritants. In short, games with asphysee are to stop the inflow of blood to the brain to such an extent that a person faints or begins to lose consciousness. As soon as the blood flow to the brain is restored, the explosion of oxygen in the brain creates a feeling of euphoria. But as they say, you can rearrange.

Antiseptic gel. It is supposed to be applied to your hands to kill microbes. Some adolescents decided that they could drink him and intoxicate. Some antiseptic gels contain more than 60% ethanol. This means that a pair of drops are equivalent to a pair of a glass of vodka. As in the case of conventional alcoholic beverages, it can lead to serious side effects, including the weakening of the motor function, the loss of memory, damage to the internal organs and an increase in blood sugar.

If the study of drugs did not show you anything surprising among the fact that teenagers are ready to eat, drink or smoke to get a buzz, meet the cat mint. Most people know cat mint as a plant that makes your cat behave in idiot. Mint's cat was actually used by people in the 1960s as an alternative to marijuana. The quirk returned, as teenagers began to use a feline drug to get their own buzz and take away the buzz from their cats. Edible or smoked, mint cat can cause relaxation, moderate euphoria or dizziness. Side effects include nausea, headaches and people riding you. If you notice that a teenager, meowoka rides around the shirts of yarn, do not doubt, it is a cat mint.

Known as a hippie crack, nitrogen rushing is a very famous drug. In addition, it is used by dentistists and speed lovers. The most affordable source of the drug is the dairy department of the grocery store. In banks with whipped cream, nitrogen is used in order to extract the product from the bank. Inhale this substance (nitrogen, and not whipped cream) causes euphoria. But it can also cause frostbite, damage to the internal organs, suffocation and death. National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that over a year more than 700,000 adolescents tried such inhalants such as nitrogen rushing. But the data is not limited to adolescents. Even Demi Moore was hospitalized after reportedly, nitrogen took up.

Freon - gas used in freezers and refrigerators. If you breathe it, you will get a buzz. Teens found out that the usual home air conditioner also contains Freon. According to reports they use scolding to inhale gas. In recent years, technical staff and repairmen report an increase in the number of complaints related to the loss of Freon in air conditioners. In addition to Euphoria, Freon can cause the liver, heart and brain damage, as well as death. It can also cause severe frostbite face and lungs.

There is a new term for the drug that is used today - Beezin '. This applies to adolescents who found a fancy way to use Burt's Bees products to get a buzz. Burt's bees produce a line of natural and organic products that include toothpastes, shampoos and balms. Teens found that the use of a lip balm company on the centuries can cause a feeling of euphoria. Experts believe that this effect causes pepper-mint oil. Side effects are not yet known, but boredom who caused a desire to try this should be alarming.

This method does not require any substances, it uses music to get a "digital kayfa". With the help of headphones, a person listens to various sounds or bits in each ear. The result is that the listener feels the wonderful sound of "inside the head". Some reported feelings and sensations as when used marijuana or acid. Experts say that music can break the vital rhythms of the body and sleep cycles.

Teenagers love to use things not by appointment. Over the past few years, a jump in the bizarre methods of alcohol consumption was noted. It turns out that the teenagers liked to soak tampons with vodka and they introduce them to where the sun does not shine, or poured vodka directly into the eyes. The logic is simple - a thinner skin membrane and a high concentration of blood vessels in these "specific" places allow alcohol to be absorbed faster. This is true, but the problem is that alcohol comes directly in the bloodstream in a higher concentration than if it was first treated with the liver. This can lead to alcohol poisoning or eye damage and "chocolate eye".

Yes, right, nutmeg. The ethereal oil of nutmeg contains a small amount of myristry, a psychotropic drug. Teens eat, drink and smoke this spice to get some kind of buzz. The sensations that are reported to vary from a small "hum" in the head to hallucinations. Side effects sound more serious. They include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness.

It's just stupid. In American schools there is a comic draw, when they ask to eat something or shove something into the nose. It turns out, now it has become fashionable to inhale candy. The only thing worth saying about this "trend is that one of the side effects is the possibility of obtaining nasal larvae.

Jenkem - Human waste. The use of Jenkem on reports began in Africa in the 1990s. The first information about Jenkem appeared at the beginning of this century, but soon the information was denied, and translated everything in a joke. Logically (if we can use this word in this article) Inhalation of naturally manufactured methane contributes to any "kaif". However, if adolescents are ready to inhale candy and smoke a nutmeg, we are ready to bet that somewhere there is a group of adolescents who tried to use shit. All this is so funny that it has the right to be number 1 in this list.

Most popular thanks to rapera in the 1990s, Purple Drank, also known as Texas Tea, Sizzurp, or Just "Drank", another substance that continues to use adolescents to get a buzz. Purple Drank - cough medicine mixed with Sprite or Mountain Dew and sometimes candy to add sweets. At the heart of this mixture, the drug contained in cough medicine. Popularized hip-hop culture, and reports used by Justin Biber, Purple Drank causes moderate euphoria. It also causes lethargy and drowsiness and, if you take a sufficiently high dose, can slow down the nervous system and make a person stop breathing. High sugar content also leads to an excessive increase in weight and destruction of teeth.

Is it possible to smoke mint: reasons and effect

Activates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes digestion. Kotovnik Extract - a safe natural agent that is gently and efficiently copes with problems. In stress and alarming states you need to take champs, infusion or capsules and periodic headaches, too, what is if you smoke with mint after taking this medication. The essential oil of feline mint has a characteristic lemon odor, so it is used in perfumery.

First of all, it positively affects the nervous system - soothes, relieves anxiety, irritation and removes the consequences of stress. The brawl of the Kotovnik helps to cope with strong headaches and migraines.

The grass is very useful and for the gastrointestinal tract: mint can be given in poisoning, it acts as an absorbent, with diarrhea and indiscriminate stomach. Decorations and infancy can be used as a disinfectant and antibacterial agent. In reasonable quantities, it can be applied to improving sleep.

Drugs are dedicated

If a person is constantly experiencing stress, feel fatigue and anxiety, then this plant is better suitable as a light sleeping bag, because it calms the nervous system and improves the fallback. To improve sleep and as a sleeping pill, you can still use Ashwaganda and Melatonin. Therefore, the smoking of feline mint is better to refrain. Some researchers argue that it is still possible to combine this grass with tobacco, so there will be less harm to smoking. For medicinal purposes it is better to use decoctions, teas or capsules.

Now cigarettes with cloves what is if you smoke mint smit less tax and therefore, in most Asian countries, smokers prefer precisely. Sage sage hallucinogen free access. For smoking, the average dose of salvinarine is only 0.5 mg per person with medium sensitivity and mass. Based on the concentration of salvinarine in the leaves of this plant, the MG of middle leaves contain a sufficient amount of salvinarine to cause psychoactive hallucinogenic effects.

Cat mint cats just beetted from this grass, maybe even more than from Valerian. So why would a person do not handle? In some countries, the leaves of feline mint smoke separately or in a mixture with an equal amount of tobacco.

The corn is not all corn, of course, and corn hairs farmers smoked a long time ago when the tobacco prices were very high. Of the effects, only improvements in people suffering from incontinence are noted. Bananas in bananas, namely in banana peel contains a small amount of the substance "Musa Sapientum Bananadine", which is a light psychedelic of short-term action.

  • Is it possible to smoke mint: reasons and effect
  • Dangerous ways to catch a buzz
  • By the way, who smokes? (8 photos)
  • Is it possible to smoke mint?
  • What will happen if you smoke mint?

And you need to collect 7 kg.

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02/19/2018 Luke: 03/03/2018 PAEFEGO: 03/03/2018 Justpival: 02.24.2018 Evdokia: 03/04/2018 Stanislav: 08.03.2018 Yakov:

The pepper mint, which is often confused with Melissa (mint lemon, is actually not a plant of the genus of mint at all), long and successfully used in pharmacology. The peppermint is a cultural hybrid of wild species - mint of the water and mint garden, in which a person has strengthened the beneficial properties of ancient plant known to him. It was obtained in the 17th century on a foggy albion; And before that, folk healers used her direct relatives - cat and wilderness.

Currently, drugs are used predominantly peppermint, due to the increased content of terpenes, flavonoids, and, of course, menthola is the famous mint essential oil. Important active substances are lemonins, bitterness, tubectors, eucalyptus oil, rosemary and coffee-acids. Almost all parts of the plant are going to move, but the most popular drugs based on mint leaves are most popular. It also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves fatigue and removes the symptoms of irritability. Therefore, many drugs manufactured for smokers include a mint component. In addition, mint fragrance provides healthy sleep and eliminates headaches.

Apply mint can be used in different ways. For example, rub 10% oil in the head and whiskey with headaches. Insomnia and nightmares (and this is hardly possible to avoid at first after the abandonment of nicotine) can be defeated by filling the pillowcase with a small pillow with dried mint leaves and putting it next to the headboard. Mint tea tones, returns the lost taste to a healthy life and optimizes the digestion chronically oppressed by nicotine. It is so: a tablespoon of dried mint leaves with a slide is poured with a glass of boiling water. Then it is possible to strengthen for 8-10 minutes, filter and drink. Fresh mint leaves are also suitable for cooking herbal drink. There are 4 sheets on the cup. They are washed, finely chopped as welding, and poured boiling water. After half a minute, water drain and pour boiling water again. After that, insist 2 minutes and drink in warm form.

It is important to remember that mint tea is a means of irregular use. Long-term use can lead to undesirable effects!

Why cats love cat mint (video)

The beneficial properties of Kotovnik

Cat and cat mint are 2 compatible concepts. No wonder this very name was exactly the name. Quite often, veterinarians use the cat in medicinal purposes.

Cat mint for cats can perform the so-called behavior corrective. Some owners thanks to the use of this grass cope with excessive aggression of their pets. If you give a cat a few pieces of feline mint, the behavior becomes more affectionate and calm.

At the same time, it is recommended to use the kitneck and for the sluggish and lazy cat, which is used to sleep most of the time and eat. Feline mint positively affects such passive pets and makes them more playful and active.

An equally important aspect is that the kittnik has so-called bactericidal effects and can remove spasms in the stomach of your pet and eliminate excessive pain if necessary. Experienced veterinarians argue that mint cat is considered a quality tool for cats from stressful situations. Thanks to the reception of several leaves of this plant, your favorite pet will be able to transfer long trips and hiking to the doctor without fear.

A question may arise whether this grass does not affect the fifty just like drugs per person. Professionals argue that there is no. The most important thing is not to let the animal to the grass daily in unlimited quantities.

Such cats for cats of this plant contributed to the release of numerous toys for cats. Essential oils of this grass are often added to special brates, which attract the attention of cats. The owners will make their own furniture and walls.

Also, veterinarians say that dried grass can be applied in the absence of appetite in the pets. In addition to the foregoing, the plant has a fairly powerful anti-chain effect. If this grass does not grow in your area, it is possible to grow it at home. Her seeds are sold in any pet store.

Cat reaction on a wand with feline mint (video)

Does the Kotovnik need people?

Feline mint can affect not only cats, but also on people. The composition of this plant contains a huge number of essential oils, which are very often used in medicine and perfumery. Mint's cat is extremely rich in Vitamin C, thanks to which various chambers of healing and healing teas are made.

Kotovnik has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the use of this herb, you can eliminate inflammation of any kind. If it is connected with the wounds, it is necessary to make a bumber and compresses. When it comes to inflammation of the internal organs, it is better to drink teas from this plant.

Pleasant mint fragrance contributes to the reassurance of the nervous system. It can be said that mint cat can lower emotional overexcitation and eliminate stress not only in cats, but also in humans.

Often, the cottberry is used to eliminate unpleasant gastric spasms, colic and bloating. In slower metabolism, this plant can also be used. Often, mint cat acts as a soft painkiller. For example, if you have a tooth hurt, and there is no opportunity to visit the clinic, then you can rinse the oral cavity with a tincture prepared from this plant, and for a while the pain subsides.

Often this grass is attributed to a strong cough. This agent stimulates the active expectoration of sputum of bronchi. Often, doctors advise rinse the throat with a decoction from the kittnik, as it ceases to hurt faster.

Many people this plant attracts the same way as cats, so they are often wondering if it is possible to smoke a cat in ordinary doses for man instead of ordinary cigarettes sold in stalls of tobacco products. Numerous studies have shown that smoking of this plant does not cause a human dependence, as many narcotic substances. But despite this, it is not recommended to smoke with cats.

After heating the plant, it highlights a lot of poisonous resins, like a simple tobacco. Due to frequent smoking of Kotovnik, problems with the respiratory system and other organ systems may arise. But on the other hand, mint can not be called more harmful to health than tobacco, which is part of each cigarette.

Mint cat is a useful plant for both animals and people. But it benefits only when it is properly used.

Why do mint smoke?

One of the plants, which often acts as a "filler" of cigarettes is mint. A characteristic pleasant smell makes mint attractive not only for cooking or perfumery, but also for smoking. However, it remains to be dealt with, whether it is possible to smoke this plant.

When trying to create a herbal cigarette, the choice does not fall on mint at odds. This plant has some attitude towards ordinary cigarettes. We are talking about cigarettes with menthol. True, there is no mint itself. Menthol is added to these cigarettes - a substance contained in mint essential oil. What will happen if smoking the mint itself, that is, its dried leaves?

Effect of smoking mint

Since the mint does not contain nicotine, it will not be able to satisfy nicotine hunger. It is believed that as a medicinal plant mint soothes and relaxes. However, it must be used in the form of tea or bravery, and not to inhale the smoke from its burning. When smoking mint in the mouth, a pleasant taste remains, but no more sensations do not give such smoking.

A much more dangerous version of mint smoking - when the leaves of this plant are processed by any synthetic drug. In this case, the mint itself protrudes only the basis that can be "scored" into the cigarettes, and the drunk effect comes not from it, but from a narcotic substance.

No specific harm to the body smoking mint does not cause. This means that the harm from smoking mint is not connected with the plant itself, but with the fact of inhalation of hot smoke, saturated with carbon monoxide and other harmful substances formed during burning. Despite the presence of some harm, such smoking is considered to be more secure than smoking ordinary cigarettes. In this regard, special herbal cigarettes are created for the abandon from smoking, in which the mint is also very often contained along with other components. Such pendant cigarettes are an alternative to tablets, gums or nicotine pockets. They allow you to overcome the physiological dependence on nicotine. Psychological dependence on the smoking process remains.

Thus, it can be said that smoking mint is quite acceptable. Compared to the smoking of the usual tobacco, smoking the mint turns out to be more secure, and as a result, it can contribute to the complete abandonment of smoking. If a person smokes mint for the sake of obtaining special sensations, then there is no point in that. Mint does not contain any components that can cause narcotic intoxication. Maximum what can be obtained if you smoke mint - an unusual taste in the mouth and the lack of tobacco smell.

is it possible to smoke Melissa and what will happen if you smoke such a jamb?

  • To come in
  • check in
Agreement Ask a question 5 years ago from Sergey Nesterov

2 Answers

It is better to smoke a leaf of a lop with dry cow dung or dried horn roots. 5 years ago from Lyudmila Sokolova

Dear Kolya! In this matter, the main thing is to determine what purpose you are haunting. Achieve pleasure? Then why not immediately cannabis or anasha? "Show" without harm to health? Alas, will not come out. There will be no such effect, but the result is similar. The purpose is one - the speed is different. 5 years ago from Valeria M

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Can I smoke mint

Recently, information on meat smoking is widely spread, but not everyone knows what consequences this harmless prank can turn into. That is why it is necessary to approach the consideration of this issue in more detail and warn from the wrong act, which can seriously harm human health.

Smoking mint can cause hallucinations and the highest content of the active substance is contained in a feline mint. The plant was called for the fact that this kind of Asian plant is actively used as a soothing and pacifying means for wild cats, which it accounted for, just as homemade cats are not indifferent to Valerian. When smoking foliage of this plant, people may experience a similar effect. Perhaps this is exactly what attracts young people who want to experience the "buzz."

The impact of feline mint on the body

Many young people are interested, is it possible to smoke mint? The answer is ambiguous. In fact, it is allowed and not punishable by applicable law. However, before making a tight, think, and is it necessary? What the consequences will be unknown, but harm is harmful to the body.

For the preparation of one portion, 100 grams of feline mint will be required. It is desirable to take well-dried crushed leaves for this. To obtain the effect, smoking the grass is not necessary, it can be chewing or cook tea from it. Considering that she quickly turns into ashes, some craftsmen mix it with ordinary tobacco and even marijuana. In the last variant, the maximum possible hallucinogenic effect is achieved.

Quickly dry any plant can be putting the leaves on a plate into the microwave for 10-30 seconds.

The choice of pepper mint is safer. In small quantities, it is able to save you from high temperature, migraine and cope with stressful situations. For this, smoking is not necessary. It is better to brew healing herbal tea, taking only 30 grams of crushed dry foliage. As a matter of fact, smoking the mint of the list of proper desired effect does not give, besides the unpleasant odor and the taste.

Answering a question whether it is possible to smoke with mint, it is worth noting only that it is capable of giveing \u200b\u200ba relaxing effect, like the roots of Valerians. Only for some instant it is possible to feel some joy, calm and soaring feeling. But after that, the headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, temperature increase and other signs of intoxication will immediately follow.

What will happen if you smoke mint?

According to the original, smoking mint smoking is accompanied by a disgusting taste and subsequent specific smell, which will accompany you for a long time. In combination with tobacco, the smell first reminds Melissa, but only before it does not begin to smooth. For a short period of time, feelings are exacerbated, lightness appears (as well as I want to flutter), the colors become brighter, the sensitivity also increases. But the pacifying state at which you enjoy life, long lasts. After that, I want to run, jump and frolic. There is a feeling of some panic. And in conclusion, an increased sense of hunger with fatigue.

However, for these wonderful few minutes you will have to pay a rather painful state. To enhance the effect of mint it is better to smoke together with a conventional smoking tobacco. In fact, the same effect occurs as when using marijuana, but in a lighter form. In some cases, mint is used to refuse cigarettes faster, because With another tightening, nausea occurs, leading to disgust and moral abandonment of such a harmful habit. It can not please and the formation of rather caustic smoke.

Video: Guys smoke mint from nothing to do)

The peppermint has numerous useful properties, but if it is used as an smoking composition, be prepared for coughing, problems with nervous and cardiovascular systems. Heart and easy to touch unequivocally.

Stunning euphoria, smoothly flowing in a splash of energy, passes after 15 minutes. For its extraordinary impact in some countries, this plant has already been noted as a narcotic agent, like marijuana and other similar preparations. With repeated use, a more persistent dependence may occur, to get rid of which it will be difficult and in moral, and physiological plan, as from nicotine with tobacco smoke. Therefore, it is better not to try at all and do not kill your body for the for the fleet of the fleeting effect.

Now you know what cats and peppermint are used as smoking mixtures. We recommend not to start trying, from which then it will be quite difficult to refuse, and there will be no special joy.

That you can smoke instead of tobacco

How terrible to lose the adorable classes. Yes, sometimes not just a loved one, but necessary for good well-being. So they suffer from people dependent on smoking and devoid of familiar cigarettes. Tobaccoing really causes a resistant need to constantly supply the organism of the non-Nicotine dose. This dependence is formed at the mental and physical level and completely subordinates the personality of a person, making the habit of real slave.

Therefore, for the true cigaretoman, there is nothing worse than the empty cigarette pack at a time when all kiosks and shops are already closed or there is no money to purchase another portion of doping. And what can you smoke instead of tobacco to at least somehow calm the rioty organism, requiring a nicotine portion, so to get pleasure? Sometimes the desire to smoke the sufferer so strong that the smoker is ready to try everything in the apartment. But is it worth it?

If desired, the lack of a cigarette can be replaced by similar smoking, but tobacco refusal will be perfect way out

Real essence of the problem

Nicotinic substance that is part of each cigarette is a compound capable of causing a persistent dependence. Moreover, a person does not even notice this problem, he does not feel his illness and sometimes just smokes for the sake of interest or in habit.

According to doctors, nicotine addiction is one of the most severe drug addiction forms. It is distinguished by the speed of development and especially severe dumping.

The whole "charm" tobacco-dependent smoker begins to feel when suddenly turns out to be without cigarettes and cannot smoke for just a few hours. Unpleasant symptoms similar to breaking and called "Cancellation Syndrome", fell on a person after 3-6 hours (depends on the length of smoking). Sigaretoman have to deal with such unpleasant signs as:

  • nausea;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness;
  • pressure jumps;
  • irritability;
  • strengthening sweating;
  • trembling limbs;
  • stress manifestations.

The sufferer pursues an insurmountable desire to delay, and in the absence of cigarette doping, the question is born that to smoke at home to inserted as it should. What output exists from a deadlock situation? Experts offer two options:

  1. Take methods that contribute to distraction from the desire to smoke.
  2. Use suitable siggnet imitation. PI of this about the necessary nicotine will have to be forgotten, but to replace it will help the smoke obtained from analogues.

In the absence of cigarettes, the smoker is experiencing a real abstineent syndrome

But, trying various cigarette replacement options, it should be remembered that the smoke from imitation will not be similar to the usual smokers cigarette. After all, Tobacco has a characteristic feature to slowly smooth, gradually highlighting a soft and fragrant evaporation with a characteristic taste. The imitation is not capable.

Than Distract yourself from the thoughts of smoking

Of course, the best and safe way out will be the search for a worthy tool, which will help distract a person from the need to smoke. How can I use? Psychologists offer several ways that are really able to help forget about rampant desire.


Especially in the cool time of the year. During this period in the air, the highest oxygen and nitrogen concentration. It has been proven that the mixture of these gases really helps the smokers to forget about the desire to look for a cigarette. But even on the summer, you can also fascinatingly walk, sit on the beads of the green square, hearing the singing of birds and get a relaxation dose.

After all, the need to delay the fragrant smoke often appears when a person needs to calm down, during overvoltage and excitement. When the disappearance of such syndromes is disappeared, it is automatically fastened for lustful cigarettes.


You can "knock down" in my own unbearable desire to smoke by overexcitation of pain receptors. Of course, you should not torture yourself - just cause moderate pain. For example, put on a cash gum on the wrist and pulling it off, spanking on the skin. At the time of the sensation of pain painted signals, sharply manifested in brain receptors, actively stop all other stimuli, including provoking craving for cigarettes.

Breathing exercises

Symptoms with which a smoker may face in the absence of cigarettes

There is a specially designed complex of respiratory activities, which is recommended for quenching smoking. These exercises remove the craving for cigarettes. They will help in the case of their absence.

First exercise. Get straight and relax. Make a deep breath and delay breathing for 5-6 seconds. Then breathe slowly. At the end of the exhalation, delay breathing at the same time. Make 10-12 repetitions.

Second exercise. It is necessary to slowly breathe air and quickly exhaled by mouth. Initially, the pace of classes is slow, but it should be gradually increasing. One cycle consists of 25-30 repetitions. Then you need to relax, and a minute to duplicate the complex. You need to make 4-5 cycles.

Third exercise. Seek or take a convenient pose and relax. When inhaling, fill the lower part of the pulmonary organs, with the peritoneum to stick ahead, at the same time raising the area of \u200b\u200bthe sternum. By the body at this time, the semblance of a warm wave. Do not forget to keep the spine straight. You need to make 4-5 repetitions.

By performing these classes, do not get involved. Doctors do not recommend spending more than 10 repetitions of one exercise (especially for respiratory gymnastics). Otherwise there is a chance of transporting CNS.

If all such methods have not been able to kill a persistent desire, you will have to consider and alternative options that you can smoke at home if there are no cigarettes. And such a replacement can be found. Suitable means will always be found in any kitchen.

Alternative to Smoking

Many suffering from the lack of cigarettes smokers the first coming thought is to take advantage of the usual weed grass growing in the yard. This logical seems to be an increasing approach. Not every plant can replace smoking. We should not forget about the following nuances:

  1. Smoking crumb should not be actively burning, its task is slow and leisurely to smoke, emitting smoke. And many plants burn quite actively.
  2. All plant crops differ in the intensity and generry of burning. Noodynaks smoke and in its impact on a person. Some smoldering herbs can cause severe throat irritation and provoke the strongest allergies with a stretch of larynx. At best, a person can begin an attack of painful cough and abundant tearing.
  3. A taste in the mouth after such "herbal" experiments can remain far from the best memoirs. Some plants after burning leave so painful and unpleasant aftertaste that not every smoker is capable of withstanding it.

So, a prerequisite for the search for a decent substitute for tobacco products becomes the presence of a substitute for soft and pleasant smoke, slow raid and well-perceived flavor. It is also necessary to look for such substitutes that have no toxic substances formed during the smoking. So you can smoke instead of cigarettes at home, what is better to advise?

Lack of cigarettes can be an excellent chance to get rid of the death habit forever

Tea brew

Tea is in the covers of any kitchen, and causes a certain degree of trust when considering it as an alternative to cigarettes. In fact, in urban conditions, tea brewing is really able to become a worthy replacement that can deceive the demanding requests of the "smoking" organism.

When smoking, tea should know one immutable rule - do not make too deep tensions. Otherwise, the experimenter risks encounter with a long attack of painful dry cough.

You can try to smoke any brew (black, green, red). But the experts advise to stop the choice in tea green, this product has fewer different additives. You should not try tea bags - according to reviews, they are very poorly perceived by the body, causing nausea.

Medicinal herbs

According to the inhabitants, the best perception smoker receives from use for smoking some herbs. Specific species of plants are better stock in advance. These are the following cultures:

  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • melissa;
  • kotovnik.

All herbs are sold in pharmacy points. According to the experts, it is this herbal combination that gives the softness and delicacy of smoke and has a pretty pleasant aroma and perception. How to make herbal cigarette?

  1. Mix all herbs in the same quantity.
  2. Finely chop them.
  3. Make a self-tape from cigarette paper or a solid piece of leaf.
  4. Tightly fill the "goat leg" prepared raw materials.

When it, such a self-leak produces a bit bitter smoke. But, despite its natural mustard, the rag of herbal cigarettes is quite pleasant and effectively helps to distract from the desire to smoke. But it is worth remembering that it should not be abused such rest. Otherwise, you can trigger disorder and malfunctions from the gearbox.

By the way, in addition to the foregoing method of herbal smoking, you can mix other acquisitions of medicinal plants. Moreover, each of them is not just suitable for smoking, but also has a number of additional properties:

Herbs for mixing The resulting effect




highlander bird

enhance the total tone, improved mood,


highlander bird;


vanilla syrup (for fragrance)

powerful anti-stress effect




prune syrup (for fragrance)

effective when dealing with tobacco-dependence, improves mood and stop cancellation syndrome


rose petals;

chocolate syrup (for fragrance)

a good means to combat smoking addiction simultaneously increases the metabolism, which prevents the extra weight gain when parting with cigarettes


Best is suitable for such purposes of the carnation. It should be grinding and fill the self-drive. The carnation has a rather pleasant perception, it is fragrant, with a specific taste. Cigarettes from carnations help to kill a desire to smoke and for quite a long time.

So, there is nothing impossible in the world. And even the lack of vital cigarettes can always be replaced by an alternative. But is it worth the game of the candle? Maybe the lack of familiar fun extend indefinitely with the sole purpose of parting with smoking at all?

Especially since the circumstances themselves are "screaming" about it. Try to endure the inconvenience until the desire to drag the cigarette is disappeared. It is difficult and difficult, but the reward will be the reward and restoration of health, and clean lungs. Think about it before looking for yourself replacement smoking.