"Creative told a familiar fairy tale with the addition of new characters" Summary for the development of speech. Abstract OD for teaching children of the senior group creative telling

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Creative told - This is a type of creative artistic activity requiring the stock of ideas, knowledge and sufficient speech culture. Its characteristic of its feature is to build on the material of imagination, requiring the creative transformation of the experience gained.

Under creative telling We understand speech activities, the result of which is the story-invented by children on their own created new images, situations, actions, with a naturally developing plot, a logically constructed and a certain vocabulary form corresponding to the content.

The creative told of children is considered as a type of activity that captures the identity of the child as a whole: requires the active work of imagination, thinking, speech, manifestation of observation, volitional effort, participation of positive emotions.

L. S. Vygotsky, K. N. Kornilov, S. L. Rubinstein, A. V. Zaporozhets consider creative imagination as a complex mental process, inextricably linked with the child's life experience. Creative imagination in preschool childhood has the greatest plasticity and is most easily amenable to pedagogical effects.

Opportunity development of creative speech activities arises in senior preschool ageWhen children appear in a fairly large supply of knowledge about the environment, which can be the content of verbal creativity. Children seize complex forms of connected speech, the dictionary. They have the opportunity to act according to the plan. Imagination from the reproductive, mechanically reproducing validity turns into creative.

Verbal creativity - The most difficult type of child's creative activity. Element of creativity is in any children's story. therefore the term "creative stories" - The conditional name of the stories that children come up with themselves.

Features of creative telling It is that the child must independently invent the content (the plot, imaginary actors), relying on the topic and its past experience, and entertain him in the form of a connected story. It also requires the ability to invent the string, the course of events, culmination and junction. No less difficult task - exactly, expressively and enjoyed its intention. Creative told to some extent to some kind of true literary creativity. From the child, the ability to choose from the existing knowledge of individual facts is required, to make a fantasy element in them and make a creative story.

At the heart of verbal creativity, O.S. Shushakov notes, lies the perception of works of fiction, oral folk creativity, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, riddles, phraseologism) in the unity of content and artistic form.

The verbal creativity of children Express in various forms:

In the composition of stories, fairy tales, descriptions;

In the composition of poems, mysteries, nonfilts;

In the wordiness (creating new words - neoplasms).

In the formation of children's artistic creativity A. Vetloga allocated three stages.

At the first stage occurs accumulation of experience. The role of the teacher is to organize vital observations affecting children's creativity. The child should be taught with a figurative vision of the surrounding (perception acquires aesthetic color). In the enrichment of perception, art plays a special role. Works of art help the child is sharper to feel beautiful in life, contribute to the emergence of artistic images in his work.

Second phaseactually the process of children's creativityWhen the plan arises, the search for artistic agents. The process of children's creativity is not very deployed in time. The emergence of the child's plan is successful if installing on new activities (invent a story). The presence of the plan encourages children to find the means of its implementation: the search for the composition, the allocation of the actions of the heroes, the choice of words, epithets. Of great importance here are creative tasks.

In the third stage Appears new products. The child is interested in her quality, seeks to complete her, experiencing aesthetic pleasure. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the results of creativity by adults, his interest. The analysis is needed for the formation of art taste.

Knowledge of the features of the formation of children's verbal creativity makes it possible to determine pedagogical conditions necessary to teach children creative telling.

1. One of the conditions for the success of children in creative activity is constant enrichment of children's experience impressions from life. This work may have a different character depending on the specific task: excursions, work observations of adults, viewing paintings, albums, illustrations in books and magazines, reading books.

2. Another important condition for successful learning creative telling is considered to be enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

3. Creative story - a productive activity, the end result should be a connected, logically consistent story. Therefore, one of the conditions - the ability of children to talk to talk, own the structure of a connected statement, know the composition of the narrative and description. These skills are trained in the previous age stages, reproducing literary texts, making up a description of toys and paintings, inventing stories on them.

4. Another condition - the correct understanding of the children's tasks "come up with". Create something new, to tell about what was really not there, or the child did not see this, but "invented" (although in the experience of other such a fact could be).

Speech and educational tasks for children's learning creative telling

Speech tasks:

1. Teach children on their own, purposefully make up a story, observing its compositional integrity and artistic expressiveness.

2. Develop creative productivity.

3. Learn to improve the new version of the story.

4. To form interest in creative telling in gaming activities.

5. Develop an appraisal judgment about the quality of telling both its own and comrades.

Educational tasks:

To bring up a positive attitude towards the stories of comrades, the ability to listen to them carefully, paying attention to the construction of an essay, the execution of expressive means of language.

Children's Study Requirements:

1. It must be independent, it means that the story is drawn up without leading issues, the story story is not borrowed from the story of the teacher and friends.

2. Focusing - the ability to subordinate all the content, with the overall plan, without any extra detail and transfer.

3. Stains, the development of the plot, the culmination, the ending, a skillful description of the site, nature, portrait of the hero, his mood.

4. An indicator of oral speech of children is 5-6 years old - this ability to invent several options for your own story or by analogy with read.

In the method of development of speech, there is no strict classification of creative stories, but it can be distinguished next species:

Realistic stories;

Descriptions of nature.

Start learning creative telling better from inventing realistic stories ("How Misha lost a mobby", "Mom's gifts for March 8").

The most difficult The task is creating a descriptive nature of natureBecause to express your attitude towards the nature of the child in the coherent text. To express their experiences associated with nature, he needs to own a large number of generalized concepts, to a greater degree to the synthesis.

Types of training in children's learning creative telling

E. P. Korkova highlights 7 species classes:

1. Inventing the continuation and completion of the story proposed by the teacher.

2. Inventing the story or fairy tales according to the teacher planned by children.

3. Inventing the story or fairy tales on the topic proposed by the teacher, without a plan.

4. Inventing the story or fairy tales on its own selected theme.

5. Descriptive stories about nature, for example, "My favorite season", "Winter and in the summer in the forest", "Spring Meeting".

6. Inventing by children of stories similar to those read in two versions: replace the heroes, keeping the plot, or replace the plot, replacing the heroes.

7. Invents of non-pieces.

L. Vorosnin highlights three types of classes for children 6-7 years:

1. The composition of the stories or fairy tales on the topic proposed by the teacher, and as a complication of this species is an independent choice of the topic.

2. Essay by literary sample in 2 options.

3. Drawing up a story on a landscape picture.

Training techniques Creative telling depend on the abilities of children, learning tasks and the type of story.

In the senior group As a preparatory stage, you can use the simplest technique of telling children with an educator on issues. The topic is proposed, questions are asked for which children as they appear to come up with the answer. At the end of the best answers is a story. Essentially the educator "composes" with children.

In the preparatory school group The tasks of learning creative telling are complicated (the ability to clearly build a storyline, use the means of communication, aware of the structural organization of the text).

All types of creative stories are used, various teaching techniques with gradual complication.

Features of using teaching techniques depending on the type of story.

1. The easiest thing is made inventing the continuation and completion of the story. The tutor gives a sample, which contains the string and determines the paths of development of the plot. The beginning of the story should be interested in children, get acquainted with the main character and his character, with the situation in which the action takes place.

Example class: inventing children the end of the story "How Dad and Vanya went to the forest".

The teacher offers children the beginning of the story, which states how the boy Vanya went with dad into the forest: "Dad promised to take Vanya in the forest. Vanya was looking forward to this day. On Sunday, Dad woke Vanya early, and they went to the forest ... "Children, you think about what I saw a boy in the forest, and finish the story for yourself. You do not need to repeat the stories of comrades. Let everyone come up in their own way.

Vova (6 l. 5 months). Let me?

Educator. Speak.

Vova. When they came to the forest, the boy saw a big glade. Many beautiful flowers grew in the clearing: daisies, bells, buttercups, and where the sun shone more, strawberries grew there. The boy scored strawberries a full basket for mom and a large bouquet of flowers. And then they were caught with dad, butterflies. Butterfly were very beautiful: red, yellow and with different specks. Then they went home.

Zina (6 l. 7 months). In the forest, the boy saw many trees: birch, christmas tree, aspen. In the forest, the sun shone less, because large trees grew and did not let the sun. Under the trees a lot of mushrooms grew: white, boomines, boomes. Dad and the boy quickly scored on the full basket of mushrooms. Dad told the boy so that he listened to how the trees were noisy and the birds sing well. Vanya stood and watched the birds fluttered from the tree to the tree and sang their songs. Late in the evening dad returned with a boy home.

2. Auxiliary questionsAccording to L.a Penyevskaya, are one of the techniques of active leadership creative telling that facilitates the child's decision of the creative task affecting the connectedness and expressiveness of speech.

The plan in the form of questions helps to focus the attention of children on the sequence and completeness of the development of the plot. For a plan, it is advisable to use 3-4 questions, more than their amount leads to excessive detail of actions and descriptions that can slow down the independence of the children's plan. In the process of telling, questions are defined very carefully. You can ask what happened to the hero, which the child forgot to tell. You can prompt the description of the hero, its characteristic or how to finish the story.

Example class: inventing by children of the story on the topic "How Sergei helped Natasha". (Admission of training: instructions in the form of questions.)

Educator. Children, now each of you will come up with a story about how the Sergey boy helped Natasha, who fell into trouble on a walk. Come up when it was. Where did Natasha play? What happened to her? How did Serezha help her in trouble?

What can happen on a walk? Maybe Natasha lost a math verge, or she fell into a snowdrift, or did the balloon flew away, and maybe she met a big unfamiliar dog? You can come up in different ways.

10 people were caused at the lesson; Everyone gave a connected, interesting story, children did not repeat each other's stories. There are some of the children's stories.

Valerik. It was in the summer. Natasha took a puppy and went to walk to the courtyard with him. Puppy ran and got into the broken glass and cut his paw. Natasha cried. Seryozha asked: "What are you crying?" Natasha: "My puppy cut the paw." Seryozha brought the bandage and tied the paw puppy.

Tanya. It was in winter. Seryozha and Natasha took sledges with them and began to ride a slide. They went and fell. Seryozha stood quickly, and Natasha hurt his hand. Seryozha says: "Natasha, do not cry! The hand will cease to hurt. " He raised Natasha, smoked his coat from the snow, and they began to ride together.

3. more complex receptionteamwork in the plot proposed by the teacher.

For example, the teacher reminds that March 8 is soon. All children will congratulate their moms, give them gifts. Further reports: "Today we will learn to invent a story about how Tanya and Seryozha prepared a gift to mom to this day. The story let's call: "Mom's gift." We will write the best stories. "

The teacher put the learning task before the children, motivated it, offered the topic, the plot, called the main characters. Children must come up with content, arrange it verbally in the form of a narrative, arrange events in a certain sequence. At the end of this classes, you can draw greeting cards for mothers.

4. Inventing the story on your own chosen topicthe most difficult task.The use of this reception is possible if children have elementary knowledge about the structure of the narration and means of input communications, as well as the ability to entitle their story.

The teacher advises, what can I think of a story (about the interesting case that happened with a boy or a girl, about the friendship of animals, about a hare and wolf). Include the child to come up with the name of the future story and make a plan ("First, tell me how your story will be called, and briefly - what will you tell you first, about what in the middle and what at the end. After that, you will tell everything."

5. learning the ability to invent fairy tales Begins with the introduction fiction elements in realistic plots.

For example, the teacher gives the beginning of the story "Dream Andryushi": "Andryuha's boy dad presented the Bike" Orlyonok ". Baby he liked that even dreamed at night. Dreamed Andrews that he went to travel on his bike. " Where Andryusha went and what he saw there, they should come up with children. This sample in the form of the start of the story can be supplemented with explanations: "In a dream, something extraordinary may occur. Andryusha could go to different cities and even countries, see something interesting or funny. "

Tales at first better limit plots about animals: "What happened in the forest with the hedgehog", "The Adventures of the Wolf", "Wolf and the Hare".

It is easier for the child to come up with a fairy tale about animals, as the observation and love for animals give him the opportunity to mentally present them in different conditions. But a certain level of knowledge is needed about the habits of animals, their appearance. Therefore, learning the ability to invent fairy tales about animals is accompanied by examining toys, paintings, viewing the diamers.

Reading and told for children of small stories, fairy tales Helps to draw their attention to the form and structure of the work, emphasize the interesting fact disclosed in it. It has a positive effect on the quality of children's stories and fairy tales.

Development of verbal creativity of children under the influence of the Russian folk fairy tale It happens in stages.

At the first stage in speech activities of preschoolers the stock of famous fairy tales is activated In order to assimilate their content, images and plots.

In the second stage under the guidance of the educator analysis of the scheme for building a fabulous narration, the development of the plot (repetition, chain composition, traditional staining and ending). Children encourage these elements in their own essays.

The teacher is drawn to welcome creativity: Selects the topic, calls characters - the heroes of the future fairy tale, advises the plan, starts a fairy tale, helps questions, suggests the development of the plot.

In the third stageactivised independent development of fabulous narration: Children are invited to come up with a fairy tale on finished topics, plot, characters; independently choose the topic, plot, characters

Example class: inventing, continuing fairy tales.

Software content: Develop an imagination in children, learning to invent a small fairy tale, talking connected, consistently.

Structure occupation.

Educator. Children, today we will come up with a fairy tale. The fairy tale is called "How Bear has lost its boots and how he found them." I came up with the beginning of the fairy tale, and you, children, will invent a continuation. Listen to the beginning of the fairy tales "How Teddy Lost Boots and how he found them."

He lived in the forest of a bear with a bear. Bear was very curious and big lean. But the bear still loved him. She gave him red boots. The boots really liked Mishke, he ran everywhere in them and did not even want to remove the boots when she went to bed.

One day, a bear gone, and the bear wanted to redeem in the river. He bounced down, but lost his boots.

But how he lost and how then found boots, you, children, come up with yourself. Misha could remove them and forget where he put; And boots could take forty. Maybe someone helped him look for boots.

Here are some of options for continuing fairy talesChildren invented:

Alyosha. Bear straight in boots got into the water. And boots sailed along the river. Bear and did not notice, and when it got out, I noticed: there is no shoozle! He decided to find boots. And jumped back into the river. Long searched. Then he saw something red in the river. He walked closer and saw his boots. He got them, put on. He was very happy and went home.

Zhenya. I went to swim a bottle. Removed boots and climbed into the water. When he was bought, Lisa was drunk, grabbed the boots and took. Bear got out and sees: no boots. He went to look for them. She walked, she was tired and asked for a fox to relax in her mink. There he saw his boots. Selected them and went home.

In these stories, there is a logically convincing story junction. It is valuable that children did not repeat each other, each invented the end of the fairy tale in its own way. This is the result of the instructions of the educator who did not limit himself to the task - to come up with how a bear lost and found my boots, but also offered several possible options.

6. The most difficult view of children's work is an description of Nature.. Effective is considered

such a sequence of learning to describe in nature:

1. Enrichment of children's ideas and impressions of nature in the process of observation, learning the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding nature.

2. The deepening of children's impressions of nature by considering art paintings and comparing the beauty of the beauty shown with lively reality.

3. Teaching children to describe nature objects on the presentation.

4. Teaching the ability to describe nature, summarize your knowledge, impressions obtained during observations, viewing paintings, listening to artistic works.

Help children renders sample teacher.

Let us give an example: "I really like autumn. I love to consider and collect in bouquets of yellow maple leaves and birch, red - seedling, salad - willow and poplar. And when he blows the wind, I like how the leaves are broken from the trees, circling in the air, and then quietly fall to the ground. And when you go on the ground, on such a carpet from the autumn leaves, you can hear how it gently Slavest. "

7. Children's verbal creativity is not limited to stories and fairy tales. Children also poves poems, riddles, non-residents, counting.Popular and everywhere in the orphanage there are already readers - short rhymed poems that children use to identify leading or distribute roles.

An abstract study for learning creative telling.

Theme "I am a wizard".

Software content:

Rise interest in fairy tales. Develop the ability to develop a story on the proposed topic, use shaped words and expressions.

Material for the lesson. "Magic tree", to whose branches are attached illustrations of fairy tales; parcel, letter, magic wand, fabulous attributes (beautiful cape, crown, cap); Toys - souvenirs for each child.

Preliminary work.

Reading and listening to grampoxes of fairy tales ("Moroz Ivanovich", "Cinderella", "Squa Burk", "Vasilisa is beautiful", etc.). Consider illustrations, conversation for the content of fairy tales, preparation of the exhibition of books "Magic fairy tales", conducting the quiz "Visiting a fairy tale", conversations "If I were a wizard."

Travel course.

The educator invites children to approach the "magic tree", "grew up" in the group, and consider hanging on the branches to fairy tales.

Questions during viewing: "What fairy tale takes this illustration? Who is the author of the fairy tale? What is the name of the main character? Is it possible to call this fairy tale magic? Who did wonders in this fairy tale? ".

The teacher listens to the answers of children, notes the most interesting. It suggests to remember and call miracles from the tale "Cinderella".

Then asks: "Guys, do you believe in miracles? Want to believe, you want no, but a parcel from the magical kingdom was brought to us. "

The teacher reads on the parcel of the address of the recipient ("Kindergarten" Ladushka ". Children prepared for school team") and the sender ("Magic Kingdom").

The educator together with the guys reveals the parcel in which there are beautiful wand and writing. Asks: "Who guessed, what is this beautiful wand? That's right, magic. And now listen to the letter that the Fairy sent you: "Hello, cute girls and boys! I know that you love fairy tales, different miracles, so I send you a magic wand as a gift. The one who will take her in hand will pronounce the magical words and will wave three times, will become a wizard. "

Interrupting reading, the educator appeals to children: "Who wants to become a wizard?". Gives a wand to cause the child and says: "Stand over the tree, saying the magic words known to you and three times the waist of the beggar." Children Pedagogue offers to close the eyes and open them only on the word "three". At that moment, when the child will wave a wand, the teacher pounces on his shoulders a beautiful cape, and his head decorates the beautiful crown, if it is a girl, and the cap, if it is a boy. Children open their eyes, and the baby-wizard comes out of the tree. "Tell us, about the most respectable," teacher appeals to him, "from which kingdom did you arrive? Tell us about him. "

The child tells, in case of difficulty, the teacher helps leading issues. Then thanks the wizard and offers to take a wand to the next child.

After listening to two - three answers, the educator, with the consent of children, also turns into a wizard, tells his magical fairy tale, answers questions. After that, the magic wand will be still two - three children.

Then the teacher continues reading the letter of the Fairy: "I hope that, turning into wizards, you are very interested in telling your magic kingdom, and your magic things will be only kind." Asks: "What do you think the hopes of Fairy justified? All stories were interesting, and the magical works are kind? What story did you like best? Why?".

Finishing the reading of the letter: "But, as any self-respecting wizard, I prepared you another surprise. Want to know what? Then close your eyes, say: "Ene-Bane, Rica Fax!", Slope three times in your hands and go to the locker room. " Children overlook, the teacher in a whisper invites them to look into their locker lockers. The guys find toys - souvenirs that are prepared in advance by adults.

An abstract of classes for learning children creative telling.

Subject: "Inventing the continuation and completion of the story

"How Misha lost a mobby."

Software content:

  1. To acquaint children with the story "Like Misha Makeup lost," learn to listen carefully, paying attention to all the details of the story. Give a characteristic. What is the beginning of the story that they will have to finish.
  2. Teach children consistently, you can invent the proposal and the completion of the story started by the educator. Teach children to the compositional construction of creative stories (junction), the ability to transmit the invented completion of the story emotionally expressively, entertaining.
  3. To bring up in children a friendly attitude towards the storytellor, to educate the culture of the behavior of the listener.
  4. Speech tasks.

Connected Speech: Teach, when making a story, develop the plot started by the educator, without repeating the content of the stories of other children.

Grammar: Activate the use of complex proposals in speech with alliances and allied words. Learn to change the word mittens.

Sound culture Speech: I exercise in the ability to differentiate the sounds "sh" and "w" to use in speech questioning and narrative intonation.

Preparation of the teacher to the lesson: KN. A.M. Borodich "Methods for the development of children's speech"; kn. E.P. Korotkov "Teaching children of preschool age telling"; A.K. Bondarenko "verbal games in kindergarten."

Prior work: The verbal games "come up with an unprecedented", "inventing stories on a series of plot pictures."

Structure classes:

1 part. The introductory part.

1) Methodological reception: a surprise moment The arrival of the postman with a letter from Lekhanka.

2) reading the letter is minted with a request to complete the unfinished story.

3) setting the goal of classes, with a support for the previous work with children.

2 part. Main part.

Methodical techniques: reading the teacher of the beginning of the story "How Misha Micked Lost".

He lost a mittens (where, when, why?)

He found a mittens there ... (where).

He found a mittens then (why).

Misha found a mitten because.

Mishe has become joyful from that.

Misha has become so joyful.

It is necessary to follow the semantic and grammatical proposals correctness. (Misha has mittens, and in the city there are no such veasions.) Invent the proposal to clearly heard the word mobs (before Misha had no beautiful ... Misha did not lose his ...)

After re-reading the story, the teacher invites children to come up with what happened next, and how it all ended. Charges new stages (basics) of the story:

  1. Tell us what day was when Misha gathered for a walk. Think what mittens were from Misha, what happened next. How it all ended. In the story you can use the proposals that you have accounted for exercise.

Caused children (three pairs) agree, who will begin the story that it will be necessary to change. Couples can be compiled and at the request of children, called the child himself chooses a couple. When evaluating the stories, pay attention to how children agreed, it was interesting to be invented end. (If some pair failed the ending story, you can invite other children to come up with it). In conclusion of classes, the patter is being learned: "After group and several individual repetitions, the educator offers one child to ask (question intonation), and another it is necessary to answer (narrative intonation).

  1. To introduce children with a sequence of the story of the story:

How did Misha lose the mittens?

Did he find her?

Who helped Mishe find it?

Suggest one child to repeat the issues of the plan.

  1. Stories of children (5-6 stories).

With difficulty in drawing up the proposal of the story, use the following techniques:

Remind issues of the plan;

Prompting and guiding questions;

Evaluation of children's stories as an educator;

Assessment of stories by children;

Choosing a better story and recording it to send this story Locking.

3 part. Final part (ending classes).

1) Sealing an envelope.

2) Call by phone Postman to pick up a letter.

3) Analysis of children's stories.

  1. The arrival of the postman and the departure of the letter.


Teach a child to tell - it means to form his connected speech. This task is included in the overall task of the development of preschool speech. Teaching a child telling, i.e. Independent connected and consistent presentation of his thoughts, we help him find accurate words and phrases, correctly build suggestions, logically linking them with each other, observe the norms of sound and the word - pronunciations. In other words, we improve all sides of the speech of the child - lexical, grammatical, phondermatical.

In the preparatory for school, the group new for children is a type of study are classes on creative telling on the proposed story. A storytelling in the plot strengthens interest in telling in general, prepares to literary - verbal creativity, with whom they will meet at school.

Topic: 1. Inventing the fairy tale on the proposed story "The Adventures of the Hare"

2. Words - definitions and words denoting actions

Software content:

1) Continue to teach children to distinguish literary genres.

2) Teach children invent a fairy tale on the proposed story. Learning on your own, invent the string, the course of events, isolation, to describe the place, the time of action, observing the logic of the development of the plot, actively using the accumulated knowledge of the presentation. Activate imagination; Intensify the adjectives of the verbs in the speech. Deepen interest in speech activity.

Structure occupation:
- Guys, you have already learned to distinguish different literary suggestions, you know already what a story is, a poem, what a fairy tale is or why the work is called non-liberty, etc.
- I will now read the excerpt from a friend from everyone. You Listen to him carefully (I read).
- What did I read you? Is it a fairy tale or story, poem or something else?
(I read an excerpt from the work of V. Oseva "Magic Word")
(children's responses)
- In terms of gramzapy, part of the work (excerpt from the fairy tale).
- What did you hear - a story or a fairy tale, or verse? Why do you think so?
What is a fairy tale?
- I read an excerpt from the work of Chukovsky "confusion"

What have you now heard - poem, fairy tale or not enough? What are unprecedented?
- Now guess, about whom this mystery is:

What the beast of the forest got up

as a pine column,
And stands among grass
Ears more head!

That's right, this riddle about the hare.

Think and tell me what words you can answer the question:

What a hare? (smart, white, gray, eared, oblique, fluffy, cowardly, fast, careful, smart, etc.)
- And when runs away from the wolf. How can I say about him? What does he do?
(Rushing, rushing)
- Today you will come up with a fairy tale, about the hare.
- Let's remember and say what a fairy tale is?
- The fairy tale that you will invent - called the "hare's adventures". Invent how your hare will call. Where and with whom the hare could live with him, what happened to him, what time of year was that the hare could do, where he could go, and how his adventure ended. Do not forget to use those interesting words in your fairy tales, about the hare, which you have already called.
Fairy tales you must have different, different start and end. The fairy tale must be told expressively, loudly, so that it was heard, as the heroes of your fairy tale speak - then the fairy tale will be interested in listening to.

(2-3 minutes per thinking).

Stories of children (5-6 people). After each story to give an assessment, to attract the assessment, children: "What did you like, I remember in a fairy tale? How does Jura tell me?

Software content:

  • child learning to creative statement with support for objects, questions issued and listening to the musical work;
  • training to retell the story in poetic form, expansion of the vocabulary of Antonimov, through the game "Pipe pipe";
  • the formation of grammatically correct phrase speech, through the game "Uninhabited Island", guessing the riddles;
  • the development of recreation and creative imagination, the formation of creative abilities of children, using various techniques;
  • educating love, emotional responsiveness to the works of oral folk art.

Equipment: Miracle Tree, Polyanka with insects (caterpillar, beetle, grasshopper, butterfly, etc.), Balloon, handbag with fabulous objects; Items that can be found on a uninhabited island (canning bank, lace, pin, wrappers from sweets, chewing gum, etc.), talencuts, Watman's leaf, pigs for piglets.

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with the work of the root of Chukovsky "Miracle Wood", making books-kids

Structure occupation
1. Organizing time

Children enter the hall, sounds of calm music. At the signal of the bell, children are built around the teacher.

Who is ready to have time to spend time, learn a lot of new things, please take a place on the chair, and now we will change places (play ...) get up and change in places those children who love:

Sour lemon,

Sweet tea,

Chocolate ...

Fruit jam

That's what we all are different. Everyone has their own taste and its own character, but I think we can combine what we all adults and children love fairy tales.
2. Main part.

Let's talk, but for what we love fairy tales.

Children: I love fairy tales for: in all fairy tales with heroes, incredible adventures occur, they need to go through the tests, fulfill wishes, guess the riddles.

And here is the first mystery. Guess what it looks like? ( Watman on one side painted in green)

Children: It looks like a rod, binoculars, a pickle pipe, a magic pylorous pipe.

And if you look into the magic pipe on the fairy-tale hero, then he immediately will change his character, to the opposite (on the easel on the right portraits of heroes, left symbols that talk about the character of heroes.)

Petya, who you brought a pickle pipe? (Baba Yaga)

Children, what was Baba Yaga?

Petya, what she got?

Baba Yaga: evil-kind, Alenushka: Sad-cheerful, Bear: Greedy-generous;

And here is the second mystery (Expand Watman).

And what is it like now?

Children: on a soccer field, green meadow, forest cleaner.

And here is the third mystery. What can be done to appear a fairy tale on this lawn? (Add characters, positive and negative heroes, magic or a magical subject).

What qualities should negative and positive heroes have?

Children: Positive Heroes: Good, Fair, Responsive, Bold, Smart, Hardworking, Sophisticated.

Negative heroes: cunning, greedy, stupid, evil,

True, because the tale lives where miracles, magic and beauty. Let's draw a fairy tale with the words!

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can not without them.

In a fairy tale, everything will happen

Your tale in front

The fairy tale on a visit to us is knocking

Say the guest come in!

Let's sit around this clearing and come up with your good, clever fairy tale.

"Miracle - Tree" grows on the green clearing.

What words do the fairy tale usually begin?

Invent a fairy tale will help us a musical work and what is in the box.

1. Listening to music.

2. From the box, we get items (two caterpillars of different sizes, insects.)

What music?

Who or what could be this music?

How many heroes should be?

There were two caterpillars, one big, the other is small. How can I continue a fairy tale? (Once they decided, they saw, go on a journey ...)

Get items from pockets that can be found on the tree.

So it turned out with us an amazing fairy tale. How do we call her?

Children, and you can write a fairy tale with a dance. Dashi has its own fairytale about the caterpillar. (dance)

And you want, I will teach you to retell a story in a poetic form on a series of pictures ( on the easel series of pictures).

I painted an apple orchard, there such red apples hang, there yellowes the grass, the sun shines, the rain watering and the fence is worth it.
3. Surprise moment.

The balloon flies, on the note on the note.

So the ball flew himself exactly in a fairy tale. Who is he from? (We listen to the "march of piglets" from the fairy tale "Three Piglets").

True, it is piglets. Looks like they sent us a notch, and in it task. We send you a handbag, in which fabulous items are, guess what fairy tale from what kind of fairy tales.

1. Golden Key ("Adventure Buratino")

2. The mirror ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Snow Queen")

3. Ax ("Porridge from the Ax")

4. Balloon ("Winnie Pooh and everything, all, all")

5. Red Hood ("Red Hood")

6. Crystal shoe (Cinderella)

7. Onions and arrows ("Tsarevna - Frog")

8. Gold plated nuts ("At Lukomorya Oak green ...")

9. Porosaen ("Princess on Correne")

10. Feathers ("Geese Swans")

Well done boys! With the task coped, and now I suggest sitting on chairs. Imagine that you are uninhabited island, where there is only what you have on the table. It is necessary to survive on this island for a long time using only these items.

Imagine that there is a lot of rhums on the island. (Build houses, make dishes)

Casenova Irina Vladimirovna.

A summary of speech development classes.

Creative told in the senior group

"We are fairy tales"


Creating conditions for creative speech activity of children with a fabulous material.


1. To form the ability to bind the selected objects into one storyline, draw up fabulous text. 2. Develop the interest of children to creative telling. 3. To educate the love of fairy tales, friendly and correct attitude towards each other.

Equipment and materials:

Laptop, paper sheet of green, "Magic wand" Soft ball for the game, reference diagram for making a fairy tale, circles for each child (red, yellow, green).


1. Organizational moment.

Children on the hand are glued with a circle indicating the color of the place.

The educator proposes to organize a circle, reads a small poem:

Good day! - you were told

Good day! - you answered.

How two threads tied

Warm and kindness.

We turn each other to each other.

And smire to each other!

Children stand in a circle, take hands. After the last words turn to each other and smile.

2. Motivational stage.

Educator: - Who is ready to spend time, learn a lot new? You are all elves. Everyone crossed on the flowers. Now we will change in places ("Change places" game ) Stand and change in places those children who like:

Sour lemon,

Fruit jam


Chocolate cookies

Educator: What are we all different! Every of us has your own taste and your own character, but I think we can combine what we all, adults and children, love fairy tales.

3. The main part.

Educator: - What do you think there is a fairy tale? (children's responses)

Educator. Right. The fairy tale is a fictional story with a happy ending and mandatory victory of goodness over evil. I suggest playing the game "Guess and name"? How well you know fairy tales, we will now find out.

Game: "Guess and name"

The teacher makes a riddle, and children call a fairy tale.


1) if Petya-simplicity did not look into the window,

He did not bother his fox for dark forests.

("Cat, Fox and Rooster")

2) The girl went into the hut,

She sees the table, three stools.

At every chair I sat down,

Misheutkin ate chowek.

("Three Bears")

3) The truder sent him to catch the fish tail.

The tail is example, and as a result it remained without a tail.

("Liser-sister and Wolf")

4) mother taught mother

Do not open the door

Did not obey the kids

And got to the wolf in the mouth.

("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

5) Fairy Tale You, Friendly, Listen.

The mouse is gray, Nomushka, went out in the field.

Sweet green look.

Sees: house -dom house

In the pure field of lonely.

("Teremok") .

6) Grandfather da Baba lived together with the granddaughter of Masha

Good, smart and obedient.

Somehow came girlfriends,

In the forest Green began to call:

Mushrooms - Berries:

("Masha and the Bear").

7) in any distant kingdom, a threatened state -

The case was in Russia ... old people ask the old people.

Lived - there were grandfather and babe, lived at home with a bird near

Baba Bird Tu loved, her grain fed,

And he demolished the bird of the egg ...

("Ryaba chicken").

Educator: Well done what! Fairy tales you know.

And here is another mystery. Guess what it looks like? (Shows a green sheet of paper). (children's responses)

And now? (The tutor turns into a sheet in the tube) (children's responses)

The game "Magic Pipe" with the ball.

And if you look into the magic pipe on the fairy-tale hero, then he immediately will change his character, to the opposite: Baba Yaga is evil-kind, the Alyonushka is sad, cheerful, bearish: greedy-generous, etc. To whom I will throw the ball, he calls the opposite word.

Educator: There are not only fabulous heroes in fairy tales, but also magic items.

Game "Nazis Magic Items."

Children transmit "magic wand" to each other and call magic items.

Fizminutka "Show Animal".

1. Hey guys, what are you sleeping? We show animals!

The fox is a sharp nose, she has a fluffy tail,

Shuba red foxes of unspecified beauty.

Lisa worshi sticks, a fur coat strokes.

(Show fox walking).

2. Hare across the forest grew, I was looking for a hare feed myself.

Suddenly, the hare on the painter rose like arrows, ears.

Bunny jumped, turned and bent under the tree.

(Jacks on two legs, jacks with a turn to the right and left side, sit down).

3. Tear to get out of the Berorods, kneads the Misha foot.

On the socks, he went, and on the heels later.

(Through the parties raise hands up, walking on socks, alternating walking on heels).

Educator: Let's sit down and Invent your good fairy tale.

Remind, from which parts is a fairy tale? Let's see the scheme that we together were.

Children: Beginning, middle, ending.

1) Start (The tutor shows a schematic image of the first part)

Educator: Guys, our fairy tale should be a fabulous beginning.

Guys, how do you understand the fabulous beginning? How are you usually fairy tales begin?

(Lived, were ... in some kingdom, in some state ...

It happened long ago)

2. Middle (The tutor shows a schematic image of the second part)

Educator: Who will tell about the middle part, how does it differ from other parts? (Answers) The middle is the largest part, the events that occur with the heroes are listed in it. And what heroes appear in a fairy tale?

(Children: good and evil).

Educator: Guys what kind of good and evil heroes of fairy tales do you know?

Children: Baba -Yaga, Koschei Immortal, kind well done.

3. Ending (The tutor shows a schematic image of the third part)

Educator: What is the ending? (Answers) It tells about what everything ended. What words do it ends? (They began to live-wait yes good to find. Here are the fairy tales, and who listened to a well done)

Educator: And now, guys, I suggest to turn into real fairy tags. Let's say magic words: "To the right and left turn in the storyters turn! "Well, now you are real fairy tales. Oh, guys, someone hurries to us. Did you find out? What's his name? (Lyoslukhoskaz). Creating, Limochoskaz came to us for help. Some angry hero wanted to take his favorite book from him. He so promoted, hid it and forgot where he hid. We must calm him and help find a favorite book. What do you think, what can calm down any likeness ??? (Children: tell him a fairy tale). Right, guys, just a fairy tale is not a simple, magical. And so that this fairy tale was not like familiar fairy tales. Rather, new heroes should appear in a familiar fairy tale. Are you ready to help any likelogoskazu? Ready to compose for him and for all of us a new fairy tale? (Children: Ready). And today we will come up with you today in teams. And to find your team, look, please, on your mugs. A team with red circles will come up with a fairy tale. A team with yellow circles will come up with the middle of the fairy tales, and the team with green circles will come up with the ending of a fairy tale.

Children make up a fairy tale, then they tell her "Limochoskazu."

"Lyoslukhoskaz": Thank you guys for an interesting fairy tale. We are united by love for fairy tales. And I remembered where I hid my book. Go all to me, now go straight, then left and you need to look at the shelf. There must be my "Golden Fairy Tale Book". Found? Now she is yours. Read and love fairy tales!


-Map the characters of fairy tales give us warmth,

Let good forever wins evil!

4. Reflexing stage.

Educator: Here it is time to turn back into the guys: "Turn to the right and left and in the guys turn back!".

That ended our fabulous adventure.