Whether yellow shirt and red tie are combined. An important detail is a tie. Combination with costume or striped shirt

For the first time wearing a tie began in ancient China, since then this detail of the male wardrobe has always complements business suits and does not lose its relevance. Many men do not use a tie, fearing the wrong choice and a ridiculous appearance. Our tell how to choose a tie under a shirt and create a stylish, elegant image.

The tie invariably complements business suits and does not lose its relevance

There are several types of ties.

Practical recommendation: Low men preferably choose ties with vertical stripes, the optimal solution is a monochrome product or a tie with a small pattern, which is almost impaired. If you need to visually add a few kilograms, it is better to choose a tie with a horizontal pattern. The geometrical print looks harmoniously on large, high men.

Tie is a unique accessory that is able to transform a person, but also irrevocably spoil the image. That is why it is necessary to figure out in all the intricacies of the choice of a tie. Remember - the accessory cannot be lighter than the suit.

A few words about quality

The most important component of the stylish image is high-quality things. How to distinguish a high-quality accessory from low quality products.

Playing color and pattern

In the case of a tie, it is very easy to move the edge of elegance and create a tasteless image. It is impossible to combine striped suit, striped shirt and striped tie. At least one detail of the wardrobe should differ - to be monophonic or with another pattern. The most universal and aesthetically attractive option is a suit and accessory in one palette, and the shirt is a contrasting color. If you want to learn how to combine clothes and accessory with patterns, follow the following rules:

  • clothing with a print combined with a monochrome tie and vice versa;
  • clothes with a large pattern combined with a small pattern with an accessory.

If we talk about the color scheme, then a blue suit is considered the most versatile, an absolutely any tie is suitable for it.

As for the accessory, burgundy and blue ties are recognized as the most versatile option.

Restrained, Elegant Image - Blue Suit, White Shirt and Burgundy Tie

Fashion Council: Restrained, elegant image - blue suit, white shirt and burgundy tie. White shirt can be replaced with blue, and burgundy tie - dark blue.

Also stylishly looks like an image created in one color scheme, for example, a saturated purple suit, a white shirt and a tie of a gentle, purple shade.

Ties and color gamut - choices:

To the tie correspond to the setting:

For a business meeting or a secular round, it is best to choose a tie blue shade or non-gun strip
  • the red accessory in combination with a dark jacket and a bright shirt will certainly allocate you from the crowd;
  • in an informal setting, the burgundy shades tie well;
  • for a solemn event, it is advisable to choose a tie of the blue shade or non-gun strip;
  • for daily use, it is preferable to choose a dark blue or brown accessory;
  • wedding is a reason to wear a gray or silver tie.

Combination Options Tie and Shirts

In this case, the main thing is to pick up the strips of different widths. This is a fairly informal, original image, but if the width of the strip will be the same, the kit will be tasteless. When looking at such a kit, a person will be rich in the eyes, and individual details are alive in one striped spot.

Fashion Council: Choose two parts in a strip of different widths, the third part must be monophonic, in the tone of one, the main thing image.

In this case, it is important to create a relaxed contrast, it should not be pronounced. It is best to combine different cells on the texture, as well as combine bright shades with pastel.

Combine different patterns, undoubtedly, it is possible, but extremely neat. Stylists recommend not to use small drawings in clothing. Here are some possible options:

  • shirt in a wide strip and accessory into large "cucumbers";
  • jacket into a large cage and a wide strip accessory.

Pretty bold image, but if you like to experiment, use a jacket into a large cage, a checkered shirt and a chest handkerchief with a contrast pattern. The tie should be monophonic. In this case, the following rule works - it is necessary to combine different patterns in size and texture patterns.

Stylish combination of monophonic shirts and ties

In the wardrobe of each man there should be a shirt of three main colors: white, blue (blue) and pink. A white shirt is the most universal version, a completely any tie is perfect for it.

How to choose a tie to the blue shirt

Using blue shirt, the easiest way to demonstrate a sense of style

Using a blue shirt, the easiest way to demonstrate a sense of style. Here are some successful and most original solutions:

1. Blue shirt and tie combinations:

  • accessory of a darker shade or with a textured pattern, for example, a knitted tie into dark polka dots;
  • orange tie;
  • yellow and red are contrasting colors, it is best to select burgundy and mustard ties;
  • green - blue shirt in combination with a green tie is a refined set of confident, a stylish man.

2. Blue shirt and tie combinations.

The blue shirt is perfectly combined with the accessories of the following shades:

  • gray;
  • dark blue;
  • black;
  • brown;
  • beige;
  • red.

If a monotony shirt, a tie can be supplemented with a pattern into a cell or polka dot. Another win-win version is a tie in the tone of the costume.

How to choose a tie to a dark blue shirt

Blue color in a male wardrobe symbolizes reliability, trust and calm. Dark blue shirts are the perfect background for the predominant majority of ties, accessories of orange, pink, burgundy and gray shades look most advantageously.

If you pick up a color tie to a monophonic dark blue shirt, note that one color of the accessory duplicates the shade of the main image detail.

How to choose a tie to a black shirt

Choosing a tie to a black shirt, you can safely show fantasy and create bright, extraordinary images

Black shirt - incredibly stylish detail of a male wardrobe. Choosing a tie to a black shirt, you can safely show fantasy and create bright, extraordinary images.

Contrast tie to red shirt - bold decision

If you choose a tie on the principle of contrast, pay attention to the accessories of white, scarlet, purple, purple, gold or silver shade. If there are drawings, strips, contrasting inserts on the shirt, preferably choose one-photon ties.

It is quite difficult to choose a tie to a black shirt when you should consider all the elements of the image. The most versatile option is a black shirt and black pants, in this case the tie can be any. If the pants of gray are chosen to the black shirt, the tie must duplicate the shade of the trousers.

Fashion Council: Experiment - Choose a tie under the color of the eyes and just for the mood.

How to choose a tie to a red shirt

The red shirt itself is quite bright and individual detail of the image, therefore, making up a set, it is important to withstand the style and stay in an elegant image.

To pick up a tie to a red shirt, you can go a few ways:

  • choose an accessory in one palette with a shirt, but for several tones darker;
  • pick up a contrast accessory - black or black in a red stripe.

How to choose a tie to a pink shirt

Ties of purple and purple shades - these shades are best combined with a pink shirt

Pink color shirt - Must Have in the men's wardrobe, it is a great choice if you want to create bright images, but do not like to stand out from the crowd. Here are some options for successful images:

  • ties of purple and purple shades - these shades are best combined with pink and allow you to create the most stunning and elegant image;
  • green - is a complementary color if you are a bright person, pick up a hack tie;
  • pink shirt and rich blue accessory - stylish and win-win.

How to choose a bow tie to a shirt

Today, butterfly tiles of the bright and juicy shades appeared on the store shelves

The most traditional version is a black butterfly, if you have a solemn event, you can safely pick up the black accessory. However, modern loyally refers to the choice of accessories. Today, butterfly tiles of unusually juicy shades appeared on the store shelves, with a variety of patterns.

The main thing is that the bowl of the butterfly is harmoniously combined with the total color gamut of the selected clothing.

A colored butterfly looks, of course, less officially, but such an accessory will be appropriate, for example, in the office or on a business informal meeting, a friendly party. The main thing is that the bowl of the butterfly is harmoniously combined with the total color gamut of the selected clothing.

  • color butterfly looks great with jeans, white or light blue shirt;
  • the motley tie butterfly is better combined with a monophonic shirt of light, pastel shades;
  • single butterflies or accessories with a small pattern are combined with striped and tagged shirts;
  • striped or in the cage of shirt preferably carry with butterflies of neutral shades;
  • woolen monophonic butterflies are perfectly combined with checkered shirts.

Fashion Council: In the case of a butterfly, there is the same principle as with a tie - 2-3 colors are combined in one set. Elegance The image attaches not only the high quality of the accessory, but also a beautifully knotted knot. About, read in our blog.

If the choice of tie causes you difficulties, pick up the most simple set

If the selection of the tie causes you concerns and difficulties, do not invent a complex image, select the most simple set. This decision is suitable for men who are constantly and not like to spend aimlessly spending time in stores.

Basic wardrobe that will not cause difficulties:

  • blue or brown suit;
  • blue and pink shirts;
  • 3-4 tie preferably bright shades;
  • several chest headscarves.

With such a basic wardrobe, you can make up to ten trendy images.

How to wear a tie

The tie width must match the width of the lapels on the jacket. If we are talking about a classic tie, its width is 10 cm.

A narrow tie, known as the "Selenk", preferably carry with a shirt of the fitted style and a jacket with narrow lapels.

In the classic set, the neck length ends at the buckle level. The maximum allowable length is 1 cm below the buckle.

Using a tie, you can adjust the proportions of the shape. Men are low growth, in which the legs are shorter than the body, it is preferable to choose a tie a little shorter, which ends with several centimeters above the belt. Men high growth with long legs can wear a tie, which ends with several centimeters below the belt.

The free end of the accessory must be fixed using a special loop, which is located on the reverse side.

Stylish, with a needle, a dressed man attracts a glance, makes the impression of success and solidity. The correctly selected tie plays in creating the perfect image, not the last role. This is one of his main elements. Choosing a tie for one or another outfit just make a mistake. What are the combinations of shades of the most winning and how to correctly add a stylish magazine tie to look elegant, and not ridiculously try to figure out our article. General rules for choosing a male accessory is.

Attention! The leading rule is a combination of no more than 3 shades.

For the most brave, permissible and more, but they must follow the color scheme of dominant colors. The easiest way to choose ties to along with no sharp contrast drops.

To help competently combine shades in clothes can color circle. It is a geometric shape, divided into sectors. They repeat the colors of the spectrum. And there are warm shades in it: red yellow, orange and their derivatives and cold - blue and purple. The designer world uses a color circle based on the HUE, Sateration, Brightness model - abbreviated HSB.

This model is important tone, saturation of the shade and brightness of the specified color. Each indicator is set on a specific scale. In order not to go into Scientific Debresses, let's understand how the color circle works in reality.

The smaller the colors in the costume, the easier it is to make your image harmonious. A monophonic outfit is bored, so the most common combination of 2-colors is the most common. The circle suggests which color is better to connect in clothes - it will be opposite shades, for example, red - green, purple - salad, etc.

With a combination of 3-colors, it is conditionally drawn on the circle a triangle with a straight angle, a blunt angle or equilateral. The peaks lie on the colors that will give a harmonious combination. This is a reason to remember geometry.

When combining 4 shades, the color circle sector is used connected by perpendicular lines.

Basic rules of color combination ties with shirts

Most men are tapered or afraid to show creativity in the selection of interesting combinations of shirt and tie. A, in vain. This allows you to bloom the boring weekdays and stand out from the crowd of colleagues.

With colored or blond shirts

The universal item is a male wardrobe - a snow-white shirt, with her the accessory of the male wardrobe of any color. In order not to merge with the surrounding stylists advise you to choose bright texture models. The only taboo is a combination of a white shirt and black tie - a funeral dress. Colored shirts can be monophonic: pink, blue, green, etc. Men's thorns are also popular with a striped of different widths and a different cell. With the selection of a sick pair to a monophonic shirt to cope easier. It takes an elementary taste, and remember the rule - the tie should be darker for several tones. For shirts with patterns there are nuances, they need to be considered.

With blue shirts

Blue color refreshes appearance. Such shirts are suitable for many combinations:

  • Classics of the genre - Dark model (blue, gray) in polka dot or strip.
  • Color accent in the form of a tie in a contrast palette. It will be interesting to look a blue shirt with terracotta or yellow tick.
  • Blue plus red combination - Another winked option, the red tie wear people confident with leader's abilities.
  • Become a star of the day and impress the stylish gentleman will help the model of a dark green color. Exquisite image is guaranteed.

With pink shirts

Pink shades are relevant in summer. When choosing a tie should be guided by the main rules:

  • choose neighboring, relatives - dark purple, lilac shades;
  • the game on the contrast is to take a thing in the opposite color circle sector, such as blue or juicy.

With white shirts

White shirts are in the wardrobe of each representative of a strong floor. This is the basic thing, on its basis, you can create a variety of images from business to romantic. The combination of such a shirt is universal - it is harmonizing with all the colors of the circle, perfectly combined with large and small patterns. Not only any color, but also a variety of textures from knitted to silk will look great on a white background.

With shirts in a cage and strip

The cage and strip give the image an informal sound. In the striped outfit, it will be possible to stand out exactly if you follow the small rules. And the cell is always associated with brutal cowboy, but you can also wear ties with it. Rule strips №1- Striped things are well combined, provided that the strips of different widths. Otherwise, you risk, become a zebra, from which surrounding will be rich in the eyes. The optimal option is a fine strip on a shirt and a large oblique strip on a tie

Rule strips number 2. - The shirt must cross in color with stripes on the tissue tissue - either be in the tone or contrast, i.e. It is opposite in the color of the circle. For example, a blue, burgundy and even emerald accessory can be put on a blue shirt in a thin burgundy strip.

Rule strips number 3. - Striped things are well adjacent to other figures from geometry.

For cellular shirts, there are also several principles of selection of the object of the male wardrobe. Things are well combined if:

  • A tie without a picture is a monophonic or a large print. Small ornament on the background of a motley shirt will simply be impaired.
  • If both objects of the wardrobe in the cage, then the cell on the tissue fabric should be greater.
  • The checkered shirt is harmoniously complemented by a tie into a diagonal large strip. The color of the tick or repeats the shirtful flasher, or contrasts with it.

With dark shirts

Dark porks of saturated colors are complemented by light tongue models. A combination looks advantageously when a tongue shade repeats the color of the costume. For example, a light gray suit and tie in the company of a black shirt.

Reference! The law of brown states that in the men's wardrobe brown is combined only with brown.

Chocolate shirt and mustard tie in a couple - to that bright confirmation.

How to choose a shirt to the tie

What shirts are a striped ties

The simplest option is a set of a monochrome shirt and a striped tongue model. No matter what width strips on a tie. If the strip is tone to the shirt, then the kit looks a single whole ensemble. So that the image has become more interesting, use the contrast of shades. Beautifully combine shirts in fine stripes and tie into large, and the lines can be vertical, horizontal and diagonal. An interesting effect is obtained with a combination of a shirt into a cage and a tie with a strip if their width is approximately the same.

Which shirts are suitable peas

Polka dot ties at fashion peak. The color of the pea ornament should elaborate with a shade of a shirt. Small ornament, resembling points, gives the official style model. You can safely attend business meetings. They are easily combined with light and monophonic shirts. But overly a large ornament can turn a stylish suit in the clown outfit.

Tip! For men of low growth and prone to completeness, a print with small peas is recommended, and thin and high can safely shrive in the model into a large peas.

Additional requirements for the selection of ties

Depending on the season, the place of work and the status for male accessory is presented some requirements.

By texture of fabric

Brilliant ties look vulgar, never wear such only if you are not a pop pop star. Silk products are appropriate in the summer season, they are called them - summer. In the color scheme of such models, gentle pastel shades are dominated. In winter, preference is given to more rich and dark colors. And the materials are used dense and embossed. Stylishly watch woolen ties in a duet with a twisted jacket.

On the combination of monophonic and motley colors

Models with palm trees, bananas and other fun pictures are not fashionable, but ridiculous. The tie should not "shout", it must be harmonized with a suit and a shirt. If you are not too confident in your good taste, then boldly wear a dark rigorous suit with a bright shirt and a tie in dark colors, combining them in a related color scheme. Ties with the ornament look interesting, but you can not move with a variety. All three elements: suit, shirt and tickle can not be with a pattern, one thing is obliged to remain monophonic.

If the drawing on both objects of the wardrobe is the same, then it should be significantly different in size. When connected in one ensemble of things with different patterns, for example paisley (cucumbers) and a strip need to be monitored so that the size of the patterns and the bandwidth were approximately the same.

Important! The sick width must match the width of the lapel of the jacket, and the tip of the tied tie touches the buckle belt.

Experiment when creating your daily image, no matter how you go to work or to a party. Connect the contrasting shades and gradually enter the elements with the ornament and then you will be an icon of style for colleagues, and not a boring office worker.

Striped shirts and cage are always relevant. For the evening and all the more solemn exit, they are not very suitable, but for everyday wearing - indispensable. Strip and cage allow you to bring a variety and make an image of less strict. The striped pattern, by the way, provides an additional bonus - such a shirt visually pulls out a man, making it a visually stronger and high.

Checkered and striped shirts are worn with jeans, trousers, vests, jampers, cardigans and, of course, with costumes. Optionally, or at the request of the dress code, such a shirt can be added tie. Often, men experience difficulties when choosing a tie to a shirt with a pattern. How to combine colors if there are several of them? Is it possible to wear a tie with a pattern to a shirt and in the cage? If so, what?

There are no wise rules here. Everything is quite simple. The main thing is to remember that the tie should be at least a bit darker or rich the shirt.

Tie to striped shirt

1. A striped tie is perfect for a striped shirt. But with one condition: the shirt should be in a narrow strip, and the tie is large. It looks very nice to the tandem of the vertical strip on the shirt and diagonal - on the tie.

One of the colors of the tie should be rhymed with a shirt. For example, a shirt in a white and blue strip, and tie - in blue yellow.

So, one of the strips on the tie - in the color of the shirt, but preferably darker. Other bands or background are neutral or accent.

2. If the shirt is in a large and "fatty" strip, it is better to take a tie one-hand or with a very small pattern (for example, in the speck or in an almost imperceptible cell).

Logic is simple: a catchy should be something one thing, otherwise the image will turn out to be a waist.

Choose a monophonic tie, well-combined with a dominant shirt strip. For example, a blue strip is dominated in a white and blue pattern. To such a shirt can be put on a navy tie. If you need a color variety, brown, gray and possibly purple.

3. The strip is harmoniously combined not only with another strip, but also with a cage, rhombus, peas, paisley and even with a flower. If the strip on the shirt is unobtrusive, you can choose a tie with any of the listed patterns.

Tie to a checkered shirt

With a shirt in a cell a little more complicated. The cell is energetically and "naked" strips, so you need to be careful.

1. The tie into the cage, striped or in "Krapinka", is suitable for a checkered shirt. But smooth and "naive" patterns, such as large peas, paisley or flower, are not very welcome, as they can conflict with a cage.

2. Mixing a cell with a cell, you need to create a light contrast: a large cell combine with smaller, bright - with pastel. The same applies to the strip.

3. A win-win solution is a monophonic tie in the color of one of the cells or lines, but darker.

4. To a shirt with a monochrome cell (for example, white-gray-black), one can put on a monochloride bright tie - scarlet, heavenly blue, emerald, etc.

So what to choose?

It is solved only during fitting. Always selected a specific tie to a concrete shirt. Other clothes (suit, trousers, cardigan, jeans) is of great importance. Therefore, it is advisable to completely dressed and try all the relevant ties: monophonic, cracked, with a pattern.

How to choose a tie right? When choosing it should be focused on that he combined with a shirt or suit.

The beginning of the selection of the image should be started from the most noticeable element for people - suit. Many experts recommend putting a suit on a flat surface and, bringing to it other components of the image, seek the most suitable combination.

Note. Initially, you should pick up a shirt, and after it and tie.

What nuances worth considering?

Selection of a male tie must be carried out taking into account some rules:

Is one thing?

In no case can the shirt, suit and tie be monotonous, for example, all in a strip. Similar simply not combined, so at least one detail of the image should have another drawing or, in general, be one-photon.

The best thing separate shirt and suit in contrasting colors. At the same time, our accessory should act as a kind of supplement to the costume. If your image is present with patterns, then you should pay attention to such a rule:

  • the fabric on which the pattern is present must be combined only by a one-photon fabric;
  • if an element with large patterns is present in the image, it should be combined only with the element of clothing where small patterns are present.

Combination with costume or striped shirt

Note. Combining clothes in a strip is very important to ensure that the strips had a different width.

Owing on a striped costume, a man creates a rather informal image, but adding a shirt and tie with a practically identical strip here, you can make a huge mistake.

Such a situation is explained by the fact that people will see a man from afar and it will cause ripples in their eyes. All elements of the image are solved. Therefore, fashion experts note that when selecting an image, you can only use two things in stripedAt the same time, the strips must necessarily be of different widths.

The ideal option when choosing a third image element will stop your choice on the color of the identical stripes on two other things.

For example, a blue suit that contains a thin white strip, and a white shirt will look great with a blue or burgundy tie into a wide white strip.

Combination of cells or drawings

When selection of shirts to our accessory, a combination of two different cells is not only permissible, but also welcome. Combine things in different cells recommended When creating an informal image. It is desirable that the cells also had different widths.

Regarding the combination of shirt and tie with different patterns, then there is a completely opposite rule. Combine elements of clothing, if one is large, a small drawing is not worth it. A large drawing on the shirt should be combined only with a large drawing on a tie.

How to choose a multi-sore accessory?

The choice of a multi-disconnect tie, as in all other cases, is carried out depending on the shirt and suit. Wherein the combination in the image of several patterns, though allowed, but rather complicated phenomenonSo if you are not sure in your taste, it is better not to risk.

As an example of such a combination, you can bring the following: suit with drawings by the type "Christmas tree", shirt in a cell and a strip tie. This variant of the image is suitable for Fridays in one of the clubs of the city.

Is it allowed to combine with the same patterns?

The combination of identical patterns (patterns or patterns) on a shirt and a tie in the fashion world is found quite often, but in every element of the image of one pattern, not every man is being solved in all elements. Such a combination is used only by the most booty young people who do not care about the opinion of others and who are ready for experiments.

One of the variants of this image is the following:

  1. striped costume, which has an average width;
  2. shirt into a small strip in width;
  3. tie into a wide strip or, in general, in a cage.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the combination of color gamut.

Figure in peas

Today our global accessories are becoming increasingly popular. When selecting such ties, the physique of a man should also be taken into account.

For instance, county men with low growth should be preferred by shallow peas, and here high and thin men should pay attention to big peas.

It is important to take into account that the smaller the peas, the elegant looks like. The color of such ties is selected under the shirt.

In addition to all the above features of the selection of the accessory, special attention should be paid to the selection of its color.

The following color variations are particularly popular:

  • Red. Suitable for business meetings, where a man needs to emphasize confidence in their abilities.
  • Burgundy. It is a color of luxury, so it should be used when you need to emphasize your social status.
  • Pink. Gives a man some softness. It is strictly forbidden to use on business meetings, since many are associated with some kind of frivolousness.
  • Orange. He emphasizes the love of the owner's love and optimism. Preferably use with informal meetings. It is best suited to men with red hair.
  • Brown. This color involuntarily causes confidence in the owner. At the same time, in some situations, this color is interpreted as the presence of a tendency to doubt. During the fierce settling of its position, it is better to give preference to another color of the tie.
  • Green. Emphasizes the persistence of the owner. It is recommended to use these color ties when resolving conflict situations, as they produce a soothing effect.
  • Yellow. Emphasize the presence of unorded mental abilities and craving for knowledge. It should be used in those situations when it is necessary to impress an open personality.
  • Blue. Such a color is a symbol of stability and confidence.
  • Grey. Associate with modesty and indecision. Men are worn who prefer to always stay on the second roles.

Rules wearing

In order for the tie emphasized all the advantages of a man need to follow certain rules:

  1. by its width, our accessory must match the width of the lapel of the jacket. The tiles of the traditional species have a wide part, as a rule, varies from 11 to 12 centimeters.
  2. If the choice fell on a narrow tie, then it must be worn either with a fitted porch. Either with a jacket that has narrow lapels.
  3. A narrow part of our accessory should not hang, it should be fixed in the loop on the back of the tie.
  4. The tie knot should be selected taking into account its width and type of fabric. For example, a narrow kind of tie is perfectly combined with the "half-haul" node.

Document must come in?

Document should be a tie, that is, what length?

When wearing an ordinary classic tie, its wide end should reach the belt buckle Or cover it, but not more than one centimeter.

In case of desire, adjust the figure you can change the length of the tie.

Men who have low growth and have pretty short legs, should be tie a little shorter so that it does not reach the belt buckle.

In the opposite case, the tie should be made a little longer.

How to competently use the clamp?

At this stage of time, not every man wears the clamps for a tie, but to familiarize themselves with the rules of their wearing anyway.

Clamp for our accessory be sure to be located in the area between the third and fourth buttons shirt. The purpose of the clamp function is to bore a tie with a porch, and not the external and inner part of the tie.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to wear a narrow clamp with a wide online accessory.

If you take into account all the above moments when choosing a tie, then a man will not work any work to create an original image that will conquer the heart of his favorite lady or makes trusting business partners.

What is the key to a successful business meeting? They say "the main thing that the costume sat". If you take care of your appearance in advance, then you can make an impression of a serious business person on partners. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose a shirt and tie to the costume. Read more in the article.

Choose a shirt

The first rule of good style is the presence in the wardrobe at least three shirts for each of the costumes. When selected shirts, pay special attention to what it is made. Typically, the composition is written on labels. The perfect option is, of course, one hundred percent cotton. Also look in detail for the quality of the seams and buttons. How to choose a shirt to make it perfect to suit? To try it at once with him. So you can immediately appreciate how much the outfit is combined with your appearance.

So what are the rules of good taste? First, the shirt for the costume should not be free or, on the contrary, is too tight. To determine whether it is suitable for you in size, pay attention to the place where the sleeve is sewn. If the seam clearly goes on your shoulder, then the shirt can be bought. Also, the costume collar should be good to lay down to the collar of the shirt. Ideally, when he opens a white collar one and a half centimeters. Pay attention to the cuffs. The fact is that from under the jacket, they should look out somewhere on a centimeter. Before you choose a shirt to a suit, note that there are no pockets on it. If you are going for a festive evening, it is better to wear a double cuff option.

Basic mistakes that allow those who do not know how to choose a shirt and

tie to suit:

Too short sleeve that does not look out from under the jacket.

The sleeve cuffs when flexing the arms is too rising.

The shirt sticks out of the trousers or forms many ugly folds.

The end of the collar looks out of lapel.

Important detail - tie

How to choose a shirt and tie to the costume so that they are perfectly combined with each other? First of all, the tie should be harmonized with the rest of the objects of clothing. He may be darker shirts, but differ in the color from the jacket. With the classic version, when a man puts on a dark suit and a light shirt, a accessory is suitable for almost any color. But do not forget that it should not be too little in the eyes. If you are looking for a tie to a bright suit, then you need to come to such a choice responsible. Here the accessory in no case should be too highlighted. Only one-picture tie without drawing will suit a bright patterned shirt.

In the question of how to choose a shirt and tie to the suit, you need to pay special attention to the color of the accessory. Bright ties on business meetings should not wear, because they distract attention, prevent a serious confusion. Meanwhile, as an accessory with a graphic pattern, on the contrary, it helps the interlocutor faster focus on business issues. Gray, pearl and only emphasize your respect for the partner, and in general there will be a favorable opinion. Well, another small advice: the selected clothes should like. Then in it you will feel not just comfortable, but also confident.